OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, JULY 3, 1919 NEWS OF THE COUNTY AND SUBURBS Local and County Items of Interest to Courier Readers lj IF N EAST PARADISE Avon Jesse returned from Hood River Sunday. The largest grain and ,hay crop here in twenty years. The Woodmen of the World had a fine social last Thursday evening at Aurora. Mr. and Mrs . Charles Oglesby were callers at E. R. Rolls Sunday. Oglesby boulevard is getting to be a regular speedway for autoists on Sunday. Our farmers are getting their winter's supply of hay in the barns. A large amount of hay will be put in stack this week for the balers. Everybody here is going to the big celebration at Aurora on the Fourth. George Oglesby went to Colton on business the first of this week. Miss Emma and Walter Goetz were visiting relatives at- Estacada the past week. Wm. Uppendahl is busy plowing on the Winrich farm with his gas tractor. He will put in about 80 acres of fall wheat. ("Tannino iMierriea in all the tonic with our housewives just now. Next in order is the wild blackberries. W. B. Tull has begun work on his contract of road work between Auro ra and Canby. He will have a big lot of teams and men employed. Mr. Rothenberg has sold his farm near Macksburg, consideration nearly $11,000.00. some relatives and friends here last Saturday and Sunday. - Devid Moehnke and family visited Henry Hettman and family last Sun day. Ed Buol and family attended the wedding of the former's brother, Otto Buol, and Miss Eberly, last Wed nesday evening. Ed Grace and C. H. Bergman were Oregon City visitors last Sunday. Wesley Lindau, who eniistea in the navy some time ago, received his honorable . discharge recently and came home last week. Miss Ruth Schubel, of Oregon City, is visiting Miss Pearl Stromgreen, of Colton, for a few days. Miss Florence Stromgreen, of Col ton. and Mr. Charles Harlow, of Oregon City, were married last Sat urday evening, and they are now liv ing in town. Hattan, are at Gsesham, helping gather in the cherry crop. It is certainly a scramble tnd push to gather wild blackberries. There are a few people who camp by the vines to make sure of them. CLARKES Mrs. Clarence Lee and children went to to St. Helens and visited Mrs.- Lee's sister and family over Saturday and Sunday. Mins Catherine Sullivan came out from Portland last Tuesday to stay for a while. Mrs. Lulu Larson, from Portland, viaitoH her aiater. Mrs. David Moehnke and family for a few days last week. Fred Josi is working for D. F. Mnehnke in the saw mill. Miss Florence Kleinsmith and Mr Louis Mueller were married last Monday and they are now living at Carus. Walter Lee and his sister, Blanche T.pb from Vancouver, and Miss Alma Caseday from Portland, visited with STONE At the annual school meetng, Mrs. Nora Peake was elected director to serve for three years: Mrs. John Hattan. clerk. A special school meeflnir was held the 28th for the purpose of levying a special tax. If we should judge by the small number of voters who attend these meetings. we miriit say "School affairs are not of much importance." Road work between Baker's bridge and Clear creek is progressing at a rapid rate. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, of Nebras ka, are spending the summer with their son- Charles Harvev. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey have Doth passed tne eighty-fifth milestone and are enjoy in tr the beauties of Oregon and its wonderful climate. Mrs. Dennie and children, of RlndRtone snent Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. Effle Hattan. Luther MumDower and sister, Mrs. Anna Sprague, are to spend a two weeks' vacation with their par ents and also intend to attend Chau tnnniiA.. Mr. Munwower has been working for some time at the Cas cade locks. .T. A. Bvers. who had the misfor tune to eet his lesr broken some time mm haa been ae-ain confined to his bed from the effects, but is slowly improving at present. Bessie Hattan, with Glen and Roy The Vaughan- The Original Drag Saw Machine If you have wood to cut or wish to operate light' machinery around the farm you need one of these machines. . Ask your dealer for information or write the Vaughan Motor Works, Inc. TWILIGHT Miss Anthony met with our ladies ict TiYiHav at the hall, demonstrat ing some of the arts and sciences that accompany, or make, successful cooks and housekeepers. A pleasant time was reported. L. E. Bentley, accompanied Dy n family, and father of Marquam, visit ed in Portland Sunday with a broth er of the former. Mr. Parish's new house is under f Thorn are five rooms, pantry. bath and closets downstairs, with two large bed Tooms on the second floor. His window space is large, with front and rear Dorches. It has an end facing with bungalow . effect and when completed will ajtora an exceptionally pleasant nome. Mr. and Mrs. Parish are most ex cellent nnonle. and their son. Nor. . man, twelve years ol age, is a moaei Mrs . F. J. Meindle entertainea Portland guestd Sunday. PotAr Jarohson has a nice bunch of pigs on his ranch, some ten head of which are neanng the outcners ViWlr. Hia ranch is well adapted to the hog industry, with pure water in abundance and outside range, oacK oi which is a knowledge of how to best crow ft nitf. e ' ' r-o- . . Mrs. Charles Holmes and her two daughters and son, Raymond, left this ween for the berry fields up the valloV. The Mead boys, Ed and Albert, re turned -soldier but 6, are driving a new Ford and are employed in the Orarrnn fhtv mills. R. L. . Parish has 100 acres oi small train now nearing the harvest, all in promising condition. Honntv Aerent K. li. SCOW noDnoo bed with the farmers in this com munity a day last week. He is a likable fellow and stands well m tnis neighborhood. The weather continues near per fection. Spring oats, of which there is but a small acreage, siightly needs additional moisture. The cherry crop is now being garnered, the nresent week witnessing its fin ale. Grapes and fall apples will be plentiful, other fall fruits being ex- tremelv licht. A relent reduction in forces at the CrownJWillamette mills leaves our Mr. Becker out of emoloylent tern noranlv. The aDDroaching harvest will, however, fill in his vacation per iod remuneratively. This community will hold a home products f arm display at the hall this coming fall. Everyone is re quested to lend it their encouragement. This community was visited bv a light frost Sunday morning. Beans and potatoes located in low spots, plainly showed the result of Jack's visit. No particular damage done. A number of our citizens are doing road work in the neighborhood of Clackamas station. The glorious Fourth will be duly celebrated by the most of our people in various wavs suitable to each, and here's hoping nothing may mar their pleasure. He Was Almost Past Going "I suffered with kidney trouble for three years," writes D. Bell, St. James Citv. Fla.. "and for the oast six months i have been almost past going. 1 couidn t stoop down ano when I would lie down I could hardly get up. 1 began taking jvoiey Kid. nev Pills, and before I used two bot ties my pains were all gone." They are tiromnt in action and Quick to re lieve backache, rheumatic pains, stiff, swollen joints and sore muscles.. Sold Everywhere. (Lommencmg July My Entire 1 6,000 Stock and Fixtures If U V TO BE SOLD AT WHOLESALE PMC! Every Article in This Store Must Be Sold BERRY SUGAR EMBROIDERY SINGLETREES Complete Line if2Snepbaa .Sopor yard BOo each " $10.25 per Dag DRUGS, SUNDRIES, rfiurHAM - SHOVELS TOILET ARTICLES 100 POUNDS SALT $1.00 GINGHAM $125 ... V u i 1 23o per yard at greatly Less than wholesale p.TCH FORKS " Reduced PpI68 " LUBRICATING OIL . l BK8 CANNED TOMATOES ZEROLENE III-! Entire Stock 15o per can 150 quart SOo gallon CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP of 60 peP baP SHOES FOR MEN, PALMOLIVE SOAP CZ , BOYS' HATS LADIES AND CHILDREN Regular 15o at less than present BOYS HATS - . . ' Now 3 for 25o wholesale cost 38o each at Co8t Portland, Ore. GOING BACK TO SWEEDEN Must close out my entire $16,000 stock of new up-to-date merchandise at greatly reduced prices FOR. CASH OR PRODUCE ONLY COME EARLY SALE STARTS JULY 5th NELSON'S STORE A. NELSON, Proprietor COLTON, OREGON It J75 F. Main St " HIGHLAND COMPLETE, EFFICIENT AND PROGRESSIVE The service of the Bank of Commerce is complete in every detail it is ef ficient and progressive. . Our officers carefully consider the best interests of the bank and its deposi tors. This is the bank where you feel . at home in transacting your banking business. 4 INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Bank of Commerce Owoei, OfaUtd Controtal by CUAtmtt County PeopU THOS. F. RYAN, Da. H. S. MOUNT, Premdeat. Vl FrMidsnt. JOHN , HUMPHRY, Cwhicr. Mr. and Mrs. Rav Welsh and daughter of Oregon City, are guests at the homn of Mrs. Welsh's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Shute. Albert Martin was a business vis itor in Oregon City Monday. J. Hanhart, who has been working in a lnccrinp fnmn at Birkenfield. Ore., came home the forepart of the week to -spend the Fourth witn nis fnmilv j ... Willie. Smith expects to get his new car, which he purchased, last week, in tne near iuture. Mr. Skidmore and Mr. Schram were business visitors at Redland Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kandle of Mist, Ore.," are visiting at the home of M. Kandle. Mr. nrirt Mra M Y,. Kandlfi and Mrs. O. Fellows, were Oregon City visitors Monday. Mr. and ..Mrs. M. U. Kandle ana Mi- nnd Mm. T "!. TCnnrila will leave the latter part of this week for Sea side. ihead of man; of the l.irmers m this neighboj hfl'".'' .. Hftrtwrti'JF'-irsHt "was the - guest or Waltrr Holm Sundajrening . .lim V.illows is visitme his uncle, h'.li Ve.llows. . He has been quite ill, but has entirely recovered. E. J. Swank made a trip to aeav pr fVppk Mondav. : Mr. Sovinski and .amall daugnter, Vnniin went to Orecon C.lv Monday. Mr. Stime has hud a tractor dem- onstr,ing on hia farm. We under stand that Mr. Stone intends to pur rhARfl it. Strawberries are crone but cherries are about ripe. The birds have been verv destructive with the Iruit tnis V . A vear. completely stripping some oi the cherry trees. COLTON Mr. and Mrs. G. Gottberg and familv visited relatives in Portland finndav. Miss Mareuente bagar ac companied them home, after a visit in their home. A class of 20 were confirmed at the Swedish Lutheran church Sun- dnV. Mr. and Mrs. C. Winslow were Portland visitors last Wednesday. Leslie Crawford, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Crawford , and Sanford Harlsnn. Grandson of John Carlson have arrivel home after some time spent in the service. Gene Fellows was in Portland' on business Wednesday. D. C. Ball spent Sunday with Mr LOWER HIGHLAND Steven Fellows made a trip to Beaver Creek Saturday. E. S. Holmes, accompanied hi Mr. and Mrs. B. Rambo and children, are enjoying an outing on the peacn. They will return some time this week. Mrs. C. F. Grossmiller has been on the sick list for the past week. . Mr. and Mrs. Wash Burn maae a rir tn Reaver Creek Monday. Wnrnld Vol, one of our boys in the service, is at home on a month's Rnitui SmnnaVi has purchased a new" Ford. He ha taken several little nnnta in it already. . Mri and Mra. Bert Cota. of Re liance, Oregon, are making a short visit at their old home. Eli Fellows is haying now. He is Where Some Car Owners Cheat Themselves- "Battery manufacturers estimate that the average car owner gets .about two-thirds of the sen-ice and life of which his battery-is capable," says Mr. Hilgers, local Willard Service Station Dealer. "One of the reasons for this," according to Mr. Ililgers, "is that the owner does not form regular habits with regard to battery care. He will, for instance, add water every week just as directions say, as long as his car is new. But after he has been driving his car awhile he be gins to slip and adds it only every two weeks or every three weeks or perhaps even lets the battery go a month without attention. Fortunate ly a battery will stand an enormous amount of this neglect before the effects begin to show, but they are sure to become apparent after a while. , "The only way to keep any battery in shape to give all the service it is capable of, is to add water at regular intervals, just as long as you own your car. Then if you make hydrometer tests regularly be s u r e that you are keeping the charge up where it ought to be. If you go to the battery service station the minute anything seems to be wrong you can bo fairly sure that your battery will not do the unexpected thing aud go back on you just when you need it most. Moreover you can be certain that you are giving it the sort of treatment necessary to prolong its life." Oregon City Battery Company 1108 Main Street CON R. H1LGERS, Prop. Phone 124 h4 mill I'm Tickled to Death "Why? Because I bought a set of Diamond . Tires, guaranteed for 6000 miles, a long time ago, and, I have got the mileage out of the set, and still running on them. "Believe me, that new fabric tire put out by the Diamond people and guaran teed for 6000 miles is the dope." For Sale By Oregon City Retreading & Vulcanizing Works . 1003 Main St , ; Oregon City, Oregon -. i jiiirriffff " ' and Mrs. Dave Pendleton at Boyer ville. ' " Miss Ivah Cogar, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Cogar and Lawrence Dahl strom,' son of Mr. anl Mrs. August Dahlstrom, were .married at Oregon City last week. The young couple have left for a short honeymoon. Claule W.inslow anl family spent Knnrlnv at Estacada. Mr. and Mrs. John Lamm left for Oreson Citv Tuesday. Mrs. Axel Johnson returned to her home recently, after a two months' absence in Portland, where she was at a hospital. Mrs. M. Lundstrom was a I'on land visitor last week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Erick Johnson have a new Fnrrl Sedan. Mrs. f.has. Johnson entertained the Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran church .J . . 7 I I IIUI MU.1V. IN-A number of Colton neople have gone to Gervais to pick loganberries. Helen Winslow is snendinK the week in Portland, visiting friends. CHERRYVILLE Regular summer weather. No pests of any kind, nor any de atructive storms. The bio-erest croD in sight ever known to any of the old-timers, some bpv in manv vears. Archie Averill and his sister, Mrs. Lillian Averill Ten Evck. went down to Logan to visit their Bister, Mrs. Geo. L. Eaden, the first of the week, Two social hops in town last Sat urday night one at the hotel and the other at Sam Miles', north of town. Both were well attended and a pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Dr. Botkins received worci mat, his son-in-law's house in Pitssburg, Pa., wag partially destroyed by a bomb during the bomb explosions a couple of weeks ago. Mr. Diblay, tlia unn-ln-law. is connected with the government, and has something to do w th denortinsr unciesiraDic citizens, or rather, aliens. In takinir a trin across the country, the writer never saw a nner pros nert for a biir croD in anv country, As fine oats and wheat m severui fields as were ever seen in the Mid die West. The hay crop is not so .great, although many fine fields were seen, while the vetch was simply Onlv ' one strawberry patch of any size was seen in a trip of over 40 miles, taken recently, ana vet thev are the easiest cron grown there and never fail, while the price three and four dollars a crate is very attractive. A letter from Illinois savs that a violent electrical storm lately killed a man and wife in bed, but tne in fant, in a criD. was uninjured, Also that the Army worm is doing a vast amount of injury to growing crops. A fine country lor destructive storms, frequent and sudden chang es of temperature, alternating from one extreme to another in jig-time. The tendency of human .nature to on to extremes is seen in a state ment of Evangeline Boothe, the head of the P Jvation Army, one of the most bent ficient organization Known, in which jhe related an Instance of a man so degraded and rotten -ditto to be loathsome, yet un- der the care of the Salvation Army he reformed and later Decame tne father of a fine healthy family. Nothing truer was ever written than "that the sins of the parents are visited on the children to the third and fourth generations." No badly infncrerl nerson ever became the parent of fine healthy children nor (Continued on Page 6) , 411 E. A. BRADY RESIDENT UNDERTAKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LICENSED EM BALM EH 10th and Water St. Lady Assistant Mrs. Brady Night and Day Service Pacific 123 Home A-37 S, vr 'T.i f - 1 r