OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, MAY 8, 1919 Clean-Up Sale of Used Pianos Vo oIIm; fur sal! every new and second-hand piano and player piano on our floor at almost unheard-of prices. Never lias there been offered as complete an assort ment of used pianos. In this sale are included the lollowing: fc..Siifk2r,n8' Kl'?ball lvor Pond. Smith & Barnes, Schubert, Sterling, Huntington, Willard, Kohler & Campbell! f?hr' DJeck,ep Bros-' H- p- No'son, Bradley, and many S Vnd player Pano include the Genuine Autoplano, i -liCJ?a8' We!?eE Eianola. Behnlng, Lester, 8chaff Bros., Lagonda.French & Sons, Haines Amploo, Far-rand Cecllian. Save $100 to $500 on Your Purchase HERE ARE A fEW ITEMS TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA Kohler & Campbell Piano, in mahogany finish, in fine mechanical condition and dandy tone. Sella new at $400.00 and up-r Sale Price $157.60 Schubert Piano, oak case, large size; has patented steel back, and in every particular a fine instru ment. - Sale Price $287.60 Kelso Piano, modern case, mahogany; medium size. This piano has been through our shop and is in fine condition. Sale Price $197.60 Genuine Kimball Piano, in beautiful golden oak case; not a scratch on it; in fact, it's in perfect condi tion. Priced new at $550.00 8ale Price $298.00 Willard Piano, in fine ma hogany case, Used b u t not abused. A dandy little home piano. Sale Price $229.00 Lagonda Player Piano Been used only a short time. Has been through our shop and is in guar anteed condition. Sale Price $398.00 Smith & Barnes, large size, mahogany case; case is checked slightly, but mechanically is in won derful shape. Sale Price $239.00 A. B. Chase Player Piano. Has Chase patented play er action; in a most ex quisite mahogany case. Value new $950.00 Sale Price $698.00 This is only a partial list of the wonderful bargains we l offer in this sale Convenient terms can be arranged if you don't wish to pay cash Out-of-town customers, study this list carefully, then wrii us. You can safely buy by mail. Our guarantee and d one-year exchange agreement goes with every Instrument. Liberty Bonds will be aocepted on any of these purchases at full face value Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co. 435 WASHINGTON ST., COR. 12th BROADWAY 750 er Lake. Will probably be open July 1. . Barlow-Oak Grove: Open and fair condition between Portland and Twinbridges. Closed on account snow between Twinbridges and Cam as Prairie. Will not be open before June 15. Automobilists should al ways carry their chains on this road, Roseburg-Peel: Open but in bad condition between Roseburg and Peel. Mail is hauled over this road in light car. Road is badly rutted and cannot be traveled with a heavy ma chine easily. 1 ROAD INFORMATION A new department added to The Courier's columns which will appear from time to time for benefit of motorists J WESTERN OREGON Three Rivers: The approach to Three Rivers road is impassable through the Grande Ronde Indian Agency, owing to heavy rains, adobe character of the road bed, and lack of any surfacing material. It -will probably be passable June 1. This road is closed for construction work between Dolph and Hebo. No de tour is possible at present. Later in the season the Little Nestucca road will be open to travel and the Tilla mook country can be reached in this way. Eugene Florence : Open between Eugene and Goldson"and in fair con dition. Closed between Goldson and Florence by mud. No detours pos sible. Should be open June 1. This road should not be attempted at any season of the year except by exper ienced drivers. There are many nar row, long, steep grades, sharp turns, and few turnouts, on some of the sec tions. Scottsburg-AIlegany: Open and in fair condition between Allegany and Loon Lake. Closed between Loon Lake and Scottsburg, due to heavy washing by winter rains and the rough steep nature of the road bed. It is now in dangerous condition for wagon travel and should not be at tempted by motorists. Alsea River: Open and in fair con dition between Corvallis and Alsea. Closed around Missouri Bend and over Tidewater Hill. No detours possible. Should be open June 1 for light cars. Road is very narrow and in many places there are few de tours. Should be attempted only by experienced drivers. Willamette Road: Open and in fair condition between Eugene and Oak ridge. Closed from a few miles above Oakridge to the summit. Mackenzie Highway: Open and in fair condition between Eugene and Milliken grade and summit. Row River: Open and in good con dition between Dorena and Cottage Grove. Closed on account of unfin ished construction work between Do rena and Disston. Should be open by June 1. This is a good summer road, with plenty of fishing and hunt ing in season. There are suitable camping places with good water. Bandon-Gold Beach : Open b e tween Bandon and Gold Beach and in passable condition for light cars. Grants Pass-Crescent City: Open and in good condition between Grants Pass and Kerby. Very bad candi tion, Kerby to top of Oregon Moun tain; in good condition for remain der of way to Crescent City. Crescent City-Gld Beach: Open and in fair condition between Cres cent City and Brookings. Rough be tween Brookings and Gold Beach. Crater Lake: Open and in fair condition between Medford and Union Creek. Closed on account of snow between Union Creek and Crat- EASTERN OREGON Prinevilie-Mitrhpll! Onen nnH in fair condition between Prineville and Ochoco Ranger Station. : Closed on account of snow. Onhocn Ranker Ste tion to Beaver Ranger Station. Autos trom ranevule to Mitchell go by way of Antelope. Should be open June 1. Prineville-Paulina: Onen and in good condition between Prineville and rauiina. Paulina-Burnn via Fife: Onon nnd in fair condition hpt.wppn Paulina and Burns. Closed on Buck Moun tain; account of snow. Travelers de tour 25 miles on ennd rnari" via flan Ranch. Buck Mountain will be open about May 1. PaUlina-Burns via Ttaar Vallov Open and in fair condition between raunna ana xzee . Ulosed between Izee and Burns on account of snow Will open about. Mav 15. Prinevitle-Burns via Millikan: Open and in fair condition. Crescent-Fort Klamath: OlniwH because of snow. No detours pos sible, 'this road should be open about May 1. La Pine-Crescent: Ooen and in fair condition. Bend-Fort Rock via China Hat- This road is closed at nrpannt: ha. cause of snow. No detours are pos sible. Koad will be open about May first. Auto travel time between Bend and Fort Rock, about four and a half hours. Bend-Fort Rock via T.n Pine- Road is open but in unsatisfactory condition. Traveling time between tfena ana rort itock is about five hours. Bend-Sisters via Tumalo: This road is open the year around and in fair condition. It is 26 miles long ana requires ono and a half hours to cover it. Lakeview-Bend : Onnn fln1 in fail conaition. Lakeview to Bend. TWo are a few very bad places. At pres ent travelers will make better time and.encounter less difficulty by travel ing down the east side of Snmmpr Lake instead of by the mail route, wnicn is on tne west side. Lakeview-Plush : T his r n a A i a closed for entire distance. Detour may be made via Lake Abert and nogDacK. snouia be open May 15. Lakeview - Klamath Falls? Dnnn and in fair condition, Lakeview to west side ot Gooseneck Valley. Clos ed for auto travel hntwnsn Gap and Klamath Falls. There is stui aoout tnree feet of snow in Quartz valley. Should be ooen Mnv 10. Lakeview-Ahuras: Open ..and ..in fair condition between Lakeview and Willow Ranch. Closed by snow be tween willow Kanch and Alturas, California. Baker-Cornucopia : Open and in fair condition between Baker and Carson. Closed between Carson and CornucoDia on' account nf detours possible. Will be open about May 20. Mitchell-Bav ville :f)nen f v. w 111 condition between Mitchnll anrl "Hotr- ville. Road has no mud at present, out is extremely rough and cut up. Machines are traveling it daily. La Grande-Jospnh : fWn mj in fair condition between La Grande and Joseph. Hiril schools at La Grandfi. Enowie Dallas and Salem have marin nnnlipn. tion to Col. S. A. Howard at Spokane lor military training courses under government supervision. Public Should Demand Original Nuxated Iron Physician Warns Against Danger Of Accepting Substitutes Says That Ordinary Metallic Iron Preparations Cannot Pouibly Civa The Same Strength. Power and Endurance As Organic Iron Nuxated Iron Thft remarkable results pro duced by Nuxated Iron and its widespread sale (it bein estim ated that over three million peo ple annually are today using it) baa led to the offering of numer ous substitutes, and these physi cians mentioned below say that lealth officials and doctors everywhere should caution the public against accepting yub stitutes lor Nuxated Iron, as these substitutes instead of being organic iron may be nothing more than a metallic iron compound which may in some cases produce more harm than good. Those who feel the need of a strength and blood builder, should go to their Jamily doctors and obtain a prescription calling tor organic iron nuxated Iron and present this to their druggist so that there may be no question about obtaining the proper article. But if they do not wish to go to the trouble of getting a prescription for Nuxated Iron then they should be sure to look on the label and see that the words NUXATED IRON are printed tbereon. There are thousands of wople taking Iron who do not distinguish between organic iron and metallic iron and such persons often fail to btam the vital energy, strength and endurance which they seek simply because they have taken the wrong form of Iron. If you are not - strong or well, you owe it to yourselt to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of Nuxated Wxif&ZQs. ' Iron three times oer day after meals for two weeks. Then test your ttrengtn ana see now muca you bare gained. Rfunmntrm Hor: Tha wMwpretd pabllfrtloo of tha Ann tnfomsttoa hu ben wifettad by Dr. June Francis SuUimi. fcmerly phricU of ItoUeTo HoipiUl (Outdoor ItapArtinani) Maw York and tha Wtcha Dounty Hotpiuij Or. Ferdinand Kinc. How York Pbjiieian and Medical Author and utben to that tha public may be Informed oo this subject aad protected iron tha ua o metallic Iroa under tue delualcra that It is BrjTrtiS Uoa or at least aomathlai aa good aa Hnxated Iron. Htuattd Iron, J sol aaertt reined t but one which la well known todruerict. Unlike tfc joldar. Jnoaraalc lroa producta It u aaatly aaeinltated. doe jA lajara Hhe teeth, maka them black nor part aa stomach. Tia moAoUetarass araaraatee anccaaaf ul and entirely aatlaf artery raeoHe to eroty hair ex lawur Will tafauaa rvtet IttwaW, U it diayeataed i untj ay nil fpi Itit Jvi' Y BJ ifjai.VW I 4aiaaamVML About the State Resume of the News of the Week from All Parte of Oregon "The Greater Orecon CamDaiim" the title given the state reconstruc tion drive at a recent meeting of the executive committee in Portland. It was said that Oreeon does not need reconstruction but continued construc tion. R. G. Dun and Co's renort nf tinai. ness. failures shows there were only 27 such indications of slack business in Oregon during the first quarter of the year 1919, as against 68 for the same period in 1918 and 96 in 1917. Oreeron. the land of dreams extmc true, can support a total population of 21,000,000, instead of only 7 per sons to the square mile, as at Dres- ent, according to a report recently submitted to the Portland city coun cil by C. H. Cheney of the city plan ning ard housing survey. After shootin? and killing .Tnhn T. Goodell his rival for the love of Miss Bessie VTilson, A. B. Foster shot him self throuch the heart nrnh.-hlv fatal ly in a Portland hotel last Thursday. ne disarmed a policeman and threat ened to shoot a stranger who refna. ed to comply with a demand that "You snoot me ana ru snoot you!" before taking the officer's gun and firing it at his own breast, then firing three bullets into his heart from his own gun. . In 19i8 a total of 2.180 cars of apples was shipped from Oregon. Hood River valley district is credit ed with 1,684 cars, Rogue River dis trict and western Oregon 240 cars, Milton 119 cars and towns east of the mountains about 37 cars. Prices dur ing the year held an unusual trend, remaining high from the opening of the market, in SeDtember until itn close. MEADE POST AND RELIEF CORPS TO VISIT SCHOOLS The Meade Post and Meade Relief Corps will visit the Oregon City schools on the following dates, and also surrounding schools of this com munity: High school Tuesday, May 13, 9 a. m.; Barclay school, 2 p. m. Wed nesday, May 14 Eastham school, 10 a. m.; Mt. Pleasant school, 2 p. m. Thursday, May 15 Canemah school, 10 a. m.; Sunset school, 2 p. m. Fri day, May 16 Bolton school 10 a. m.; Willamette school 2 p. m. Tues day, May 20 McLaughlin Institute, 10 a, m. Thursday, May 22 Glad stone school, 10 a. m.; Parkplace school, 2 p. m. These two veteran organizations each year visit the schools and put on . a program, which is looked for ward to by the students with pleas ure. J. E. JACK SUBSCRIBES $2000 TO VICTORY LOAN Considerable enthusiasm and inter est in the Victory Liberty loan cam paign was aroused Friday 'night by a visit from John L. Etheridge, state director of organization for the loan campaign, and Rev. Oswald Taylor of Portland. Both the distinguished vis itors ' addressed large , audiences . in each of the two moving picture hous es early in the evening, following which they spoke to a large gather ing from the steps of the Liberty temple, and their meetings resulted in a number of additional subscrip tions, one of the largest being for $2000, taken by J. E. Jack, a local merchant, and former county assessor. CIRCUIT COURT JURORS ARE DISMISSED BY JUDGE The circuit court jury for this county was dismissed Saturday upon orders of Judge Campbell, who dis charged all of the jury for duty on account of so many of the men being sick or disabled. This is the first case of its kind in the history of the state where a circuit court jury has been dismissed on account of the court not being able to get enough men. Judge Campbell says that he will call an extra session of the cir cuit court jury at a later date, when new jurors will be drawn. ALIENATION OF AFFECTION SUIT STARTED BY MISKOVSKY An alienation suit in the sum of $5000 was started in the circuit court Friday by Valclav Miskovsny, against Joe Zeman, who is charged with hav ing stolen the affections of the plain tiff's wife, Julia Miskovsky, result ing in the latter deserting her hus band. The defendant is charged with having broken up the home of the Miskovskys by his attentions to Mrs. Miskovsky. Mrs; Miskovsky recipro cated his advances. The Miskovskys were married in May, 1908, and the complaint alleges desertion about three months ago. Agricultural Meeting Topics of especial interest to farm ers will be discussed in addresses by R. G. Scott, county agricultural agent, who will speak on silage and nsuage, and other prominent agri culturists will speak at a meeting to BEFORE OR AFTER K INFLUENZA By Dr. M. Cook The cool fighter always win3 5n3 there Is no need to become panic stricken. Avoid fear and crowds. Ex ercise in the fresh air and practise the three Cs: a Clean Mouth, a Clean Skin and Clean Bowels, To carry off the poisons that accumulate within the body and to ward off an attack of the influ enza bacillus, take a good liver regulator to move the bowels, such aa Castor Oil or a pill made up of May-apple, leaves of aloe and root of jalap, to be had at any drug store, and called Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. The svstem should be bnilt nr bv tha use of a good iron tonic, such as "Iron tic" tablets, to be obtained at some drug stores, or that well known blood-maker and herbal tonic made from roots and barks of forest trees sold everywhere as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. For a tonic that will freshen uo the blood, clean the digestive tract and put new force and vim into you, I know of nothing better than Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and it contains no alcohol or narcotic so is perfectly safe to take. Astoria, Oregon "After having Had tha Grippe I could not regain my strength; my blood was poor, I was nervous and also had rheumatism. I tried everything but lust could not Ket any relief. Finally I decided to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi cal Discovery and it cured me. I think it is simply great. I use the 'Pleasant Pel lets', too, for constipation. '1 alwavs recommend Dr. Pierce s reme dies and am glad to do so at this time." . Spicer, 373 Exchange St. E. A. BRADY RESIDENT UNDERTAKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LICENSED EMBALMER 10th and Water Sts. Lady Assistant Mrs. Brady Night and Day Service Pacific 123 Home A-37 Save Money on Plows CUT PRICES ON VULCAN CHILLED PLOWS 10-inch Wood Beam Vulcan Plow $15.00 12-inch Wood Beam Vulcan Plow 17.00 14-inch Wood Beam Vulcan Plow 20-00 . 16-inch Wood or Steel Beam Vulcan Plow 22.50 Also a Light Tractor Gang AT A PRE-WAR PRICE The Genuine J. I. Case Power Lift Enicar Light draft. Compactly and strongly built. We have too many in 2 bottom size. You benefit by saving about $50. 2-Bottom Case Enicar $150 Our Stock of Spring Tillage Tools is Complete Case and Lean Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows Planet Jr. Garden Tools Potato Planters In fact the entire" W. J. WILSON 1 CO. OREGON CITY, OREGON We carry a line of FARM SUPPLIES not excelled by any other dealer outside of Portland Line TRADE AT HOME be held in Oak Lawn school house May 14. John Lienhart will talk on hog raising, L. G. Roll will tell the methods by which a farm may be made out of raw timber-land, Marie Anthony will speak on the care and use of dairy products, R. J. Schneid er will discuss farm machinery, Mrs. W. H. Livingston will talk on wom an's part on the farm, and Miss R. P. Snediker, Boys and Girls club leader, will make an address on cow listing. This meeting is one of a series be ing held every two weeks. "Rose Dream" Success The operetta entitled "Rose Dream" given by the Saturday club of this city last Friday evening was a de cided success from every angle. The operetta was under the direction of Mrs. James Chinn of this city, and over 70 little people of this city took part. The characters represented fairies in the play and the scenic work on the stage was under the supervision of Mr. Weller, of this city. A large attendance was record ed, the affair being given at Shively's hall. "Spring Fever" and Common Sense If a man or woman feels heavy, dull, languid, lazy, lacking in am bition and energy instead of giving up and saying he has "spring fever," it is more sensible to take a good, wholesome physic. Biliousness, skk headache, sour Btomach, gas, bloat ing, coated tongue, dyspepsia all are relieved by Foley Cathartic Tablets. B. B. Ha ward, Unadilla, Ga., writes: "I find Foley Cathartic Tablets give me 'quicker relief than anything I ever tried." Sold Everywhere. The Willamette Valley Mortgage Loan company has opened proceedings against Elizabeth R. Denny and others in a complaint filed In circuit court here recently. Store Opens Dolly at 8:30 A. M. Saturday! at 9 A. M. Phone: Pacific Marshall 5080 The Most in Value The Best in Quality cliiitill& ' 'Li" THE MOST IN VALUE THE BEST IN QUALITY Store Cloaca Dally t 5:30 P. M. Saturdays at 6 P. M. Home Phone: A 2112 'THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS BECAUSE IT SELLS FOR CASH" Here Are Beautiful New Georgette Dresses Especially Priced at $23.95 You will delight in every bit of them, from the free flowing new kimono sleeves to the loose form-fitting collar, the comfy fit and freedom of the new figure lines which give youth fulness and slenderncss, and the ma terials! They must be seen for themselves to appreciate their full beauty; Included are all sizes in Sunset, Navy, Copenhagen, Taupe, Victory and Overseas Blue. Many popular models to select from. Priced at $23.95 A Splendid New Line of ' Children's Gingham Dresses Ages From 6 to 14 at - $1.50 Up to $5.00 For the little girls, at home, or at play a complete showing of delight fully pretty styles in plain color, check, plaid and novelty Ginghams. All extra well finished throughout. Prices are most moderate.