Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, March 13, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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County Court
Linton Gravel Co., $5.20; Hogg Bros.
$2.00; M. E. Gaffney, $20.25; C. W.
Schuld & Sons, $08.05.
ROAD DIST. NO. 4 Bert II. Finch
$5.78; Paul Loveil, $1.50; J. Dowty,
$3.00; II. Benrs, $1.50; J. C. Hitch
ing, $10.50; C. Fuller, $3.00; L Hale,
ROAD DIST. NO. 5 Port. Ry. L.
& P Co., $30.30; C. W Schuld &
Sons, $37.10; M. II. Wheeler, $54.25;
J. A. Imel, $30.00; W. E Wheeler,
ROAD DIST. NO. 6 Will Bell,
$33.00; M. Batano, $4.50; G. Finger
$16.50; Ed Littlepagc, $28.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 8 Paul R. Mein
ig, $102.30; J. T. Mclntyre, $53.00;
O. G Mclntyre, $10.50; Felix Crut
cher, $12.00; Ed. Wall, $9.00; O. Wall
$9.00; Frank Wall, $0.00; A. W. Ship
ley, $30.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 9 W. F. Hab
orlach, $35.65; Fred Lins, $14.00;
Theo. llarders, $1.00; C. Guber,
$1.00; Roy Miller, $1.00; . Andrew
Jansen,' $8.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 16 Oregon Has
sam Paving Co., $9.00; II . Engel,
$8.00; M. Stauberr $6.00; E. Stauber
ROAD DIST. NO. 17 Canby
Hardware & Implement Co., $1.90;
A. Stofani, $9.55; Roy Caviness,
$8.00; George Koehler, $24.00; Ralph
Koehler, $1.50; D. R. Dimick, $14.
00; W. S. Maple, $4.75; F. B Need
ham, $70; Isadore Bany, $12.00;
Shaker Miller, $3.00; A. Bany, $6.00;
Jack Jones, $6.00; Gus Swabel, $6.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 18 W. F. Hab
crlach, $19.85; C. W. Friedrich,
$1.80; B. Clinger, $6.00; Geo. Havill,
$20.05; D. F. Moehnke, $50.00; Gus
Sterznegger, $3.00; Abel Thomas,
$15.00; David Jones, $2.25; Earl
Sheppard, $2.25; Ernest Kamerath,
$2.25; Fred Kamerath, $10.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 19 R, Schubel,
$47.55; A. Nelson, $95.14.
ROAD DIST. NO. 20 J. C. Elliott
& Co., $1.30; A. Mather, $35.70; C.
J, Hewitt, $5.25; W. H Stone, $48.75;
A. Werner, $82.50; V. Schooling,
$82.50; S. Stone, $36.75; E. Duvall,
$3.00; H. McMurray, $22.50; E. Gib
son, $3.00; S. Wilson, $2.25.
ROAD DIST NO. 21 Claud Wins
low, $12.00; Clifford Johnson, $6.00;
Pete Johnson, $6.00-; W. S. Gorbett,
$57.50; D. C. Ball, $6.00.
ROAD DIST NO. 22 Dicken &
Co., $2.00; Gottleib Feyrer, $4.75;
Robbins Bros., $6.70; Henry Weigle,
$9.00; Geo. F. Ball, $1.50; H J. Ras
tall, $33.50; Clay Hungate, $30.00;
Wm, Feyrer, $18.00; Jack Feyrer,
$9.00; Gi E. Feyrer, $9.00; Lee Jones
$9.00; Henry Fick, $6.00; Mark Hun
gate, $3.00; W. H. Steininger, $12.
00; II. O. Newell, $12.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 23 W. H. Lucke
$3.30: R. W. Zimmerman, $5.25; C.
F. Zieglcr, $1.50; J. Bonn, $15.00;
F Mills. $3.00; C. Berg, $1.50.
ROAD DIST NO. 24 Canby Con
crete Tile Co., $27.75; C. W. Caroth
era," $3.00; Phil Mohr, $13.50; C. E
Miller, $19.05; J. Stauffer, $3.50; E
B Miller, $5.00; David Egli, $2.00; O.
W. Townsend, $7.60; Truman Hostet-
ler. $1.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 25 W. H. Lucke
$3.20; Ben Krause, $3.00; George
Krause, $3.00; P. J. Scheer, $3.00
Chris Lorenz, $3.00; Ed Graves, $3.00
Chas, Boeche, $1.50; Rudolph Klaus,
$12.25; John Gelbrich, $15.00; Chas,
Gelbrich, $1.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 26 L. O. Night
ingale, $134.25; Frank Kieman, $22.-
25: Wil, Val. South. By. Uo., quz.w,
ROAD DIST NO. 27 Andrew
Oster. $5.00; Tony Olson, $2.50; I.
D. Larkins, $14.00; Carl Johnson,
$3.75: Jay Bentley, $1.25.
ROAD DIST. NO. 28 Butte Creek
Lumber Co., $84.15; A. J. Lais, $56.-
37: M. E. Swope, $42.05; C. W. Aus
tin, $4.50; L. O. Nightingale, $13.85;
E. L. Palfrey, $31.50; John Trulling-
er, $15.75; C. W. Austin, $10.50;
Homer Trullinger, $42.00; Ed Rus
sell, $45.00; Zeb Bowman, $42.75;
John Miller, $55.50; Joe Miller, $3
00; Scott Carter, $4.50; W. Helmig,
$22.50; Frank Kokle, $13.50; T. Ack
erson, $12.00; J. E. Verly, $10.50; N.
B. Wade, $9.00; Joseph Kestner,
$4.50; A. B. Hibbard, $13.50; John
Novak, $3.00; Guy-Dibble, $22.75.
ROAD DIST. NO. 29 W. W. Spor
alsky, $26.50; Lester Armstrong,
ROAD DIST. NO. 31 Glenmorrie
Quarry Co., $498.20; E. A. Hackett,
$21.75; B. J Staats Hdwe. Co., $1.50;
F. A. Zimmerman, $16.00; A. Boylan,
$12.00; W Kaiser, $28.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 32 Harry Jost,
$21.25; Julius Snyder, $3.00; P.
Knecht, $3.00; Frank Kiser, $13.50;
A. A. Wood, $6.00.
ROAD DIST NO. 33 F. Madden
& Co., $4.85; Frank Millard, $20.50;
C. H. Skinner, $10.50; R. H. Millard,
ROAD DIST. NO. 34 Glenmorrie
Quarry Co., $166.00; E. A. Hackett,
$10.87; Frank Busch, $2.75; L. E.
May, $3.25; F. A. Zimmerman; $44.-
00: H Morrell, $10.50; W. Kaiser,
ROAD DIST. NO. 35 C. W. Schuld
& Sons, $28.00; Portland Ry. L. & P,
Co., $60.60; Wm. Booth, $51.85; Fred
Wagner, $22.50; Emery Radford,
$25.50; V. E. Hengstler, $37.50; L.
L. Griffin, $24.00; J. B Fowler, $1.50;
E E. Van Fleet, $1.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 36L. D. Len
on, $20.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 39 Nelson &
Davis, $4.00; Herman Fisher, $19.25;
John Oleary, $13.50; Albert Fisher,
$16.50; L. A. Russel, $40.60.
ROAD DIST. NO. 40 Carl J. Han
son, $18.25; J. M. Peterson, $1.50; P.
M Hoist, $13.50; Chas. Danielson,
$1.50; G. Anderson, $2.25.
ROAD DIST. NO. 41 Firwood &
Dover Phone Co., $15.00.
ROAD DIST NO. 42 Chase &
Linton Gravel Co., $156.00; Willa
mette Valley Southern Ry. Co., $189.
(10; Geo. M. Christenson, $15.75; W.
II. Yoder, $15.50; L. D. Yoder, $13,
65; J. J. Yoder, $13.90; A O Beugli,
$2.50; G Williams, $3.75; John Shoe
maker, $5.00; William Cooper, $9.50;
John W. Watson, $6.90; J. B. Yoder,
$4.40; S. H. Day, $2.50. .
ROAD DIST. NO. 43 A. O. Lin-
Bey, $0.00; M. C. Farlan, $3.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 44 J. Reardon,
$50.00; C. W. Friedrich, $6.75; E.
Jones, $6.00; Thomas Penman, $4.60;
IS. I1 . Allen $7.50; A. C. Thompson,
$6.00; E. James, $9.00; John Rear
don, $10.50; Wesley Knowles, $9.00;
R. Braker, $10.50; Hugh Jones, $15.-
00; A. S. Newton, $21.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 45 A. Nelson,
$13.91; C. Stromgren, $6.00; Fred
Baurer, $6.00; John Putz, $38.00; Dan
Stahlnecker,. $12.00; W. T. Hender
$12.00; Mike Granatzki, $9.00; Otis
Vallen, $12.00; Stamfort Cox, $12.00;
Geo. W. Harrison, $6.00; J.' M. Park,
$3.00; A. Vallen, $3.00; L P Elliott,
$17.28; C. Stromgren, $6.00; Fred
Baurer, $6.00; John Putz, $6.50.
ROAD DIST. NO. 47 E. C. War
ren, $8.75; 11. A. Vorpahl, $5.50;
Port. Ry. L. & P. Co, $43.43; C. W.
Schuld & Sons, $30.10; O. P. Roethe
$144.25; Alex Gill, $42.00; Chas. Mo-
ran, $33.00; John F. Risley, $8.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 49 Hodson-
Feenaughty Co., $19.55; Cascade Ga
rage, $4.70; Bert H. Finch, $4.10; A.
W. Pinkley, $18.00; E E Pinkley,
$13.50; Tobe Eash, $18.00; A. Scott,
$25.50; C. L Deen, $12.00; H. C
Reid, $3.00; J. Palmateer, $21.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 50 George Sal-
loo, $4.50; George Etz Wiler, $4.50;
Rob Rosenau, $18.00; F. M. Town-
send, $13.25.
ROAD DIST. NO. 54 W. F. Stan
ton, $12.00; Lester Stanton, $6.00;
Bud -Kent, $3.00; James McKillop,
.50; Nordis Watts, $9.00; R. F.
Watts, $10.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 58 R. W. Zim
merman, S7.0U; U. Ziegler, S12.00.
ROAD DIST. NO. 56 Martin Bros.
6.00; Hogg Bros., $6.00;' W. B.
Rambo, $30.00; Earl Meeker, $11.87;
August Martin, $3.75; Albert Mar
tin, $4.07.
ROAD DIST. NO. 61 Chase &
Linton Gravel Co., $3.90; R. Mat
toon, $6.00..
son, $5.00; Andrews-Conover Fuel Co.
$6.75; A. Giebisch, $53.00; Howard
Cooper Corp., $22.30; Good Roads
Mach. Co., $5.00; M. E. Gaffney,
$56.00; A. Martin, $150.00; John
Hoffman, $69.00; Chas. Haymaker,
$15.00; C. E. Battin, $48.00; A. E.
Aeby, $36.00; James Redman, $33.00;
Dan Gaffney, $30.00; Cleve Battin,
$9.00; Roy Otty, $21.00; Geo. Stev
ens, $6.00; Wallace F. Miller, $18.00;
B. L. Friedrich, $252.00; A. C. Bu
chel, $30.00; A. N. Wills, $50.00;
Henry Henrici, $49.50; A. C. Buchel,
$150.00; D. L. Trullinger, $358.40;
Falls Transfer Co., $1.25; Howard-
Copper Corp., $8.59; Geo. N. Gill,
$34.34; J. Rabick, $21.00; A. N Gaf
ney, $0.40; J. W. Hart, $0.70; O. P.
Roethe, $23.75; Alex Gill, $7.50; Chas.
Moran, $7.50; John F. Risley, $4.00;
W. J. Wilson & Co., $12.15-; C. J.
Hood,' $6.95; Frank Busch, $1.70; L.
E. May, $61.57; W. Dutcher, $144.00;
C. A. Wallace, $118.00; W. J E Vick,
$84.00; W. Siler, $31.50; H. H. Dahl,
$73.50; D. French, $73.50; R Wright,
$33.25; J. Nelson, $17.50; F. E.
Churchill, $38.50; J. Henderson, $2.
00; E. Howell, $2.00; Canby Hard
ware & Implement Co., $32.85; W.
M. Dustin, $3.50; W. F. Haberlach,.
$11.00; L. E. May, $19.50; A S New
ton, $77.00; W. M. Dustin, $7.00; R.
C Cviteser, $9.00; S. Nash, $72.62; E
Nash, $74.37; J. W. Johnson, $36.75;
D. Fancher, $72.62; J. W. Meier, $61.
25; W. D. Rider, $61.25; James Kep
cha, $150.00; Portland Top Co., $6.75;
Miller-Parker Co., $33.10; T. A.
Roots, $200.00; Rice-Kinder Lumber
Co., $88.45; W. H. Bonney, $115.45;
Canby Hdwe. & Imp. Co., $1.80;
Carlton & Rosenkrans Co., $2.95; C.
Bowlesby, $12.75; Peter Hornig, $8.
50; G. J. Hodder, $3.50; Mitchell,
Lewis & Staver Co., $9.60; A. J.
Lais, $1.20; Mt. Tabor Garage, $46.
95; Wm. Booth, $24.86; Howard
Cooper Corp., $8.75; Standard Oil Co.
$4.78; B. J. Staats, $175.00; Bruns
Lumber Co., $47.03; A. Mather, $35.
70; J C. "Miller, $66.50; J. O. Smith,
$87.00; M W Johnston,' $75.00; W.
Brown, $60.00; S. Miller, $94.50; W.
Towle, $6.75; T. E. Brown, $24.00;
M L. Johnston, $25.50; W. Benton,
$36.00; B L. Friedrich, $18.00; L. P.
Elliott, $13.82; W. H. Wettlaufer,
$3.00; W. H. Bottermiller, $4.00; John
Putz, $6.50; Williams Bros. Trans,
& Storage Co., $1.02; E R. Kilgallon,
$10.00; Clackamas County Banner,
$9.50; J. W. Schuld, $1150.00.
General Fund
BOUNTY G. H. Krebs, $3.00; J.
D. Davis, $2.00; W. P. Roberts, $3.00
F. A Davis, $4.00; W. A Stone, $4.00;
Christ Klinker, $13.00; R. M. Tracy,
$3.00; H. C. Stokes, $16.00; Robert
King, $3.00; W. M.. Odell, $3.00; W
S Gorbett, $2.00; Edward Scheel,
ELECTION Sandy Mail Auto Co.
$5.00; Beaver Creek Hall Co., $5.00.
SHERIFF Western Union Tele
graph Co., $0.29; Huntley Drug Co.,
$2.35; Oregon City Enterprise, $26.
05; H. II. Hughes, $23.00; Miller
Parker Co., $1.00; Courier Press,
$8.00; A. E. Joyner, $8.00.
CLERK Bannon & Co., $1.00;
Huntley Drug Co., $5.15; Jones Drug
Co., $2.70; Oregon City Enterprise,
$41.25; Marie Friedrich, $7.68; Fred
A. Miller, $9.00; Helwig & Conrad,
$3.50; Bushong & Co., $22.50.
RECORDER J. G. Noe, $13.60;
Huntley Drug Co., $3.75; Jones Drug
Co.. $2.85.
TREASURER Oregon City En
terprise, $1.60. '
ASSESSOR W. W. Everhart, $7.-
00; Huntley Drug Co., $3.50; Courier
Press, $35.00.'
$65.00; W. F. Harris, $59.90; H. S.
Anderson, $6.00; Huntley Drug Co.,
$0.30; Jones Drug Co., $16.80; Clack
amas County Banner, $1.95.
COURT HOUSE Gillen-Chambers
Co., $246.00; Fred Morey, $3.00; Miller-Parker
Co., $1.75; Hogg Bros.,
$42.65; The Pac. Tel. Co., $35.65; C.
J. Hood, $22.25; Chase & Linton
Gravel Co., $3.90; Hogg Bros., $44.
00; Williams Bros. Transfer & Stor
age Co., $23.75.
$2.20; W. P. Nicholson, $8.40; Roy
R. Ridings, $8.40; W. E. Brown, $8.
40; W E. Brown, $8.40; A. H Knight,
$3.60; I. D. Larkins, $6.60; Olaf Ol
son, $6.60; B. M. Hubbard, $8.40; F.
E. Davidson, $9.20.
Be Kind, but Firm, in Your Insistence on the Right Once
Actuated by This Motive a Child Will become con
siderate and Generous. Begin to Form Habit
of Self-Reliance With Children When
They Are Little
Suggestions by mothers who have been kindergartners. Issued by the
United States Burea of Education, Washington, D. C, and the National
Kindergarten Association, 8 West Fortieth Street, New York.
The child is a primitive little be-1
ing. His desires are near tne sur
face, and primarily very selfish. He
wants all things for his own. He
must also be first in everything, and,
if he is the biggest force in the
play group, what more natural than
that he should try to make everyr
thing conform to his wishes? But
this child, if once actuated by the
right, becomes the most generous,
the most considerate and the gentlest
of little fellows. A few words, a
firm but kind insistence on your part,
and he knows the pleasure of giving
up for others.
All children have their difficulties
with one another, and sometimes, if
one judges by the noise in the back
yard, they are very big ones.
A moment's wait will usually show
whether it is wise to run and help
the children readjust their little
world. Do this only when necessary.
Hold your breath behind the door,
and see if happily they are not right
ing the situation themselves. Even
the physical hurts need much less
sympathy than the average mother
is apt to bestow. Would we coddle
our children into becoming physical
cowards? . From earliest babyhood,
begin to turn their attention when
hurt to some new interest, and ob
serve how quickly the pain is forgot
ten. A strong jonviction has grown out
of the passing years of my mother
hood that the greatest service a
mother can do her child is to teach
him self-reliance. If you begin with
the baby, the habit forms easily and
before you know it self-reliance has
(By Mrs. Ruth Heppner Swaine)
really become a habit with him. Hold
yourself free from fear as he tries
out his growing powers. Watch
alertly, but wait. Let him try the
reach that may topple him over, but
secures for him the bright ball. Let
him make all the moves he wants to,
and if necessary, be there to catch
him as he falls. Hesitate long be
fore you turn a child deliberately
away from the thing he has set his
heart on doing. Strong initiative is
too glorious a characteristic to nip
in the bud. Try for one day to stop
and think before you deprive your
child of" the pleasure of simple
There are countless little tasks a
child can do for himself to help
mother. Each mother will think of
many of these in the course of a day.
Remember that in the child's world
of new impressions the most trite
acts to us are, to him, the most de
lightful of plays.
Play is the vital employment of
childhood. The art of playing alone,
being friends with himself, is a foun
dation for self-reliance in greater
things later in life. A child cannot
be more than contented. So hesitate,
dear mother, to interfere when your
child is quietly employing himself in
Mb own chosen way, even if it is
baby with his toes. Let the spell
last as long as it will; the next will
last longer. Soon your child of
three will play hours by himself.
The busy mother often needs this
Please pass this article on to a
friend and thus help Uncle Sam
reach all the mothers of the country.
Falls Restaurant, $2.90; E. W. Fowl
er, $3.00; A. E. Joyner, $1.50; H. H
Hughes, $3.50; Ed Bebee, $1.70; Geo.
Woodard, $1.70; Clem Dollar, $1.70;
Bert Morgan, $1.70; Wm. J. Wilson,
$1.70; W. H Wettlaufer, $3.50; John
N. Sievers, $64.50; Ed Fortune, $76.-70.
CORONER Dr. W. E. Hempstead,
$14.00; E. L. Johnson, $9.00.
SURVEYOR Huntley Drug Co.,
$1.15; Paul Dunn, $22.50; Adam
Knight, $17.00; R S McLaughlin,
$5.00; Chas. Simmons, $24.00; Chas.
Crisswell, $6.00; D T Meldrum,
INSANE A. E. Joyner," $5.00; Dr.
Guy Mount, $5.00.
UVug Co., $5.70; Brenton Vedder,
$28.23: J. E. Calavan, $38.57; J
Franklin Mitts, $3.00 f Beatrice Car
others, $2,18; Antonia Liest, $2.18.
Hempstead, $5.00; Dr. M. C. Strick
land, $27.00; Dr W. D. Butler, $1.75;
A J Rossiter, $1.75; W. B. Perry,
$4.00; H. V. Adix, $3.00; Geo. J.
Case, $7.50; Dr. Alfred Williams,
$4.50; Jones Drug Co., $2.40; Dr. O.
A. Welsh $42.55.
Pfister, $12.50.
COUNTY POOR W. . W. Pollock
(Chas. McKinnis), $24.00; ' Electric
Hotel (Dick Meyers), $23.00; Park
place Store (Mrs. Roberts), $30.30;
Mrs. Fred Himler (J. Matheson),
$30.00; C. J. Hood (Mrs. Jones),
$5.00; Jojies Drug Co., $6.98; Sandy
Hotel (Irwin New), $141.40; V. Har
ris (Jones), $10.00; V. Harris (Coun
ty Jail), $1.80; J. W. Bryant (Wal
lace Fisher), $15.50; Robbins Bros.
(Jas. B. Russel!), $16.90; W. A.
Holmes Roberts family), $4.25; Otto
E. Meindl Grocery (J. G. Seahorn),
$10.00; Fred Schwartz (Mrs. Trul
linger), $10.00; Jos. Wilson Estate
(Beers), $15.00; J. C. Nealeigh (Kate
Pluard), $7.50; Mrs. Ben Eby (Ver
ney Neff, Wallace Fisher, Pearl and
Leta Covell), $48.33; Dr. W. E.
Hempstead B. E. Noakes, Robert
Meyers, W. Dybdahl, C. McCarty),
$26.50; Carl Koellermeier (William
Dickelman), $16.00; A. J. Knightly
(Beers), $6.40; Bannon & Co., $2.75;
Mrs. Gustav Fischer (Landis), $4.55;
E. Jones (Beers), $8.00; E. A. Hack
ett (Mrs. Roberts), $12.75; Havill &
Co., $1395; A. J. Knightly (J. Beers)
$6.40; The C. C. Store (Roberts fam
ily), $3.96; Bengta Peterson (Hans
Hansen), $47.00; Mrs. Jackson, $15.
00; L. II. Doolittle (Wm. Dickelman),
$10.80; J W. Currin (C Dybdahl),
$5.00; Mrs. Praeger (David Close),
$15.00; New Brunswick Hotel & Res
taurant, $1.50; Huntley Drug Co.,
$0.30; Hogg Bros., $5.25; W. J. Wil
son (board of prisoners), $95.64.
Church, $58.07; H. H. Hughes, $3.00;
Wm. J. Wilson, $5.00; T. A. Burke,
TAX REBATE Rosa Shepherd,
Oregon City Enterprise, $25.88;
Courier Press, $26.57.
SEALER J. F. Jones, $35.96.
Wilson, $7.50; Oregon City Enter
prise, $53.35; Jones Drug Co., $3.15;
W. J. Wilson, $40.00; Jess W Hyatt,
$38.70; Alice McKinnon, $32.45;
Erma Calavan, $29.50; Edith All
dredge, $75.00; Ona Renner, $75.00;
Bushong & Co., $126.00.
Weekly Health Talks
What Doctor Pierce Has
Done For Humanity!
It has always seemed to mo that
Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., should be
placed near the top when a list of
America's great benefactors is written.
He studied and conquered human dis
eases to a degree that few realize.
Whpnever he found a remedy thai over
came disease, he at once announced it
in the newspapers and told-where it
nnM Vva vrmtrht nt a small nrice. He
did not follow the usual custom of
keeping the ingredients secret, bo that
the rich only could afford to buy the
medicine, but openly printed ttie name
of each root and herb he used. And
so to-day the names of Dr. Pierce and
his medicines are widely known, and
they stand for better health and better
One of this great physician's most
successful remedies is known as Doctor
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. These are
little, sugar-coated pills, composed of
Mayapple, leaves of aloe, root of jalap
things that Nature grows in the ground.
These Pellete are safe because they
move the bowels gently, leaving no bad
after-effects, as so many pills do.
Very often they make a person who
takes them feel like a new man or
woman, for they cleanse the intestines
of hard, decayed and poisonous matter
that accumulates when one is costive.
If you are constipated, by all means
go to your druggist and get some oi
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They
may prove to be the very thing your
system requires to make you well and
Store Opens
at 8:30 A. M.
at 9 A. M.
Marshall 5080
The Best in Quality
The Most in Value
Store Closes
at 5:30 P. M.
at 6 P. M.
A 2112
Every Garment We
Are Showing
Carries a message of the nearness of spring the new styles are not so much the
chauge-of-the-season which always comes with the passing'of winter as they are a
complete change in every feature of model and material.- With the war only a
far-off echo, and the surety of peace and prosperity growing greater every day,
the fashions of the coming season show a reawakening of the desire for the beau
tiful, the youthful and the gay expressions of joyful design to which the makers
of this spring's garments have responded with lavish use of dainty decorative
handwork and delightful beauty in colorings and rich materials.
New Suits All Fashionable New New Deesses
$22.95 to $77.50 Styles and Colors $12.45 to $35.00
New Skirts New Waists
New Capes New Dolmans
At Prices You'll Be Pleased to fay
of claims filed against Clackamas
It appearing to the Court that in
order to allow adequate time in which
to check and properly arrange claims
filed against Clackamas County for
presentation to this Court for audit
ing and payment, that it is necessary
that five o'clock p. m. on the Tues
day next preceeding the first day of
each County Court Term be fixed as
the latest time within whwich claims
may be filed with the County Clerk
for payment at said term, and the
Court having fully considered the
matter, it is hereby
Ordered, that five o'clock p. m. on
the Tuesday next preceding the first
day of each County Court term, be,
and the same is hereby fixed as the
latest time within which claims may
be received by the County Clerk for
presentation end payment at said
County Court term.
Dated this 7th day of March A. D.
$24.00; Miller-Parker Co., $5.95; H.
E. Meads, $125.00; A. U. Joyner, $lb.
50; A J. Bell, $10.00.
Wilson, $175.00.
ARMORY Frank Busch, $60.00.-
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. In the matter of the presentation
Dr. King's New Discovery
almost never fails to
nntlr rollpf 1
liuig 4ui v.
Small doses once in awhile and thatfj
throat-tearing, lung-splitting coughJ
Boon quiets down. Another dose and a)
hot bath before jumping into bed, a
good sleep, and back to normal in tha
morning. . .
Dr. Knj'a New Discovery w well
known. For fifty years its been
relieving coughs, colds and bronchial
attacks. For fifty years it has been
sold by druggists everywhere. A
reliablereraedythat you yourself or any
member of your family can take safely.
TrainThose Stubborn Bowels
Help nature take its course, not
with a violent, habit-forming purga
tive, but with gentle but certain and
natural-laxative, Dr. King s New Life
Pills. Tonic in action, it stimulates tne
Office phones: Main 50, A-50; Res. phones: M. 2524, 1715
Home B-251, D-251
H. S
ings when he had put a raft of them
in the river above the locks. He
says this was done but no payment
had been made. At another time he
claims a raft of pilings, valued at
$1884.50, was placed in the river with
the agreement that the company
would inspect them for purchase,
and they failed to do this, and the
raft broke loose in the high water
of January and scattered the pilings.
He asks $735.50 damages for the
first lot of pilings, and $1884.50 for
the second, with interest on the full
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to
Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave.,
Chicago, 111., writing your name
and address clearly. You will re
ceive in return a trial package con
taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound, for coughs, colds and croup;
Foley Kidney Pills for pain in sides
and back; rheumatism, backache, kid
ney and bladder ailments; and Foley
Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for
constipation, biliousness, headache,
and sluggish bowels. Jones Drug Co.
held a meeting at the court house re
cently. Besides perfecting the coun
ty organization and electing officers,
plans were made for cementing Was
co. Jefferson. Deschutes and Klamath
counties in a league to work in be
half of The Dalles-California high
way. It was proposed at the meet
ing that the Wasco county league un
dertake to organize the central Ore
gon counties in a cooperative effort
in behalf of The Dalles-California
highway, inasmuch as Btate and fed
eral appropriations of considerable
magnitude are now being made avail
able for projects of this kind. This
will probably be the first big project
to be undertaken by the Wasco coun
ty league. The Dalles Chronicle.
Household accounts on a family-
made budget, replacing the old wife
allowance system, are first-aids in
promoting the health, education,
pleasures and savings of the family,
explained Miss A. Grace Johnson,
professor of house administration, to
the college press bulletin man.
"The housewife should not be giv
en an allowance," she asserted. "It
tends either to niggardliness or
wastefulness. If too small supplies
will be bought on credit, and if toe
large it will generally be spent any
way for fear it may be reduced next
The whole family is to cooperate
in making up' the budget for family
sunnlies. The wife is the senior
partner because women buy
48.8 per cent of all family supplies.
and' have a voice in buying 2i per
cent more;
48 per cent drugs;
96 per cent dry goods;
87 ner cent raw and market foods;
48.5 per cent hardware and house
Knowing the entire income and
the family requirements makes the
wife a wiser and more careful pur
Few records are kept at present
and much is wasted in the buying.
No one knows how and where the
money was spent, though all know
that it has gone.
Not low income but misspent in
come is frequently the cause of low
standards of living. Financial and
household mismanagement is the
rock on which many families are
Extending its proposed develop
ment of The Dalles-California high
way, to include three central Oregon
counties in addition to Wasco, the
Wasco County Development League
Presence in The Dalles this week
of a gang of I. W. W.'s of the
roughest element, has awakened
county officials to the menace lying
in this lawless class, which has of
late shown increasing boldness in its
effort to destroy property, engender
class hatred and foment industrial
troubles. Prompt action by the local
nni;a hrnlrn im th o-nnc which con
gregated here several days ago and
evidence found on the men proved
that they were active agents of the
I. W. W. It is understood that these
undesirables have left town. The
Dalles Chronicle.
Courier and Farmer for $1.15.
y,t rnntanw liquid I)raoni j
li.i-.ffli. ,. r ii i in i I I ...i 1
J (17
D. L. Torence has entered suit
here to collect payment for pilings
which he claims he furnished the
Portland" Bridge & Building company
and for which he was never paid. He
alleees that the company was to in
spect, scale, and purchase the pil-
till 6 f 0
neither Oplam,Morphlnenor
Mineral. Not rtAK"""
For Infanta and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
i rv rt m&aumiMi . . n i b ib jm mm tm n e . -y ma mm
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
THf oirtmih loann. " em-
pj wiiiiwiiiiiiri.