Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 26, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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C. W. ROBEY, Editor and Business Manager
Published Thursdays from the Courier Building:, Eighth Street, and entered
in the Postofflce at Oregon City, Ore., as 2nd class mail matter.
Subscription Price $1.60.
Telephones: Pacific 51; Home A-51
Lloyd Nickerson, of Gladstone, who
has been engaged in forestry work
,in Eastern Oregon, recently return,
ed to his home. Wednesday mom
ing he left for Pocatello, Idaho,
where he will commence his work
with the Ellison-White Chautauqua
svstem. as nroperty man.
You can get the best 50c meal in
Clackamas county every day, induce
ing Sunday, at West Linn C. W. Inn,
. across the bridge from Oregon City,
6:30 to 8 a. m., 12:00 to 1:00, ana
5:30 to 6:30 p. b. Haircut 3oe,
Shave 20c. Same place.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Zinser, of
Salem, were in this city. Sunday
visiting friends.
Mrs. W. W. Woodbeck, of Jennings
'Lodge, was an Oregon City visitor
Miss M. Schoelheimer, who has
been in the East, has returned to
Oregon City.
There is nothing worse than bad,
foul smelling breath; get rid of it
for your friend s sake anyway. Hoi
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will
clean and purify your stomach and
bowels; your breath will be sweet,
your disposition improved, your
friends increased. 35c. Tea or Tab
lets. Huntley. Drug Co.
L. W. Robbins, of Molalla, was in
this city Tuesday.
Mrs. Roy Young and 'three little
children of Floriston, California, who
have been visiting relatives in this
city and Portland for several months,
left for their home Saturday evening.
' If you have any good apples, po
tatoes, beef or other farm produce
for sale see F. T. Barlow at C. W.
Inn, West Linn, and he will pay you
cash on delivery. . Phone 608.
Among the students to return
home for the summer vacation, are,
: Misses Lyle and Merle Yexley, who
have been attending the Oregon Ag
ricultural College. They are daugh
ters of Mr. and Mrs. George Yexley.
Mrs. J. H. Dunneman, accompanied
by her daughter, Miss Hester Dan
neman, and her son, John, of Port
land, but formerly of Oregon City,
visited friends here Sunday.
West Linn C. W. Inn will buy your
pig and pay cash. Call on Mr. Bar
low when next in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Oglesby, of
Portland, spent the week-end in this
city with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M.
Oglesby and family, and also with
Mr. and Mrs. A. Bluhm. The local
people named are parents of the
Miss Jessie Paddock, who has
been enjoying her summer vacation,
has resumed her duties in the tax
department in the court house.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Latourette, of
this city, Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Lat
ourette and child, of Portland, will
leave next week for Seaside, where
the families have rented a cottage
for two months.
Miss Mar jorie J. Money, of Ocean
Falls, B. C.arrived in Gladstone
Wednesday, and is visiting her aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. S. I'. Nelson
Miss Edith Alldredge, . who has
been ill With the smallpox, is now
recovering. She is a member of the
office force in the tax department,
Strengthened by Oregon City
Kidney disease is too dangerous to
neglect. At the first sign of back
ache, headache, dizziness or urinary
disorders, you should give the weak
ened kidneys prompt attention. Eat
little meat, take things easier and use
a reliable kidney tonic. There's no
other kidney medicine so well rec
ommended as Doan's Kidney Pills.
Oregon City people rely on them.
Here's one of the many statements
from Oregon City people.
Mrs. J. B. Schatz, 213 Seventeenth
St., says: "I know Doan's Kidney
Pills are a medicine of merit and
whenever I can recommend them to
others I gladly do so. I have taken
Doan's Kidney Pills at different times
for kidney trouble and backache and
they have always done me a lot of
Price 60c, at all. dealers. Don t
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Schatz had. . Foster-Mil-
burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
A Good
Has fostered the steady ex
pansion of many a small
business, and made its suc
cess possible.
Successful development is
almost ini possible without
This bank is thoroughly in
terested in assisting the nat
: ural growth of the busi
ness of its clients.
" In business aid and efficient
service we are yours to
count on.
Oldest Bank in Clackamas County
(Too Late for Regular Page)
The opening of the nearly com
pleted dance hall has been announced.
The occasion will be celebrated July
4th with a picnic and the screaming
of the eagle during the day and a
public dance at night. It is a stock
affair. George Jenison, Wm. Mc
Cord, Cad Swick and Curtis Dodds
are the principle stockholders, with
Wm. McCord their president. Every
body is invited.
It is just as impossible for an air
plane to reach the sun, as it is to eat
wilted lettuce without getting grease
on your chin.
Curtis Dodds has a late model
Buick, replacing his Ford, which has
served them faithfully for a num
ber of years.
Good rains the latter part of last
week added much to the farmers'
prospects of a bountiful harvest of
grain, corn and spuds. Surely the
good Lord has looked with favor on
his Willamette Valley children at
the close of the war.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ellings of Elba,
Wash., visited the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ellings, the fore
part of the week. They left Thurs
day for Lebanon, Ore., their former
home, and from there will soon de
part for Minneapolis, Minn., the
home of his wife's people.
What has become of the old fash
ioned woman who saved the "strip
pings" for the cream jar?
Early blackberries are ripening
and pickers are becoming numerous.
It has been stated that the old
community hall has been in use 50
years. That's a mistake. It's a
"touchy" subject, but the facts are,
she's in her early twenties.
After ten weeks at the homeof his
mother in Milwaukie undergoing
medical attention, Mrs. Lester Mont
gomery returned home Sunday last
and was warmly greeted by a lonely
husband and three happy youngsters.
The only real good I can find in
the habit of smoking, is that the
smaker always carries a match.
L. E. Bently entertained his father
and sister, Mrs. Jack, of Marquam,
a day this week.
A large audience attended the
commencement exercises of the Mc-
Loughlin Institute, held Thursday
evening in the McLoughlm hall. The
exercises were under the direct su
pervision of the sisters of the home,
and the hall was beautifully decorat
ed with roses and evergreens. A
large class graduated from the insti
tution, and the class flower was the
white rose. The class motto wns
"Sic Itur Ad Astra," translated
meaning "Thus Do We Reach The
Stars." The girls of the class were
dressed in white, and looked beauti
ful. The members of the class grad
uating from the high school were
Odella Armstrong, Anna Saters,
Frank Frederich, John Brady, Everet
Blackburn. Those graduating from
the grammar grades were Josephine
Brady, Margaret Brady, Lucille Lim-
boeker, Sylvester Hnas, Bernard Her
mann, James Brady. Svlvestcr Petit.
John Michels, Edmund Rissberger.
Got Good Results
This honest, straight forward let
ter from a woman who has suffered
should be heeded by all afflicted with
backache, rheumatic pains, sore
muscles, awlul tired feeling and
other symptoms of kidney and blad
der trouble: "I have got such good
results from Foley Kidney Pills that
I can sleep much better and the nain
in my back and sides is a rood lot
better. I am going to keep on taking
them." Mrs. Chas. Grav. 270 6th
St., Detroit, Mich. Sold Everywhere.
Co. of Calif., $13.50; John Hatton,
$45.50; Fred Gerber,. $26.00; Earl
Gerber, $94.50; Smith, $17.50; Edwin
C. Gerber, $54.00; . Joe Busch, $14.
00; D. Carr, $14.00; A. Schmale,
$16.25; Henry Babler, $154.00; Har
ry Babler, $39.00; A. J. Johnston
$98.00; H. Young, $73.50; C. Cole
$45.50; M. Walzak, $77.00; R. E.
Thompson, $161.00; Edwin Gerber,
$96.00; John Moser, $69.25; L. O.
Gerber, $105.75; Edwin C. Gerber,
$91.00; Henry Thun, $126.00; O. Hat
ton, $3.50; B. Sprague, ,$56.00; F.
Rheibhoff, $35.00; C. Hatton, $63.00;
C Steward, $61.25; W. Parry, $35.00
ROAD DIST.'NO. 13 Hogg Bros.,
$15.85; Oregon City Sand & Gravel
Co., $13.65; C. R. Livesay, $19.20;
Parkplace Garage, $5.52; J. C Elliott
& Co., $9.63; A. Mather, $73.00;
Harry Howell, $123.00; I. G. Hanson,
$10.85; A. Johnson, $4.85; Carl
Staats, $10.85; H. H. Coop, $7.85;
Glen Allen, $10.85; R. J. Mattoon,
$27.00; C. R. Livesay, $3.95; Joel
Hinkle, $4.50; H. Johnson, $7.00;
Wm. Sprague, $9.00; Fred Neider
hausen, $34.50; J. Campbell, $54.00;
Robert King, $24.00; M. C. Sprague,
$46.50; F. W. Sprague, $32.96.
ROAD DIST. NO. 15 C. R. Live
say, $27.40; Nelson & Davis, $0.60;
S. F. Scripture, $1.00; C. W. Fried-
rich, $1.80; A. C Warner, $85.75; E.
James, $72.00; Walter Harvey, $69.-
00; E. Parker, $72.00; G. E. Wynn,
$66.00; Eldon Swick, $77.00; W. H.
Meier, $59.50; W. S. Jubb, $68.25; R.
Niles, $16.50; C. E Stroup, $54.25;
F R. Schilling, $42.00; R. F. Stroupe,
$47.25;L. Davies, $3.50; C. Jubb,
H. Scheer, $6.00; W. B. Lawton,
ROAD DIST. NO. 16 H. Engel,
$22.25; T. Inglis, $6.00; W. Randall,
$16.50; A. Thompson, $4.00; F. Wer
ner, $9.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 17 Carlton &
Rosenkrans Co., $2.25; J. R. Pitts,
$3.75; D. R. Dimick, $65.00; Wm.
Rider, $28.90; Jo Larson, $3.00; Geo.
Koehler, $16.00; Otto Striker, $20.-
00; Wm. Rice, $42.75; Almon John
son, $72.75; C. S. Marks, $15.75; Is
ador Bany, $30.00; Ralph Koehler,
$21.00; Wm. Beason, $12.00; Con
Bowlby, $4.50; Adam Bany, $18:00;
John Koehler, $6.00; H. W. Brown,
$24.00; Wm. Cithens, $14.25.
ROAD DIST. NO. 18 Beaver
Creek Cash Exchange, $53.00; Havill
& Co.,o$5.80; Charlie Bell, $5.00; B.J
staats Hardware vo., $3.05; W.
B. Rambo, $3.00; Earl Meeker, $1.25.
KUAD DIST. NO. 19 Oregon City
Sand & Gravel Co., $13.00; Willa
mette Valley Southern Railway Co.,
$15.80; Hogg Bros., $9.95; R. Bar
ton, $36.00; Theodore Marshall, $36.-
00; Clyde Ringo, $33.00; W. Botte-
miller, $24.00; Albert Gasser, $31.50;
Ed Mclntyre, $19.50; J. C. Nelson,
$25.50; Richard Griffith, $44.25:
Louis Welsh, $6.00; Julius Schiewe,
$6.00; Walter Hosteter, $18.00; Al
bert .Schieve, $3.00; G. Hostteter,
$3.00; C. Bottemiller, $21.00; John
Wiegle, $3.00; Fred Josi, $3.00; Ben
Elmer, $3.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 21 L. P. El
liott, $78.96; E. F. Wallace, $139.50;
Chas. Anderson, $52.50; E. M. Fel
lows, $3.00; W. S. Gorbett, $104.00;
Edward Johnson, $45.00; W. Wells,
$46.50; P. Johnson, $48.75; Emile
Fetterson , $39.00; Aug. Dalstrom,
$27.75; Albert Bowers, $33.00; Erick
Hansen, $36.00; Chas. Johnson, $34.-
50; Elbert Harris, $43.50; Victor
Bockman, $30.00; Chas. Bockman.
$30.00; Nels Lundmark, $30.75; John
Anderson, $4.50; Vincent Hill, $12.
00; John Putz, $1.62; Art Erickson,
$2.50; J. W. Wetloffer, $48.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 22 Robbins
Bros., $9.95; L. O. Nightingale, $31.
60; Willamette Valley Southern Rail
way Co., $47.40; A. Stephani, $7.34;
L. A. Shaver, $29.85; Oregon City
Sand & . Gravel Co., $26.00; W. G.
Masterton, $6.00.
ROAD DIST. NO 23 Canby Hard
ware & Implement Co., $1.40; H. G.
Ziegler, $8.75; B. S. Berg, $40.00;
Hardisty & Gilmore, $4.00; R. W.
Zimmerman, $26.00; Geo. Koehler,
$16.00; C. F. Ziegler, $18.00; L. Zieg
ler, $3.00; F. Zielinski, $5.25; S. W.
Baney, $5.25.
ROAD DIST. NO. 24 Canby Con
crete Tile Co., $33.50; L. B. Frey,
$6.90; C G. Hoffman, $6.35; Canby
Howe, (jo., ifB.au; Fioneer Auto Truck
Co., $70.00; Wm. Smith, $3.00; H.
Fredricksen, $10.50; G. E. Wyland,
$15.00; Will Kancgy, $9.00; John
Gahler, $23.38; Elmer Deetz. $16.58:
II. H. Deetz, $19.13; Alvin Deetz,
$34.43; Walt Watson, $22.95; Geo.
Brockart, $27.50; A. L. Headings,
$23.80; Lonnie Yoder, $31.00; C. E.
Miller, $7.00; D. D. Hostettler, $372.
48; John Gahler, $85.50; Elmer
Deetz, $18.00; Walt Watson, $75.00;
Ed Belknap, $18.00; C. E Miller,
$103.00; D. Egli, $12.00; H. Fredrick
sen, $21.00; L. P. Spagle, $67.50;
Wm. Smith, $33.00; William Caroth
ers, $37.50; Clarence Wiser, $10.50;
Q. E. Wyland, $49.50;. Geo. Brockart,
$30.00; Con Owen, $24.00; Carl Seth
er, $30.00; Bert Babb, $3.00; F. Steir-
mnnn, $3.00; J. D. Lofgreen. $6.00:
Wm. Smith, $12.00; C. E Miller, $22.
75; Lorence Kauffman, $25.50; Amos
Kauffmnn, $46.50; Ray Kauffman.
spz.uu; Meivin Kauffman, $15.00;
Williard Carothers, $12.00; Fred
Wolfer, $9.00; Frank Oglesby, $9.00.
HUAU DIST. NO. 25 F. L. White
$6.00; W. H. Luckc, $0.85; Chas.
Morris, $9.00' Rudolf Klaus. $8.75:
F W. Smith, $4.50; Chester Smith,
$3.00; Chns. Kiesling, $3.00; Ed
Graves, $12.00; Chris Lorenz, $12.00.
KOAD DIST. NO. 26 L. O. Night
ingale, $26.00; A. E. Hoff, $5.25;
Walter Waldorf, $3.00; J. R. P. Vick.
$13.50; Ohris Joost, $9.00; Henry
Wilson, $6.00; W. J. E. Vick. $1.75:
J. R. P Vick, $13.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 27 Edgerton
Lumber Co., $8.14; Saling McCal-
man Co., $37.50; J. C. Marouam.
$8.02; Howard-Cooper Corporation,
u.sz; Jay Bentley, $30.00; S. G.
Nicholson, $35.25; I. D. Larfcins,
$30.00; Archie Hubbard, $21.00; B.
M. Hubbard, $21.00; John Barth,
$12.00; Clarence Thomas, $3.00; Wm.
Herman, $3.00; Roy Nicholson, $15.
00; John Coland, $12.00; J. P. Miller,
$9.00; Carl Englman, $6.00; Fred
Furgeson, $1.60; L. N. Jones, $12,00.
ROAD DIST NO. 29 W. W. Spor-
alsky, $76.00; Paul Pellatz, $48.00;
J. J. Sippuiner, $48.00
ROAD DIST. NO. 30 Concrete
Pipe Co., $89.40; G. H. Miller, $17.-
00; Frank Busch, $28.85; George
Rogers, $52.60; F. A. Zimmerman,
$80.00; R. Zimmerman, $10.50; C,
Hargon, $87.50; S. Ross, $35.00; E
Oldenstadt, $80.50; F. Oldenstadt,
$63.00; D. Oldenstadt, $50.75; F.
Taskie, $35.00; J. Cook, $10.50; F.
Davis, $19.25; H. Whitten, $5.25; R
Boyland, $12.25; J. H. Walsh, $7.00;
W. Kaiser, $92.00,
ROAD DIST. NO. 31 Concrete
Pipe Co., $96.83; Peters Hardware
Co., $0.68; Wilsonville Blacksmith,
$1.50; Du Pont Co., $10.91; H. W.
Holden, $40.00; . W. W Elliot, $3.00;
Henry Raymond, $15.00; Henry
Kaymond, $6.00; Joe Salzer, $6.00;
Walter Schlickeiset, $64.50; Phil
Easterday Concrete Pipe Co., $96.-
83; 1'eters Hardware Co., $9.62: E
Leisman, $9.62; Howard Cooper Cor
poration, $50.25; F. Sherner, $57.80;
G. Sharp, $36.00; G. Peters, $27.00;
F. Baker, $36.00; F. Wagner, $24.00;
G. Angel, $24.00; F. Turner, $24.00;
W Sharp, $24.00; W. Schatze, $24.
00; I. Sharp, $24.00; J. Robick, $6.
00; G. Robick, $18.00; N. Turner,
$24.00; R. Oldenstadt, $24.00; G.
Peters, $24.00; A. Thoma, $6.00; R.
Thompson, $12.00; F. Shipey, $12.-
00; L. Tiedeman, $12.00; W. Elliott,
$12.00; S. Turner, $38.50; W. Elliott,
ROAD DIST. NO. 32 Carlson &
Sherk Co., $63.05; Aug. Holznagel,
$5.00; Harry Jost, $44.25; Ray Bak
er, $30.00; Glen Baker. $30.00: Dave
Weston, $3.00; Tom Baker, $3.00; J.
C. Snyder, $13.50; Mark Seely, $9.
00; Neal Heater, $1.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 33 F. Madden
& Co., $2.25; Frank Millard, $45.50:
Marion Millard, $72.00; C. H. Skin
ner, $3.00; Wm. Skinner, $3.00; R.
H. Millard, $36.00; Carl Peterson,
$27.00; W. H. Hendren, $27.00; N.
Christensen, $27.00; J. W Marrs, $9.
00; J. H. Finster, $9.00; Julius
Reichle, $12.00; Geo. Schulmrich,
$6.00; E. Jochinsen, $9.00; W. T.
Smith, $12.00; Geo. Henderson,
$6.00; Geo. Genseroski, $12.00; P. T.
Monroe, $12.00; B. Schonberg, $12.00;
F. Lurcher, $6.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 34 F. Kaiser,
$48.00; L. Rypczynski, $42.00; V.
Rypczynski, $3.00; J. Hellberg, $18.
00; W. Kaiser, $7.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 35 Paul R.
Meinig, $19.60; Wm. Crymes, $63.85;
Concrete Pipe To., $72.63; Wm.
Booth, $74.95; "v". E. Hengstler, $58.- JC.00; Arthur Mattoon, $45.00; John
50; Albert Killin, $12.00; Emery Rad- "Mattoon, $54.00; H. H. Mattoon,
ford, $12.00; Ralph Meehan, $8.25;
Elmer Duke, $6.00; Fred Wagner,
$4.50; J. B. Fowler, $1.50; L. L.
Griffin, $6.00; A. Bell, $3.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 36 N. C. Nel
son, $5.10; L. D. Lenon, $17.40; N.
Schmaltz & Sons, $8.30; Edgerton
Lumber Co., $10.68; Will Livingston,
$15.00; Ed. Wormdahl, $6.00; John
Stanton, $31.50; S. R. Taylor, $12.00;
George Long, $18.00; Harry Worm
dahl, $18.00; F. H. Frentz, $6.00; P.
A. Brennen, $9.00; R. E. Stricklin,
$12.00; Dan Brennen, $3.00; Joe
Brennen, $6.00; G. C. Pomery, $13.
50; A. E. Taylor, $12.00; Sidney Jor
dan, $15.00; A. M. Livingston, $27.
00; P H. Wormdahl, $24.00; John
Wormdahl, $13.50; George Long,
$16.50; Ed Wormdahl, $25.50; Alfred
Husby, $6.00; Willard Stanton, $42.
00; John Stanton, $28.00; Oscar Rye,
$15.00; Albert Cook, $7.50 ; P. H.
Brennen, $6.00; Martin Rodvold, $10.
00; August Wolfe, $4.50; Willie Has
tie, $6.00.
Kruse, $22.50; J. W. Stone, $117.75;
Wm. Wanker, $22.50; W. J. Carrell,
$9.00; G. A. Carlson, $9.75.
ROAD DIST. NO. 38 C R. Live
say, $27.80; O. P. Roethe, $27.60; E.
E. E. Roethe, $10.50; Chas. Moran,
$8.75; J. Heming-worth, $8.75; Alex
Gill, $7.00; John Baumgartner, $77.
00; H. Baumgartner, $12.25.
ROAD DIST. NO. 39 Tom Lewis,
$66.00; Noah Christner, $60.00; C.
E. Steward, $6.00; Albert Fisher,
$79.50; A. O. Achilles, $54.00; L.
Schockley, $48.00; D. L Johns, $15.00.
Loundree, $1.50; Paul R. Meinig,
$69.44; H. H. Udell, $7.00; Herbert
Udell, $12.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 42 Willamette
Valley Southern Railway Co., $158.
Concrete Pipe Co., $86.80; Edgerton
Lumber Co., $18.17; John Wooster,
$5.00; Olof Olson, $6.00; Bud Jackson
$13.75; I. L. James, $43.50; Rex
James, $30.00; C. F. Jackson, $30.00;
J W. Watson, $22.75; H. C Rittenour
$1.50; A. E. Taylor, $12.00; Joe Bren
nan, $12.00; John Stricklin, $12.00;
G. Pomcroy, $12.00; Pat Brennan,
$5.00; Dan Brennan, $5.00; John Zim
merle, $5.00; W. H. Yoder, $3.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 43 B F. Gogs
well, $9.70; C. W Schuld & Sons,
$98.70; W. 0. Smith & Co., $59.65;
W. II. Douglass, $110.63; Roy Doug
lass, $90.00; Fred Hoffmeister, $93.
00; Alex Baker, $66.00; Geo. Judd,
$79.50; Arthur Smith, $51.00; W.
R. Woodle, $63.00; Longswell, $34.50;
Glenn Douglass, $24.00; Chas. Mur
phy, $33.00; Paul Still, $12.00; Fred
i'adciison, $9.00; A. Hogger, $24.00;
Murry Clark, $25.50: R. Munirer.
ROAD DIST. NO. 44 Hult Lum
ber Co., $20.74; Hogg Bros., $1.25;
Straight & Salisbury, $1.05.
Moehnke, $20.00; Geo. Brown, $12.00;
Matt Parks, $4.50; W T Henderson,
$6.00; G. A. Gottberg, $3.00; Victor
Backman, $3.00; Charlie Backman,
$3.00; A. D. Baurer, $12.00; W. H.
Wettlaufer, $6.00; John Putz, $43.
00; Chas. Freeman, $3.75; Fred Baur
er, $24.00; Carl Stromgreen, $12.00;
George W. Harrison, $14.00; Dan
Stahlnecker, $7.50: Mike Granatzki.
ROAD DIST. NO. 46 Oregon City
aann & uravel (Jo., $33.15; Frank
Busch, $1.00; Edward Nachand, $16.
25; William Deitz, $12.00; Jack
Rhines, $19.50; Fred Deitz, $3.00;
Harry Hinds, $3.00: R. Mattoon.
ROAD DIST. NO. 47 J. W. Hart,
$12.96; Hodson-Feenaughty Co., $40.
00; E. C. Warren, $4.55; C. W. Schuld
& Sons, $48.30; O. P Roethe, $187.00;
E. E. Roethe, $150.50; Alex Gill,
$21.00; Charles Moran. . S52.50: J.
Hemingworth, $19.25; Wm. Jones,
$68.25; John Starfinger, $38.50; G.
Davis, $66.50; John Roberts, $29.75;
D. Abby, $24.50; John F. Risley,
$7.00; Oregon City Sand & Gravel
Co., $267.75; Alfred Martin, $36.00
Henry Henricie, $27.0Q; Sam Schlae-
gel, $10.50; Dan Gaffney, $42.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 48 Paul R,
Meinig, $20.85; J. G. DeShazer, $6.
64; Standard Oil Company, $39.70;
W. Bolsholm, $47.38; W. Krebs, $10.-
85; A. Ridderbush, $3.00; L Corey
$9.00; Glen Corey, $3.00; W. Keon
eker, $3.00; G Cooper, $6.00; A. Wil
kins, $0.00; John Lenhart, $4.50; J.
Strowbrige, $6.00; A. Lamper, $6.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 49 Roy Wilcox,
$26.44; Bert H. Finch, $36.60; Henry
Cromer, $9.10; L. J. Palmateer, $2.
18; A. C. Davis, $64.75; . C. L Dean,
$42.00; Roy Dean, $40.50; A W Pink-
ley, $31.50; Ward Jones, $93.00; E,
E. Pinkley, $72.00; R. E Davis, $85.
50; L M Yocum, $58.00; A Scott,
$48.00; Tobe Eash, $43.55; G. A.
Mossey, $39.00; Curt Wilcox, $63.00;
L. W. Elliott, $51.00; R. G Palmateer
$72.00; Floyd Davis, $40.25; Walter
Anderson, $30.00; Joe Bowman, $28
50; Owen Scott, $6.00; L. J Palma
teer, $61.25; E. T. Davis, $78.00;
Harvey Robinson, $18.00; J. F. Sny
der, $9.00; H. B. Davis, $21.00; Clyde
Davis, $6.00; Willie Pinkley, $4.50;
Paul Klaetsch, $17.25; O. C. Klaetsch,
$57.00; Arthur Duncan, $120.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 50 Phil Eas
terday Concrete Pine Co., $52.06: C
W. Schuld & Sons, , $78.05; L. B
Friedrich, $144.00; F. T. Morey,
$144.00; frank Ott, $15.00; Rob Ros
anau, $69.00; William Kramb, $3.00;
George ktzwiler, $84.00; Harry Etz
wiler, $4.50; Joe Mlady, $1.50; F,
M. Townsend, $84.60.
ROAD DIST. NO. . 52-Matt
Greenslade, $5.75.
ROAD DIST. NO, 53 L. Bowman.
$12.00; Andrew Oster, $12.00; Olaf
Olsen, $12.00; J. Ridings. $24.75: O.
L Hammond, $24.75; E. A. Shaver,
$9.00; Ueorge Calmer, $6.00; C. V.
Carpenter, $6.00; Emry Jaymes,
$7.50; J. C. Lehman, $3.00; Norman
Olsen, $9.00; I D Larkins, $3.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 54 R. W. Zim
merman, $6.00; H. Jenson, $1.60; R.
F. Watts, $1.25; Gordis Watts, $60.
00; S. J Nofziger, $58.50; H. Jenson,
$49.50; A Schneider, $45.00; C. Wies
er, $51.00; S. M. Nice, $12.00; Bert
Babb, $16.50; W. F Stanton, $21.00;
Lester Stanton, $15.00; T. D. Sym
monds, $6.00; C. Lenhart, $6.00; O.
Mailor, $4.50; Brant, $5.00.
Kaake, $14.11; A. Mattoon, $35.40;
L. S. Tenny, $40.25; Chas. Lander,
$48.00; Eldon Lankins, $42.00: Joe
McComb, $24.00; E. T. Bateson. $42.-
00; Walter Bateson, $21.00; L. S.
Tenny, $6.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 66 W. B. Ram
bo, $63.00; C. Gard, $36.00; Earl
krans Co., $12.50; Hodson-Feenaughty
Co., $124.45; J. I. Case Threshing
Machine Co., $5.95; Mt .Tabor Ga
rage, $44.20; Canby Hardware &
Implement Co., $6.00; Hodson-Fee-Meeker,
$25.00; Willie Washburn,
$20.00; T. A. Seiner, $12.00; Jessie
Mayiield, $20.60; Harry Conner, $15.
00; Dan Fellows, $15.00; W. B. Ram
bo, $48.00; Earl Meeker, $16.25; Fred
Brunner, $3.00; Willie Washburn,
$7.50; Hubert Schram, $5.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 57 Arion Yoder
$67.85; J. S. Fisher, $13.20; Canby
Hardware & Implement Co., $7.50;
M. Gottwald, $4.50; George Gott
wald, $3.00; A. F. Eyman. $10.00: E
Burkholder, $4.50; O. Kyllo, $0.75.
KUAD DIST. NO. 64 W Bosholm,
$26.00; W. Krebs, $8.25; A. Ridder
bush, $3.00.
Special Fund
SPEC. NO. 3 Wm. Schwartz.
$139.00; W. Buckman, $94.50; O.
K.rotcn, $yb.50; G. Gibbs, $79.60; H.
Sylvester, $75.00; W Thebo, $73.60;
H. Seibert, $21.00; J Papsch, $3.00;
H. Bock, $9.00; L. Stradlv. $36.00:
C. Henke, $33.00; J C Royer, $9.00;
w. witzel, ifZl.OU.
SPEC. NO. 5 M. H Wheeler,
$14.00; J. A. Imel, $12.00: W. E.
Wheeler, $24.00; J H Lindgren,
$22.50; C. Lekberg, $22.50; C. A.
Wheeler, $24.00; J. H. Lindgren,
$22.50; C. Lekberg, $22.50; C. A.
Wheeler, $12.00; S. Waybill, $12.00;
Dick Davis, $9.00.
SPEC. NO. 6 Will Bell, $72.00;
Henry Gierke, $30.00; Ed Suckow,
$78.00; Charles Krebs, $33.00; M.
Batano, $48.00; Will Witmer, $36.00;
Ed Sitz, $12.00; G. Finger, $24.00;
Carl Langer, $21.00; Ed Littlepage,
$56.00; Antone Jabr, $3.76; Robert
Beck, $3.75.
SPEC. NO. 8 W. Bosholm, $53.75;
L. Corey, $33.75; D Alt, $6.00; Vern
Alt, $7.50; John Spahler, $39.37; W.
Keaneker, $33.75; A. Lamner. $30.75:
J Strowbridge, $18.00; W. Krebs,
$17.25; G. Cooper, $6.00; A. Wilkens,
$6.00; J. Lenhart, $6.00; J. Wilcoxen,
SPEC. NO. 9 Estacada Garage,
$.io; naroia Joyner, $12.00; A. H.
Miller, $28.50; A Strenke, $21.00; C
A. Rath, $3.00; Theodore Harders,
$4.00; A. W Lee. $39.00: G. Willson.
$30.00; Adolph Weiderhold, $7.50; C.
A. Johnson, $24,00; Louis Ochs, $21.
00; A. H. Lins, $6.00; Fred Lins, $51.
00; C. E Lins, $63.00: R. Miller. S2R.-
50; Roy Miller, $28.50; Edd Grafen-
nem, ipiu.50; H. Klinker, $45.00; C.
W. Rendelman, $45.00; Roy Warwick,
$3.00; Edd Harders, $37.50; Edd Gu
ber, $51.00; Otto Paulsen, $42.00; C.
Guber, $24.00; Nic Rath, $21.00; Leo
Rath, $45.00; Henry Ruhl, $52.50;
nenry jonnson, $4.00; Joe Weider
hold, $3.00; Henry Schmidt, $36.00.
SPEC. NO. 11 Oregon City Sand
& Gravel Co., $39.98; C. R. Livesay,
$28.40; J. P Murphy, $69.00; James
$69.00; J. Poyser, $69.00; J. R. Live
say, $72.00; C. A. Mann, $34.50; Wm.
Mann, $40.50; H D Marston, $37.60;
C. R. Livesay, $40.26; J. T. Serres,
$6.00; E Murphy, $10.50; A. Rupp,
$6.00;$6.00; W. Deats, $18.00; F
Furgerson, $10,50; G. Murphy,
SPEC. NO. 13 Frank Busch,
$6.50; Portland Railway Light and
Power Co., $0.52; J. T. Fullam, $32.
35; H. A Allen, $11.25; W. H. Bon
ney, $15.92; L. Funk, $1.50; Ben
Tanler, $140.25; A. Schneider, $70.-1
65; F. Bullard, $66.65; Johnie Ful
lam, $12.00; J. T. Fullam, $66.50;
A. Flanum, $44.15; W. Carlson, $37.-
iu; Ixus Leasch, $34.10; A. Hubert,
$37.10; E. Larson, $41.25: Harrv
Babler, $3.75; Joe Spatz, $33.00; A.
Junor, $22.85; John Schneider, $22.-
aint Formulas
U. S. Government-Sears-Roebuck & Company
Sherwin-Williams Company
Would Uncle Sam Buy Paint From
Mail Order Houses?
The Government buys goods of the highest quality only, be
cause it knows that in the end the best is always the cheapest.
We give below a copy of the Government paint formula, the
formula published by Sears-Roebuck & Company of their Seroco
paint, and the formula used by Sherwin-Williams in making their
House Paint. Compare these carefully. You will note that THE
IOUS MATERIALS. Note that in lead the S-W exceeds the Gov
ernment requirements by 5, while S-R is 8 below. Note also
that in coloring matter, which adds nothing to wearing qualities,
S-W contains but 15 the other 5 being added to the lead.
S-W White Paint contains only 9 magnesium and aluminum
silica the other 6 going into lead 4, zinc 2.
Materials Government Sherwin-Williams Seroco
Specifications Formula Formula
Lead ' 45 50 36.6
Zinc 35 35 12.2
Combination of Magnesium
or aluminum silica and
tinting color 20 15 - 13
Calcium Carbonate none' none 34.2
Barium Sulphate . none none 9.7
"Total 100 100 100
The Government says there should be NO calcium carbonate or
barium sulphate but Sears-Roebuck & Co. has 43.9 of these mater
ials. The liquids used in Sherwin-Williams' House Paint consist of
90 pure, well settled linseed oil and the balance (10) being a
combination of pure gum spirits of turpentine and Japan dryer,
while tests made of some mail order house paints showed as high as
Insist on knowing what the paint you buy is made of regardless
of where you buy it.
Our knowledge and experience is at your service.
Agents for Sherwin-Williams Paint
If you have any back payments on your
bonds, I will buy your receipts. "
Pacific 377 Home B-38
8th and Main Sts. Oregon City, Ore.
I '' '
85; R. C. Brown, $6.00; Carl Kir-
chem, $15.85.
SPEC. NO. 19 A. C. Erickson &
Co., $0.76; Hult -Lumber Co., $12.96;
Fred Udiger, $6.00; E. J Loust, $9.00;
Milo Udiger, $3.00; E. L. Brady,
$3.00; Bert Wallace, $24.00; Lewis
Churchilll, $24.00; John Capler, $12.
00; Ernest Schutzman, $3.00; Julius
Schieve, $49.88; Albert Schieve, $48.
13; Ed Buol, $46.37; Clyde Ringo.
$20.13; Theodore Marshall, $3.60;
Ben Lindau , $27.13; G. Hostteter,
$9.63; Leonard Mosier, $6.00; Clyde
Ringo, $42.00; R. Barton, $62.25; C.
Bottomiller, $45.75; Albert Schieve,
$10.50; Albert Gasser, $41.25: Rich
ard Griffiths, $72.10; Walter Host
teter, $33.00; Ben Lindau, $18.00; G.
Hostteter, $28.50; W. Bottomiller.
$27.00; Fred Josi, $27.75; Ed McHyre
$16.50; Sam Elmer, $22.60;' Theodore
Marshall, $33.00; John L. Gard, $33.
00, Ben Elmer, $28.50; J. C. Nelson,
SPEC. NO. 20 J. C. Miller, $45.
50; W.H Stone, $36.60; S Wilson,
$5.25; S. Miller, $36.00; H. McMur
ry, $28.50; A. Johnson, $26.25; M.
Schooling, $15.00; A. Werner, $24.00.
SFKU. NO. 21 A. Hagman, $18.
06; A. Nelson, $16.04; D F Moehnke,
$52.50; A. "E Anderson, $97.50; E. A.
Swanson, $97.50; Alex Erickson,
$112.50; Claud Winslow. $94.50: F.
Countryman, $81.00; Abel Johnson,
$73.50; E. A. Nelson, $75.00; W. P
caugher, S28.00; J Carlson. $18.00:
Theodore Fellows, $12.00; G. Feyrer,
$oz.uu; J. w. jfl. Vick, $14.00; Jack
$30.00; C. D. Dickerson, $2.00; I. L.
Boyer, $57.00; M. A. Olson, $28.50;
George Boyer, $19.50; Guy Dibble,
$14.25; John Callahan, $72.00; Wm.
Formwalt, $11.25; A. . W. Russell,
$2.00; Henry Fick, $6.00; Lee Jones,
$40.50; Walter Painter, $6.00; Leslie
Dickey, $63.00; H. C. Bonaker, $3.00;
Herman Weigle, $3.00; Ray Wilcox,
$3.uu; C. Jfl. Kamsby, $6.00; S. A D
Hungate, $12.00; Geo. F. Ball, $27.
00; Guy Schafer, $30.00; Earl Hunt
er, $12.00; John Coover, $36.00; Clar
ence Coover, $12.00; Charles Shep
ard, $3.00; Milton Williams, $1.60;
Wm. Feyrer, $3.00; Mark Hungate,
$3.00; Alex Erickson, $6.00.
SPEC. NO. 27-Jay Bentley, $40.
50; I D. Larkins, $43.75; Archie Hub
bard, $33.00; B. M. Hubbard, $30.
00; John Barth, $3.00; Clarence
Thomas, $6.00; Wm. Harman, $36.00;
Norman Olsen, $4.50; Roy Roop,
$5.25; William Brown, $3.30; P. A.
Marquam, $2.00; Rix Skirvin. $1.00:
Roy Ridings, $32.00; Otto Striker,
SPEC. NO. 28 L. A. Shaver, $12.
25; Dicken & Co., $66.00; Willamette
Valley Southern Railway Co., $25.80;
Hubert Engle, $108.00; C. B. Arnett,
$30.00; J. W. Arnett, $36.00; John
Novak, $72.00; T. Ackerson, $83.00;
William Helmig, $93.00; Oscar Kay
Feyrer, $28.00: Edward Larsen, $96.
75; August Johnson, $95.25; John
Larsen, $3.00.
SPEC. NO. 22 Feyrer Bros.,
$274.70; Clay Hungate, $88.50; W.
J. E. Vick, $70.00; H. J. Rastall, $87.
00; Merril Eldred, $33.75; C. B. El
dred, $30.00; Wm. Estes, $34.50;
Clay Engle, $83.25; O. W. Dickerson,
$30.00; Ralph Hardy, $24.00; John
Nightingale, $21.00; Lloyd Fish,
$21.00; Hampton Fisk, $21.00; Albert
Hibbard, $24.00; Adam Sherman,
$42.00; Joe Kestner, $21.00; George
Herbst, $22.00; George Koos, $36.00;
Ernest Lowry, $52.50; Frank Vaughn
$30.00; Charles Hardy, $48.00; Abe
Hardy, $48.00; John Wilhoit, $45.00;
John Wilhoit, $45.00; Scott Carter,
$42.00; C. W. Austin, $42.00; Peter
Klein; $21.00; D. B. Gray, $12.00; E.
H. Gray, $6.00; Frank Rossman,
$6.00; W. M. Bird, $6.00; E L Pal-
(Continued on Page 5)
"In the Public Eye"
TIP the letters on a
A printed page blur or
seem to run into each
other, an eye. examina
tion at the hands of a
' skilled optometrist is
imperative, We will
give your vision a thor
ough test and tell you
whether you are near or
far sighted . or both, or
if because of the cornea
an astigmatism has set
in. Our service is emi
nently satisfactory.
612 Main St. Oregon City