r ? ) THE BANNER-COURIER, OREGON CITYOREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1922. - V , - J Jdraorcinary lvalues in DIAMOND RINGS 18 K. WHITE GOLD MOUNTINGS $5022 75 $iooe ..MM OREGON CITY frQPTBWfa jCocai 9fews j mi ? 1 , . iiie inenas or Mrs. J. H. Blearer will be glad to know that she is im proving after falling on the slippery pavement at her home injuring her back. Mrs. E. H. Holt, a resident of Port land visited friends in Oregon City last Friday. Mrs. Holt was formerly Miss Letha Jackson of Oregon City. During the week between Christmas and New Years, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cooper had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Louie E. Baron and two daugh ters, Beth and Adele and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Roll and children, El ma, Elizabeth and Buddy of Portland. Mrs. Roll and Mrs. Baron are daugh ters of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cooper. Mrs. Hannah Graves, a resident of Colton visited in Oregon City Tues day and Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Theodore Clark? who has been quite ill at her home at 602 Monroe Street has improved so as to be able to be out again. January 3rd, a little daughter arriv ed at the home of Mrs. M. R. Hudg ens for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keith. The young lady weighed nine pounds and has been given the name of Dorothy Janette. Mrs. Keith was formerly Miss Hazel Fanton and it is a daugh ter of Mrs. Hudgins. Mrs. Margaret Silcox accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Frank Lesher and children, Margaret Jean and William Donald, of Portland, "were guests of Mrs. Reuben Alldredge last Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Green accom panied by Miss Bernice Morris and Dick Seward of Portland visited Mr. Green's brother, W. C. Green at Ore gon City Saturday. Mrs. J. J. Mallett a resident of Mu- lino was an Oregon City visitor Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Rose were transacting business- in Oregon City Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen and children of -RAdland were Oregon City visitors Friday. Mrs. Otto Schmeiser and daughter, Gertrude, whose home is as Oarus were in Oregon City Saturday. For badies tailoring see Joe Orman, Andresen Bldg. Misses Ruth and Paula Fischer, whose homes are at Carus were Ore gon City visitors last Friday. Mrs. Harry G. NeviU ana young daughter, of Redland, visited Mrs. C. W. Hulse of Lents, last. week. Mr. and Mrs. George fliss, resi dents of Carus visited in Oregon City one day last week. Mr . and Mrs. Frank Manning ac companied by Mrs. Long and daugh ter, Elizabeth of Mulino, spent Wed nesday of last week in Oregon City. Mrs. Ed Fortune has returned to her home in Oregon City after under going a serious operation at the St Vincents hospital in Portland. A little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wymore of Canemah on January 6. J. Winslow, a resident of Molalla transacted business in Oregon City l&st WG6k. Aleck P Cannon who has been ill at his home on Eighth and Railroad Avenue has very much improved. Adolph Aschoff. a resident of Mar mot, near Mt Hood, was transacting business in Oregon City last Friday. While here he visited some friends. At the Presbyterian manse Satur day, Jan. 7, R. Charles Newberry of New Era was united in marriage to Jewel A. Wright. Rev. H. G. Edgar performed the ceremony. Mrs. Helen Wilcox, a former resi dent of Oregon City, but now of Oak Grove, where she has recently pur chased two and one half acres of ground was transacting business in Oregon City one day last week. Mrs. Alma Good, who was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank Moore, dur ing the Christmas holidays has re turned to her home at The Dalles, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stromgreen, prominent residents of Colton were transacting business in Oregon City, one day last week. - Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McDonald and daughters Georgia May and Catherine, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lucke of Canby were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John V. Green. Mrs. Lucke and Mrs. McDonald are neices of Mrs. Green. Don Wilson formerly advertising manager for the Banner-Courier, but now is running a job office at Cor vallis, where he is taking a course in industrial journalism, was in Oregon City Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Elmer Wickham accompanied by his daughter, Dorothy Wickham, Mrs. Elmer Wright and Mr& Geo. Bissel of Portland were in Oregon City Sunday to attend the funeral of the late William Wickham. For gents tailoring see Joe Orman, Andresen Bldg. Thomas Lovelace, a former resident of Oregon City but now employed in a railroad office in Portland was in Oregon City Sunday making arrange ments for his mothers, Mrs. Lucy P. Clark, funeral which was held Mon day morning from the Episcopal church. Mrs. P. W. Green and dauhgter, SPECIALS THIS WEEK AT "-" : : The 3J immmJu stow BOX STATIONERY Odds and ends of boxed writ ing paper 24 sheets with 24 envelopes selling regularly 35c to 40c Only. 84 boxes in the lot. "While they last 25c UMBRELLAS 20 PER CENT OFF This includes our whole stock from $T1fO cottons to Fancy silks at $12. This week only "20 per cent of the marked price. $1.00 BOOKS FOR 50c These are selected from our regular $1.00 copyrights not our whole stock. Some are shop worn, some are over stocks, not a large number, but some mighty good read ing for adults and also a list for boy and girls. Hinds Cream -.: 39c Oriental Cream . $1.35 Theatrical Cold "Cream pound .40c pound 75c SOAPS Woodburys Facial 19c Pears Scented 17c Pears Unscented 14c Lux ; 10c Baby Doll, 6 for 25c Lava, 3 for 25c S-W Hand Paste , 6c TOOTH PASTE Pepsodent 39c Pebeco ,. .'...39c Kolynos ... 21c Colgates 19c Klenzo ."...16c EXTRA SPECIAL SOAP Full half pound bar glycer ine, Yiolet, Rose, Almond or Buttermilk. 3 bars for 25c We have Susto the new remedy Huntley -Draper Drug Co. companied by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood ward and daughters, Helen and Hazel Jean, motored to Schubel Sunday .and visited Mr. and Mrs. Francis McGah uey. Mrs. M. A. McArthur of Willam ette, accompanied by her mother-in: law, Mrs. I. S. McArthur of New Era, were Portland visitors Monday of this week. The Baner-Courier, Clackamas county's biggest, newsiest newspaper for the year 1922, during this month for cash, special $1.00. Send in your subscription. Now. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Justina Moehnke; deceased, and any and all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present said claims duly verified as by law required,'' at the office of my attorney, Paul C. Fischer, within six months from the date of this notice Dated January 7th, 1922. Date of first publication January 12, 1922. Date of last publication February 9, 1922. JOHN A. MOEHNKE, Administrator of the estate of Jus tina Moehnke. deceased. PAUL C. FISCHER, Rooms' 8 and 9, Beaver Bldg., Ad dress, Oregon City, Oregon. Attorney for Administrator. l-12-5t. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE CARVER STATE .BANK OF CARVER, STATE DP OREGON AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS DEC. 31, 1921 Charter No. 262 - Reserve District No. 12 RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including rediscounts shown in v item 31, if any . Overdrafts secured and unsecured , Other bonds, warrants and securities, foreign government, state, municipal, etc. . including corporation, Banking house, 15,476.65; 3943.27 furniture and fixtures, Amounts due from banks, bankers and trust compan ies not designated as approved reserve banks Amounts due from banks, bankers and trust compan ies, designated and approved reserve agents of Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank and other cash items Cash on hand in vault Other assets, if any, Undivided Profits Total LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus fund S1 Miss Iva of Wenatchee, Wash., who has been in Oregon City visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Saund ers, left last week for Los Anegles, Cal., to visit relatives. Another guest of Mrs. Saunders was her grandson Floyd Whitcombe of Buffalo, Wyom ing. A little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hold en, who reside near Salem, Sunday, Jan. 8. Mr. Holden is a son of Mrs. Anna Holden of this city, who has gone to Salem to take care of her dauhgter-in-law. He also is a brother of Mrs. Fred Greenman. Mrs. T. E. Beard of Maple Lane vis ited her sister-in-law, Mrs. WiUiam Beard of Sellwood. Mrs. Frank Busch, Jr., of Portland, who has been convalescing at the home of - her mother-in-law, ' Mrs. Frank Busch of Oregon City has re turned to her home in Portland. Mrs. Busch was operated on at the St. Vin cents hospital several weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer H. Cooper, ac companied by the Misses Alma and Florence Moore motored to Carus Sun day afternoon, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Lunceford Shockley, who are occupying the Cooper farm. Mrs. Amy Clyde and daughter, Mil- Ldred of Redland were Oregon City visitors last Saturday. Mrs. C. Fouts and son,,'' Darius of Estacada spent the day last Saturday in Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schoenborn and daughters, Beverly and Maurine, ac- Children's Eye Troubles should be attended to at the first sign of J weakness. It means increased efficiency at their school work and relief from headaches eye- m aches and other troubles due to EYESTRAIN. If you are one who has failed to get comfortable glasses you are assured relief by my meth ods. Over 11,000 cases treated in 19 years. Dr. Freeze, Eye Specialist 50514 Main St. Oregon City Opposite Postoffice LENSES GROUND WHILE YOU WAIT j iier isnsasiETflxiiiiiiiiiiiii Demand Deposits, other than banks, subject to reserve: Deposits due the State of Oregon, and deposits -due county or cities and other public funds Individual deposits subject to check . Demand certificates of deposit outstanding Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable on demand Total of demand deposits, other than bank de posits, subject to reserve $18,693.43 Time and Savings Deposits, subject to reserve and payable on demand and subject to notice: Time certificates of deposit outstanding Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand and subject to notice $ 1,278.16 Notes, bills and acceptances rediscounted including bonds or other securities sold under repurchase agreements with contingent liabilities Bills payable with federal reserve bank or with oth er banks or trust companies Total : $23,411.73 5.28 2,836.90 9,419.92 860.43 1,194.93 215.45 1,924.74 1,465.30 $41,334.68 15,000.00 i,500.00 9,000.00 9.503T15 20.61 169.67 1,278.16 3,198.09 1,665.00 . 141,334.68 State of Oregon. County of Clackamas, (ss): I, R. E. Loomis, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of myjuiowledge and belief. R. E. LOOMIS, Cashier. Correct Attest: A. R. SMITH, THOS. E. ANDERSON, R. L. PEAKE, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of January, 1922. (SEAL) G. B. DIMICK, Notary Public. Ay commission expires August 6th, 1923. BUSCH sews B i 'C 1 fll H , j j I ' FIVE REASONS WHY WE SHOULD HAVE YOUR WORK SPECIAL CARE GIVEN DELICATE ARTICLES Cleanses Thoroughly Without the Usual Wear Ironing perfectly done without scorching Prompt Collection and Delivery of Bundles Courtesy and Moderate Prices The Oregon City LAUNDRY The Phonograph Supreme To those who have not heard Brunswick rec ords and Brunswick reproduction we have much to offer. The Brunswick is faultless in tone quality, reproducing the highest notes of the human voice with no metallic or mechanical vibrations. An r.ccirate and noiseless motor makes possi ble the even, smooth tone unvarying in pitch and volume. i i i Call today and ask for a demonstration. nri v Has Roused a Buying Frenzy Which Will Not Cease Furniture, Rugs, stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Kitchenware, Etc. GOING LIKE WILDFIRE Never before has a store in Oregon City seen such sensational selling never before has a store in Oregon City had such merchandise to sell at such prices! ; w., .t "jjiMM By the hundreds they are coming, intent upon o ne thing; to Buy! Buy!! Buy!!! You" were promised bargains, and you found them here!. Each day each hour will bring new surprises. We cannot show all this mammouth stock on our sales floor at one time, so come daily for new bargains! Come early in the day if you possibly can! Come expecting to save r eal money, and you will not be disappointed. Notice the big Daily Specials ! Don't miss one of them. ' - NOTICE THE BIG DAILY SPECIALS COME EVERY DAY SATURDAY, JANUARY 14th 11 Jones Drug Company Bridge Corner Oregon City foohij 8-cte Come, be here when the dors open at 8 A. M. Saturday, January 14th, we will sell a good House' Broom, worth today over $1.00, to the first 200 people making a $2.00 purchase or over, in any department, for the small sum of 8 cents. Limit one to a customer or family Aluminum Percalator OR SIX-QT. CONVEX KETTLE . 75 c MONDAY, JANUARY 16th, we will sell to anyone makine a nurchasA nf 3,9. nn nr nvr Aluminum Percolator or 6-qt. Convex Kettle' (150 in this lot), while they 1; , at 75c I ' Limit one to a customer SET OF FOUR GLASS MIXING BOWLS 24c aset TUESDAY, JANUARY 17th, we will sell to anyone making a purchase of $2.00 or over, set of four, assorted, sizes Sanitary Glass Mix ing Bowls for 24c Limit one set to a customer I 9x12 Beautiful Grass Rugs, new stencil de signs, assorted colors, all new stock. No one can afford to be without floor coverings at these prices. Former values to $12.50, now $545 I 9x12 seamles tapestry Brussel Rugs, which formerly sold at $35.00, have been reduced to the low price of ; ; .vugs, WU1UU $16,50 I 9x12 Axminister Rugs, woven of yarns, wearing qualities unexcelled. all new designs, which would sell in the regular way up to $50.00, our sale price all wool This is $27.50 "Hygeno" All-Metal Carpet Sweep ersers, mahogany finish, a bargain at $3.50, reduced to $1,93 Beautiful new patterns in Felt Base Floor coverings. These are heavily stamped for Kitchen and bathroom use and will resist the hardest wear. Worth $1.00 per square yard (This price does not include laying) 55 Full-size Iron Beds, prices will range good condition, sale from . slightly used "but - in 95 GENTS UP ALUMINUM DOUBLE BOILER OR FOUR QT. COVERED SAUCE PANS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18th, we will sell to anyone making a purchase of $2.00 or over. Aluminum Double Boiler or 4-qt. Covered Sauce Pan (150 in this lot), while they last, at : 75c Limit one to a customer One lot of 500 square yards of Blabon's Art' Inlaid Linoleum, values to $2.50. There is none better for service or appearance. With ordin ary care this Linoleum will last a ffl 4 Q Q ' lifetime. Extra Special during this y I iw J sale at, per square yard T 9x12 Genuine Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs, the Dest tnat money can Duy.- These come m as sorted patterns and limited quantities only. Extra special while any remain, at $13.75 THE SALE OF ALL SALES FRANK BUSCH & SONS OREGON CITY OREGON - 2