Page Six THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1922. AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK NEWS Up-to-date Information to Help Develop Progressive Farming FARM REMINDERS Spring planting of vetch is success ful only when planting is done early. Planting after March 1 i. likely to produce a low yield. O. A. C. Experi ment station. Persons desiring to plant potatoes in February for early use should use whole seed, as cut seed rots in a cold, wet soil. Little is usually gain ed, however, by extremely early planting. O. A. C. ' Experiment sta tion. Will the pullets be laying next fall when the price of eggs is highest? A definite hatching plan now and pro vision for carrying out the schedule will help toward that end. O. A. C. Experiment station. White Globe Turnip Best The pomeranian white globe turnip out-yields all other varieties by two tons per acre for late summer and early fall seeding finds the branch ex periment station at Astoria. This var iety has better keeping qualities and a much longer feeding period than the commonly grown cowhorn variety. These results apply to all coast coun ties. Auto Tires Beat Thorns An old inner tube from a large sized auto tire is useful when pruning black raspberries. The berry canes should be drawn together partly and tied with binder twine so that they afford mutual support " after which they should be pruned back to a height of about 30 inches. By draw ing the tube over the left arm and cutting it just beyond the hand good protection from thorns may be had during the pruning. O. A. C. Experi ment station. ' Fertilizer Orders Due Prices on fertilizers should be ob tained at once so that orders may be placed without delay. Land plaster should be applied as soon as the first warm weather comes. Other fertiliz ers may be applied after plowing, but as soon afterwards as possible in or der to allow the materials to go into solution in time to be effective for the first crop. Quantity orders of limestone will be necessary if the state plant is to continue in operation, and the price will depend largely, it is said, on the volume of output. O. A. C. Experiment station. Spray Material Calculated In figuring the amount of spray ma terials needed allow 200 gallons of dilute spray mixture for each acre of trees 9 to 12 years old. The average dilution of winter strength lime-sul-i'ur is 12 to 100, hence to find out the gallons of stock solution needed multiply the number of acres, by 24 to get an approximate estimate. For the delayed dormant spray multiply by 7. About four pounds of arsenate of lead per acre are needed and one should figure on making four appli cations a year. Thus, multiplying acres by 16 will give a good estimate. O. A. C. Experiment station. Order Seed Corn Now Because of early frosts last fall much seed corn was injured, and farm ers expecting to grow that crop should obtain their seed at once to be sure of getting good seed. In se lecting ears from home grown sup plies take those that are well matur ed, sound, and medium tough. Avoid loose or discolored ears and those having shredded shanks, as these may be diseased. O. A. C. Experiment station. SILO IS FOUND BIG AID TO STOCKMEN The silo is rapidly becoming rec ognized as a necessary part of farm equipment in every section of the state. It formerly was thought that the silo was best adapted to dairy districts, but the experience of lead ing farmers shows that it is equally profitable for range cattle and sheep operation. In most places the cost of fattening steers on a ration of hay and ensilage has been found to be just one-half the 3. F. Scripture GENERAL BLACKSMITHING All kinds of repairing, plow grinding. Automobile and Truck Springs Repaired HORSESHOEING Phone 276-W 108 Fifth Millers Shoe Store Men's and Boys' Shoes, Gloves, Laces, Shoe Polish, Oils and Greases EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING Main Street Opposite Post Office Insure with your Home Companies PACIFIC STATES for business risks McMINNVILLE or FARMERS MUTUAL for residence and country properties E. H. COOPER & SON Bank of Oregon City Bldg., . Phone 366 cost of a hay ration alone. Almost as outstanding results , are obtained from feeding ensilage to stock cattle being wintered. Many sheepmen have found that on the average a ton of ensilage equals two to three tons of hay in feeding value. Ensilage thus increases the livestock carrying capacity of their land and reduces the cost of livestock production. SEVEN SPRAYING OPERATIONS FOR ORCHARD TREES Seven spraying operations are nec essary for success in commercial or chard practice, reporetd H. P. Barss, professor of botany and plant pathol ogy, in a Farmers' week address and not one of these can be omitted. The man with a small planting on a gen eral farm usually can not take time for so many spraying's, but he can produce a fair grade of fruit with three applications of the proper spray materials at the proper time. "The three most common apple diseases are 6cab, codling moth and the scales, oyster shell and San Jose," said Professor Barss. "Moss is a com mon pest in this section but if the regular sprayings are made it will cease to be a factor. If scale is once htoroughly controlled, yearly spray ing for it will not be necessary. Apple scab is caused by a fungus which at tacks both leaves and fruit, and win ters on the dead leaves and may be controlled by shallow plowing or by burning the leaves. A rainy period is favorable to spore production. "In the home orchard the first spraying should be made just before the blossoms come out, and consists of lime sulphur 1-30. The next should come after the petals fall and the third a monht later. The exact srtength of sprays is not so vital as the thoroughness of application. "Anthracnose may be controlled by the application of Bordeaux 4-4-50. Have it on the trees when the fall rain3 start," says Professor Barss. "Brown rot on prunes may be reduced by the use of Bordeaux 4-4-50, also by thinning so the fruits do not touch. Trees which are well pruned and which admit light and air do not offer a favorable home for fungi. Mummi fied prunes should be burned or buried as the fungus winters on these. "Four gallons, of spray liquid will be necessary for an ordinary tree and from seven to nine gallons for a large tree. Professor Barss emphasized that every part of the tree must be covered to make spraying most effect ive. IMPROVED ROADS SUFFICIENT TO ENCIRCLE THE EARTH What the new Federal highway ap propriation to be expended under the direction of the Bureau of Public Roads, United States Department of Agriculture, will mean to the country is accurately gauged in a synopsis prepared by the bureau, showing the use to which the $275,000,000 previous ly appropriated by Congress has been put Up to December 31, $212,077,246 had been rut to work in projects either entirely complete or under construction. To match that amount the States appropriated $285,379,312, See George For GROCERIES AND MEAT Georges Cash Store CARVER St Between Main and Water Sts. making a total of $497,456,558. If placed end to end the roads to be paid for by this money would en circle hte earth at the Equator and extend as far as from New York to San Francisco on the second lap. The total mileage of roads under construc tion and completed, the department's records show, was approximately 27, J00 miles. Of this mileage 9,555 miles was in projects entirely' completed. The balance of 17,445 miles was in projects which were still under con struction but reported 69 per cent joplete October 31. In those projects .here was the equivalent of 12,000 miles of completed roads, so that the completed road to date was more than 21,000 miles, or nearly enough to en circle the globe. Prior to 5 years ago the Federal Government took no active part in the road construction of the country. To day about one-half of all roads under construction are being aided financial ly by the Federal Governent, and the construction is subject to inspection and approval of Federal engineers. Poultry Pointers. It is surprising the large percentage of farmers and poultry raisers who do not take advantage of the broiler jnar- ket. This is the poultry raisers' greatest opportunity for making mon ey. Broilers weigh from 1 1-2 to 2 1-2 pounds. The highest price comes in March and is often as high as 60 to 70 cents a pound at that time. Chicks hatched in January, February and March can be developed into the broiler size in from eight to ten weeks. Just think of the opportunity lost by the poultry raiser who does not sell broilers. In most instances it pays to ship the broilers direct to the commission houses in the city. The coops are returned at a small expense, usually from 15 to 25 cents each. This extra profit pays the poultrymen well for his work. Hatching early chicks is done more successfully with incubators, as few hens want to begin to set at that time, besides the profit in the hen is in keeping her laying high , priced eggs at this time of the year. If you have never practiced hatching early chicks for broilers, try it this year, using at least a small size incu bator. Those who have once sold early broilers seldom fail to repeat it the following season. The early cricks are kept comfort able if given a snug brooder house and a common sense kind of brooder. OREGON INDUSTRIES Weekly Record of Industrial Conditions Gleaned From Re liable Sources Over The State Mining activity is increasing, log ging camps are opening, wool clips are Neldon's Watch Shop Is headquarters for railroad men's watch repairing and inspecting. Also every make of bracelet and wrist watch repaired. All work warranted and prices reasonable FRANK NELDON EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER 425 Main at 5th Street Harry Greaves Life - - Fire Farm Buildings Sick and Accident and Crop Auto - Plate Glass Insurance WE PAY MASONIC Rooms Phone 273 Tex SLovall's Transfer Local and Long Distance Hauling Furniture and Piano Moving Office, Depot Barber Shop Office Phone 177W Just make an experiment of keeping your account at this bank for a month or so, and see if you do not find It more convenient and satisfactory. We want farmers' accounts even though small, as the bank i3 run by farmers for the special con venience and benefit of the farmers in this locality. Four (4) paid CARVER STATE BANK THOS. F. RYAN, President THOS. E. ANDERSON, Vice. Pres. R. E. LOOMIS, Cashier The Latest Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent few- ; moving, railroads are placing equip t ment orders, building continues to in i crease whil price of commodities arid ' wages are slowly but surely returning I to normal levels. With indication for !.tax reductios, ln922 promises better things for industries. Tax reduction Convention called at Portland, March 20. Toledo $25,000 corporation formed to improve housing conditions. Move started to consolidate Port land and Multnomah county. Tillamook New 50-mile mail route will accomodate 1300 people Feb. 1. Eugene steam laundry employes 30 people. Albany considers erection of city hall. Wheeler county tax rate, 6 mills over 1921. Gardiner sawmill making $10,000 improvement. Single tax measure to be forced on ballot in 1922. Astoria Carpenters cut wages for 8-hour day to $7.00. Albany 2300 drainage district be ing formed. Union and Jackson counties refuse to enforce dog tax law. Eugene cigar factory manufactures 500,000 choice cigars yearly. Madras Bids called for 4,000,000 irrigation project. Albany Annual report of city li brary shows marked growth. Prairie City Ledge of-jade opened up. Albany Local theater installs big new pipe organ. Ashland 1921 building activities show growth of 50 per cent over 1920. Tillamook county has $425,000 avail able for road purposes. During 1921, total of 118,615 motor vehicles, including passenger and com mercial cars, and 3146 motorcycles were registered and licensed in Ore gon. Electric waffle iron factory started in Portland. La Grande Union county has sold $400,000 road bonds. Oregon exports for the first 11 months of 1921 increased to $62,500, 700, a gain of 12 per cent. Washing ton exports fell off 55 per cent and San Francisco 45 per cent. Mining products fell of 48 per cent in silver $242 in gold and 88 per cent in cop per compared to 1920. Corvallis First annual course in cannery at agricultural college starts Jan. 30 and includes actual demon stration work. Aumsville Co-operative flax indus try gets 300 acres for five years. Cottage Grove cannery pays 20 per cent to stockholders. Roseburg County orders one mile Garden Valley highway pr.d. Salem Valley flax and hemp grow ers have 1,000 acres pledged for 5 years to establish fiber industry. Portland to load 2,000,000 feet lum ber for Atlantic coast Wallowa to have new sidewalks. Warrenton Clay pottery plant in operation. Toledo &SawmilI to run full capac- ity employing 300 men. ! Remaining uncruised timber in Douglas county to be cruised. Roseburg New street paving com pleted. New mining company incorporated. Property embraces 1500 acres placer ground in Josephine county. for Insurance BUILDING 203-204 Oregon City 222222222Z??2S2?5 Oregon City, Oregon Residence 31 3 M 2 I on time deposits, I Astoria- ships nearly half million cases salmon this year. v Elmira Noti road to receive $48, 000 improvements. 1 Astoria Baptists to erect new church. -Crane looking forward to early re ; sumption of work on Strahorn rail ! road nrth and east of city. Lane county appropriates $5,000 for improvement of Alvadore-Coyote ; road. j Portland Construction work to 1 start soon on $250,000 Shrine hospital for crippled children. North Bend plans $5,000 community hall. Gasoline is the one article that shows steady increase in consumption in the United States. The record crossed five billion gallons in 1921. H. V. Piatt, General Manager, Ore gon Short Line announces curtailment of train service on ten branch lines on account of constantly suffered losses over this mileage, not paying opera tion. Course in Commercial Cannery Work Jan. 30 the Oregon Agricultural Col lege puts on its first annual course of study and practical demonstration in cannery operation. The canning industry is one of the great factors of prosperity for both country and city population and tarih ed people are needed. The State college will handle scien tific processes ad the chemistry or preserving and the practical opera tions of canning. The American Can Co. will demon strate the machine processes of cook ing and sealing cannery products at the college. Men or women can take this five weeks' course and at. small expense equip themselves technically to take cannery jobs. BANNER THOUGHTS IN POETRY The following poem is descriptive of conditions upon the Admirals Ship during Columbus' first voyage across the then unknown waters to the New World. Its great lessons are cour age, determination, faith. Editor. The Time to Boy Is when others are not buying when money is rather close and prices are low. When spring opens there is always a buyers' rush, and prices always follow demand. If you want a city home, a farm or any property, look them over now and save mone.y. Come in and see what I have. Insurance that Insures Seven strong companies, fire, accident, burglary, forgery, causality, auto. E. LTEEPLE 719 12 Main, Oregon Or. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS Pacific Phone, Office 52; Res. 304-M CHARLES T. SIEVERS LAWYER Caufield Bldg. OREGON CITY, OREGON Mr. Farmer, The Banner-Courier is anxious to do your printing. No print is too large and none is too small to receive Satisfactory Ser vice and Best Qualit;' printery. Guaranteed" Tire Repairs 7.500 Mile Fabric 10,000 Mile Cord Northwest Tire Shop 407 Main Next Electric Hotel PAUL C. FISCHER Attorney at Law Oregon City, Oregon Beaver Building Phones: Office 348 Residence 1F2 O. D. Eby ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Over Bank of Oregon Cy OREGON CITY, OREGON Phone 358J Res. Phone 477R See JOE ORMAN For Fine Tailoring ANDRESEN BLDG. TRY THE BANNER KELLOGG MERCANTILE AGENCY 17 and 18 Beaver Bldg. Oregon City, Oregon COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS WE GET THE MONEY AND SO WILL YOU Turn your old accounts and notes Into cash. Special correspondents and attorneys in all Cities and Towns in the United States and Canada "Behind him lay the gray Azores Behind him the gates of Hercules. Before him not the ghost of shores Before him only shoreless seas. The good mate said, "Now must we pray For lo, the very shores are gone. Brave admiral, speak and say." He said, "Sail on, sail on, and on." 2. "My men grow mutinous day by day. My men grow ghostly, wan and weak." The stout mate thought of home, a spray Of salt wave washed his swarthy cheek. "What t)hail I gay brave Admiral Bay If we sight nought but seas at dawn?" "Why you shall say at break of day Sail on, Sail on, Sail on and on. 3. They sailed and s ailed as winds might blow. Until at last the blanched mate said, "Why now not even. God would know Should I and all my men fall dead. These very winds forget their way For God from these dread seas is :-: CLASSIFIED ADS :-: Advertisements In these columns are inserted at the rate of one cent per word. No advertisement will be charged for less than 25 cents. STRAYED 10 head cattle; also 1 brindle cow with chain on horns. Brand P. S. on right flank. Address J. L. Smithson, Molalla, Oregon. Beaver Creek Poultry Farm, Phone 22-15. White Leghorn baby chicks from vigorous free range, high egg producing stock. Taking orders for March delivery. Chicks $16.00 hun dred, eggs J7.00 per hundred. l-26-2tp. FOR SALE Toggerberg milk goat. 2 year-old. W. E. Cromer, Estacada, Oreg., R. No. 3. l-26-2tp NO. 1 RUSSEL MILL All complete 40 hp. engine, 40 hp. boiler, 3 head block carriage, open 49 inches, 2 saws lower and upper, lower 48 In., upper 36 in., 1 cutoff saw, one log haul, one log turn, all belting and pullies needed. A. J. Martin, Hoff. Ore., Phone Beaver Creek 19251. l-26-2t-PD CONCRETE WORK All kinds includ ing sidewalks and basements. Chim neys repaired. M. Long, Telephone i 264-R - 4-28 If' REGISTERED BREEDING STOCK Big ipe Poland and Duroo Jersey Swine. Young stock for sale. DIMICK STOCK FARM. IS YOUR SIGN in keeping with your Business? Robertson Sign Co., Ore gon City. WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars . D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE Ten horse power steam Russel traction engine, at Mulino, Oregon, for $300 cash. Adress J. F. Dix, Parkplace Lumber yard, or phone 723W. Oregon City. 1-19-22 2t. P. D. GEO. HOEYE Chiropractor Phone 636W Caufield Bldg. Oregon City, Ore. Wm. Stone ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Beaver Building OREGON CITY, OREGON W. H. NELSON BLACKSMITH Will be pleased to see old friends and customers at his new location on 5th W. G. H. Krueger CONTRACTOR House Moving, Raising and Repairing Concrete, Brick and Hollow Tile Construction Estimates Given Phone 607, Res. 1625 Washington St LOANS Money loaned for you or to you at current rates. Farm loans only. GRANT B. DIMICK Oregon City, Oregon Holman & Pace FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS Seventh and Water Sts. Tel. 86 -COURIER WANT ADS gone. Now speak, brave Admiral, speak and say:" He said, "Sail on, sail on, and on." 4. They sailed and sailed then spake the mate:' "This mad sea shows his teeth to night He curls his lip, he lies in wait. With lifted teeth as if to bite; Brave Admiral, say but one good word. What shall I do when hope is gone?" The words leapt like a leaping sword: "Sail on, sail on, and on." 5. Then pale and worn he paced his deck. And peered through darkness. Oh that night of all dark nights. And then a speck, a light, a light, at last a light. It grew a starlight flag unfurled. It grew to be times' burst of dawn. He gained a world. He gave that . world Its grandest lesson On, sail on. Banner-Courier for the remainder of this year for $1.00 for cash this month. Subscribe now. CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE W. W. Harris, Phone Beaver Creek 1-4. 2-2-9L SECOND HAND GOODS Bought and sold, Stoves and Ranges,- Buffet and a Thousand and one other articles in daily use we have on hand. We Buy Everything and Pay Cash for same. J. H. Mattley, 914 - 7th St. FOR SALE 1700 lb. Team, harness and wagon; 1100 lb. mare; 950 lb. mare; Ford truck, chain drive; 3 ahoates, 1 sow. Tel. Redland 710. McFarlane Bros., 1 mile South of Carver. 2-2-3t-PD. LOTS WANTED In Gladstone or Oregon City. Will give a $1,000 equity in new 4-room house in the Woodstock district in Portland. Lo cated on good county road, modern in every way, including plumbing fixtures, electricity, gas, full con crete basement, garage and other improvements. Total value $3,000. Balance of $2,000 due at rate of $25 per month plus 6 per cent in terest. Inquire of R. E. Read, at Banner-Courier office. 4t BABY CHICKS For Sale S. C. White Leghorns from heavy laying strain. $15.00 per hundred. H. Cunning ham, Holmes Ave., Oregon City, phone 15F12. tf. FOR SALE 1000 Frlit Trees and Rose Bushes, apples, pears, prunes plums, and peaches, one and two year olds, 25 cents each, H. J. Big ger, Oregon City Greenhouse. - Nov. 17-tr. FOR SALE One old "Trusty" Incu bator, 210 egg, also one Buckeye, 210 egg. First class condition, Ore gon City, Route 5, S. E. Gatrs. FOR SALE Single comb R. I. Reu cockerels. Full blood, line brea, trap nested. 5 each. Also couple young toulouse ganders. $4 each. "Wahoo Ranch", W. S. Danwalt, Clackamas, Ore. Route 1, Box 52B. Jan. 12-t-PD C. D. & D. C. Latourette AND EARL LATOURETTE Atorneys-at-Law Estates settled Money loaned Prac tice in all Courts of the U. S. First National Bank Building OREGON CITY, ORE. Phone Pacific 405 Dr. L. G. Ice DENTIST Oregon City SCHUEBEL & BEATTIE ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW 6 Per Cent State School Money To .Loan on Farms. General Practice Bank of Oregon City Building Oregon City, Oregon WM. GARDNER OPTICIAN, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER 719 Main Street Oregon City, Ore. JOE A. BURCH Automobile Tops Upholstering Side Curtains Accessories FURNITURE Furniture Manufacturing Upholstering and General Repairing Paints and Finishing Material 7 Phone 57 1017 Seventh St Oregon City, Ore. MONEY TO LOAN Paul C. Fischer Beaver Bldg. Oregon City Fhliabls Abstracts If you are thinking of making a loan or selling your property, come in and see us about an ab stract. We try to give prompt and efficient service. Oregon City Abstract Co. Opopsite Court House OREGON CITY, OREGON 7?