Page Eight THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1921 The Careful Housewife Knows that to secure the best results she must have table supplies of uniform high quality. The most particular will find it a pleasure to buy at FARR BROTHERS Meat Market and Grocery Phone 68 Monroe and Seventh Streets Oregon City CLASSIFIED ADS Advertisements in these columns are inserted at .the rate of one cent per word. No advertisement will be charged for less than 25 cents. FOR SALE Ten White Leghorn Breeding Cockerels, of February Hatch, trap nested stock. Enqire George H. Bannon, Oregon City. WANTED TO BUY A single horse farm wagon. Must be cheap. En quire, George . H. Bannon, Oregon City. FOR SALE Young Team of Mares, weight 2S00 lbs. Kind and true pull ers. C. A. Doane, Aurora, Ore. Rt 1. At Rames Station, Molalla Branch. 1-19-lt pd. BABY CHICKS For Sale S. C. White Leghorns from heavy laying strain. $15.00 per hundred. H. Cunning ham, Holmes Ave., Oregon City, phone 15F12. tf. WANTED Split cedar posts standard size. State price, delivered one mile east of Gladstone. F. J. Covert, Jennings Lodge, P. .0. Box 329. 2t.-Pd. Friday LIBERTY THEATRE Saturday Alice Calhoun in "THE LITTLE MINISTER" Adapted from this Famous Novel by JAMES M. BARRIE Thousands Have Enjoyed the Book Now Is YOUR Chance to See the Picture In Addition Bert Levy Vaudeville Browning and Moore In (NOT SO ORDINARY) George and Billy Burdell (That Comedy Pair) In "MIXOLOGY" "FALSE ALARM" A Chester Conkliri Comedy PRICES 25c and 35c -SUNDAY- Tom Mix in "SKV HIGH" and Bert Levy Circuit Vaudeville FOR SALE 50 empty Bee Hive I Honey Extractor and wax press. " Widmar, 16th and Division Sts, Oi" gon City Jan. 5-3t. P. D. CONCRETE WORK All kinds includ ing sidewalks and basements. Chim neys repaired. M. Long, Telephone 264-R -28 " FOR SALE House and 10 lots in Mt. . Scott View, Portland; 7-room mod ern house, orchard, $3500. Inuire at 725 Gasco Bldg., Portland. Chas. Roher, care J. C. Penney Co, Ore gon City. REGISTERED BREEDING STOCK Big xpe Poland and Duroc Jersey Swine. Young stock for sale. DIMICK STOCK FARM. IS YOUR SIGN in keeping with your Business? Robertson Sign Co., Ore gon City. ' WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch . for sale. State cash 'price, full particulars . D. F. Bush. Minneapolis, Minn. LOTS WANTED In Gladstone or Oregon City. .Will give a $1,000 equity in new Woom house in the Woodstock district in Portland. Lo cated on good county road, modern , in every way, including plumbing fixtures, electricity, gas, full con crete basement, garage and other improvements. Total value $3,000. Balance of $2,000 due at rate of $25 per month plus 6 per cent in terest. Inquire of R. E. Read, at Banner-Courier office. 4t Three furnished rooms to rent, nice comfortable rooms with piano, 501 Water St., A. Olson. lt-p.h FOR SALE 1000 Frlit Trees and Rose Bushes, apples, pears, prunes, plums, and peaches, one and two year olds, 25 cents each, H. J. Big ger, Oregon City Greenhouse. Nov. 17-tr. FOR SALE One old "Trusty" Incu bator, 210 egg, also one Buckeye, 210 egg. First class' condition, Ore gon City, Route 5, S. E. Gatrs. FOR SALE Single comb R. I. Reu cockerels. Full blood, line "brea, trap nested. 5 each. Also couple young toulouse ganders. $4 each. "Wahoo Ranch", W. S. Danwalt, Clackamas, Ore. Route 1, Box 52B. Jan. 12-t-PD COUNTY AGENT WANTED for "National" Silos. Most complete line of silos produced by any manu facturer. A live agent can make from one to two thousand dollars during the season. Reply in writing to the National Tank and Pipe Co., Portland, Ore. FOR SALE Choice Duroc Jersey sows and gilts, bred to rarrow in March and April.. Bred to A. Sen sation Boar. Geo. DeBok, Oregon City, Oregon. Farm at Willamette, JOURNAL BARGAIN RATES Daily Sunday, per year $7.50 Daily only, per year $5.00 Sunday only $2.75 Weekly $-.75 Sunday and Weekly $3.25 JOURNAL AGENT, 8th and Main Oregon City JOE A. BURCH Automobile Tops Upholstering Side Curtains Accessories FURNITURE Furniture Manufacturing Upholstering and General Repairing Paints nd Finishing Material Phone 57 1017 Seventh St Oregon City, Ore. GREATEST FRANK BUSCH (& SONS' SAL tarts Saturday, JAN. 21 FOR A FINAL WIND-UP AND WHIRLWIND FINISH TO A SALE THAT HAS NO EQUAL! ANYWHERE. Frank Busch & Sons' epoch-making announcement spread broadcast by news papers and circulars has caused universal wonderment and surprise at the sensational bargains offered, and people are coming from every part of the valley to buy ! Buy ! ! Buy ! ! It told of our determination to unload and turn into cash regardless of any loss incurred. It seems as though all the people of Oregon City and thousands from outlying parts have availed themselves of the bargains offered by Oregon City's, Clackamas County's, in fact, Oregon's greatest Hardware and Furniture Sale. Many people have asked how long will this Sale continue? To those and to others that have failed to take advan tage of this wonderful opportunity, let us say this is your last and only chance, as this Sale opens Saturday, January 21st, for the last and "final big drive, and closes Saturday evening, January 28. SATURDAY'S BIG SPECIAL -GRANITEW ARE Val To Daily Specials for Week of January 23 to 28 SAVE THTS AD FOR YOUR DAILY REFERENCE DANGERS OF A COLD Oregon City People Will Do Well to Heed Them IRONING BOARDS ALUMINUM TEA KETTLES 980 750 MONDAY, JANUARY 23rd, "we will sell to any- TUESDAY, JANUARY 24th, we will sell to any one making a purchase of $2.00 or over, in any one making a purchase of $2.00 or over, in any department, 48-inch spruce top Folding Ironing department, good size, excellent quality Alumi- Boards, worth $3.50, for . 98c num Tea Kettles, worth $3.00, for 75c (Limit one to a customer) (Limit one to a customer) ALUMINUM PERCULATORS ALUMINUM SAUCE PANS 490 490 wnisIlwsnAv t a XTTT a uv 9km, , . i, t THURSDAY, JANUARY 26th, we will sell to any- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25th. we Will sell to one making a purchase ?2.00 or over, in any anyone making a purchase of $2 00 or over in department, set of three Aluminum Sauce Pans, any department, excellent quality, guaranteed for , 49 ' Alumnium Percolator for 49c Em'oeli to7ome"r) (Limit one to a customer) ' ALUMINUM ROUND ROASTERS BROOMS 490 50 tt,ax- tamttat ,,,v SATURDAY, JANUARY 28th, we will sell to any- FRIDAY, JANUARY 27th, we will Bell to anyone one making a purchase of $2.00 or over, in any making a purchase of $2.00 or over, in any depart- department, a good House Broom, while 200 of ment, $2.50 Aluminum Round Roasters for 49c them last, for r. 5c (Limit one to a customer) (Limit one to a customer) ' AND BEST OF ALL EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED NOTHING RESERVED Many bad cases of kidney trouble result from a cold or chill. Congested kidneys fall behind in filtering the poison-laden blood and backache, headache, dizziness and disordered kidney action follow. Don't neglect a cold. Use Doan's kidney trouble. Follow this Oregon City resident's example : J. W. Saunders, 707 - 10th St, says: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills for a good number of years and always found them to be a good remedy. I had attacks of kidney complaint caus ed by colds settling on my kidneys, and at times I could hardly straight en, my back was so lame and stiff. I felt miserable and my kidneys acted too frequently at times but I used ; Doan's Kidney Pills for these attacks ; and they j elieved the aches and pains : and put m.r kidneys in good order." i 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn uo., Mirs.. Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. We do printing of all kinds at the Banner-Courier the best workman ship at lowest prices. Price Bros. Department Store Oregon City, Ore. The Best Place to Shop After All 7th at Main Mm ME IVT They Have Just J V Fresh, Spring Models - Two Big Shipments of Suits and we are going to put them in the Clearance Sale at the Reduced Prices $15.75 and $25.75 Suits at $ 15.75 A heavy. Navy blue serge that will give the maximum of service. Full lined, in the young men's or conservative models. It's begin ning to look like "the good old days' when you could buy a good Suit for less than a fortune. Reg ular $25 values every one all sizes 36 to 44. STEP IN AND SEE THESE Suits at $25.?5 Just from the makers. Hurd's Pure Worsted and New Tartan. Checks. Quarter lined in the single or double breasted models. Green checks, Greys and Browfis to choose from in this lot. Come early they'll go fast at this re markably low price. Special Showing and Sale of Oregon CiLy All-Wool Products We believe in Oregon City Made Products. We believe they are the best you can buy for the money. As a January Clearance Sale offering we are making substantial Reductions on these Wool Products of "Shirts, Blankets, Robes, Mackinaws, Overcoats and Trousers. We can truthfully say. that these "Lower than Usual Prices" nre the Lowest in years on this merchandise. A special Quantity Purchase by us makes these offerings possible. N Buy Now! Save! See our windows of these Products. Pure Virgin Wool BLANKETS $7.85 Beautiful All Pure Virgin Wool Blankets are a joy forever. If these were perfect the price would foe $1.50 (imperfections of small oil spots) in no way impairing the service. Come in pretty plaids, also white of the Genuine Hudson Bay. 'You'll not be cold these "crimpy" nights if you "sneek" under one of these. Pure Virgin Wool AUTO ROBES $8.45 These beautiful Robes also have slight imper fections but the price of the "firsts" are $16.50. See what you save. Browns, Green and Greys to choosi from ALL WOOL OVERCOATS $15.75 We have sold literally hundreds of these Over coats this season. They are exceptional values. Well tailored of all wool materials. Browns, Greens and Greys. Men's All Wool FLANNEL SHIRTS $3.95 An extraordinarily good value for these Heavy, all wool, Flannel shirts. Military button down collars. Come in a big assortment of wanted colors. Brown, Khaki, Grey and Grey-Black. These sold regularly for $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00. All at the one price. The $6.00 checks are now ..$4.35 BOYS' MACKINAWS $5.85 Just the thing for school wear and Sunday too these cold days. Just about half price for these because of slight off shades. Sizes 8 to 16 years'. MEN'S TROUSERS $6.85 - All wool materials of just the right weight for dress or work wear. An extra pair of trousers goes a long way in saving your suit. iCfflfii eore You Buy I M COMPARE! Ji fraf TTPl Dcmt Buy That Suit or vercoat UlUiI You 'P I January Clearance OVERCOAT SPECIAL Odd lot of $20 to $30 OVERCOATS at $1 1.85 $16.85 Suits and Overcoats Formerly Priced at $30.C0 , Now $19.00 Suits" and -Overcoats Formerly Priced at $35.00 Now $24.00 Suits and Overcoats Formerly Priced at $40.00 INow $28.00 Come in and compare the quality and price of our clothes before you buy. You will save money. FRANK BUSCH & SONS OREGON CITY, ORE. E SWART -8 6th and Main Oregon City