OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1916 w1 We have over 25000 feet of floor space filled with seasonable merchan dise we have hundreds of spec ial displays for . your convenience Avoid the last min ute rush by shop ping early a small deposit will hold any article until XMas. Your purchases will be stored free and delivered the day you want them. We are Oregon City Headquarters for Santa Claus. See Him in toy-town every Saturday Service and Prompt Deliveries the Earlier you shop the better service you will get. We have the great est Gift store in town no matter how little or how much you have to spend you will find a gift to suit here. Visit Toy-Town We have 5-10 and 15 cent gifts galore An Erecto Set would make an ideal gift for that boy. We have all sizes with electric motors 40c extra Holiday Shopping Is On With a Rush. Never In the History of THE BUSCH store was their Stock so complete. patrons such splendid service. Considering the GIVE FURNITURE Nothing shows better taste in selecting, nothing will remain longer in the memory of your friends than a lasting gift of Busch's good furniture. Our stock is by far the largest, most complete and most resonably priced in town. Never before were they in a position to give their market conditions their prices were never so low. TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! -VISIT TOY TOWN- See the city of a thousand wonders, sparkling and glittering, full of thousands of new Toys of every description that will gladen the hearts of the children and bring happiness into your homes. We are showing the largest, most complete and most reasonably priced line of toys in Clackamas county. Busch's Solid Comfort Rockers A full line to select from: Our Rockers are upholstered in Boston Leather, Tapestry or genuine Leather. Here is a good Xmas sugges tion. Give "Father." one of our "Solid Comfort" Eockers, upholstered in Boston Leather. $ 1 3.11 Reed rockers in old ivory, fumed or natural finishes. Old ivory chairs like cift, upholstered in cretonne. ONLY $13 50 LADIES' WRITING DESK There is nothing more appropriate, nothing that shows better taste in selection, than a Writing Desk. In our line of ladies' desks you will find a desk that will just suit. A solid oak Writing Desk, with small paper (TQ Solid oak, golden, full finish with roll top, Qj) ' 1 Sewing Machines PEACTICAL, SERVICEABLE AND DURABLE. A Sewing Ma chine as a gift shows good taste nothing will render greater service than one of our GUARANTEED Lewing Machines. We sell the lead ing standard makes and give you a guarantee of absolute satisfaction with each one. Solid Oak Dresser with large, bevel plate mirror $1375 Beautiful Princess Dresser 'with a large bevel plate mirror $11.75 $9.25 A hardwood dressing ta ble with plate mirror Binlseve Maple Dressing Table, the top slightly damaged, dQ QC only 4)J. OJ Reed Sewing Baskets, Reed Tables, Chairs and Tabourettes, Old Ivory finish. See our special display. Here is a gift that would suit mother, wife or sister, selling at up from $3.95 mSsi DRUMS 6 different sizes to se lect from Our leader all metal drum.... 15c STUFFED ANIMALS AND CHARAC TER DOLLS We have horses, dogs, bears, etc. Paper and wooden horses, up from...-'. lQc Boys' "Know-All" red Express Wagons, priced from .................90c up The PRACTICAL gift for a boy, an Erecto Set. All sizes from 50c up Electric Motors for Erecto Sets, only ....40c We are also showing a complete line of Violins, Pianos, Tops, Rubber Balls, Horses and wagons, Mechanical and Friction Toys, Tricycles, Hobby Horses, Doll Go-Carts, Story Books, etc., etc. .TRAINS AND CARS' WITH AND WITHOUT TRACKS THE NATIONAL GIFT An Ingersoll Watch Ingersall "Triumph" $1.25 Introducing the new "Ingersall Radialite" tells the time in the dark as well as in the daylight. $2.00 Ingersoll "Junior,"' a high grade thin watch $2.50 mmmtnm U nUjrBpBHBjia Uj million ma tin Mir 12 different sizes to select from, ranging in price from 20c and up. CHILDREN'S ROCKERS, DOLL CHAIRS, ETC. See our special display of children's chairs in oak, sea grass, wicker, etc. We have children's chairs' from 45c up. Give SILVER- j WARE Rogers, Community and World Brand, heavily plated on the highest grade nickel silver base. 'ROYAL PLATE'- 6 knives 6 forks ROSALIE DESIGN 6 knives 6 forks 6 teaspoons 6 dessert OUR LEADER Xmas Silverware Set, hieh grade metal extra plate, packed in a beautiful finish eray chest 6 knives 6 forks 6 tea spons '. 6 table spoons 1 butter knife 1 sugar shell Special sale price $1.80 $4.50 $4 ALUMINUM WARE A USEFUL GIFT. Guaranteed for 20 years. We sell such leading makes as the "Wear Ever," "Illinois," "Rival," etc. , An Aluinbinum Tea Kettle with double boiler combination, packed in a special holi day box is only $3.20. Highly polished aluminum percola tor, black ebonized handle, $1.15. Large aluminum Percolator, like cut packed in . special holiday box, only $2.40 Aluminum Casserole packed in special holiday box, only $215. Large Double Boiled, highly polished, Aluminum, only $1.15. pissells' Carpet Sweepers The name "Bissells" is your guarantee of Quality. We have a complete line rang- frO QE ank'Busch LIBRARY TABLES, TABOURETTES, PEDESTALS, FOOT STOOLS, ETC. Full quartered oak Library Tables, up from Tabourettes ; 35c Tapestry covered Poot Stools $1.10 $8.50 ing in price up from. THE CHRISTMAS GIFT STORE