Page Seven MANY UN-ADVERTISED SPECIALS THRUOUT THE STORE SEE OUR WINDOWS The best place to shop after ail. THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1922. MOANING, FEB. 25TH ight at very attractive price concessions, which makes pos ting the Spring Season with THE NEW, THE WANTED, the yard goods, are limited. k tern jg0m Fashions Favored FOOTWEAR for Spring at Special Prices lew Strap Effects. Patent Leather Anklets. Two, three and four strap models. Full Louis heels. j $CJ.85 to $g.00 Patent Grecian Slippers with novelty cut-out effects $Q.50 to $9-00 Hack Satin Evening Slippers, Dainty White Kid rumps, riapper suppers, $3.85 to $9.00 kll Children's School Shoes Specially Priced. Never before have we shown such an attractive ultra smart collection of -Quality Footwear. Here you will find style, fit and wear in every shoe that is considered correct and when you buy shoes here they must come up to the standard of quality that we maintain. Your inspection is invited. Come in and see them, sure. Extra Special! Shoe Offering of New Spring .ilyies Consisting of Patent Strap Slippers, Brown and Black Oxfords, Black and Brown Strap Styles, French Toe Oxfords and Calfskin Brogues. Specially Priced $3.95 to $9.00 Mens Florsheim SHOES and OXFORDS SALE Men you know the quality of Florsheim shoes. All new spring and summer styles in the popular wing tips and brogue Oxfords in Scotch grain and calfskin leathers, with the new square French toes. Truly beautiful lasts that retain their shapes under most trying conditions. $p.95 All Sizes in Every Style $0-95 New Spring Millinery Latest Creations Millinery for milady this season is all that ould be wished for in the many pleasing vari tions. Each model a charming creation in tself. Springtime lovliness in every turn of jhe brims and' trimmings of the bright touches f flowers. Email Hats Large Hats Straw Hats Silk Hats in many pleasing variations Introducing the New Spring Prices With Special Attractive Offerings LOT NO. 1 LOT NO. 2 $.50 lats Made to Special Orders. Personal Attention. OREGON CITY, OREGON 7TT AT MAIN DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS SO Neir Fresh Spring Time Choice a 1 1 All-Wool French Serge Taffeta Silk Combinations Tricotine Fashion proclaims dresses and we have taken the tip and bought lavishly of these new est creations. You'll find what you want in these charming styles. All new in all sizes 1 6 to 42. Another Event That Will Demand Your Attention of Tweed and Polo ClotHs j;Ap $g.75 $Q.75 2575 $29J5 No woman or Miss who is go ing to need a new coat this spring can afford to overlook this chance. Tweed is all the rage now in coats and we have procured a very large selection for you to choose from. All specially priced for this event. See Our Windows. Men's Work Shoes Endicott, Johnson, & many other standard makes $1.95 $2.35 $3.85 Work Shoes for Every Purpose' Homespun ress bkiris $2.95 Made of the popular tweed like homespun which promises to be so popular this coming season. Also many new plaids in Velours, Prunellas and Serges. Specially priced $2.95 to $8.45. Oregon City All-Wool 0VE1 $ 4 Tv rl jtk f w tj? nv it $74.75 .75 Plenty time left to get service and sat isfaction out of these Overcoats and it would be good economy to lay it away un til next year This is our best grade from the mills, Skinner satin shoulder lining, (guaranteed for two seasons) beautiful colorings in green, grey and brown, with the bellus and breast pockets. Women's All-Wool Tricotine SUITS $Q.85 All the newest styles, in the beaded emb(-oideried and plain in the panel ... back Jackets, in verted pleat and the box back, full silk lined. All sizes. See these they are a revelation irTthe garment makers art at $19.85. Women's - WAISTS 2-50 Made of Voile, Batiste and Lawn. Very attractively trim med in silk and contrasting col ored materials. - Exceptionally good values and you'll want sev eral when you see them. All new spring styles. Women's Silk Petticoats 2-85 Consisting of Jersey silk taf feta and satins in all the new colors, such as French Blue, Cerise, Green, Red also Black. Good News for Men in This C II t Ih. iim EPgnrat OUT Tartan Checks Tweeds All-Wool Worsted Cassimeres Serges A clothing sale worthy of the attention of every man in this section. The suits are the last word in the new spring styles and represent some of the -foremost manufacturers in America. Sizes for slims, stouts, shorts and regulars. They are all here and don't forget, most of them have two pair of trousers that of itself makes these suits preferrable. . Yes! And the patterns and colorings are what you'll say are "snappy" Anything from a smart Tartan Check to a banker's grey worsted. Come in and look them over. Satisfaction and Fit Guaranteed Think It OverYou Can't Beat It tr" I vrx n f - - -A 1 ..'. I KSf A. 1 H- - v. A . V 'V j-.T