Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, July 03, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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At the touch of a match
No waiting for fires to come up, no unnecessary
work, no waste, when you use a good oil cook
stove and Pearl Oil. Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts
economically. Concentrates a steady heat on
the cooking leaving the kitchen cool and com
fortable. Pearl Oil, the Standard Oil Company's kero
sene, is one of the most convenient and economi
cal fuels you can use. Easy to handle. It is re
fined and re-refined by our special process which
removes the impurities. It is clean burning.
' Pearl Oil is for sale in bulk by dealers every
where. It is the same high-quality kerosene as
the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon cans. There is a
saving by buying in bulk. Order by name Pearl
We recommend New Perfection
and Puritan Oil Cookatovea
J. L. LACEY, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co, Park Place, Ore.
(Continued from Page 2)
come as a man among men in his
"Or will ybu throw away his inher
itance before he has had the chance
to touch it? Will you turn over to
him a brain distorted, a mind diseas
ed; a will untrained to action; a spin
al cord grown through and through
with the devil grass we call wild
oats? -
"Will you let him come, taking
your place, gaining through your ex
perience, happy in your friendships,
hallowed through your joys, building
on them his own?
"Or will you fling it all away, de
creeing, wanton-like, that the man
you might have been shall never be?
"This is your problem in life the
problem vastly more important to
you than any or all others. How will
you meet it, as man or as a fool ? It
is our problem today and every day,
and the hour of your choice is the
crisis in our history."
crop of grapes this year, and expects
to get the highest market price for
the fruit, as it is of the best variety.
Help to reach all the parents of the
country by cutting this out and pass
ing it on to a friend.
1 S
m h
H HHHfflllHEIiaHlffllBSlffl! H
The clover crop in Clackamas coun
ty will not be very good this year, as
a poor stand was secured in the be
ginning. Vetch seems to be the main
feed which is growing "wonderfully.
J. T. Mclntyre of the Brightwood
neighborhood, has been marketing
some fine "Gold Dollar" strawber
ries, which he makes a specialty of
growing on his farm at that place.
Mr. Mclntyre will also have a fine
Sheep shearing has been the ruling
activity among Clackamas county
farmers during the past week, and
fleeces are averaging around nine
pounds, with a prevailing market
around 45 cents.
One of the heaviest buyers at the
government wool sale held in Port
land last Wednesday, was the Oregon
City Woolen mills of this city, which
concern bought large lots of wool for
manufacturing purposes. "
How Allied Soldiers Suffered When
They First Experienced the Hor
rors of Kaiser's Poison Gas.
Suddenly a great cry rang out:
"The gus!"
It wus true. Over there from the
enemy's lines, came great greenish
balls, rolling close to the earth, rolling
deliberately yet swiftly, rolling
straight toward us, Emmanuel Bour
cler writes In Scrlbner's. Gas I That
horrible thing, still almost unknown,
which had been used for the first time
only recently on the Yser. It was
coming with deadly surety amidst a
tornado of artillery. Orders were
shouted back and forth:,
"The gas ! Put on the masks !"
Each man spread over his face the
protecting cloth. The shelters were
closed. The telephone, whose wires
ran the length of the communication
trenches, gave the warning: "Look
out I The gas!"
We did not yet know what manner
of horror it was. None of us had ex
perienced an attack of the sort. We
ran to and fro like ants whose hill
has been molested. Some fired their
guns at random, others awaited or
ders. The frightful, vivid thing came
on, expanded to a cloud, crept upon
us, glided Into the trenchesv The air
was quickly obscure. We were swim
ming in an atmosphere stained a
venomous color, uncanny, indescrib
able. The sky appeared greenish, the
earth disappeared. The men staggered
about and rolled on the ground, stifled.
There were some knots of soldiers
who had been asleep In their beds
when overtaken by the gas. They
writhed In convulsions, with vitals
burning, with froth on the Hps, call
ing for their mothers or cursing the
Germans. We gathered them up as
best we could; we took them to the
doctors, who, thus confronted by an
unknown condition, found themselves
powerless. They tried the applica
tion of oxygen and ether in an effort
to save the lives of the victims, only
to see them die, already decomposed,
In their hands.
The masks had not yet been perfect
ed and were a poor protection. Some
ran about like madmen, shrieking in
terror, the throat choked with saliva,
and fell In heaps. In contortions of
agony. Some filled the mouth with
handfuls of grass and struggled
against asphyxiation.
Farmers in this part of the coun
try are rejoicing in the fact that
there has been plenty of rain during
the past few weeks. They claim that
the rain has eliminated the "aphis
pest," and that the crops are in fine
condition. Especially is this so in
the Molalla district, where the crops
are in wonderful shape.
Something Told Him
During the most vicious days of
the fighting in the Argonne last Oc
tober a negro soldier was seen to
have turned white, while he shook
like an. aspen leaf. He confided to
his lieutenant:
"It's, de tawkin' shells what gits
me," he said.
"Nonsense," said the lieutenant,"
"shells don't talk."
"Don't you talk that away to me,"
the negro replied. "I kin hear 'em
plain as day. Four o' dese ole G. I.
cans jes' whizzed by an' I heerd 'em
say, 'Niggah, you ain't goin' back to
Ala-BAM!"- Cartoons Magazine.
A marriage license was granted
Monday to Nellie M. Beam, 36, and
Roy C. Paine, 86, both of Portland.
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For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
First Pekingese Dog Brought to Eu
rope a Present From the Em
press of China.
Pekingese dogs have been known to
the western world little more than
half a century. During the looting of
the Imperial palace at Peking, an Eng
lish soldier picked up a dog belong
ing to the empress. Her attendants
attacked the Tommy en masse. He
suggested that the dog be sent as a
gift from the empress to Queen Vic
toria. The plan was agreed to and the
dog was sent to Buckingham pnlnce,
where he was known as Looty. Other
dogs took exception to his appear
ance and made him wish he were back
in China. When the prince and
princess of Wales returned from a
trip to the continent, the princess per
suaded the queen to let her take him
to her home at Sandrlngham. The
princess thought Looty's loneliness
should be ended, since he couldn't
make friends with any English dog,
so she sent to China for a mate of
his own kind.
The fad started by the princess was
taken up by London society and
the breeding of Pekingese dogs be
came so popular that London dog
shows have sometimes been devoted
exclusively to the new type.
United StatesTires
arc Good Tires
Olfactory Nerves Capable of Doing
Work That Can Only Be Called
It Is said that the tenth part of a
grain of musk will continue for years
to fill a room with Its odoriferous par
ticles, and that at the end of that time
It will not be appreciably diminished
in weight.
A cubic inch of air arising from the
flame of a Bunsen burner has been es
timated to contain no fewer than
480,000,000 dust particles.
A drop of blood that might be sus
pended from the point of a needle
contains about 1,000,000 red corpus
cles. Yet, although matter is so marvel
ously divisible, the olfactory nerves
are Infinitely more sensitive. Much
yet remains to be investigated with
reference to these nerves which will
discriminate with such apparent mirac
ulous accuracy.
Saved Ship From Destruction.
Capturing a runaway bomb on the
deck of a sbin during a terrific gale,
a United States navy man heroically
held on to several hundred pounds of
high explosive until It was got to safe
ty. This man of Iron nerve is John
Mackenzie of the naval reserve, who
Is serving as a chief boatswain's mate
on the U. S. S. Bemlits, a converted
yacht now on patrol service In Euro
pean waters. For this extraordinary
heroism Mackenzie has been awarded
a medal of honor and given a gratuity
of $100. In the midst of a storm a
depth charge, such as have proved so
disastrous to German submarines,
broke loose and went rolling about the
decks. Realizing the danger, Macken
zie shouted out, "I'll get her!" and
flung himself upon the charging cylin
der. Three times he was thrown from
the bomb. The fourth time he got it
and, heaving the charge upright, sat
on it and held it down. Here he 're
mained until lines were placed around
the bomb. Had the charge exploded
It would hnve blown the ship to pieces.
Mackenzie Is a native of Massachu
setts and his mother, Mrs. Mackenzie,
resides at South Hadley Falls, Mass.
after serving four years In the regu
lar navy he returned to service in the
fleet naval reserve.
Burglary Among Nonessentials.
Among 'the nonessential industries
which are almost in a state of collapse
Is the ancient and sinister one of bur
glary. According to data furnished by
a burglary Insurance company there
has been a decided and favorable
change in the attitude of chronic
rccnlcltrants since the executive proc
lamation of a few weeks ago, direct
ing all ablebodled men between eight
een and fifty years old to turn their
hands to industrial pursuits. The
draft, high wages and federal and
state surveillance promises to reduce
crime almost to the vanishing point.
Many sociologists and criminologists
of the modern school will point to this
as proof of iiielr theories that poverty
Is the principal cause of crime. It will
no doubt be a potential argument In
favor of a revision of criminal laws
after the war.
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Over
Thirty Years
Had Her Hands Full.
An amateur mission worker fluttered
Into one of the West side offices of the
Associated Charities.
"Oh," she exclaimed, "I have the
saddest case for -you. Really, it is
quite pathetic. A woman, who has
been deserted by her husband, has
five little children to support. She Is
too frail to work, and I'm sure there
isn't enough In the house for their next
"But what is to prevent you from
taking charge of this case yourself?"
asked the official.
"Oh," said the visitor, drawing her
self up haugntily, "I couldn't think
of it, you know. Why, I'm doing the
Lord's work I" Chicago American.
Evils of Eye Fatigue.
Many nervous as well as other dis
eases are caused by incorrect illumina
tion. The eye is a subject of prime
consideration in connection with our
health and happiness. Eye fatigue
spoils the disposition; as" that Is one
of the conditions given for Inefficient
work we find here a caubo for more
loii of the workman's time. When
ri'ducpd to a dollar and cents basis
this loss shows a large percentage
over the cost-of- the lighting that
would be required to eliminate them.
As judgment is dependent upon per
ception and perception upon the sight,
then the laborer, tobsejflc'ii.:, must be
abl" to see Que details and email ob
jects at close rnuge with s rarpness
acd distinction, to distinguish objects
t a- d'staate with accuracy, and to
have cleur perception of all ob'eets in
the intermediate pikicb.
Ancestry Not Collateral.
Ancestral honors are not a safe lean
ing post. The leaner usually grows
more lean waiting for providential
bonuses on parental reputation. Some
stocks pay perpetual dividends, but
ancestral fitness often goes to seed in
the spineless scions of modern days,
Nature's dividends depend on present
production rather than on records of
what has been. Dad's reputation is a
mighty good introduction to the pres
ent busy world, but that busy old globe
won't take long to set her estimate on
you. Try living on the reputation of
the family and it will add an extra
mill to the tax rate to provide for your
future as a ward of the poor board,
Uncle Sam has thousands of poor dubs
who thought they were more than they
are. Learn to lean on yourself and you
won't disgrace the family. Use don't
abuse the ancestral brains. Pennsyl
vania Grit
Bass Lured by Bright Light
Here is a fish story bused on an oc
currence at Pontoosuc lake, in Maine,
A pair of bullhead fishermen were In
a boat anchored some distance off
Broadway and it was quite dark. An
other boat with two men in it an
chored a short distance away and the
men began fishing. The first fish to be
caught was a small rock bass. "Give
me that fish," said the other. It was
handed to him by the one who caught
it and he threw it at one of the men
in the other boat, whom he knew. The
fish whizzed by this man's head and
landed in the boat, on the bottom of
which was a lighted lantern. "Gosh I
said the one who had nearly been hit,
"where did that come from?" "I don't
know," replied his companion. "It
jumped right into the boat in trying
to get near the light," and this story
Is going its rounds.
He Is Really Peaceful.
"They call me a hard guy," whanged
the would-be tough individual.
"They do, do they?" hissed the sher
iff of Lone Wolf county, shaking him
by the coat collar.
"T-yes, they Just call me a hard guy
back home," was the reply, "but really
I got a soft disposition."
Five marriage licenses were issu
ed by County Clerk Miller Wednes
day, which holds the record for the
past year. They were are follows:
Ethel Verna Craig, 19, Milwaukie,
and William Edward Koenig, Pais
Uy, Oregon; Vera Naomi Wyman, 18,
Estacada, and Ernest W. Andrus,
Willamette; Iva Conger, 19, and
Lawrence Dalstrom, 21. of Colton;
Mildred Esther Tschirgi, 21, and
John C. Busch, Oregon City; Rose F.
Tomczenski, 24, and Bruce Brun Ru-
miski, Oregon City.
Metallic Lead.
Evidence has recently been discov
ered which points toward the existence
of at least two kinds of metallic lead,
Every sample of ordinary lead always
has exactly the same atomic weight
as every other sample, but lead from
radioactive minerals lead which
seems to have come from the decom
position of radium has neither the
same atomic weight nor the same den
sity as ordinary lead, although in many
properties, including their spectra.
they seem to be identical
Clackamas People Honored
, At the Oregon Pioneer Association
convention held at Portland last
week, .several prominent pioneers
from Clackamas county were elected
officers of the association. C.
Caufield. 1853, of this city, was elect
ed vice-preftdent of the association,
and the board of directors will in
clude Miss Ella Chamberlain, 1867,
and G. D. Chitwood, 1863, both from
this county.
Courier and 'Farmer, both for $1.15,
The Real Thing Right Through
Put United States Tires under your car and
you'll find them the real thing.
They're built to wear to give you the kind
of economical service you want. And that's
just what they do.
Hundreds of thousands of regular users will
vouch for that lots of them right around here.
There are five distinct types of United States
Tires one for every need of price or use.
' We have exactly the ones for your car.
We KNOW United States Tires are good tires. That's why we sell them.
ndependent Garage Miller-Parker Co. 7th Street Garage
W. White Garage Canby I. Bickner & Sons Oswego
Wm. F. Carry Boring
Fred Wesch Tualatin
Since balance scales depend upon
gravity for their action, it is ordinar-
ly essential to accuracy that they
rest perfectly level. This necessi
tates not infrequent adjustment, as
all surfaces deviate more or less
from the horizontal from time to
time. An Ohio concern has brought
out a scale, described and illustrated
in the July issue of the Popular Me
chanics magazine, whose indicator
level and dial retain their positive
relation to the balance even when
the base is tilted as much as 30 de
grees out of the horizontal, weigh
ing accuracy being unimpaired by
this unusual position.
Indian Captured
An Indian boy by the name of
Walter Tripp, who escaped from the
Chemawa school near Salem, was
captured Thursday by F. A. Miles,
of Beaver Creek. Miles, who had
been notified of the" escape from the
school by the lad, was riding with
the motorman on the W. V. S. rail
road, when he noticed two lads
walking ahead on the track. The
car was stopped, and the Indian boy
proved to be one of the two. He
was put on the car and taken to Mt.
Angel, where the Chemawa officials
of the school arrived and took him
in charge.
Mrs. Beckett Gets $375
In the case of Mrs. Sarah A. Beck
ett against the County of Clackamas,
wherein Mrs. Beckett asked for dam
ages to property by reason of the
county locating the Gold Hill road,
was settled Friday. Mrs. Beckett
was allowed the sum of $375 as dam
ages, including the original amount
allowed her of $100. The case was
scheduled for trial Wednesday.
Bicycles Recovered
Two bicycles were recovered by the
constable Wednesday belonging to
Roscoe Locke and Edwin Risberger,
which were stolen about two weeks
ago from the owners. The machines
were found in a local bicycle shop in
this city, and the proprietor claimed
that the wheels had been left in
front of his store, and that after
leaving them out in front for some
time, he brought them inside of the
Office phones: Main 50, A-50; Res. phones: M. 2524, 1715
Home B-251, D-251
ealith Insurance
One of the distinctive qualities of food
baked with Royal Baking Powder is
This is health insurance of such vital
importance that, millions of women
bake at home just to be sure that
Royal Baking Powder is used.
Remember the adage "Bake it with
Royal and be sure."
Absolutely Pure
Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes
Royal Contains No Alum
Leaves No Bitter Tasto