OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, APRIL 10, 1919 'Chain Usco' lllftp III ' Good Tire Year You have doubtless noticed the growing preponderance of United States Tires Every one is asking for tires of known value and proved dependability. And that is precisely what United States Tires represent in the minds of motorists here and everywhere. The idea back of United States Tires ;to build good tires the best tires that can be built, is appealing to rapidly growing numbers. We can provide you with United States Tires to meet and meet exactly your individual needs. Weekly Health Talks What Doctor Pierce Has Done For Humanity I BY DOCTOR CBIPPS. It has always seemed to mo that Dr. Tierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., should be placed near the top when a list of America's great benefactors is written. He studied and conquered human dis eases to a degree that few realize. Whenever he found a remedy that over came disease, he at once announced it in the newspapers and told where it could be bought at a small price. He did not follow the usual custom of keeping the ingredients secret, so that the rich only could afford to buy the medicine, but openly printed the name of each root and herb he used. And so to-day the names of Dr. Pierce and his medicines are widely known, and they stand for better health and better citizenship. One of thiB great physician's most successful remedies is known as Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. These are little, sugar-coated pills, composed of Mayapple, leaves of -aloe, root of jalap things that Nature grows in the ground. These Pellets are safe because they move the bowels gently, leaving no bad after-effects, as bo many pills do. Very often they make a person who takes them feel ' like a new man or woman, for tbey cleanse the intestines of hard, decayed and poisonous matter that accumulates when one is costive. If you are constipated, by all means go to your druggist and get some of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They may prove to be the very thing your system requires to make you well and happy. United States Tims py parents of a fine baby boy. Mr. Burger Junior was born on Sunday, so according to tradition, he has lots of good luck ahead of him. There is to be ,a debate given by the Alberta Sunday school and Chris tian Endeavor Saturday evening. The question for argumentation is: "Resolved, That the Government should own and operate all rail roads." Come and hear what Al berta young people think and know about current events. Everybody welcome!' Mr. and Mrs. Sam Martin attend ed a surprise party, given as a fare well to Miss Tillie Martin of Upper Highland, Friday. The party was given at the home of Miss Martin's sister, Mrs. Joe Wallace. Miss Mar tin will make her future home in California. Mr. Elton Walters, Miss Tillie Martin and Mrs'. Lydia Wehrman call ed on Mr. and Mrs. Sam Martin on Thursday." Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, of Maple Lane, spent Saturday with their daughter, Mrs. Martin. Mr. Rutherford was a visitor in Upper Highland last week. Miss Gorrell spent the week-end with her parents in Portland. Mr. Traylor. and family motored to Gladstone Sunday. CLARKES We KNOW United States Tires are good tires. That's why we sell them. INDEPENDENT GARAGE MILLER-PARKER CO. 7th STREET GARAGE G. W. WHITE GARAGE-Canby W. R. TELFORD-Boring CORRESPONDENCE (Continued from Page 3) anything could be done, practically everything was burned up, including the furniture, provisions, clothing and about $100 in money. No insurance. The new Congress, with a Repub lican majority in both houses, threat ens to pass a "hard-boiled" tariff law to still further enrich the steel, woolen and cotton barons of the East. The air will be filled with talk -about it makes no difference how the tariff is, the foreigner pays it. That kind of stuff has been exploded long ago and anybody with as much sense as God gives geese, knows better. The consumer pays all the costs, tariff included. The lumber mills above us have been shut down for the past two weeks awaiting the pleasure of the railroad company to receive ties. It appears that there is a big demand Mlip KM 1 1 ', IB ' ' miini.-a PER CENT. AVeiclablelVcpafationforAs 1in61heSlomachsandBgw!i jTlicrchyPfomoiinpisu .faccrfulncssandResttaia nciUierOpium,Morpiu;. Muerd.NOT(Aii"'' Jhimpltnt . jtlx Senna JbckUeSattt Anise Sh CkrifittlS"!?? AhclpfulRcmedyfoc ConstipationandDiarrhoea LOSS OF SLEEP rac-SimileSinaWe" For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature If IF In Use For Over Thirty Years for ties but the big. mills being sit uated .on the Columbia or near the ocean, have the advantage of water transportation and are getting the bulk of the orders. The big fish eat the little ones up in business, al though the little mills are the life of all the back settlements and give work to a good many people. Representative Hawley, in a recent address at Salem, said there is no use of thinking that wars will cease un til people are ready to practice the Golden Rule. Young John Tk said the same thing recently, but his father was far from practicing it when in the early part of his career he killed off all competition and ruined some small concerns, like Geo. Rice of Medinia, 0., and others. Archie Averill writes from near Bordeaux, France, that he expects to start for the States about the first of May. He says they have good quar ters and are billetted in a small town with about two soldiers to a room They drill about an hour every day and then Btand to inspection. They are all eagerly waiting for the hour of debarkation. The French people had loaned Rus sia before the war about eleven thou sand million dollars and now the Bol sheviks have repudiated all of their debts. The French are a very thrifty people, but buying government se curities seems to be their favorite kind of investment. Their money could have been much better invest ed at-home. Loaning money seems to be a great business .scheme with a good many people, as it involves no care or enterprise, but it does not build up a country as active enter prise will, nor stimulate a man's bus- iness ability. Still the French are no worse off in their business deals than Germany, 'which put all of its money, including the billion they got from France in 1870, into their army and navy, and became so sure that they could conquer the world that they lost all their money, the flower of their army, the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine, Posen and part of Si lecia and Schleswig Holstein and all their colonies besides putting a debt of 20 billions on their shoulders, that it will take 50 years to pay. A fool always has a big opinion of himself. Mr. and Mrs. David Moehnke were Portland visitors last week. ' Gustave Schiewe is working for D. F. Moehnke in the sawmill. Miss Bernice Gard is working for her sister, Mrs. Clyde Ringo. Born, to the wife of W. H. Wett- laufer, a son, Monday, April 7th. The youngster weighed 10 pounds. Dr. Mount was the attending physic ian. James T. Marshall, who was drafted into the army and was over in France, got his discharge and came home the other week. Mr. Rudolph Hoag and Miss Eliza beth Marshall were married recent ly and left for Idaho last week. . He will work in that state. ". . The Clarkes school gave an ice cream social last Saturday evening. A fine program was given by the school children and everybody enjoy ed it very much. Arthur Hornschuh and family were in Oregon City last Saturday. Miss Florence Klemsmith is work ing for Mrs. Hoover, who is sick. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lee were in Oregon City last week. A. F. Buche, from Portland, was Exact Copy of Wrapper. the eiTg doihit, eiTT. Save M oney on Plows CUT PRICES ON VULCAN CHILLED PLOWS x. 10-inch Wood Beam Vulcan Plow - $15 00 12-inch Wood Beam Vulcan Plow..... r 17.00 14-inch. Wood Beam Vulcan Plow 20-00 .10-inch Wood or Steel Beam Vulcan Plow :.. 22.50 Also a Light Tractor Gang AT A PRE-WAR PRICE . The Genuine J. I. Case Power Lift Enicar Light draft. Compactly and strongly built. We have too many in 2 bottom size. You benefit by saving about $50; 2-Bottom Case Enicar $150 Our Stock of Spring Tillage Tools is Complete Case and Lean Disc and Spring Tooth Harrows- Planet Jr. Garden Tools Potato Planters In fact the entire W. J. WILSON &C0. OREGON CITY, OREGON . UWJ We carry a line of FARM SUPPLIES not excelled by any other dealer outside of Portland TRADE AT HOME He Escaped the Influenza "Last spring I had a terrible cold and "grippe and was afraid I was go ing to have influpnza,' writes A. A. McNeese, High Point, Ga. "I tried many kinds of medicine, but remain clogged with cold. I then took Fol ey's Honey and Tar Compound, feel ing relief from the first. I used sev en small bottles. It was a sight to see the phlegm I coughed up. I am convinced Foley's Honey and Tar saved me ' from influenza." Checks coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Jones Drug Co. BOUGHT SOLD LIBERTY BONDS ANY AMOUNT ANY ISSUE I WILL CASH YOUR RECEIPTS , A.C. HOWLAHU 2fi!L2!i 8th & Main Sts. Telephones : "Pacific 377-Home B-38 (Continued on Page 6) I. m 0m E. A. BRADY RESIDENT UNDERTAKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LICENSED EMBALMER 10th and Water Sts. Lady Assistant Mrs. Brady Night and Day Service Pacific 123 Home A-37 ALBERTA Supt. Calavan and Mr. Olmstead paid a visit to Alberta school Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Burger are the hap- School Money - to Loan I have school funds to loan at 6 inter est on Farm Loans. C. SCHUEBEL Oregon City Store Opens Daily at 8:30 A. M. Saturdays at 9 A. M. Phone: Pacific Marshall 5080 The dost in Value The Best in Quality THE MOST IN VALUE- THE BEST IN QUALITY Store Closes Daily at 5:30 P. M. Saturdays at 6 P. M. Home Phone: A 2112 "THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS BECAUSE IT SELLS FOR CASH" An Event of the Utmost Importance Is Our Special Springtime Selling of All-New-Style Ready-to-Wear Every woman wants the very latest in style and what feminine lieart but what beats quicker at the'thought of getting the very newest styles at MODERATE PRICES? Just Now! Before Easter! AVe are placing a host of delightful attractive attire in all new spring styles at prices especially moderate quality considered for this unusual and timely event. HERE ARE BUT A SMALL NUMBER OF THE MANY POPULAR-PRICED ITEMS IN WHICH YOU WILL BE INTERESTED The New Dolmans This is the most popular of the season's neAV est novelties delightfully draped in classic folds accentuated with odd lines and centers of but tons, many made in ma terials o f contrasting colors an all season garment of rare distinc tion. Unmatchable Values Priced From $23.76 to $70.00 New Box Suits For the first time in the history of women's wear designers have combined in one suit the natti ness of man-tailoring with the dainty neatness of feminine at tire in effects that vary from the quaintest of box coats, and the most bizarre tube skirts to styles of the simplest cor rectness but all with the magic touch of becomingness. The Most Desirable Styles and Materials Priced From ' $25.00 to $77.50 The New Capes Reflecting the military mannishness of the cape worn by the yeowomen and heroic nurses in models that are most cleverly and becomingly adapted to the wear of every woman who desir es a smart and simple garment for outdoor , wear. An Extensive Showing Priced From $12.95 to $60.00 rjjjjjjj-rrr t r r p r