THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1921 Page Seven NEWSY BRIEFS FROM AROUND THE COUNTY Interesting Items From the Country Correspondents Telling of the Progress, Development, and Upbuilding of Social and Civil Life JENNINGS LODGE CANBY Irvine Wheeler is in Portland this week attending to the annual confer ence of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Re lief association. Chas. Klohe and son, prosperous farmers living east of Canb, recently purchased 160 acres of land near Un ion hall, from D.- R. Dimick. . R. C. Duke has purchased the old Knight building on Main street and is moving it to a lot fronting the Pacific highway, where he will conduct a ga rage. C. C. Evans and family are at home again after month's absence. A farewell party was given Myrtle Lorenz last Thursday evening by her associate employees of the Carlton & Rosenkran's company, and a few in vited guests. The evening was plea santly spent with games and music, ; winding up with dainty refreshments served by the young ladies. Miss Myrtle will leave for Portland soon, where she will enter the Behnke-Walk-er Business college. The funeral services of Mrs. Gladys Hutchinson of Newberg, who died in Oregon City January 12, were held in the M. E. church Sunday at 11 o'clock. A large concourse of relatives and friends were in attendance. Mrs. Hutchinson was only 19 years old and lived here with her "parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lowry until her marriage to E. D. Htuchinson six months ago. Interment was in Zion cemetery. Last Sunday at 3 o'clock funeral ser vices were held in the Nazarene church for Henry Yeary, aged 55, who was killed January "0 by F. Gerber, a trusty at the state hospital for the insane, where Mr. Yeary was work ing as an attendant. The deceased is survived by a widow and seven chil dren. Ed. Hollenback has secured a posi tion with the Silver Falls Milling Co. at Silverton. He began his new du ties Monday. J. Lee Eckerson, who has been stay ing in Eastern Oregon the past year, spent a few days with his family here last week. Mr. and Mrs. McConnell of Needy, have moved to Canby. Roy Zimmerman, Frank Zelinski and two of the Berg boys have just re turned from Mexico, where they had been on a pleasure jaunt. They say no place they saw on the trip could compare with the Willamette valley. A double-header basketball game was played in the Canby gym last Fri day night The contesting teams were the Hubbard and Canby boys' and girls' quintets. The Hubbard girls were victorious with a score of 28 to 8, tfut the Hubbard boys could not break up the passing game of Can by, who won. The score was 30 to 4. The entertainment given by the Can by High school at their hall last Fri day night was thoroughly enjoyed by the large crowd assembled. The pro gram included a piano solo by Cora Lloyd; a play, "Courtship of Miles Standish," staged by the pupils, in which Lloyd Kendall and Dorothy Vaughan starred, and a clever charac ter song by Opal Wheeler and Eva Knutson. The High School Glee club also gave several selections. The death of John P. Christensen, who had been ill some time with pneu monia, took place last Friday. Mr. Christensen was born in Denmark in 1870. He had lived near Canby the past 12 years. He is survived by a wife and five children. The funeral was held from the M. E. church Monday afternoon. Inter ment was in Zion cemetery. members escaped without bruises. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Turner, Myrtle Adenk Frances Randelin " and Nola Turner spent Sunday afternoon at Stafford visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Seedling. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schemer spent bunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John M. Turner. Mrs. Julia Peters-is receiving con gratulations over the arrival of a daughter, Marjorie Geraldine. Miss Nola Turner spent Sunday af ternoon and evening with: Miss Myrtle Aden and Miss Frances Randelin. All were sorry to hear of the death of Gladys Hutchinson. Mrs. Hutchin son was a -former resident of this community and was well liked by all. Mrs. Schopper spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Sharp. Ottis Robins and sister Aura have been visiting Mrs. Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Angel, who were ill at the last writing, are reported as being very much better. Mrs. John Turner spent Wednesday with Mrs. J. L. and Ernest Kruse. Miss Myrtle Aden, Frances Randel in and George Oldenstadt went to the show Sunday night. Miss Melba Baker and brother Lorin spent the week-end w th their grand mother, Mrs. J. L. Kruse. The members of the Community club held their regular monthly so cial meeting Wednesday evening;. Cards were enjoyed after which re freshments were served. Mrs. Lucy Allen will go to Corval lis the latter part of the week to take the place of her niece at one of the sorority houses, while the latter un dergoes a surgical operation. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Holloway of Jen nings Lodge entertained at dinner for a number oftheir Portland . friends Saturday evening. The members of Grace Guild were entertained last Wednesday at a Top sy Turvy social in the guild rooms in the new church building., This was their first meeting in the guild room of the church. Mrs. Dan Jones and Mrs. A. B. Smith were joint hostesses. Mrs. Harta Hertel of The Dalles is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. I. Blinstone and mother, Mrs. Lucy Allen. Vern Hophius who is at the Open Air sanitarium is'rapidly improving and will soon be able to return home. Captain and'Mrs. Paul Williams, for mer residents of Oregon City, have taken possession of their new home on Hull avenue. J." Dean Butler is preparing the no tices of election for the purpose of creating a water district of the section from Glen Echo to Evergreen. These will be submitted to the court for ap proval and an early election is anticipated. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executors of the last will and testament of Henry M. Looney; deceased, have filed their final re port in said estate and the county court of Clackamas County has fixed Monday, the 20th day of February at CHERRYVILLE Weather prophets here say no more cold weather and not much pnow, mostly warm rain unt 1 an early spring The literary last Sutrday night was well attended and a good program pre sented. Mrs. Dolly Beidenstein was elected president for the season and Miss Ferrill secretary.- The question for the next literary on January 28th, is "Resolved, that Japanese Immigration should be pro hibited. Rev. Dr. Boyd who recently died in Chicago and who was a well-known and popular preacher of Portland, had a summer home here and was a most excellent man kind and pleasant to everybody. ELLWOOD Mr. Ernest Vallen motored to Port land Saturday, returning home Sun day, his wife accompanying him to his home. Mrs. Ida Looney of Currinsville, Ore. was visiting relatives in this vicinity last week. She expects to leave for Walton, Ore., soon, where her husband is going to work. L. P. Elliott was surveying for O. M. Scheistroen last week. Walter Cox, who has been away, at work, is again in our midst for an indefinite stay. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Henderson were happily surprised Sunday in having Mrs. Emily Rowan and brother. Charles Freeman of Colton, Ore., as dinner guests. Mr. Henderson, while yet able to be about, is in a critical condition, under the care of a nhv- sician, suffering from a nerve disease, neuritis, and is losing the use of his hands. Frank Bittner took his crew of men from his Clear Creek mill over to his Plug mill at Bull Run this week . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moehnke were visiting in Stafford and Portland last week. Mr. Moehnke is getting along nicely since his recent operation. FROGPOND NEWS Friday night was Literary night and everyone enjoyed a very good pro gram and altogether had a glorious time. The program consisted of sev eral rectiations, dialogues and' songs. Saturday a special meeting of the Grange was held for the purpose of initiating the new members. Twenty seven had to go thru the ceremony of Initiation. The most of the new LIBERTY and VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD WE PAY CASH FOR BONDS WE WILL SELL YOUR BONDS A. C. HOWLAftSD Real Estate and Insurance A. J. BOCKHOLD Wm.' M. SMITH 620 Main Street Oregon City 601 Swetland Bldg. Portland the County Court room at Oregon City Clackamas County, Oregon, at 10 o' clock A. M. as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account Any person having objections to said final account must file the same in writing with the County Clerk of said County on or before said time. ELVA M. LOONEY, . WALTER T. LOONEY, Executors Aforesaid. l-19-5t-pd OAK GROVE Mrs. A. G. Hal lis visiting her sis ter, Mrs. W. B. Packard, Tacoma. G. Olander was a Portland visitor Monday. C. E. Apple and L. J. Speck are in: stalling electric lights in their homes. The house recently occupied by I. A. Bock has been purchased by E. O. Fisher, who is now occupying same. On account of the ice on the Island hill Monday morning many parked their autos in Oak Grove going to Portland by rail. Several autos skid ded off the road that tried to go the hill. Safety first ' It is expected that an election will be arranged for and called some time in February to elect commissioners for water district of Oak Lodge. N. M. Bain is confined in the hos pital again after being out for several weeKs. Lower Prices ON EVERYTHING Wiring, Repair Work, Electric Fixtures LANGLEY ELECTRIC CO. House Ignition Starting Wiring Lighting Phone 124 12th and Main Streets (Located at Willard Service Station) If you eat right you will feel right. If you feel right you will work right. IE Park-ShepherdMotorCo. INCORPORATED New Ford Prices EFFECTIVE JAN. 12, 1922 Chassis, Regular $405.66 Chassis, Starter 477.40 Chassis, Starter and Dem. Rims .. 503.01 Runabout, Regular 447.97 Runabout, Starter .-. 520.86 Runabout, Starter and Dem. Rims .. 546.89 Touring, Regular . l ... 478.17 Touring, Starter ....:;: 551.06 Touring, Starter, Dem. Rims 577.09 Sedan - 787.42 Coupe 719.74 Trucks 554.25 Tractor 722.85 WILL HELP YOU DO IT Makers of Davidson's Ideal The Good White Bread Vff ' 1 Hi" Till' -:T H!''tlZl.'& BAKING ,CO, The Loaf With the Rich Brown Crust and De licious Flavor At the following Groceries, ask for it Cheney & Doolittle 523 Main "Oregon City A. J. Knightly West Linrt Schoenborn Grocery Oregoih City 420 - 7th . Hull Ave, Frey tag Bros. White Palace Grocery 617 Main " Oregon City A. B. Buckles 1102 Main Oregon City Blue Front Grocery Jennings Lodge Park-Shepherd Motor Co. Authorized Ford Sales and Service Gladstone - ; j jjjj : , I 416 Main Street Phone 355 , - BllI&HiiTiill The Cafeteria and Restaurant There is this advantage to pur service. You get just what you want'whether you wish a light lunch or a complete dinner And you pay for just what you get. We serve only the most,, choice cuts of meat and our salads and vegetables will please the most particular. THE FALLS 703 Main Street Phone 44 "QUALITY EATS" Will Announce on February 1st, 1922 A substantial reduction in the prices of their cars, effective from January 1st, 1922 Every need op an autdmdbile. Store Now Opens at 9 A. M. Saturdays Phone: Pacific Marshall 5080 The Best In Quality The Most in Value THE MOST IN VALUE THE -BEST IN QUALITY Store Closes Daily at 5:30 P. M. Saturdays at 6 P. M. Home Phone: A 2112 Sa "The Store That Undersells Because It Sells For Cash" January Clearance Pre-Inventory Your Every Purchase Here Means Worth-While Sav ing on Seasonable Merchandise of the Most Dependable Sort - Special price tickets throughout every section of this great store and in our windows tell a message of true economy that careful buying, prudent shoppers will not fail to profit by. Had we ten times ten the space at our disposal, we could not begin to list the special offerings you must come to the store and see for yourself how greatly you'll be repaid by a visit to our January Clear ance sale. CLEARANCE REDUCTIONS All lines All Styles Reduced 980 PAIR Women's Wool Mixed Sport Hose made with seamless leg and foot reinforced heel and toe plain and dropstitch styles in green heath er mixtures sizes 8 to 10. $1.29 PAIR Women's Heavy Wool Mixed Sport Hose, made with fash ioned leg and foot in drop stitch style brown, green, blue, red, orange and green, heather mixtures. Sizes 8 to 10. Wool Sport Hose $1.79 PAIR Women's All-Wool Worsted Sport Hose in dropstitch style made with fashioned leg and foot brown, green and gold heather mixtures in sizes 8 to 10. $2.25 PAIR Women's Silk and Wool eSi All-Wool Worsted Sport Hose strictly highgrade Hose in sizes 8 to 10 all good styles and colors. 36-inch Cretonnes Now Selling at 39c Yard At this low price you have selection frona many pretty styles in Cretonnes suitable for many purposes. You'll be surprised at the vs.ueg offered at 39c yard.