Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1918)
OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, OCTOBER 24, 1918 ARRESTED FOR ALLEGED THEFT OF LIBERTY BOND Ephriam Emmons ? appeared in Justine Sievers' court Monday charg ed with the theft of a $50 Liberty bond,1 alleged taken from Frank Fish er, fin' employe of the Crown Wil lamette' paper company. Emmons was formerly employed at the mill, and Fisher claims that while the men were being paid off in the mill, Emmons took an envelope from the mill office containing the bond. Em mons is 74 years of age, and a vet eran of the Civil war. ' He claims he knows nothing of the missing bond, and denies that he ever saw the se curity. He was formerly an inmate of the soldiers' home at Roseburg. When apprehended by Special Officer Dill, he was cutting wood in the Beaver Creek district, Sues on Mortgage D R. Dimick filed suit against H. R. Von Wiedner, Albert W. Riggs and wife, and the Canby State Bank to collect $300 alleged due on a mort gage on a tract of land, No.' 67, Canby Gardens. Dimick claims that on December 0, 1913, Von Weidner appointed L. B. Gorman his attorney in fact, and through Gorman, he ob tained a loan from him giving him a mortgage on the tract as security. Mr. and Mrs. Riggs and the Canby State Bank claim some interest in the property. Coprier and Farmer for $1.15. JOHNSTON WINS REGIMENTAL 1 CHAMPIONSHIP IN BOXING Frank E. Johnston, who left Glad stone three months ago to join the colors, 'and who is stationed at Camp Freemont', has just won the light weight championship in boxing for hin rAtriment, at that camn. tiponrAlnrr --- - ri to word received by his friends in this city. He is a member of the S. 0. S. section, 13th infantry, and has. been stationed at Camp Free mont since his enlistment. He is the son of Mrs. Emma Johnston, of Gladstone, and a graduate . of the high school at that place. He writes that he expects soon to leave for France. PIONEER RESIDENT OF COUNTY DIES IN PORTLAND Mrs. Zoe Audrey NoveJ, wife of J. W. Novel, of 853 Upshur street, Portland, died Tuesday at the above address. She was formerly of this county and ia a daughter of Samuel B. Oglesby and niece of Mrs. Currin of this iity. She was also a cousin of Bernice and Albert Currin, and leav es one' uncle, Charles Oglesby, of Aurora .- Deceased was born and raised in Clackamas county, and had resided here all her life until a few years ago, when she moved to Portland. At the time of her death she was 25 years of age, and leaves no children. Interment was held at the Lone Fir cemetery, and thej funeral services -were held Monday. ESTACADTcTtIZENS LINE UP MUNICIPAL TICKET At a mass meeting recently, the citizens of Estacada named the fol-; lowing ticket to be presented to the voters at the coming municipal elec tion in that city: Mayor, E. W. Bart lett; recorder, S. E. Wooster; treas urer, Mrs. Jessie M. Bartlett; coun cilinen, L, A. Wells, James Smith, U, S. Morgan, J. V. Barr, John Osborne. IPSyKDE ISMS. EDEIPT. "7 fnll fol PHY7 jnllrJ jJ W LALI L Men, Young Men and Boys DEPARTMENT SPECIALS $10.00 Boys suits, over: coats and mackinawa $12.50 Boys suits, over coats and mackinaws This week only. $7.95 $9.95 $ 1 5.00 Young men's and 11 Q boys suits and overccoats 11 UO $16.50 Men's and Young 1 9 QC Men's suits and overcoats 1 $18.00 Men's and Young Men's suits and overcoats 13.95 $22.50 Men's and Young Men's suits and overcoats $25.00 Men's and Young Men's suits and overcoats $27.50 Men's and Young Men's suits and overcoats $30.00 Men's and Young Men's suits and overcoats $32.50 Men's and Young Men's suits and overcoats 17.95 19.95 25.45 27.45 TmbJsytem Clothes 15 off on all blue serges and cheviots under present market quotations. These prices mean a saving of fully one-half. ' THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS LADIES COATS AND DR ON WW 20 ladies coats of the latest fall styles and colors. Values up to $27.50 at , $11 19. 95 A V Sizes from 16 to Our stock being new the values we are offering are positively beyond comparison. This lot won't last long so come early. ; It will pay you. Serges, Poplins and Silks well assorted sizes. One lot of blue serges, newest designs, from '$16.50 to $21.75 One lot of Poplins in -pink, tan and blues at $6.50 to $8.75 Also a large variety of. taffeta and . messaline silks, plain and fancy styles, splendid for street wear. All sizes in- this lot at. $7.50 to $23.50 These dresses have been reduced fully 25. Men s Furnishing Goods Specials for this week. Big 3 triple stitched indigo dye overalls for men. Present market (f0 1 ft .... VL.IV value $3.00 at Men's Uncle Sam work shirts. Reg. $2.00 value . . $1.29 UTCS05. Men's .Flannel shirts in gray d0 Q and khaki. Reg. $3 value WUoiU Gantner & Mattern wool Jerseys in 1 C D , Ar j $5.00 value iDd.Od These are sure money saving values. Underwear Specials We are sole agents for the celebrated Munsing Wear and we are offering the following specials in Munsing under wear for this week. Lot No. 1 Ladies vest and pants, good medium weight cotton at d A A per garment ........... D i, Vv Extra sizes $1.10 Lot No. 2 Ladies Union suits ' high neck, long sleeye. ankle length and some in half low neck, elbow sleeves, ankle length. . Regular , 7C sizes tDl I D Extra sizes $2.00 Lot No. 3 Same styles as above, a lit tle heavier with light fleece. A A Regular sizes . . ... . . . . " WLfjJ Extra sizes $2.25 LADIES HOSIERY SPECIALS 35c values at 2l5c for this week. Lot 1 Ladies black and white, heavy cotton hose, double heel and toe. Regular 35c values at per pair Lot 2 Real fine cotton hose, black and white only with high spliced heel and double sole. Regular 40c value OA per pair .... MtC Lot 3--Genuine Bur son seamless hose heavy weight in. black only. Regular 50c quality at 3 d A A pair for.. ultUU MEN'S arid BOYS' CLOTH HATS and CAPS for this week. Reg. $1.25 Boys hats and caps . . . ..... .95 Reg. $1.50 Boys hats and caps ....... .$1.20 Reg. $2.00 Men's and boys hats and caps $1.55 Reg. $2.50 Men's and oys hats and caps . .$1.95 Reg. $3.00 Men's Cloth hats . . .... . . ... . .$2.35 Reg. $3.50 Men's Cloth hats .$2.85 In the boys hats is included the very latest styles in vel vets, velours and corduroys. SHOE DEPARTMENT SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY You want to open your purse strings wide and buy the limit in footwear as the leather market is jumping clear out of sight. Ladles gun metal shoes', black cloth top, low heel, do AC all sizes. Regular $5.00 values ?J1lO $3.45 Ladles gun metal shoes as above, military heel. Regular $5.00 values Ladies gun metal shoes as above, Cuban heel. . do JJ Regular $5.00 values - 9otlD Ladies all gun metal shoes, Goodyear welt, Men's hevy black chrome shoes d J 0- . , . ., . . plain toe. Regular value $6.00 .... JtItJ military heel, very stylish. Reg- M CC . - ular $6.00 values .'.......'""' Extra Special Florshelm black English shoes, latest styles. Regular $10 y op Men's Daytons. Famoustmanure prool work ' values In Neolln and leather soles JI OD shoes. Regular $4.00 values jo or? Beacon black gun metai, all styles, (J 1; at - . W all sizes. Regular $6.00 .... tH.lD MILLINERY DEPT. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY We are offering some very tempting bargains in hats that under ordinary conditions would cost more some even several times the price asked. Better come and see the quality and style we have se cured for you at such low prices. Very beautiful shapes in plushes, silks, velvets and Zebelines at $2.48 $5.00 25 reduction on all our high grade hats priced from $10.00 up to $18. The j newest creations in trimmed hats, a large assortment : value8upto $8.50 at . ............ .... Every hat a creation in itself. Hats that will satisfy the most fastidious buyer and you save 25 by buying them this week. Seventh and Main Liberty Corner Oregon City, Oregon Don't Fail to See Our Window Displays and it will aid you a great deal in your selections if you will bring this advertisement with you Liberty Corner Seventh and Main Oregon City, Oregon