OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, JUNE 5, 1919 6 etty Said She Could Bake "I knew she never had baked a cake ( and I was doubtful But I told her to go ahead. "She got my treasured Royal Cook Book, my can of Royal Baking Pow der and all the fixings and sailed in. "Honestly, it was the best cake we ever had, and now I believe anyone who tries can bake anything with loyal Baking Powder Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of .Tartar derived from grapes Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste The Royal Cook Book, containing over 500 recipes for all kinds of cookery, mailed free. Write for a copy to ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., Dept. H, 135 William Street, NewVork COUNTY AND CITY LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mattoon and daughter,' Esther, Mr. and Mrs. George V. Ely and daughter, Eloise, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Juhnke at Multnomah station. E. H. Streumeier, who, has been connected with Cannon & Company for the past year, has resigned his position there to accept a position with the Huntley Drug Company. There is nothing worse than bad, foul smelling breath; get rid of it for your friend's sake anyway. Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will clean and purify your stomach and bowels; your breath will be sweet, you? disposition improved, your friends increased. 35c. Tea or Tab lets. Huntley Drug Co. . Sergeant Elvin W. Smith, who en: listed in June 1917, and who served as a member of Company B, 116th Engineers, Sunset Division, has re turned from France and is at the "In the Public Eye" AN eye-headache some times accompanied by an earache and burning sensations of the eyes caus ed by an over effort of the brain to understand a blurred i m age that has been thrown on the retina of the eye. In the eye camera the foci are chang ed by the eye muscles that swell and reduce the shape of the crystalline lens. When these muscles be come weakened an optom etrist must prescribe the outer-man-made lenses to bring about this focus accommodation. OPTOMETRIST 612 .Main St. Oregon City DISTURB THE PEACE ARE ARRESTED; PUT UP FIGHT Joseph Chuck and Arthur Bell, of Portland, two young men who former ly resided In Oswego, came to that day and were arrested by Town Mar shal James Headrick, charged with fast driving, cutting corners and gen erally disturbing the peace and solem nity of the occasion by boisterous conduct, induced, it is alleged, Dy the liberal use of the contents of a bottle of liquor. Mr. Headrick started taking the men to Oregon City to place them in the sheriff's care. Oswego residents in the meantime telephoned the sher iff, which official sent a deputy out on the road to meet the party. The two prisoners, while on the way, started to assault the town marshal and were only subdued by the timely ar rival of the deputy sheriff. The two men, after a night in the county jail, were released under bonds of $25 to appear for hearing Monday afternoon. Up-to-date there has been no appearance. Mrs. Wilson Recovering Mrs. W. J. Wilson, of this city, was taken to the St. Vincents hos pital Monday morning, where she was operated upon for appendicitis Tuesday. Dr. M. C. Strickland is the attending physician. Mrs. - Wilson has had acute attacks during the past few weeks and upon the advice of Dr. Strickland, was removed to the hospital for an operation. She is the wife of W. J. Wilson, of the Mitchell Lewis & Staver company of this city. Mrs. Wilson was successfully operat ed upon and is recovering nicely. A Picnic Suggestion When planning your lunch see that the bread you select will cut without crumbling, keep its freshness and please the entire family. Holsom Bread is the one bread to do these three things it is the quality loaf made in the finest plant in the North west. Your Grocer has it. home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith, of Parkplace. West Linn C. W. Inn will buy your pig and pay cash. Call on Mr. Bar low when next in town. Miss, May King, daughter of Mrs. King o"f Fourteenth street, is recov ering from an attack of pneumonia. Miss Mildred Dedman, of Canby, a graduate of the high school, has been a guest at the home of her uncle, E. P. Dedman of Clackamas and the Misses Laura and Jessie Paddock of If you have any good apples, po tatoes, beef or other farm produce for sale see F. ,T. Barlow at C. W. Inn, West Linn, and he will pay you cash on delivery. Phone 608. Gladstone, the pasf 'wewek. Miss Dedman will continue her studies at Reed college. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Chamber lain of Portland, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kirk,Sunday. Mr. Chamberlain is a brother of Mrs. Kirk. Miss Grace Speiger, who has been teaching school in Eastern Washing ton the past year, is at the home her father, J. F. Speiger of Ureen point. .. a.' You can get the best 50c meal in Clackamas county every day, includ ing Sunday, at West Linn C. W. Inn, across the bridge from Oregon Gity, 6:30 to 8 a. m., 12:00 to 1:00, and 5:30 to 6:30 p. b. Haircut 35c. Shave 20c. Same place. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Latourette and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hendry, ac companied by the children of the two families and Mrs. C. D. Latour ette, made an auto trip to the sum mer home of Mr. Latourette near Crescent, Sunday.' A wedding of interest to many in Clackamas county will be solemniz ed at Walla Walla, Washington to day (Thursday), when Miss Georgi ana Cross, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. .Cross, of Glad stone, will be united in marriage to Eugene N. Good of that city. Bride and groom are both graduates of the University of Oregon. Miss Cross has been a successful teacher, hav ing taught at both Lakeview and Gresham. Mr. Good is in the hotel business, being interested in the Darces hotel at that place. Owing to the critical illness of the groom's father the wedding ceremony js to be performed at the home of the" groom. Mr. and Mrs. Cross, parents of the bride, and her sister, Miss Frances Cross, were in attendance. Got Good Results This, honest, straight forward let ter from a woman who has suffered should be heeded by all afflicted with backache, rheumatic pains, sore muscles, awful tired feeling and other symptoms of kidney and blad der trouble: "I have got such good results from Foley Kidney Pills that I can sleep much better and the pain in my back and sides is a good lot better. I am going to keep on taking them." Mrs. Chas. Gray, 270 6th St., .Detroit, Mich. Sold Everywhere. ROAD INFORMATION A new department added to The Courier's columns which will appear from time to time for benefit of motorists In spite of the heavy death losses by the ravages of Influenza and War The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. v will pay its policy holders large dividends this year. . When buying insurance why not buy the best. S. O. DILLMAN cogent for Clackamas County 8th and Main Sts. Oregon City WESTERN OREGON Barlow-Oakgrove Open and in fair condition, Cedarburn to Wapinitia; open Wapinitia to Clear Creek; clos ed by snow between Clear Creek and Twin Bridges; no detour possible. Open, Twin Bridges in Portland. McKenzie Highway Open and in fair condition, Eugene to Blue RiverH open, but in poor condition, Blue River to Lost Creek Ranger station. Closed by snow between Lost Creek ranger station and summit. Willamette Open and in fair con dition between Eugene and Boulder Grade. Closed by snow from Boul der Grade to summit. Crescent City -Gold Beach Open and in good condition,. Crescent City to Brookings. Open but still rough, Brookings to Gold Beach. Row River Open and in good con dition, Cottage Grove to Disston. Closed by slides and fallen timber between Disston and Champion Mine. Will be open for teams by June 15. Roseburg-Peel Open and in good condition, Roseburg to Peel. Medford-Crater Lake Open and in fair condition, Medford to Union Creek; closed by snow between Un ion Creek and Crater Lake park. No detours possible. Will be open about July first. Plans are now on foot to cut through the drifts with scrapers, which may make the road open ear lier than the date given. Anna Creek Open and in fair con. dition between Klamath Falls and a point two miles inside Park line; Closed from this point to Crater Lake by snow. No detours possible. Will be open by July first. Grants Pass-Crescent City Open and in good condition, Grants Pass to east fork Illinois river; poor condi tion from east fork to Waldo and for about four miles on Oregon moun tain. Three Rivers Open between Wil lamina and Tillamook. Very rough for six miles through the Grande Ronde Indian reservation; this sec tion is practically impassable for several days after rain. Construc tion work is now in progress between Dolph and Hebo. Eugene-Florence Open, but quite rough, Eugene to Mapletbn. Closed over North Fork mountain. It is a narrow road, with steep grade and sharp turns, and is only for exper ienced drivers. Alsea River Open between Corval lis and Waldport. In fair condition, Corvallis to Missouri Bend. Only 'passable between Missouri Bend and Waldport; very rough. Santiam Wagon Road-r-Closed to all except foot traffic. Cascadia to eastern boundary of Santiam Nation al forest. There are several danger ous bridges, which should not be us ed by vehicles. Should be open by July l. Riddle-Drew Open and in fair con dition, Riddle to tiller. Closed be tween Tiller and Drew by condemn ed bridge. Bandon-Gold Beach Open and in passable condition for light cars, en tire length. EASTERN OREGON Baker-Cornucopia Open and in fair condition, Baker to Carson; poor condition, Carson to Cornucopia. Sparta-East Eagle Open but in poor condition, Sparta to Lillywhite. Closed by snow, Lilywhite to East Eagle. Detours not possible. Will probably be open by June 1. Mitchell-Dayville Open and in good condition, Mitchell to Dayville. Wallowa-Powwatka Open between Wallowa and Promise. Generally in fair condition, with some rough places. . Baker-Prairie City Open and in good condition, Baker to Sumpter; fair, Sumpter to . Whitney; poor, Whitney to Prairie City. Lakeview-Plush Open but in poor condition, Lakeview to Plush. Chico Open for wagon travel, En terprise to Chico. Prineville - Paulina Open and ' in good condition, Prineville to Paulina. Imnaha Open, Enterprise to Im naha, and in good condition. ' Lakeview-Bend Opon and in' fair condition, Lakeview to Bend. Pendleton-La Grande Open but in poor condition, Pendleton to La Grande. - Lakeview-Klamath Falls Open en tire length, but in poor condition. Lakeview-Alturas Open for all classes of travel, Lakeview to Altui? as; some muddy places. Prineville-Mitchell Open and gen erally in fair condition between Prineville and Mitchell. Rough be tween Ochoco ranger station and Beaver ranger station, WHAT THE NET FISHERMEN THINK OF THE PRESENT FISH LAWS "Although the Willamette river, above Oswego, was literally full of fish, very few fish were caught by either net or hook. The net fisher men, restricted from fishing above Oswego, caught in the neighborhood of 15 tons in comparison to the aver age of 200 tons in other years. This means a loss of about $35,000 to Clackamas county fishermen. "The hook and line fishermen, al though they fished where the fish were the thickest, did not get 20 of the fish they used to catch in the same locality when the nets operat ed there. This proves again that net fishing makes hook and line fish ing better, for it seems that the nets stir the fish up and cause them to bite the spoon. In former years anglers have caught as high as 600 pounds of salmon in a day, after the net season opened. "The Multnomah Angler's Club, which is mostly responsible for the We Have ! a Surprise for YOU This Week Look in Our Window! Oregon City Retreading and Vulcanizing Works 1003 Main St. Oregon City, Oregon Save Money on Plows CUT PRICES ON VULCAN CHILLED PLOWS 10-inch Wood Beam Vulcan Plow... $15 00 12-inch Wood Beam Vulcan Plow 17-00 14-inch Wood Beam Vulcan Plow 20 00 ' 16-inch Wood or Steel Beam Vulcan Plow 22-50 Also a Light Tractor Gang AT A PRE-WAR PRICE The Genuine J. I. Case Power Lift Enicar Light draft. Compactly and strongly built. We have too many in 2 bottom size. You benefit by saving about $50. 2Bottom Case Enicar $150 Our Stock of Spring Tillage Tools is Complete Case and Lean .Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows- Planet Jr. Garden Tools Potato Planters In fact the entire W.J.WILSON &C0. OREGON CITY, OREGON We carry a line of FARM SUPPLIES not excelled by any other dealer outside of Portland Line TRADE AT HOME if they would pass such legislation all they would have to do is to come up to Oregon City and catch as many fish as they wanted and then go home. They have learned their mis take for never before have so many anglers been out fishing after May 1st, as this year, and so few fish caught. "The net fishermen were strongly opposed to such legislation, for they wanted real protection of fish. They believe in allowing the needed amount of salmon to reach the spawning grounds, but are opposed to the sending of the Willamette river salmon spawn to other rivers and are strongly opposed to letting the salmon that do not go over the falls, die in the tail races, while people of Clackamas county and other counties have to pay exhorbitant prices for fish shipped in from Cali fornia or Washington. "In former years people of this locality would come to the river and buy all the fish they needed at a very reasonable price; but this year fishermen were forbidden to sell fish to the public. "Summing up the whole matter, we have fish here in our river; if caught by hook and line they cannot be sold; the net fishermen are not al lowed to catch ' them; the fish will either get to the spawning grounds (which if they do, their spawn will be taken to other rivers), or die in the millraces and tailraces, while people arS hungry for fresh fish. In a few words they are taking away our fresh fish supply to other rivers." A. NATERLIN, ' Oregon City. Lenore Officer filed papers Monday for the probate of the will of the late Everette S. Pechin, who died January 16, 1918. The estate consists of property in the Minthorn addition, Portland, and is valued at $1500. Store Opens The Most in Value The Best in Quality Store Cloaca at 8:30 A. M. WL, " M P Saturdays ' (Vjjjr ' Saturdays Phone: J Hon,. Pacific "JWPIWPW' ' Phone: Marshall 5080 THE MOST IN VALUE " THE BEST IN QUALITY A 2112 THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS BECAUSE IT SELLS FOR CASH" Popularly Priced New Arrivals in Summer Laces and Embroideries Especially Displayed on the Center Aisle Tables in our Fancy Goods Section are the Tempting Values in New Laces and Embroideries IMITATION CROCHET LACES At 15c to 25c Yd. In these assortments are both Bands and Edges" in white and ecru and in all widths from 1 to 5 inches beauti ful imitation crochet laces in an un limited variety of patterns suitable for trimming of undergarments, fancy work, etc. Come and make selections while the showing is at its best, EMBROIDERY SKIRTINGS At25cand35cYd. Thousands of yards of crisp new Em broidery Skirtings in 9 and 10-inch widths., They come in fine Swiss and cambric and in an unlimited variety of patterns. A visit to this section will prove of unusual importance if you select from these offerings. ,