The banner-courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1919-1950, January 05, 1922, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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Interesting Items From the Country Correspondents
Telling of the Progress, Development, and
Upbuilding of Social and Civil Life ,
Mr, and Mrs. G. R. Guilliam and
family spent Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Mills and family at Butte
Ville. Miss Wilnia and John Bliss spent a
few days with relatives at Molalla.
The Ladies' Aid met at Mrs. Her
man Fisher's last Wednesday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. George Bliss, made a
trip to Oregon City last Tuesday.
Donald Schoenborn spent a few
days at Mount Pleasant with his grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCarthy.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Faurie and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Mackerel, and Mr.
and Mrs. Tulliver and family of Mo
lalla, were dinner guests at George
Bliss' home last Saturday.
Mr. John Calvery returned home
from his work last week from Tilla
mook. Mrs. App Jones and children spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr .and Mrs.
Monroe Irish.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Perish and son,
Norman of Mount Pleasant, and neph
ew, Albert Cunningham of Washing
ton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Lunce Schockley and family last
Mr. Bud Weisser made a trip to
Mulino last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bliss and fam
ily were dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs.
Tulliver and family of Molalla last
Mr. John Kline and Rev. Clark of
Salem, papered and painted the Car
us church last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lunce Schockley and
family were dinner guests at Mr. and
Mrs. Stevenson's last Sunday.
Mr. Griffith Jones who has been
making his home with the Guilliam
family .moved to his own place last
Mr. Lunce Schockley and Mr. Stev
enson called on Mr. Roland Edwards
of Beaver Creek one day last week.
Mrs. A. Beach called on Mr. Monroe
Irish Thursday afternoon.
Mr. .Richard McCarthy spent a few
das ywith his sister, Mrs. Charles
Willbanks. Mr. McCarthy is talking
about going into the dairy business on
the home place.
Earl Davis Is having a serious time
with an abcess in his ear.
Mr. Tom Lewis is laid up with a
lame back, the result of a fall.
Mr. Arch Beach left last week for
Chehalis, Washington, on business.
The Farmers' Union met at the Car
us schoolhouse last Wednesday even
ing. ......
Miss Erma Caseday spent last Tues
day with Miss Maude O'Leary.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lewjs called
on Mrs. W. X. Davis Wednesday after
noon. Mrs. Davis has been ill the
last week.
Albert Fisher is working in the
Doernbecker mill at New Era.
Glen Clarks, the minister's son of
Salem, spent last week with Mr. and
Mrs. John Kline.
Mrs. App Jones and children spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
Monroe Irish.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kline, and Glen
Clarks, were dinner guests at George
Bliss' home Sunday.
work on his own farm is also caring
for the farm of J .E. Sinclair, who has
just returned home from the Oregon
City hospital.
Jim Burns made a trip to Portland
Friday, to secure repair parts for his
wood saw.
The marriage of Ralph Coleman, a
former Canby boy, and Miss Eleanor
Flynn, took place last Wednesday at
the home of the brides parents, at
Eugene, Mrs. Coleman is an ex-student
of 6. A. C, where Mr. Coleman is
employed as a teacher in the Athletic
department. For the present the
newlyweds will make their home in
Two young men were arrested here
last week for a misdemeanor in which
girls and "booze" played a prominent
part. It is to be hoped the sentence
imposed a fine, and a sojourn in the
reform school will prove not only an
efficient lesson to the culprits, but
a warning to some other young peo
ple here whose feet incline to the by
ways in preference to the straight
Two interesting basket ball games
were played here Friday evening be
fore a large and enthusiastic audi
ence. In the first game the Alumni
girls won over the Canby high school
girls with a score of 20 to 2.
The second game was between the
Alumni boys and the high school
boys, the latter winning the closely
contested game by a score of 29 to
After the games the Alumni had a
'get toegther party' 'in the gymnas
ium, liames oi various Kinas were
indulged in. All winding up with
the usual "big feed."
Ed Graves, formerly of Macksburg
but now of Mt. Pleasant, was trans
acting business in Canby Saturday.
Miss Vesta Mark, who is hom for
the holidays, from Monmouth formal.
spent the week end with Mjss Lillian
Prof. W. E. Gurley, Mrs. Gurley,
Ogle and Mrs. M. T. Mack spent Sat
urday with relatives nd Woodburn.
Geo. Scheer and ilrs. Keesling, of
Macksburg, were business visitors
here Saturday.
Schuyler Latourette, of Union Hall,
is planning a trip to California in the
near future. His daughter is afflicted
with asthma and the trip will be tak
en, in hopes that the change of cli
mate may prove beneficial to her.
Jimmy Lamour is dolling up his
new Chevrolet with disk wheels.
Believing in the safety first slogan,
Mrs. Ed. Hollenbach drove up to Sa
lem Saturday, to get a 1922 auto li
cense. George and Phyllis Holen
bach, Wava and Raleigh Wheeler,
went along for fun.
Irvin Wheeler, our energetic insur
ance man, made a business trip to
Gervais last Friday.
M. T. Mack, who was injured in too
close contact with an automobile, two
weeks ago, is able to walk a little
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kraus of Port
land, and son Henry, from Canada,
were week-end visitors at the home of
J. H. Kraus.
Mrs. John Brown, an old pioneer
of this section died in Portland Satur
day. Interment was in Zion ceme
tery Tuesday.
Lon Inglis is quite ill with an at
tack of heart trouble.
to pay an income tax last year. He
raises Ginsing, Golden Seal and ber
ries. The saw mills above us are offer
ed $12.00 a thousand for railroad ties
but are holding out for $14.00 as
they can hardly operate at $12.00.
The Friends or "Quakers" are rais
ing 000,000 barrels of flour ta send
to Europe. There are only about
200,000 of them but they have the
best record of any of the denomina
tions as they have always opposed
war, intemperance and human slav
ery. Land near these peaceable peo
ple is always high as every one wants
good neighbors. They now have re
lief workers in Germany, France, Ser
via and Russia repairing war's rav
The annual meeting of the Jennings
Lodge Community church will be held
next Wednesday evening. After the
business meeting the men will act as
host3 and serve a specially prepared
supper. The details are not being
given to the public, the only an
nouncement being that one of the fea
tures of the banquet will be the apple
pies . Each man will bring a pie of
his own making. If he calls for help
from his wife in baking, or furnishes
bakers goods he will be fined $5.00
which will go into the church treas
ury. Refusal on the part of the wo
ment to partake of the pie furnished
will result in a fine of $2.00 which
will go to the same source.
The members of the Luncheon club
were entertained by Mrs. R. G.
Thompson at her home near Ashdale
station Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Roake of Cas
tle Rock spent the holidays with their
daughter Mrs. George Gardner and
family of Meldrum station. Christ
mas day they were geusts at the
Roake family Christmas dinner giv
en at the Masonic Temple in Ore
gon City.
Miss Alva Eads has returned to her
studies at the Pacific University,
Forest Grove after spending the holi
days with her mother, Mrs. Ellen
Eads of Meldrum station.
W .A. Rush who is teaching near
Freewater has returned to his school
duties after spending the holidays
with his family at Hull station.
Mrs. Gideon Nunn of Jennings
Lodge was taken to the Oregon City
hospital for treatment last Saturday.
The Nunn's are new arrivals in the
Lodge. Mr. Nunn is employed by the
Hawley Pulp & Paper Company, and
during the mother's illness the chil
dren will be taken to Aberdeen
Washington, where they will be cared
for by their aunt
Mrs. Myers and daughters of Glad
stone spent Monday with Mrs. Lucy
Allen. Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Allen
are sisters.
Mrs. Dan Jones is confined to her
home with" the prevailing grip.
John F. Jennings is rapidly conval
oscing and while still weak Is able to
be out again.
Mrs. Hampton of Hull avenue spent
Christmas week with her son at Pen
dleton. .
Will Hayden and family have mov
ed to Estacada and C. H. Paddison
and family are now living on the. place
vacated by him.
Gifford Hoffmeister killed a big
wildcat last week and was so excited
over the affair that he co.uld scarcely
eat his dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Douglass were
the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Walker Douglass New Year's Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bluhm and Mr.
and Dawson Fairchild, and little
daughter, Patty Jean, of Oregon City,
spent Sunday at the home of Roy
A. N. Orke has rented his farm to a
Mr. Bestol.
Mr. Rhenstrom has built a big new
motored to Salem the other day and
visited Otto Hofstetter's new baby
girl. -
Mr. Geo. Devore and Stanley Turrell
who are away at work, were home
over Xmas.
At a recent road meeting Mr. A.
Eimon was chosen as the peoples'
choice for Toad supervisor.
Miss Claire Say who was operated
on at the Sellwood hospital for oppen-
dicitis, Dec. 10, writes from her home
at Wilsonville where she is convalesc
ing that she will be unable to take up
her duties as teacher in this school
before Jan. 23rd.
Mrs. Knoles, who has been in Port
land, joined her husband on the home
stead last week.
Seymour Lankins and family are
planning to move in the very near fu
ture on the Hight homestead on Clear
Creek which he has leased for a short
"Uncle" John Park, who has been I
confined to the house for the several
weeks -does not improve very rapid
ly, having a severe cold and owing to
his advanced age his recovery is slow.
Mrs. Will Myers of Dodge returned
to her home last week, after having
spent a week or more, looking after
the interest of her new grandson,
"Leo Ray" who took up his abode
Dec. 22, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Stanford Cox.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bittner, Frank
Rotterand Delia Val'en were business
visitors in Portland and Oregon City
Thursday and Friday.
Mr. Frank Bittner of Bull Run, is
going to start up the Bittner & Boy
Ian mill on Clear Creek. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Rotter have moved to the
mill, where Mrs .Rotter will have
charge of the cook house.
Mrs. E. R. Boyer attended Mr. Fred
Patterson's funeral at Clackamas last
Thursday. . '
Mrs. W. Garrow and children spent
a few days with Mrs. Peterson.
Mr and Mrs. . Priest and Mrs. Boy
Ian motored to Portland Friday. (
- Mr. and Mrs. Enghouse and son,
Clarence, went shopping in Portland
Fern Priest has been visiting her
aunt, Mrs. Will Priest of Portland.
Mrs. Hester Baits of Portland spent
a' few dasy with her cousin, Miss S.
Mr. and Mrs. Petersen and son
spent Saturday and Monday in Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Boyer and Mr.
and Mrs. E. O. Boyer and two daugh
ters, Beth and Jean spent Sunday in
Canby helping to celebrate Mrs. Earl
Boyer's grandfather's 89th birthday
where they had an enjoyable time.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Douglass took
their New Year dinners in Portland.
--E. R. Boyer, Ralph Boyer and Hen-
I ry Card attended a Carver Canning
Miss Mildred Poulsen spent Christ
mas with Mr. and Mrs. Maitland.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Putman spent
Thursday in Portland
Mr. and Mrs E. Hobenet spent
Thursday and Friday in Portland
Mr.' and Mrs. Crane spent Friday
with Mr and Mrs. C. Smith
Mrs. Hartell entertained Mrs. Boyer.
Miss Poulsen, Mrs. M. Hansen and
Mrs. Nelson Hansen of Portland on
Frida yafternoon.
Mrs. Onga Hobenet, Mrs. Hartell,
Mrs. W. Petersen, Mrs. K. Smith took
in the matinee at the Baker theater
Mr. and Mrs. Walkup and Mr. and
meeting Monday night,
Mrs. Jack Welch was called to The
Dalles on account of the illness of
her nephew.
Clarence Enghouse has returned to
O. A. C. to resume his studies.
Mr. and Mrs. Stoltenberg entertain
ed at a New Year's we ten party. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Card, Vida Card, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Douglass and son, Mr. and Mrs. John
Nelson and two sons, Harvey and
Lenoard, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Boyer
and Edna and Wilma Kneeland. A
very nice lunch was served. The
house was decorated in fir.
Mrs. Onga Hobenet, Mrs. Smith and
Mrs. Hartell called on Edna Boyer,
who has been on the sick list for
the last week.
The men started to help Mr. Garron
rebuild his house Tuesday morning.
Vida Card spent Sunday afternoon
with Edna Boyer.
Mrs. Harry Blake and children,
Edith and Lloyd, called on Mrs. Boy
er one afternoon.
The club meets this Saturdak night,
January 7. A good time, is prom
ised, so come.
An ordinance appropriating the sum
of $232.72 out of the general fund in
payment for extra work done by W. D.
Andrews Construction- Company, for
the construction of Sixth Street Sewer
known as District No. 13, and declar
ing an emergency.
Oregon City does ordain as follows:
Mr. Oliver McClure, who was depot
agent here for several years, has sold
his home place here.' He will build
again this time in Woodburn, where
he is now located.
R, C. Duke has recently installed
a phone in his garage.
H. A. W. Graham has bought the
building opposite the postoffice,
known as the "Big Six." Mr. Moore
is busy repairing the structure, which
will be occupied by the Corvallis
Creamery Co., and the Yoder Con
fectionery store.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parmenter at
tended the New Year's dance at New
A. Stefan! has reopened his saw
mill with a full crew. He will soon
Tegm building a $2000 auto-logging
W. W. Walker is erecting a large
poultry building on his farm west of
George. Veteto and family, who
have been living in Southern Idaho
for six years ,are visiting at the home
of Mr. Veteto's sister ,Mrs. Roy Par
menter here. They will locate per
manently in this vicinity.
H. J. Phelps, who recently under
went a serious operation at the Good
Sanfaritan hospital is getting along
Chas Thomas, who is working for
A. E. Wait, delivered two Chevrolet
cars to local residents this week:
Geo. Bates and Elmer Yeary.
Herb. Johnson has sold his . dray
team to his son, who will reside here
and continue the business.
Grover Goetz in addition to the
Real winter .weather.
Every evidence of a big fall of snow
at this writing.
Mrs. George Ten Eyck, teacher at
Bolton, spent the holidays with her
parents at their bungalow.
Work is still going on at tSe
bridges over Alder and Boulder
Our teacher, Miss Terill, has a va
cation of two weeks beignning next
A Christmas entertainment was giv
en at the church Christmas week by
the scholars. Also pies were auction
ed off for the benefit of the church.
Rev. Mr. Colton preached at the
church here on the 27th and a col
lection taken up for the starving chil
dren of Europe. The collection
amounted lo $12.00.
A literary society will be started on
the 14th at the school house.
L. B. Green caught a coyote and
wildcat last week.
Jas. O. Botkin came over from Gar
field last week to visit her people, Dr.
and Mrs. Botkin. "Jim" says a ranch
er near Estacada on five acres had
Booster Club meeting next Satur
day at 8 o'clock p. m. at the Union
Hall. Everybody should be present.
Road matters will be the main busi
ness. The following gentlemen were
present at the county budget meeting
in Oregon City last Friday: Clarkes,
Frank and A. Oldenburg, E. E. Berger,
Ed. Leichtweis, A. Gasser, S. Elmer,
J. L. Gard, Ed Buol, R. Griffets, R.
Sims and others.
Otto Gasser and Mr. Goodman were
Oregon City visitors last Friday.
The' Farmers Union held their
meeting last Saturday night at their
hall and some important matters were
brought up, finally the meeting ad
journed for three weeks or the 3rd
Saturday evening in January. Do not
forget Booster club meeting Saturday
Jan. 7th, p. m.
Several young people from here at
tended the dance at Beacon Heights
hall last Saturday night.- All said
they had a good time.
- Clara Gasser left for St Johns to
continue school.
Murial Cummings from Hillsdale,
Oregon, visited with Otto Gasser and
his sisters, the Mrs. Paul and Albert
Schiewe over the New Years holi-
Ben Lindau and Julius" Scheiwe
were Oregon City visitors the other
day. Charles Gasser is visiting his
brothers in St. Johns, for a few days.
Mrs. Charles Grossmiller and his
brother-in-law, from Highland inspect
ed Mr. Gasser's loganberry yard last
Mr. C. White became daddy the
other day. Anybody could tell by his
broad smile.
Mrs. G. Hofstetter and son, Walter
It is well to keep on hand a generous supply
of Tire repair accessories. Accidents will
Every car owner will do well to inspect our
splendid showing before buying accessories,
for, item for item, the prices we ask are
less than usual.
Oregon Xfty 'Auto Co.
6th and Main , Phone 429
Section 1. That there be and here
by i3 appropriated the sum of $232.
72 out of the general fund in payment
for extra work done by W. D. An
drews Construction Company, for the
construction of Sixth Street Sewer
known as District No. 13.
Section 2. The Mayor and Record
er of Oregon City be and hereby are
authorized to draw a warrant in fa
vor of W. D. Andrews Costruction
Company, in the amount of $232.72 in
payment for extra work done by said
Construction company in the construe-
ond reading and passage at a special
meeting of the city council to be held
on the 13th day -of January 1922, at
7:30 o'clock P. M.
Jan. 5-lt.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
executor of the estate of Bridget Gaff-
n oxr jlArci;ii anri QT1 V artfi fill THAT'S DTI S
tion of Sixth Street Sewer mentioned ' hag claims' against the sald estate
in Section 1 hereof.
WHEREAS the condition of Sixth
Street at a point where said extra
work was done, was and is dangerous
to the health and safety of the public,
and the performance of said extra
work was and is necessary for the
immediate preservation of the health
and safety of said public, therefore
an emergency is hereby declared to
exist and this ordinance shall take
effect and be in force immediately
upon its approval by the mayor.
Read first time at a special meeting
of the city council held on December
30th, 1921, at 4:00 o'clock p. m. and
ordered published to come up for sec-
are hereby required to present said
'claims, duly verified as by law re
quired, at the office of my attorney,
Wm. Hammond, Beaver Bldg., Oregon
City, Oregon, within six months from
the date of this notice.
Dated November 29th. 1921.
Date of first publication Dec. 1,
Date of last publication Dec 29,
1921. -
.Executor of the estate of Bridget
Gaffney, deceased.
Attorney for Executor, Address
Beaver Building, Oregon City, Ore.'
Willamette River
Lumber Company
Wholesale and Retail
160 Main Street Oregon City, Oregon
Phone 63
We Have It
If you are particular about meat, if you want only
the best it will pay you to give us a trial. We han-
die the best obtainable jn
Fresh and Cured Meats
Poultry and Eggs
The National
Conservatory of Music
Located in the Liberty Theater Bldg. on Main St.
Would like to have you call and see them
, in regards to "their special courses
We teach, piano, vocal, violin, mandolin, banjo guitar and all band
instruments, with the above course we give you free lessons iij. har
mony, also orchestra training.
We loan instruments to pupils for practice purposes free of charge.
Ex-service men's state aid.
All our labor Charges are RIGHT and .
our work is the BEST? Do not be mis
lead by ''cut11 price methods. A one or
two doller saving in the initial cost of
a motor overhaul frequently results in
an avalanoe of later expense. All OUR
repair work is guaranteed by-
Meat Market and Grocery
Phone 68
Monroe and Seventh Streets Oregon City
A T7M . r fitt-rr
Oldest, Largest and Best Equipped Ford Agency in Clackamas County.
"Equipped to serve YOU best"
and 7
The Oregon Farmer the Best Farm Paper in the
Northwest Both for the ridiculously small sum of
Send in your name to the Banner-Courier office and your subscription
will be started at once
The Banner-Courier