Page Eight THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1922. msi briefs from arouhe the county Interesting Items From the Country Correspondents Telling of the Progress, Development, and Upbuilding of Social and Civil Life CLARKES We had about six inches of snow on the ground last Sunday it began snowing last Friday and snowed all day Saturday but began melting away on Sunday afternoon and is almost gone and we hope that this is the last snow for this winter for the farm ers are waiting for nice weather to put their crops in. Mr. and Mrs. James Blackstone - came out from Portland and are staying with her sister, Mrs. Ray Jones and family. Miss Gertrude Mossa from Logan is working for her sister, Mrs. Ed Buol. Miss Bernice Gard from Oregon City visited her parents, John L. Gard and family last Sunday. Geo. P. Clarke and family visited her father, Peter Sager and family last Sunday. B. Sullivan was in Portland last week on business and also visited his children, who are living there. Walter Lee from Oregon City was in Clarkes last Sunday. Misses Dora and Pear 1 Wallace ' were in Oregon City last Saturday. Mrs. R. T. Pickett and daughter from Salem are staying at the home of Ray Jones. Mr. Pickett is working for Mr. Jones. Albert D. Lee went to Oregon City last Sunday to visit his uncle, G. Kinzy and family for a few days. Ralph Caples and family moved to Highland where Moehnke Bros, are putting up their saw mill. W. H. Botemiller, Ray, Jones, J. Blackstone, Isaac Cook and Claude Bottemillcr were in Oregon City last week. Oscar Miner visited his cousins, Clarence and Albert Lee last week Claude Bottemiller and I. Cook were in Oregon City last Saturday. Alexander Nelson left for eastern Washington last Sunday. Alva Gard went to Eastern Oregon where he is working. Oliver Marshall went to California where his sister, Mary and family are living. Mrs. Eliza Kleinsmith is very 111 but she is improving again. A nurse is taking care of her. Wm. Moehnke of Oregon City was in Clarkes last week. Carl Buche is hauling lumber for Hult Bros, and Claude Bottemiller in tends to help also. Fred Bauer from Colton had a load of grain chopped at Eugene Klein- smith's last week. Claude Bottemiller and Virgil Cook were in Oregon City last Sunday. Miss Kate Hof'stetter who is in the hospital is getting along nicely. Rev. Schmidt preached in the Ger man M. E. church last Sunday morn ing. Albert Gasser was in Oregon City last week.. A. Amrine and Clarance Lee sawed some trees down for Mr. Bottemiller last week. W. H. Bottemiller sold a load of straw to B. Sullivan last week.' Carl Buche was in Portland last week Monday and had a tire put on his truck wheel which came off while hauling lumber. Claude Bottemiller and Clifford Cook were in Oregon City a week ago last Sunday. A large delegation from Clarkes was down to see the county court in Oregon City in regard to a market road between Oregon City and Clarkes recently. Judge G. B. Dimmick rep resented the Live Wires of Oregon City and spoke before the county court in behalf of the market road and every word spoken by him was the gospel truth. Also Mr. Brady, sec retary of the Business association of Oregon City, read a resolution of the same organization on the market road. Also-C. Scheubel said a few words. Others from Clarkes spoke in behalf of the market road. A petition with almost 400 names representing a tax roll of over one and a quarter million dollars was there. For the first time in years the people of the coun ty and business in Oregon City were solid as cement on this proposition. Mr. Harris expressed and admitted that we should have the road and were entitled to the same, but the honorable county judge said after a while that he had some other work on hand and so he dismissed the del egation of the City of Oregon City and of all the farmers from Oregon City to Highland and Clarkes, Beaver Creek, Ellwood, Timber, Grove and Schuebel. They were dismissed, something like the farmers in North Dakota were some years ago and what the result was in North Dakota. Every one knows, do we want something like it in Clackamas county? If not, please Live Wires and Business Men's organization of Oregon City, let us humble farmers know what to do. We were told a very short time ago, where the government was at war in Europe. Government for the people, but there is the ratio 1000 to 2. Mrs. Peter Schience visited her sick daughter, Ella in Oregon City last Saturday. list. Her sister ia still In the hos pital. We all hope that the girls will be soon home and well again. Mrs. C. Kleinsmith is on the sick list and has been ill for some time. She is slowly improving. The Beaver Creek Cooperative truck delivered a load of merchandise here last Friday. Mr. Moore from Portland, was here for the last few days, selling capital stock in the Sound Rubber company. He thinks the west should have a rub ber tire factory. The regular Farm Bureau meeting was called to order by President E. Bereer last Saturday afternoon. A letter from the county agent was read in regard to pruning demonstra tions on February 13, 14 and 15. An other was read in connection with the Gold Hill lime. The County Farm Bureau also sent in a communication relating to the wood and seed project. The potato project was adopted and Charles Marshall was elected as the leader of horticulture. Several speach es were made in favor of making a start on standard potatoes. A favor able vote was taken to have the la ladies serve lunch at the next meet ing. After other matters were dis posed of, the meeting adjourned until the second Saturday in March. The Booster club meeting will be on Saturday, February 25, at the meet ing house. Everybody should attend this meeting. Old Mr. Winter made a last stand last Saturday and Sunday and all the roads sure look alike on tha top of new snow. has returned home. Mr. A. Miller is busying himself making shakes. ; Elmer Dibble was an Elwood call er last Monday. Mrs. Ella Hotter took W. T. Hen derson to Estacada last week to the doctor. He is not improving as rap idly as his friends would like to see him. His son, Rev. A. S. Henderson and" Rev. A. J. Ware called on him last week for a short visit EAGLE CREEK STAFFORD '"he boys of the Stafford neighbor hood met together recently and or gai'zed for the coming year. Carl Eisple was elected manager and somej 14 or 15 boys signed up. They are giv'-g an entertainment and basket social Saturday, February 25 at the Stafford schoolhouse. The proceeds to be used to purchase an outfit and fix up the new grounds. Among the interesting numbers is a monologue "Long Distance" by Wal ter Schatz, a playlet "The poet seek ing a patron" by the boys and sev eral skits on baseball. Little Margaret Akers, the five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Akers, died last Tuesday evening from a stroke of paralysis she exper ienced in the morning of that day. Dr. Ware was called and did what he could for her, but it was of no use and so she passed away. Her death was a great shock to her parents- for the day preceeding her death, she was as well as usual, ap parently, and she played happily dur ing the day, but shortly after arising on Tuesday she was stricken with the paralysis. The body was taken to Cathlamet, Washington, where the family have relatives, for interment Arbor day was observed in District No. 50 by the teacher and pupils set ting out some plants and planting some trees and bushes on the school grounds. Also' cleaning up the school yard. And after that was done the teacher, Mrs. Baumgartner and lupils went up to the Douglass place and were weighed, being from 47 to 146 pounds Frank Paddison weighing the least and Mae Evans the most. Mrs. Katie Douglass spent Sunday with Mrs. Ed. Douglass. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister spent Sunday evening at the home of Will Douglass. Mrs. Laura Baumgartner made a trip to Astoria on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Preister and children of Logan, were guests at the home of Roy Douglass Sunday. Will Daugloss killed a fine fat coon one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. .J. P. Woodle were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woo dle on Sunday. CHERRYVILLE FROGPOND Freddie Schemer spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Ed. Sharp. . Miss Mona Freeman is visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Aden. Miss Melba Baker and brother Lor in spent the week-end with - their grandmother, Mrs. Lorin Kruse. Clarence Wushard has been spend ing a few days with his grandmother. Mrs. Henry Moulton. We are very sorry to hear that we are to lose one of our best neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. John Bruck. Mr. Ewald Leisman is building a garage near the road to put the bus in during the night. We hear that Miss Norma Moulton, recently a resident of this neighbor hood but now teaching school near Toledo was married a short time ago, we wish them much happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schemer and family visited the former's mother at Garden Home Wednesday. Mr. John Turner our new road boss is trying to smooth the roads off a little. Frances Randelm attended the dance at Ladd Hill Saturday night. George Oldenstadt is working at John Brack's pulling out piling. Mrs. Ernest Kruse visited Mrs. Er nest Nickolson Monday afternoon. Mrs. Ed Sharp and son, Harold, were Oregon City visitors Monday. Mr. J. M. Turner spent Sunday morning in Wilamette on business. Mr. J. M. Turner spent Sunday morning in Willamette on business. Quite a number of people of this vicinity are planning on attending the basket social at Stafford Saturday, Feb. 25. LOWER HIGHLAND We still have pur winter with us. Mr. Groundhog made a mistake this year. We have about three inches of snow and good sleighing. We think "Joe Jolly" would be glad to put on his overcoat if he lived out he"re and also his gloves. Mrs. Holmes and Miss Vera Holm es have both been quite sick with a bad cold. Mrs. Bert Cota returned home last week from Portland, where she has been in attendance on her daughter, who has had a serious attack of ap pendicitis, but who is now better and will soon be home. Mr. David Rutherford also returned from, the hospital in Portland last week. We hope to see him again soon. Eli Fellows and calvin Garuger were Oregon City visitors last week. Also Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Stone and C. F. Grossmiller. Those from our neighborhood who attended the surprise party at John Hicks Saturday night report a very enjoyable time. Rev. Mr. Ware is to preach in the Lower Highland Baptist church next Sunday. Another week of winter, pne thing certain, it can't last much longer. Surveyors for the flum from Alder Creek are on hand this week. J. B. Jensrud, who has been down at Kelso, Wash., helping run a lath mill for Ned Nelson, returned home last -Saturday. Mrs. Buckley, school supervisor, was here last week visiting our local school. The Literary society draws good crowds and an excellent program is presented at each session. The two from the bridge gang at Alder Creek rendered vocal music that pleased ev erybody. Prof. George B. Cooper of Portland, Lwas ojit over-the week-end looking ov er his ranch north of town. Dr. Walter Botkin of Gresham was out last iveek visiting his parents. Valentine Endersby who met an ac cidental death over near . Wasco, once lived near here. In spite of the bad weather, work is being pursued on the bridges and it is calculated that they will be finish ed this month. The work has cer tainly being done in first class shape. Henry Gibson, south of town, and Ed. Nelson living east of the post of fice, are going into the -chicken rais ing business. They have ordered and expect any day 1000 day-old chicks. HIGHJMIJOTES j Happenings of Interest in the West Linn High as Told by Its Students Monday afternon the students were surprised to hear three bells ring and call them to assembly. A very good program was enjoyed by all. The faculty members each gave a little talk upon the life of. Lincoln which brought to our minds the deeds of that great man. For Miss Leathers part in the pro gram several musical numbers were given. But the thing which the stud ents enjoyed most was school being dismissed an hour earlier than usual. MAPLE LANE Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Skeen spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stagg of the Wastina Dairy. George Frank and John Eggink made a business trip to Beaver Creek Monday. Winter grain is loking very poor in mis section and it looks as if there would be lots of re-seeding this spring. Mrs. A. B. Taylor visited her daugh ter in Portland one day last week. mr. j. a. btagg is increasing his dairy. CARUS A very pleasant shower party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McCarthy last Wednesday ev ening in honor of a little boy who ar rived at that household January 1. The parents received many nice pre sents for the new arrival. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Griffith and Mrs. Fred Spangler and children spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs." John B. Lew is. Mrs. Lunce Shockley and daughter Lucille and Elizabeth and Miss Min nie Edwards called on Mrs. John R. Lewis Monday afternoon. Mr. Fred Jose and daughter, Emma, was an Oregon City visitor last Wed nesday. Mrs. Anderson of Eldorado, and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. John Anderson, called on Mrs. Owen Lewis Wednes day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Guilliam went to Molalla on Thursday. Alvan Fredericks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Fredericks is ill with pneu monia. Herman Smith made a business trip to Portland on Thursday. He is busy preparing to build a new house this spring. Bill Edwards helped Griffith Jones fall some trees last Wednesday after noon. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. George Bliss Wednesday after noon with a good attendance. They were quite busy jewing comforts. Mr. and Mrs. George Ingram made a trip to uregon (Jity on wettnesaay. Mr. and Mrs. George Bliss and fam ily went to Molalla Sunday afternoon to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Faur ie. Mrs. Faurie is Mrs. Bliss' sister. Mr. A. Beach went to Canby on Sat urday. Mr. Richard Davis took his daugh ter, Emma of Oregon City, to the doc tor in Portland last Saturday. She is improving very much. Mrs. Edgar of Portland is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Harold Mag ness this week. Mrs. Even Lewis called on her mother-in-law, Mrs. John R, Lewis on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lunce Shockley and family spent Saturday evening at the Stevenson home. ' Mr. Lunce Shockley made a trip to Mount Pleasant Monday. Mr. Bud Weisser went to Mulino last week. Mr. George Bliss was a visitor at Beaver Creek last Monday. Friday evening of this week the Green and Gold five will line up against the fast Molalla basketball team at the Union High gym. The game should be a fast one as both teams are in fine condition. Coach Davis' squad played the Molalla five recently at Molalla and lost by a small score, and the boys are out this time to reverse the score. The game will be refereed by Glenn Hankins of Oregon City, and will begin at 8:30 A preliminary game will be played at 7:30 between the Oswego team and the West Linn Outlaws; these two teams are about evenly matched and will put on a good curtain raiser. Miss Helen Leathers, leader of glee clubs and orchestra at Union High, is working hard getting the two glee clubs ready for the first annual con cert to be given in the high school auditorium the evening of February 24th. This number will be the fifth and closing one of the West Lynn Ly ceum course. It will be entirely mu sical, consisting of a well balanced program consisting of numbers by the boys glee club; girls "Cardinal" glee club; girls quartet; girls sextet, and the high school orchestra. Tickets are on sale by students of the high school. A very enjoyable time was had by the members of the Official U club at a Valentine's party at the school house, Tuesday evening. Many games were played in which the boys learn ed how to make proposals which will probably help them in the future. The girls also learned how to accept them. After enjoying' the many games the members sat down to a lunch of Valentine cookies and ice cream. The basket ball team is planning a high old time for the next two weeks. On Friday, Feb. 17, they will play Molalla in the West Linn gymnasium and according to all reports there will be no mercy shown the upstarts who had the nerve to lick us a few weeks ago by a 29-11 score. On the following Friday the squad will start on a trip to Tillamook. They will play three games, Cloverdale on Friday, Tillamook on Saturday and Seaside on Monday. - The team in tends to hang up a new. scoring rec ord for the three games. Everybody get out of our road. We're getting started. nvest and .Right ELWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bittner of Ore gon City spent the week-end at the C. Bittner home. Mr. and Mrs. B. Staats are at the home of the formers parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. O. Staats. Ed Hodgkiss is working for L. P. ElUott Otis Vallen butchered and sold a load of hogs last week in Portland. Mrs. Hilda Bittner and daughter, Evelyn of Portland, Ore., came out to attend a party given by Mrs. Ella Rotter Saturday night, at Clear Creek also took Sunday dinner at the C. Bittner home. Mr. A. Vallen's old family cow "Spot" presented them with a fine pair of twin heifer calves last week. Dudley Sherman of Portland is stopping at O. Vallens, while doing some repair work on the Sherman place near Colton. M. E. Kandle of Highland was a business caller in this vicinity last Friday. You Will Be Happy If you want your dollar to work for you, earning a large rate of interest, buy in West Linn. These people have bought in the past week. M. H. Martin Melvin Young Edward McLean Mrs. Etta Pitts Fred W. Mowrey Union High S. 0. Dillman 7th St. Foot of Elevator Phone 427 West linn near Bridge Phone 386 A DOG bite is not necessar ily fatal but it often means two or three weeks idleness. It is frequent, too just an other ordinary accident which emphasizes the need and value of Accident and Health Insurance in tne Harttord Accident and indem nity Company. Injury or illness brings no worry over bills to holders of Hart ford policies their insurance income replaces their usual earnings. Every man is subject to disability. You too! Are you prepared? Ask about Insurance Income Mrs. M. C. Young of Wilsonville, was an Oregon City visitor on Monday and while in the city reported that her district had gone over the top in the campaign for funds for the coun ty health nurse. Her quota was $10 and she was the first to report on her quota. J. J. Berg of Hoff, Ore., was a caller at the Banner-Courier on Monday. Mrs. Lena Roberts of Jennings Lodge was in Oregon City on business Monday. Mrs. Lily Park, who has been away Miss Clara Hofstetter is on the sick at work for the past several months The Ford Hotel Newly Remodeled and Under New Management, Clean, Airy, Homelike Rooms, By the Day or Weekl WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD SAVE AND INVEST Buy Our 7 Per Cent Preferred Stock. Pays Dividends Every Three Months Pay Your Light Bill with a Dividend Check. Portland Railway, Light and Power Co. 619 Main Street Oregon City, Ore. See. oWland REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Phone 377 620 Main St. Oregon City, Oregon California . Now or Go East Thru California WHILE THE GOLDEN POPPY IS IN BLOOM Attractive Round-Trip Fares To Santa Barbara, Los Angeles and San Diego New One way and All Year Fares to Eastern Cities Stop at San Francisco and Los Angeles world famous and beautiful cities The Southern Pacific expends 25 of its gross earnings for up keep of its ROAD. For furtner particulars ask agents Southern Pacific Lines John M. Scott. General "Passenger Agent The Banner-Courier Clackamas County's Best NEWS AND ADVERTISING MED.IUM Has a larger circulation within the trade zone of Oregon City than has any other newspaper in circulation. Offers a page of Independent Editorials" covering topics Political, Educational, and Social of the County, State and Nation. Contains News written by special Correspondents in more than 20 Different Communities Covering Clackamas County. Gives All the worth-while Local and Society events. Publishes County and Circuit Court Actions, Real Estate Transfers and Markets. Everybody Needs A Home Paper. Get the Best THE BANNER-COURIER Until March 1 $1 .00 For the Year 1 vjain Street Miss Vina Lent, Prop.