OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, MAY 29, 1919 ANGLERS GUIDE Where the Fishing's Best in the Webfoot State and How to Get There WESTERN OREGON Laying Creek Water is still too hitrh and cold for good fistimg. Row River Good catches of trout are reported at Dorena, Wildwood and Diston. Reached by auto road hv wav of Cottatre Grove. Fish are taking spinner and Brown hackle fly, Shams Creek A few fish are be ing taken. The water is too high and cold for good fishing. The stream is reached by auto and rail road bv way of Cottage Grove. North Umpqua River Good catch es of trout are being made at Grants Pass and vicinity. Reached by rail road and auto by way of Grants Pass Trout are taking fly little, but bet ter catches are being made with small spinners. South Fork Santiam River Good catches of trout are reported at Cas cadia and vicinity. Reached by the Willamette Valley and Cascade moun tain wagon road by way of Lebanon. So far catches are being made by bait fishing. Seven Mile Creek Good catches of ' trout are reported at various points on the stream. Reached by auto road by way of Klamath Falls. McKenzie River Good catches of red sides are being reported on all parts of the stream. Reached by auto or stage by way of Eugene. There are hotel accommodations at Blue River, McKenzie and Belknap Springs. Horse Creek Good catches of red sides are reported at various points along the stream. Reached by auto or stage from Eugene. Eagle Creek Good catches of trout are reported about the Punchbowl. Reached by Columbia River Highway and Eagle Creek trail. Tanner Creek Good ..catches of trout are being made at points be low the falls. Reached by Columbia River highway or railroad by way of Bonneville. Fish, Clear and Big Lakes No re ports have been received from any of these lakes which are still snow bound. North Santiam and Breitenbush Rivers Small catches of Dollyvarden are reported near Detroit. Reached by railroad. Stream still high. Little River Good catches of sal mon trout are reported between Glide and the mouth of Covitt creek. River still . high and cold for mountain trout. EASTERN OREGON Wallowa River Good catches of rainbow trout are reported at various points on the stream. Reached by auto from La Grande, Minam or Wal lowa. Indian Creek Good catches of rainbow trout reported at points near Elgjn. Reached by auto or wagon by way of Elgin. Imnaha River G o o d catches of rainbow trout are reported at var ious points along the stream. Reach ed by auto from Enterprise. Bear Creek Good catches of moun tain trout and salmon are reported at various points along the stream. Reached by wagon road passable for autos by way of Mitchell. Bridge Creek Good catches of mountain trout are being made at various points, although stream is still muddy. Reached by auto road by way of Mitchell.' Drew's Creek Good catches of trout are being made at various points along the creek. Reached by wagon road. Clarke Creek Good catches of trout are reported at several points along the creek. Reached by wagon road. Clarke Creek Good catches of rainbow trout are reported at points near Elgin. Reached by wagon or auto by way of Elgin. Deep Creek Good catches of trout reported at many points on the creek. Reached by wagon road by way of Lakeview to Plush and Adel. Lesicur Creek Good catches of trout are reported at several points on the creek.- Reached by stage road from Lakeview or Klamath Falls. Mill Creek Good catches of rain bow trout are being made at points between Cove and Grande Ronde river. Reached by auto road by way of Union. ' Pine and Clear Creeks G o o d catches of eastern, brook and rainbow trout are being made at various points along the stream. Twin Lukes Good catches of steel head trout are being made at various points on the lakes. Reached by auto by way of Bend. HOW'S YOUR BLOOD 7 Pimples and Eruption Mean Bad Blood People who have impure or Impover ished blood should be careful to take only a temperance remedy made of wild roots and barks such as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is and has been for nearly SO years. Ingredients printed on wrapper. The first day you start to take this reliable medicine, impure germs and accumulation begin to separate in the blood and are then expelled through the eliminative organs. In place of the impurities, the ar teries and veins gradually get fresh vitalized blood and the action of this good blood on the skin means that pim ples, boils, carbuncles, eczema, rash, acne and all skin blemishes will disap pear. Then you must remember that when the blood is right, the liver, stom ach, bowels and kidneys become healthy, active and vigorous and you will have no more trouble with indigestion, back ache, headache. Get Dr. Fierce s Golden Medical Dis covery to-day at any medicine dealers, in tablet or liquid form, or send 10c for trial package to Dr. Piercers Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. Spokane, Wash. "I had scrofulous sores on my body and limbs and boils were always coming out in different places. I took treatment from several doctors but they did me no good, At last I began using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery for my blood. When I had taken three bottles of it the sores were all healed and I have not been troubled any more with boils." U. S. Fusm, S. 110 Ivory St. ROAD INFORMATION A new department added to The Courier's columns which will appear from time to time for benefit of motorists WESTERN OREGON Three Rivers Open between Wil lamina and Tillamook. This road ts in poor condition through the Grande Ronde Indian reservation; passable for an expert driver. Construction work between Dolph and Hebo makes travel slow. There are no detours. Eugene-Florence Open between Eugene and Mapleton, but quite rough. Closed over North Fork mountain. Will be open about June 1. Road is narrow, with steep grad es and sharp turns, and should be attempted only by experienced driv ers. Alsea River Open between Cor vallis and Waldport. In fair condi- ; tion, Corvallis to Missouri Bend. ' Passable between Missouri Bend and Waldport. Road has not been work ed around Missouri Bend and over Tidewater Hill, Is very rough and ' should be attempted only by exper ienced drivers with light cars. Roseburg-Pcel Open and in good , condition between Roseburg and Peel Row River Open and in fair con- flition between Cottage Grove and ' Disston; rough in places. Repair ; work is going on. There are good camping sites along this road. Grants Pass-Crescent City Open and in fair condition between Eugene and Boulder Grade. Closed by snow between Boulder Grade to the sum mit. McKenzie Highway Open and in fair condition between Eugene and Blue River. Poor condition, Blue River to Lost Creek ranger station. Closed by snow between Lost Creek ranger station and the summit. Anna CreekOpen and in fair con dition between Klamath Falls and Crater Lake Park boundary. Closed by Bnow inside park. No detours pos sible. Should open about July first. Santiam Wagon Koad Closed to all except foot traffic between Cas- cadia and eastern boundary of San tiam national forest. There are sev eral dangerous bridges, 'which should not be used by vehicles. Will prob ably bo open July first. Crescent City-Gold Beach Open and in good condition between Cres cent City and Brookings. Rough but passable, Brookings to Gold Beach. Riddle - Drew Open and in fair condition between Riddlo and Tiller. Closed by condemned bridge between Tiller and Drew. Scottsburg-Allepany Open and in fair condition, Allegany to Loon lake. Closed between Loon lake and Scottsburg by washouts and the rough, steep nature of the roadbed. It is unsafe for wagon travel and should not be attempted by motor ists. Bandon-Gold Beach Open and in passablo condition, for light cars be tween Bandon and Gold Beach. Barlow-Oak Grove Open and in fair condition, between Twinbridges and Camas Prairie. Should be open by June 15. EASTERN OREGON Lakeview - Plush Open, ..but ..in rather poor condition, between Lake view and Plush. Chico Open for wagon travel, but in poor condition. Autos should not attempt between Enterprise and Chico. Powwalka Open and in fair con dition for wagon travel between Wal lowa and Powwatka. It is rough through the timber, with some mud holes; bu passable for machines. Promise Open and in fair condi tion between Wallowa and Promise. There are rough places in the tim bered section of this road. Mitchell-Day ville Open and in good condition between Mitchell and Dayville. Prineville - Paulina Open and in good shape for travel between Prine ville and Paulina. Baker Cornucopia Open entire length. Fair condition Baker to Car son. Pussable for autos, Carson to Cornucopia. Sparta-East Eagk Open, but in poor condition Sparta to Lily White. Closed between Lily White and East Eagle. No detours. Road probably will be open by May 20. Imnaha Open and in good shape between1 Enterprise and Imnaha. Lakeview-Bcnd Open and in fair condition Lakeview to Bend. Pendloton-La Grande Open, but in poor condition, Pendleton to La Grande. Lakeview-Klamath Falls Open en tire length, but in poor condition. Lakeview -Alturas Open ..for ..all classes of travel between Lukeview and Alturas. Muddy in places. Paulina-Burns via Bear Valley Open between Paulina nnd Burns. Muddy in places. Paulina-Burns via Bear Valley Open between Paulina and Burns. Muddy in Bear Valley. Prineville - Mitchell Open between I'rmcville and Mitchell. Rough be tween Oehoco ranger station and Beaver ranger station; otherwise in fair condition. Prineville-Burns via M i 1 1 i k a n Open nnd in fair condition. Bond-Fort Rock via La Pine Open but in poor condition. La Pine-Crescent Open nnd in fair condition. Bend-Sisters via Tumalo 0 pen and in fair condition. Bend-Sisters via Tumalo Open and in fair condition. La Grande-Joseph Open and in fair condition. Paulina-Burns via Fife Open and in fair condition, Pnulina to Burns except a muddy stretch on Buck mountain due to melting snow. De tour is possible via Gap Ranch There are a few bad mud holes in Long Hollow. Baker-Prairie City Road is open between Baker and Trairie City. In fair condition, Baker to Whitney; poor condition, Whitney to Prairie City. COUNTY COURT (Continued from Last Week) Portland & Oregon City Railway Co., $20.95; J. I. Case T. M. Company, $3.75; Canby Auto Garage, $1.20; Steven Feather, J7.00; Pope & Co., $1.44; Harry Babler, $7.00; Henry Babler, $7.00; Fred Gerber, $7.00; C. Cole, $7.00; C. C Borland, $45.50; H. Borland, $31.50; Wm. Borland, $29. 75; Roy Borland, $14.00; C. C. Whit- ten, $52.50; A. Neilson, $22.75; V. Davidson, $7.00; A. Borland, $21.00;, D. Christiansen, $10.50; J. P. Cook, $10.50; J H. Walsh, $21.00; J Biettes, $14.00; J. Johnson, $14.00; E. John son, $7.00; Ed Whitten, $3.50; Joe Hawkins, $3.50; J. Wanker, $18.00; F. E. Whitten, $44.00; Crystal Ice & Storage Co., $44.10; Morey, $155.25; Alfred Martin, $24.00; Henry Hen rici, $18.00; J. Berry, $8.75; W. J. Wilson & Co., $299.90; Oregon Port land Cement Co, $69.00; H. W. Sharp & Co., $344.55; Cedar Creek Lumber Co., $140.38; J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co., $455.56; Southern Pa cific Co., $91.00; R. A. Wright, $396. 00; McConnell & Brown, $400.00; Dix Co., $19.20; D. Ferguson, $2.16; Buffalo Seam Roller Company, $13. 00; Miller-Parker Co., $62.95; E. R. Kilgallon, $2.00; Hodson-Feenaughty Co., $10.35; Oregon City Foundry, $61.00; Canby Hardware & Imple ment Co., $3.25; Carleton & R6sen kranz, $8.55; H. Junke, $11.20; Marshall-Wells Hardware Co., $13.83; Parkplace Garage, $5.00; Oregon City Sand & Gravel Co., $9.90; Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., $2.25; Scripture & May, $1.50; Pope & Co., $9.20; Ward B. Lawton, $3.95; Oregon City Auto Co., $1.20; T. A. Roots, $203.00; Good Roads Machinery Company, $1403.92; Howard-Cooper Corpora tion, $825.39; Crystal Ice & Storage Co., $53.35; E. R. Kilgallon, $40.00; Excelsior Motorcycle Co., $28.70; Miller-Parker Co., $6.35; H. E. Meads $148.34; Pauline Heacock, $50.00; August & Emma Wedin, $125.00; A. H. Knight, $36.00; E. Bowlsby, $63. 00; A. E. Wait, $20.00; E C Yeary, $31.50. General Fund SHERIFF Western Union Tele graph Company, $1.08; D. M. Mar shall, $6.60; A. E. Joyner, $31.50; L. E. May, $2.50; Wm. J. Wilson, $6.05. CLERK Huntley Drug Co., $2.25; Alice McKinnon, $17.50; Fred A. Miller, $13.50; Jones Drug Co., $8.00. RECORDER Clackamas County tianner, $5.75; Huntley Drug Co., $1.20; J. G. Noe, $17.00; Oregon City Enterprise, $2.50; The Courier Press, $12.40. TREASURER Alberta L. Dunn, $5.00; Bushong & Company, $84.00; Oregon City Enterprise, $42.80; Jones Drug Co., $6.50. ASSESSOR Huntley Drug Co., $2.65; Oregon City Enterprise, $450. 00; M. O. Wilkins, $13.00; Merchant Calculating Machine Co., $137.50; Leonard Hallinan, $70.00; D. F. Le Fevre, $63.00; W. W. Long, $91.00; E. W. Randolph, $70.00; Charles Thompson, $91.00; Wm. A. Morand, $;J8.oO; T H Davis, $50.00; W. B. Barksdale, $52.50; II. N. Everhart, $73.50; W. H. Holder, $35.00. COUNTY COURT Huntley Bros., $9.40; W. F. Harris, $90.40; W. A. Proctor, $75,00; Western Union Tel egraph Co., $1.71; Gilbert L. Hedges, $6.41; Clackamas County Banner, $3.75; Oregon City Enterprise, $24. 48; The Courier Press, $25.63; H. S. Anderson, $4.00; Anna J. Friedrich, $4.50. COURT HOUSE Hogg Bros., $4.00; Home telephone Company, $37.00; Jones Drug Co., $4.20. CIRCUIT COURT D. T. Meldrum, $8.00; W. O. Metcalf. $2.60: E. D. Carter, $6.00; Cordelia Carter, $6.00; Dunn Watts, $X00; Oregon City En terprise, $31.20; E. P. Elliott, $2.00; Charles Gates, $3.00: C. F. Libbv $3.00; E. R. Leek, $3.00; J M. Ander son, $3.00; H. Coffey, $2.00; E. E, leeple, $2.00; Chas. Hidy, $3.00; Geo. A. Green, $6.00; Dan Lyons, .uu; a: w. Humphreys, $6.00; Phil ip Kohl, $6.00; O. A. Pace, $6.00; Jas, McNeil, .$2.00; J. C. Paddock, $2.00; U. W. Iurciful, $2.00; John Lewel- len, $2.00; J E Jack, $33.20; John Putz, $37.00; A. W. Albright. $37.80: J. K. Morris, $36.20; C. H. Caufield, $30.20; W. L Starkweather, $37.10; W. T. Lewcllyn, $37.40; A. J Lewis, $36.60; II . E. Johnson, $19.40; Albert E. Estes, $15.20; Wm. 1 Clark, $36. 00; R H. Mclntyre, $37.60; Wm. Gun ger, $6.80; Peter M Hoist, $5.40; John W. Graham, $5.40; T. S. Stipp, $6.00; Goo. V. Ely, $3.20; E. M. Haines, $4.60; L G Riggs, $5.40; C. J. Thomas, $8.60; Geo. W. Buck, $4.00; Ernest B. Evans, $8.60; John C. Bradley, $3.20; The Courier Tress, $15.00; Geo. V. Adams, $5.40; W. G. Dustin, $3.10; H. Engle, $3.20; Alf Drill, $6.40; James McNeil, $2.20; R. B. Runvon, $7.00. JUSTICE OF PEACE Ed For tune, $59.70; L. Stipp, $13.30. CORONER Doctors Mount, . $25. 00; W. E. Hempstead, $15.00; E. L. Johnson, $37.00. SURVEYOR Paul Dunn, $23.80; John Lewellen, $23.80; Charles Sim mons, $9.00; H. H. Johnson, $47.45. INSANE Dr. M. C. Strickland, $10.00; H. H. Hughes, $18.00; Dr. W. E. Hempstead, $10.00; J. W. Reed, $7.00; F. W. Snyder, $7.00. SUPT. OF SCHOOLS H. H Hugh es, $31.00; Huntley .Drug Co., $0.65; Helwig & Conrad, $7.75; Alice Signs, $2.86; The Courier Press, $38.10; Lillie Schmidli, $2.50; Minnie B. Alt man, $1.55; Aver B. Calavan, $22.00; J. E. Calavan, $70.39; Brenton Ved der, $39.77. BOARD OF HEALTH The Perry Pharmacy, $2.40; Jones Drug Co., $24.90; Oregon City Enterprise, $3.85; Dr. W. E. Hempstead, $10.00. STOCK INSPECTOR-Iacob Josi, $12.50; Henry Luchs, $50.00; J. A. Palmquist, $25.00; David Schceff, $25.00. INDIGENT SOLDIER E. B. Grant, $35.00. POOR Wm. Danforth, $10.00; Boys' & Girls' Aid Society, $10.00; George Havill (Tom -Jones), $14.00; David E. Jones (Tom Jones), $5.00; Mrs. Bradtl (J. McNamara), $10.00; Dock Mosier, $14.00; Mrs. Jessie Chalk, $16.00; Mrs. G. W. Thomp son, $10.00; Ada LeBaw, $8.00; Katie Pluard, $8.00; Ella Tracy, (Eunice Horner), $1U.U0; S. E. Card (Michael Boyl), $8.00; Mrs. N. E. Taylor (Mr. and Mrs. Hooher), $14.00: Wm. Dick ,elman, $20.00; John & Wm. Beers, $20.00; Mrs. Elizabeth Saunders $5.00; Mary Lock, $10.00; Anna Wet terlin, $10.00; Maud Williams, $15.- UU; J. IS. Sallee (Aug. Johnson), $25. 00; Geo. H. Newsome, $15.00; A Mc Connell (Davis), $20.00; Mrs. Z. Murphy, $15.00; (Andrew Lund, $12. 00; Dennis Donovan (Jerome Hamil ton),$18.00; Mrs. Gage, $10.00; J. G. Wake, $7.00; Mrs. N B Stevens (Cash McKarty & Ben Landes), $45.00; Mrs. M. J. Trullinger .Annie Langs ford), $40.00; W. J. Woods, $12.00; George Noaks, $20.00; Jack Hamilton $15.00; May Straight (David Close), $15.00; Hans Hansen (Benga Peter son), $25.00; Ole Josendall, $10.00; Mrs. Weaver (J. C. Seahorn), $10.00; Mrs. Sarah Solomon, $15.00; Ambu lance Service Co. (Gilbert Murphy), $15.00; Huntley Bros., $3.85; A. J. Knightly (John Beers), $6.40; The C. C. Store (Vernie Neff), $3.23; Fred Schwartz (Mrs. Trullinger), $1000; Mrs. Fred Himler, (J. Matheson), $30.00; Drs. Todd & Hume (F. David son), $12.50; Drs. Todd & Hume (Ed gar Faulk), $31.00; 'Electric Hotel (Dick Meyer), $30.50 ;c Jones Drug Store, $36.25; Cedar Creek Lumber Co. (Irwin Nwew), $30.00; E. H. Reed (R. S. Jordan), $8.00; Mrs. Ben Eby (Vernie Neff), $15.00; Mrs. J. W. Bryant (Wallace Fisher), $20.00; W. W. Pollock (Chas. McKinnis), $12.00; International Sales & Pro duce Co. (G. W. Owen), $8.51; Ore gon City Hospital Co. (R. R. Rob erts), $10.00; Oregon City Hospital Co. (Henry Wilson),' $1.50; Oregon City Hospital Co. (Claud Robinson), $37.50; L. H. Doolittle (Wm. Dickel man), $10.80; Brady ercantile Mer cantile Co. (Mrs. Ida Nelson), $15. 00; Robbins Bros. (James Russell), $37.39; Mrs. Myrtle Eggermann (Claud Roberts), $5.00; D. Zalonius (Mrs. Youdeska), $1Z:00; Katie Plu ard, $7.50; E. W. Fowler (Tinsley), $3.00; H. S. Anderson (Henry Wil son &'Dick Meyer), $14.13; Dr. W. E. Hempstead (Services rendered poor), $48.00. JUVENILE COURT Mind a E. Church, $6.8.24; H. H. Hughes, $8.50. SEALER J. F. Jones, $38.98. TAX DEPARTMENT H u n 1 1 e y Drug Co., $0.40; Oregon City Enter prise, $225.90; W. J. Wilson, $81.00; Ona Renner, $85.50; Edith Alldredge, $115.15; Jess Paddock, $40.50; Jess W. Hyatt, $146.28; Erma Calavan, $89.35; Alice McKinnon, $89.95; Gor don Wilson, -$31.50; Jones Drug Co., $6.6U; 1. D. Taylor, $65.60. PROHIBITION Wm. J. Wilson, $4.00; A. E. Joyner, $10.00. WILSONVILLE FERRY Joe J. Thornton, $0.92; Marine Ways & Boat Co., $770.00; G. G. Peters, $904.20; Portland Marine Ways & Boat Co., $642.67. INSURANCE Jos. E. Hedges, $ua.uu. AGRICULTURAL AGENT Ore gon Agricultural College, $800.00. SHERIFF H. H. Hughes, $98.50. TAX REBATE Rosalind Gibson. $5.16. S9BDE INDIAN MOUNDS PRODDED TO DISCOVER SECRETS A group of Indian mounds in Linn county is being prodded by Prof. J. B. Horner and his class of history students, to get from them the story of their origin nnd use. Although many times as old as the gray pyra mids of Bgypt they have never giv en up a tithe of the lore revealed by ? ji ) I 'I I; J ) The Sediment Test Heat destroys ordinary oil forming a deep layer of sedi ment. Veedol resists heat and reduces sediment about 80, because it is made by the Faulkner Process. FOR SALE BY 9th and Main Oregon City Save Money on Plows CUT PRICES ON VULCAN CHILLED PLOWS t 10-inch Wood Beam Vulcan Plow .... $15 00 12-inch Wood Beam Vulcan Plow 17-00 14-inch Wood Beanf Vulcan Plow.......... 20-00 lC-inch Wood or Steel Beam Vulcan Plow 22-50 Also a Light Tractor Gang AT A PRE-WAR PRICE The Genuine J. I. Case Power Lift Enicar Light draft. Compactly and strongly built. Wc have too many in 2 bottom size. You benefit by saving about $50. 2-Bottom Case Enicar $150 Our Stock of Spring Tillage Tools is Complete Case and Lean Disc andJSpring Tooth Harrows . ' Planet Jr. Garden Tools Potato Planters In fact the entire t.OWA W. J. WILSON &C0. OREGON CITY, OREGON We carry a line of FARM SUPPLIES not excelled by any other dealer outside of Portland Line TRADE AT HOME the great sentinels of the desert. It is now time to make them loosen up, thinks Professor Horner, and reveal their secrets of past ages. The first of a series of explora tions was made Saturday, May 17, by Professor Horner, 50 of his students, and a delegation of Corvallis and Al bany Ncitizens. Before visiting the mounds the explorers inspected the extensive collections of relics taken from the mounds and exhibited in the museums of Dr. J. L. Hill and J. G. Crawford, of Albany. These relics consist of stone vessels of the earliest form of worship, implements and utenils of a much later date, and skeletons, beads and arrow heads of modern flat-head Indians. Dr. Hill thinks the mounds -were built of earth carried from the exca vations that, like small lakes, invar iably appear alongside the mounds. Why they were built, he does not pre tend to know. Being easy to dig in they were used as burial mounds by modern Indians, "who," he says, "were lazy." How the relics were recovered by excavations, which so far have been shallow, was explained to the history students, many of whom expect to as sist in a systematic archaeological quest for the builders. story of the mound 1 Build Now. into a home. Thrift turns savings NOTICE We will buy all the gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, loganber ries and blackberries that you care to bring in to us, at a very unusual high price. Larsen & Co., Oregon City. Build Now. Own a home for your children's sake. Store Opens Daily at 8:30 A. M. Saturdays at 9 A. M. Phone: Pacific Marshall 5080 The Most in Value The Best in Quality THE MOST IN VALUE THE BEST IN QUALITY Store Closes Daily at 5:30 P. M. Saturdays at 6 P. M. Home Phone: A 2112 4THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS BECAUSE IT SELLS FOR CASH" Tempting Low Prices on Laces and Embroideries A showing that far surpasses any previous season Styles and patterns to suit all tastes and purposes and all most mod erately priced Your immediate inspection is invited. Imitation Crochet Laces at 12c to 25c a Yard Both Bauds and Edges in a splendid assortment of patterns in widths from 1 to 5 inches most exceptional values. Imitation Cluny Laces, 5c to 25c Yard An extensive showing in White and Ecru Edges and Bands in 1 to 5-inch widths. All new goods. Narrow Venice Laces, 12c to 25c Yd. Dainty Venise Laces in patterns for trimming dresses, waists and collars. Underwear Laces at 15c to 75c Yard Pretty Val. and Filet Laces, Beading Points, Bands, Edges and Straps for underwear and camisoles. Imitation Filet Laces, 50c to 95c Yard Patterns and widths especially desir able for neckwear and dress trimmings both dainty and elaborate patterns. Zion Laces at 5c to 10c a Yard An unlimited assortment of these pop ular Wash Laces both sets and edges in round thread, French and filet pat terns, 45-Inch Voile Flouncings, $1.59 Yard Handsome Imported Voile Flouncings in new floral designs in eyelet and rais ed work exceptional values at above price. Ruffled Organdie Flouncings at $2.50 a Yard Fine Organdie Flouncings in full skirt length with 4 rows of milling; comes in white, flesh, maize, Copenhagen, old rose, etc. Net Flouncings at $1.50 to $4 a Yard Tretty Ruffled Net Flouncings for party or summer dresses all in good widths and of fine quality.