THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1922. Page Nine olUTOMOBILE QOSSIP Produce for Auto. It will soon be possible to barter farm produce for a Ford. It is un derstood that the Ford company is establishing a food produce bureau, which will permit the farmers to ex change their products for Ford cars, trucks or tractors. Ford dealers will be authorized to barter directly with fanners taking produce at current market prices. Motor Land. Ten Commandments of Driving. 1. Drive on the right side of the road; It's just as good as the left. 2. Slow down when approaching a cross road; it is almost as dangerous as a railroad crossing. 3. Look out for children. You can never tell what they'll do, and your always in the wrong if you hit one. 4. Try to help instead of hinder the traffic officer; he's there for your good and he has a tough job. 5. Be sure that your dimmers real ly dim; it's no joke driving into a blinding .glare as you probably know. 6. Read and obey the warning signs: They're not put up as orna ments. 7. If you feel you've got to speed, do so where you won't hit anyone but yourself. 8. When making minor repairs, stop where your car can be seen from both directions; otherwise you may stop longer than you anticipated. 9. Don't race past a stopped car; some day a jury may call it man slaughter. Use discretion; the fact that you have the right of way won't bring anyone back to life. Least of all yourself. Oregon Motorist. IRREGULARITIES - OF WHEELS Authorataiive Advice on the Important Causes of Tire Trouble Portland Stage Stage Terminal Portland's new motor stage termin al at Park and Yamhill streets is now functioning and is said to compare favorably with any terminay of the kind yet established in this country. Every stage line operating out of Portland is taken care of and oper ated on a passenger train schedule. Over 130 stages leave the station over 15 lines and more than 10,000 passengers are transported daily. This is a great improvement over the old system when there were a doz en locations in the city from which stages operated, causing much confu sion and in many ways inconvenienc ing the traveling public. All equipment is inspected daily and every convenience, such as is found in the great railroad terminals, is pro vided for. The terminal is owned principally by the stage operators and is run at a cost- of about 8 cents per passenger. The life and happiness of many a man have beensaxfid by the .motoring advice he didn't take. Excesive wear to the tread of a tire usually attributed to fault in alignment of wheels and the real cause is not, therefore, always discov ered, even when the car has been in spected by a mechanic. Investigate the condition of wheels by proceeding as follows: First Turn steering wheel so that either one of the front tires will be parallel with the rear tire on the same side of car. The use of a steel tape or straight edge will quickly disclose any irregularity in the alignment of the front wreels in relation to the rear wheels. Second Because of the tendency of the front wheels to spread under the driving force, it is the practice of car manufacturers to set the front wheels at a toe-in of from 3-8 in to 1-2 inch. This alows from 3-16 inch to 4-16 inch toe-in for each front wheel. This toe in is practically taken out by the ac tion of the car on the road under momentum the wheels will be approx imately parallel. Third When the front wheels toe in too much, the cause may be a bent axle, bent steering knuckles, or other injury, but usually is a result of con necting rod to steering knuckles be- I ing too long. The connecting rod is threaded at both ends where fitted to steering knuckles and the remedy is to shorten rod until position of wheels is correct. Fourth When the front wheels toe outward, it may be due to injuries, but usually caused by conecting rod to steering knuckles being too short. This can be remedied by lengthening rod until position of wheels is correct. To Check Alignment of Front Wheels Filth Check up front wheels by getting the exact measurement be tween wood felloes (inside) and di rectly in front of axle. A stair tread extension rule can be procured from any local hardware store at a nomi nal cost and is very satisfactory for this purpose. The measurement be tween wood felloes (inside), and back of axle should not be greater than 3-8 inch to 1-2 inch, as. com pared with the measurement taken in front of axle. To Check Alignment of Rear Wheels Sixth The measurements between felloes of rear wheels should be the same in front of and behind the axles. Method of Checking Each Wheel Seventh Jack up each wheel and place a-stationary point almost against wood felloe, next revolving the wheel to determine if the distance between the stationary point and the wood fel loe is the same at all points around the wheel. If the wood felloe rubs at some point around and not at oth er places it may be due to a slight variation in the wood felloe, but it will usually result from the wheel not running true. Camber of Front Wheels Eighth The object of cambering front wheels is to bring the points of contact of the tire tread with the road as nearly under the steering knuckle pivots as possible, this being the po sition for easiest steering and for turning curves. The allowance varies from 15-16 to 1 3-4 inch and is gov erned by the height of wheels. . Ninth Excessive wear to the tire treads does noT always indicate ir regular alignment of wheels. It may often be traced to a loose or worn hub disk, loose bearings, the tight adjustment of one or more brake drums, severe application of brakes, slightly bent hub spindles, etc. Do You Remember. When the stage line between San dy and Boring ran this cut at the head of their schedule? And the automobile ads were em belished with illustrations like this? CAPABLE DRIVER 1 FOR AUTOMOBILE Skilled Mechanic With Knowledge of Rules and Customs of Road Is Great Need MUST KNOW ROAD MATERIALS When the Singer Sewing Machine people came out with this snappy appeal to the up-to-date housewife? IP H A --Q$-H There is only one pen good enough for the road hog. An ounce of forethought may save a pound of repair. Wonder if the old vigilante meth ods for horse thieves wouldn't work in this advanced age on motor thieves? "Have you a little fairy in your home?" "No, but I have a little miss, in my engine." Philadelphia Public Ledger. ! VALVE -1 N - HE AD f) N. OTOr"" CARS "This is my car," exploded the irate tourist to the garage man, "and what I say about it goes see." Just then a dirty faced machinist crawled out from under the dead en gine and said pleadingly: "Say engine, Mister." H. S. PRESS CONFERENCE SCHEDULED AT U. OF O. The Oregon City high sehool press conference which was originally to be. held in connection with Junior week end at the university of Oregon, the 12th and 13th of May, has been ad vanced in the calendar three weeks and is now definitely arranged for April 14 and 15 at the school of jour nalism. At the same time high school student body presidents will meet and leaders of girls' activities will come together for a conference. It is expected that three hundred high school delegates will be present. An interesting two-day program is being arranged. Should Be Observant and Realize That Children on Wagons Drop Off Sud denly Standard of Conduct Is Set High. A motorcar needs a driver who Is a skillful mechanic, and it also needs a. driver who is skillful in manipulating a car on the road. An excellent me chanic is not necessarily a good driver. What is required in a driver besides a general knowledge of his machine is a knowledge of the rules, customs and courtesies of the road and the habits of traffic, also the possession of the qualities of alertness, foresight and a consideration for others. He should have a temperate frame of mind" and an abstinence from even moderate drinking. Needs Be Best Driver. The motorcar driver needs to be the best driver on the highway, if he is to drive without offence to the public and danger to others and himself, for he has to conduct a vehicle which is more valuable than any other and more speedy. The complete driver should have a working knowledge of the different materials of which roads are made, of their comparative tendency to cause skidding and of the perils which arise from badly laid street car tracks. He 7. A. p TRACTOR Park-Shepherd s Motor Co. Authorized Sale and Service. Oregon City, Ore. FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW H YOU BY A CAR But Buicks Go on Forever Cars May Come and Cars May Go, Surplus Power is furnished by Buick Valvein-Head Motors. Carburetors are automatically heated Crankcase or Radiator drained by turn ing a handle. Oil Pumps are self thawing. Rocker Arms automatically lubricated. . Radiator easily repaired by inserting sec tions. Clutch positive in action, still a child can operate it. Gear Shift made by a slight touch of the hand. Steering a Buick is like child's play. Steering Rod or drag link all one piece. Universal Joint automatically lubricated. Frame scientifically designed extra strong. Third Member absorbs all driving strains not. the springs. Brakes very efficient, easily adjusted. Rear Axle special design correctly buil1-. Head Room plenty, not too much. Twelve Models of Buick cars make it pos sible for you to secure the type of car you desire. Ask us to tell you more about Buick. Lower Prices ON EVERYTHING Wiring, Repair Work, Electric Fixtures LANGLEY ELECTRIC CO. House Ignition Starting Wiring Lighting Phone 124 12th and Main Streets (Located at Willard Service Station) must be observant and realize that children hanging on rear of wagons are apt to drop off suddenly and run across his path. He should aiso know how to read a road map. He must be on the lookout for pe destrians, stupid, drunk or deaf, for wagons on the wrong side of the dan gerous corners and be prepared to find vehicles In charge of sleepy drivers who will often do the wrong act on being aroused. Those drivers who have had long practice In the city streets generally have arrived at ex pertness through training plus the hard school of practical everyday ex- We Serve Your Kind of Battery, Too! Never mind if the battery in your car right now isn't a Wil lard! Bring it in any how. Of course we'd like to see everybody using Willard Threaded Rub ber Batteries because we know what Willard Threaded Rubber In sulation does in the way of lengthening bat tery life. But the next best thing is to let you folks who haven't Willard Batteries, at least learn what Service at Battery Headquarters is like. We'll treat you like a Willard user on the idea - that somdyou will bo one. CON HILGERS Battery Rebuilding and Repairing. Twelfth and Main Oregon City, Ore. Representing Willard Storage Batteries periences assisted by public supervi sion and the fear of the results of ac cidents. Fine Arta of Driving. A good driver must know the proper r.ay to drve his car around a corner, ',oth righ'-linnded and left-handed, and the best way to ascend and descend steep grades. Driving at night Is an other fine art. There is probably greater need for the exercise. of pa tience in driving at night than at any other time. The driver of an automobile has a large responsibility. The standard of conduct set for him is high. He must possess exceptional qualities as com pared with the driver of horses. That he- keep in mind and practice the Golden Rule is no small part of his job. In this is Involved most of his qualifications as a driver. How to Face a Valve. When valves are badly pitted the operation of facing is best carried out In a lathe. Chuck the valve stem and clean the center in the valve end and support it in the dead center of the tail stock. " ' Change the water In the cooling system weekly. More accidents occur on stralgl. : highway stretches than at curves or road Intersections. The latest style passenger automo biles are equipped with no fewer thar, 14 electric lights. Gasoline left standing for considera able lime, even If It be In a tank, wi" lose Its ignition efficiency. Gear-shifting at the proper time anf in the proper way saves racking thi entire mechanism of the car. Motorists should stop when there h an accident, whether it be the opera tor's fault or not, and render all the assistance possible. A car should be kept out of the sui, until dry after being washed. Sun light has a tendency to damage; the surface of a wet car by causing the paint to check. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING A shabby looking car advertises neglect. Let us do your Re-Finishing. WITH O. C. AUTO PAINT SHOP MILLER-PARKER CO. VAII R" Lifuijjcu iu atsivc iuu ucai Guaranteed Repairs Genuine Accessories Genuine Parts Goodyear Tires Convenient Storage At Elevator Oregon City, Oregon Phone 390 When Better Automobiles are Built, IBuick Will Build Them AT THE FOOT OF SINGER HILL c x . J 1 M " ! 0f J 0 a STOP AND GET ACQUAINTED. LOOK OVER OUR TIRE LINE. LISTEN TO OUR OVERHAUL PROPOSITION. Capital Garage Less Crawford, Prop. 1914 $100.00 -1917 ,- $150.00 1918 Sedan ...... $400.0U 1920 Touring $350.00 1921 Truck .-- $600,00 Keep Your Money in Clackamas County. BUY AT HOME! Park-ShepherdMotorCo. INCORPORATED Main St.. at 4th Oregon City Phone 355 ANNOUNCEMENT Of Interest to All Automobile Owners We have opened a sales and service station at Fourth and Main streets, Oregon City, for WESTINGHOUSE STORAGE BATTERIES the latest Westinghouse triumph. Westinghouse attention to all makes of batteries. HODGSON-CANNON ELECTRIC COMPANY Fourth and Main Streets Telephone 355 HALL & SON Cor. Main and 12th Phone 438