MENS' TROUSERS BLANKETS ONE THIRD OFF Every wool finished, wool mixed, or all wool blanket in our stock is effored on sale during this Clearance event at exactly one-third off from our regular low price. TABLE OIL CLOTH All patterns, light and dark colors. 19 yd. Berkeley 60 BLEACHED CAMBRIC The best of cloths for spring sewing on sale now at 25 yd. Any Woman's in the store Your unrestricted choice of any dress on our racks, range from $15.50 to ?27.50. Not many in the lot sure, but be assured that they are all the season's desirable styles and are only offered at this rediculous price, in accord with our policy of not carrying gar ments over from one season to another. We are clear ing the racks for February 1st, this is your oppor tunity, Taffetas, Jerseys and Serges m the lot. Better Come'lEarly ! Mighty Clearance Mens Dress Shirts Up to $2.50 qualities at ; Unlike ordinary sales because every shirt in the offering is from our own reg ular stock, and not jobs or special pur chases made up for sale purposes. The greater part of the lot consists of the popular Arrow brand and have arrived in our store since Christmas. The pat terns are all new and the name "Arrow" on each shirt guarantees satisfaction. All sizes and the only reason for the low price is to cut down our stock prepara tory to inventory. Silk Blouses that formerly were up to $10.00 values now just You can afford to have an extra blouse or two with a progress. Crepe de Chine, Georgette and Taffeta lightful styles for all occasions. Values are indeed new smart colors, including white, flesh or navy, in trimmed effects, all marked for a $3.95 Quick Pre - inventory Clearance $3.95 Yard Wide OUTING FLANNEL 1000 yadrs, heavy quality, dandy patterns, formerly 40c yard. Now yards for Fibre Silk STOCKINGS Black, white and cordovan. Excellent 85c quality. Now 59 pr. n hi iiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiinil'irf'rMiii'iii Liberty Girl SILK HOSIERY for women Black and Cordovan. All first quality. New BED COMFORTS at exactly one-third off Silkoiine and sateen covered bed comforts, all filled with-clean carded cotton. Regular 5.50 Comforts. Now.. Now.. Now.. Now $3.67 - 2.84 2.64 1.67 Regular 4.25 Comforts. Regular 3.95 Comforts. Regular 2.50 Comforts. HOPE MUSLIN Yard wide. Full bleached. First quality. Now 13 yd. 100 PIECES 36 inch Standard PERCALES Light and dark colors. Save money now. 1oC 4 Dress prices to be most sale like this in waists in many de unusual all the -plain or elaborately Dr. Dentons SLEEPING GARMENTS at big reductions Sizes 6 months to 2 years. Now 85c Sizes 3 to 5 years. Now 95c Sizes 6 to 8 years. Now $1.10 Pace Maker STOCKINGS , best for Boys , Can't beat them for wear. All sizes 6 to 10 at 25 pr. MERCERIZED YARN STOCKINGS FOR WOMEN GO dozen best 50c quality. Now yy k k yv n fY JLi-A V Li F f till II ti 11 "El El X X 8 IM THE;ST01RyE i u i fiM i Li r . ii v ti v ic t I f - II i .vi w BANNON'S -JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE of. NOTIONS Clarks O. N. T. Thread, 1 50 yd. spools, 7 spools 25c Coates Crochet Cotton . - 8c Richardson's Spool Silk, 1 00 yds 12c So No Mor Snap Fasteners.... 3c Bias Stay Tape . . 7c Clarkes O. N. T. Lustre Cotton... 5c Best Kind Hooks and Eyes 5c Duplex Safety Pins 7c Children's Hickory Garters 18c Dij. Parkers Waist Supporters 39c Liberty Bell Hair Pins 4c Buttons up to 25c doz., card 8c Bone Hair Pins 10c 2-in-l Shoe Polish .. 9c ft ' ""IP.AWM mm ' i B n K - 3 jr WHY PAY MORE for these Daily Toilet Articles Hinds Honey Almond Cream 39c Woodbury Facial Soap 19c Creme Oil Soap 7c Colgates Talcum, all scents 15c Mavis Talcum Powder 22c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 39c Frostilla, bottle 35c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil 39c Pure Petroleum Jelly, No. 2 size 12c Cutex Polish 30c Cutex Cuticle Remover 30c Kolynos Tooth Paste 19c Dr. Lyon? Tooth Powder 21c Pebeco Tooth Paste 39c Colgates Tooth Paste, small 9c Colgates Tooth Paste, large 19c Colgates Cold Cream 25c Colgates Handy Shaving Stick 29c Mennen's Talcum Powder.... 1.......21c Djer Kiss Powder .....48c Djer Kiss Talcum 23c Pears Soap 15c ARROW COLLARS All sizees in the following styles of Arrow linen collars on sale at less than half price. Gothic Chester Clnco Elgin El grave Ashby Severn Winona Penhurst Arrow Collars, now 9c 27 inch OUTING FLANNEL White and Colored Good heavy quality. Q yards for J I.J 54-inch Linen Finish BLEACHED INDIAN HEAD For Table Centres. Now 43 Any in tKe Your range CtlUIiC We have too in order to. get no profit basis. who have need of an Quick Pre - Children's Fine Wool Ribbed VESTS AND PANTS All sizes from 2 to 14 years. Colors white and gray. Now 50 c each Women's Flannelette NIGHT GOWNS 50 dozen extra heavy quality gowns, all sizes, pretty patterns. Now 95 aJC&?arV1rlTV'4"" "-- T-nnniaTrn rim APRON GINGHAM Fast Color Staple Checks, 27-in. wide On ial now at v - - Plain serees. cheviots and cassimeres, suitable for work or dress occasions. A big stock, all sizes, at much less than you can buy All 6.50 Wool Pants. Now ..$4.30 All 6.00 Wool Pants. Now All 5.50 Wool Pants. Now.. All 5.00 Wool Pants. Now All 4.50 Wool Pants. Now 4.10 3.90 3.50 3.30 t , 42-inch INDIAN HEAD PILLOW-TUBING 37 yd. 32 inch ROMPER CLOTH For Kiddies Rompers and Play Garments. Now 18 yd- Woman's Coat store unrestricted choice of any coat on our racks, prices rrom Jfzv.ou 10 $ou.uu, ine lur uiiuiumg ui iauiu.a -nmnlI iv. TYlQnTT QCOQ PAOt f Jl F mdTP thatl til ft TtriC6 W.'U1VX All JlllLUlJ VLLkJVU uuv ... isKea lor tne nnisnea gaiuieui., auu uu nut wisci are all these seasons coats, we do not carry ready- 1. n lin4- made garments over irom one seasuu lu wiuuim, is why we otter tnem lor a quicK tjiearauue ummo February 1st inventory at tnis price. Better Come Early! WomS Lace Boots Values to $8 pair January Clearance $4.50 Smart dress shoes in the best makes, Goodyear welt soles and military heels, medium toes, all sizes and widths in plain black or the latest Cocoa brown. New and stylish footwear, selling reg ularly at $7.50, $7.95 to $8.00 a pair. All on sale for the purpose of effecting a quick Clearance before February 1st at less than you have ever purchased equally good values, $4.50 pair. DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTIONS on Women s Dress Skirts Regular $9.50 r - 1 1 $4.95 Values now at many skirts, the stock must be reduced at once and results promptly we have cut prices to a less than This special group embraces a wide range of desir able styles in pleated and tailored effects, navy blue serges and gabardines predominate. Here is an excellent opportunity for women extra skirt or two, to buy at good savings. inventory Clearance $4.95 Royal Worcester and BON TON CORSETS Every style in stock, all sizes to be sold during our January Clearance at 1 y3 off Kayser's CHAMOISETTE GLOVES We sell Kaysers only, all sizes, all colors, dur ing the sale at 9 pair Cortland BLEACHED SHEETS Seamless, full size 72x90 inches, made of heavy weight Muslin. A big bargin at V v 29 12V2 $1 .19 yd. J. each pr. pr. 75