ftREGAN CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1917 3 1-9 I; i 5 . Of Interest to Every Owner of a' Building, a Vehicle or an Implement Huntley's Paint Store is a fully equipped, up-to-the-minute paint store. That may sound like "Billy Brag," but its a fact! That's just what we have. - Its a paint store in every sense of the word. A place where you can talk face to face with a paint man who knows the paint business from "a to z." He can give you valuable help and information about any Rind of paint or painting, and he'll give it to you,ttoo. Not grudgingly, but cheerfully, and interestingly, and then if you buy elsewhere he'll smile and be happy just the same. Give us a chance on any paint job you have, big or little, that's all we ask. We can and will make good. And we'll be here this year and next year and the next year where you can make a kick if we fail. Anyway look us over; as we said in the start, we've got a real paint store we're proud of it and want you to be, too. HUNTLEY DRUG CO. DRUGS BOOKS ne Stent STATIONERY PAINTS , ' (Continued from page 5) $14.35; Ira Boyer, $13.75; S. J. Thorn son, $1.25; Bert Ball, $11.87; Carl Gorganson, $8.75; Ed Holburton, $7. 60; Howard-Cooper Corporation, $3.00; W. Painter, $47.50; F. Vaugh an, $38.75; G. Hungate, $43.75; Geo. Kline, $46.25; J. V. Harless, $26.25; Jas. Baty, $38.75; Wm. Elkin:;, $35.00; J. Feyrer, $55.00; C. Hun gate, $47.50; S. A. D. Hungate, $68. 62; L. Dickey, $45.00; Feyrer Bros., $55.62; M. Hungate, $50.00; W. H. Engle, $47.50; Rose Shaffer, $48.75; J. Callahan, $47.50; John Vaughan, $47.60. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 24 Nate Cole, $130.00; J. S. Fischer, $11.84; L. P. Spagle, $34.75; E. B. Miller, $1.50; John Gahler, $2.00; Charles Spaglo, $18.50; C. E. Miller, $4.00; F. A. Em mert, $6.00; Henry Deets, $47.25; O. A. Simpkins, $23.25; Clarence Miller, $8.00; Hugh Wolfer, $9.00; D. F. Shank, $4.50; C. E. Hilton, $16.87; L. P. Spagle, $16.68; John Gahler, $29.- 25; Lewis 'Mueller, $6.56; John Schwabauer, $1.12. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 25 Ben Krause, $27.00; Herman Etzel, $27.00; John Kummer, $27.00; Ed Morris, $22.50; Chas. Morris, $27.00; R. Chubb, $31.50; Jake Fenske, $18.00; M. Krause, $22.50; R, Kalus, $30.25; Carl Kalb, $13.50; Glen Morris, $13. 50; F. Menconi, $13.50; Lester Ad ams, $12.00; George Adams, $12.00; Hans Zenger, $6.75. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 27 Chas. Johnson, $6.75; S. C. Miller, $11.00; Olaf Olson, $23.50; J. P. Miller, $2.00; Roy Nicholson, $7.00; Normal Olson, $7.50; S. G. Nicholson, $3.50; A. P. Asboe, $6.00; H. Morrow, $3.00; I. D. Larkins, $19.25; W. P. Nicholson, $6.00; J. Oster, $6.00; F. Georg, $3.00; J. Jeorg, $6.00; Alfred Olson, $3.00; F. Helger, $4.00; Geo. Bentley, $4.00; J. R. Nelson, $2.00. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 28 J. I. Case T. M. Company, $16.80; Chas. Johnson, $7.30; L. L. Shank, $0.29; Robbins Bros., $33.85; A. D. Mazingo, vv nen Diouses sucn as tnese are sold at $2 it's economy to buy one or more Sole Distributors for Wirthmor , and Welworth Waists The Quality has been maintained and the price remains the same P IRST as to styles they are not only new and appealing but absolutely authentic in accord with Fashion's latest dictates the identical styles that will be shown tomorrow in the Country's recognized Style Centers. Arid then as to value they are vastly superior to all other two dollar Blouses for the contract plan un der which they are made and sold lowers the making and elimin ates the selling costs. I ! s ! I New Styles Shown for First Time Tomorrow Come Early for the Allotment is Limited I BANNON & CO. SELLS FOR LESS The Canning Season is Now in Full Force We are in a position to supply you with Glass Jars, Rubbers, Lids and Caps at prices quoted below: BALL MASON'S Pints, per dozen, .... Quarts, per dozen, .... jj5c Half Gallons, per dozen, ... $1.10 KERR'S SELF SEALING Pints, per dozen, .... c Quarts, per dozen, - - - - $1.15 Half Gallons, per dozen, - - . 1.40 ECONOMY Pints, per dozen, .... $1.00 Quarts, per dozen, - - - - $1.25 Half Gallons, per dozen, - - - $1.40 We buy and sell Hay, Grain, 'Feed and carry a full line of STAPLE GROCERIES WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS BRADY MERCANTILE CO. Eleventh and Main Sts., Oregon City, Ore. Undergrade Crossing on Twelfth Street Pacific 448 Home B 238 $42.50; Roy Shotzman, $17.50; Lee Adams, $10.00; C. H. Slaughter, $48.00; Scott Carter, $17.50; E. Rus sel, $112.00; Frank Sawtell, $45.00; G. O. Harding', $30.00; Walter Rus sel, $35.00; Ed Wyland, $35.00; A. Sacket, $15.00; Ray Shotzman, $10.00; Zeb Bowman, $36.25; Earl Tracey, $43.45; Ed Russel, $48.00; Oscar Bowman, $35.00; C. W. Hen dershot, $5.00; A. D. Sherman, $66. 50; J. A. Marts, $5.00; John Trullin ger, $50.00; A. B. Hibbard, $93.25; Arthur Carter, $43.75; Herald Tubbs, $20.00; L. Bowman, $40.00; Elmer Sawtell, $40.00; Clifford Phelps, $56.00; C. W. Austen, $46.25; Ross Sawtell, $25.00; Jess Shepherd, $60.00; C. G. Vorhies, $80.00; Tony Olsen, $45.00; Hubert Engle, $47.50; R. R. Welch, $93.75; Lloyd Bigelow, $35.00; A. D. Keller, $80.00; Leslie Shank, $95.00; Henry Russell, $45.00; E. R. Pelkey, $35.00; Ernest Palfley, $60.00; John Miller, $70.00; W. L. Freeman, $60.00; Geo. Clester, $55.00; J. Burgen, $20.00; E. Clester, $45.00; V. E. Dart, $30.00; Omer Wil liams, $45.00; Earl Trimball, $35.00; J. W. Davis, $3.75; C. G. Dickson, $17.50; Alfred Boyles, $10.00; Earl Bird, $2.50; Luther Nicholson, $32. 50; Harry Gray, $40.60; W. F. Mul kies, $29.35; Frank Brosig, $21.25; Dan Groshong, $37.50; Geo. Crites, $5.00; Marion Crites, $12.50; Orlan Thofas, $3.75; L. C. Davis, $5.00; Ben Thomas, $42.50; D. B. Gray, $2.50; Guy Dibble, $22.50; F. A. Davis, $7. 50; Frank Hilton, $5.00; Willie Jones, $8.75; Jason Jones, $5.00; J. F. Jones, $12.50; Fay Kimball, $55.00; Vennie Sowa, $15.00; V. E. Pitman, $10.00; I. J. Green, $20.00; Charlie Clester, $19.50; Tom McFadden, $3.75; F. M. Limville, $22.50; R. R. Switzer, $22. 50; J. E. Switzer, $11.25; Joe Bell, $10.00; Howard Thomas, $8.75; Joe Cichels, $18.75; Henry Hichcls, $5.00; Frank Holt, $16.25; Freeman Thomas, $40.00; Lee Panquette, $41.25; Al Wy. land, $37.50; Ralph Slaughter, $11. 25; L. D. Shank, $53.25; W. F. Tuley, $22.50; Homer Trullinger, $35.00; Ralph Henderson, $37.50; R. B. Bag by, $31.25; Joe Miller, $30.00; John Coover, $27.50; Oscar Kalor, $6.85; Marlvin Russel, $17.50. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 31 Hod son Feenaughty Co., $19.95; M. L. Kline, $11.50; Tope & Co., $31.30; H. Gcbhardt, $8.00; Oregon City Garage, $1.65; W. II. Nelson, $3.00; G. Olden stadt, $29.50; S. Jacobs, $7.50; W. Kaiser, $82.50; C. Zimmerman. $82.- 50; M. Tiedeman, $77.88; F. Zimmer man, $68.25; D. Oldenstdat, $16.00; E. Oldenstdat, $14.00; F. Oldenstadt, $16.00; W; Oldenstadt, $20.00; E. Rabic, $33.60; F. Baker, $17.00; W. Schatz, $10.00; M. Aulrich, $3.75; R. Schatz, $22.00; N. Oldham, $39.50; W. Sharp, $29.50; W. Nur.sbaum, $37.50; O. Oldenstadt, $32.00; H. Gebhardt, $23.50; F. Kaiser, $4.00; N. S. Old ham, $87.75; G. G. Peters, $37.12; John Turner, $6.00; Earl Oldenstadt, $9.50; R. W. Oldenstadt, $16.50; Geo. Oldenstadt, $37.00; Smith Turner, $1.00; R. Schatz, $43.00; H. Gob hardt, $44.00; Stanley Jacobs, $24.00; Fred Morry, $195.00; M. Alidgh, $8.00; W. S. Sharp, $17.00; Willie Oldenstadt, $7.00; Otto Oldenstadt, $14.00; Frank Oldenstadt, $2.00; F. L. Baker, $2.00. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 32-IIarry .lost, $35.74; A. A. Woods, $2.00; Lloyd Jones, $7.00; E. G. Jones, $12.00; Geo. Stahlnecker, $9.50; Bruce Case, $5.00; Sam Edmonston, $5.00; EXCHANGE MOVING PICTURE THEATER FOR FARM OR HOUSE AND LOT We have a fully equipped moving pic ture theater in good location with 400 opera chairs that we can trad., tnr real estate. Our party will assume. DILLMAN & H0WLAND 8lh & Main Sts. Oregon City Ore. WATCH SHOP Near the Oregon City Elevator is the place to get first class work done on watches, clocks and jewelry. All work warranted and done oame day it is received. At 220 Seventh Street FRANK NELDON Watchmaker & Jeweler A. F. Kiser, $13.00; H. Rief, $10.00; C. C. Loucks, $3.00; Glen ' Baker, Harry Jost, $8.80; Peters Co., $12.50; Aug. Holznagel, Harry Jost, $62.35; A. A. $22.00; Lloyd Jones, $20.00; Lewis, $2.00; E. G. Jones, Henry Wilhelm, $34.00; Geo. $12.UU; Ueo. tsataigia, $12.00; Hdwe. $7.75; Wood, Walter $32.00; Stahlnecker, $4.00. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 33 Horner & Millard, $7.20; F. Madden & Co., $1.55; Frank Millard, $34.25; Marion Millard, $63.00; C. M. Folsom, $45.00; John Moger, $45.00; R. H. Millard, $54.00; S. E. Smith, $54.00; W. Fink, $45.00; W. A. Bard, $36.00; Jas. Clos ner, $45.00; Geo. Genseroski, $15.75; Jas. Folsom, $4.50; Fred Closner, $12.37; W. Julian, $4.50; E. Strey, $15.75; F. Cadonan, $35.00; Oral Stormer, $2.25; Ray Erickson, $4.50; W. Hendren, $22.50; Frank Smith, $18.00; John Schenk, $9.00; Ed Clos ner, $12.37; Frank Millard, $30.00; Marion Millard, $36.00; Fred Horner, $36.00; W. Fink, $36.00; S. E. Smith, $36.00; R. II, Millard, $36.00; E. Lacey, $29.25; Iven Lacey, $36.00; Geo. Keller, $34.85; F. Cadonan, $26. 25; W. Hendren, $20.25; J. Richel, $2.25; Frank Smith, $6.75; E. Lacey, $3.35; O. Hendren, $11.25; J. W. Marrs, $5.00. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 34 Wilson & Cooke, $4.25; J. Robinson, $2.00; R. Scoffern, $6.00; H. Fisher, $54.00; L. Rypczynski, $49.00; V. Rypczyn ski. $49.00: J. Hellberg. $42.00; H. Hellberg, $8.00; F. Kelnhofer, $4.00; W. Kaiser, $4.15. ROAD DISTRICT NO. 35 R. A. Hutchins, $68.75; Phil Bates, $15.00; Victor Hengstler, $76.25; Raymond Griffin, $95.00; Martin Mickleson, $101.25; Anthony Henkstler, $17.50; John Marony, $45.00; J. P. Jones, $17.50; George Marony, $57.50; Fred Wagner, $60.00; P. Grey, $17.50; L. L. Griffin, $48.75; Martin Berg, $9.62; White, $28.00; J. Barnett, $75.00; Per cy Osborne, $62.50; Gilbert Gilbert son, $32.50; John Dunn, $42.50; W. E. Fellows, $70.00; Joe Caldo, $75.00; Emery Radford, $31.25; Verna Rad ford, $49.00; McFarland, $66.50; Lew is Griffin, $20.00; Theo. Lamoreaux, $15.00; Wm. Holman, $15.00; ChasJ Wendlin, $12.50; Chas. Wilkinson, $5.00; E. Berney, $2.50. (Continued next week) Has Recovered Her Health So many women are suffering from similar afflictions that this testimonial letter from Mrs. Laura Beall, Platts burg, Miss., will be read with interest: "I got in bad health. My left side hurt all the time. I took doctor's medicine, but it did me no good. I took two bottles of Foley Kidney Pills and I feel all right now." Backache, rheumatic twinges, pains in side, swollen and sore muscles and kindred symptoms are quickly relieved by Foley Kidney Pills. Jones Drug Co. STATE CONVICTS JOIN RED CROSS, AID WORK While many persons in fortunate circumstances have failed to cooper ate in the work of the Red Cross, an example has been set by 129 inmates of the Oregon State penitentiary at Salem, who have joined the order, paying the regular initiation fee of $1 each. "Their membership involves a personal sacrifice in almost every case," said Mrs. Etta Squier Seley, of the Willamette chapter, ''and they deserve high commendation." Willamette chapter, of Salem, the largest in Oregon, has shown phenom enal growth, until its membership is now in excess of 6,200. The chapter has 120 'auxiliaries. It has shipped four boxes of hospital garments and surgical supplies and has six more ready for shipment. The chapter has classes in first aid, elementary hy giene and home care of the sick and preparation in surgical dressings. Store Opens Daily at 8:30 A. M. Saturdays at 9 A. M. Pacific Phone: Marshall 5080 The Most in Valuer The Beat in Quality THE MOST IN VALUE THE BEST IN QUALITY Store Close Daily at 5:30 P. M Saturdays at 6 P. M. Home Phone: A 2112 "THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS BECAUSE IT SELLS FOR CASH" Unprecedented Showing and Sale of Embroideries Here you will find thousands and thousands of yards of the most desirable and beautiful new . Embroideries, purchased direct from the manufacturers at price concessions that permit us to place them before you at the most unusual savings come see for yourself what unprecedented values we are offering in the following items : . At 10c a Yard Staple embroideries in dainty patterns in baby sets, edges, insertions, head ings, etc., in Swiss, nainsook and long-cloth. At 19c a Yard , Dress and baby flouncings in styles with scalloped, hemstitched and ruf fled edge skirting and corset cover embroideries 9 to 27-inch widths. At 35c a Yard Beautiful 40-inch flouncings and all over embroideries in handsome color ed effects on fine voiles also 27-inch Swiss flouncings and 18-inch corset cover embroideries. Odds and Ends in Insertions at 2c a Yard Both Swiss and cambric insertions in dozens of patterns to close at the above low price. 0 Lion Special Suits from this long established concern, that supplies the apparel needs of men and boys, assure of correct garments at econom ical prices. The utmost in value and lasting satisfaction. OUS Kl'MN, Prescient Two Stores In Portland -Morrison at Fourth and 166 Third St. Double S. & H. Stamps, good for cash discounts, gioen . ahen this ad is presented O. C, C. 8-9-17 The chapter at Burns, covering Harney county, has received official , recognition. - The total membership in the state J is estimated at not less than 20,000. j Magnitude of the work faced by ' the American Red Cross is indicated by the request sent out by Eliot IMS .! I!, SAXGN"SiX" A Car That Has Proven its Worth When you buy a car take into consideration what it will cost you on upkeep. The Saxon is the best model and perform ing car for the money today. Call Us Up For a Demonstration Any Evening PORTER & PORTER Seventh Street GARAGE Announcement GREAVES & McNEIL "Insurance" are now located in Rooms 203-204 Masonic Building Our larger quarters permit us to offer an excelled, superior service, intelligently fulfilling every one of your insurance needs. Wadsworth, acting chairman of the American Red Cross at Washington, D. C, for supplies to be sent abroad. Oregon City EXCHANGE STOCK RANCH AND RANGE. 1120 acres; good land and ranch, 400 acres in cultivation, 300 acres or 400 acres more can be put in cultivation; mostly all under good barb wire fence; will produce fine wheat or rye; plenty- of water for stock; fair buildings; 1 mile to school; 90 head Durham cattle; 45 cows and i steers; balance young stock. Free of incumbrance. Must change climate on account health. Will exchange for farm in valley. Dillman & Howland, 8th and Main street, Oregon City. Guernsey Breeders' Picnic ' Yourself, family and friends are invited to attend a Guernsey Breed ers' picnic, August 18, 1917, at A. I. and J. Hughes' "Red Wing Farm," near Redland, one mile north on Fischer mill road. The purpose of this meeting is to organize a Guernsey club and to dis cuss ways and means to purchase more Guernseys. Talks by O. A. C. men and breed ers, also a juvenile judging contest. All are cordially invited to attend irrespective of what brand you are breeding or your business calling. Bring your family and friends and a well-filled lunch basket