OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1918 S Granes dSnen dt&m THS CORKBCT WRITING 1'Ar.EF. 1 As Writing Paper it has strength, smoothness, good writing surface, clear color, even texture in short, quality. As stationery it has smartness, correctness, taste, good form in short, style. Can we be of service in helping you equip your writing table with this beautiful paper? Burmeister S Andresen Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Corner COUNTY AND CITY LOCALS T. J. Wirtz was a caller at the Courier ofike while in town during the week. Mr. Wirtz is one of the prosperous Hoff farmers who calls on Courier wants-ads to help run his ranch ni the better way. WANTED At the Oregon City Hospital class of six girls to enter training for nurses, by August 1st. G. R. Hargan, of Willamette, visit ed here early in the week on busi ness connected with his farming in- E. P. Carter, of Gladstone, is now quartered at Bar View, on the Til lamook beach, for the summer. Mrs. Carter and her sister, Ms. Hathaway, of Los . Angeles, ae preparing to go over this week. Mrs. Hathaway is accompanied by her daughter, Miss Mary, for the summer's visit with the Carters. 0. M. Ingram, a McMinnville man, was here early in the week on busi ness. Miss Edith Alldredge i3 being en tertained at the home of Mrs. Chas. Bollinger aV Astoria. E. P. Dedman, of Clackamas, was a county seat visitor recently. The choir members of the Metho dist church eenjoyed an evening of out door festivities during the past week, when they went to' Oswego lake for a picnic. Singing was the leading feature of the affair, while the spread of delicious eats went far toward making a perfect end for the day- Waldo Clements was among the contingent from Clackamas to do business with Oregon City merchants over the fore part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. James Fullam, of Redland, were recent visitors in the city. WANTED At the Oregon City Hospital class of six girls to enter training for nurses, by August 1st. Mrs. Delia Roberts, of Jennings Lodge, was up on Wednesday for a brief business trip. She reports her district well over the top in the stamp drive, and taking an active in- ilea e v la On of a Series of Informative ArtteUm on Dtntal tiigUnoNo. 8 Good Teeth Start With Infancy GOOD teeth, well taken care of, add a charm to any face. A child with a deformed mouth enters the race of life with a big handi cap. There Is nothing that detract more from a person's appearance than unsightly or Irregular teeth. Straight, even teeth a per fectly shaped mouth rest very largely with mother's care In Infancy, Few realize the danger likely to result from allowing young children to form the habit of sucking their thumbs or fingers. This tends to force out the upper front teeth and Jaw, and to push back the lower front teeth and Jaw. A deformed face Is the result. This deformity causes the teeth to come In Irregularly. Deformed Jaws help to cause adenoids and mouth-breathing, and mental development Is retarded by displacement of the bones of the Jaws and face. Do not ntplect the itmporarg teeth. They represent the structure on which the per manent teeth are built. If lost by decay before their time, the Jaws fall to expand properly, and the Incoming permanent teeth will be crowded and Irregular. A child's temporary molars are not fully replaced by the per manent teeth until the tenth or twelfth year after birth. Publithtdbttht Stale Dental AedatUm, efOreten 1 1 EVX H d fat, ft SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT SHOWING THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 1, 1918 LIABILITIES To General Fund Warrants outstanding and unpaid 4,022.21 County Road Warrants, endorsed, outstanding and unpaid 103,728.94 Estimated Interest thereon 2,071.58 County Road Warrants, not endorsed, outstanding and unpaid 35,262.02 County Road Improvement Fund Warrants, outstanding and unpaid ; 1,215.50 Total Liabilities 146,290.25 RESOURCES Funds in hands of County Treasurer applicable to payment of General County Fund Warrants... 75,212.26 Funds in hand of County" Treasurer applicable to payment of County Road Warrants - 69,974.17 Funds in hands of County Treasurer applicable to payment of Road Improvement Warrants 3,045.40 MANURE TO INCREASE CROPS Total Resources $ 148,231 83 Surplus Funds 1,941.58 State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. I, I. M. Harrington, County Clerk for the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement is true and correct. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this 10th day of July, A. D., 1918. IVA M. HARRINGTON, County Clerk. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON Showing the amount of claims allowed, on what account, the amount of warrants drawn, and the amounts of warrants outstanding and unpaid on the 1st day of July, A. D., 1918. : GENERAL FUND Registration and Elections Sheriff's Office Clerk's Office Recorder's Office ... Treasurer's Office Surveyor's Office Assessor's Office Court House : Circuit Court County Court Justice Court Coroner Insane School Superintendent Health Officer Prohibition Cattle Indemnity Indigent Soldier .. Widow's Pension Care of Poor Jail terest in the war-time activities of the Amercan Loyalty League, Among the many Oregon City- people making their summer head quarters at the delightful Rockaway beaches are Mrs. M. D. Latourette and children, and Mrs. J, M. Daulton, and daughters, the Misses Bessie and Helen, and Mrs. James McNeil and daughter. The latter two are at Rockaway, and the former are quar tered at Salt Air. . . W. W. Irvin, well known Aurora man, was here for a brief trip during the week, at which time he looked after legal affairs. He was formerly heavily engaged in the sheep raising industry, from which he recently retired. WANTED At the Oregon City Hospital class of six girls to enter training for nurses, by August 1st. Frank Whiteman. of this city, is visiting with his brother, Milo, at the old home place - in Cambridge, Ne braska, for several weeks. Gilbert Morris, long connected with the Huntley Drug company, has de parted for service with the marines. His position at the store is Being ably filled by his wife. Charles Harlow, now connected with the spruce production division of the aviation section Qf the U. S. Sig nal Corps, was here during the pa'st week for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Stromgren. The auxiliary of Company F, 18th Railway Engineers, held an enthusi astic and constructive meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bowland on Monday night. There are 20 young fellows from this vicinity in Company F, and the 18th division was among the first to land in France. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Elliott, who, since leaving here some time ago, have been residing in California and Salem, have returned to this city. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bullard were in from their home at Clarkes duing the week on business. W. L. Kaddely, assistant state county agent leader, of Corvallis, was in the city early this week on business connected with the local of fice. J. E. Bryant, from out route 2 way, was a business visitor in town on Tuesday, DRUG FIRM NOTIFIED OF APPOINTMENT TO RECRUIT Huntley Drug company, the local druggists, recently nominated as an enrolling agent for the U. S. Ship ping Board, to, recruit young men from 21 to 30 for the Merchant Ma rine, has received the following offic ial notice of their appointment: U. S. Shipping Board, Washington, Huntley Drug Co., Oregon City, Ore, Dear Sir: I take pleasure in advis ing you that you have been appoint ed special enrolling agent of the re cruiting service for the Sea Training Bureau of the United States Ship ping Board at a salary of $1 per annum. I desire to take this opportunity to express to you, on behalf of the Board, our appreciation of the patri otic spirit in which you have offered your valued services in this worK. Very truly yours, . LESTER SISLER, Secretary. Juvenile Court Scalp Bounty Tax Rebate Printing and Advertising State and County Fairs Sealer of Weights and Measure.. Tax Department Forest Fires Experting Books Damages Agricultural Agent Fruit Inspector 4,430.93 2,748.07 2,473.46 2,492.36 1,320.64 1,604.34 3,690.93 1,655.75 1,721 80 1,808'48 622186 329.10 93.82 2,531.98 943.30 564.10 412.50 320.00 6,270.40 7,315 31 202 84 659.18 101.00 22.65 722.58 7.70 201.31 6,260.83 262.79 265.00 6.00 750.00 63 18 Total ; 60,755.19 ROADS AND HIGHWAYS 173,120.26 January '. February March April May June 3 SOLDIER ON VISIT Molalla Youth Returns West With War Bride Alva Jackson, who is in the aero plane mechanical service, visited his parents at Molalla last week over night. He had been taken from Tex as to Long Island, New York, and the climate did not agree with him, He spent three months in the hos pital. He was transierred to van. couver to see if this climate would not be better for him. He was mar ried since-leaving here and was ae companied by his wife. She was transfered in the telephone service from Ohio to Portland and is work' ing there. He is expecting to be home for a short furlough soon. Total Expenditures 223,875.45 District Road Warrants issued '. $ 63,793.41 Special Road Warrants issued 30,387.81 General Fund Road Warrants issued - 39,496.19 Improvement Road Warrants issued 39,442.85 General County Fund Warrants issued 60,755.19 Total Warrants issued $ 223,875.45 SHERIFFS OFFICE Oregon City, Oregon, July, 1918. To I. M, Harrington, County Clerk, Clackamas County, Oregon: I, W. J, Wilson, Sheriff and Tax Collector, submit the following state ment of taxes and fees collected during the semi-annual term beginning January 1, 1918, and ending June 30th, 1918. 1917 Taxes collected during term ". : .: 620,985.24 1915-16 Taxes collected during term zi.ftfu.bz 1914 and before, collected during term 2,642.57 Total Tax collected...... $ 545,418.33 Forest Patrol Tax collected 251.00 FEES COLLECTED 38 20 47i50 40.75 38 35 23.50 52.50 Total .-. $ 240.80 W, J. WILSON, Sheriff. I. D. TAYLOR, Tax Deputy. AMOUNTS RECEIVED SPECIAL SCHOOL FUND January 2, 1918, to amount on hand from last report. $ 6,692.80 To amounts received from 1914 and prior tax 420.15 To amounts received from 1915 and 1916 tax 3,134.63 To amounts received from 1917 tax 81,576.48 Transfers on account tax department 1917 taxes 64.49 Total amounts received - $ 91,888.53 SPECIAL CITY FUND January 2, 1918, to amount on hand from last report. ? To amount received from 1914 and prior tax. To Amounts received from 1915 and 1916 tax : To amounts received from 1917 tax 89,027.90 Transfers on account tax department 1917 taxes 3.51 2,204 27 94.19 1,395 50 Total amounts received ? 42,725.37 GENERAL FUND January 2, 1918, to amount on hand from last report ......f 47,399.73 To amounts received from 1914 and prior taxr. 634.95 To amounts received from 1915 and 1916 prior tax 8,161.12 To amounts received from 1917 tax 108,952.85 Transfers on account tax department 1917 taxe$ .50 I. M. Harrington, sale of dog tax tags 1-15 Weyerhaeuser Timber Company vs. Clackamas County 393.86 survey or J JUgn gateway by bis attorney, w. l. muivey i.ou W. J. Wilson, Tax Collector, 1911 tax of Jno. Broetji 1.14 A. L. Dunn, County Treasurer, interest collected bank deposits.... . 1,507.21 D C. Boyles, Recorder, fees for six months 2,584.07 W. J. Wilson, Sheriff, fees for six months 201 40 I. M. Harrincrton. Clerk, fees for six months 3,780.61 Ben W. Olcott, Secretary of State, Scalp Bounty 52.00 O. Wissinger, Justice of the Peace, No. 3, Fines 33.80 John N. Sievers, Justice of the Peace No 4 Fines 1,563.00 W, A. Back, Justice of the Peace No. 8,' Fines ' 60.00 John Owings, Justice of the Peace No. 15, Fines 5.00 Long distance telephone calls - 3-35 Pension Account - 30.00 A. C. Sleieht. deceased : .' 175,385.91 Total amounts received COUNTY SCHOOL FUND January 2, 1918, to amount on hand from last report $ 13,035.08 To amounts received from 1914 and prior tax . 291. 27 To amounts received from 1915 and 1916 tax - 2,689.67 To amounts received from 1917 tax - - 46,628.01 At Pennsylvania It Was Found That Application of Six Tons Was Better Than Ten, Stable manure has long been con sidered a very valuable fertilizer. It Is usually thought by farmers that the larger the application of manure the greater the crop Increase. Experimen tal data shows that such Is not the case. At Pennsylvania it was round that an application of six tons per acre gave a return of $3.29 per ton as compared with $2.29 per ton when ten tons per acre were used. This Is a dol lar a ton In favor of the lighter appli cation. At the' same rate the farmer who has a hundred tons of manure to spread can save nearly enough to pay for his manure spreader. Hand spread ing could hardly put manure on at the rate of six tons. This is not an Iso lated case. Other work has shown nn actually smaller yield with a large amount than with a smaller amount of manure. CAR WRECKER FINED FOR DRIVING WITHOUT LICENSE In the justice court last Saturday, A. Sheldon was fined $15 for driving an automobile without a license, and the car was held by the authorities pending the arrival of the proper tags, Sheldon, it developed at the hearing before Judge Sievera, had two cars at Salem, one of which had license tags. In order to get them to Portland without taking out an other permit, he took one plate from Total amounts received. $ 384.66 INSTITUTE FUND January 2, 1918, to amount on hand from last report 359.20 Total amounts received $ 359.20 GENERAL HIGH SCHOOL TUITION FUND January 2, 1918, to amount on hand from last report $ 948.92 To amounts received from 1915 and 1916 tax 806.16 To amounts received from 1917 tax 22,239.62 Total .'. ? 62,643.93 DISTRICT ROAD FUND AND SPECIAL FUND January 2, 1918, to amount on hand from last report. $ To amounts received from 1914 and prior tax... - To amounts received from 1915 and 1916 tax. To amounts received from 1917 tax Transfers on account tax department 1917 taxes C. A. Lewis, Justice of the Peace No. 5, violation road law. Rahn and Herbert, pavement by county - John N. Sievers, Justice of the Peace No. 4, "Speed Fines" Ben W. Olcott, Secretary of State, 6 U, S. Land Sales Refunds, per county clerk's office Sale of rock, gravel, castings, distillate........ 38,602.45 883.01 8,031.45 181.233.16 82.45 5.00 20.00 827.50 71.49 452 48 245.47 Total amounts received - I 230,404.46 ' COUNTY FAIR FUND January 2, 1918, to amount on hand from last report. $ 671,? Ben W. Olcott, Secretary of State, County Fair App 1,677.45 Total amounts received ...... $ 2,348.48 STATE SCHOOL FUND January 2. 1918. to amount on hand from last report $ 1,884.58 FEEDING GRAINS TO LAMBS Ground Corn, Crushed Oats, Wheat Bran and Linseed Oil Meal Is Best for Youngsters. (Ohio College of Agriculture Bulletin.) A good grain ration for Inmbs Just beginning to eat is ground corn, one part; crushed oats, one part; linseed oil meal, one part; and wheat bran, two parts. Wheat bran Is very essen tial In this ration, and the shepherd should always see that It Is present. A grain ration consisting of two pounds of wheat bran; one pound of oats (crushed oats being preferred), ' one pound of finely ground cornmeal, and one-half pound of oil meal has proved to be an "excellent grnin ration for young lambs. It has iilso been found that a grain mixture of .oil menl and corn meal has clven liPtler re suits than n iu'vi'ir- nf r.nonise" meal and ivrn MAKE YOUR $ HAVE MORE CENTS Flour Buying There is a wide distinction in the different brands of Flour, even in this day of substitutes. It may be that you have found it almost impossible to make good bread or pastry with the kind you have been using, therefore it, would pay you to drop into our store and let us explain the wide difference in the many brands on the market' today. In buying FLOUR, we guarantee to save you money. We can do this and at the same time make our legiti mate profit for the reason that we have no delivery system and sell for cash. Look over the following prices and resolve to at least pay us a visit in the near future. 3 Packages of Corn Starch 25c Barley Flour, per pound ...... ...... 7c 3 lbs. Rolled Oats .. 25c Best Rice, per pound 11c Corn Flour, per pound ...... 8c REMEMBER Any coffee for which you pay 40c a pound elsewhere, I sell at 35c . Every Saturday is Butter Day at W.B. Stokes MAKE YOUR $ HAVE MORE CENTS W.B.STOKES Foot of Elevator The Old Morgan Stand Oregon City the licensed car . and attached it to the rear of the other. With an em ploye at the wheel of the other car, they preceded north, and got as far as the outskirts of the city. They were taken in by Deputy Sheriffs Total amounts received $ .3,9917.. TRUST FUND ACCOUNT January 2, 1918, to amount on hand from last report $ 1,730.72 Total amounts received '. 1,730.72 ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND January 2, 1918, to amount on hand from last renort - $ 23.008.2 To amounts received from 1915 and 1916 tax 1,548.4b ana tney do not generally hatch until some time after harvest. The eggs are easily and quickly destroyed by fuml Meads and Joyner, primarily because they thought one of the young fel lows was a slacker. He could show no registration card, but maintained that he was but 16 years old. The duplicity of the license tags' was then discovered and the justice court proceedings followed. According to Sheldon, he had intended to have the car wrecked in Portland, and did not want to buy a license for such a short trip. One car is being held here, while with the other he pro ceeded Saturday noon to Portland. WEEVIL IN BEANS AND PEAS Eggs of Insects Are Easily Destroyed by Fumigation and Bisulphide of Carbon, The weevil which makes the buggy beans and pens lays Its eggs In the maturing beans and peas In the pod during the late summer. The eggs are not recognized by the naked eye, To amount received from 1917 tax S4,5I9.L0 Total amounts received - $ 59,096.01 AMOUNTS PAID OUT SPECIAL SCHOOL FUND June 29, 1918, Special school money paid school clerks $ 83,958.21 Express on school coupons from New York .-. 4.22 July 1, 1918, Balances on hand ..... 7,926.10 Total amounts received ....$ 91,888.53 SPECIAL CITY FUND . Special city money paid City Treasurer $ 42,023.55 Transfer on account 1917 tax receipts 16.57 July 1, 1918 Balances on hand 685.25 Total amounts received $ 42,725.37 GENERAL FUND General Funds warrants paid $ 50,085.80 T. B. Kay, State Treasurer, 1st half State Tax , 50,087.85 July 1, 1918 Balances on hand , 75,212.26 Total amounts received $ 175,385.91 COUNTY SCHOOL FUND County School Warrants paid S 45.402.40 July 1, 1918 Balances on hand...- 17,241.5" Total amounts received $ DISTRICT ROAD FUND AND SPECIAL FUND 62,613.9''. Transfers on account 1917 tax receipts $ 4.01 General and District Road warrants paid 126,819.54 interest paid on road warrants ipas.io Special road warrants paid 29,278.59 July 1, 1918 Balances on hand 69.974.17 Total amounts . received ; .t. $ 230,404.46 COUNTY FAIR FUND County Fair warrants paid $ 31.25 July 1, 1918 Balances on hand . 1 2,317.23 gatlon and bisulphide of carbon, with out Injury to the beans or peas. Place the beans or pens In an air tight vessel a stone crock, a barrel, box or bin. Place a shallow dish on top of the beans, and In this pour a quantity of bisulphide of carbon, which Is a heavy, colorless liquid, hav ing vile smell. The fumes are heavy and will quickly sink through the mass to the bottom. They are explosive, so one must be careful not to bring a light In contact with them. Cover the vessel quickly and lave It for 24 hours. A tablespoonful will be enough to fumigate the contents of a five-gallon Jar and one ounce Is enough for two bushels. AU beans and peas should be treated In this way, after which they can be kept for an Indefinite period without In Jury. . - Total amounts received $ 2,348.48 STATE SCHOOL FUND State schools warrants paid , $ 63.94 July 1, 1918 Balances on hand 830 62 Total amounts received $ 384.56 INSTITUTE FUND July 1. 1918 Balances on hand $ 359.20 Total amounts received $ 359.20 GENERAL HIGH SCHOOL TUITION FUND Transfers on account 1917 tax receipts 64.49 General High School Tuition Fund 3,470.98 July 1. 1918 Balances on hand 20,459.25 Total amounts received ? 23,994.72 TRUST FUND ACCOUNT Trust Fund "Unclaimed Estate" '. $ 20.55 July 1. 1918 Balances on hand 1,710.17 1,730.72 Total amounts received ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND Road Improvement Fund warrants paid July 1, 1918 Balances on hand - .. Total amounts received.. , 69,096.04 JULY 1, 1918 GRAND TOTAL BALANCE... $ 199,261.18 ..$ 66.050 64 8,045.40 State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. I, Alberta L. Dunn, do hereby certify that the foregoing; is a true and correct statement of the amounts received, paid out and remaining on hand, in the County Treasury of said county for the six months ending on the Z9th day or June, A. u., iia. Witness my hand this 2nd day of July, A, D., 1918. ALBERTA L. DUNN, County Treasurer. SOIL PLANT FOODS REMOVED Experiments Add Valuable Information for Farmer in Use of Commercial Fertilizer. A great many experiments, care fully controlled, have been made, to determine the amount of soil plant food removed by crops, and wnne In a general way they are more In teresting than practically Instructing for the average farmer, yet they add valuable Information along the line of the use of commercial fertilizers. The results obtained from the corn experiments show nn average use by full crops of 8!) pounds of nitrogen, 88 pounds of phosphoric acid, and 78 4-10 pounds of potash. The husking corn . uses more nitrogen In proportion than the enRlluge corn, but this Is no doubt due to the prolonged feeding seuson, developing and ripening the ears, the ensilage being cut In green stuge. There Is, however, quite a wide range shown In some of the tests, which is apparently due t6 the greater avail ability of the. soil Ingredients. For Instance, In full crops of both en sllnge and husking corn Its potash has been shown varying from CO to 100 pounds to the acre of crops, while the nitrogen nnd-pliosphorlc acid main tain their level average. For Constipation snd Biliousness Good digestion goes far toward comfort and health in hot weather. Undigested food in the stomach can quickly poison the system. Geo. Jenner, 416 Labor St., San Antonio, Tex., writes t "Foley's Cathartic Tab lets have proven the best laxative I have taken and I recommend them to any one suffering from constipation nr hninimnpaK Thev nhnlilH ha In every traveling man's grip." Quick relief for sick headache, bloating or other conditions caused by bad diges tion. Jones' Drug Co.