Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, May 01, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Murphey were
the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M.
Dhulst Sunday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baker motored
to Lents 'Sunday and spent the day
with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hall and
Mrs. Judd.
John Douglass and wife were the
guests at the home of Walter Hall
Sunday. -
Mr. Bow, of Portland, came out
Sunday to his farm.
A. N. Orke was seen out this way
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglass were
calling on Mr. and Mrs. Thas. Up
degrave Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Douglass and
children, Mildred and Florice, visit
ed with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cooke,
of Damascus, Sunday.
Mrs. Myrtle Jagmin, of Portland,
is staying with her mother, Mrs.
Brown, while her father, S. B. Brown,
is at the bedside of his aged father
in Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marr gave a
party Saturday night in honor of
their daughter Clara's husband, Mr.
Reed.'1 Mrs. Reed has been-at the
Marr home for1 some time during the
time Mr. Reed has been in the U."S
service. They expect to leave soon.
Mr. Granatzki sold his pigs; last
week to Some parties in Springwater,
A. N. Bogden and wife made a
business trip to Oregon City Satur
' Chas. Meilike 1 has returned home
from the Good Samaritan hospital
where he underwent a serious opera
tion for appendicitis a few weeks ago
He is now feeling fine.
Mrs. Susa Lankins and family, of
Portland, moved into the Schwerm
house recently.
Mrs. Zella Cadonan and children,
Irvin and Avis, spent Sunday at the
home of Mrs. Cadonan s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Park,
Louise Powers, who is having her
eyes treated by Dr. Morse of Esta-
cada, is improving.
Ban Stahlnecker is working on his
house at odd spells, doing some finish
ing work.
home of Mr. Aerni. father of Mrs.l
Mrs. Milem has moved to 7411 B8th
Ave., S. E. Portland, and wishes the
many friends of Stafford to visit her.
Take the Mt. Scott car. She is miss
ed at the Red Cross and the Ladies'
Circle, and by a host of friends who
hope that our loss may be her gain.
The Red Cross met Friday and
finished pajamas.
Members and others from here
visited Tualatin Grange Saturday and
spent a profitable aid pleasant day.
Three new members were initiated
and Miss Anthony, the County Dem
onstrator, and the County Agent were
there and each gave a talk on farm
Mrs. Gage and Mrs. Holton return
ed last Wednesday from Corvallis,
where they spent a delightful week
with friends, and visiting various
buildings on the college grounds.
Mrs. Eva Ray is visiting her moth
er, Mrs. Holton.
A little girl came to the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pamperine. last
Mrs. Nussbaum is making quite a
success with her. incubator.
Mrs. Gage sold newly '' hatched
chicks for 20c apiece, and immediate
ly set more hens. . . .
Early gardens are growing finely,
and late, ones are being planned for.
Mrs.:: Susie ; Isele (nee Schatd)
moved . to i Portland last '.weekyi, her
husbandiirhaving - - received hiavi dis-
charge. ii !.,.it nm- KKimm :
The funeral of Gilbert Myrphy was
held at the Colton Lutheran church
Monday afternoon, the Rev. C. Ren
hard, officiating, with interment at
the Colton cemetery. Mr. Murphy
died as the result of injuries receiv
ed in an accident at Oak Grove when
the county steam roller he was driv
ing ran downhill beyond control.
Frank Bonny of Mulirto, was visit
ing at Colton last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Winslow and Geo.
Dhooghe motored up to Corbett Sun
lay to visit the former's relatives.
Mrs. Alex Johnson went to Port
land Thursday to undergo an opera
Mrs. A. Countryman of Washing
ton, left for home Saturday after an
extendel visit with her mother, Mrs.
Wm. Bonny, who is ill.
A surprise party was given to Miss
Katherine Lafferty, in honor of her
birthlay. 'A great many of her
friends were present anl presentel her
with a wrist watch.
f Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Bonny and Mr,
ant Mrs. George Anderson spent Sun
day with the Dick Bonny family at
i A very large crowd was in attend
ance at the recital given Friday night
by the Colton high school, anl was
enjoyed by everyone. i f
'. Oscar Westburg had the misfortune
to fall ofiSa fence anl break his arm.
f A. Nelson, the Colton ,merchant, is
uv Portland.
t The Ladies' Aid of the Swedish
Lutheran church of Colton, was held
at-the home of Mr. end Mrs,. Alfred
Anderson last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cogar have as their
guests their son, Edward Cogar, who
fros recently discharged from .the
navy, with his wife, and also a sister
of. Mrs. Cegar from California.
The greatest pleasure I derive from
the change in time, is when I hear
the clock strike seven in the morn
ing and know that it's only six. ,
Both Mrs. L. E. Bently and daugh
ter. Florence.--wrestled with the
mumps last week. '-' '
What is there more beautiful than
apple blossoms, of which ; the trees
just now are laden. " -' '' :
The public school gave a short
program Friday afternoon. ' r
The country never looked more in
viting than it does this spring.'--
A load of fat hogs,' fed at Mount
Pleasant, passed hero last week for
the Canby market. It's a straw, but
it would appear that Oregon City
merchants have hot the proper sense
of distinguishing its meaning.
Tom Kelland is closely scanning
the auto directories, and has every
earmark of an early purchaser.'' Go
to it, Tom, none are more deserving
of the luxuries.
Our soldier boys,' of which this
community boasts an even half dozen,
are homeward- bound, and our fond
est wish is for an early and safe ar
rival. "
The weather still: keeps cool, but
calm and pleasant, with an occasion
al April shower that just makes one
lovo old Oregon. - ;.. ., - .
When the lawyers and politicians
are solidly "agin" a thing, let the
common people beware, and not de
nend too largely on their best inter
ests beinp looked ' after from that
"None of us are very good," winds
up a motto recently seen on a fam
ily wall that seems to meet the ap
proval of most minds properly bal
anced. Then why criticise too sharp
ly our neighbor's shortcomings?
- Mrs. Lester Montgomery at this
writing, is seriously ill and , is under
the care of a sister ..from Milwaukie.
The mother of Wm. McCord, from
Portland, is being entertained at the
McCord home.
The rock crusher is to, be operated
shortly on the south end road hilL A
number of men are now getting out
rock, at "that point, under the super
vision otMr. -Warner,5 our road over
' Arrangements for a. public welcome
to our returning, soldief boys, n is in
the making: - It, is the desire of all
our people.to show the boys on- their
return-home that a "warm spot exists
in our hearts for each of them A
public meeting will be held at the hall
Saturday night, May 3d, to outline a
program, to which everyone is invit-
'' :
I B H.K.McC.a.0 , ' , , fSM SiVvVviS .,-,,,. a .-V.M.. ,I I
; The primary grades will be out of
school this week and the others up
to .'the eighth grade have only two
weeks more of sessions.
Mr. and Mrs. Weddle, accompanied
by Mr. Nussbaum and wife, motored
to iLogan Sunday and visited at the
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kandle of Mist,
Oreeon. visited at the M. E Kandle
home part of Friday and Saturday,
Saturday evening a large number
of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rutherford's
friends gathered at his home for a
party. The affair was rather im
promptu, nevertheless there was quite
Outing Money
Have you ever had the price to take a real
vacation away from everything you're tir
ed of and all the old places?
Your Vacation
this year can be the best youVe knbwn if f
you begin now to save for it. Start, an ,ac-f ,j x
count with us today and watch the pile
grow truly an inspiring sight!
' Ownol, OpciMed Mid Condoled by CUckunu County Pcopk .
t I ram V VM. Dl. H. 8. MOUNT, JOHN K. HUMPHRYS. .
f ' pretidcat. Vict Pretident. Chler.
i'.ir. I.'." ' .
The. world has no use for the quitter. In the prize ring, on . the r
battlefield, and in the whole field, of human endeavor, there is nothing ; ;
but contempt for the man who fails to see his effort through. .
; America's : reputation for gameness is at stake in the Fifth, Liberty -Loan.
All the fruits of victory will be lost if we fail to finishl .
It is for ' every money-earning individual to do his or her part for the
nation's good ' name. Let the world say: "America saw it through '
those Yankees never quit!" :; " ''V X "'"'3',.;
, :i l.
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a large crowd. It was truly a sur
prise party in every sense 01 the
word. . The evening was spent in
dancing. Refreshments were served.
Among those present v.'ere, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Graves, Mr. and Mrs,
Jack Graves, Henry, Alec and Charles
Nelson, Walter and Roy Hames, Elva
Gard, Rufert Marquot, Hubert Scram,
Ruth Carlisle, Mr. and Mrs. Budz Mc-
Vay, Mollie and Bell McVay, Hilda
Chase, Esther, Will and John Mar
tin, Willie Schmidt, Willie Washburn,
Harry and Elsie Baurer, Mr. and
Mrs. Brady Rambo and children.
Friday morning at 11 o'clock, Up-
perHighland school, en masse, march
el 'to-Lower Highland for the spell
ihg match, singing "Do you spell
prairie prair, or prarer, or how? Js
there an 'n' in charmed? Does fe'
come before 'i' in. seize or is it 3ri
sieve? etc." They stopped at Mar-;
tin's new house for lunch, which was
served from a prettily decorated
table, and eaten from unique plates.
Boiled eggs, sandwiches, salad, pick
les and cake constituted the menu
After lunch the joumey was resum
el arid just as the one o'clock whistles
were -blowing the Upper Highland
folks "blew" into the school yard
After listening to a very nice pro
gram the spelling match began and
proved exciting from beginning to
end. -Our first person down got into
"mischief and had to take her seat.
The last persons to remain on Upper
Highland's "Bide "were Belle McVay
anl Esther Martin. The former went
down on "hosiery," and Esther Martin
finally succeeded in winning. After
wards, adjourning , to the ' school
grounds a very exciting ball game
ensuel, featuring Mr. N. B. Land as
umpire. - A fierce battle ' then took
place 1etween Lower Highland with
Hubert Schramm anl James Hanhart
against Lower Highland and Johnnie
Martin. .The final score in favor of
Upper Highland was 27-23. .
.Everyone here had a very pleasant
tune and when leaving gave the fol
lowing yell-
She She She's all righPsT fj
Who Who Who's all right .V
She's all right! Who's all right?
Lower Highland!
They returned the compliment, with
Rippity rippity russ,.,,-, ,,.
There's nothing the matter with us.
But nevertheless ' I"
We : must confess i: : -:!.
There's nothing the matter with
Upper Highland!
Mpetinir adiourned at 4:30.
Mrs. Rambo. James Hanhart." John
Martin and Hubert .Schram; ,from
this district, were at the match. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martin are the
proud parents of an eight pound boy,
wh6 was born Sunday, April zi, at
11:30 a. m. i id :
A W hall rama was staged on the
n(mon field on Sundav afternoon.
A small but enthusiastic crowd wit
nessed it. There were no. Upper and
Highland sides, but sides were cnos
.n Tho final score was 27-20. . An
other game will be played next Sun
day on the Haines place, . 'lim
probably about 1:30 p. m.
T.oat. week we stated that there
ujaiiIH he a Mother's Dav nrosrram
on May 3d. We made a mitake'.'as
to the date, which will be the even
in tr of May 10, instead of May 3d
There will be a "basket., social also
after the program, which will' consist
of songs, recitations and dialogues
h fViA achnol. There will also be a
free-for-all spelling match 'and per-
haps a spelling matcn Detween upper
and. Lower Highland.
I-'-;;! ,!(!..
-" i ::.t'J
h OF THE f;-.
...... -Mi ", " "" "V
Saturday May 3rd
, .(ALL DAY) ;,; ;"w"
Judge J. U. Campbell's Glen Oak Farm, .3 miljesouthiasot
-Oregon City, j ; r': . . . : :i --LvrO si .csO
Time 8:00 p. m.
Date May 10.
Where Upper Highland church.(
-Who Everybody;- ? - j r f
Proceeds are to-go 'to' the Wehool
district for library books and a, new
chair. Some will also go for lamps
for the church. EveryonS urged to
t,.,,.',,. Canby -' Takew-fiame
The - Canby- highrr-flchool defeated
Oregon City high school 12 to 5 in a
diamond contest at Canby April 22.
Take this
opportunity to
learn about
V Tractors
n i.t. i .. t-M' C
' ;! ".'
Take this '
. f opportunity to
learn about
f Tractorsi
. ..
-Two machines on field, one dembnslrating:rthecremarlcablg
, power of this small tractor. The other tractor will be taken
''VVM - W ' i...!, rii ;J Jt'i
aown ana mstruciions given in , assemmiiig aim icmuing iu
-1523 Seventh St r
Fordson Tractor Dealer.