LIO THE BANNER-COURIER; OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1922. gillilllll!!ll!!!!ll!il!!ll!l!llll!!!!llll!llill!lll Every Department Participates Everything Reduced MPT Seventh and Main Sts. Everything For Less Oregon City, Oregon Bigger Better Than Ever NOW GOING ON AND WILL CONTINUE FOR TWO WEEKS As it is the policy of this store not to carry over ant merchandise from season to season we are carrying out our custom of disposing of all win ter merchandise at radical reductions. Our one p urpose, is to clear the racks and shelves of all this seasons goods to make room for the New Spring merchandise now in transits Every department j oins. in this sweeping clear-out and whatever you need for your immediate or future use can be purchased here at a reduction from 10 to 50 per cent under the present retail market values. We guarantee the values and the quality of the mer chandise to be just as represented. BIG REDUCTIONS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Women's and Children's Ready-to-wear, Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats, Dry Goods, Blankets, Hosiery and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children EVERYTHING TO WEAR REDUCED WOM EN'S SUITS AND COATS Carrying out our policy of clearing out every gar ment when it is seasonable and wanted Hence Every garment now in stock must go. All this seasons in the wanted fabrics of the latest trimmings and high class workmanship. They are all WOMEN'S COATS PRICE Clearance Prices on Coats $22.50 Coats, now......... $11.25 32.50 Coats, now 16.25 40.00 Coats, now , 20.00 54.75 Coats, now 27.38 Clearance Prices on Suits $25.00 Suits, now : $12.50 32.50 Suits, now 16.25 40.00 Suits, now 20.C0 67.50 Suits, now .. 33.75 MostiylBlaek and Navy Blue . A real bargain awaits the woman or miss, in this lot of coats. Good serviceable materials, just the thing for ' every day or school wear. These are the last of a large number this season that sold up to $25.00. . We Advise Coming Early for These NUMEROUS SPECIALS FROM THE READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Values to $3.00 ' J flj Gowns, Combinations, Chemise, etc WOMEN'S SWEATERS Including all the better grades, belted and slip-over models, bright and dark colors. Values $8.00 00 OC to $12.50 : 0J,0J Men! The Greatest Clothing Sale in years Suits and Overcoats at Suits and Overcoats at $15 .75 $25.75 This lot is picked from garments selling up to $30 Serges, Cashmeres and mixed worsted materials, fine workmanship. You'll say they are the best values in years. Values to $30 Your Choice of any Hart, Schaf f ner & Marx SuitCor Overcoat $ 35 .75 Yes Sir! Your unrestricted choice of any Hart, Schaf f ner & Marx suit or overcoat in our stock at this one price $35.75. Supreme values at their regular prices for this quality clothing. Values $50 to $60 ' We expect a brisk business on this reduction. The values are supreme. Any and all wanted styles, color ings and materials. All wool of course. 1 Values $35 to $40 January Sale of MEN'S FURNISHINGS Dress Socks, 6 pr $1.00 Fine lisle in black, grey, cordov an and tan. Reg. 30c value. Natural Wool Socks, 39c A heavy grey and blue mixed sox that sold regularly for 85c pair. Mixed Wool Socks 3 pr. $1 An extra special clearance price. Regular 50c value. Jersey Gloves, 3 pr.....50c Wear twice as long as . canvas gloves and are much warmer and" they fit right. Reg. 25c values. Auto Gauntlets $2.20 Fleced lined gauntlet glove. Reg. $3.00 value. Work Gloves, 3 pr....$1.00 A heavy muleskin work glove. Regular 75c. Now 35c pr. 3 pr. $1.00 Men's Work Shirts.....79c Good quality chambray; Tilue and grey. Regular $1.00 values. Work Shirts. 98c Lee's Dura Koat heavy ' "Blue work shirts that sell regularly for $1.25. Clearance price 98c. THIS COUPON WORTH $1.00 AN ADDITIONAL 5 PER CENT DISCOUNT Realizing that a goodly proportion of our patrons live a considerable distance from Oregon City, we offer this coupon, which when presented during The Jan uary Sales is redeemable for $1.00 cash on every $20 purchase. This will 'help defray the expense whether you come by rail or auto. CUT THIS OUT BRING IT WITH YOU CLEARANCE PRICES ON Dress Goods and Silks At this time of year, before inventory, we find many lines of goods depleted. One or two pieces of a kind, odd lots, etc., that we will dispose of at unheard of prices. The lowest prices in years now prevail on silks and dress goods. All Wool Suitings only $1.29 yard A remarkable price for this all wool suiting materials. Not many pieces in the lot Velours in checks and plains, Heather mixtures and tweeds and novelty pattenrs, browns, blues and tans. Values $2.50 to $4.00 yard. 54 inches wide. 54-INCH PLAID SERGES ' All wool in-several desirable patterns SI. 49 YD STORM AND FRENCH SERGE .'. Brown, Blue and Red, 36-in. wide 897 YD GRANITE CLOTH AND SERGE .. All wool &Brown, Red and Navy,-36-in. 79f YD January Clearance Prices in the DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT Dark Oil Cloth, yard ......29c 36 inch Challie, yard 17c Kiddie Cloth, 32 in., yd...l9c 36-in. Standard Percale, 11c Best Quality Percale, yd. 19c Plisse Crepes, 32-in. yd19c Big Lot of Cretones, yd. 21c Special Lot of Curtain Materials and Cretonnes AT 33c YD. Look! The lowes prices in years on Standard OUTING FLANNELS Lot Number One 36-inch WHITE OUTING 6 YARDS FOR $1.00 Good standard weight that sells now for 25c yard. Has sold as high as 45c. This is the lowest price in years on this grade of outing. Lot Number Two 27-inch COLORED OUTING '8 YARDS FOR $1.00 Fifty bolts of Half . Century to go on sale at this price. Regular 23c a yard. Buy for future use. EXTRA SPECIAL ! ! About 250 pairs of Women's Oxfords and strap Slippers, broken lines and sizes. finest Leathers and Fitting Qualities $2.65 Formerly Sold From $6.00 to $10.00 a pair ISHOES, OXFORDS andfPUMPS A big selection of regular stock consisting of Black Scotch Grain, Black Kid, Brown Kid and Calf leathers. Mod els in the three buckle Oxfords, Military Heel Oxfords, one strap, low heel slippers. All Sizes in the lot $4.85 All New Styles FORMER VALUES TO $10.00 e3 l IPmnnm.miiiiniiiiiiliim.MlMll.limHIllimilMlllimil 4 . f X k