Page Two THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1921 I rwWW -A Name That All America Has Learned to Know and Rely Upon RfTfl Remedies tre raccrssful because of tke hb gtzndard c qxtlky that u rigidly mamtamed tn compounding farmnhi tayd on proven principles. 0nrit4nf has been established because of the conservative claims made. "RnralP does not fa any sense stand for McutesaILw Instead there is a nature-aiding oreoaration for every human ilL Kexall Kemedies P do not contain harmful stimulants or habit . forming drugs. Rexall Remedies are sold in this City by The Huntley-Draper Drug Company Exclusively. Here Is a Partial List of Seasonable Preparations 1 I SSri":vjeJffl . a . The oldest Optical Establishment in Oregon City. For more than forty years glasses have been fitted from this store for a most exacting and constantly in creasing clientele. Good reasons for the growth of this depart- , ment are accuracy, expert examination, skilled workmanship, promptness, best ma terials, modern equipment. These are some of the reasons for. our success. Let us fit your next pair of glasses. That's the best test a trial. OREGON C3TV $OPTI(M$ RexaU Neuralgia Tablets prompt relief from neuralgia pains. Price 25c 11 Nux and Iron Tablets A general blood and "nerve tonic. Improves the appetite and promotes nutrition. Price $1.00 for 100 tablets RexaU Little Liver Pills A liver stimulant and laxative that you can depend on. Price 25c Rexall Bronchial Salve A valuable treatment for bronchial catarrh, colds in the head, throat and chest Price 35c Glycerin and Rosewater This Rexall preparation is a delightful treat ment for roughness and chapping of the skin. Price 25o - Cherry Bark Cough Syrup A pleasant tasting bright cherry red syrup, free from narcotics ajid alcohol. (Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Prices 35c and 60c RexaU Cold Tablets reliable remedy free from An efficient and narcotics. Price. 25c RexaU Catarrh JeUy For the relief of Nasal Catarrh and Cold in the Head. Should be used in connection with Cherry Bark Cotjgfr Syrup. , Price 25c Cod Liver Oil Emulsion For Pulmonary trouble and wasting disorders. Price $1.00 RexaU Baby Cough Syrup Especially prepared for children for the cure of Colds and Croup. Price 35c Huntley-Draper Drug Co. THE REXALL STORE OREGON CITY, ORE. a jCocai 9ews Stems a Miss Grace Alldredge daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Alldredge, who has been confined to her home with an attack of pneumonia is able to re sume her studies at the Oregon City High school. . ' Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Calkins and son Harry of Portland were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. McDonald of Oregon City. Mr. Calkins who was formerly employed in Oregon City ias a city mail carrier is now with the Prudential Insurance Company, and is located in Portland and making a success with the company. Louis Rail, brother of William Rail of Gladstone was an Oregon City vis itor Thursday of last week. Mr. Rail whose home is at Woodburn was for merly an Oregon City resident. Mrs. W. E. Warner of Oregon City who was injured in an Auto accident last week is improving. Mrs. Charles Legles who underwent a serious surgical operation at the Oregon City hospital several weeks ago, was able to leave the hospital last Saturday for her home at Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. eorge Reddaway of Varver but formerly of Oregon City were Oregon City visitors one Gday last week. Mr. and Mrs. Reddaway have a fine place on the banks of the Clackamas river just across from Carver station. Mrs. R. H. Sawtell, a prominent res ident of Molalla was an Oregon City visitor Thursday of last week. T. F. Patterson and H. E. Bannett residents of Milwaukie were tran sacting business in Oregon City last week. Mrs. C N Tracy a resident of Logan was an Oregon City visitor on Sat urday Mrs. J. H. Cash whose home is at Mulino transacted business in Oregon City last Saturday. Mrs. F. Bowman, recently arrived in Oregon City from Minneapolis, is j visiting among her friends. She is ; now at the home of Mrs Janice Pierce j of Falls View. Thursday of last week ! Mrs. Alldredge accompanied by Mrs. Bowman atended "Way Down East," at one of the Portland Theatres.' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke of Chi cago arrived at Gladstone Saturday morning where they will visit Mrs. Burke's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cross for an indefinite time. Mrs. W. W. Marrs, formerly an old resident of Oregon City and later of ladstone, arrived in Gladstone last week from Astoria. Mrs. Mars came on business, but while here she visit ed among her many friends. She is making her home with her grandaugh ter, Mrs. Gottberg of Astoria. Dwight Miller the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller of Gladstone is quite ill at his home suffering from an attack of pneumonia. Frank Jr. the litle son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulligan who has been dangerously ill at the home ot- his grand-parents, Mr. and Mis. Mullk gan of Twelfth and Center streets, is improving. The little fellow has been suffering from pneumonia for the past two weeks. Mrs. William Krassig has returned j to her home in Oregon City, after : being in Portland for some time with her mother, Mrs. W. P. Leach, who has been very ill with pneumonia. At their home in Edgewood, Mr. and Mrs. Frank .Peckover entertained with a dinenr in honor of Mrs. Winnifred Knight of Portland. Mrs. Knight is a sister of Mr. Peckover. Mrs. Peck over was assisted in serving by Mrs. Edward Rauch of Gladstone. Places were laid for Mrs. Winnifred Knight of Portland, Mrs. Charles Hurl of Oak Grove, Mrs. Van Rittenhouse of Ore gon City, Mrs. Edward Rauch of Glad stone, Harry Peckover and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peckover of Edgewood. EYESTRAIN Causes Fatigue Do you ever feel tired; nervous and depressed after a hard day's work? That' condition may be "due to the condition of your eyes. Come in and have a careful exam ination made. If youneed glasses a well-fitted pair will add to your comfort and efficiency. Reading made easy. Dr. Freeze, Eye 'Specialist 605J4 Main St. Oregon City Opposite Poatoffice LENSES GROUND WHILE YOU WAIT Out of the 4,000 men employed by the Prudential Insurance Company on the coast, S. MacDonald of Oregon City was the fiftieth man in the pro-j duction of Prudential insurance on the Pacific Coast in 1921. Mr. Mac Donald is a live one and "gets there" when it comes to insurance. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swafford and young son of Lebanon, motored to Oregon City Saturday and while here visited with Mrs. Swafford's sister Miss Sadye Evelyn Ford and Mr. Swafford's mother Mrs. J. F. Spiger. Mr. and Mrs. Swafford were formerly residents of Oregon City. ,Mrs. Mildred Stafford who has been at Eugene visiting her sister Mrs. Sherman Moody for the past two weeks, returned to her home in Ore gon City Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser motored to PortlaL one day last week where they transacted business. Louis Vierhus who has been at Medford, Oregon during the .past year where he has been wroking on- the irrigation canal, was visiting friends in Oregon City Friday. Mr. "Vierhus was a resident of Mt Pleasant for a number of years, but is now making his home in Portland. Mrs. O. P. Edwards and daughter Miss Pearl, who were former resi dents of Oregon City, but now of Portland, spent the week-end at Ore gon City as guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Johnson. Mrs. Helen Wilcox a resident of Oak rove, was a week-end guest of Mrs. Amanda Hickman of Oregon City. Mrs. Wilcox was formerly a resident of Oregon City. Mrs. Lucy Shockley a resident of Mt. Pleasant spent Thursday of last week with her daughter Mrs. arl Summons at Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Shane and daughter Edith, residents of Redland were Oregon City visitors last Friday W. H. Bonney, whose home is locat ed at Redland was transacting busi ness in Oregon City Thursday of last week. A little son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bierman on Wednesday, January 11th. The young man tipped the scales at 9 pounds and has been given the name of Rob ert Dexter. Mrs. Florence Kerr of Oregon City spent last Friday at Canby, visiting friends. R. E. Maple a resident of Seattle spent the week-end with his brother J. C. Maple at Jennings Lodge. Miss Christina Bluhm of Oregon City spent last Sunday week, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bluhm at Henrici. Mrs. W. W. Harris, and daughter Wilotta and Miss Mina Bluhm motor ed to Oregon City Wednesday of last week and visited Mrs. Harris' mother Mrs. G. Bluhm and sister Mrs. Davis. Mrs. George Osborn entertained a few friends last Friday night at her home on Fifth and Jefferson streets in honor of. her husband's birthday. One. of. the features of the evening was the Virginia reel. Refreshments were served by the hostess. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Mr. and Mrs. O, A. Pace, Mr. and Mrs. E. H Harris, Misses Alma and Florence Moore, Misses Agnes, Esther and Helen Harris and Miss Pauline Pace. The Saturday Club of the Congrega tional church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Roake with Mrs. Bert Roak and Mrs.' John Crawford joint hostesses. After the business session was over refreshments were served to about 25 members, which were present. The four groups of the Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church which met at the homes of Mrs. Frank Alldredge Mrs. Fred Guerman, Mrs. O. D. Eby and Mrs. P. D. Forbes were well at tended. Mrs. Carl Simmons of West G'ad stone entertained at her home last Friday afternoon in honor of her lit tle daughter Maxine's eighth birthday. The prettily decorated birthday cake was cut by the little hostess. A merry afternoon was spent in games and con tests. Miss Maxine's guests were Mil dred Legler, Helen Frost, Alice Mir anda, Katherine Jane Hassler, Loise Seivers, Elizabeth Seivers, Elaine Pe ters and Happy McKinney. Cleo Howell a student of the Pa cific University, who has been ill at Forest Grove, was able to come to Oregon City to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Howell the week end, returning to resume his studies Sun day evening. - - Waldo Brown of Hubbard was tak en to the Good Samaritan hospital Monday for treatment, suffer from and attack of diabetes. CUT PRIG HONEST VALUE AND SERVICE AT LEGITIMATE PRICES The service dealer who offers low priced labor " probably knows best what his services are worth. Do not assume that the "cut price" dealer and the established "list price" dealer do exactly the same thing for the customer. It always pays the cus tomer to buy from a legitimate price establishment just as, almost invariably, an article is worth no more thah the price for it. Honest Value and Servic6 at Legitimate Prices 390 At Elevator Oregon City, Oregon Oldest, Largest and 'Best Equipped Ford Agency in Clackamas County. "Equipped to serve YOU best" Il.BAMJt"iJgy-''wl.."'""". '1 hj ilM Jiim - i -. . . ; w": - a j fT - -'-t - ... Ll SilfacSA1" 1 1 1 ELK No -extra -Charges for 8 BIG 1 BIG ACTS NIGHT JAMUA by Get Tickets From Members Open to the Public Mrs. W. B. Wiggins of Portland was called to Oregon City last Saturday to the bedside of her father Mr. Jas. Wilkinson who was stricken with heart trouble . His condition is somewhat improved. COME AND GET IT D $2.50 per Cord This is partly dry slab-wood. It has been piled in our yard since early last fall. -a Willamette River Lumber Company Wholesale and Retail 16th and Main Oregon City BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS pacific Phone, office 52; Res. 304 m J GEO. HOEYE C. D. & D. C. Latourette CHARLES T. SIEVERS Chiropractor AND EARL LATOURETTE i awvco Atorneys-at-Law WYER phone 636W Estates settled-Money loaned-Prao OREGSNfCITYB,OREGON Cluf.eU BldB. Oregon City, Ore. tice In- ail Courts of the U. S. - First Natidnal Bank Building W Cf OREGON CITY, ORE. Mr. Farmer, The Banner-Courier is Wltl. OlOne Phone Pacific 405 anxious to do your printing. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW - . Beaver Building No print is too large and none is OREGON CITY, OREGON jj L q too small to receive Satisfactory Ser- vice and Best Quality printery. -T,,,- DENTIST W. H. NELSON Oregon City BLACKSMITH , , 7enn "r a"te'd. Tj L "epair8 Will be pleased to see old friends and 7.500 Mile Fabric 10,000 Mile Cord customers at his new location on 5th SCHUEBEL & BEATTIE Northwest Tire Shop attorneys-at-law 407 Main Next Electric Hotel W. G. H. Krueger 6 Per . Cent State School Money To - CONTRACTOR Loan on Farms. -" ... i Gsncrzil Pr&ctics PAUL C. FISCHER House Movins- Raisi"9 an Rfing . Concrete, Brick and Hollow Tile of 0re9on C Bu d'na Attorney at Law ' Construction Oregon Cty, Oregon Oregon City, Oregon Estimates Given Beaver Building Phone 607, Res. 1625 Washington St Phones: Office 348 Residence 1F2 ' f!!lX! 0.D.Eby LOANS . ATTO R N EY-AT-LAW Money loaned for you or to you WM. GARDNER . at current rates. Farm loans only. OPTICIAN, WATCHMAKER Over Bank of Oregon Cjy GRANT B DIMICK AND JEWELER OREGON CITY, OREGON Oregon City, " Oregon 719 Main Street Oregon City, Ore. Phone 358J Res. Phone 477R ' - , v T AXT Holman&Pace MONEY TO LOAN JOE ORMAN funeral directors Paul C. Fischer . For Fine Tailoring AND EMBALMERS andresen bldg. seventh and water sts. Tel. 86 Beaver Bldg. Oregon City TRY THE BANNER -COURIER WANT ADS KELLOGG MERCANTILE AGENCY 17 and 18 Beaver Bldg. Oregon City, Oregon COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS WE GET THE MONEY AND SO WILL YOU Turn your old accounts and notes Into cash. Special correspondents and attorneys in all Cities and Town In the - - United States and Canada - Reliable Abstracts If you are thinking of. making a loan or selling your property, come in and see us about an ab stract. We try to give prompt and efficient service. Oregon City Abstract Co. Opopsite Court House OREGON CITY, OREGON