OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, MAY 29, 1919 On sunny days, in lilac time, ' When earth is green and skies are blue. When church hells ring their sweetest chime. And blood runs high and hearts beat true. brave soldiers all, we welcome you! Back home again! What magic words! Dear mother's love and sweetheart true, And little hands, and songs of birds. And apple blossoms peeping thru 7 Brave soldiers all, we welcome you! O, God of Fate! Those left behind. In Flanders Fields and Argonne Wood, And Chateau-Thierry, too, the blind, The lame, (those steeped in richest blood), Lo! let us not forget this day! , Let's bare oujr heads and kneel and pray! Shall we not on this Iglorious Memorial Day pay tribute to those - who did not return and honor Clackamas County's heroes who are safe in our midst? HAWLEY PULP & PAPER COMPANY OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS by MR. WILLARD HAWLEY, Jr. - 1 . ' .1 B. J. STAATS HARDWARE CO. BERT STAATS, Secretary BRADY MERCANTILE CO. , .' " OREGON CITY GREAVES & McNEIL GENERAL INSURANCE C. H. DYE Attorney A. R. JACOBS, President PACIFIC HIGHWAY GARAGE, Inc. Wallace B. Caufield, Pres. Charles H. Caufield, Vice-Pres. JONES DRUG COMPANY Druggists and Stationers EARL C. LATQURETTE ATTORNEY 9 A. C. HOWLAND Real Estate'and Insurance 111 4 ' ' ' ' : ( 111 ' " ' TMBKBi P' I V "WHMWIWU1 . . j a - 3 5 3S IllJ : llll E I I E li Mi a a s it it Hi 5. 5 E 1 f I ; a