The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, February 02, 1922, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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Page Eight
Interesting Items From the Country Correspondents
Telling of the Progress, Development, and
Upbuilding of Social and Civil Life
A little snow and frost were with Friday night the Literary met and
us last week. . a very good time was had by all.
Miss Katty Hofstetter was taken to There was only a short program as the
the Oregon City hospital last Sat- new progiam committee has not yet
urday. Latest reports say she Is organized.
getting along very nicely. I Mrs- Smith Turner spent Wednes-
Mr. Solomon Glick is visiting with daT afternoon at the home of Mrs.
his sister, Mrs. George Hofstetter , Ernest Kruse.
Mrs. Peter Sorger, age 57 vears, ' Miss Melba Baker and brother, Lor-
was buried last Friday at the" local en spent the week-end with their
cemetery. Services were held at the si"uuiuiner, ivirs. j. u. ivruse.
Anglican church. Rev. Stajjts offic
ated. Mrs. Sager was a long-cime res
... Ident in our neighborhood. ,
The hope prevails amongst us that
the new road supervisor, Mr. R. Grif
fjths will make things hum around
here wonderfully this year. The
Buckner Hill needs considerable
work done. The grade should be fin
ished as per survey and crushed rock
should be laid on the road bed this
spring. Mr. Griffiths will do so,
the money can be obtained for the
George Gasser and sister, Clara, and
rani Clark from St. Johns, Ore., vis
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gasser
over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Steiner at Molalla the
other day.
Ben Elraer is in the Emanuel ho?
pital at Portland. He underwent an
oneration on his foot fher Two
years stro he hurt his foot in a trac
tor and was laid up for month3, but
his foot n-ver got well comp'efely. He
hones to get a permanent cure this
time. He is getting alon; very nicely
Fred Lindare is very busy in his
large orchard at present.
V V.- ; ev is gating tU.j iv.nnl in
priori t-'isoe to picrl a coaie of a''re
n rir.g'is-h waliiu'..
Mrs K. Kleins. xth of liie Su?ar
Maplf Toultry faim is ge'.t'n? rea'l
for the spring rush of delivering the'i Plymouth Rock babr chicks
and -.I'-pbred iggs for hatching S!ie
lia been sending out cat.alo.7ues l.'itt
ly Her methoc'-s are in ezery r.jspocl
mrrtcrn and no doubt thn very besi
in the county for poultry business.
Miso Moser from Red'ami Is visit
ins vilh Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bo'ic".
The following took in th3 F:-m Bn
r v:iu ni.-oting at Beaver Creek Mon
'lay: Mr. and Mrs. F. Ol.lenNu G
Oldi nburg, E. Berger, F. T indau A.
G.::se:- Julius Sfherve, Oct) Gnwr,
(. Kinsc, Mrs. Lizzie Ringx They en
joyed themselves wonderfull v. Tlie
ladies served a very fine dinner.
Mr. Lee Bly went to Mulino last
"Mrs Peter Faurie of Molalla was a
guest over nifeht at Bhssesh.onre lasi
Monday night.
The Ladies' Aid met at the home of
Mrs. Haloid Magness last Wednes
day afternoon.
. Mr. and i.iis. Jack Griffith and fam
ily and ivirs. Fred Spangler and fam
ily, spent bunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John It. Lewis.
Air. ivicliard Davis is taking his
daugmer, iimua of Oregon City to the
specialist in Portland every other day.
Telephone line 33 helped App Jones
put up his poles and line last week.
Mrs. John Calverly accompanied by
Minnie Emerson and Bill Edwards all
went to Oregon City last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed: Brown and fam
ily spent Sunday with relatives at
Beaver Creek.
Mr. Harold Magness went to town
Saturday and brought out a phone.
Mrs. John R. Lewis spent a few days
with friends in Portland last week.
Mrs. Nettie Jaggar and son, Fred,
was an Oregon City visitor last Saturday.
Hit. Fred Spangler entertained at
dinner last Monday evening in honoi
of her daughter Virginia's ninth birth
day. Those present were: Janet
and Richard Guilliam Elizabeth Shock?
ley, Francis and George Lewis, Gel
trude and Emily Griffith, John Leh
man, Helen and Virginia Spangler.
The people of Carus met at the
church last Wednesday evening to or
ganize a Community club. Fred
Spangler was elected president, Ed
Brown secretary. They will meet ev
ery fourth Wednesday at the Carus
church everybody being invited to at
tend. Mrs. John R. Lewis slipped and fell
on her porch, breaking her arm. She
was taken to Oregon City where a phy
sician reduced the fracture. At the
present time she is resting comfort
ably. '
Mr. Arthur Beach purchased a Max
well tourins car in Portland st week.
Mrs. Harold Magness calleu at Guil
liam's home Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Weisser enter
tained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Russell and daughter, Myrtle, of Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. George Ingram and
daughter, Grace, and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Magness.
Little Frances Lewis, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Even Lewis met with an
. accident by getting cut with an axe
across the face. She was taken to
Oregon City to the doctor, accompan
ied by Mrs. Jack Griffith and Fred
Mrs. George Bliss called at Gull-
liam's home last Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Thomas of Beaver-
Creek were guests at the Guil
liam home Monday evening.
William and Emerson Edwards split
and piled cordwood for Mr. George
Bliss last week.
Mr. M. Stevens called on Mr. Tk
Shockley Friday afternoon.
Quite a few young folks surprised
Albert Fisher last Monday evening in
; honor of his birthday. They all re
ported a good time.
Mr. App Jones sold pigs to the
Farmers' union last week.
Mr. George Bliss accompanied by
Mr and Mrs. Fredericks and son Al
vin, motored to Oregon City last Wed
nesday afternoon.
Mr. Howard Turner spent Sunday
with Willard Sharp.
Smith Turner and Gilbert Sharp
were Oregon City visitors Monday.
Saturday the Grange met and a very
enjoyable lime was had by everyone
present. The morning was spent in
a short business meeting and by giv
ing 28. the third and fourth degree.
After the initiation came dinner which
was enjoyed by 80 people. After the
dinner the meeting was again opened
and the time was spent in installing
the officers and a very good program
by the new lecturer. Mr. and Mrs.
Dickinson were invited to do the in
stalling. They were assisted by 01
lie Holton. The officers installed
were: Master, Ella Seedling; over
seer, Fred Elligsen; secretary, Etta V.
Barnes; treasurer. Sidney Seedling;
lecturer, Irvin Sharp; stewart, Hugh
Moulton; gatekeeper, Harry Gosser
assistant Stewart, Harold Sharp; lad v
assistant Stewart, Nola Turner; chap
lain, Louisa Kruse; Flora, Melba Bak
er; Ceres. Myrtle Aden and Pomona,
Eva Seedling.
Among the visitors from different
Granges were: Ollie Holton, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Gage, Eva Ray, Mrs. Gage.
Lloyd Borland; Cris Borland.. Harry
Borland, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Dickin
son of Oswego Grange, and Mrs. Moul
ton of Wilsonville Grange.
Mrs. Vogt and children of Stafford,
also Mr. and Mrs. A. Dilker and Chris
tina Delker visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Dick Oldenstadt Sunday.
Mrs. Otto Peters and little daughter
Marjorie Geraldine, came home troin
the hospital last week.
Ottis Kobbins is working for Mr.
Gould. Mr. Bobbins' mother has
moved up to Alfred Sharp's and in
tends to live there for some time.
Mr. Gould broke down with his
truck somewhere near Oswego Satur
day, ana was torced to walk home.
Dora Oldenstadt and brother George
attended the basketball game at Tu
alatin Saturday night.
a while in. the day time. We are! Lot 12, Block 7, A.
thankful for that we haven't the bliz- $40.00.
zard weather that the eastern states! 'Lot 13, Block 7. A.
Elmer Olsen of McMinnville is mak
ing a visit of some weeks at the home
of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
John Randolph.
Services were held at the church on
Sunday by Rev.. Young of Garfield.
The friends- and neighbors of Mrs.
Tom Jubb, Sr., were pained to learn
of her death on Friday morning, the
C. Hotchkiss, day of March, 1922, at the hour of
9:00 A. M. of said iay, at the front
door of the Town Hall, in the Town
of Milwaukie, Oregon, offer for sale
C. Hotchkiss,
Lot 6, Block 8. Nellie Kelland. $40.00
Lot 7, Block 8, Nellie Kelland, $40.00 and sell at public auction to the high
Lot 24, Block 8, Wm. E. & Sarah est bidder for cash, subject to redemp
Morand, $24.00. tion, the above described real proper
Lot 6 Block 11, C. E. Bogue, $40.00. ty. Each lot or parcel of land will
Lot 11, Block 11. C. E. Bogue, $40.00. be sold separately and for a sum equal
t,,,. ,.. t, ...n to but not exceeding the amount of
IjUL tt JDlUUtt. 11 O. Hj. DUgUtI, $1U.VU,
Lot 2,
Block 11, Samuel Grooms,
delinquent assessment thereon with in
terest and cost of advertising and sale
and penalty. Where more than one
Date of First publication, February
2nd, 1922.
Date of last publication. Mar. 2,
Marshal of Milwaukie, Oregon.
A membership campaign is under
way in the form of a contest
27th. in St. Jose. California at the ,
home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. ' "ne amount set opposite each lot bid is made the land will be sold to
Thompson. She leaves to mourn, four or Parcel of land is the amount of the bidder offering to take
daughters and two sons, three grand the unIaid assessment against said the same for the least amount of ppn-
At the regular meeting of the Wal-j
uga Civic club at the community!
house on Friday night the following
officers were elected for the'vear:
j Caroll McFarland, president; R. D.
Bangs, vice president; Herrick, sec-j
j retary-treasurer. !
Parkplace Shops Will Enlarge.
E H. Pauchy and W. W Buikhardt
plan to enlarge their blacksmith shop
in the near future. They will oper
ate a garage fully equipped for all
kinds of repair work in addition to
their present business.
Miss Dora Staehley, of the Central
Point district, spent the week-end
with relatives in Portland. She
is the daughter of Mr. A. Staeh
ley, who is one of the largest and most
progressive farmers of that district
children and two sisters. She was a j IroPerty-
i alty and interest.
As the twig is inclined
so the tree is bent
Comnetition will
kind and loving mother and a kind1 In compliance with said list of de- be: (1). Upon the penalty tor tne
and helpful neighbor, whose loss will linquent assessment and pursuant to first period; (2). Upen the penalty for
be felt for a long time. She came tre Charter of the Town of Milwau- the succeeding periods; (3). Upon the
here from California about 30 years kie, Oregon, I will on Monday, he 6th rate of interest,
ago. ! . .
Grandma Terril is still confined to'
her bed with a broken hip, we are
sorry that she doesn't gain, but is
getting weaker all the time. j
Mr. Ben Clark spent two weeks in
Viola. He came her,e to attend to the
auction that was held at his place.
There was quite a crowd and the
goods and stock sold pretty fair, but
not what they cost at first. He re
turned to Walla Walla on Thursday.
J. H. Sevies took him to Portland. j
Mr. Arthur Mattoon and his son, 1
Archie and wile and little son took
dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
wm. Mattoon. j
Mr. Evenson of Portland is moving
his Donkey engine from the mill here,
rie expects to ship it to Washington.
Wm. Hicinbotham is building a
garage and tool house for his father
ana sister, Mrs. A. D. Hughes.
Mrs. Hinman and son from Clack
amas took dinner at the home of Earl
riinman on Sunday. Little "Robert,
who has been spending a couple of
weeks with his grandmother, returned
to his home here with them.
There will be a Farm Bureau meet
ing at the church on Saturday even
ing, February 4th. Everyone is wel
There has been quite a lot of sick
ness with bad colds.
When your boy is old enough to spend his first
nickle he is old enough to save.
You can not begin too early to teach him the first
principles of thrift. Habits formed now will have
a tremendous effect on him in later years.
Bring him in today and let us meet him
Cold as January.
Weather prophets all frozen up.
Fine sleighing and very good skiing.
The literary drew a good crow and
an extra good program was presented.
The bridge gang put up a good
minstrel stunt at the Literary society
last Saturday night
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Funk were called
to Portland last week to attend the
funeral of Mr. Funk's sister.
Work, is still going on at the Boul
der Creek bridge in spite of the cold
weather. I
The beautiful bridge at Alder Creek
is very nearly done. It surely is a No.
1 structure, perfect in every way.
The cold weather calls for lots of
wood. Everybody has to keep the
home fires burning.
Now that January is gone we may
First National Bank
4 Per Cent Paid On Savings Deposits
512 MAIN STREET Oregon City, Ore.
(A M
X SAW X-SSrfc.
m i - - rr - 5 .T
We are still having winter weather
with some snow and freezing at night,
but most of the time the sun shines
It is said that work will soon begin
on a flume from Alder Creek to the
back water at the dam for the Sandy
Lumber Co.
Mr. Stanford Cox and family, who
for the past two years have been liv
ing On the M. M. Rllrfna nlono V,oc
moved on Matt Park's place recently exPect milder weather and more sun:
vacaiea Dy semojir Janiairs. -
W. z. Hight was out from Portland
last week doing some repair work on
nis place. .
Harry Bittner wife and little son,
Harold of Oregon City spent Saturday
night and part of Sunday at the C.
ilittner home.
Mrs. Hazel Vallen spent a few days
visiting her mother, Mrs. Freeman at
Oolton last week.
Mrs. Frank Bittner, accompanied by
his father, C. Bittner and uncle Geo.
Bittner, made a business trip to Port
land one day last week.
Mr. L. N. Vallen purchased a regis
tered pig of Mr. Kitching of Currins
ville last week.
Ed Hodgkiss sold 5 hogs to parties
in Portland last week.
-Mrs. Knoll's spent last week im
Portland, she being a seamstress is
frequently called to Portland to sew.
Mr. S. W. Jones spent a few days
in Oregon City last week.
Miss Claire Say returned to her
school last week feelin g fine since
her operation.
Mr. and Mrs. John Park, Sr., are
quite poorly again.
This continuous freezing and snowy
weather is sure getting the best of
fall sown grain, feed and wood piles.
National Consruatnry
0f MVL&tt
Same faculty under new management
We teach piano, violin, guitar, steel guitar, banjo, mandolin,
""Saxa"phone and all band instruments
Studios, Main Street
Over Liberty Theater
Oregon City
This new
gum delight!
young and old,
It "melts in your
mouth" and the sum in the
center remains to aid digestion,
brighten teeth and soothe mouth
and throat.
There are the other WRIGLEY
friends to choose from, too:
Notice is hereby given that the Re
corder of the Town of Milwaukie, Ore-!
gon, has transmitted to me the fol-1
lowing list of delinquent assessments
against the property herein described, j
situated in the Town of Milwaukie, I
County of Clackamas and state of Ore-'
gon, for the improvement of 32nd
Street from the south line of Elmer;
Street to the north line of Wister
Street, to-wit:
Quincy Addition to Milwaukie:
Lot 5, Block 7. W. A. Ham, $40.00.
Lot 8, Block 7. W. A. Hari, $40.Q0
Lot 9, Block 7, Philip Stieib, $40.00
Harry Greaves for Insurance
Life - - Fire
Sick and Accident
Auto - Plate Glass
Farm Buildings
and Crop
Rooms 203-204 Oregon City
inaisirri i ill
rttmm i. .mi-. .. 5gTm?777V-'773g?7rW7W7
"aPvI r I rails iransreroc storage ao.
JfjEjJ k: - 3 I Building Material 110 Fifth St.
Umbrellas repaired, s5 g It' ' V Jfl a
saws filed and set, )i f h .'. 1 I CEMENT off. p.
soldering. J&&& fl rMMI -- - ' 1 LIME Office Phone 151
OXY-WELDING M3J co'Sa - Res. Phone 6FH
FIXUM SHOP I LfiSEl : ..ffi J
I Opposite Library on 7th St. I I .J2 ' ' -j "-4'iQ?
I f'JJy I
PRICE NOW $96.00 1
rust rtfsting 1
Handre always i I
Dependable Poultry Feeds
Are a large factor in successful poultry farming.
We carry a large and complete stock of poultry sup
plies and grain at prices which compare very favor
ably with pre-war times.
Larson & Company
10th and Main
Oregon City
. Durable B2 pound burner
without wicks or wick subst
tutes. Lights instantly. More
economical than coal, wood or
gas. Heat directly, under
cooking utensil.
. Positive valve" control regu
lates heat like city gas. A
quick hot fire or a slow steady
by simply turning valve.
. Double flue oven bakes per
fectly as fast as a gas range.
Linings are
Glass doors,
Oonvenient, full length high
shelf. Fuel supply back of
stove. Double tank makes re
filling easy.
Black enamel finish requires
no blacking. Easily cleaned
with a dry cloth. All nickel
parts highly polished Gas
stove appearance.
If you need lumber come in and see us or phone
us. We will get it to you. Full loads, 2000 ft
or more delivered any time. Part loads every
Thursday. Have your order in by Wednesday
noon. i
. - B
Hogg'BiroSo j
Phone 63 16 and Main Oregon City