OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1918 "BUY WAR .SAVINGS JTAMPJ TODAY' Pictures From Home Pictures of the life he left behind him will put cheer in the life he is leading now. Keep your Kodak busy he needs the pictures. N Kodaks $7.50 up Cameras $2.00 up We do Kodak Finishing and Enlarging BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN Oregon CHy Jewelers, Suspension Bridge Corner COUNTY AND CITY LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. James Petty, of Glad stone, are sojourning at Seaside for a week or so of vacation. They have property, interests at the resort which also require their attention. S. 0. Dillman has returned from a brief vacation at Gearheart, where he has been the guest of Mr. and Mi L. Adams. Mrs. Jack Caufield was in the city over the early part of the week, at which time. she was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. David Caufield. Her hus band was also here for a brief stay. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bolds, of Van couver, and Mr. and Mrs, Walter Taylor, of Portland, were guests here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Taylor on the Abernethy over the last week-end. Miss Ora V. Roll has returned to Oregon City after being in Minne sota during the past four years. She has resumed work at the C. C. store, where she wasormerly employed. Mr. and Mrs. E. Callahan are be ing entertained at the home of the letter's sister, Mrs. M. E. LaSalle, at Gladstone. The Callahans are from Redlands, California, and in tend to spend the summer visiting with relatives here and in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Martin and daughters, Charlotte and Elizabeth, have returned from a two-weeks' auto tour of Washington. They were accompanied by Mrs. William Davis and Miss Virginia Sha,w, and a pleasant outing was enjoyed. Miss Myrtle Young and Miss Dor othy Cooper were in the city over the last week-end, visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed win Young. Both young ladies are taking the nurse's training course at the Good Samaritan hospital in Port land. Miss Lotta Livermore, of Pendle ton, is a guest here of her sister, Mrs.' A. L. Beatie. Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Bob Livermore, is also visiting in the city, where she is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Elliott. Mr. Livermore is with Uncle Sam's fighting forces. . Mrs. James McNeil and daughter, Alice, left on Tuesday for a vaca tion at Rockaway beach, in Tilla mook county, where they will be joined at week-ends by Mr. McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Keith and children, of Sacramento, are con templating returning to this city to reside. . Mrs. Keith was formerly Miss Edith Cheney, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Gentry, of Van couver, were here on combined busi ness and pleasure during the week. Before moving to Vancouver the Gentrys were residents of the Staf ford vicinity, where Mrs. Gentry's NOTICE Chautauqua Patrons You can get around the advance in prices for day' tickets at Chautauqua this year by getting your name in a "book." , . The book ticket plan is yours to take advantage of. The association does not and cannot handle books. We simply put a 50 cfent premium on initiative. Get together with nine of your friends, take $2.00 from each and add $2.00 of your own. Send the ten names with the $20.00 to Treasurer E. G. Caufield at Oregon City, Oregon and the tickets will be issued up to-July 7th. After that date it is straight $2.50. ; Single tickets, in books of 10, if purchased before July 7th ($20.00 per book).... $ 2.00 Single Season 2.50 "Daily Adult Admission 35 Daily Child's (over 12 years) ... .15 Child's Season (in books) 1.00 Child's Season, single - 1.25 I - n...!i.'.SMr. l Correct Lubrication for the "L"-Head Type Engine ' This, th "L"-Head type of automobile engine, like 11 interna combustion engines, requires an oil that holds its lubricating qualities at cylinder heat, burns clean in the com bustion chambers and goes out with exhaust. ZtROLENE fills these requirements perfectly, became it i correctly re fined from selected Cslf Comi esphelt-baee crude. "Proven Entirely Satifactory" Only perfect satisfaction can ac count for ttte use of ZEROLENE by the majority of automobile own ers. Leading coast distributors also testify that It is " most satisfactory motor oil." They know from the records of their service departments and we know from exhaustive tests that Zerolene, correctly refined from selected California asphalt-base crude, gives perfect lubrication with least carbon deposit. Get our lubrication chart showing the correct consistency for your car. ' At dealers everywhere end Standard Oil Service Stations. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) ZEROLENE I EteStiitdard 'OH 'fit 'Motor Cars 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bakers, re side. Mrs. Eads, of Meldrum station, is planning on a trip to Minnesota the forepart of next week, and expects to remain in the east for several months. Mrs. E. H. Bishop and son have returned to their home at Spokane after a pleasant visit here with Mrs. Bishop's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Spiger. Miss Gertrude Nefzger has depart ed for Berkley, California, where she will visit for a few weeks. Miss Nefzger has but reeefftly completed her duties as an instructor in the Portland schools, and remained here for a week's rest with her parents before going south. 'Mss Carmen Schmidli has gone to Eugene to take the summer school course. She was employed during the recent school term at the West Linn school'. Miss Clara Meloin, an other of the West Linn instructors, has decided to take the summer course at the normal school at Mon mouth. Miss Mary Silver, at 13th and Main streets, is entertaining the Misses Nora and Babe Thorn, of North Bend, Oregon, for an extend ed visit. C. E. Ramsby was in from Molalla during the week on business. R. B. Snodgrass, of Lebanqn, is here for a few days' business visit. Word was received here announc ing the death of the father of Thomas A. Burke, at Moscow, Idaho, during the week. ..Mr. Burke, who has been at his father's bedside, is expected to return soon to his duties as deputy district attorney, and sec retary of the Willamette Valley Chautauqua Association. A. M. Wentworth and wife are here from Plain View, . Minnesota, where Mr. Wentworth is connected with the railway business, for. a visit with W. R. Wentworth at Canemah. They will return east the first of the month. Lieutenant John Haleston, of the United States army, was visiting with friends here during the week. He is a graduate of the class of '14, Oregon City high . school and since that time has passed through West Point military school. , The Oregon City Courier and the Oregon .Parmer, both for $1.00. M. E. Dunn, former county treas urer, is visiting her for an indefinite stay with relatives. Since resigning his office, Mr. Dunn has been con nected with the Wildwood Lumber mill at Cottage Grove, as manager. The plant recently was burned, and Mr. Dunn is awaiting the recon struction. Buy W. S. S. , a rj One of a Series of Informative Artlclee on Dental HvgltnrNo. Z. What Causes Tooth Decay? WE know that when food is left ex posed to warm air for a fiven time It ferments or urns sour. Food caught be tween the teeth ferments, and this fermentation Is usually caused by very small plants called micro-organisms. Food deposits in the mouth or In between the teeth soon fer ment and decompose, forming an acid, which Is a solvent for the enamel of the teeth. One decaged tooth affects its neigh baring tooth. It will thus be seen that decay la due to the presence of fer mentingfood particles In the mouth. Removethls by means of a tooth-brush, or dental floss, or by any other way, and you will help to prevent decay of teeth. Diseases which occur In childhood, such as tonsllltls, measles, aipntnena, scanec fever, and others, cause the teeth to become liable to decay more easily. This is because during sickness the teeth do not receive proper nourishment and care. Very often the six -year molars come through with defective enamel. When this happens to them, or any other tooth, it Is very important that they be kepi clean until they can be treated and filled by the dentist. Published by the Blare Dental Association of Oregon I h" " M B" THE DIVORCE ...MILL... Hoadley Shupe is plaintiff in a divorce suit filed against Grate D. Shupe, his wife. The complaint states that they were married in Il linois in 1905, and that she deserted him a year later. Buy W. S. S. Elsie Babcock was granted a de cree of divorce from Oliver Babcock Tuesday by order of Judge Camp bell. The grounds for the suit were cruel and inhuman treatment, the wife charging that her husband drove her from their home last No vember. They were married in 1915. Buy W. S. S M. Whiting, the mother of two LOGGING COMPANY GRANT ED PERMISSION TO OPERATE An order of the Public Service Commission of Oregon has just been handed down granting the Clacka mas County Driving and Rafting company a franchise to operate their log booms on- Butte and Coal creeks, in this county. The hearing for the franchise was held here on April 30, at which time the commission took testimony from a number of the resi dents of the vicinity, who were ob jecting to the proposed enterprise. Many improvements are to be made by the company, among which will be the construction of three dams, in Coal creek, and one large one in Butte creek. They will also rip-rap the points along the shore which require protection from the log booms and rafts. One of the provisions of the order handed down by the commission was that a sure ty bond in the sum of ten thousand children, has instituted proceedings for divorce from W. L. Whiting, to j dollar3 be filed with the staj b the company before commencing the pro whom she was married in Leadville Colorado, in 1904. Cruel and inhum an treatment and false accusations of infidelity are the charges in the com plaint. The children are Lee, aged 13, and Walter, aged 7. --Buy W. S. S. In a recent decree signed by Judge Campbell, Suoma Liljeroos secured a divorce and the return of her maiden name, Suoma Wahamen, from Toivo Liljeroos, whom she married in Van couver, Washington, in November 1915. In January of last year, ac cording to the testimony at the trial, the husband deserted his spouse. Buy W. S. S. A divorce decree is asked for in a complaint just filed in the circuit ourt by Mabel E. Giese, who was married to H. J. Giese in Minneap olis in March, 1912. Soon after the nuptials were performed, the husband is charged with instituting a regime of acts of cruelty, making life bur densome for the wife. Buy W. S. S. Judge J. U. Campbell, of the cir cuit court, Monday signed decrees of divorce in two cases, Clara Mallett securing separation from Arthur T. Mallett, with the custody of their minor child, Dorothy, and the sum of $15 monthly for its care and educa tion. Emma Perronnett Groff was decreed "a divorce from Henry Wal lace Groff.. Buy W. S. S. In divorce proceedings instituted this week, Anton Fischer seeks sep aration from Alma Fischer, whom he i married in Salem, in 1905. They are the parents of two children, Eugenia, aged 10, and Robert, aged 6, the cus tody of whom the father seeks. He charges his wife with desertion, al leged to have taken place in June of 1916. The children are now under the care of the defendant, says the complaint. Buy W. S. S. , Blanche Cora Bingham has been granted a decree of divorce from John B. Bingham, on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. They were married in 1904, and have four children, the custody of whom the plaintiff asked the court to grant the defendant. The children are Ethel, Hazel, Catherine, and Wilbur. Mrs. Bingham stated at the hearing ihat the father had always treated bhe children in a kindly manner, and was better able to provide for them than she. The court allowed her the privilege of seeing the children at stated periods. Buy W. S. S. Marrying in Vancouver in 1916, and drawing a Xantippia, who has made a nervous wreck of him by her habitual indulgence in cursing, beat ing, and in otherwise physically or mentally injuring him, was the un happy lot of one Edward E. Well man, if his complaint in his suit for divorce from Angeline Wellman is to be taken as it reads. In many ways belieing her beautific name, did this spouse of Well man's make his life miserable. The grand finale in this domestic tragedy came in April of this year, when, says the plain tiff, he was badly beaten over the head with a broom, and ejected from his home. Buy W. S. S. . In one of the most pitiful com plaints ever filed here for divorce, lies the story of heart-broken Wanda Campen, the mother of a 10-months- old child, who is seeking divorce from Henry Campen, at his request, that he may marry a girl whom he had known in former years and with whom, he intimated to his wife, there had been an understanding. He claims that he had married in order to erase the former dulciniea from his mind, but the experiment had been unsuccessful. When he saw her he lost his heart all oer, and upon the event of her father forgiving him for his former escapade, and suggesting that he marry her to re pair the damage, he begged his wife to secure her release that he might make reparation .before he died, as he stated he had hot long to live, The brave wife has filed her suit for divorce, and has secured an order from the Court directing her husband to pay the sum of $50 monthly dur. ing the pendancy of the trial for the support of herself and child, and the additional sum of $100 has been ordered paid to her at once for the costs of the action, posed operations. The, company is also required to file copies of rates to be charged for driving logs and handling booms on the creeks for other concerns. - ' Buy W. S. S. SPEAKERS AT MT. PLEASANT AID IN DEDICATION OF FLAG On Saturday night, at Mt. Pleas ant, the community service flag was dedicated with a ceremony arranged by the Parent-Teachers' association. Rev. C. H. L. Chandler was the speaker of the evening, and made an excellent address. W. A. Barnum acted as chairman, and Joseph Ro man, an old soldier, made a short address, complimenting the district on the good showing made m all the patriotic endeavors of the day. The stars on the service flag are representative of the following young men: Carl Hultenburg, Wallace Mc Cord, James R. Stafford, James Dan nemann, Eugene Niles, Ralph W. Niles, William Telford, John Telford. Otis Warthen, Ray Warthen, Regin ald Vowell, Harold Graves, Gordon McKillican, Charles Andrews, Fred G. Stutts, Victor Judd, Lester Marrs, Charles Holmes, (golden star). Buy W. S. S. RED CROSS REMEMBERED BY FIRE DEPARTMENT The Columbia Hook and Ladder company, of the Oregon City volun teer fire department appropriated, at a recent meeting, the sum of $25, as a donation to the , Red Cross branch here. Gifts of money from the clerks and judges in the , primary election continue to come in, and a great per cent of these officers have turned over their county warrants received for their work on the election boards. Funds at the local Red Cross head ciuarters are always in demand, as the need of more sunnlies has, bee steadily increasing. The emergence call for bandages and other hospital accessories has . called for every available cent, and the various do nations from patriotic people and organizations throughout the county have been gratefully received. Buy W. S. S. PRUNE GROWERS ASKED TO MEET HERE JULY 1 County Food Administrator H. S. Anderson authorizes the following announcement: "All prune growers of Clackamas county are asked to meet at th County Court room in Oregon Citv on Mondav July 1. at 2:30 P. M., the purpose of this meeting beine, to se lect delegates to attend a state meet ing at the Public library in Portland on July 2nd at 9:30 A. M., at which time price regulation and other mat ters of interest will be discussed. "The announcement of the meeting in Oregon City is made at the sug gestion of W, K. Newell, Assistant Food Administrator." ' Buy W. S. S. Everyone knows best how he can reduce his expenses so that he may have more savings with which to buy War Savings Stamps. Rheumatism Arrested If you suffer with lame muscles or stiffened joints look out for impuri ties in the blood, because each at tack gets more acute and stubborn. To arrest rheumatism you must improve your, general healtt and purify your blood; the cod liver oil in Scott's Emulsion is Nature's great blood-maker while it also strengthens the organs to expel the Imparities. Scott's is helping thous ands who could sot find other relief, 60 a Boms, WoeaMU.. HAWLEY PAPER MILLS GET SITE FOR T0AL BUNKER? The Hawfty Pulp and Paper com pany, of this city, has acauir ed title to valuable building sites adioining the property now owned bv them on the southern end of Mmn treet. The new property consists of lot 1 and lot 3, in block 2. The land extends to the river, and gives the naper company ownership of all of black 2. It is the purpose of the "ompany to establish coal bunkers on the new site, as the government reg ulations will soon forbid the use of fuel oil in industrial plants. Buy W. S. S. Card of Thanks We desire to express our gratitude and thanks to our friends and brother lodgemen for their kindness and beautiful ifloral offerings; also for kindness of the Moose band at the illness and death of Carlos W. Moak. 'MRS. CARLOS W. MOAK, AND RELATIVES. Dangers of Costiveness Auto-intoxication, headache, lassi- j tnrlfl. irritnhilir.v. "hhipa anllownAcm. . - - - j i . , - - -1 blotches, are among the results of constipation. If long neglected It may cause piles, ulceration of bow lea, apendicitis, nervous prostration, paralysis. Don't delay treatment. Best remedy is Foley Cathartic Tab lets, as many thousands know from experience. They not only do their work surely, easily, gently, but with out Injury to stomach or . intertinal lining. Contain no habit-forming ele ment. Jones Drug Co. St. Celia Chorus to Assist atfRccitnl The annual recital of the piano students of Miss Sadye Evelyn Ford will be held at the Methodist church next Saturday evening, June 29th. Professor Gustav Flechtner, violinist, and the St. Celia chorus, will assist with the program. Buy W. S. S. MAKE YOUR $ HAVE MORE CENTS Your Attention should be attracted to our advertisements In this paper each week for the reason that we quote lower prices on Groceries than you will find anywhere in the city. Our Cash and Carry Method makes this possible for the reason that we pay no expense to keep up a delivery system and therefore you buy your groceries from us with this item deducted from each article. We have explained this many times to our customers, and we are glad to announce that those of our patrons that do understand about the Cash and Carry Method appreciate it. Below we again quote several attractive prices on different items in our stock: Extra Specials Before 12 o'clock Saturday, 1 pound 40c bulk Coffee ....... 25c 1 pound 60c Tea . ; 45c Other Prices for the Week 2 Cans of Tomatoes .. . 25c 2 Cans of Peas 25c Barley Flour, per pound ... , 6c Super Fine Flour, per pound . 5c Jar Rubbers, best grade, per dozen, . ... .. . . 5c AH 40c Coffee, per. pound ' : 35c VV. B. Stokes has Butter Day every Saturday MAKE YOUR $ HAVE MORE CENTS W. B. STOKES Foot of Elevator The Old Morgan Stand Oregon City Don't you need tfr'ngs for mlking and Butter makings See o ur churns and Cream Separators. TURN THE DAIRY PART OF YOUR FARM INTO A BIG MONEY MAKER BY INSTALLING A LABOR-SAVING CREAM SEPARATOR AND OUR NEW DAIRY UTENSILS. THE EXTRA MONEY YOU WILL GET FOR YOUR PRODUCT WILL PAY BIG DIVIDENDS ON THE INVEST MENT YOU HAVE MADE. ' COME IN. USE OUR HARDWARE; IT STANDS HARD WEAR. B. J. Staats Hardware Co. 524 Main Street Oregon City, Ore. t-.y,, iwjiwgMw-. Kit f.nntftnts 15Pluid Draohml r 5 IT CASTOnU ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT. AVcicfablcftcparationrorAs ihcSiomachs and Bowsa 1 Thcrcbj'Pfomo'tlnDiieslIon khecrfulncssandRcstW neither Opium, WU'B' Mineral. Not XNAHO""" Pumphli sue AU Senna JtorheUlSaUt Anlrelo" Warn W YMnpenHanr i i.ff11tnpmedYfbr ConsonandDiarry pmoishness ana tt,,Y0sSOFStEEP FM-SimileSi4n8twt fcmCENTGOHM NEW TUKBJ. For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of I '1M ..iW A r-l Ex Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years TMI OWTJIIIH . NIW VOK OIT,