THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1922. Page Seven A News Item from Last Week's Banner-Courier: C C STORE IS BADLY DAMAGED BY FIRE 10RE THAN $30,000.00 :T"d3 " XNa Q l Firemen Battle Smoke and Flame for More Than Two Hours DAMAGE IS $10,000.00 Blaze Started In Rear of Second Story Goods Damaged Chiefly by Smoke and Water At the sound of the fire alarm on Tuesday night at 9:30 o'clock, a crowd of people quickly gathered at Main and Tenth streets where they saw smoke and flames issuing forth from the rear of the C. C. Store. The firemen with the truck and apparatus were on hand promptly and soon at work try ing to locate and conquer the flames. The fire had gotten in to the walla and there being no wind It kept well within the anteroom and kitchen until very recently used by several of the local lodges. And with smoke thoroughly filling the building and issuing from all the windows in the upper story the firemen worked over two hours before they were satis fied that there was no more danger of outbreak. The back part of the upper floor is badly burned, the main hall is - disfigured by smoke while the stock of goods be longing to the C. C. Store own ers is badly damaged by smoke and water, J. C. Cochran, manager of the store estimates the loss on goods between five and ten thousand dollars, and John Knapp, owner of the building, places the damage to the build ing at from three to five thous and. Both merchandise and building were only partially Insured. The C C Store's 1 WORTfl OF GOODS SLIGHTLY DAMAGED BY SMOKE AND WATER Thousands and thousands of doDars worth of goods including shoes, dry goods, woolen and cotton dress goods, underwear, ladies coats and dresses, hosiery, men's wear, notions, have been slightly damaged by smoke and water. Some goods have only received a drop or two of water, other goods are slightly discolored by smoke. But all these are considered damaged, and everything will be so marked down as to be almost given away. t 4 ' 1 LJ i -- - i - -J r a--Afl n UJ In r i 4 WMMwwittiiwririiMriMiM FO 1 39 o We are not going to quote any prices or offer any baits to get you to buy. If we were to list every article that we have reduced the price on it would require a sheet ten times the size of this one. The Insurance Companies have paid us for our loss and we can afford to make big cuts in the price of our goods. This is a gen uine Fire Sale and we have cut the price on every article in our store in order to move them. EVERY a m Tin IT REDUCED Remember Date 1 he OEt&GOFJ CITY, MK. Til P SIC "l1 Mali