OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1918, 10 DELINQUENT TAX LIST (Continued from Page 8) Ida M. Dundas NE of NEV4 and WH of E of SEVt Sec. 32, T 4, R 4 E; $12.39. Ida M. Dundas SE of NWli of Sec. 32, T 4, R 4 E; $5.90. T H. Brtnkley W of NE4 ot SWW, Sec. 32, T 4, R 4 E; $2.95. , H. D. Northrup E Sec. 35, T 4, R 4 E; $35.68. H. D. Northrup W Sec. 36, T 4 R 4 E: $38.24. R W. Forbes NWVi' of NE, Sac. of SEy4 and E of EV4 of NW of SEV4. Sec. 36, T 4, R 4 E; $4.17. J H. Moody SE4 of SW of SE u, Sec. 36, T 4, R 4 E;' $1.24. Otto Bauchspies 14 acres in Sam 1 Hughes DLC; $6.13. Arthur Scott 134 acres In Win. Stricklin DLC; $43.54. r. R. White SEy4 of Sec. 4, T 5; R 4 E; $28.21. E. F.I Leliord SV4 of SEVi1 and SE i f aw v. and It 7. See. 6, T 5, R 4 E; $17.69. Chas. W. Swan NE of Sec. 8, 'Nina Joy-N'i of NV& Sec. 10, T 1 5, R. 4 E; $12.96. Security Savings & Trust Co. NW of Sec. 34, T 5, R 4 E; $14.64. Security Savings & &Trust Co. N of NE4 and SEV4 of NE and NE of SEy4, Sec. 34, T 5, R 4 E; Joseph E. Stauffer E of NW14 and Lota 1 and 2, Sec. 18, T 6, R 4 E; 1171.10. Northwest Auto Co. SEy of &wy4 and SWy4( of SE, Sec. 32. T 6, R 4 E; $2.90. Marthena Gosslin NMs of NV4 of S of NE'i, Sec 34, T 6, R 4 E; $26.10. ,, W. T. Wade E of SE and SE'A of NE'i and lots 1 and 2, Sec. 6, T 7, R 4 E ' $8 98 James P. Graham W of SE'A and Eft of SW Sec. 6, T 7, R 4 E; $9.28. Charles W. Lorenz E of NEft and SW' of NBft and SE of NW Sec. 14, T 7, R 4 E; $20.30. W. O. Walter NEy4 Sec. 16, T 7, Moritz Uhllck 40 acres, Sec. 16, T 7. R 4 E; $3.48. Victor E. Wenzel 20 acres, Sec 16, T 17, R.4 E; S174. C. W. Geary Nft of NWft, Wft of SW of NWVi' & Sft of SEVi of NW y4, NEVi of sei or rvwy4 01 iu,-ei E' $8 70 Myrtle G. Botsford SWVi Sec. 2 TO n A. -KV t1S as Myrtle G. Botsford SEVi Sec 2, T 8, R 4 E; $96.23. John F. Killortn E bf SWU, Sec 9, T 8, R 4 E; $40.34. Myrtle G. Botsford EV4 of Sec. 10, T 8, R 4 E; $151.88. Myrtle G. Botsford Wft and SEV4 Sec. 11, T 8, R 4 E; $77.52. Nettle Connett NV4 of NEVi, Sec. 28, T 1, R 5 E; $16.93. Geo. A. Gerry 11 acres In Sec. 28, T 1, R 6 E; $1.96. M. & C. Phillips, F. Ilias and L. T Trepcow N 25 acres of NV4 of SW ft, Sec. 28, T 1, R 5 E; $4.50. Louis Hanlherg 20 acres in S3C 5, T 2, R 5 E; $8.52. Wm. H. and Lulu Winters 18.25 5 E: $5.43. Nettle B. Vaile 7acres in Sec 10, T 2, R 6 E; $126. Garrett, Ben Lulu Pickens, Genette and Myrtle Pickens 26.50 acres Sec. in T 9 n R i!i.fi7. jamss T. Ogden Nft of SEVi of Sec. 10, T 2, R 5 E; $35.42. Elizabeth F. C. Brewster NWVi of SEft and NEft of SWVi, Sec. 11, T 2, R 5 E; 7.08. Minnie A. Wolfsen 8.71 acres' iu Sec 14, T 2, R 5 E; $1.88. E- & Elvlna E. Coalman 20.50 acres. Sec. 17, T 2, R 5 E; $6.61. Thomas Anderson 8.98 acres, Sec. 18, T 2, R 5 E; $6.34. George H. Waite 1 acre in Sec. 18, T 2, R 5 E; $3.68. Lorena G. and L. D. Kidder Nft of NWVi of Sec. 22, T 2, R 5 E; (45.80. Harry Warren SEft of SEft and Wft ot SEft and Eft of SWft,, Sec 23, T 2, R 5.E; $66.14. Howard Watklns NWft of NWft Sec. 24, T 2, R 5 E; $18.97. W. R. & Phoebe Allen SWft Sec. 24, T 2, R 5 E; $13.73. Austin F. Flegel Jr. 9.50 acres in Sec. 25, T 2, R 5 E; $5.23. Ted and Grace Vanorman NEft, of SEft Sec 29, T 2, R 5 E; $8.45. J. W. Wxson 10 acres Soc. 30, T 2, R 6 E; $2.77, Geo. E. & Ethel M. Williams Nft of NWft of NEft Sec 32, T 2, R 5 iJ; $1219. Frank H. Spears SWft of SEft of NWft of Sec. 6, T 3, R 6 E; $1.91. H. G. Huntington Wft ot SEft' of Sec. 6, T 3, R 5 E; $13.08. R. U. llunnaford Nft of SWft and SWft! of SWft Sec. 16, T 3, R 6 E; $24.87. Eastern Inv. Co. Wft' of Eft of SEft 7, Wft of SEft Sec .22, T 3, R 5 E; $22.29. J. C. Nolll NEftl Sec. 24, T 3, R 5 E; $12 50. Wm. H. Patterson Nft of SEft & SEft of SEft' Sec. 26, T 3, R 5 E; $57.61. Sherman Gets 20 acres, Sec. 26, T 3, R 5 E; $1.98. Thomas A. Leonard 15 acres 7; Sec. 26, T 3, R 5 E; 11.49. Elwood & llattle Hanson Wft ot Eft of SWft ot NWft, and Eft of W ft of SWft ot NWft, Soc. 26, T 3, R 6 E; $1.98. John L. WlWsle NWft of SWft Seo. 26, T 3, R 5 E; $3 96. F. M. 0111 Sft of Sft Soc 28, T 3, R 5 E; $24.80. S. L. & A. U McKenzlo, Geo. E. Quigl'.e ft interest in 35 acres ot SEft of NWft, Ex Eft of Eft of SE ft of NWft of .Sec. 26, T 3, R 5 E; $2.48. F. M. Gill Sft of Sft of Soc, 28, T 3, R 5 E; 124. 80, Veronica A. Brewer NEft of NW ft of Sec. 28, T 3, R 6 E; $8.07. James M and Francis M. Whelean NWft Sec. 30, T 3, R 5 E; $31.22. Minnie H. La Barre SEft ot SWft, Sec. 31, T 3, R 5 E; $4.96. Keginald T. and Alllce E. Carter NWft of SEft, Sec. 31, T 3, R 5 E; $7.44. Stephen & Mary Pesznecker SWft of SWft Sec. 32. T 3, R 5 E; $2 42. Harry A. and Minnie B. La llarre 20 acres in Sec. 2, T 4, R 5 E; $1.19. George Hathaway S 30.12 acros of NEft of SEft Sec. 3, T 4, R 6 E; $2.96. Ella Royce 10 acres, Sec 4, T 4, R 5 E; $1.24. Charity M. Rawlins SEft ot NEft and Nft of SEft and E 30 acreB ot NEft of SWft of Sec. 4, T 4, R 5 E; $12.90. B. T. Rawlins W 10 acres of NEft Of SWft of Sec. 4, T 4, R 5 E; $1.24. Lydla A. Wood Eft of SWft of Sec. 6, T 4, R 5 E; $9.92. Carl A. DavlB Wft of SWft of Sec. 6, T 4, R 5 E; $16.00. F. L. Heylman NEft of NWft Sec. 11, T i. R 6 E; $3.96. Albert Kreiger NEft of Sec 14, T 4, R 6 E; $5.94. Fabrlcus Toy & Notion Co. Nft of SEft of Sec. 14, T 4, ti 5 E; 19.50. Mrs. Mae E. Mayger SWft of Sec. 14, T 4, R 5 E; $15.84. F. E. Reiner NEft of NEft of NWft S3C. 30, T 4, R 5 E; $2.98. C. W. Hadden NWft of NEft of SEft and NEft of NWft of SEft ot Sec. 14, T 2, R 6 IS; $2.1S. E. S. J. McAllister NEft of Sec. 16, T 2, R 6 E; $26.91. J. W. & M. A. Strucken So. 30 acres of NEft of SWft, Sec. 19, T 2, R 6 E; 19.48. Hez Caples NWft of NWft Sec. 21, T. 2, R 6 E; $4.96. i Francis M. Wm. A. Stone Sft or SWft and NWft, of SWft Ex. Nwly 6 acres, Sec. 22, T 2, R 6 E; $38.19. Edward H. and Alice King svvy4 of SEft. and SEft of SWft and 15 acres of Sec. 23, T 2. R 6 E; $14.64. Francis R. Saunders ft of SEft of SEft of Sec. 24, T 2, R 6 E; $3.90. Mary Alice Wittenberg, L. B, Wick ersham Half int. each in Eft of SW ft Sec. 24, T 2, R 6 E; $7.32. Edward H. and Alice King 210 acres in Sec. 26, T 2, R 6 E; $110.88. John W. Minto Tr SEft Sec. 28, T 2, R 6 E; $30.18. Harry L. Keats Nft of Nft Sec. 28, T 2, R 6 E; $29.57. Fank Sivois NEft of Sec. 32, T 2, R 6 E; $26.97. I. D. and Hattie Turner-r-SEft Sec 32, T 2, R 6 E; $13.57. Carrie C. Copple NWft Sec 34, T 2, R 6 E; $24.64. Lillian B. Fisher NEft Sec. 34, T 2 R 6 E; $33.26. Marjorie T. Noble Wft of SWft and SEft of SWft, Sec. 36, T 2, R 6 E; $43.12. Jacob H. Cook Wft of SWft Sec. 8, T 3, R 6 E; 89.65. SliKh Funrniture Co. SEft and Sft of NEft and NWft of NWft Sec. 16, T 3, R 6 E; $45.90. R. W. and W. F. Cary ft int. in SEft of NEft Sec. 25, T 6, R 6 E; $3.96. , . E. C. Hunt ft lut. in SEft of NE ft Sec 25, T 6, R 6 E; $3.96. Carrie E. Dufur Wft Sec. 22, T 2, R 7 E; $20.24. W. R. McGarry Eft of Eft Ex. 25-100 A in NW cor Sec 22, T 2, R 7 E; $15.81. Percy F. & R. Shelly Nft of NW ft Sec. 26, T 2, R 7 E; $5.56. Carrie E. Dufur NWft Sec 27, T 2, R 7 E; $26.94. John C. Logan, James E. Merriman, Mack Stanfield, Alfred J. Franklin 25 acres In Sec. 27, T 2, R 7 E; $3.16. H. P. Bush & A. E. Borthwic.k 20.10 acres, Sec. 27, T 2, R 7 E; $3.29. Clinton A- Ambrose SWft of S W ft, of Sec. 29, T 2, R 7 E; $4.55. Clinton A. Ambrose Nft of SWft Sec. 29, T 2, tt 7 E; $10.45. A. E. Borthwick W 50 A. of Nft of SEft. and SEft of NWft and NEft of SWft of Sec. 30, T 2, R 7 E; $24.60. Clinton A. Ambrosa SEft of SEft Sec. 30, T 2, R 7 E; $6.15. Clinton A. Ambrose 26.50 acres Sec. 32, T 2, R 7 E; $6.12. West Hoow Co. 40 acres in Sec32, T 2, R 7 E; $4.90. West Hood Co. 26.50 acres in Sec. 32, T 2, R 7 E; $3.21. Charles W. Mackrow Eft of NW ft of NEft of NWft Sec. 32, T 2, R 7 E; $1.48. Louis Neischel 7.50 acres, Sec 33, T 2, R 7 E; $1.90. Julia Kessler 36.11 acrjs, Sec. 33 T 2, R 7 E; $7.80. Blanche V. Hulbert 10 acres, Sec, 34, T 2, R 7 E; $2.30. Betsie A. Booth Sft of SEft of NWft, Sec. 36, T 2, R 7 E; $1.22. Madge Montgomery 30 acres, Sec. 36, T 2, R 7 E; $1.84. W. R. Glendining Nft of NWft and Wft of NEft Sec 8, T 3, R 7 E $12.24. Claude V. Chapman Nft of SEft and NWft', of SEft of SEft and Nft of SWft of SEft and NEft of SWft Sec. 12, T 3. R 7 E; $18.36. E. C. Hunt ft int. in Sft of NWft and SWft of NEft and lot 2, Sec 30, T 6, R 7 E; $4.94. R. W. & W. F. Cary ft int. in Sft og NWft anl SWft of NEft and Lot 2, Sec 30, T 6, R 7 E; $6.94. Elijah Coalman 81.70 acres Sec 23, T 3, R Sft E; $9.90. CountCourt EXPENDITURES FOR MONTH OF FEBRUARY ROAD DISTRICT NO. 1 Matt Greenslade, $0.80; M. E. Gaffney, $70.12; Dan Gaffney, $98.75; Jerome Avery, $53.75; Peter Erickson, $29 37; Roy Otty, $90.00; James Kepcha, $08.00; A. Martin, $72.00; A. Otty, $45.00; Joe Mlady, $48.75; Herman Timmier, $30.62; W. Smart, $25.00; W. Kanne, $22.50; John Young, $13.12; Robert Rsenau, $01.25; N. T Andrews, $21.00; J. A. Davis, $45. 00; Clay Colson, $45.00; Ottis Welch, $3.75; H. Emil, $5.00; F. P. Morey, $35.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 4 J. A. Kitch- ing, $9.50; R. II. Currin, $2.00; J. C. Hitching, $2.00; J T. Dowty, $2.00 C. A. Looney, $4.00; II. C. Heiple, $4.00; C. M. Fuller, $5.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 5 W. R. Tel ford, $1.15; C. W Schuld & Sons $14.00; Port. Ry. L. & P. Co., $16.68; John Meyer, $5.00; H. Naas, $5.00; J Imol, $1.87; John Meyer, $5.50; John Meyer, $60.50; J. E. Siefer, $5.00; O. M. Richey, $22.50; II. Beck, $0.25; II. Naas, $30.00; J. Imel, $6.25; J. Potter, $2.50; A: Johnston, $2.50; W. A POWERFUL AID When you feel sluggish and nervous, tired and indifferent, you have the first symptoms of declining strength and your system positively needs the special nutritive food -tonic in SCOTTS to replenish your blood power. enliven its circulation and bring back the snap and elasticity of good health. Scott's Emulsion supplies Nature with the correct building-food which is better i than any drugs, pills or alcoholic mixtures. The Norwegian cod livw oil In Scott'a Emultion ia now refined In our own American InborntoHes which makes it pure nnd pnlntuble, Scott St Downc.IilocmGc'.d.NJ. 17-W EMULSION H. Stone, $3.00; John Meyer, $23.75; J. E. Siefer, $2.50; H. Naas, $12.50; J. Imel, $5.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 6 Jarl & Erl, $6.05; Ridge Lumber Co., $107.13; R. E. Jarl, $5.50; Dave Jarl, $36.88; R. Wetzel, $2.81; W. H. Bickford, $4.38; C. Krebs, $2.75; Ed Sitz, $5.00; G. Finger, $5.00; H. Gerkey, $5.00. , ROAD DIST. NO. 7 John Odell, $12.50; C. F. Allen, $17.66; Paul R. Meinig, $5.10; Perret & Bickford, $2.25; Cedar Creek Lumber Co., $30. 00; J. Cockelreese, $36.00; B. Frank, $33.00; E. Wilson, $45.00; Chas. Klinger, $3.00; Tom Milan, $15.00; H. Holland, $12.50; J. J. Eisner, $57. 25; Henry Helms, $2.00; Henry As choff, $7.50; Harry Bramhall, $3.00; Ernest Aschoff, $3.00; Ben Pickens, $3.00; D. W. Douglass, $61.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 9 Fred Lins, $13.75; Carl Lins, $6.00; C. Klinker, $6.00; George Armstrong, $5.00; John Duus, $23.00; W. Johnson, $6.00; Gus Zwirnman, $2.00; Will Lins, $4.00; Fred Lins, $13.75; Will Lins, $8.00; Carl Lins, $7.00; Ed Guber, $4.00; C. Guber, $2.00; Gus Zwirnman, $1.00; Andrew Jansen, $8.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 11 Frank Busch, $4.50; C. Moak, $29.37; J. Murphy, $31.87; C. Mann, $16.87; W. Mann, $6.25; R. Buschow, 5.00; J. Moore, $7.50; J. R. Livesay, $38.75; C. R. Livesay, $19.25; Hurbert Ber nard, $2.50; P. F. Morey, $60.00; P. F. Morey, $60.00; H. D. Marston, $7.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 13 George Gill, $20.00; J. T. Fullam, $39.50; L. Funk, $5.00; John Hughes, $3.75; W. H. Brown, $8.75T Henry Egger, $7.50; A. Schneider, $7.50; 0. L. Steinke, $31.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 15 A. C. War ner, $13.75; A. H. Finnigan, $16.25; A. C. Helms, $2.50; P. H. Smith", $2.50; T. C. Thomas, $28.85; Geo. D. Rakel, $3.75; Wilson & Cooke, $0.65; G. Grossenbacher, $5.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 16 H. Engel, $8.10; W, Dietze, $1.50; W. Randall, $5.00. ROAD DIST NO. 17 Canby Hard ware & Implement Co,, $10.65; Carl ton & Rosenkrans Co., $6.05; W. S. Maple, $12.00; Wm. Githens, $5.00; Bany & Caveness, $36.00; Almon Johnson, $33.75; Adam Bany, $37.50; Almon Johnson, $41.25; C. S. Marks, $27.50; Lester Riggs, $13.75; L. G. Riggs, $16.25; Ernest Johnson, $22. 50; Fred Bany, $23.13; John Paveletz $22.50; M. Strejc, $23.75; Geo. Koehler, $30.63; Otto Striker, $37.62; J. M. Evans, $15.00; E. Courand, $18.75; Leon Jackson, $18.75; John Jackson, $4.35. ROAD DIST. NO. 18 Hoff Bros., $18.37; V. Bohlander, $5.50; J. Boh lander, $3.00; E. 0. Hughes, $4.00; Wm. Thomas, $1.00; Wm. Daniels, $1.00; Geo. Hollmann, $4.00; L. P. Duffy, $2.00; Fred Kamrath. $5.75. ROAD DIST. NO. 19 L. P. Elliott $396.00; Clark Brs., $112.00; John Putz, $10.31; H. C. Kleinsmith, $1.25; C. H. Bergman, $1.56; Robt. Zwah len, $10.00; W. H. Bottemiller, $11. 56; J. W. Cogar, $1.25; Claude Bot temiller, $9.06; A. F. Buchl, $9.97; Ed Buol, $9.06; Walter Lee, $7.18: John Buol, $7.50; Walter Zwahlen, $5.00; Chas. Gasser, $5.00; L. P. El liott, $5.37; Fred Zwahlen, $9.06; W, Waldorf, $1.50; J. C. Anderson, $7.50; Sam Elmer, $5.00; Julius Schiewe, $3.75; Charles Gasser, $3.75; K. Schuebel, $41.50; R. H, Long, $16.25; J. D. Marshall, $10.- 00; Henry Kleinsmith, $2.50; Fred Churchill, $11.25; G. O. Harding, $17.5U; (Jonrad Lang, $16.25; J. E. bmith, $8.75; J. A. Davis, $7.85; Carl Schenk, $11.95; G. Ashbv. $5.00: Arthur Zwiefel, $5.00; Earl Schuebel, $iu.uu; William Wallace, $3.75: A C. Erickson & Co., $21.15; Thomas Harding, $5.00; Frank Hendricks, $10.00; John Carlson, $6.25; Harold Johnson, $10.00; Martin Johnson, $ru.uu; u. r , Johnson, $2.50; A. E Jones, $7.50; W. H. Jones. $5.00: A L. Jones, $5.00; R. Schoenborn, $6.25; John Anderson, $7.50; L. Wallace, $23.75; Harvey Schuebel', $1.25; Har ry Schoenborn, $8.75; John Koppler, k. Uullard, S7.50; R. J. Fran cis, $7.50; L. Wallace, $3.75; Harvey Schuebel, $3.75; Anson Culbertson, $2.50; J. C. Culbertson, $2.50; Arthur Zwiefel, $6.00; William Wallace, $z.tu. ROAD DIST. NO. 21 The Molalla Pioneer, $10.00; C. A. Branland, $30. 00; L. P. Elliott, $8.00; G. Murphy, $6.25; W. S. Gorbett, $20.00; Phil worming, $2.50; A. Swanson, $2.50; A. N. Swanson, $15.00; J. D. Craw ford, $10.00; B. C. Palmer, $1.25; Wm. Wells, $5.00; Tom Fregort, $11.87. ROAD DIST. NO. 22,-Chase & Linton Gravel Co., $51.60; Wm. El kins, 2.50; Robt. Elkins, $18.75; Cris Bonaker, $6.25; M. Trullinger, $5.00; S. A. D. Hungate, $12.37; L. Gianin, $2.50; Clay Engle, $3.75; Clay Engle, $10.00; S.A. D. Hun gate, $26.75; Cris Bonaker, $7.50; Wm. klkins, $15.00; Robt. Elkins, iM.ou; en bteininger, $6.25; W. H. Engle.v $5.00; John Vick, $5.00; R. T. Buxton, $5.00; H. Wilson, $100.00; Oren Cutting, $10.00; J. R. Cole, $5.00; E. II. Metzler, $2.50; Merril Eldred, $2.50; Loui Gianini, $5.00; Lee Looney, $2.50; Homer Trullinger $5.00; H. J. Rastall, $8.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 23 R. W. Zim merman, $17.50; H. R. Zimmerman, $17.50. ' ROAD DIST. NO. 24 L. P. Spagle $12.25; Wm. Kenagy, $1.00; John Gahler, $1.00; C. W. Carothers, $2.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 25 Rufus Kraxberger, $5.00; Rudolf Klaus, ia.dv; Ben Kruse, $2.50; John Gel brich, $5.00; Erich Mertz, $5.00; Jake Fenske, $2.50; Ed Koch, $1.25. ROAD DIST. NO. 26 W. G. Mas terton, $5.25; L. L. Burghardt, $22.. 50; J. R. P. Vick, $5.00; L. A. W. Vick, $2.50; W. J. E. Vick, $7.50. KOAO DIST. NO. 28 W. G. Mas- terton, $3.00; J. B. Mason, $1.55; Geo. Blatehford, $8.25; J. I. Case Threshing Mach. Co., $9.00; Ray Wy land, $6.25; C. G. Vorhies, $10.00; W. M. Bird, $5.00; Blain Bird, $5.00; N. B. Wade, $6.25; L. D. Shank, $9. 00; C. H. Guffee, $10.00; Zeb Bow man, $2.50; A. D. Mazingo, $10.00; Henry Mazingo, $6.25; Geo. Herbst, $5.00; Cyrus Ousley, $7.50; J. F. Sherman, $10.00; Al Wells, $3.75; E. A. Shaver, $5.00; A. B. Hibbard, $1.25; Leslie Shank, $5.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 29 Canby Con crete Works, $2.65; F. V. Epperson, $1.65; G. H. Gray, $30.25; Arlo Gray, $23.65. ROAD DIST. NO. 30 Nelson & Davis. $3.00: Wilson & Cooke, $3.10; L. Rypczyinski, $24.00; C. Kelnhofer, j $31.50; F. Kelnhofer, $30.00; K. U. Perrin, $27.00; H. Baker, $17.50; n. Dunken, $5.00;. A. Neilson, $18.75; W. Kaiser, $50.75. ROAD DIST. NO. 31 U. U. Peters, $10.25. ROAD DIST. NO. 32 Harry Jost, $44.87; Lloyd Jones, $2.00; Charles Snyder, $2.00; Jack Angus, $4.uu; Clarence Karmien, $18.50; Ray Kar mien, $4.00, ROAD DIST. NO. 33 F. Madden & Co., $2.20; Frank Millard, $6.00; W. Tucker, $6.00; John Moger, $4.50; Jas. E. Closner, $6.75; R. H. Millard, $6.00; Isaiah Tucker, $2.25; Marion Millard, $4.50; Marion Tucker, $2.- 25; Chas. Davis, $1.25; P. Erickson, $1.25; W. Strunk, $1.25; Port Ry. L. & P. Co., $41.71; C. W. Schuld & Sons,' $35.00; Marion Millard, $13.50; W. A. Bard, $9.00; John Moger, $9.00; Ed. Closner, $9.00; John Stormer, $13.50; B. Schonburg, $11.- 25; S. Lovelace, $9.00; Frank Mil lard, $13.75; Jas. Closner, $5.60; W. Tucker, $5.00; Marion Tucker, $4.50; Harry Shay, $6.25; John Bassett, $6.25; W. H. Blatch, $7.85; J. How land, $2.25; R. H. Millard, $7.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 34 S. Moser, $6.80; F. Jaster, $2.50; W. Jaster, $5.00; F. Moser, $10.00; J. Wagley, $11.25; E. Anderson, $11.25; L. Koel lermeier, $13.75; C. Christenson, $16. 25; F. Kaiser, $7.50; W. Kaiser, $4. 13. ROAD DIST. NO. 35 Port. Ry. L. & P. Co., $53.77; Port. Ry. L. & P. Co., $8.35; Paul R. Meinig, $117.10; Port. Elevator Co., $6.50; Bruns Lumber Co., $11.28; H. H. Watkins, $1.00; Harry Nichols, $3.00; Tom Ku bitza, $4.00; John R. Maronay, $3.- 50; C. W. Miller, $16.60; O. Daley, $16.25; Raymond Murry, $7.50; Rob ert Murry, $6.25; S. Runyon, $3.75; W. Weaber, $20.00; Thomas Dunn, $58.75; Wm. Haworth, $58.75; L. L. Griffin, $42.62; Mr. Burney, $8.25'; Anthony Hengstler, $6.87; Martin Mickleson, $11.00; L. Radford, $1.38; W. Fellows, $5.50; Vernie Radford, $19.06; C. Piatt, $30.00; Jesse Hiatt, $24.75; J. Radford, $16.88; Doc Hiatt, $27.50; J. Barnett, $66.00; Chas. .Ha worth, $15.63; C. Ruther, $41.25; Mr. Wendland, $27.50; Joe Caldo, $48.81; J. B. Jones, $40.00; Wm. Booth, $52.- 44; Fred Wagner, $26.87; Charlie Bettis, $12.50; V. E. Hengstler, $10.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 38 Wilson & Cooke, $1.65; Pope and Co., $0.45; Will W. Thompson, $3.75; E. C. War ren, $246.75; James Kepcha, $24.00; A. Martin, $20.00; N. T. Andrews, $21.00; James Lawrence, $3.00; E. C. Warren, $5.87; R. Richardson, $19.88. ROAD DIST. NO. 40-John Meyer, $15.75; J. .E. Siefer, $15.00; O. M. Richey, $15.00; H. Naas, $7.50; A Johnston, $7.50; Ridge Lumber Co.: $22.40; D. L. Erdman, $22.53; H. Bronner, $26.87; Roy Van Cleve, $18.. 12; H. Ackerson, $9.05; C. Richey, $9.05; W. Bartlemay, $2.50; F. Carl son, $6.55; Chester Richey, $2.50; C Bartlemay, $5.00'. ROAD DIST. NO. 41 H. H. Udell $11.99; George Kitzmiller, $2. 50; John C. Affolter, $2.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 42 Eggerton Bros. Lbr. Co., $2.10; Austin Taylor, $4.75; Joe Brennan, $2.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 44 C. R. Live say, $0.90; Ernest Jones, $17.50; John Ball, $13.75; E. T. Bancroft, $15.00; A. S. Newton, $19.25; R Breaker, $10.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 45-John Putz, $23.63; L. P. Elliott, $40.49; Carl Stromgreen, $7.50; Karl Klang, $6.87 F. P. Bauier, $5.62; Harry Baurer, $4.37; Harley Freeman, $6.25; A. S. Freeman, $3.75; C. A. Freeman, $6. 25; P. F. Putz, $3.75; J. A. Scott, $3.75; Walter Cox, $7.50; S. B. Brown, $2.50; Otis Vallen, $5.00; Matt Jagmin, $5.00; Chas. Meilike, $1.25; Geo. A. Harrison, $1.25. ROAD DIST. NO. 47 E. C. War ren, $275.55; C. R. Livesay, $40.87; 0. P. Roethe, $89.20; Hugh Roberts, $2.75; D. J. Bass, $25.35; Ira Hart, $15.55; D. J. Abbey, $5.50. ROAD DIST. NO. 49 Park & Closner, $1.00; Garfield Lumber Co., $11.38; East Clackamas Supply Co., $1.75; E. T. Davis, $13.25; W. W. Davis, Jr., $3.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 61 Rodlun & Johnson, $11.37; Columbia Brick Works, $6.80; Jake DeYoung, $13.25; John DeYoung, $6.25. ROAD DIST. NO. 52 The Farm ers' Fire Relief Ass'n., $1.46; Fair banks, Morse & Co., $3.73; W. A. Ul- rich, $48.80; Blanchet, $17.50; Jacob bchmidt, $2.50; Anthony Schmidt, $2.50; Georgo Oldenburg, $5.00; John Mitchell, $2.00; Frank Krause, $5. 62; Joe Spady, $10.30; Louis Spady, $12.50; L. C. Becker, $15.00; C. C. Henderson, $15.00; Chas. Rebstock, $12.50; Alfred Odem, $7.50; Elmer Zinser , $5.95; Royal Zinser, $5.00; Norma Peterson, $5.62; Arthur Daer dorff, $8.75; John Bower, $10.00; August Geppert, $10.00; A. B. Brook man, $3.75; H. C. Ulrich, $5.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 53 The Molalla' Pioneer, $10.00; Lucht Bros., $11.25; J. C. Lehman, $5.00; Ernest Conrad, $2.75. ROAD DIST. NO. 54 A. L. Yoder, $53.36; Ben. Stanton, $40.31; Amos Yoder, $25.00; C. W. Owings, $2.00; Ben Casto, $1.50; Forest Hostetler, $1.50; Noah Yoder, $15.00; A. J. Pruitt, $0.50; A. A. Hostetler, $3.25; T. D. Simmons, $3.50; Truman Hos tetler, $1.00; Paul Burkett, $2.00. ROAD DIST. NO. 56 Martin Bros., $347.33; Robert Rutherford, $18.25; George Rutherford, $19.00; Dave Rutherford, $25.75; T. J. Wirtz, $10.25; Wm. Mon, $10.00; Paul Niebs, $8.50; W. B. Rambo, $73.03; N. Scrib ner, $10.00; Harold Vohs, $11.00; D. Mackentyre, $11.50; Fred Bruner, $5.00; J. J. Burg, $2.00; Jim Ruther ford, $2.00; Martin Bros., $238.00. GENERAL ROADS Mt. Tabor Fuel Co., $40.00; W. J. Wilson & Co., $598.51; H. W. Sharp & Co., $29.35; G. H. Magary, $1.50; C. J. Hood, $14.75; W. F. Haberlach, $5.20; Un ion Oil Co. of California, $26.35; 1 j THE WHAT DIFFERENCE U DOES IT MAKE TO YOU WHETHER YOUR H REGIMENT CHEWS W-B CUT OR r Nor? Crystal Ice & Storage Co., $30.00; Willamette Equipment Co., $20.00;. Perrett & Bickford, $9.65; Scandi navian Belting Co., $55.30; Coast Steel & Mach. Co., $50.00; J. I. Case T. M. Co., $2.50; M. L. Kline, $3.80; Miller-Parker Co., $37.20; W. H. Bon ney, $118.42; Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $256.38; Howard-Cooper Corp., $229.21; Good Roads Mach. Co., $59.79; D. L. Trullinger, $5.65; Geo. E. Brown, $12.00; Theodore Marshall, $13.75; Port. Ry. L. & P. Co., $32.20; Cris Bonacker, $4.00; Robbins Bros., $5.50; H. S. Anderson, $1.55; Home Telephone Co., $178.75; Mt. Tabor Garage, $1.65; Standard Oil Co., $21. 11; W. F. Haberlach, $12.67; J. C. Miller, $84.00; W. Brown, $26.00; W. Benton, $19.50; W. Stone, $1.85; M. Johnston, $57.50; S. Miller, $73.00; A. L. Deardorff, $15.75; M. A. Johns ton, $18.00; G. Dallas, $6.00; C. Ran kin, $3.00; R. W. Zimmerman, $15. 00; V. Skinner, $13.75; V. Berg, $3. 75; R. O. Veteto, $6.25; H. Stuwe, $5.65; C. F. Ziegler, $6.25. IMPROVEMENT FUND Glen morrie Quarry Co., $22.50; Scripture & May, $54.50; W. H. Bonney, $15. 40; Howard-Cooper Corp., $51.81; Hogg Bros., $8.70; Joe Meddick, $13. 53; J. M. Webb, $13.53; F. Quinn, $13.53; G. Rakel, $13.53; Wm. Har vey, $13.53; A. W. Mead, $10.03; E. Richardson, $10.03; R. Roberts, $10. 03; J. A. Roake, $9.60; C. F. Stutz, $12.86; J. A. Confer, $13.96; R. Al drich, $17.45; R. S. Tyler, $6.98; H. T. Sears, $6.98; M. Christenson, $6. 98; J. Joseph, $3.05; J. W. Aldrich, $3.05; N. Wallace, $22.45; G. W. Braker, $8.41; G. W. Bagby, $12.91; Wilson & Cooke, $9.35; Falls Trans fer Co., $15.50; Oregon Engineering & Construction Co., $59.33; State Ac cident Insurance Co., $7.32; Crown Willamette Paper Co., $8.75; Crystal Ice & Storage Co., $15.00; Hult Lum ber Co., $4.84; Concrete Pipe Works, $244.20; Standard Oil Co., $44.92; Hogg Bros., $152.40; Pope & Co., $15.70; Wilson & Cooke, $15.90; Howard-Cooper Corp., $15.84; Her man Fisher, $24.00; Portland Tent & Awning Co., $124.00; Francis Welsh, $50.46; Straight & Salisbury, $25.50; Albert Fisher, $70.00; Frank Jagger, $12.00; Carl Schmeiser, $31. 50; H. W. Meier, $33.25; J. Grosen bacher, $35.00; N. T. Andros, $31.50; C. J. Quigley, $10.00; L. Rypczynski, $36.76; ' C. Kelnhofer, $26.25; G. Gross, $33.25; E. Gross, $33.25; J. Turner, $33.25; C. Colson, $33.25; T. Ross, $29.75; C. E. Dollar, $14.00; J. Johnson, $33.25; E. Zimmer, $29.75; R. D. Britten, $33.25; J. Nowak, $33. 25; G. R. Smith, $12.25; R. J. Gal bert, $26.25; W. Larson, $33.25; P. Hahn, $33.25; J. Pauline, $29.75; J. W. Stone, $10.00; W. M. Rainey, $33. 25; W. Kaiser, $50.00;, E. Stauber, $33.00; M. Stauber,' $51.00; F. Kaiser $12.00; J. Sherwood, $30.00; W. Fro mong, $15.75; L. Taylor, $22.75; W. Miller, $22.75; F. Teske, $12.25; H. Fisher, $72.00; E. C. Gerber, $77.00; J. Moser, $4.50; D. R. Dimick, $89. 45; Wm. Rider, $74.35; A. R. Earles, $76.10; C. O. Thomas, $64.75; Horas Patch, $64.75; Elmer Gribble, $30.60; Howard Neal, $3.50; Wm. Baly, $58. 20; EIroy Bates, $31.50; Dan Woren- staff, $24.50; Charles Thomas, $42.-' 85; Paul Bany, $34.50; Sam Hess, $52.60; Charles Bradle, $12.00; Ralph Koehler, $12.00; O. F. Frentress, $12.00; Tom Simpson, $12.00; Mike Hurris, $9.00; Honeyman Hardware Co., $93.10; J. S. Fisher, $1.72; Carl ton & Rosenkrans Co., $30.77; Canby Hardware & Implement Co., $5.20; C. W. Friedrich, $7.50; Paul R. Mein ig, $13.50; L. B. Menefee Lumber Co., $190.12; East Side Mill & Lumber Co., $65.48; E. C. Gerber, $27.60; Hogg Bros., $3.35; E. R. Kilgallon, $30.00; Frank H. Schwartz, $99.16; Oregon City Transportation Co., $1.55; Wm. Duteher, $8.21; W. Dutcher, $135.00; H. H. Hartley, $85.75; D. Anderson, $66.00; S. Hare, $72.00; W. Henderson, $69.00; Dew ey Hare, $43.50; Fred Bloom, $29. 75; H. Lindsley, $16.50; H. Henrici, $61.00; L. Henrici, $21.00; T. L. Shively, $22.50; T. H. Henrici, $40. 50; C. Feil, $18.00; W. Henrici, $3.00; A. Splinter, $3.00; L. R. Peake, $5.00; J. Fegles, $30.00; F. Wagner, $15.00; L. L. Griffin, $9.00; W. Booth, $6.00; J. M. Thomas, $18.00; J. Cockelreese, $3.00; B. Frank, $3.00;, E. Wilson, $3.00. SHERIFF Falls Transfer Co., $0.50; Miller-Parker Co., $0.40; D. E. Frost, $4.50; C. C. Geer, $6.00; H. H. Hughes, $23.00; L. E. Kealiher. $5.00; Jack Webster, $2.00; H. E. Meads, $160.00; A. E. Joyner, $43.50; Ore gon City Enterprise, $5.20. ELECTION Ona Renner, $35.00; Oregon City Enterprise, $18.00. CLERK Oregon City Enterprise, $47.20; I. M. Harrington, $8.00; Floyd A. Ellis, $0.75; Jones Drug Co., $15.50; Huntley Drug Co., $0.65; F. A. Miller, $25.50. RECORDER R. L. Davis, $60.55: D. C. Boyles, $15.50; The Courier Press, $9.00; Huntley Drug Co., $9.- 25. - TREASURER Oregon City En terprise, $3.00; M. E. Dunn, $5.00; SERGEANT AND THE WISE ROOKIE IP THEY CHEW W-B CUT THEY'RE ALWAYS SURE TO BE HAPPY AND CON- TENTEDif Royal Typewriter Sales Co., $7.50; Huntley Drug Co., $17.35. ASSESSOR Underwood Typewrit er Co., $1.00; Huntley Drug Co., $9.25. . COUNTY COURT W. A. Proc tor, $62.00; A. H. Knight, $87.50; Falls Transfer Co., $3.00; Frank Busch, $26.00; H. S. Anderson, $7. 60; Huntley Drug Co., $5.00. , CIRCUIT COURT Geo. H. Brown $5.20; H. C. Gillmore, $19.80; James Skinner, $19.40; Frank Moore, $18. 40; P. J. Kaylor, $22.00; A. McCon nell, $21.80; 0. W. Boring, $21.30; L. H. Prahl, $21.40; J. W. McAnulty, $3.20;R. G. Ashby, $20.00; ' E. R. Leete, $18.60; L. Hale, $21.60; R. E. Irwin, $20.00; L. W. Robbins, $21.20; Elmer Van Fleet, $21.80; W. W. Leete, $18.60; L. Hale, $21.60; R. E. Irwin, $20.00; L. W. Robbins, $21.20; Elmer Van Fleet, $21.80; W. W. Leete, $18.40; Geo. C. Armstrong, $19.60. JUSTICE OF PEACE L. A. Bullard, $2.50; J. Dean Butler, $2.- 50; C. A. Lewis, $3.00; O. Wissinger $6.50; Sam Riley, $0.90; H. M. Chit- PERUNA in Your Home A housewife must give the first aid in colds, coughs and other ailments. Her promptness in applying the remedy often saves a serious illness. Her experience with remedies has led her to know that PERUNA is always reliable, that she should have it on hand for the immediate treatment of coughs and colds, and that it is always to her Mrs.George Parker, 419 Water St..Mea asha, Wis., writes: We have used Pe runa in our family for a number of years, aud have found It a perfectly reliable medicine. It soon rids the sys tem of any traces 0:' a cold, and pre v otB serioua con sequences. "I began using It for catarrh, which I suffered with a tlood mnnv vpnra. but had not been very serious until recently. Since I have taken Peruna thedroDDind inmv throat has discontinued, and my head and nose are not bo stopped up in the morning. I am pleased with the results, and shall continue to use it until I am entirely rid of catarrh. "I heartily recommendit as an honestjmediclne." What it does for her it is ready to do for you. Colds and The great weight of testimony that has accumu lated in the 44 years that PERUNA has been on the market proves it, beyond question, to be the reliable family rem edy, ever ready to take, preventing the serious effects of colds, coughs, grip and derangements of the digestive organs. This proof is published from time to time and many families have profited by it. , Remember ti can obtain PERUNA in tiklet bra lor ton cwnilciw. Cam It Witi jou ind bo fortified aaJiut igdden tlleclu. The Peruna Company, Columbm, Ohio East Through California Costs Little More Ask nearest agent or write JOHN M. SCOTT ' General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES Write for folder on the Apache Trail of Arizona cTHoney to Loan We have money to loan in any amounts on good security. We will loan for one or more years, payable at any time. WRITE OR COME IN AND SEE US DILLMAN & Home Phone B-38 OREGON HE'S A KNOWING CUSS.j THAT RECRUIT! j wood, $5.40; H. H. Hughes, $9.50; H. M. Chitwood, $33.50; D. E. Frost, $51.36; Geo. H. Gregory, $2.00; F. M. Henriksen, $2.00; W. A. Beck, $3.50; Claude W. Devore, $3.00; J. F. Lovelaca, $2.00; Wm. Dale, $2.00; Chas. Murry, $1.70; Gus Schuebel, $1.70; W. C. Stevens, $1.70; A. E. Rugg, $1.70; Frank Darnell, $1.70; George Lannigan, $1.70; Prince La cey, $1.70; 8. P. Randall, $1.20; H. L. Martin, $1.20; W. H. Howell, $1.20; C. H. Herrington, $1.20; H. Krummel $1.20; H. H. Hughes, $1.20; J. E. Jack, $1.20; II. C. Salisberry, $1.20; Pat Finucane, $1.70; C. M. Daniels, $1.70; Guy Phillips, $1.70; E. C. Hackett, $1.70; Wm. J. Wilson, $1.70; Lee French, $1.70; T. W. Craig, $1.70 Sid Richards, $1.70; Slim Brown, $1. 70; C. F. Bergman, $4.30; Mrs. W. H. Wetlaufer, $4.30; Florence Strom green, $4.30; J. W. Cogar, $4.30; W. Cogar, $4.30; E. Grace, $4.30; Wm. Clark, $4.30; J. E. Calavan, $1.70; Joe Davenport, $1.70; Roy A. Jeffert, $1.70; M. E. Gaffney, $2.50; Jesse Hawkins, $3.50. (Continued on Page 11) The Family Safeguard The experience of one woman, given herewith, is typical of thousands of let ters that reach the Peruna Company from grateful friends who have found their homes incom plete, and their family safety in danger without PERUNA. Catarrh Scenic Shasta Route, Sacred Siski yous, Mt. Shasta, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Southern California. 'Choice of routes. Let us make an itinerary for your trip, showing train schedules, stop -overs, etc, HOWLAND CITY, OREGON Pacific 377-J