Page Six THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1922. SEE OUR WINDOWS MANY UN-ADVERTISED SPECIALS THRUOUT THE STORE r The best place to shop after all. OREGON CITY, OREGON 7TH AND MAIN 0 V tt 'Al In A A J l n. vl J i I v J Y THOUSANDS OF YARDS OF MILL ENDS ON SALE A gigantic shownig and sale of Mill End Remnants and short Jengths away under-priced in this sale. Some are slightly imperfect, but the prices you get will more than compensate you for the slight damage. Remnants of Percale Gingham Outing Flannel Crepes Cotton Serges Muslin Tissue Sheeting Here are Bargains in the NEW PIECE-GOODS FOR YOUR SPRING SEWING 23c yd STARTING SATURDA A wonderful collection of NEW SPRING .merchandise, sible - Unusual Savings on this New Spring Stock. Wei AT SPECIAL PRICES: Come early as some lots, especial 32 inch Ginghams beautiful Dlaids and stripandSard it&tn incbe." These sold at a very much, higher price in the regular way. 39c yd New Flaxons This is always a popular summer time fabric for dainty dresses. Pink! Blue and bellow figured in a multitude of beautiful patterns. A very special price. Cotton Serges 37c yd -a . HTnvtCT nlqtia tf A very desirable goods for cmmrens wear. choose from also plain Red, Green, Brown and the Shepherd Checks, 36 inches wide. Basket Weave, Ratine Spun - 75c yd This is decidedly new this season. One of the prettiest cotton fabrics made for dresses, frocks, blouses and sports wear. Come in Coral, French Blue, Ecru, Cream, Lavender and Orchid. PLAID SKIRTINGS OF WOOL $2.95 per yd. The designers and weavers art have certainly entered into the making of these beautiful skirtings. Such harmonizing color ings for a new skirt, something every woman wants and needs for the new spring wardrobe.. 54 Inches. 59c yd Colored Organdie - - Always dainty and adaptable is Organdie for spring annm- 5efTFSafr 38 4nche3 -wide, in- a. wide range of olors that, breathe, springtime. 98c yd 45 inch Orcrandie A sheer and lusterous fabric with a permanent finish of the better qualTty Choose from U. Copen Yellow, Old Rose, Navy Nile Green, French Blue, Gray, Lavender, Orchid, Peach, Jade Green and White. Summery, Lustrous, Beautiful Dress VOILES 49c yd. ,59c yd. 79c yd. Yes ! Voiles tn its many patterns and coloring is an ideal dress fabricf or springTtnd summer wear. Such wondertt aLesigns are to be foundin this selection, all 36 inches wide. Choose, now and solve the dress problem early. 49c yd Marvel Tissue - ATAMA W v - New in weave and colorings is this highly desiraDie i' tiful spring dresses will be fashioned from these pastel shades. Come in plaids and stripes in striking color combinations. 45c yd Jan Creoes - Genuine imported Jap Crepes in the popular "High" colors so popular this season. Sports Wear and Dresses Proclaim JERSEY for Spring Specially Priced at Navy OP Kelly Green Flame Red tjJWigCJftJ Brown Full 54 inches wide All Wool. The New Spring Stocks of Hosiery and Underwear are Ready Women's Silk Hose This is an opportunity to select your season's supply of Hosiery and Underwear and at a saving from regular prices. Your attention is called to the showing and sale of Women's Holeproof Silk Hosiery. Women's Gauze Vests 19c Fine quality gauze in good spring weight. A very low price on this quality garment. Fine Quality Women's Union Suits Tight r Loose Knee Jiv Knee The Well Known Annette Athletic Union Suits $1.19 Many Un-Advertised Specials $1.19 pair This should cause a real sensation in the hosiei department. Fine quality, pure silk hose of good weigh They come in. the new spring colors of Grey, Silve Beaver, Mouse, Tan, Cordovan, Black and White. Children's Hose 25 Fine lisle and worth much more than this pric Just arrived in Black, Cordovan and White. A fiif school hose. Extra Special Children's Hose - 15c pail The New Sports Hose for Children are in 25c to 85c New Purses and Bags $1.19 New shapes at a new lower price for these attractive purses and bags. Canteen bags, fitted with mirror, puff box, pencil, etc. Real leather in the new "pressed" pat terns. Very special at this price. New Chain and Leather Girdles For the new spring dresses these will put the finisjune touch. Pretty combinations thaafe tfl the rage at present. Priced very special at 49c New Novelty Ribbons 59c yard Royal Society Package Goods , Scarfs, Children's Wear, Pillow Tops, Gowns, Underwear. QQ Choice . "OC Look! Men's Ties SALE Men and Young Men! Here's your chance to choose from these ties. All kinds, all color combinations. The popular knits are included and many cut silks. You have paid three times the price for these qualities . Each Men's Work Shirts Extra Special 79c All Wool Oregon City Shirts - $3.75 Khaki Trousers A Real Buy Men! $1.95 " Extra Heavy Quality athletic wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Union Suits 65c The elastic back kool-weave fab- Boys Summer Union Suits rlcs, Vni Suit Men buy the sea- J son s supply at this price. 95c Engineer, Firemen Socks Gibb's SPUt Belt 2 pairs 35c " Union Suits 98c Lisle Socks Work Gloves, heavy leather Black, white, brown 25c pr. 35c pair Outing Flannel yd. Good standard weight outing, 27 inches wide, in pretty stripes and plaids of pink and blue. Buy a supply now at this pre-war price. 29c yd. Plisse Crenes Short lengths of standard plisse Crepe, suitable for underwear, gown, kimonas, etc. 30 inches wide. Pattern Table Clothes at Special Prices A good quality Mercerized Cloths 72x72 at $2.35 Slight imperfections 72x90 at $2.98 Gingham Percales 16c yd. Tfn as wide. Hundreds of yards of crispy new rercaies in the Gingham patterns (something new). Good standard weight. Buy a season's supply now at this low price. Pillow Cases Good quality Muslin 42x36 QC 45x36 Each BUY A SUPPLY MOTHERS! Fix the Boy up now in one of these 2 Pant SUITS at A boon to mothers in this offering. And for the boy a genuine satisfaction to own one of these thoroughly good two pant suits. All wool materials of good tailoring. SIZES 6 TO 14 YEARS . Clark's O. N. T. Crochet Cotton 5c the ball All colors, all numbers, closing out line. The Famous Creme Oil Soap, Special 4 Bars 25c For the Spring Curtains, Draperies and Cretonnes 49 Now is the time to prepare for your new spring draperies. A wonderful selection of Scrims, Nets, Filets and Cretonnes to choose from. Very specially priced for this occasion. 72x90 Sheets - - 98c each Good weight Muslin at this very special price. Buy a supply. Turkish Bath Towels - 45c each Extra large size with blue borders, strong double thread that will give the best of service. Crochet Bed Spreads - - $1.98 Just the thing for everyday use. Will launder and wear. Very specially priced. THE SELECTION IS BIG - SO ARE THE SAVINGS Silk, the shimmering, silk, the lustrious, silk, the beautiful. They are all here in almost any desired material and color you could wish for. The market says "silks are steady" and we have priced these so temptingly that every one should avail themselves of this sale. Buy while the selection is at its best. Spring Sale of Bedding Sheet Blankets $1.95 Wool-nap Blankets $5.85 Heavy, Full Size Bed Pillows $1.98 pair Pure Feathers, Big Size Comforters $2.85 Silkaline covered, pure cotton filling. Messaline $2.19 yd Georgette $1.95 Figured Foulards $2.45 China Silk 85c - $1.19 ALL THE NEW SPRINGTIME SHADES ! Satins 2.50 $2.95 Crepe Satin $3.95 Crepe de Chene 1.95 $3.50 Tricolette $165 $1.95 Lining Silk $1.45 $2.45 Peau de Soie $2.50 Charmeuse $2.75 $3.5 Taffeta 195 $2.5 A SILK SALE EXTRAORDINARY