THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 23, 1922. Page Nine Between You and Me oe y Wireless Simplicity Has it ever dawned on you that a wireless telephone receiving outfit can be installed in your home at less expense than the cost of a real good phonograph? Well, just between you and me, it can be done for less than ?100. And a real live boy with some aptitude for electrical performances may get the same results for less money tnan dad smokes up in a month. The fact is that the receiving set is quite simple, requires scant exper ience to operate, and in these days is becoming genuinely entertaining. A man in Portland, who could easily afford the finest equipment to be had, has stretched an aerial receiver from his back porch to the garage and is now spending his evenings at home, listening to what the radio waves have to say. Why not try something like that on dad? The sending apparatus is much more elaborate and costly requires a government license to operate and naturally necessitates the creation of something worth sending. But what the others are sending is as free as air to everybody. , Character in Architecture Do you ever notice the features and characteristics so plainly discernable on the face of. a splendid building even as on the face of an individual? The new Bank of Commerce, as it nears completion, suggests how char acter may be revealed in architec ture and left for many generations to read. A typical bank building almost in variably utilizes the classic perpendic ular column. The larger city banks often devote hundreds of square feet of valuable frontage to these massive columns for the sole purpose of es tablishing that impressive air of strength and stability, which is so necessary in the banking business. You will observe that these pillars are of even size, huge and solid in design seeming capable of bearing a much greater weight than they are ever called upon to carry. In con trast to the above, notice how those of an educational structure .are apt to be of a more frail design, slightly ta pering and graceful in form, rather striving to uphold the ideal than to bear the crushing burden of the masses. We have touched only one archi tectural tradition; think of the mean ings suggested by the building's gen eral form, arrangement of openings, nature of trimmings, depth of the cor nice and even the harmony of color values. How Are We Goina to Know Them? When a gent in rural uniform knocks on your door and invites you to purchase a sack of spuds or a box of apples, what way have you of knowing whether he hails from down on the farm or has only lately arrived from Front street? Residents of town a-e usually an xious to get what the farmer has to offer because there is a satisfaction in knowing that it is fresh, carefully selected and good enough for a pro ducer to stake his reputation on. We are all wise to the manipulations of the commission house hucksters usually to the tune of disreputable produce and disordered dispositions. We do not need those birds who fly over here with their dubious stuff. However, we do need the genuine, honest-to-gosh farmer. Also, he needs to sell his products at a profit so that he will have the courage to raise us some more and keep us all from having to produce those things our selves. It is not right to legislate any legi timate business out of existence but Oregon City people ought to take quite an acUve interest in making sure that they are buying Clackamas county farm products. Structural Stability How are you impressed as the im mense steel fabrics of the new arch bridge goes into place? Does it seem to you to be capable of carry ing the ever increasing stream -of traffic as the years roll by? Some of the old Revolutionary bridges of Yorktown and Concord fame are still standing (I do not claim to know how often they have been repaired or renewed). Will this bridge last for a century? It certainly looks as though it would. untu concrete crumbles and iron falls to hopeless decay his mighty structure should survive the years with perfect ease because it is pro perly designed, is huge in form and frame, rigid, strong and capable. If traffic of the future should take to air, as now seems possible, the wear on all bridges should be less. And, unless people take to joy riding on traction engines and engines and tractors, there will probably be noth ing more disastrous to public rights of way than the present-day automo bile and truck. Anticipating no more destructive traffic developments in the future, let us prophesy that the new arch, which we are so proudly watching arise to day, will round out a full century. Success. Typist There's someone knocking. Why don't you answer? Office Boy If it's the boss, I'll get that raise. He told me this morn ing that every knock was a boost Wayside Tales. That Little. "Man wants but little here below," You've oft heard someone swear it. The women only know that it is so And that is why they wear it. Wayside Tales. me PEOPLE m Too True to Make a joke Among some refined ladies who vis ited the O. C. H. S. wrestling arena on or about February 10th, my Aunt Mary was interested spectator. The following are a few reflections and observations prepared with a little sarcasm she objects to. "I was induc ed to attend the feats of twisting wrists, arms, necks and lower ex tremities 'round and round' whether or not these members belong to the Ball-and-socket joints or operate best in some other less painful movement." The science seems to lie in the fact that the athlete of superior strength and cunning may be able to force the twisting process in such manner as to cause the greatest pain, this ending the needless science of "bull-dogging." (pardon the term no reflections). Promment among other scientific movements somewhat more humane were those of strangling and causing the mouth and face to bite the rubber mat until the eye is blinded and the facial appearance having been burned and rasped in the process of the science which I fancy will remind the athlete for the two weeks following, what science may do for him. Well, I shall say further if all par ents whose boys are gored after this style of scientific athletics were to witness the demonstration would cry out let them proceed as such, they are less harmful and more hu mane than dancing in the public schools. rhe County Court EXPENDITURES FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY. ROAD DISTRICT No. 11. L. Wor- thington, $5.95; J. Cox, $2.99; F. E. Davidson, $6.73. ROAD DISTRICT No. 12 A Math er, $30.34; B. L. Cash. $2.99; L. In- dazzi, $4.48; J. Sigrist. $2.99; O. Wotr- thington. $2.99; A. Worthington. $6.73; ROAD DISTRICT No. 13. George Murray, $6.00. ROAD DISTRICT No. 14. Joe Cal- zer. S2.99; Frank Stangle, $2.99; Wal ter Schlickeiser, $11.98. ROAD DISTRICT No. 16-C. R. Livesay, $19.75; Oak Grove Commun ity Club, $5.00; O. P. Roethe. $72.65; D. J. Abbey, $17.97; Ira Hart, $5.97; H. C. Faulk, $5.98; J. S. Blair, $11.96; John Starfinger. $8.97. ROAD DISTRICT No. 17. W. F. Haberlach, $33.80; John Shields, $23. 96; Wm. Strange. $11.98: H. Ameele. $11.96; C. H. Counsell, $11.96; Dan Mazzie, $42.47; W. H. Counsell, $22.45. ROAD DISTRICT No. 20. Lee An derson. $2.30; O. E. Bevan, $7.00; C. A. Vincent & Co., $66.65. ROAD DISTRICT No. 21. Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, $180.18. ROAD DISTRICT No. 12. William Newlands, $4.50; l W. Shuld & Sons. $59.00; Portland Railway, Light &. Power Co., $70.56; M. H. Wheeler, $31. 92; G. A. Imel, $9.96; W. J3. Wheeler, $14.97; Oscar Stone, $7.47; C. A. Whee ler, $7.47; J. W. Schuld $71.97. ROAD DISTRICT No. 23. Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.. $50.40; Jarl & Eri, $8.70. ROAD DISTRICT No 25. Ridge Lumber Company. $996 ?4. ROAD DISTRICT No. 31 Fallert & Cooper. $9.21. ROAD DISTRICT No. 34. Standard Oil Company, $14.78; S. L. Mullan, $19.68; C. T. Blackburn, $25.00; E. L. Blackburn, $12.71; John Eskelson, $14.96; F. P. Burch, $11.98; F. E. Sha ver, $5.98. ROAD DISTRICT No. 35. Fallert & Cooper, $84.40; Wm. Braatz, $2.99; Carl Staats, $7.47; A. E. Johnson, $2. 99; E. Hinkle. $1.49. ROAD DISTRICT No. 26. James Hamilton. $1.25; Smith Hardware Co., $5.61. ROAD DISTRICT Nd. 38. J. F. Moy- er, $2.99. ROAD DISTRICT No. 39. L J. Pal mateer. $11.97; Dick Osborn. $26.95: M. M. Duncan, $14.95; .C. H. Duncan, J22.45. ROAD DISTRICT No. 40. . H Miller, $8.98. UdeU, $4.49. ROAD DISTKICT No. 44 -Slyier & Eckerson, $8.03; Molalla Garage, $2. 00; A. Butterfield, $13.47; E. L. Pal frey, $14.95; C. W. Herman. $2.99: A. D. Mazingo, $5.98; Harry Gray, $5. 98; John C. Vaughan, $5.99; W. W. Everhart, $1.99. ROAD DISTRICT No. 47. Henry Mills. $14.97; Ernest Bauman, $7.48; Fred W. Sohn, $10.47. ROAD DISTRICT - No. 49. Adam Kalb. $7.47; Carl Kalb, $11.97; Rufus Kraxberger, $19.45; Louis Gelbrich, $12.70; Rudolph Klaus. $22.44; John Gelbrich, $25.45; Phil Miller. $5.99; John Kummer, $2.99; Pete Kister. $5.- 99: Geo. Hepler, $2.99; Rudolph Klaus, $4.49; Lewis Nofziger, $2.50; Walter Gingench, $2.00; Herman Leibir, $2.- 50; Henry Kister, $2.00; Abe Hepler, S3.00; Glade Hepler, $2.00: Frank Ro berts, $2.00; Pete Kister. $2.75; Henry Gortler, $2.99. ROAD DISTRICT No. 50-A Road Builders' Equipment Co., $68.00. ROAD DISTRICT No. 57. Klang Bros.. $6.00; E. T. Mclntyre, $5.50; B. Rambo, $8.73; T. A. Cornwell. $3.73. ROAD DISTRICT No. 63. G. Not durft, $15.70; J. Hellberg. $4.48. ROAD DISTRICT No. 65. H. H. Ja cobson, $14.96; John McHolick. $22.40; John McHolick, $205.15. SPECIAL No. 20. Herman Gerhar dus, $13.45; Fritz Lund. $13.45; H. Feathers, $8.97; Joe Papsch, $11.96; Carl Wolfhagen. $11.96; Walter Young, $31.43; Hugh Laye, $5.98; Henry Bock $29.90. SPECIAL No. 11. P. L. Cherry Co., $8.00. SPECIAL No. 26. Paul R. Meinig, $10.65; Harry Michols, $26.50; W. Bolshom, $3.56; L. Lehnfield, $4.77; A. L. Mattingly, $3.92. SPECIAL No. 31. J. I. CaBe Thresh ing Machine Co., $4.50; Fairbanks, Morse & Co., $4.69. SPECIAL No. 33. Oregon City Sand & Graely Co., $215.33; R. Mat- toon, $174.22; John Murphy, $11.98; James Murphy, $11.98; J. R. Livesay, $14.94; Ed. Murphy, $5.98; C. A. Mann, $8.97; E. Hichman, $5.98; C. R. Live say, $38.16. SPECIAL No. 34 E. Sheppard, $2.- 99; H. Parry. $2.99; Wane Stewart, $2.99; H. Kamrath. $2.99; C. T. Black burn, $1.49; E. L. Blackburn, $1.49; John Eskelson, $2.99. SPECIAL No. 34. Edw. Feyrer, $13.47; Carl Feyrer, $1.49; Joseph Feyrer, $22.46; Geo. Bunke, $1.49; Charles Hurias, $5.99; M. Thompson, $2.99. SPECIAL No. 45. Morton Stauber, $2.99; McTeilord, $4.48; W. G. Randall $11.23. - SPECIAL No. 50. A. L. Yoder, $7. 75. SPECIAL No. 50 L. B. Yoder, $4. i!7; Geo. Dozier, $4.37; Carl Sether, $4.37; G. E. Wyland, $23.20; S. Wrol stad, $2.18; Eli Steiner, $2.18; Emil Cleve, $2.18; W. lson, S2.18: C. Lyle, $2.18; C. F. Jackson, $7.98; M. F. Day, $4.59. MARKET ROADS NOj. 1. D. T. Mel drum, $14.30; D. R. K. Dimick, $8.22; J. W. Garrett, $23.46. MARKET ROAD No. 2. Paul R. Meinig. $177.45; W. C' CowgUl, Jr., $20.20; D. T. Meldrum, $12.30; J. R. Reed, $13,20; Smith Hardware Co., $3.63; A. H. Miller. $9..96; Theo. Har ders, $1.49; John Marshall. $1.49; W. C. Cowgill, Jr., $39.18; W. H. Rambo, $24.95; G. D. Hammond. $24.95: H. H. Udell. $28.45; H. R. Devlin, $11.96; A. W. Anderson, $11.96; Herbert Udell $11.96; J. M. Parks, $11.96; Charles Updegrave, $23.96; Irvin Updegrave, $8.97; H. L. Shaw. $11.96; Raymond DeShazer, $11.96; John Affolter, $2.99. MARKET ROADS No. 3. D. 'i Meldrum, $10.50; W. C. CowlL Jr., $17.60; W. C. Cowgill. Jr.. $13.00: G. D. Hammond, $9.98; W. H. Douglass, $21.46; Fred Hoffmeister, $11.98: Ray WooiUe, $11.98; Carl' Radburg. $5.99; C. H. Paddison, $2.99; Edd. Douglass-, $4.48; P. C. Murphy, $5.98. MARKET ROADS No. 4. D. T. Mel drum, $6.30; John Raicey. $44.47; A. Ht Borland, $21.31; Lee Borland, $17.- 18; A. W. Borland $5.99. MARKET ROADS No. 5. D. T. Meldrum, $13.50; W. C. CowgiM, Jr., S20.26; W. H. Rambo, S4.99; G. D. Hammond, $4.99. MARKET ROADS No. 6 P. C. Knecht, $33.60; D. T. Meldrum, $6.30; MARKET ROADS No 7. Road Builders' Equipment Co., $22.00; J). T. Meldrum, $8.70: W. C. Cowgill. Jr.. ?5.20; W. C. Cowgill, Jr., 131.32; W. F. Rambo. $19.96: G D. Hammond. $19.96. MARKET ROADS No. 8 D. T. Meldrum, $11.10; Geo. Pennell. $163.25: J.-'W. Miles. $64.82: J. C. Sullivan. $69.86; Chas. Simmons, $49.92; H. H. Johnson, $192.35. GENERAL ROADS Buffalo Sales Co., $97.25; The Port land Machinery Co., $61.00; Williams Bros., Transfer ,& Storage, $33.25; Hogg., Bros., $185.80; Frank Busch & ! Seas, $40.65; Frank Repp, $3.25; A. Msilhor. $39.86; Miller-Parker Co., $4. 00; Boring Garage, $1.45; State Indus trial Accident Commission, $1017.07; Standard Oil Company, $25.97; J. E. Haseltine & Co., $82.37; Howard-Cooper Corporation, $332.33; The Good Roads Machinery Co., $89.60; J. Egge, $68.77; Joe J. Thornton, $5.00; Mrs. G. H. Cattley, $100.00; A. E. Craine and Nellie M; Craine, $5.00; Mitchel, Lewis & Staver Co., $67.18; Carlton & Rosekrans Co., $33.05; M. D. Say, $100.00; E. R. Kilgallon, $50.00; Kaake & Jubb Lumber Co., $14.00; F. H. Cross, $1.40; Bank of Oregon City, $1.83; Road Builders' Equipment Co., $105.75; Russell Grader Mfg.. Co., $85. 80; W. H. Nelson, $3.50; Reddaway Truck Line.. $.75; Abe Gilbert, $225.85; S. F. Scripture, $3.00; The Pacific Tel ephone & Telegraph Co., $8.45; Coun ty Treasurer. $10.00; Willamette River Lumber Co., $152.67; C. H. Gram, $60. 00; Pacific Highway Garage, $75.11; The Holt Mfg. Co., $470.86; Coast Cul vert & Flume Company, $152.29; E. James, $40.89; Albert Scheer, $35.91; Eldon Swick, $40.89; L. W. Da vies, $46.01; A. C. Scheer, $34.90; T. C. Thomas, $46.01; John Wymore, $27.92; J. A. Worsham, $27.92; J- H- Marge son, $98.77; H. Henrici, $110.00; C. H. Henrici, $93.76; A. Striker. $119.76; D. Striker, $119.76; C. D. Loundree, $44.84; J. R. Livesay. $6.16; C. A. Mann, $6.16; Walter Henrici, $93.76; W. Braatzi, $11.97; A. E. Johnson, $4. 48; Eri & Jonsrud, $1.20; G. A. Ehlen, $2.50; Frank Busch & Sons, $2.50; John A. Roebling's Sons Co., $67.69; Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., $13.50; R. S. Smith, $14.00; Portland Bolt Mfg. Co.. $47.60: A. Guthrie & Co., $4500; Henry Meyer, $12.90; Mo lalla Garage, $2.95; Pacific Highway Garage, $3.20; W. W. Doss, $33.08; F. E. Hogan, $33.08; W. W. Doss, $19. 96; F. E. Hogan, $19.96; John Heft, $175.75; Alvion Heft, $62.82; H, El lingson, $41.87; Frank Oglesby, $41. 87; Chas. Oglesby, $41.87; W. F. Ech erd, $38.38; Herbert Shepard, $47.91; J. W. Bear, $11.98; H. Castor, $1L98 ; J. Wv Davis, $20.94; Bert Wallace, $41.- Martin Mikelson, $5.99; Erickson, $2.50; ,G. Jonsrud, $2.35; C. Krebs, $5.99; Geo. Madill, $2.99; Edw. Feyr er, $4.4y; Josepn ieyrer, $z.a; joe Tommasco, $1008.92; Parker & Ban- field, $8651.10. COUNTY POOR Erickson & Co., $24.05; C. E. Walstrom, $10.00; Wm. Danforth, $10.00; Boy's & Girl's Aid Society, $10.00; Dock Mosier.t $17.50; Anna Wetterlin, $10.00; Mrs Sarah Solomon, $15.00; Ella Tracy (Eunice Horner), $10.00; Mrs. Lillian M. John son, $15.00; Geo. H. Newsome, $15.00; Ada LeBaw, $8.00; Katie Pluard, $10. 00; Wallace R. Telford (Michael Boy les).. $12.00: John & Wm. Beers, $20. 00, Mary I.cck, $10 00; J. G. Wake, $15.00; W. Hi'.cl '"an (Ole Josendall, J'-Un Morris and August Johnson), $75.00; Mrs. S. Eeckman (Ben Mun son). $25.01; Eon i.andi $20.00; Fred Wydor, $12.00; Karl Buse (Albert Vei sen), SlO.Oti; Hilda Granquist, $25.00; Maul Williams (care of child), $20.00: Andrew Lund, Si 5 00; Thos. I. Freden- burgfl $12.00; Elmert Earls (James Seehorn), $25.00; George Bolin, $15.- 00; H. Sturdevant, $30.00; Max Wun- iar-Tia (Tm Millfirl. $30.00: Sarah A. Berwick, $15.00; , Mrs. Fred Himler (Mathewson), $30.00; Eebrly &. Sons (Wm. AlmasonJ, $5.00; E. A. Hackett (K. Pluard), $8.00; D. W. Griffin, (Beers Bros.), $6.00; Huntley-Draper Drug Co.. $23.02; Henry Swales (Mrs, Hogue), $25.00; F. H. McAnulty (O, F. Smith). $10.00; W. E. O'Donnell (Mrs. Reynolds), $8.00; Mrs. Henriet ta Mathias (Mrs. Pennington), $18.00; Robbins Bros. (Family of Jack Davis), $15.00; Mary F. Carothers (Mrs. Pen nington); $31.00; Jones Drug Co., $12. 36; C. R. Aylsworth (Mrs. Junie Ja- cobson), $4.95; Oregon City Hospital, $372.40; J. C. Loundree, (M. Nelson), $5.00; Brady Mercantile Co. (Mrs. Murphy). $10.00; Bannon & Co. (Carl Wedland, Arthur Geer, Herman Lamp and Owen Eblen) $80.53. SHERIFF W. C. Murray, $2.00; Wm. J. Wilson. $13.50; C. H. Elston, $3.00; Fidelity and Deposit Company, $275.00; Huntley Drug Co.. $7.05; Henry H. Hughes, $42.50. CLERK Fidelity and Deposit Com pany, $35.00; National Surety Bond, $21.35; Huntley-Draper Drug Co., $3. 85; Oregon City Enterprise, $37.35; County Clerk, $12.00; Jones Drug Com pany, $134.00. RECORDER Underwood Typewrit er Co., $169.00; Elliott-Fjsher Co., $.90; Jones Drug Co., $19.95; County Recorder, $12.00; County Recorder, $75.80. . TREASUREr--fidelity and Deposit Company, $245.00; Burroughs Adding Machine Company.- $1.25; National Surety Company. $21.35; Huntley Drug Co., $21.85; County Treasurer, $5.00; J. A. Miller, $7.70; Burroughs Adding Machine Co., $33.00. ASSESSOR Huntley-Draper Drug Co., $46.90; Mattie Burkhalter, $123.- 12; Eloise Alldredge, $37.21; Lillian McCormack, S38.12; Gertie Willson, $45.00; Oregon City Enterprise, $34. 00. COUNTY COURT Huntley-Draper Co., $52.68; H. E. Cross. $5.00; W. F. Harris, $100.00; W. A. Proctor, $100. COURT HOUSE Frank Busch & Sons, $10.80; Redadway's Truck Line, $.50; Board of Water Commissioners, $20.72; The Pacific Telephone & Tel egraph Company, $80.15; Geo. Bing ham, $18.00; H. R. Chaneter, $18.00; Huntley-Draper Drug Co.. $3.50. CIRCUIT COURT M. Simpson, sheriff. $5.00; C. E. Moulton, $38.20; j tamer Hasselbrink, $5.00; Henry D. Aden, S8.40; Jake Peters, $8.40; Dwight L. Seeley, $8.40; H. E. Meads, $7.60; C. H. Eison, $7.20; Harvey Douglas,-$4.80; Frank Beers, $7.40; G. E. Hayes, $6.20; Cleo Tapfer. $7.20; Mrs. C. H. Elston. $.20; Ed. Surfus, $6.20; Baptist Campbell, $4.20; Mrs. Clara C. Patterson, $2.85; Cosby jaiiiiiinimiin in E 5 til I i I !! IE ii z ii i Ii if if ii if ii if SOLID AS THE STATE nilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllilllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Illlllllllllllllllllllllillllllllll I 1 Smith. $2.60: M. E. Church. $2.20; R. O. Cumimns. $10.00; Alma Zwick er, $1000; Walter Low, $10.00; Frank Schedeck, 10.00: R. B. Runyon, $30.00; Huntley-Draper Drug Co.. $6.25; Wm. Peters, $3.40; W. E. Cromer, $32.00; Alfred A. Spangler, $31.20; David E. Long, $31.20; A. Waldorf, $31.20; Is aac Pursiful, $30.20; J. F. Adams, $33. 60; Thos. E. Anderson, $40.60; R. G. Chubb, $42.00; Chas. Gallogly, $39.40; S. A. D. Hungate, $47.80; Robert Jons rud, $9.40; Henry T. Kister, $39.60; Henry Klinker, $3.00; Ewald A. Leis man, $39.60; John Lowry, $39.40; A. J. Marrs, $39.60; Aaron McConnell, $42. 60: Henry Perret, $3.00: J. D. Ritter, $42.60; C. H. Sloop, $9.40; C, W. Swal low. $39.40; C. M. Lake. $6.20. JUSTICE OF PEACE Fidelity and Deposit Company, $10.00; Ed Fortune, $92.20; E. J. Noble, $148.40; Wm. Wei- smandel, $1.20; J. B. Fairclough. $1.- 20; J. E. Bauer, $1.20; Chas. Schram, $1.20; E. E. GabrieL $1.20; Minnie Hackett, $1.70; H. H. Hughes. $1.70: A. C. Sohirmer. 14.50: J ir Roomon $4.50; G. L. Uptegrove, $2.30; Anna' Morrow, $4.50; Ida Currie. $4.50: J. S. Vaun, $4.50; M. J. Grace. $4.50: rc. Romey, $1.70; W. H. Counsell, $3.00; C. A. Basset t, $3.00; Ruth McCombs, $3.50; Mrs. John Davis, $3.50; H. C. Stevens, $1.20; W. F. Tipton. $1.20; F. H. McAnulty,' $1.20; Viola Scheer, $1.70; -Elsie Scheer, $1.90: - H. L. Scheer, $1.90; W. J. Law, $1.90; Ore gon City Enterprise, $13.50; . W. E. Hassler, $4.00. CORONER O. A. Pace. $41.60: Al fred Lyta, $1.20; Donald Burk, $1.20; Frank Martinjak, $1.20; John Trovat, $1.20; Dr. McLean, $1.20: Del. Finch. $1.20; Holman & Pace, $41.00; W. E. Hempstead, $10.00; Geo. Woodard, $1. 50: Lee French. $1.50: Mat Hamilton. $1.50; E. P. Elliott, $1.50; Sam Mac donald, $1.50; Paul Wyman, $1.50; M. C. Strickland, $5.00. - SURVEYOR Jones Drug Co.. $48. 96; Jones Drug Co., $17.25; J. T. Full am, $6.40; R. Schuebel, $6.00; R. A. Wright, $6.00; A. W. Cook, $5.00; Paul Dunn, $13.50: D. T. Meldrum $28.70; W. C. Cowgill, Jr., $69.97; W. H. Ram bo, $44.91; G. D. Hammond, $44.91; W. H. Rambo, $4.99; G. D. Hamond, $4.99; J. W. Miles. $4.99. INSANE Henry H. Hughes, $1.00 ; Dr. Frank R. Mount, $5.00. SUPT. OF SCHOOLS Fidelity & Deposit Company, $6.00; Banner-Courier, $88.00; Brenton Vedder, $73.62; Erma Keen, $2.25; Minnie B. Altman, $3.75; Mrs. Emilie C. Shaw, $3.75; Mary Criteser. $3.00; Jones Drug Co., $60.45; Park-Shepherd Motor Co., $41. 63. STOCK INSPECTOR Oliver Rob bins, $12.50; J. P. Serres, $6.87; John ,,, Our "Family " Is A total of 2200 persons have already purchased shares of our 7 Prior Preference Stock. Theji represent our -Employes, Customers, Patrons and others who have thus voiced their approval of our "Home Ownership" plan which is now open to any individual who has money to invest or who can save 34 cents a day. Among these profit-sharing stockholders are men and women in all walks of life who believe in putting Home Money to work in Home Indus try. They are making their money earn money for them and at the same time are helping to provide additional service that will help bring more pay rolls, more industries and more prosperity to Portland, and the nearly 40 pther communities served by this Company. You Can Buy on Easy Terms and Get Attractive Returns Under our easy-payment plan you can acquire some of this stock by pay ing $ 1 0 down and $ 1 0 a month thereafter, and your partial payments will draw interest at 7 till your contract is completed. By purchasing now at 96 you will secure 7.3 returns on your money, and dividends are payable every three months. Besides furnishing you an attractive opportunity for putting your money to work here at home it also provides an easy and systematic savings plan which should appeal to every thrifty person. This stock has priority as to assets and earnings over all the common and preferred stock now outstanding, and no stock having preference over this issue will be created without the consent of the holders of a majority of this class of stock. - ' Ten Dollars is all you need to start. Investigate this opportunity today Use Coupon Below. " Portland Railway, Light and Power Company ELECTRIC BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON Luchs. $19.39. INDIGENT SOLDIER Mead Post No. 2, $50.00. JAIL Falls Restiurant, $7.95; Hogg Brothers, $68.76; Miler-Parkers, Co., $1.85; W. J. Wilson, $136.49; F. C. Burk, $8.00. JUVENILE COURT Walter E. Hempstead, $10.00; Minda E. Church, $68.35; TAX REBATE Allen & Lewis. $29.- 44; Ladd & Tilton, $46.92. PRINTING & ADVERTISING The Molalla Pioneer. $16.00; Banner-Courier, $34.60; Oregon City Enterprise, $34.60. SEALER J. F. Jones. $37.63. TAX DEPARTMENT Fidelity unA Deposit and Deposit Co., $50.00; I. D. Taylor, $15.04; National Surety Co., $21.35; Huntley-Draper Drug Co., $41. 20; Oregon City Enterprise, $49.80; W. J. Wilson. $20.00. FIRE PATROL J. W. Ferguson, $388.01. INSURANCE E. H. Cooper, $50 40. PROHIBITION W. M. Moore, $10. 00; C. J. Long, $150.00; Henry H. Hughes, $149.50. TRAFFIC OFFICER R. E. Wagy $240.91. BOUNTY William Alt. $11.00; Henry. Swales, $7.00; Adrian Raujol, J4-00. Go to the Banner-Courier for letter heads, envelopes, business cards, but ter wrappers and other stationery the Best at the Lowest prices. " BY FORD MECHANICS THE FORD WAY GENUINE FORD PARTS Park-ShepherdMotorCo. INCORPORATED Main St. at 4th Oregon City Phone 355 Growing Fine INQUIRY I Portland Railway, Light and Power Co. I Please send me details of your home invest . ment plan. I Street . I City or Town. The Hub Grocery I f you like good Coffee and don't care to pay the price of canned coffee you should try our HUB SPECIAL in bulk. It makes a nice mild, rich cup and sells at 35c a pound. Everything in clean, fresh groceries. ON THE HILL Phone 41. The Hub Grocery 7th and Center 5 iiiimiiiiiiiiiMnTI;'j 1 i if COUPON E 1922 Phone 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l'r 1 r