THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1922. ( t i 1 ii ii j i i iii in " ,;' - 11 , i", 'T"": A B Tl limteeii peoai eaders onaiioe Dme TTk . T f - "3 O 11 IT II I No S Days $10,000 Must Be Raised Come Before What You Want is Gone. Hardware All Shelf Hardware marked at reduction of 25 to40 Per Cent WARM AIR REGISTER . rULL RETURN, AIR CHAMBER HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE TO ANY BASEMENT CLEAN OUT ADJUSTABLE TO ANV PONTOr casing EXTRA LARGE D008LE DOORS LARGE WATER PAN ASSURES PROPER MOISTURE PATENTED SMELL BAR ORATES mm -Wismmm tour .nc "' Jx.-. F.REE RETURN AIR -r" ' a jX 1 CIRCULATION AS- fc" ' "W P y S 4 . j SURES 100 MEAT- $175,00 Universal Furnace, like cut above. Regular price $250 We also handle the Colonial Furnace. Ask about them. Both furnaces are guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. Entire Stock of OREGON GITY, OREGON Big Crowds Attend First Day TEN MORE DAYS TO RUN Prices Lower Than They Have Been For Years - MATTRESSES Regular $7.00 Cotton Top Mattress, full size. QO Q0 see the price ; .... Vi30 Regular. $12.50 "404b. Cotton Felt Matresses ' 9A 7C While they last : rMv Regular $18.50 45-lb. Flossoline Mattresses CO DC Fancy art ticking. Special . V3i33 Regular $35.00 President Silk FlossVIattresses 017 CD Best fancy art ticking v" Regular $50.00 Box Spring Mattresses 007 7c Best ticking absolute guarantee V ' ' 3 Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs 3x3 Regular $1.50 Sale..., .98 3x4i2 Regular 2.75 Sale 1.98 4x4i2 Regular 3.50 Sale.,.'... 2.9!8 6x9 Regular 9.85 Sale 7.98 7i2x9 Reg. 12.50 Sale...... 9.98 9x10 Reg. 11.50 Sale 1098 9x12 Reg. 14.50 Sale 12.98 Farmers Attention ! Here's the Biggest Fence Bargains in Years 726-13 Hog Fence 26c per rod 832-13 Fence ......31c per rod 939-13 Fence 39c per rod Everything in the House cut to the bone. No Ifs, Everything oh its own Merits. WARMING CLOSET-COMPARTMENT PORCELAIN DOOR PANELS DRAFT CONTROLLER DAMPER FOUR COVERS FOR , COAL AND WOOD POKER. DOOR. SELF STARTER FOR COAL NO KINDLING DRAFT SLIDE UNDER GRATES i t il'i'i i'1 1 i pi ii, mil i i hi i ij11" """"ii" ' 'ir i r"""i'rTi -"'mimigg xjiasafa, l1fflMM iyj WS' BURNS COALWOODR Iv! I V II GAS AT THE SAME TIME 1, 1 i J a or indiviouahy V AUTOMATIC FUME DAMPER NO ODOR IN KITCHEN (SOILING AND TOASTING COMPAKTntrn WHITE PORCELAIN BROILER PAN SELF STARTER EOR GAS NO MATCHES WHITE PORCELAIN DRIP PAN PORCELAIN GAS COCKS ADJUSTABLE AIR MIXTURES CAST JRON BURNER BOX' A LIFE TIME RANGE A SIMPLE TWIST CHANGES OVEN FROM COAL 10 OA NO PARTS TO REMOVE luniuinn.i iv I - SETS IN 40 INCH SPACE The justly famous Universal Range ' RANGES All Wood, Coal and Combination Ranges at Sale Prices Regular $125.00 Universal Patriot, No. CQh 00 668-18, 6-hole. Special ?wuy Regular $175.00 Universal all enameled, No. Q1 1 Q Rfl .668-18, 6-hole. Special .-. VH3iOU Regular $200.00 Universal Grand, No. CM 00 C(l 168-18, 6-holes, reservoir. Special . 1 AU,UU Regular $110.00 Colonial White Range, G9 50 18-in. oven, polished top. Special UJiwJ Regular $150.00 Colonial, Jr. white enamel, . JJQQ CQ 6-hole, 18-in. oven, reservoir. Special pUiwu 50 Reconstruced Ranges All makes. Guaranteed good SI 2" 50 to 25 00 as new. Priced from yl-tiuu "lUy NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed his final report in the estate of George Ziegler, deceas ed, and the Court has set Monday the 13th day of February, 1922, a the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. on said day in the County Court Room in the County Court House in Oregon City, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing any and all objections to said final report, and the discharge of said executor. . HENRY G. ZIEGLER, Executor of the last Will and Test ament of George Ziegler, deceased. Dated January 6th, 1922. G. B. DIMICK & W. L. MULVEY, Attorneys for executor. Jan. 12 5-t TTunniiimi mam ii m Tftr-jiriin '- i FOR SALE Thoroughbred Jerseys, Three female calves and one male at very moderate prices. Phone Sunnyside P. O. Clackamas, Route 1. Wm. B. Biddle . 1-12-22-lt. You'll be sorry if you don't hear Dr. J. Franklin Babb in the West Linn High school lecture course this Friday night. 1-tp. FOR SALE One old "Trusty" Incu bator, 210 egg, also one Buckeye, 210 egg. First class condition, Ore gon City, Route 5, S. E. Gatrs. 1-12-Zt. Phone 358J Res. Phone 477R See JOE ORMAN , Fop Fine Tailoring ANDRESEN BLDG. A FAMILY robbed of a bread earner the frequent result of automobile acci dents. Such accidents are increas ing in number. If only tem porarily disabled the holder of Accident and Health Insurance in the Hartford Accident and Indem nity Company receives an" "insurance income" enabling him to pay his bills And, if killed, his beneficiary is paid the full amount of the policy. Every bread earner has positive need of this form of insurance.' Ask about Insurance Income oWland FOR SALE Single comb R. I. Reu cockerels. Full blood, line bred. trap nested. 5 each. Also couple young toulouse ganders. ?4 each. "Wahoo Ranch", W. S. Danwalt, Clackamas, Ore. Route 1, Box 52B. Jan. 12-t-PD WANTED A girl for general house work, phone 100, Oregon City. , 1-12-lt COUNTY AGENT WANTED for "National" Silos. Most complete line of silos produced by any manu facturer. A live agent can make from one to two thousand dollars during the season. Reply in writing to the National Tank and Pipe Co., Portland, Ore. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Phone 377 620 Main St. Oregon City, Oregon Park-Shepherd Motor Co. INCORPORATED Announcement To better serve our customers we will keep our place of busines open from 7:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M., in sluding Sundays. . Effective January 15th, 1922 ' Park-Shepherd Motor Co. Authorized Ford Sales and Service 416 Main -Street Phone 355 FOR SALE Choice Duroc Jersey sows and gilts, bred to farrow. In March and April. Bred to A. Sen sation Boar. Geo. DeBok, Oregon City, Oregon. Farm at Willamette, Ore. 1-12-22-tr. CHEAPER THAN A FORD A seven passenger Studebaker Six with new cord tires and A Willard Threadeo. Rubber Battery, other accessories. Make a good stage. W. E. McAfee, Hoff, Ore. 1-12-22-p. lock and fir. Suitable for stock or dairy ranch. Call Robert Glenn, 363 State Street, Salem, Oregon. 1-12-22-lt. FOR SALE 8 year old mare, weight 900 lbs., with 9 mo. old colt.Buggy and harness in first class condition. 4 yr. old Jersey cow. Box 161 Will amette. 1-12-lt. LOCAL MARKETS BEEF Liveweight Steers 5 to 6.50 per 100 lbs. FOR SALE 160 acres in TillamooK county, 4 miles from Pacific City, 1 miles from postoffice, close to shal low falls. Over 2,000,000 feet hem- SEE MATTLEY For Heating Stoves, Ranges, Handbags, Suitcases and Trunks Our prices can not be equalled anywhere in town. Investigate before buying elsewhere. Low overhead does It FOR GROCERIES SEE OUR WINDOWS J. H. IV1ATTLEY 906 - 7th Street ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES NEW LOWER PRICES NOW IN EFFECT Portland Railway Light and Power Company ANDRESEN BUILDING 619 Main THE ELECTRIC STORE Phone 115 Hogs Dressed $9 to ?12 per 100 lbs. ' ' CHICKENS Liveweight Light, 15c to 18c per lb.; heavy, 18c to 22c. - SHEEP liveweilght $3 to $5 per 100 lbs. I Here, You Can Buy Used Gars With Assurance Note These Low Prices 1918 Olds 8 touring 7 pass $ 750 White touring 200 1917 Mitchell 5 pass.. . 560 1918 Briscoe 5 pass.. . . 400 1918 Jordan Sport Ma rine 1350 1918 Paige 5 pass 700 1919 Velie 800 1920 Jordan 7 pass 2000 19f8 Packard Twin Six 7 pass. 1500 1920 Mitchell 5 pass.. . 1150 1921 Mitchell 5 pass.. . 1350 1916 Cadillac 750 1918 Studebaker 7 pass. 300 1918 Mitchell 5 pass.. . 650 1920 Stutz 5 pass 1750 1918 Briscoe 400 1919 Mitchell 5 pass.. . 750 1919 Mitchell roadster 750 1921 Briscoe 850 1918 Briscoe 5 pass.... 400 1920 Mitchell 5 pass.. . 1150 1919 Mitchell 5 pass.. . 750 1918 Mitchell 5 pass.. . 500 We are entering our 40th year of business his tory in the Pacific Northwest. In making this statement, it is not our desire to point out the growth we have made but rather to make plain the fact that we know and recognize the fundamental basis of business success. The buyer must receive full value for his money, and a fair and square deal ia every trans action. In no department Is this policy so manifest as in our used car department. Buyers have found that we handle used cars in a new way. We maintain a special department in our shop for overhauling and refimshing used cars. We put our cars in serviceable condition many of them look and run like new. All of them are genuine bargains at our prices. We will take light cars in trade and make convenient terms. Before you buy any car come and look over our select stock of high grade low priced used cars. Distributors of Mitchell, Jordan, Briscoe Cars Mfit WV-iflF' BROADWAY at EVERETT PORTLAND .