i I i i i i 8 OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1917. 66 triii nm You Never M iss h e h e W ell Goes Dry! Water Till and the same quotation exactly fits our unequalled subscription offer! Take advantage now we can not say when we will have to withdraw it paper aud materials are high and still soaring. During the coming year, subscribers whose time has expired will be promptly taken off the list. At the price of $1 a year we can not afford to carry delinquent subscriptions on our books! IB). t TISs? Oregon The Ore City Courier on Farmer ( BOTH ONE V YEAR FOR HE COURIER- is the best weekly paper in the State of Oregon-bar none! It will be better than ever before for 1918. If you live in Clackamas county you can't afford to be without it It carries more local news than any other paper in the county-good clean news at that. If you take it you know that this is the truthif you don't, be convinced at the small investment of $1. THE OREGON FA M is the best weekly farm paper in the State. We wish we had room in this advertisment to print a few testimonials to this effect, that come in daily to this office, telling what a help it has been to our farmer readers. SUBSCRIBE NOW! DON'T PUT IT' OFF! 1 D ma Both of these ideal papers for one year for $1 THE COURIER. OREGON CITY 0 m ,dm -JK ' I