OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1918. 7 Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka- mas. ' Helen M. Morse, Plaintiff, vs. B. F. Morse, Defendant. To B. F. Morse, the above named de fendant: In the Name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause, on or before the 28th day of February, 1918, and if you fail so to appear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint, which is as follows: For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and de fendant, and that an absolute di vorce be granted to the plaintiff from the defendant. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six weeks in The Oregon City Courier, a weekly newspaper of gen eral circulation in Clackamas County, Oregon, and published In said County, as being the newspaper most likely to notify you of the pendency of this suit, by order of Hon. J. U. Camp bell, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order was duly given, made and entered on the '16th day of January, 1918. The first publica tion of this summons as fixed by said order, is the 17th day of Janu ary, 1918, and the date of the last publication thereof is the 28th day of February, 1918. J. N. HART, Attorney for Plaintiff. 411 Gerlinger Bldg., Portland, Ore. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka- mas. Sadie Tobias, Plaintiff, vs. k Frank Tobias, Defendant. To Frank Tobias, the above named defendant: In the Name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and cause on or before the 7th day of March, 1918, and if you fail so to appear and answer, the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, which is as follows: For a decree forever dissolving the marriage con tract heretofore and now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant, and that an absolute divorce be granted to the plaintiff from the defendant; and that the plaintiff be permitted to resume her maiden name, to-wit, Sadie Engel. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six weeks in the Oregon City Courier, a weekly newspaper of gen eral circulation in Clackamas coun ty, Oregon, and published in said county, as being the newspaper most likely to notify you of the pendency of this suit, by order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above en titled court, which order was duly given, made and entered on the 24th day of January, 1918. The first pub lication of this summons, as fixed by said order, is the 24th day of Janu ary, 1918, and the date of the last - publication thereof is the 7th day of March, 1918. J. N. HART, Attorney for Plaintiff, 411 Gerlinger Bldg., Portland. Ore. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. J. V. Deardorff, Plaintiff, vs. , Martha Dowty Deardorff, Defendant. To Martha Dowty Deardorff, Defend ant: In the name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of the sum mons, to-wit: on or before the 14th 'day of March, 1918, and if you fail to so appear and answer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint on file herein, namely a decree 1 dissolving the bonds of mat rimony between yourself and plain tiff. This summons is served upon you by publication hereof once each week for six consecutive weeks, pursuant to an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above en titled court, dated January 28, 1918. Date of first publication, January 31st, 1918. ; Date of last publication, March 14th, 1918. BERT W. HENRY, Attorney for Plaintiff. Postoffice address: 808 Electric Bldg., Portland, Ore. E. H. COOPER M. R. COOPER County Agent" OREGON FIRE RELIEFASSOCIATION FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION and a number ol other good companies ALSO AUTOMOBILE, SICK and ACCIDENT INSURANCE Phones: M - iS7J A-ll ' Better Call Us Up The E D. Cooper Insurance Agency EtUbliihad 1902 OREGON CITY, OREGON C SCHUEBEL LAWYER DEUTSCHER ADVAKAT Oregon City Bank Bldg. Oregon CKy Summons , In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Ward A.. Heberling, Plaintiff, vs. Ora L. Heberling, Defendant. To Ora L. Heberling, above named defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and to answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled cause within six weeks from the date of publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear and answer, the plaintiff herein 'will take a decree against you for the re lief prayed for in the complaint, to wit:. For a decree of absolute divorce forever dissolving and annulling the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant, . upon grounds of desertion for a period of more than one year last past and longer. This summons is served upon you by publication by order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court, dated January 10, 1918, directing publication thereof. JOHN F. LOGAN, Attorney for Plaintiff, Mohawk Bldg., Portland, Ore. Date of first publication January 10, 1918. Date of last publication February 21, 1918. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. John Arthur Stubblefield, Plaintiff, - vs. Harriet M. Stubblefield, "Defendant. To Harriet M. Stubblefield, above named defendant. In the name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and to answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the 22nd day of March 1918, which is more than six weeks from the date of publication of this summons, and if you fail to appear and answer, the plaintiff herein will take a decree against you for the relief prayed for in the complaint, to-wit: For a decree of absolute divorce forever dissolving and annulling the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant. This summons is served upon you by publication by order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge of the above entitled court, dated January 29th, 1918, directing publication thereof. J. J. FITZGERALD, Attorney for Plaintiff, Mohawk Bldg, Portland, Ore. Date of first publication February 1st, 1918. Date of last publication March 21st, 1918. FOR SALE Registered Poland , China Boar, 2 years old. M. 0. Rose, Route 2, Oregon City. FOR SALE Three mares, ages 12, 8 and 6 years, and one colt, age 9 months. Walter Kleinsmith, Clarkes, Oregon. Mail address, Mulino. F-14. SMALL SAW MILL WANTED Owner of timber near Estacada wants tie mill large enough to cut about 15 M per day. In answer ing describe your whole outfit and give location and price. W. H. Richardson, Estacada, Ore. CHEVROLET AUTO FOR SALE 1918 model; only been run 1000 miles; absolutely in guaranteed con dition; you can't tell it from new. Owner wants 6 cylinder machine. Price $626.00. A snap you will save $150. Address "A" Courier. WANTED Men and women over 18 for the Civil Service. Permanent position with good salary and ab sence leave with pay. Because of the military draft drain eligibles are difficult to secure. I have had three appointments in the classi fied service, and .feel sure that, if you can read and write, I can so instruct you that appointment will be a certainty. You need not leave your present employment while receiving the instructions. Address Desk 38, 604 Yeon Bldg., Portland. OREGON CITY PAPER MILLS running full. You live near enough to work there with over 850 men already on the job. The strike is not yet officially declared off, but it has not been bothering for - weeks'. Come along. Lowest wag es $3.10 for nine hours for outside work. Don't pay any attention to pickets. Inside work available as openings occur. Apply Crown Wil lamette Paper Company "Employ ment Office on mill walk across the bridge from Oregon City, in West Linn. If you want to board in Ore gon City, can be secured $6.00 to $7.00 week. These are steady jobs. Don't mind the snow and rain. Attention Farmers We make a specialty of horsi shoeing and give particular attention to the faulty and bad feet of horses Also disc harrow sharpening. SCRIPTURE & MAY. Dr. L. G. ICE DENTIST Beaver Building Oregon City Phones Pacific, 1221. Home A-19. Geo. C. Brownell LAWYER Canfield Bldg. Oregon City Oregon CLASSIFIED ADS Notice of Receiver's Sale In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multno mah. S. B. Cobb, Plaintiff, vs. C. W. Nottingham, C. C. Wood cock, John R. Turner as admin istrator of the estate of C. W. Miller, deceased, Carrie J. Mil ler and Agnes Miller Turner, Defendants. By virtue of the decree and order of sale duly made and entered by the above entitled court in the above en. titled cause on the 25th day of July, 1917, in favor of the plaintiff, S. B. Cobb, and against the defendants herein, appointing me receiver in said cause, and ordering , and direct ing me to make sale at public auc tion, of the following described real property situate in Clackamas coun ty, State of Oregon, to-wit: NEy of NEy of Sec. 25, T1S, R 4E, W of NW& of Sec. 30, T1S, R 5E, SW& of Sec. 30, T1S, R5E, W of SE'A of Sec. 30, T1S, R5E, NWtt of NEK of Sec. 36, T1S, R4E, SE of NEVi of Sec. 36, T1S, R4E, NW of SEy of Sec. 36, T1S, R4E, con taining 480 acres of land, excepting, however, from the above description the following described portion, which has been sold and conveyed to the Mt. Hood Railway company, to wit:' All that part of the SW& of Sec tion 30, T1S, R5E, W. M., lying West and South of the following describ ed line: Beginning at a point in the South line of said Section Thirty (30), and seventy-five (75) feet Easterly from the center line of the Mount Hood Railway & Power company's railroad, as the same is now located across said lands; thence Northerly and par allel with said center line 416.5 feet; thence easterly at right angles to said center line 25 feet; thence con tinuing northerly 100 feet from and parallel with said center line to the west line of said SW& of Section 30. Said center line being more particu larly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the south line of said Section 30, 219.4 feet easterly from the southwest corner thereof; thence north 5 degrees, 58 minutes west 416.6 feet; thence on a taper curve to the right, changing at the rate of 2 degrees 00 minutes east 30 feet 180 feet; thence on a 14 de gree curve to the right 133.6 feet, thence on a taper curve to the right, changing at the rate of 2 degrees east 30 feet 180 feet; thence north 37 degrees 55 minutes east 167 feet; thence on a taper curve to the left, changing at the rate of 2 degrees 30 minutes east 15 feet 165. feet; thence on a 30 degree curve to the left, 356.8 feet; thence on a taper curve to the left, changing at the rate of 2 degrees 30 minutes east 15 feet 165 feet; thence south 61 degrees 23 minutes west 117.5 feet; thence on a taper curve to the right, changing at the rate of 2 degrees 30 minutes east 30 feet 70 feet, more or less to a point in the west line of said Section Thirty (30). Except the right, of way now own ed by the Mount Hood Railway & Power company across said lands. The above described tract of land con taining 9.34 acres, more or less. Excepting, however, the right to flood said land herein conveyed by grantors to The Electric Develop ment company,- to a height of three hundred ten (310) feet, above the sea level. And reserving unto the said grant ors, their successors and assigns, an easement to grade, maintain and use a wagon road along the west line of the right of way of the Mount Hood Railway & Power company, said wagon road to be constructed, main tained and used )y the grantors and assigns, so as not to interfere with the use of the right of way of the said Railway company, and the land being conveyed to said company, its successors and assigns, for railway and power purposes and purposes germane thereto. NOW THEREFORE, By virtue of said decree and order of sale and in compliance therewith, I will, on Fri day the 1st day of March, 1918, at 2 o'clock p. m. at the front door of the County Court House in Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all of the said hereinabove described real property. Said sale is to be subject to confirma tion by the above entitled court; Dated this 24th day of January, 1918. First issue January 31, 1918. Last issue February 28, 1918. NEWTON C. SMITH, Receiver. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Lelah May Cook, Plaintiff, vs. Clarence C. Cook, Defendant. To Clarence C. Cook, Defendant above, named: In the Name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within six weeks from the 31st day of January, 1918, the date of the first publication of this summons; and if you so fail to appear and answer, plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief pray ed for in her complaint, to-wit: for a divorce on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem just and equitable. Service of this summons is made upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge of the above entitled court, made upon the 30th day of January, 1918, directing such publication in the Oregon City Courier, Ohcs a week for six consecutive weeks, ' the first publication being on the 31st day of January, 1918, and the last publica tion on the 14th day of March, 1918. GEO. A. HALL and OVAL PIRKEY, Attorneys for plaintiff. 112 Selling Bldg., Portland, Or. Pain Here is a message to suffering women, from Mrs. Kathryn Edwards, of R.F.D. 4, Washington Court House, Ohio. "I am glad to tell, and have told; many women, what I suffered before 1 knew of Cardui and the great ' benefit to be derived from this remedy. A few years ago I became prac tically helpless ..." TAKE The Woman's Tonic i "I was very weak," Mrs. Edwards goes on to say, "and could not stoop without suffering great pain . . . Nothing seemed to help me until I heard of Cardui and be gan the use of it ... I gradually gained my strength . . . 1 am now able to do all my work." it you neea a tonic take Cardui. It is for women. It acts gently and reliably and will probably help you as it helped this lady. All Druggists EBI2 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON ORGANIZES MILITARY DEPT. Under the direction of Lieutenant Colonel John Leader, late Command ant of the Royal Irish Rifles of the British army, who has come to the University of Oregon direct from three years active service in France, a complete and modern military de partment has been organized. With the aim of being of greatest possible service to the country dur ing this time of need, the university has made special provisions where by everyone will have an opportun ity to secure the unusually valuable military training it has to offer. Men subject to the next draft or who are on reserve lists and waiting for call, will be given an opportunity for preliminary training, which will greatly increase their chances for early advancement when they enter service. Men of ordinary intelli gence who are eligible for military service in the United States army and who can give satisfactory proof of their serious intentions, will be al lowed to enter the university as "Special Military Students." The en trance fee is $5.00. No other fee will be required. This arrangement sets aside the tegular entrance re quirements in this particular case, but the right is reserved to reject or to drop at any time any applicant who is not judged capable of carry ing on the work. It should not be understood that this work is being done, at present, under the direct authority of the government, that commissions can be gained now, or that any guaran tee is given that anyone will be sent to an officer's training camp. What the university is doing is to provide an opportunity to secure excellent military training at once. However, application has been made to have a branch of the Re serve Officers' Training Corps estab lished at the university, and inas much as the government require ments have already been far exceed ed, there is every reason to expect it to be granted soon. When .the Reserve Officers' Train ing Corps is organized there will be opportunity either to gain commis sions directly at the university or to secure admission to some of the regu lar officers' training camps. Natural ly anyone who has had military train ing previous to entrance to one of these camps will have an advantage over those who have not. Any man who is on a reserve list waiting call, or who is subject to draft, can, by entering the univer sity now, secure an initial advan tage and greatly increase his chance of future advancement. As soon as he enters service he will be asked to state what military training or other specific qualifications he has, and if he can show a knowledge of some of the work listed here, his chances for early promotion are very much in creased. The winter term of the university year is just beginning, and anyone who wishes to enter this term should apply during the next few days. Information may be had from Dean H. Walker, Acting Assistant Adjut ant. The courses follow: MILITARY SCIENCE I Parade daily at 1 p. m. Includes exercises in bombing, bayonet exercises and musketry drills, construction of trenches, etc. One hour credit if de sired and claimed at time by stu dents. In case of underclassmen, in cludes or substitutes for old gymnas ium requirement, except in case of special corrective work. Colonel Leader. MILITARY SCIENCE II Lee tures. Section A, at 2 p. m. Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday; Sec tion B at 7 p. m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Lectures on tactics field engineering, topography, mili tary organization, trench fighting, musketry, morale and machine guns. Members of Military Science II and III will have preference for officers and non-commissioned officers in uni versity battalion. Two hours credit, Colonel Leader. MILITARY SCIENCE III Field engineering. Military topography, mapping, map reading, construction of trench systems, barbed wire en tanglements, trestle, frame and pile bridges, road making, railway work. Saturday 8 to 12. Two hours credit Electric Waffle Iron You can make your waffles right on your breakast table, just as quickly and easily as making toast, on the Electric Greaseless Waffle Iron It is absolutely clean and REQUIRES NO GREASE. Grids are made of aluminum. Get an Electric Waffle Iron Today and Try This Delicious Recipe yt level cups pastry flour. 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, teaspoonful salt, 4 tablespoonfuls melted butter, 1 cup milk, 2 eggs.' Add beaten yolkes to milk, flour, baking powder, salt and butter. Add stiffly beaten whites last. Cook for lA minutes. HELP. YOUR GOVERNMENT Our company has agreed to sell for the Government the new issue of War Savings Stamps and Thrift Stamps. It is the safest investment you can make. Invest today. Portland Railway Light Power Company Either Field Engineering or Topog raphy may be taken separately as one hour credit. Work in camouflage and explosives also included in this course. Colonel Leader, assisted by other members of the faculty. MILITARY SCIENCE IV. Mili tary Organization The organization of the army into different units; the organization of the staff into execu tive, record, personnel, administra tion, operations, intelligence, supply, sanitary, signal, engineers, ordnance, etc. March organization: march dis cipline, supplies, billeting, camps, field cooking, transport, ammunition, rations, etc. Organization of ar mies by Regulars, National Guard, Home Guard. Two credits. Monday and Friday at 4, Villard hall. Pro fessors Howe and Bates. MILITARY SCIENCE V. Military Law A brief study of military law and the organization and precedure of court-martial. Two credits. Wed nesday and Friday, at 11 o'clock. Professor Barnett. TROUBLE FOR TIGHTWADS Uncle Sam Prevents Slackers Dodging Income Tax from Somebody is going to tell on you if you do not pay your income tax. Congress has fixed it so that some body must tell, whether he wants to or not. One section of the War Income Tax law, exhaustively comprehensive in scope, requires every person, with out exception, and every corporation or company, who paid $800 or more to another person, or forany reason whatsoever, to report the name and address of the person to whom the payment was made, together with the amount of the payment, to the commissioner of Internal Revenue at Washington, using a form prescrib ed for the purpose and now to be had from all collectors' offices. The forms must be filled out and return ed on or before March 1, 1918. MORE O. & C. LITIGATION Heirs of A. G. Bratos Enter Suit . This Time , The ever-smouldering trouble over the O. & C. land grants burst into flame locally again Friday when the six heirs of Arne Gunderson Bratos filed suit against the Oregon & Cali fornia railroad, the Southern Pacific company, the Union Trust company and Charles P. Redington to definite ly settle the title to a certain piece of land in the grant. The complaint is signed by George, Oscar, Agnes and Olga Gunderson, aged 16 and 13, and by Clara An derson as guardian of Alfred and Harold Gunderson, respectively. It is alleged that the original Gunderson, or Bratos, obtained a deed to a tract in Section 15, Township 2 South, Range 4 West of the Willamette Me ridian, in Clackamas county, failed to have the deed and subsequently lost it. The defendants, the com. plaint alleges, refuse to acknowledge that such a deed ever existed. Bids Wanted Bids will be' received on and after January 17, 1918 for construction of a first class cement sidewalk from the east end of the Oregon City Commercial club building to ' the junction of Eighth street and Rail road avenue, Oregon City, Ore., and for the construction of four (4) con crete or cement piers under presses in the shop of the Oregon City Cour ier. Specifications on request at the office of the Oregon City Cour ier, Oregon City, Ore. Has Largest Service Flag The Southern Pacific company claims the largest service flag in the west. It bears 1632 stars rep resenting that number of young men who have left their . employ for service .to Uncle Sam. The fag is displayed before the company's building in San Francisco and has merited considerable comment by persons viewing it. It is the plan of the company to change the flag each month to accomodate the ever increasing list of men entering the government service, and it is pre dicted that the flag will reach the 2000 mark before February 1st. If you cannot on the ocean sail With Uncle Samuel's fleets, You can stay at home with Hoover And help to save the "eats." . Little bits of sugar, Little grains of wheat Give the fighting soldier Energy and heat. Says The Aurora Observer The war hit the Belgians almost as hard as it hit the American tightwads. FOR SALE 320 acres. V00 acres cultivated; 20 acres waste land, but can all 8e cultivated. Good buildings on good road. Close to electric line. One of best ranches in Clackamas county. Can put in stock and equipment Price, $100 per acre; one-half cash, bal. time. 30 ACRES on good road. 10 cultivated. Good young orchard. Good house. Fair barn. Good, w ater. Consider good vacant lots or house to $2500 as part payment. 60 ACRES. 30 cultivated, balance pasture. Land lays rolling. Fair buildings. Good road. (Hose to school. Some stock and equip ment. Take trade to $3000, balance time at 6 per cent. We have many other goo d trades and property for sale. H. E. CROSS & SON Willamette Valley Arrival and Departure Leave Southbound 7:50 .A.M. 10:00 A.M. 2:50 P.M. . 7:20' P.M. " Daily Freight Service (except Sunday). The American Express Co. operates over Office phones: Main 50, A50; Res,, phones, M. 2524,1715 Home B251,L251 WILLIAMS BROS. TRANSFER & STORAGE Office 612 Mai n .Street Safe, Piano, and Furniture Moving a Specialty Sand. Gravel, Cement, Lhne, Plaster, Common Brick. .Ifaee Brick,. Fire Brick The Electric Store Phones Home A-229 Pacific Main 115 Andresen Bldg. 619 Main St. )4 The Oregon City Courier and the Oregon Daily Journal (except Sun day )i for $4.75. , , ABSTRACTS of Clackamas County Property HAMMOND ABSTRACT CO. Beaver Building Oregon City Office with HAMMOND & HAMMOND Lawyers New System Painless Dentists Flrit-Clau ..Painless Denktrjr at Reasonable Prices All Work Guaranteed PAINLESS EXTRACTION EXAMINATION FREE LADY ASSISTANT ROOMS 9-10-11-12 ANDRESEN BLDG. Phones Pac. 10; Home A-200 The Courier, $1.00 per year. Soutl srn Railway Co. of Trains at Oregon City Arrive Northbound 8:20 A.M. 10:55 A.M. 2.:20 P.M. 5:40 P.M. this lint.