Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1918)
OREGON CITY' COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1918. Additional III Locate fr : : .. . . ... VII .... You Are Invited to Attend BA WOW'S i Wednesday Evening, 8:15 to 9:15 March 20, 1918 Music and a Fascinating Portrayal of New Apparel , v Shown on Living Models Seats will be provided and the evening will be one of pleasure-COME EARLY Welcome to our Opening Oregon City 's , Greatest Style Show K30 GREATER element of i M i safety surrounds the vast I sums contained in the .msm United States Treasury than surrounds the money de posited with us by our small army of depositors. (fYour money placed in our hands is not only in safe keeping, but it is increasing in volume without effort on your part. It is providing the com petence that will be needed for old age or that "rainy day" that should be anticipated. (J We offer the people of this community every inducement to save that is consistent with safe banking. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS . Zbt Tirst national Bank (U. S. Depository) MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE BANK THE SPRING DRIVE Our boys are going Over the top" and into " No man's land " this spring. No one has any doubt of their ability to get there. . There will also be a spring drive on this side of the ocean because March is the year's " blut Moir day." It is the most fatal month of the year. March and April is a time when resistance usually ia at lowest ebb. It is a trying season lor the " run-down" man. But medical science steps in, and says, " it need not be" I We should cultivate a love of health, a sense of responsibility for the care of our bodies. Do not allow the machinery of the body to clog. Put the stomach and liver in proper condition. Take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, to be had at most drug stores in tablet or liquid form, tablets sixty-cents a vial, com posed of native herbs. This puts the stomach and liver in proper condition. You may be plodding along, no spring, no elasticity, no vim, but as soon as you have put the body into its normal physi cal condition oiled the machinery, as it were you will find new vim, vigor and vitality within you. A little "pep," and we laugh and live. Try it now. Send Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c. for trial package. A little energy will save the day. The prime necessity of life is health, with spirit and energy you have the power to force yourself into action. The Golden Medical Discovery is the spring tonic which vou need. 1 In a suit filed recently, Ella T. Henrich asks divorce from Adam Ilenrich, to whom she was wedded last December. She charges in her complaint that she was often hiimil- j iated by her husband's charges peated statements that he was sorry 1 he married her. Willamette Valley Southern Railway Co. Arrival and Departure of Trains Leave Southbound 7:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M. . ' 2:60 P.M. 7:20 P.M. Daily Freight The American at Oregon City Arrive Northbound 8:20 A.M. ' 10:55 A.M. 2:20 P.M. 5:40 P.M. Service (except Sunday). Express Co. operates over this line. THE RED CROSS NURSES OF EUROP ARE GIVING TOASTED CIGARETTES TO THE BOYS ' Miss Celia Goldsmith will display the millinery styles for "Spring and Summer, beginning Monday, March 18th, and following days. County Clerk Iva Harrington was confined to her home during the latter part of the week by a severe attack of la grippe. C. W. Owings, a farmer of the Hubbard district, called at the Cour ier office while in town last Saturday. J. C. Enghouse was over from Clackamas on business during the week. Mrs. Raymond Caufield is at Med ford, where she visits her parents. The Missed Snow and Nannie Heat on have returned to Oregon City, and will reside here in the future. They are former residents of the place. Miss Snow Heaton is connected with the Enterprise force. Coming in from Boring on ' last Friday for a brief business visit, was A. Heacock. Miss Celia Goldsmith will display the millinery styles for Spring and Summer, beginning Monday, March 18th, and following days. W. H. Harris, who operates a dandy stock farm at Beaver Creek, was here during the week for a short stay. Mrs. George Buck has returned from her California trip, where she visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Spooner, at Los Angeles. J. C. Roberts was among the Clack amas contingent to visit the county seat during the week. Miss Celia Goldsmith will display the millinery styles for Spring and Summer, beginning Monday, March 18th, and following days. MOLALLA CHILD IS BURNED TO DEATH (Continued from Page 1) The mother of the victim has been quarantined at the home of her sis ter, Mrs. Harvey N. Everhart, on ac count of the scarlet fever at their home, and the child had been left in the-care of the aunt. Dorfis was the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Adams, well known Molalla pioneers, and her father, Clyde Engle, is an employe of the Robbins store at that place. A TWICE-TOLD TALE One of Interest to Our Readers Good news bears repeating, and when it is confirmed after a long lapse of time, even if we hesitated to believe it at first hearing, we feel se cure in accepting its truth now. The following experience of an Oregon City man is confirmed after three years. Thomas Trembath, 310 Sixth St., says: "I have bought Doan's Kidney Pills at Huntley Bros. Co.'s Drug Store and they have my endorse ment. I used them when my back and kidneys bothered me and they, certainly made the soreness and lameness in my back disappear in short order." (Statement given April 4, 1913.) On April 17, 1916, Mr. Trembath said: "Doan's Kidney Pills can't be equaled for backache and other signs of trouble. Whenever my back pains or my kidneys are out of order, a few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills fix me up all right." 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Mil-Co., Mfrgs., Buftalo, N. Y. H0FF The Highland-Alberta-Shubel Red Cross society met at the home of Mrs. L. A. Rutherford and spent a very profitable and enjoyable after noon. Mrs. Rutherford, as hostess, in a, charming manner served graham wafers and lemonade. Mrs. J. May field and Mrs. Minnie Traylor divid ed the work as follows: The High land and Alberta districts will make the shirt part of the pajamas, and the hospital shirts; the Shubel dis trict the pants part of the pajamas, and the Shubel and Alberta localities took the knitting. Attending from Highland was Mrs. C. C. Kandle; from Shubel: Mrs. A. Hornschuh, Mrs. A. S. Babcock, Mrs. John D. Moehnke, Mrs. John G. Moehnke, Mrs. Chris Moehnke, Mrs. Albert Moehnke and Mrs. G. Sturznegger; from Alberta Mrs. L. A. Ruther ford, Mrs. John Rogers, Mrs. Nat. Scribner, Mrs. Joe Van Hoomison, Mrs. C. Gard, Mrs. M. Traylor, Mrs. J. May field, Miss Jennie Ziegler, Miss Blanche Rogers and Miss Matilda Jacobs. New workers from Highland were: Miss Ethel Mason, Mrs. R. B. Mason, Miss Mae McNaught and Mrs. R, Simms. The next , meeting will be held at the home of' Mrs. C. C. Kandle, Highland, on April 5th. Miss Lela Traylor has been reelect ed teacher of the Drain school. After a pleasant visit witfi her parents she has returned to Drain, Ore. m m iif 11S1C a war-time necessity Imagine, if you can, a nation going into war without the thrill of music! Imagine, if you can, a nation battling through the dark days of a prolonged struggle without the heartening comfort of music! The Victrola is literally the nation's chief source of music. More Americans and Americans in the making have learned "The Star Spangled Banner" from the Victrola than from any other one source. " ctrola The Victrola is in millions of homes. It is in camp, on shipboard, in the trenches, the hospitals, the schools, and the churches. It is one of the greatest if not the greatest means of diversion. Let us put a Victrola in your home You'll hardly miss the outlay in convenient payments, but you arc missing the influence of the world's best music every day you are without a Victrola. Victors and Victrolas ?10 to ?400. HUNTLEY DRUG CO. EXCLUSIVE VICTOR AGENTS What you want Is quick relief. Here's a fifty year old remedy that has proven beneficial for millions. Try it yourself. gsoiQDyau oruggists. 2 " wm a mm I I for Coughs s Colds Dizzy? Bilious? Constipated? Dr.King'sNewLife Pillscause a healthy flow of Bile and rid your Stomach and Bowels of waste and fermenting body poisons. They are a Tonic to your Stomach and Liver and tone the general system. First dose relieves. Get a bottle today. all druggists. true patriotism, in every issue of his paper? As a food issue, many of us are long on spuds and short on flour. As a result a much larger area will be allotted the latter, with a correspond ing decrease of the former in the 1918 harvest crop. The weather has been, just moist enough to keep the farmer out of the fields the past week. Mrs. George Shriner visited Sell wood friends the first of this week. The Meindls, from Sell wood, ac companied by Mrs. G. M. Lazelle, are now settled in the latter's home for the summer. Miss Lessie McDonald, of Ontario, is a guest at the Dodds' home. done or I .couldn't live. We noticed an advertisement for Foley Kidney Pills and sent for some. They have done me more good than all other medicines." Jones Drug Co. Miss Bertha Knickerbocker Miss Bertha Knickerbocker, popu lar daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knickerbocker, of Quincy addition, Milwaukie, died at the home of her parents last Monday. She was 30 years of age, and besides her par ents leaves four sisters to mourn her death. These are Mrs. Hazel Spring, Mrs. Grace Lakin, and the Misses Ruth and Edith Knickerbocker. Miss Knickerbocker was born in Michi gan, but had lived in Oregon for 'a number of years. At the time of her illness she was employed in a Port land store. The. burial was in, the Multnomah cemetery. Order your War Savings stamps early. They'll never be so cheap again as they are this month. They cost $4.13 in February, and $4.14 in March. A penny saved is a penny earned. It's the little things in life that count. That's thrift. Send The Courier to France for $1. Kryptok Glasses are for everyoife who needs perfect bifocals. They enable you to see both near and far objects clearly without remov ing or changing glasses. KRYPTOKS pro nounced Crlp-tocks) are 'the only double vision glasses with clear, smooth, even surfaces. PRUDDEN m P Bifocal She Was in Bed Two Months Women suffering backache, rheu matic pains, sore muscles, stiff joints or any symptom of kidney trouble, should read this letter from Mrs. S. C. Small, Clayton, N. M.: "I had been under the doctor's care all sum mer and in bed two months, but kept getting worse. In January I got, so bad I told them something1 had to be The CORRECT TREATMENT FOR COLDS Coldfc are contracted when strength is lowered and the inflammation easily develops bronchitis or lung trouble, while grippe and pneumonia frequently follow and any cold should have immediate treatment with J The National Strength-Builder which first builds up the forces by carrying rich nourishment to the blood streams and creates real body warmth. I' cod liver oil is the favorite of physicians for correcting bronchial disorders and chest troubles. The Imported Norwegian cod liver oil always used in Scott'i Emuhion is now refined in our own American laboratories which guarantees it free from impurities. Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield. N. J. 17-19 COTT'5 EilULSIOi: Office phones: Main 50, A50; Res. phones, M. 2524, 1715 HomeB25l,D251 WILLIAMS BROS. TRANSFER & STORAGE : Office 612 Main Street ' Safe, Piano, and Furniture Moving a Specialty Sand. Gravel, Cement, Lime, Plaster, Common Brick, Face Brick, Five Brick "" - - To anyone who doesn't know of the wonderful advances that have been made in thfl IIMnnMfinH f - I 1 trt Y.a 1 ... f ... ..a n n I 1 I ... n.v- iihl it jrcaia ii may ouuwi ou allgc to speak of toasted Cigarettes, j Strictly speaking, we should say ciga rettes made of toasted tobacco; the smok ers of this country will recognize it more readily by its trade name, " LUCKY , STRIKE "the toasted cigarette. The American Tobacco Company are 1 producing millions of these toasted ciga 1 rettes and these are being bought in enormous quantities through the various ; tobacco funds conducted by the news ' DaDers nf thn rnnntrv nnrl fnra.rt.j through the Red Cross Society to the boys in France. This new process of treating tobacco not only improves the flavor of the tobacco j but it seals in this flavor end makes the cigarettes keep better. I TWILIGHT It is now 50-50 and if the war con tinues two years longer,' which is quite probable, Hoover may throw j the odds against us. j Why doesn't some patriotic editor j carry Lincoln's Gettysburg speech, ' prominently placed, as a reminder of Cold, rain, winds, and dampness bring out the rheumatic aches. An application of Sloan's Liniment brings quick relief. No rubbing. It penetrates. The Red Cross nurse is always glad to have a cigarette for the wounded soldier, as, in most instances, that is the first thing asked for, Better Coffee At Less Money Our Facilities are Exceptional in This Line We maintain a coffee roasting plant in Portland and also buy our coffee in large quantities in the green. We can therefore sell you at regular wholesale prices such as the ordinary grocer has to pay himself. Every ounce of every pound is guaranteed to give complete satisfaction. ( Regular 45c Coffee, 33c; Regular 40c Coffee, 28c; Regular 30c Coffee, 23c; Regular 35c Coffee, 25c; 2 pounds for 65c; 2 pounds for 55c; 2 pounds for 45c; 2 pounds for 45c; 3 pounds for 95c 4 pounds for $1.10 5 pounds for $1.10 5 pounds for $1.10 ALL GROCERIES BOUGHT IN IMMENSE QUANTITIES AND SOLD AT GREAT REDUCTIONS THROUGH OUR CASH AND CARY METHODS we are in the Market for All the Eggs We Can Get at the Highest Market Prices 20th Century Grocers & Coffee Roasters 611 Main Street (At the Old Barlow Stand) Oregon City, Oregon