Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1918)
OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, DECEMBER 19, 1918 Twenty Years Ago People considered jewelry a luxury today it is a neces sity Why? Because people of today consider a good piece of jewelry as an investment. A good Diamond, for instance who can deny that diamonds are not worth more than even five years ago? 0 if if Christmas Greetings if if & if if, if if if and- A Happy New Year if if if if ifi if. 10 if Our Christmas Stock of Jewelry, Toilet Articles, Cut Glass and Useful Gilts Is Complete and what is more to the point-gifts bought at this establishment are backed by us with years of honest dealing in this community. Do You Need Glasses? A COMPLETE OPTICAL DEPART MENT HERE SUPERVISED OVER BY DR. GARDNER GRADUATE OPTICIAN Wm.Gardner JEWELER Oregon City, Oregon. A - Make This Christmas a Sensible One GIVE USEFUL AND" LASTING GIFTS FROM THIS STORE if if if if if. if if if if if if if if if if if if CHINA'S NATIONAL INTEG RITY MUST BE PRESERVED In the course of an instructive edi torial on the redrawing of the map of the world the Christian Science Mon itor said recently: "The problem of China is capable of solution on one basis alone, and that is the basis of national integrity combined with self-determination. No human being believes that the Chin ese, by any process of self-determination, are going to adopt the par tition, of their country either by the annexation of Kiaochao to Japan or even through the peaceable permea tion of Manchuria by that country. Everyone knows that for Japan to re tain Kiaochao would be to rend in pieces the entire ideal of decision by Principle in the great settlement which is before the world. If Japan is to be allowed to retain Kiaochao, then there is no conceivable reason why anybody should not be allowed to retain anything upon which they have laid their hands. Great Britain has infinitely more right to Mesopo tamia, Syria, and all the German col onies, than Japan can possibly have to Kiaochao. Kiaochao was a posses sion forcibly leased by China to Ger many, and .when taken away from Germany naturally reverted to China herself as one of the Allies. Meso potamia, Syria and the German col onies in Africa were part of the Ot toman and -German empires, and as such were legitimate spoils of war to the country which occupied them, if so narrow a view of the position were to be taken. If Alsace-Lorraine is to be returned to France, Kiachao should much more certainly be re turned to China. If the empire of Japan is to be allowed spoils which had been seized by Germany, there is no limit to the utter impossibili ties of ever framing a permanent peace. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chi cago, 111., writing your name and ad dress .clearly. You will receive in return - a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain in sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Ca thartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for constipation, biliousness, headache, and sluggish bowels. Jones Drug Co. OLD SOLDIER FINDS PURSE UNEXPECTEDLY ON STREET W. H. McClellan, G. A. R. veteran of this city, and fifer for the Meade Post Drum corps, is happy today for the reason that he has found the pocketbook which contained his pen sion monev. which he lost soma timA ago when leaving the .courthouse. I he pocketbook was widely adver tised in the newsnaners and friends in this citv tried in everv wav nna. sible to assist him in finding the lost wallet. Mr. McClellan had gven up hope of ever finding the money, when last Thursday, whilefhe was waiting for the jitney at Mountain View at the corner of Ninth and v Taylor streets, he happened to glance to the ground at his feet and found the wal let intact. The pocketbook has been lost for over two weeks, and the mon ey, which was in bills, while pretty well soaked with water, was in good shape. Mr. McClellan is over 74 years of age, and is a popular and beloved man of this city. Hq left Tuesday for San Diego, California, where he will spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs, Dodge. COMMITTEE IN RECEIPT OF TELEGRAM ON WAR STAMPS Water Systems will be found on hundreds of farms and siibarban places in Oregon and the Northwest. They have been sold here by us for years. They give satisfaction. WHY? Because they are made up of good units such as Stover Gasoline Engines Myers Pumps and Cylinders and Tanks that are made right and thorougly . tested and we make proper installation, using men for this purpose who have had years of experience. Besides all this, if anything isn't Tight we try to make it right. When you install a water system you put in something that is to serve you for many years. Bottefj get a good system made up of good units, put in by a responsible concern with experienced men and in the right way. In short w . J. WILSON I CO OREGON CITY, OREGON "I most earnestly urge upon you that your organization make every possible effort to the end that pledg es for the purchase of War Savings Stamps be fulfilled before the close of the year. The government's mon etary requirements were never great er nor more pressing than they are today. Expenditures for November were greater than in any similar per iod. These expenditures growing out of the war must be' met by borrow ing from the people and their mag nificent response heretofore to the government's requirements makes me confident that they will not fuil to continue their support to the end that all payments resulting from war necessities will be promptly met. Much remains to be done; our brave troops must be maintained and aided until their work is fully accomplish ed and they are returned to their homes. This is not a time to relax our efforts and the treasury depart ment is making plans for larger and even more important work during the coming year. Please make every ef fort to bring this statement before the people in your district and to urge upon them the continued hold ing of their war savings certificates, the fulfillment of their pledges and additional purchases as their means permit." W. G. M'ADOO. 1 NEW TRIAL IN HORNIG VS. CANBY CASE IS DENIED An order overruling the city of Canby's motion to set aside the ver dict in the case of Peter Hornig against the Canby Municipal corpora tion was returned by Judge George G. Bingham, of Marion county. A new trial was asked by the defendant, but this was overruled by the court, Peter Hornig had hepn crnntofl $47.80 for injuries received, which tne defendant claims is excessive and unjust. He had been injured while workinc ArnnnH the mnrhinprv nP tYia water pumping station belonging to tne city or Uanby, and was not in the emnlov of the icit.v. lint, vnlnntpop- ing his work, the defendant allege?. it is reported that the city of Canby will nnnpnl thfl rnsp. J 1 Holra a the attorney for the defendant, while xjivy owpp represents tne plaintiff DEAD HERO WRITES FATHER; THANKS HIM FOR TRAINING if it if if if if if if if, if. if if if if if if if if if if if if if. if it if -to our- Friends and Patrons Our store is full of good, practical things for presents to all the members of the family. Be sure to come in and see them! Bath Robes, Sweaters, Handkerchiefs, Waists Beautiful Felt Slippers. For Men & Boys Hats, Gaps, Shirts, and a beautiful assortment of Ties. i Eddy Department Store if if if if if 4$ in your example again and most earnestly I thank you. . "Secondly, as to my death. Inas much as we be men together, there is little need for words. It is in a good cause that I lay down my life. All the things I hold dear in life I willing ly give up since it is requested of me. I am proud and glad to be one of those America takes, who in their bodies pay the price of liberty and justice, and though in your heart will be sorrow, you will also be proud of me and will not grieve overmuch. All good things be unto you! "May the coming years bring wider field of service, honor and wisdom to perform it; and in- the end peace, and contenment and quiet rest! Your son, a soldier of America, salutes you. Farewell." Portland Telegram. r CHEVROLET FOR SALE I took this machine on account; almost new not driven more than five miles $850. See Fred Hogg, Hogg Bros., Oregon City.; 1 " Courier and Farmer one year, $1.15. "Father, keep this letter and in case you are ever notified of my death, read it then because it will make you feel better. When you re ceive this letter we will be on our way. Your son, LESTER." These were the instructions writ ten on the outside of a sealed en velope that came to Mr. and Mrs William Wagner, of Berlin, Wis., and written by their son, Lester Wagner, who was killed in action September 1. Wonderful in its deep note of pa triotism and gratitude, it was penned prior to his departure for overseas last January, and 'is dated at Waco, Tex., January 15, 1918. The letter follows: "Dear Father: This is a final mes sage for you to read when I am dead. There will be so little else just the brief official notice maybe a belated letter or two, speaking only of the small happenings of the day; perhaps the tale of a comrade as to how I fell; beyond that nothing. And, there fore, now before hand, I say farewell. There is no need of many words, but I want first to thank you for the gift of a clean, strong, vigorous and healthy body and straight limbs that could serve America at her need; for the gift of a powerful intellect and discerning mind thank you. For the long years' of self-denial that made mv education possible; for guidance and teaching that kept me straight in the days of my youth; for the counsel and help ever freely prefer red when I asld; for all noble things if if if if if if if, it HIE B 1 i ii , , ... . .i .. . , B. if if if if if if it $ if if if, if if if if if if if if eedLFeed hhre' Stock Full Line of Seeds. CARRIED Full Line of Feed ) at'all times Stock Molasses for Hog and Condensed Buttermilk ) Poultry Feeding if if if. if, if ifl g Condensed Buttermilk ) Poultry Feeding g ifl 4$ if ifl n n t - s ' la weaver ureeK, uregon k if . m 111 r! a; 4$ 4 & 4$ 4$ 4$ 4$ 4$ 4 4 4 &