Page Two THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1922. REDUCED PRICE: On EDISON RECORDS We are glad to announce the following reduction on Edison Disc Records $1.35 $1.85 $2.25 Cut to Cut to Cut to $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 Mrs. Osborn is P. Chapman and OREGON CITY ItOPIKWfS a jCocai 9?ews Sh ems a to se James Mahlum, one of the Canby farmers, was transacting business in Oregon City Friday. B. F. Forrester, a resident of Bor ing, was an Oregon City visitor on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boylan and son, Bobby, and Mrs. George Simmons are visiting Mr. Boylan's and Mrs. Simmons' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Boylan Friday of last week. Mrs. Dan Fellows, a resident of Lower Highland, was an Oregon City visitor Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Mighells, who of Maple Lane, who have been suf fering from a severe attack of the flue, are recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grosenbacher of Eugene, arrived in Oregon City re cently, where they will visit Mr. Gros senbacher's parents and other rela tives. Mrs. Thomas Frasee, a resident of Maple Lane, was an Oregon City visi tor one day last week. Buy your garden and vegetable seeds now. F. W. Woolworth Co. has comnlftp stpf-ir .mi ii , Mrs."m -t5?!-- i 1 m who hasSoeen with her dauzhter. Mrs Oregon City. David Caufield of Oregon City, left Tuesday of last week for Tillamook, where he will assist his son Jack to erect a new building on his dairy farm. Henry Schoenborn, a resident of Carus, was an Oregon City visitor on Monday. He was a former resident of Oregon City and is a brother to Frank Schoenborn. Mrs. Fred Erickson, who has been at the Good Samaritan hospital in Port land where she underwent a critical operation some time ago, was brought to her home in Oregon City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Coates, who have recently returned from Eastern Ore gon, have moved into one of the W. C. Green apartments on Seventh and Center streets. - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gottberg, for mer residents of Oregon City, have taken possession of their farm, which they have recently purchased at Law ton Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Surfus of Sel lwood, accompanied by Mrs. Charles Surfus of Oregon City, motored to Sa lem Sunday of last week and vd j rplativoa -s -BSBBSBSBS visiting relatives, a niese of Mrs. M W. C. Green. Mrs. Walter Wentworth and Mrs. W. C. Green, of Oregon City, visited Mr. and Mrs. Silas Vaun on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, of Ore gon City, went to Portland Monday, where they visited Mrs. John Talbot and also Mr. Wilson's son, Charles. Louis Funk, one of Clackamas coun ty's prominent farmers, whose home is at Redlaud, was in Oregon City Friday. He was accompanied home by his daughter, Alice, who is a stu dent of the Oregon City high school, to spend the week-end. Miss Florence McGeehan, who is i teaching school at Logan, spent the week-end in Oregon City at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mc Geehan. Mrs. E. G. Gritton and son, Bobby, who have- been in Oregon City a week visiting Mrs. Gritton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Burkholter, have return ed to their home in Salem. Mr. August Staehley, a resident of Central Point, who has been critically ill with pneumonia, is improving. Mrs. A. Sphinter, whose home is at Maple Lane .attended the Royal Neighbors' lodge which was held in Oregon City Friday afternoon of last week. Miss Fern Yexley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yexley, of Mt. Pleas ant, has gone to the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland, where she is to take up a nurse's training course. She is a graduate of the Oregon Agricul tural college. Mrs. Emma McDonald, who has been very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. Miln, is very much better at present. Chas. Quinn from Maple Lane was a caller at the Banner-Courier on Mon day. Joe Schmidt of Hoff was in the city on Monday of this week. W. S. U'ren of Portland was a call er at the BannerCourier office on Teusday. -E. Gerber, a resident of Logan, was transacting . business in Oregon City Monday. Charles Thomas, a business man of Canby, transacted business in Oregon City Tuesday. Mrs. Cora Hammond, whose home is at Redland was an Oregon City visit or Monday of this week. Mrs. Al Lennon of Oregon City made a business trip to Oregon City Thursday of last week to look after property interests. Frank Hattan, a resident of Carver, was an Oregon City visitor Saturday of last week. On sale Saturday, delicious Fudge 15c per half pound. F. W. Woolworth Co. Adv. Mr. and' Mrs. Joe Osborn of Sell-1 Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Howell and son, wood, were in Oregon City Sunday, I Merle, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Green and grandson, Billie, mo tored to t Portland, Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Eaton. Mrs. Chester A. Muir of Portland' spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Andrews of South Oregon City. L. J. Barnes, who has been visiting his son A. Barnest of Portland, has returned to the home of his son, Bert Barneat of Willamette. Pete Frey, a former resident of Ore gon City, but now of Selwood, was an Oregon City visitor Sunday. . Charies Livesay and two sons were Oregon City visitors Saturday., Among the Oregon City visitors last Saturday was George Priest, whose home is at Clackamas station. Mrs. Glen Zimmerman, whose home is at Oswego was "an- Oregon City vis itor Thursday of last week. Grandma Beattie, who has been quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. Schuebel, is improving. She is 88 years old. Miss Roberta Schuebel who has also been ill is very much improved. Orville Martin, a resident of High land, was an Oregon City visitor Tues day. While here he visited his moth er, Mrs. May, of Mountain View. Mrs. A. O. Alldredge, who has been ill with la grippe is improving. She is at the home of her son, Clarence Alldredge. The Misses Alma and Florence Moore are improving after a severe attack of Ja grippe. .Emily Calger, whose home, is at Maple Lane, transacted business in Oregon City Tuesday. Phillip Massinger, Jrv of Beaver Creek, was an Oregon City visitor on Tuesday. George and son, Billy, who have been suffering from a severe attack of the grippe, are very much improved. Mrs. Anne Tremayne, whose home is at Barlow, was transacting business in Oregon City Teusday. Ben Krause, a resident of Aurora, was transacting business in Oregon in Oregon City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson and children, of Logan, visited Mr. Ander son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. An derson Sunday. Charles Krebs, a well known farm er of Boring, was an Oregon City visi tor Tuesday. Mrs. W. H. Borney, a resident of Logan, has' improved after a severe siege of the grippe. Miss Isanelle Hattan, a profession al nurse from Portland, is in Oregon City. She is taking care of Lloyd Douthett, who is ill at the home of his sister, Mrs. Louie Farr. Mr. Douth ett's home is at Bend, Oregon. Among those to 'attend the fun eral of little Lester Hattan, which was held at Logan Teusday, were Miss Isabelle Hattan, Mr. Ed. Farr and Mrs. :-:x::x::::xkx: Mr. Stnci Mro Cfillmnn cj Trr t, , . . i uuiuiiau Ul o. w. Mooay at Eugene, has-returned i Portland. after visiting Mrs. Oakes' mother, Mrs. Glen Mills and Mrs. Crarles Barry of Oregon City. F. W. Woolworth Co. have a corn- to her home. Mrs. Mightells suffer ed from an attack of la grippe while at Eugene. Mrs. Geo. A. Brown, a former resi- ,1 . C . , , , - ' ' ' W, Lll U. lll V C U. Will" St."'i?-?ll!.,?Pre-pteto. St0ck f S M"ry gon City, who has been suffering from a severe attack of la grippe, is improv ing. Jack Kungleman, formerly a resi dent of Oregon City, but whose home is now at Sunnyside, was calling on old friends here Monday. Mrs. Edward Lavier has returned to Oregon City after being at Wood burn, where she was called to the bedside Of her mother, Mrs. McDon ald, who has been critically ill with la grippe. Fred J. Tooze, Jr., a law student at the Willamette university, returned to Salem Monday morning after spend ing the week-end with his parents at ers, braids and frames. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buol and fam ily of Hoff, Ore., who have all been down with la grippe, are improving. W. H. Bonney, prominent resident of Redland, was transacting business in Oregon City Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Singlteterry, who are residents of Milwaukie, but City, visited Mr. and Mrs. Asael Tab or at Meldrum last week. Fred Schwartz, whose home is at Milwaukie, was an Oregon City visi tor Friday of last week. Mrs. Emma Thomas of Oregon City, visited her sister, Mrs. Mary Gauiard at Milwaukie Monday. You can't help dancing to this breezy South Sea fox trot Ty-Tee and just as good is Stealing on the other side. No. 2180 Ty-Tee Fox Trot (Bibo) Carl Fentoh's Orchestra Stealing Fox Trot (SulIivanJ Carl Fenton's Orchestra Call for your recordWe have it notv! JONES DRUG CO. Bridge Corner y ? ? f 4 $ 4 4 V I V ? ? s I I t t x y y y y ? y y X k I 4 y 4 tIBERTY THEATRE SATURDAY MAR. 11 THE NIGHT ROSE WITH Lon Cheney LEVY VAUDEVILLE ANN OUNCEMENT . W e beg to announce that, in connection with our Victrola Department, we are opening a Piano Department We have secured for this territory the sale representation of Sherman Clay & Company For their entire line of Pianos, Player Pianos and also the marvelous DUO-ART She rman, Clay & Co., are universally recognized as the lead ing ONE PRICE MUSIC HOUSE of the West and we will be able to sell and deliver to you, here in Oregon City and vicinity any of their lines of instruments at identically the same price and terms quoted in their Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and other main stores. We will carry and sell the following pianos: Steinway, Web ber, A. B. Chase, Steck, Estey, Emerson, Aldrich, Kutzmann, Brambach, Vose, Krakaucr, Wheelock, Davenport & Treacy, Briggs and many others. Old instruments will be taken in at a liberal allowance Terms to suit on all Pianos, even the Steinway We will gladly demonstrate our new line to you Player-Pianos from $335.00 up Huntley-Draper Drug Co. "SHIRLEY AND BELL" Latest Songs and Dances SEBASTAN - MERILL AND CO. Sawing a Woman in Three See the Egg Lay the Rooster SUN.-MON. MAR. 12-13 'THE IRON TRAIL" By Rex Beach Two Part Comedy LEVY . Patne News VAUDEVILLE AUSTIN AND RUSSELL (THE GIRL AND THE WOP) PURRELL (IN SHADOW LAND) COMING Thursday Night MAR. 23 MISS LOUISE LOVELY THE FAMOUS MOTION PICTURE AND STAGE STAR IN PERSON ! X y PRESENTING 'THEIR WEDDING NIGHT" A ONE ACT PLAY FOLLOWED BY "A DAY AT THE STUDIO" During the action of the latter production Miss Lovely will actually direct scenes of a motion picture and her cameraman will take scenes of some young lady selected by Miss Lovely from the Audience.- X X t X X y y y x f y y X y X! t y ? y X y y y 4 X y x X i X X X y x y y y y y ? y y y y y y v y y y y y y y '( y t 4 4 X W. C. Green, from Oregon- City. ; Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Schneider, who are Among the Oregon City visitors on residents of Redland, were looking -"Tuesday of this week Was Victor John after property interests in Oregon City son, whose home is at Boring. LOST Broach pin. colored 1 cluster pearls. Between Eastham ' "School -sbq Ttrwnon Serenth stJBte ward. J. Barnett, ParkpTaceT" .Hit, Get a Genuine Willard Battery For Your Home Light Plant There's no question about the ability of Willard Batteries to give long service, and thorough satisfaction. Made in the same factory and to the same standards as Willard Automobile Batteries. Furnished complete either with wood insulation or Willard Threaded Rubber Insulation. CON HILGERS 12th and Main Oregon City Till! wmSM The Willard is Able Powerful Tough and Cold Vfeather Proves It There's ability, power and toughness aplenty in Willard Batteries because of the careful working out of each and every detail of battery design because of unusu ally painstaking workmanship and finally because of the Willard Threaded Rubber Insulation that protects the plates and guards you, the user, against the annoyance of having your battery reinsulated. The best indication of Willard excellence is the list of the builders of 192 makes of cars and trucks who use Willard Batteries as original equipment, and all of whom have standardized on the Willard Threaded Rubber Battery, paying an additional price for the additional value. ' These 192 car builders use Willard Threaded Rubber Batteries Acason Acme Advancc-Rumcly Ahrens Fox Al!-American Allis-Chalmera American American Beauty American La France American LaFrance of Canada Anderson Apex Armleder Atco Atterbury Austin Avery Bell Belmont Bessemer Bethlehem Betz Biddle Crane Bollstrom Buffalo Canadian Briscoe Cannon Ball Capitol Carroll Case Chevrolet Citroen Clydesdale Cole Collier Comet Commerce Commodore Consolidated Corliss Crawford fSirminghfltn Daniels Dart Davis Day Elder Dearborn Denby Dependable Diamond T Dixie Flyer Dodge Dorris Dragon Drake Elcar Elgin FWD Fargo Fergus Ferris Franklin Fulton g. at j. GMC Gardner Garford Gary Giant Glide Goodman Great Western HCS Hahn Halladay : Hatfield Hawkeye Haynes Henney Highway Holmes Holt Huffman Hupmobile Hurlburt Huron Independent Jordan Kissel Koehler Lancia Landa Lewis-Hall Lexington M H C Maibohm Marmon Master McFarlan Menges Menominee Mercedes Merit Meteor (Fiona) Metz Miller Mitchell Idor-Fowr Mueller Mulford Napoleon Nash Nash Six Nelson Nelson 8t LeMoon Noma Norwalk Ogren Old Hickory Oldsmobile Oneida Oshkoah Packard Paige Panhard Parker Parret Paterson Peerless Peugeot Phianna Piedmont Pierce-Arrow Prado Premier R & V Knight Rainier Raleigh Renault Reo Re Vere Richelieu Riddle Roamer Robinson Rock Falls Rowe St. Cloud Sandow " Say ers -Schorr Sea grave Shelby Signal Southern Standard Standard 8 Stanley Stan wood Stewart Y F Stewart Stoughton Studebaker StuU Tarldngton Thotnart Tiffin Titan Towmotor Traffic Transport Traylor Twin City Ultimate United Motor Ursus Velie Vim Vulcan Waltham Ward LaFrance Ware Werner Westcott White Wills Sainte Claire Wilson Winther Winton Wolverine CON HILGERS 12th and Main Oregon City, Oregon m THREADED RUBBER BATTERY