OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, DECEMBER 5, 1918 What Shall T Give for Christmas? This very pertinent question is answered exhaustively, thoroughly, com prehensively, suggestively by Uurineister & Anrirescu. i For here you will find suitable (lifts for every member of the fam ily, father, mother, brother, sister, relatives, friends or sweetheart. And with the selection as varied and attractive a.s it is this year at this store, Christmas shopping and gift selecting is more of a pleasure than a drudgery. You come to this store and see ,so many beautiful things that are suitable for the loved ones in mind that you are happily perplexed in not knowing which ones of the hundreds to buy. Make, your Christmas' selections from the following: DIAMONDS, WATCHES, AGATE JEWELRY, KODAKS, UM HRELLAS, PARISIAN IVORY TOILET SETS, SILVER TOILET SBTS, STERLING SILVER, WATERMAN FOUN TAIN PENS, MYRTLEWOOD NUT BOWLS and belter yet. visit our store where hundreds of other articles await your , inspection. i We offer you the result of years of buying and research for Christ mas (Joods Many new lines having been purchased for our store never shown before. ' OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL AFTER CHRISTMAS Burmeister & Andresen Oregon City Jewclen Suspension Bridge Cor. COUNTY AND CITY LOCALS Miss Clara Deute has recovered from her recent attack of influenza and has resumed her position in Dr. Strickland's office. Her sister, Miss Louise Deute, formerly of Oregon City, is very ill in Spokane, Wash. Her mother, Mrs. A. Deute, has gone to Spokane. . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alldredge ar rived in Oregon City. Monday, and are to make their home here. Mr. Alldredge, who was at the aviation school at Elberts Field, Arkansas, has been given an honorable dis charge. Mrs. Alldredge was Miss Ada Valentine, of Washington, D, C. They were married in New Jersey, where Mr. Alldredge was stationed before he was transferred to Arkan sas. , Arthur Conklin, ! of Grants Pass, has accepted a position in the office of the Crown-Willamette mills. Mr. Conklin was formerly editor and manager of the Mining Journal, pub lished at Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas J. Myers, residents of this city for some time, have moved to Portland. Mr. Myers has disposed of his business interests in Oregon City,,, and is connected now with the Rose, Vanfield, & Pa quet company of Portland. Gerald Warner is spending a fur lough in this city with his mother, Mrs. Augusta Warner. He is in the navy, stationed at the present time at Goat Island. A number of Oregon City boys who are members of the Students' Army Training Camp at 0. A, C, spent the Thanksgiving vacation in this city. Among them were Gerald Park, Irvin Howell, James McGeehan, Con rad Vierhus, Thomas Lovet, Mer ritt Wilson, Ellis Jones, Clarence Cannon, Ed Edwards, George Klem sen, Marshall Ryan, Dan Lyons, Jr., and Floyd Eberly. Gordon Fauley, who is in the S. A. T. C. at the University of Oregon, was in Oregon City during the holi days. He is a son of Mr, and Mrs. James Fauley, of Canemah. Major William R. Logus and Mrs. Logus spent the Thanksgiving vaca tion in Oregon City with relatives. Major Logus, who returned from overseas ' last summer, has been sta tioned at Csmp Lewis since-then. John Busch, stationed at Camp Lewis, spent the week-end in this city visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Busch. Mrs, Frampton and son, Keith, of Floriston, Cal., are guests of Mr. and SQ2 1 et Contents 15Fluid JraolJ l w i i c 1 . " : i nun -nil "r t','1V,l,,. (2-Soo- algohol-3 per cent. AVe$efablefrcparauaittrfls 1inglheStoma(teandBowlsa neither Opia,MorpniB'; MincraLNoTNABCOTK PumptmSml CariMSr AhclpfulRemedyC ConstipatjonandDiarr t ne1 sleep NEW For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That . Genuine Castoria Always ' Bears the Signature, of f '1U foX Use W For Over Thirty Years . m m a m a i mm mm mm mtaw am mi m Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMt mmun mihut, cw mm cm. Mrs. Walter Wentworth in 'this city, Charles Hosey, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hosey, is in Oregon City on a furlough from Seattle, where he i9 in a naval training station. J Lebrou Edwards, who is with a motor transport company at Vancou ver barracks, is spending a furlough in this city with his, wife and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Webber, He expects to be mustered out of service soon. He will return to Ore gon City. Riiss Roma Stafford spent Thanks giving vacation at Mount Pleasant with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stafford. Miss Stafford is a teacher in the Portland public schools. Lyman Warnock left Sunday even ing for Camp Lewis after a furlough in this city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Warnock, of Mount Pleas ant. Rev. T. B. Ford, former pastor of the Methodist church in this city, is visiting his daughters, Mrs. Harold Swafford and Miss Sadye Evelyn Ford, hero Miss Elizabeth Carson, of Hood River, was a week-end guest of Miss Roberta Schuebel. Gayle McDowell, after spending the Thanksgiving vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. McDowell, of Mount Pleasant, returned to Camp Lewis', where he is stationed. CLACKAMAS COUNTY'S BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 4919 Notice is hereby given that the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, makes the following esti mates of the amount of money to be raised by taxation in said county for the year 1919, and also of the prob able receipts of the county from sources other than direct taxation, and the amount of balances on hand at the time such tax will be levied. For county purposes, constituting the general fund, the following items, to-wit: Registration & Election ....? 5,000.00 Sheriff & Tax Collector 9,590.00 Clerk's office 5,470.00 Recorder 4,613.00 Treasurer , 2,900.00 Surveyor : 2,220.00 Assessor ..! .1 7,690.00 Court House x 3,475.00 Circuit Court '. 8,000.00 County Court 4,350.00 Justice Courts 1,400.00 Coroner 700.00 Insane 175.00 School Superintendent ...... 6,698.00 Health Officer 1,500.00 Wilsonville Ferry 2,500.00 Cattle Indemnity 500.00 Indigent Soldiers 600.00 Widows' Pensions 11,000.00 Care of Poor 14,600.00 Jail 500.00 Juvenile Court 1,000.00 Scalp Bounty 200.00 Tax Rebate t 194.00 Printing & Advertising 1,000.00 State & County Fairs 600.00 Sealer of Weights 425.00 Rent of Armory 600.00 Forest fires 300.00 Audit of books '.. 400.00 Damages 1,000.00 Agricultural Agent 1,600.00 Home demonstration work . 500.00 Boys' & Girls' Club work 600.00 Insurance 300.00 Total $101,000.00 ROADS For Bridges $ 7,125.00 For State Co-operation 7,125.00 For Paving 42,750.00 For District fund, 70 to . districts & 30, to gen eral roads '. 199,500.00 Total .'. ...$256,500.00 School and Library fund....? 98,000.00 State Tax 107,000.00 Interest on outstanding warrants 10,000.00 - Total estimated ex penditure $572,500.00 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS . Fees'Cl'erk'g office $ 6,700.00 Fees Recorder's office 4,750.00 5 U. S. Land Sales 100.00 Fines 3,070.00 Interest on Bank deposits 3,250.00 Total receipts from, all sources other than , taxation $ 17,870.00 Net amount to be raised . by taxation for the year 1919 $555,181.00 SHERIFF'S OFFICE . Sheriff's salary $ 1,700.00 Sheriff's chief deputy 1,080.00 Sheriff's special deputy 900.00 Investigating crime, auto hire, etc 1,200.00 Stamps, stationery, etc 150.00 Bond of Sheriff 220.00 Total J $ 5,250.00 TAX DEPARTMENT 1 Chief Deputy $ 1,080.00 1 Second Deputy 900.00 1 Clerk for cash book, 3 months Spring call 210.00 4 Clerks for office, 3 months 800.00 2 Clerks for office, 2 months Fall call :. 280.00 Stationery and postage...... 400.00 Bond for Deputy ("Fee") 25.00 Total ...$ 3,695.00 Tax Receipts ($20.00) $ 325.00 Cash books (3) 175.00 Recapitulation books and turn over sheets 20.00 i Total $ 4,215.00 Steel shelving for vault.... 125.00 Grand total $ 4,340.00 ..$ 9,590.00 CLERK'S OFFICE Clerk's ' salary $ 1,500.00 Clerk's First Deputy 1,080.00 Clerk's Second Deputy 960.00 Clerk's Third Deputy 960.00 Postage and Box Rent . 150.00 Office supplies and station ery 150.00 Bond .'. 35.00 Office equipment 135.00 Indexes (work on),, 200.00 Registers, books and jour nals 300.00 Total '....$ 5,470.00 Estimated receipts ...... 6,700.00 RECORDER'S OFFICE Recorder's salary $ Chief Deputy Two Machine Operators.... Extra Help Three (3) Blank Deed . Books, at $24.00 each.... Three (3) Blank Mortgage Kecord Books, at $24.00 each .; Envelopes and Stationery Ink, Pens, Pencils, Erasers etc., ; Ribbons for Typewriters.... Stamps Telephones '. Bond .:, .... One (1) Second-hand Desk for front office 1,200.00 1,080.00 1,800.00 150.00 72.00 72.00 40.00 10.00 26.50 75.00 48.00 9.60 30.00 Total $ ' 4,613.00 TREASURER Salary $ 1,200.00 Deputy . 960.00 Treasurer's bond 225.00 Deputy's bond 20.00 Burglar insurance 19.50 Perforating machine 60.00 Desks i 100.00 Postage 65.00 Office supplies. station ery i 76.00 Registers, books & jour nals 174.50 Total ...$ 2,900.00 SURVEYOR Salary :. $ 1,800.00 Stenographer 120.00 Mileago 200.00 Stationery : 100.00 Total :. $ 2,220.00 ASSESSOR Salary . $ 1,250.00 Chief Deputy 1,200.00 2nd Deputy 900.00 3rd Deputy 900.00 Field Deputies .". 2,000.00 Extending tax roll 500.00 Stamps & traveling ex penses :.. , 50.00 Office supplies & calculator 170.00 Assessment & tax rolls 450.00 Assessment blank & state ments 185.00 Tax rate sheet, indexes, etc '. 85.00 Total $ 7,690.00 COURT HOUSE Janitor ..: $ 1,200.00 Fuel : 850.00 Water 87.00 Toilet paper & towels 75.00 Mops, lawn hose, etc 50.00 Oil & disinfectant 48.00 Locks & repairs 60.00 Glass 25.00 ice : 10.00 Plumbing 300.00 Lamps j. 70.00 Miscellaneous 60.00 Telephones .. 660.00 Total $ 3,475.00 CIRCUIT COURT Estimated expense $ 8,000.00 COUNTY COURT Salary of County Judge....$ 1,600.00 Stenographer 720.00 Stamps, stationery & of fice expenses 80.00 Commissioner's time & mile age 1,800.00 Typewriter ..: 150.00 Total $ 4,850.00 JUSTICE COURTS Store Opens Daily at 8:30 A. M. Saturdays at 9 A. M. Phone: Pacific Marshall 5080 The Most in Value The Best in Quality THE MOST IN VALUE THE BEST IN QUALITY Store Closes Daily at 5:30 P. M. . Saturdays . at 6 P. M. Home Phone: , A 2112 'THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS BECAUSE IT SELLS "FOR CASH" Xmas Handkerchiefs Thousands of them put up in neat and attractive boxes or single. Handker chiefs of Swiss, Irish and domestic manufacture all crisp, new and this season's goods beautiful silk and lace-trimmed silk embroidered initialed hemstitched and colored bordered styles AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERY PURSE. ' 39c for Box of Six Sheer hdkfs., embroidered in corner with white initial. 29c for Box of Three Sheer hdkfs., embroidered in corner in white or colored. 25c for Box of Two Children's hdkfs., embroidered in 'col-' ored juvenile figures. . 50c for Box of Three Initialed hdkfs., embroidered in cor ner in white or 2-tone effects. : ' 65c for Box of Three Sheer' hdkfs., embroidered 'with initial and Madeira eyelet work. ' $1.00 for Box of Three Hand-embroidered Irish linen hand kerchiefs. 50c for Box of Three Fine quality embroidered hdkfs., with pretty white and colored patterns. 25c for Box of Three Children's initialed hdkfs., of , sheer lawn with narrow colored edge. - 20c Each, 3 for 50c Shamrock hdkfs., with pretty colored border and dainty' hand-embroidered patterns in white and colors. 35c Each, 3 for $1.00 Imported hand-embroidered Irish linen hdkfs., with dainty floral patterns. ' 25c Each for Linen hdkfs., with white or colored embroidered corner. ' 15c Each for Shafmrock and sheer lawn hdkfs., em broidered in white, gray or colored , floral patterns,; also all linen with white embroidered corner. ' ; 10c Each for Sheer ; lawn hdkfs., embroidered in pretty floral patterns in white or colors. 6c Each for flood quality lawn hdkfs., with color ed roll edge and colored cmb. figure in corner; also initialed hdkfs.' ip all white. " Justice courts $ 1,500.00 Coroner 700.00 Insane .: . 175.00 SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Salary ......$ 1,400.00 Traveling expenses 300.00 Stenographer 720.00 Supervisor ..: 1,440.00 Expense -.. 480.00 Truant officer 150.00 Postage & stationery 250.00 Supplies , 400.00 8th grade examination. 108.00 Teachers' examination 60.00 Institute 300.00 Total $ 6,598.00 HEALTH OFFICER Salary .......j '. $ 660.00 Fumigation and traveling expenses 740.00 Total $ 1,400.00 Special high school fund to be levied on 'all property in Clackamas Coun ty not included in high school dis tricts . NOTICE is hereby further given that a taxpayer's meeting, will be held in the court house at Oregon. City, Oregon, on December 21, 1918, at 10 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of discussing the above estimates with the County Court as by law required. Done at Oregon City this 27th day of November, 1918. H. S. ANDERSON, n ' County Judgo A. H. KNIGHT, Commissioner " W. A. PROCTOR, Commissioner As high as 500 percent increases have been obtained in some crops from the use of sulfur as a fertilizer by Dr. F. C. Reimer, superintendent of the branch experiment station at Talent, Or No injurious effects have been observed from heavy sulfur ap plications in that district. Her Systems will be found on hundreds of farms and subarban places in Oregon and the Northwest. They have been sold here by us for years. They give satisfaction. WHY? Because they are made up of good units such as Stover Gasoline Engines n ' '' Myers . Pumps and Cylinders and Tanks that are made right and thorougly tested and we make proper installation, using men for this-purpose who have had years of experience. Besides all this, if anything isn't right we try to make it right. When you install a water system you put in something that is to serve you for many years. Better get a good system made up of good units, put in by a responsible concern with experienced men and in the right way. . In short l"J. J. WILSON 1 GO. OREGON CITY, OREGON