Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, October 17, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Summons ,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacks
Gertrude Duke, Plaintiff,
James Duke, Defendant.
To James Duke, the above named De
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby required to ap
pear and' answer the complaint filed
against you in the above named Buit
within .bix weeks from the date of
the first publication of this summons,
and if you fail to appear or answer
said complaint, for want ' thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for in the com
. plaint: For a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant.
This summons is published by
order of the Honorable J. U. Camp
? bell, Judge of the Circuit Court,
which order was made on the 17th
day of September, 1918, and the time
prescribed for publication thereof is
G weeks, beginning with the issue of
Sept. 19th, nnd ending with the issue
, of Oct. 31st, 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff, Mohawk
Bldg., Portland.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Orgon, for the County of Clack
amas. Ruth Thompson, Plaintiff,
Robert Thompson, Defendant.
To Robert Thompson, the above nam
ed Defendant:
. In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above named suit
within six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this summons,
and if you fail to appear or answer
said complaint, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for in the complaint:
For a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now . existing between
plaintiff and defendant.
This summons is published by order
of the Honorable H. . S. Anderson,
Judge of the County Court, which
order was made on the 18th day of
Sept., 1918, and the time prescribed,
for publication thereof is -6 weeks,
beginning with the issue of Sept.
19th, and ending with the issue of
Oct. 31st, 1918.
Attorney for Plaintiff, Mohawk
Bldg., Portland.
Sheriff's Sale
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. N. A. Hoffard, Plaintiff,
E. L. Dorn, Defendant, .,
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss.
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued
out of and under the seal of the
above entitled court, in the above en
titled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 16th day of Sept. 1918,
upon a judgment rendered and enter
ed in said court on the 29th day of
August, lais, in favor of N. A. Hof
fard, the above mimed Plaintiff, nnrl
against E. L. Dorn, the above named
ueienuant, lor tne sum of $750.00,
with interest thereon at .the rate of
6 per cent ner annum frnhi t.hn 7th
day of April, 1917, and the further
sum or $5.20 with interest thereon
from the 6th day of October, 1917,
ana tne' turther sum of $90.00, as at
torney's fee, and the further sum of
$19.50 costs and disbursements, and
the costs of and upon this writ, com
manding me to make sale of the fol
lowing described real property, situ
ate in the countv nf nWknnmc
state of Oregon, to-wit:
Tract numbered Fourteen (14) of
wooaourn Orchard Company Tracts,
according to the plat thereof on file
and of record in the office of the
County Recorder in' and for the
County of Clackamas and State of
Oregon. ;
Now. therefore, bv virtue of said
execution, judgment order and de
cree, ana m compliance with the
commands of said writ. I will, on
Saturday, the 19th day of October
1918; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.,
at the front door of the County
Court House m the City of Oregon
City, in said Countv and State, sell
at public auction, subject to redemp
tion, to the highest bidder for TI. S.
gold coin cash in hand, all the right,
title ana interest which the within
named defendants or either of them.
had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since had in or to the
above described real property or any
part thereof, to satisfy said execu
tion, judgment order, decree, inter
est, costs and all accruing costs.
uated, Uregon City, Ore., Sept.
19th, 1918.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore-
By E. C. HACKETT,' Deputy.
New System
Flrst-CUss ..Painless Denistrj
at Reasonable Prices All
Work Guaranteed
ROOMS 9-10-11-12
Phones Pac. 10; Home A-200
Couaty Agents
and a umber ol other good
Phones! SS - 2S7-J - A-ll
Better Call Us Up
The E. It. Cooper Insurance Agency
E.t.bliih.d 1902
Dr. Geo. R. Gardner
Between 7th and 8th on Main
Oregon City
Dr. L G. ICE
Beaver Building Oregon City
Phones Pacific, 122L Home A-19.
Geo. C. Brownell
CaaisM Bldf.
Oregon City Oregon
Oregon City Bank Bldg.
Orsfoa Cky
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.'
Ladd &. Tilton Bank, a corporation,
Plaintiff, ,
' vs. '
Fred W. Sinclair and Laura Bird
Sinclair, husband and wife; Edward
B. Sterling and Fannie Bird Ster
ling, husband and wife, Defendants.
By virtue of an execution, judg
ment order, decree and order of sale
issued out of the above entitled
court in the- above entitled cause, to
me directed and dated the 21st day
of September, 1918, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in said court
on the 21st day of September, 1918,
in favor of Ladd & Tilton Bank, a
corporation, plaintiff, and against
Fred W. . Sinclair, Laura Bird Sin
clair, "Edward B. Sterling and Fan-,
nie Bird Sterling, defendants, for the
sum of (6483.93, with interest at the
rate of eight per cent, per annum
from September 21st, 1918; the fur
ther sum of $250.00, with interest
thereon at the rate of six per cent.
per annum from September 21st,
1918,, and for the further sum of
$45.00, costs and disbursements, and
the costs of and upon this writ, com
manding me to make sale of that
certain real property, with the ap
purtenant tenements, hereditaments,
privileges, rents, issues and profits
situated in the County of Clackamas,
State of Oregon, and bounded and
described as follows:
A part of the donation land claim
of Jesse Bullock, No. 46, situated in
sections nine, ten, eleven, fourteen
fifteen and sixteen, township two
south of range one east of the Wil
lamette Meridian, described as fol
lows: beginning at an iron pipe set
245.5 feet north of the re-entrant
corner in the south line of the said
Bullock claim, 'and running thence
north 624.4 feet to an iron pipe;
thence north sixty-nine degrees,
forty-nine minutes east, one thou
sand seven hundred fifty-four and
eight tenths feet to an iron pipe,
thence south twenty degrees,' eleven
minutes east, five hundred eighty six
" and eighteen-hundredths feet to an
iron pipe 'set in the southerly line
of the land of the mortgagors, and
thence south sixty-nine degrees,
forty-nine minutes west, one thou
sand nine hundred seventy and nine
tenths feet to the place of begin
ning, containing twenty-five and one
hundredth acres, more or less.
Now, therefore, ; by virtue of said
execution, judgment order, decree and
order of sale, and in compliance with
the command of said writ, I will, on
Saturday, the 26th day of October,
1918, at eleven o'clock A. M., at the
front door of the County Court
House in Oregon City, Clackamas
County, Oregon, sell at public auc
tion . (subject to redemption) to the
highest bidder for cash in hand all
the right, -title and "interest which
the within named . defendants and
eac,h and all of them had on the 16th
day of March, 1912, the date of the
mortgage herein foreclosed, or since
that date had, in and to the above
described property, or any part there
of, to satisfy said execution, judg
ment order and decree, interest,
costs and accruing costs.
Dated this 26th day of September,
1918. . . ...
First publication, September 26th,
1918; last publication, October 24th,
1918. .
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore.
' - By E. C. HACKETT, .
in, to-wit: For a Decree of the Court
dissolving the Bands of Matrimony,
now and heretofore existing between
Plaintiff and Defendant, and that
Plaintiff have a Decree of absolute
Divorce ,from the Defendant, and
that .Plaintiff have such other and
further relief as to the Court, may
seem just, and equitable.
- This Summons is published by
order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell
Judge of the above . entitled Court,
which order was made and entered
on the 20th day of September' A. D.,
1918, and the time prescribed for the
publication thereof is six weeks, be
ginning with the issue of September
2Gth, A. D., 1918, and continuing
each week thereafter, to and .includ
ing the issue of November 7th; A. D.
Attorney for Plaintiff, 512 Selling
Uldg., Portland, Oregon.
In, the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
Philip C. West, Plaintiff,
Lea Catherine West, Defendant.
To Lea Catherine West, the above
named Defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above named syit
within six weeks from the date of
the first publication of this summons,
and if you fail to appear or answer
said complaint, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for in the com-i
plaint: For a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony how existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant.
ThiB summons is . published by
order of the Honorable J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of the Circuit Court,
which order . was made on the 25th
day of September, 1918, and the
time prescribed for publication there
of is 6 weeks, beginning with the is
sue of September 26th, 1918, and
ending with the. issue of November
7th, 1918. - -
Attorney for Plaintiff, . Mohawk
Bldg., Portland, Ore.. ;
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the' County of Clacka
mas. -
Harold Earl Cushman, Plaintiff,
" ' vs. .....
Bertha E. Cushman, Defendant.
To Bertha E. Cushman, the above
named Defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
suit, on or before the 7th daybf No
vember A. D., 1918, the said day be
ing after the expiration of six weeks
from and after the first publication
of this Summons, and if you fail to
appear and answer said Complaint,
for the want thereof, the Plaintiff
will apply to the above entitled
Court, for the relief prayed for there
in the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon in and for the .County of
W. S. Jolliffee, Plaintiff, ',
vs. ..
Sadie Jolliffee, Defendant.
To Sadie Jolliffee, the above named
In the' Name of the State of Ore
gon, "you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the Complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
suit on or before the 31st day of
October, 1918, and if you fail to so
answer, plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for in
said Complaint to-wit:
A decree annulling and holding for
naught the bonds of matrimony now
existing bettween plaintiff and de
fendant, and for such other and fur
ther relief as to the Court may seem
just and proper.
Service of summons is made upon
you by publication by order of the
Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court, made on .the
14th day of September, 1918, direct
ing such publication in the "Oregon
City Courier," once a week for six
consecutive weeks, the first publica
tion being made on the 19th day of
September, 1918.
First Publication, September 19th,
Last .. Publication, October 3l3t,
1918. -
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Sheriff's Sale
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
i amas.
George R. Crawford, Plaintiff, .
W. A. Jones, Defendant.
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, 88.
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued
out of and under the seal of the
above entitled court, in the above en
titled cause, to me duly directed and
dated the 24th day of September,
1918, upon a judgment rendered and
entered in said court on the 21st day
of September 1918, in favor of Geo.
R. Crawford, the above named Plain
tiff, and against W. A. Jones, said
Defendant, for the sum of $556.67,
with interest thereon at the rate of
8 per cent per annum from the 13th
day of June, 1918, and the further
sum of $50.00, as attorney's fee, and
the further sum of $10.00 costs and
disbursements, and the costs of. and
upon this writ, commanding me to
make sale of the following described
real property, situate in the county
of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to
wit: All of Lot numbered Three (3)
and jhe South half of Lot numbered
Four (4) in Block numbered Thirty
five (35) in the First Addition to
the Original Town of Estacada as
the same is platted and recorded in
the office of the Recorder of Con
veyances of Clackama County, Ore
gon. Now, ' therefore, by virtue ' of said
execution, judgment order and de
cree, and in compliance with the com
mands of said writ, I will, on Sat
urday, the 26th day of October, 1918;
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at
the front door of the County Court
House in the City of Oregon City, in
said County and State, sell at pub
lic auction, subject to redemption, to
the highest bidder for U. S. gold coin
cash in hand, all the right, title and
interest which the within named de
fendants or either of them,' had on
the date of the mortgage herein or
since had in or to the above describ
ed real property or any part thereof,
to satisfy said execution, judgment
order, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Septem
ber 26th, 1918.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore.
By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Ssnd The Courier to Franca for $1.
Sloan's Liniment has the
punch that relieves i
rheumatic twinges
This warmth-giving, congestion
scattenng circulation-stimulating rem
edy penetrates without rubbing right to
the aching spot and brings quick relief
surely, cleanly. A wonderful help for
external pains, sprains, strains, stiff,
ness, headache, lumbago, bruises.
Get your bottle today costs little
means much. Ask your druggist for it
by nam. Keep, it handy for the whole
family. The big bottle is economy.
. '.' ' ', Summons
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
William H. Shultz, Plaintiff,
' . vs. ,
Iva L. Shultz, Defendant.
To Iva L, Shultz, the above named
., In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
court and cause on or before the ex
piration o? six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons, to-wit: on or before the 14th
day of November ' 1918, and if you
fail so to answer for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded in his com
plaint on file herein, to-wit: that the
bonds of matrimony heretofore and
now existing between the plaintiff and
defendant be dissolved, and for such
other and further relief in the prem
ises as to the Court seems equitable
and just.
This summons is published by
order of the Honorable J. U. Camp-
pell, Judge of the Circuit court for
the County of Clackamas, Oregon,
and said order was made and dated
the 1st day of October, 1918, and the
date of the first publication of this
summons is the 3rd day of October,
1918, and the date of the last publi
cation of this summons is the 14th
day of November, 1918.
- - JOS. H. PAGE,
Attorney for Plaintiff, 1020 Cham
ber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon.
Notice of Sale of Real Property by
: , Administratrix
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. .
In the matter, of the Estate of Jo
seph Wilson, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that mir-
suant to an order made and entered
this 7th day of October, A. D., 1918,
by the Hon. H. S. Anderson, Judge of
the above entitled court, authorizing
and directing me so to do, I will, on
and after - November 11th, 1918, at
the office of Gilbert L. Hedges, Ore
gon. City, Oregon, sell at private
sale, the following described proper
ty, situate in Clackamas County,
The Southerly Five (5) feet of
Lot Ten (10), and Jhe Northerly
42.7 feet of Lot Eleven (11), all of
Block Three (3) of Parkplace.
Also' Lots Seven (7), Eight (8),
and Nine (9), of Block Eight (8),
of Falls View Addition to Oregon
The said property will be sold in
separate pieces, for cash, at private
sale, if possible, or if unable to sell
for cash, then upon the following
terms: At least one-half the pur
chase price down, balance reasonable
monthly payments at 7 interest,
on eontract sale.
.First publication October 10th.
Last publication November 7.
Administratrix of the Estate of
Joseph Wilson, Deceased.
' Attorney for Administratrix.
Summons -
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County. .
Ida Adams, Plaintiff,
Adolph D. Adams, Defendant.
To Adolph D. .Adams, the above
named defendant: .
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to
appearand answer the complaint fil
ed against you in tha above entitled
court and suit on or before the 29th
day of November, 1918, said day be
ing after the expiration of. six weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons; and if you fail to
appear, for want thereof, the Plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the
relief demanded in her complaint, to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony existing between plain
tiff and defendant and restoring to
plaintiff her maiden name.
This summons is published by
order of the Honorable H. S. Ander
son, Judge of the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Clackamas
County, which order was ' made and
entered on the 14th day' of October,
1918, and the time prescribed for
publication thereof is six weeks, be
ginning with the issue of the 17th
day " of October, 1918, and ending
with the issue of the 28th day of No
vember, 1918.
I , Attorney for Plaintiff.
Residence and poet office address,
St. Helens, Oregon.
Notice to Creditors
Notice is-hereby given that the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County -of Clackamas,
has appointed the undersigned ex
ecutor of the Will and Estate, of Jens
Holsten, deceased. All persons hav
ing claims against the said decedent,
or his estate, are hereby given notice
that they shall present them to the
undersigned executor at the office of
Jos. E. Hedges, Esq., in the Wein
hard Building, in Oregon City, Ore
gon, within six months from the
With the high cost of living an
ever-present problem, the imp
of waste becomes one of the
big kitchen annoyances.
Besides the waste pf cooking
failures, there is a big waste in
the shrinkage of food in cook
ing, if you could cook in such
a way as to cut your meat bills
20 per cent the Imp of Waste
would begin to dwindle in im-..
portance- the saving in living
costs would be an appreciable,
Economy is a boon to every
home. Every penny saved
counts greatly in these days of
high living expenses. The
Hughes oven is built on the
fireless cooker principal. The
juices are not carried off by the
air currents; the rich flavors are
preserved. Meat shrinks 20 per
weighs just as much after cook
cent less; a four, pound roast
ing as a five pound roast cook
ed in a gas range. This means
a saving of from 25c to 35c on
every roast you buy and this
is but one of the economies, of
the Hughes oven.
1 Ies BBtefefeteiSsisjsisa pampas
Portland Railway
Light 2b Power
The Electric
' Store
Phones Home A-229
Pacific Main 115
Andresen Bldg. 619 Main St.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
tor any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine.
' Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken
by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty
live years, and has become known as the
most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on
the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Pol
son from the Blood and healing the dis
eased portions.
After you have taken Hall's Catarrh
Medicine for a. short time you will see a
great improvement In your general
health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send
(or testimonials, free.
t F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by all Druggists. 76c.
date of this . notice, with proper
vouchers duly verified.
Date of First Publication, October
17th, 1918. ,
Executor of the Will and Estate of
Jens Holsten, deceased.
Market Letter
The arrivals of cattle and calves
at the North Portland Union Stock
Yards were 1300 head. There is a
better feeling in the cattle division
today, trading is good and prices have
an upward tendency. Quotations:
Prime steers $12.00-$13.00; good to
choice steers, $11.00-$12.00; medium
to good steers, $9.75-$11.00; fair to
medium steers, $8.25-$9.25; common
to fair steers, $6.00-$8.00; choice
cows and heifers, $8.00-$9.00; med
ium to good cows and heifers, $6.00
$7.25; fair to medium cows and heif
ers, $5.00-$6.00; canners, $3.00-$4.00;
bulls, $5.00-$7.00; calves, $9.00-$12.-00;
stockers and feeders, $6.00-$8.00.
With a liberal run of 2400 hogs on
the market today the market shows
a decline of 15 to 25 cents. . A large
number of stock hogs are coming and
the average weight of all the hogs
falls short of previous shipments.
Quotations are: Prime mixed, $17.90-
$18.00; medium mixed $17.50-$17.75;
rough heavies $16.90-$17.00; pigs,
$15.00-$16.00; bulk $17.75-$18.00.
2900 sheep and lambs arrived over
Sunday. Trading in the sheep alleys
is slow but prices are holding steady
as quoted: Prime lambs $12.00-$13.-50;
fair to medium lambs, $9.00
$11.00; yearlings, $10.00 - $11.00;
wethers, $9.00-$10.00; ewes, $6.60
$9.00. '
Notice of Meeting, Board of County
, Viewers '.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. . ' '
Sitting as a Board of County Com
missioners. In the Matter of the . Petition of
Margaret Roberts, Alfred Roberts
and F. L. Roberts for Road and
Gateway or Road or Gateway.
To William Graham and Mrs. Grace
D. Barnes: . ' :
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby notified that on
Saturday, the 9th day of November,
1918, at the farm and residence of
Margaret Roberts," Alfred Roberts
and F. L. Roberts the Board of
County Viewers will, meet at 10
o'clock A. M. for the purpose of
viewing out and locating a suitable
public road not exceeding 60 feet
wide and a gateway not less than
10 feet wide nor more than 30 feet
Wide, or such road or gateway, over
your lands from the farm and resi
dence of said Margaret Roberts, Al
fred Roberts and F. L. Roberts to
the nearest point practicable on a
public road, and to assess the dam
ages to be sustained thereby. .
Witness I. M. Harrington, Clerk
of the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas, this 4th day of October, 1918,
by order of the County Court of said
. Clerk.
, . Deputy.
(Seal of County Court)
Don't forget that corn syrups may
be used in canning, replacing one
third the amount of sugar. Use your
ingenuity to help win the war, ' and
pass along a good recipe.'
FOR SALE Pigs, O. I. C, $6. R. B.
Holcomb, Clackamas, phone O. F. 4.
DEAD and down-and-out stock taken
quickly. Phone Milwaukle Render
ing Co., 69-J. . r.
. dition; been run 5000 miles; 1917
model; good tires; spot light; . 6
passenger machine and is best buy
in county. Price $600.00. Phone 51
or call 806 Wash. St.r Oregon City.
FOR SALE Three-year-old Holstein
bull. Also fat cow for beef. Ad
dress Otto Fisher, Rt. 2, Oregon
City. -
Banked First
Sixty Dollars
HE first money Grover
Cleveland ever earned
was from his uncle,
Lewis F. Allen. He got ;
sixty dollars for six
weeks' work helping
compile a book. He
banked the money in
Buffalo, N. Y. (JDid you bank
the first money you earned? Are
you banking your money now?
flf See us. today about opening an
Zbt first national Bank
(U. 8. Depository) s