OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY1, DECEMBER 13, 1917. ' ' ' YOUR GIFT this year should be practical and serviceable let it carry the message of your personality and the season's greetings. That Permanent Beauty and Lasting Service is CHARACTERISTIC OF BUSCH'S GOOD FURNITURE TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! Our Toy Department is FILLED to overflowing with thousands of beautiful and practical toys. We have Dolls, Drums, Horses and Wagons, Doll' Go-Carts, Shooflies, Hobby Horses, Mechanical Toys, Erector Sets and hundreds of other toys, the kind you should buy this year because they are made in the good old U.S. A. Bring the kiddies they will surely find what they want here Aluminum Percolator made of heavy quality high-, ly polished aluminum, with black ebonized handle. Our No. 91 percolater (not like cut), only $1.98 Reed Knitting Baskets Well constructed, artistically design ed. You have a complete line rang ing in price from $4.75 up ROCKERS Large over stuffed Rocker. Beautiful ly upholstered in Spanish leather only $22.50 Upholstered in two tone heavy green tapestry. Only $28.50 Here Is the ideal Gift . - One of our "KITCHEN BEAUTY" Step Saving Kitchen Cabinets, made in our own factory. This Cabinet makes housework a pleasure. $22.50 $5.00 Down and $1.00 per Week Finish: Three coats of golden oak satin finish. Four coats of porcelain white enamel $2.50 ex tra. Art glass' door top. The top has a spacious China closet section fit ted with fancy art glass doors. There .are also three extra drawers for sil verware, etc. i J' I I.7T I 'm"""""n i00- Ymmmmm P $22.50 $5.00 Down and $1.00 per Week. Workmanship: The cabinet work, the fitting ,and joining are done by experts who are the best in their line. Big Roomy Base The base is 45 x26 inches, the cupboard to the left is an excel lent place for kitchen utensils, the three draw ers are dust proof, the flour bin is 1 a r g e enough to hold a 50-pound sack of flour. Two moulding boards are arranged un der the base. Our "Busch" Special Vacuum Carpet Sweeper has an adjustable brush, rubber tired wheels, etc. Our price only $7.50 Comforts and Blankets the soft, downy, fleecy kind. We have a com plete line ranging in price from $2.75 up. Reed Rockers This beautiful old Ivory Reed Rocker, uphol stered heavy art design cretonne. Only $16.50 Make This an Electrical Christmas This handy Hot-point Electric Iron will help you solve the Gift Question L Here Is a Dandy Gift This Beautiful DINNER SET '54 Pieces of beautifully dec- SrNa&dChtoa: $10.45 This Beautiful Square-line 1 Library Table The best that first-class material and skilled labor can produce, made in our own factory, beautifully finished in golden oak finish. $4.95 ONLY- I .A i r, cr 3 What to Give Leather upholstered rocker or chair, library table, knitting or sewing bas ket, seding rocker,' sewing machine, silverware, Hotpoint electrk irons, toasters percolators, fruit baskets, dishes, dinner sets, aluminum perco lators, Wear Ever aluminum ware, Keen Kutter tools, scissors, pocket knife, Safety razor, carpet sweepers, O. Cedar mop, "Pyrex" baking dish es, pocket flash light, kitchen cabinet, toys, children's rockers, Erector stts, reed rockers, serving tables, etc. FIMKIE Clackamas County's Leading Furniture and Hardware Store 9 1