The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, February 09, 1922, Page Page Nine, Image 9

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    Page Nine
Electrical Connection in Garage
Eliminates Many Starting
Troubles in Morning.
Quick Start Can Be Made by Use
of Vaporizer Mixture of Salt and
Glycerin Will Keep Snow and
Rain From Sticking.
If there Is electrical connection to
rhe garage tliere should be no trouble
Parting off In the morning. The "hot
'trick" method electrified may be used
Hot !!- Device.
to keep the water system from freez
ing and the engine warm. Merely
place the appliance on the engine and
turn on the switch.
Instant starting in cold weather is
promised by the use of this electric
vaporizer. It is a heat-resisting case.
Electric Vaporizer Facilitates Starting.
holding four wire screens, and is
placed between the carburetor and in
take manifold. The battery current
heats the wires for about ten seconds,
thus preheating the intake air and
rector of the original; Dunlop Com
pany was never in nor pf the rubber
industry, says the Indid Rubber Jour
nal of London.
Accounts differ as to the circum
stances under which he developed his
idea for the use of pneumatic tilies,
a patent for which was taken out on
the 23rd July, v1888. .Probably th'e
most reliable story is that said to
have been related by Mr. Dunlop. His
ten-years-old son had a tricycle which
bumped grieviously on the imperfect
Irish roads. Mr. Dunlop felt that
something ought to be done about it,
and he set to work. "I formed the
rims of the wheels," he said, "of Am
erican elm. I made an air-tube of
rubber, covered it with cloth, and then
with rubber again. My son rode this
tricycle to Belfast, and people stared
and laughed at the clumsy wheels,
but he out-distanced other cyclists
easily. In May, 1889, I turned out my
first racing bicycle with the new
tire, and it carried off all the first
I prizes at the Queen's College sports
' at Belfast." '
Dunlop's aptent might have passed
into oblivion in the same way as
Richard William Thomson's 1845 pat
ent for an elastic tire had not Harvey
(iu Cros, Sr., the'amateur light-weight
and midle:weight champion of Ireland
realized its possibilities and joined
lorces with Dunlop.
Tho first pneumatic tire company
wk, carted in Dublin in 1889, and of
the nominal capital of 25,000 pounds
only about IS',000 pounds was 'subscrib
ed. It was combined with a cycle
agency, the prospectus putting for
ward that if the pneumatic tire did
not succeed the cycle agency would
! pay dividends on the shares! With
in four years, however, a dividend of
200 per cent was declared. When the
tire factory was established in Dub
lin' the resident "of Merrion Square,
the adjoining residential area, raised
an outcry on account of the fumes
iron the factory, whereupon works
were established in England, and the
Lincoln Place premises were used as
a distributing center for Ireland. Mr.
Dunlop was often heard to deplore
the fact that Irish people did not
share in the benefits which an ever
increasing tire factory would have
brought to them. Tire Trade Journal.
I Outlook Is Bright
For Motor Business
i 1 1 1
Priming an Engine.
sprayed gasoline and facilitating the
To prime the engine for starting,
pour a mixture of high test gasoline
and ether into each cylinder through
the priming cups at the top. Then
The automotive industry is passing
through a period which will end in
the survival of the. fittest and the
demise of some weak concerns, while
those strongly entrenched will get a
firmer hold.
The close of 1921 found 105,988 more
motor cars in California than during
1920, despite the fact that 1921 was
a reconstruction year. This is re
vealed in figures compiled by the state
department of motor vehicles land
shows that there was no material
degree of depression in this line so far
Be Sore
Keep Off Rain or Snow.
limber up the engine with the crank
and starting will come easily.
Prevent cold drafts coming up
through the openings for the clutch
and brake pedals, by gluing a piece
of sheet rubber or leather to the
bottom of. the toe board, with merely
a slit for the pedal arm.
To prevent rain or snow from stick
ing to the windshield, mix about two
ounces of glycerin with one ounce of
water and a dram of salt. Apply this
to the glass with a cheesecloth. Wipe
In a vertical direction only, so that the
mixture will allow the rain to flow
down and off the glass.
Turn corners moiierately.
If the fan belt slips turn it insi
Change the water in the coolii
system weekly.
More accidents occur on straigi
highway stretches than at curves .
road Intersections.
The latest style passenger automi
biles are equipped with no fewer thai
14 electric lights.
Gasoline left standing for considern
able time, even if it be in a tank, wi.
lose Its Ignition efficiency.
Gear-shifting at the proper time an;
in the proper way saves racking th
entire mechanism of the car.
Motorists should stop when there 1
an accident, whether it be the opera
tor's fault or not, and render ail th
assistance possible.
A car should be kept out of the sui
until dry after being washed. Sun
light has a tendency to damage the
surface of a wet car by causing the
paint to check.
Death of J. B. Dunlop
Pneumatic Tire's Inventor
John Boyd Dunlop, aged 81 years,
commonly regarded as the inventor
of the pneumatic tire, died in Dublin,
Ireland, on October 25. He was a na
tive o f Scotland and came to Belfast,
Ireland to practice as a veternariaa.
Later he removed to Dublin.
Although his name has become a
household word in the world of cy
cling, motoring and road traction, the
inventor of the world-famed Dunlop
tire, except for a short period as di-
as California is concerned. The out
look for the future continues bright,
with promise of greater prosperity in
1922 than has been enjoyed for a
number of years.
There is also a splendid and growing
market in the orient for American
made motors and tires, which is
awaiting develonment.
International Starts
Price War on Ford
Harold F. McCorniack;, who has
been on a prolonged vacation, is back
in Chicago at the helm of the Inter
national Harvester Co., and will di
rect the price war against Ford. While
Pi lit iH-V V c 3 1
rV.V 74
he has made no definite statement as
to M3 future plans, big reductions
will soon be anounced.
Mr. Estes, the local International
Dealer has received a letter from his
firm, stating that he could expect
some of the biggest tractor news in
the history of the business in a very
short time.
The -International is giving as a
bonus, plows or other implements with
each sale and in this respect has been
followed by other firms.
Tractor dealers at the St Paul con
vention were much surprised at what
appears to be a price cutting contest
and many of them have expressed the
opinion that it could do no one any
good. However we venture to say
that the American farmer will loose
nothing in the battle. It is an ill wind
that blows no one any good and if
tractor prices had held anywhere near
the old level, the farmers under exist
ing conditions, could not have bought.
tonished by the announcement that
the prices of all models were cut from
$800 to fl200 per car.
It Is expected that the new o-wner
will put the concern on a dividend
paying basis.
"Fliver King" Buys
Big Motor Plant
uuoiHiing ::ioioi-isrs brought btiurt iialstrate Kisk in the iv.ii.. court,
Brooklyn, are punished in a rather novel manner. They are compelled to
listen to a blackboard lecture, delivered by Policeman John M. Finnerty on
traffic regulations and the rules of the road as shown in the photograph.
A shabby looking car advertises neglect. Let us
do your Re-Finishing.
Henry Ford, multi-millionaire car
manufacturer, purchased the plant
of the Lincoln Motor company last
week. It is a huge concern and man
ufactures high class cars.
The sale was conducted under bank
" tcy proceedings but the "Flivver"
...ard was the only bidder for the
huge concern. The price paid was
Ford claims to have bought this
property as a result of his friendship
for the owner of the Lincoln plant,
Henry M. Leland, and his family. The
former president will be retained in
Immediately after the purchase by
Ford, the automobile world was as-
Effective January 27, 1922.
Chassis, Regular . $405.66
Chassis, Starter $477.40
Chassis, Starter and Dentt. Rims $503.01
Runabout, Regular 1 $447.97
Runabout, Starter $520.86
Runabout, Starter and Demt. Rims . $546,89
Touring, Regular $478.17
Touring, Starter : $551.06
Touring, Starter and Demt. Rims $577.09
Sedan. ..r. 1 $787.42
Coupe $719.74
Truck... $554.25
Tractor . $492.85
O. B. Oregon City
Park-Shepher dMotor Co.
Main St. at 4th Oregon City Phone 355
Your battery may
seem to be so full of
life that you may con
clude everything is
O. K.
But it pays to be
sure, because batteries
sometimes die very suddenly,-
right when they
seem to be in the best
of health.'
Here at Battery
Headquarters we know
the facts before we tell
you either that your
battery is in good shape
or that it needs repairs
or replacement.
Everything's done
here according to Wil- .
lard National Stand
ards of Service.
Battery Rebuilding and Repairing.
Twelfth and Main' Oregon City, Ore.
Willard Storage
We carry the largest stock of genuine
Ford parts in this county and have a
practical and experienced mechanic in
charge. His advice on your repair prob
lems is free to you use it. For the
convenience of Chevrolet owners we
have prepared a list of all interchange
able Ford parts. Telephone us for quo
tations or advice on repair work.
At Elevator
Oregon City, Oregon
Phone 390
"Equipped to serve YOU best"
Dodge Brothers
Wouldn't you like to know where the u sed car you intend to buy came from
Who owned it in the first place
How did he use it and what care did h e give it.
These questions should be answered t o your satisfaction. Come in and look
over our stock of used Dodges. Everyo ne has a pedigree that guarantees your
ill iar9 Cms
PilliitbiJ Ore.
Every need of an autdmdbile
Capital Garage
Less Crawford, Prop.
County Health Association
February 14 to 28.
Do you know that in Your County, you have a Public
Health Association, that it's aim is to substitute Health and Vi
gor for Misery and Innefficiency, to keep well people well and
bring help to those who are sick?
Do you know that it employes as its special agent, a nurse
specially trained in Public Health work.
Clackamas County has, by actual county 59 diagnosed cas
es of Tuberculosis between the ages of 20 and 40; the efficiency
period of life. Its otner living cases total 119. " According to
the records of the State Board of Health, there were 7 deaths in
the County in 1920 and 19 death s in 1921.
The money spent thus far in this work was raised chiefly
through the sale of Christmas seals.
The Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and the
Willamette Valley Southern Railway Company have given free
transportation to the nurse. The County Court has donated of
fice space.
More money is needed. Y ou will be called upon to do your
share. 50 Cents will show your approval of this work, help fi
nance it and give you a controlling vote in governing its policies.