Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, April 18, 1918, Image 1

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    7""' : '
36th Year '
Number 5
Complete Equipment of Regulation
Spy Found in Suspect's Belong
ings Is Taken to Portland
Thomas Reidel was arrested here
Sunday afternoon, on the suspension
bridge by Sheriff Wilson and Depu
ty United States Attorney E. C.
The officers were on -the lookout
for another man, wanted by the gov
ernment on a different charge, when
the actions of this man aroused their
interest. Upon questioning him, the
suspect showed such evident embar
assment and nervousness that he was
promptly taken into custody, as now-a-days
a pretty good accounting must
be given of one's actions. He wbb
lodged in the county jail, and search
of his clothing revealed that he had
registered at the postoffice here up
on his arrival two weeks ago, under
the alien enemy act, but no evidence
of registration for the draft was
At the Electric hotel, where he bad
been rooming for 2. weeks, were found
a number of articles that point
strongly toward Reldel as a much
wanted man. A. complete outfit of
women's wearing apparel was found,
including wigs, corsets, skirts, etc.
When dressed up in these togs, as
the prisoner did Tuesday forenoon,
at the county jail, he could easily
pass for a female.
Other incriminating articles found
with his belongings were maps, blue
prints, considerable German corres
pondence, including letters and offic
ial passports, colored sketching cray
ons, . a loaded revolver, signal flash
light, with regular and red and green,
attachments, and a badge, similar to
those issued employes at the aviation
fields. The prisoner said that he had
found the badge, but would make no
statements in regard to the ladies'
wear found in his room. He claims
that he was discharged from the Ger
man army in 1912, on account of
sickness, and that he had been in
this county since. Photographs
found with his belongings show him
in the uniform of a Hun soldier.
Some of the clothing had been pur
chased at local stores since the ar
rival of Reidel here two weeks ago.
' He said that he had come to Oregon
City from San Francisco, and stated
that he had arrived in the west from
Chicago about a year ago.
He was taken to Portland Tuesdy
afternoon by Sheriff Wilson, and was
accompanied by District Attorney
Hedges and Deputy U. S. Attorney
Latourette. He was held for investi
gation on the technical charge of
having fire-arms in his possession
without a license.
Clarence Morrell
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morrell, of
Willamette, have received word
from, their son, Clarence, to the ef
fect that he has landed safely in
France. Young Morrell enlisted with
the aviation corps, at Vancouver,
Washington, last December, and had
recently been stationed at Waco,
Texas. The letter says that he is
feeling fine, and likes the new coun
try immensely. His address is 373
Aero Squadron, A; E. F., via New
York. An older brother, Clyde, is
still with the aviation section at
Waco, and is very anxious for his
time to go "over there."
Donates But Won't Invest
Charles Shields, an employe of the
paper mills here, refused to purchase
a Liberty Bond, but donated $50 in
cash to the Red Cross. He stated
that he could not conscientiously sup
port the Liberty loan, but told the
Red Cross officials he would like to
aid the soldiers in Franc.
' " Wlk.
1 J
The body of 11-year-old Gilbert
Sidler, only son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Sidler, former residents of Glad
stone, was found in the Willamette
river opposite Meldrum station, Tues
day forenoon by Christopher J. Hays,
of 410 East 10th Street, Portland.
The boy was accidentally drowned in
the Clackamas river on February 9th,
and diligent search had failed to re
veal the location of the body. Mr.
Hays was salmon fishing at the time,
and a gust of wind had blown his
hat off into some brush that lined the
nearby shore. It was upon clamber
ing into this brush that he locat
ed the body, which had been left by
the receding waters, and which was
badly decomposed. ; County Coroner
Johnson was notified immediately,
and he departed for the scene, return
ing with the body to Oregon City,
where it is held at the Holman Un
dertaking parlors.
The family, which now resides at
Grays River, Washington, has been
notified, and funeral announcements
will be made later. At the time of
the "accident young Sidler was play
ing with friends on a bluff overhang
ing the Clackamas river, near his
home at Gladstone, and lost his foot
ing and fell into the stream, which
was quite high and swift at that,
time. Although he called for help,
and was able to swim for several
yards, his efforts to reach shore were
unavailing, and he went under for
the third time just as Richard Frey
tag, a groceryman, appeared on the
scene. Besides the two playmates,
the accident was witnessed by Mrs.
N. Junger, of Portland, who was fish
ing nearby at the time.
A recruiting party of six, in charge
of Ensign F. B. Upshaw of the Naval
Training station at Seattle, left this
week on a tour of western Oregon
for the purpose of securing recruits
for the U. S. Naval Reserve force.
The recruiting campaign is now be
ing conducted in the thirteenth naval
district, which includes Washington,
Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming
and Alaska. Ten thousand men are
wanted for the naval reserves. En
listment is for the duration" of the
war only.
The party will make their first
stop at Ashland and work north, go
ing to Medford, Grants Pass, Eugene,
Roseberg, Albany, Salem and Port
land. They will also make other
towns along this route. The re
cruiting party was scheduled to ar
rive in Ashland on Wednesday, April
17th. They will remain in each town
or city for a period of two to three
days only.
Dr. M. C. Strickland has been ap
pointed county health officer, to suc
ceed Dr. Orel Welsh, who has closed
his office and departed for Kansas,
where he will be stationed with the
medical corps, at Fort Riley. The
new health officer is a well known
medical man of the city, having prac
ticed his profession here for a great
many years.
Dr. Welsh is a native of the coun
ty, and has practiced here Bince his
graduation from Ann Arbor. His
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Welsh, of this city, and his wife and
baby will remain here at their home,
while the doctor is with the colors.
With the closing of the filing priv
ilege for political office Wednesday
evening, the line-up for the coming
primaries shows a great majority of
the jobB contested for. The county
surveyor and county recorder are the
only ones immune fom competition.
As shown by the filings at the
county clerk's office, the following
list gives the names and the offices
For County Commissioner Adam
Knight, and W. F. Harris, Republi
can. '
For Sheriff Wm. J. Wilson, D. E
Frost and 0. A. Pace,. Republican;
Henry Koehler, Democrat.
For Clerk Fred A. Miller, Geo. E.
Swafford, Republicans.
For Treasurer Alberta Dunn, J.
F, Nelson, Republicans; J. C. Sawyer,
Recorder Dudley Boyles, Rep., no
Surveyor H. H. Johnson, Rep., no
Coroner Dr. G. E. Stuart and Ed.
L. Johnson, Republicans.
Precinct Committeemen: (All Re
publican) W. L. Mulvey, Oregon City,
No. 1., E. E. Brodie, Oregon City, No.
4; L. Stipp, Oregon City No. 8; E. C.
Hackett, Oregon City No. 6.; Ed.
Olds, Oak Grove, No. 2; Wm. Beeson,
Canby No. 2; M. J. Cockrell, Molalla
No. 2; H. N. Everhart, Molalla No. 1;
W. J. E. Vick, Liberal; W W. Smith,
(Continued on Page 8)
Tuesday Meeting Adopts Resolutions
Concerning Portland Situation
Road Matters Come Up
The Oregon City Live Wires, at
their noon meeting Tuesday, unani
mously adopted a resolution of com
mendation for the stand taken by
W. F. Woodward and Rufus Holman,
in Portland, in the investigation of
the action of Miss Louise Hunt, li
brarian. The resolution as adopted
"Whereas, the Live Wires of the
Oregon City Commercial Club be
lieve that every citizen of this coun
try and. particularly every public of
ficial and employe, should be one
hundred per cent American, and
"Whereas, the action of William F.
Woodward and Rufus Holman, mem
bers of the Board of Trustees of the
Portland Library Association, who
took the position that Miss Louise
Hunt, former assistant librarian of
the Portland Public Library, should
have been dismissed for disloyalty to
our government, was based upon
proper conception of patriotism, in
a time of national stress, therefore
be it
. "Resolved,- that we, the Live Wires
of the Oregon City Commercial club
do most emphatically commend and
endorse the position of Mr. Wood
ward and Mr. Holman, for their un
swerving patriotism and American
ism, and be it further resolved that
a copy of this resolution be forward
ed to Mr. Woodward and Mr. Holman
and to the press."
The Live Wires also passed resolu
tions calling on the County court to
immediately improve the west side
road, between this city and Portland.
This road is included in the Pacific
highway, and the club contends that
the last budget provided funds for
the repairs of this road. The money
provided for state aid could be used,
says the petition to the court, to put
the road, in decent shape for traffic
and also have it prepared for the
hard surfacing which the State High
way Commission has promised for
next year. The court has intimated
that they did not intend to spend the
funds from this quarter until, next
fall. '
The resolution was introduced by
B. T. McBain, manager of the Ore
gon City branch of the Crown-Willamette
Paper mills company, and read
as follows:
"Whereas, the County Court has
been made custodian of all road funds
for the expenditure of the various
cities of the county, and
"Whereas, the rdad on the west
side of the Willamette between Ore
gon City suspension bridge and the
Multnomah County line is a disgrace
to Clackamas County, being so badly
out of repair in some places as to be
almost impassible, Now, Therefore,
be it
"Resolved, that the County Court
of Clackamas County be and it is
hereby petitioned to take such im
mediate steps as will cause the im
rebuilding of worst sections and re
pairs of the entire road, commencing
immediately on both ends of the ce
ment street in the City of Oswego,
and continuing without delay i both
directions until the enire road has
been gone over and prepared for the
hard surface the State Highway Com
mission has promised in 1919, and be
it further
"Resolved, that copies of these
resolutions be forwarded to the Coun
ty Court, the City Council of West
Linn and Oswego, the State Highway
Commission and to the press of the
County Seat."
Robert Myers, of this city, and who
has been stationed with the naval
forces in San Diego, was one of the
boys selected by officers to take the
special course at Harvard university.
Robert, who is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph R. Myers of Oregon
City, passed the examinations in
less than a week's time, and was
among the top-honor men of the
class. The lad was a visitor in Ore
gon City a short time ago, when he
spent a few days with his parents.
Popular Couple Wed
Miss 'Amy Tobin and Glenn E.
Mills, both of this city, were married
on Saturday afternoon at the Bap.
tist parsonage, with Rev. Milliken of
ficiating. The couple departed for
Seaside after the ceremony, and up
on their return will reside here. The
groom is employed at the ship-yard
in Portland, and the bride has been
connected with the clerical force at
the Oregon City Manufacturing company.
On Sunday evening last a largely
attended patriotic program was giv
en at the First Baptist church. The
building was filled until standing
room was at a premium. The occas
ion was the dedication of a service
flag with sixty-nine stars affixed.
These represent young men who have
gone from families connected with
the Baptist. Congregation, and mem
bers of the young men's organization
of that church. A golden star mark
ed the name of Harry E. Melvin of
West Linn, who died in service.
The Grand Army of the Republic
and the Ladies' Relief Corps were
preseht in a body, automobiles being
donated for the evening by a number
of friends of the old soldiers to carry
them to the building, this work be
ing in charge of the Brotherhood, un
der the direction of Messrs. W. H.
Smith and Jack Frost.
The program commenced with the
singing of America, followed by "The
Star Spangled Banner" by Mrs. Hugh
Burdon, whose husband has recently
returned from British Columbia to
enter the United States service. Old
Glory was raised by a boy scout,
Clement Lizberg, during the song.
Miss Rehner, Mrs. Burk and Mrs.
Bowland played the accompaniment.
A reading was acceptably render
ed by Prof. John Mason, and songs
were given by the Junior and Senior
Liberty Loan quartets.
Miss Carmen Schmidh, dressed as
Columbia, called the roll, and Mrs.
Milliken and Mrs. Kellogg unfurled
the flag. .
The following names were read:
Tony Alf, Eldon M. Alldredge, Dal
les Armstrong) Merle Bingham, Floyd
Blackburn, Louis Conklin, Frank
Costley, Clarence R. Crisswell, Frank
M. Criswell, Robert H. Donovan,
Clarence R. Eaton, Russell Folley,
Frank P. Fuge, Herbert S. Green,
Glen Hankins, Lieutenant John Hale-
son, Emerson Hoeye, Colby Hutchin
son, Earl Hutchinson, Clark Hughes,
Elmer G. Johnson, Lyle Kellogg,
Leslie Kellogg, Sergeant Frank W.
King, Martin II. Kleplintror, Bert
Lageson, Harry Little", Pierre McCor
mack, George McCormack, Luther
McNulty, Byron Mayo, Lester Marrs,
Wallace Mass, HARRY E. MELVIN
(deceased), John L. Melvin.
A. H. Meilike, Clare Miller, Cor
poral Wesley D. Milliken, Frank W.
Milliken, Richard Montgomery, Wil
liam Montgomery, John Montgomery,
Clyde Montgomery, Minor Moore,
Charles Moulton, Harold R. Munden,
Harold Nash, Noah Ott, Earl Pad
dock, John Rankin, Samuel H. Ran-
(Continued on Page 8)
F. Harris
W. F. Harris, prominent stock
raiser, dairyman and lumberman oi
the Beaver Creek district, has an
nounced his candidacy for the office
of county commissioner, with the fil
ing of formal papers with the county
clerk this week. Mr. Harris, in his
announcement', states that, if elected,
his administration will be one of
strictly business, with courteous
treatment for all.
' Mr. Harris has a strong following
of influential people over the county
who claim he is well qualified by. ex
perience and ability to handle the
office of commissioner. He has pros
pered as a farmer during his thirty
years of residence in this county, and
his various properties are models of
efficiency in management. He has
seved long as school director, and
gathered much valuable road making
experience during his years as su
pervisor in his district. He has many
times been associated with the grand
and circuit court juries, and has been
an active community and good roads
worker for a great many years.
Mr. Harris is a family man, and
besides one son in the army, has
an elder son, who is an O. A. C.
graduate, in charge of a large ranch
in the county. Strong support is be
ing accorded Mr. Harris in his cam
paign by a number of prominent
Clackamas county men, who feel that
in him they have a candidate with all
the essential qualities of a success
ful commissioner.
r 3
; f' '" v, t
eleven class one boys are
called to entrain for
fort Mcdowell, cal.
Will Leave Here in Five Day Period
Following May Day Substitutes
are Held in Readiness
Clackamas county's allocation for
the third special draft calls for 11
class 1 registrants. These men will
depart for Fort McDowell, Califor
nia, in the five days following May
The local exemption board has
selected the eleven men in the se
quence of their order numbers, and
those chosen were: George Smith
Bertrand, Portland, Ore.; Carl Fred
Schmeiser, Oregon City, Ore.; Henry
John Christiansen, Barton, Ore.; Car
melo Crino, Milwaukie, Ore.; Alvin A.
Kraeft, Fort Wayne, Ind.; John Ba
ker, Jr., Oregon City, Ore.; George
Clabem Bentley, Marquam, Ore.; Re
enzo William Crawford, Hillsboro,
Ore.; Emil Ernest Lehmann, Clacka
mas, Ore.; Clarence William Melvin,
West Linn, Ore.; Wm. Edwards, Ore
gon City, Ore.
The substitutes are: Robert Wil
liam Schatz, 194 Jarret St., Port
land, Ore.; Richard Polehn, Oregon
City, Ore.; John Earl Dann, Tacoma,
Wash., 3312 Cushman St.; Mikel
Joyce, Oregon City, Ore.; Christian
Wm. Borges, Boring, Ore. Rt. 3.
Under this third call, Oregon is to
furnish 251 men for service in the
national army, in addition to the 369
called out by the order of March 11,
who have already reported at Camp
Lewis; and the 923 who are to re
port to Camp Lewis in the five-day
period beginning April 26.
As Fort McDowell is an artillery
training post, the supposition is that
these men are to be put in the ar
tillery, though no official announce
ment has been made to.-that effect.
These 251 men constitute 3.4 per
cent of Oregon's first gross draft
quota. . '
All told, since March 11, a total of
1541 men from Oregon have now
been called into military service
through the draft. The state and
Various counties are to be credited
later with these men against the net
quota for the big draft call that is
coming soon.
Following is the allocation of men
to be furnished from each county un
der this call for 251 men, as announc
ed by Captain John E. Cullison, of
ficer in charge of the execution of the
draft in Oregon:
Baker 7, Benton 4, Clackamas 11,
Clatsop 9, Columbia 5, Coos 8, Crook
2, Curry 1, Deschutes 3, Douglas 6,
Gilliam 2, Grant 3, Harney 3, Hood
River 2, Jackson 6, Jefferson 2, Jo
sephine 2, Klamath 5, Lake 3, Lane
10, Lincoln 2, Linn 7, Malheur 5, Mar
ion No. 1, 8, Marion No. 2, 4, Morrow
2, Multnomah (outside city of Port
land). 4; City of Portland (10 dis
tricts), 76; Polk 5, Sherman 2, Tilla
mook 3, Umatilla. 9, Union 6, Wallo
wa 4, Wasco 5, Washington 8, Wheel
er 1, Yamhill 6. Total 251.
F. W. Humphrys has been elected
to serve as- captain of the second
company of Home Guards, recently
organized here, and he has selected
the following officers: W. M. Janen,
First Lieutenant, and H. F. Tschirgi,
Second Lieutenant. The non-com'
missioned officers will be chosen lat
er. The company drills on Monday
nights, at Busch's hall, and the new
commander has stated that he would
like to have all the men of draft age
come out and derive the benefits of
drill. He is especially urgent in
having registrants take advantage of
this preliminary training, and cites
an instance of where one of his
former men was promoted to corpor
al within three days of arriving at a
cantonment due to the Home Guard
Captain Humphrys is well quali
fied to handle the work of instilling
knowledge of militaryism in the
minds of the recruits, having had
charge of home guard organization
previously. He was formerly cap
tain of a company at. Astoria. He
has served ten years as 1st Lieuten
ant in Co. "A," 0. N. G., is a veteran
of the Spanish-American war, where
he was a corporal in Co. "M," 2nd
Oregon, and has served as 1st Lieu
tenant in 9th Co. Coast Artillery,
Civil Action for Money Dismissed
In the case of George C. Will ver
sus Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Wilson, which
was being heard by jury in the Cir
cuit court Saturday, the suit was
dismissed by order of Judge Camp
bell, who had been advised after the
lunch hour recess that an understand
ing had been reached by the parties
concerned. The action was a civil
suit for the recovery of money al
leged to 1m due.
The 89 Clackamas class 1 regis
trants to be called for the new con
tingent, have been selected by the
local board, and are as follows: Al
bert B. Roadarmel, Milwaukie; Wil
liam J. Nichols, Portland; Adolf
Haidlen, Fossil; John Zimmerman,
Willamette; Chester Allen Dickey,
Molalla; Clyde R. Walker, John Day;
Ora Ellwood Coover, Molalla; Lo
renz F. Ficken, Sherwood; August
G. Heller, Boring; I. P. Dewey, Port
land; Christian Edward Hostetler,
Marshfield; David N. Nordling, Cor
vallis; Andrew Thomas Kroll, Oswego-
George Alfred Otty, Milwaukie;
Lewis Earl Evans, Oswego; Raymond
Glenn Irish, Oregon City; John G.
Adams, Aurora; Joseph Herman Ber
nert, Oregon City; Aaron 0. Beugli,
McMinnville; Rex V. Stubbs, Molalla;
John Wesley Founds, Oregon City;
Charles P. Mueller, Mulino; Carl
Jones, Clackamas; Theodore R. Wor
thington, Milwaukie; William Davis,
Oregon City; Walter Hauschel, Mil
waukie; John Davis, Oregon City;
Webster Roberts, Sandy; Edgar Mil
ler White, Aurora; Warren P. Mc-
Willis, Estacada; Gilbert Johnson,
Oswego; Alvin D. Sherman, Molalla;
Fred William Leuenberger, Clacka
mas; Henry Victor Puylaert, Oswego;
and Allasia Giobattista, Milwaukie.
Five substitutes have also been se
lected, and will hold themselves pre
pared to take the place of any of the
foregoing who may be rejected. The
substitutes selected are Elmer H.
Schultz, Aurora; Carl Fred Schmeis
ter, Oregon City; Henry John Chris
tianson, Barton; Carmelo Crino, Mil
waukie, and John Baker, Jr., Oregon
City, Oregon.
The new draftees will assemble in
Oregon City, and prepare to depart
for Camp Lewis the latter part of
the month.
The Gladstone Red Cross are plan
ning on an entertainment to be giv
en in that city, , the Christian
church, next Saturday evening. A
small admission will be charged, and
the proceeds will be devoted to, the
Red Cross work. A tableaux, "The
Cross Beside the Flag," will be pre
sented, and an interesting program
of vocal and instrumental music ren
dered. The characters in the tab
leaux will be portrayed by Gertrude
Edwards, as "America;" Myrtle
Bruce, as "Christianity," Fayn Bur
den, as "Liberty," Alice Freytag, as
"Mercy," Zella McFarland, as "Hope,"
and Marjorie Read as "Peace." There
will be also those in the cast to take
the parts of Daughters of Freedom
and Loyal Sons.
An address by James H. Carey, the
"Liberty Loan Bomb Thrower," will
be a feature of the evening. A num
ber of the other events are on the
program, and a good time is assured
those attending.
At the regular meeting of the Ore
gon City branch of the American
Red Cross tonight, the matter of ac
cepting the money earned by the elec
tion judges and clerks at the coming
primaries will be taken up. The
movement to have this money donat
ed to the Red Cross was taken up
some time ago, with the primary
idea of having the county employ
only such election officers as would
volunteer to donate their wages for
the day's work. Since then, however,
it has been decided to ask each of the
selected officials if they will do this,
and a great number have already
signified their willingness.
There will be about 800 officers all
told in the county, and at three dol
lars apiece the total will run close
to $2,600. 'Red Cross officers here
state that there is nothing compul
sory about the matter, but that those
donating will be given individual
credit for the amount. The money
will be used in maintaining the work
rooms of the local branch, where a
great many needed articles are made
each week.
Emerson Hoeye in France
Mr. and Mrs. George Hoeye have
received notice of the safe arrival of
their son. Emerson, in France. The
young man is attached to the naval
forces, and was at Bremerton before
his trip east. He has now been reg
ularly assigned to one of the ships-of-war.
Gladstone Woman Stricken
Mrs. Joseph Schumacher, of Glad
stone, was taken with a sudden at
tack of paralysis at her home last
Tuesday evening, about eight o clock,
The affliction has left her unable to
use her entire left side. Mrs. Schu
macher is the mother of James Mc
Neil, of West Linn.
Judge Ties Knot
H. C. English, a Portland railway
man, and Miss M. J. Antone were
married by County Judge Anderson
Saturday afternoon.
Agent Wishes to Have Farmers Aid
in Exterminating Pest Has -Government
(By -R. W. Arens)
The Canada thistle is probably the
worst weed we have to contend with
in this county and we want to get it
under control and keep it there.
Every farmer should start right now
to eradicate it the sooner the bet-,
ter, so let's get busy right away.
Following are the methods in use
at this time and the ones which have
proven most satisfactory in cleaning
out this pesky ground thief.
Don't let them go to seed.
In the seed is the life of a new
plant so kill it. The seed is carried
some little distance by the wind. It
is also spread in hay, manure, grain
and etc.
When this weed occurs only in
small areas, it should be cut close to.
the ground when in the full bloom
and the spot completely covered with
tar or building paper over-lapped
and weighted with rails or earth so
that the light is completely exclud
ed from the plants. This can be done
only on level ground, of course. On
more uneaven ground, a very heavy
covering of straw from an old stack
bottom, or manure at least two feet
in deptn. when settled may be used.
In either case, the covering should be
left on the spot until the fall or the
following spring, when it may be
removed, and the ground plowed,
kept thoroughly cultivated until seed
ing time, and then put into a row
crop such as corn checkrowed so that
it. may be thoroughly cultivated
throughout the following summer.
Or in place of corn, a smother crop
of p&ia and vetch sown very .thickly
may be used.
Where only a few scattered indi
vidual plants are found, these should
be cut off just below the surface of
the ground when they are in bloom
and a generous handful of common
stock salt thrown on the roots, qr in
stead of the salt, a small amount of
crude oil may be applied.
Where the Canada thistle occurs in
a number of small patches or clumps
scattered through a field, these may
best be handled by smothering (as
previously described).
(Continued on Page 8)
J. C. Sawyer
J. C. Sawyer has announced him
self as candidate for the office of
County Treasurer, on the Democratic
ticket. Mr. Sawyer is well known all
over the county, having resided here
for a number of years. He served in
the Civil war, and has been comman
der of the Meade Post, G. A. R. in
this city.
In speaking of his candidacy Mr.
Sawyer says:
"In announcing myself a Demo
cratic candidate foi treasurer of
Clackamas county, Oregon, I wish it
known that for the past 28 years I
have been interested in the promo
tion of the welfare of our great
state, have been paying taxes and
residing in Clackamas county for 15
years of that time; served in the
Civil war for the preservation of the
Union and have commanded the Ore
gon City post of the Grand Army of
the Republic; have, been engaged in
commercial business practically all of
my life and if elected and honored
with the office of County Treasurer,
wish to hereby pledge my faithful
and undivided attention and years of
business experience to the efficient
discharge of the duties of said office,"
ii i. ftiffiiifflff-ninn -i