Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, October 12, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    - .--.''.
""oft) aootffep -toaxsa
wru -
a Theatre or
some Social
Function, or
if Shopping,
don't forget to have
-Anti -
with you. They are in
valuable for Headache
and all other Pains.
23 Doses, 5 Cents. "
) Summons
Jr st' In the Circuit Court of the State
. of Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. Lillian Carroll, Plaintiff,
V vs. ';'''
James P. Carroll, Defendant.
To James F .Carroll, above named
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before the 20th day of Oct 1916, said
date. being the date fixed by the court,
and being six weeks from the publi
cation of this summons, and if you
fail to appear and answer said com
. plaint, for want thereof plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief pray
ed for in the complaint, to-wit:
A decree of divorce dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant, and for
such other and further relief as to
this court may seem equitable and
This summons is published by order
of J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Cir
cuit Court of the County of Clacka
mas, State of Oregon, and the order
was made and entered so directing on
the 1st day of Sept., 1916, as the time
prescribed for the publication of this
summons for six weeks beginning with
the issue dated the 7th day of Sept.
1916, and continuing every week
thereafter for six successive weeks,
and continuing in the issue of Oct. 19,
, Dated this 1st day of Sept. 1916.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Lewis Bldg., Portland.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
maa. Olive Suratt, Plaintiff,
Roy Suratt, Defendant. .
To Roy Surr.tt, defendant above
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint of the plain
tiff filed against ' you in the
above entitled case on or before
Monday, November 6, 1916,
date of first publication of this sum
mons, and if you fail to so answer,
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief prayed
for in plaintiff's complaint, to-wit:
for a . decree of absolute divorce
against you, absolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between the
plaintiff and defendant herein, and re
storing to the plaintiff her maiden
name, and for such other and further
relief as to the court may seem equi
table. The complaint in this suit is
based upon grounds of cruel and inhu
man treatment, and upon desertion
for more than the period of one year.
This summons is served upon you by
publication thereof once a week for
six consecutive weeks by order of the
Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge of the
above entitled court, which order i3
dated September 20th, 1916.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
205 Stock Exchange Building, Port
land, Oregon.
Date of First Publication, Septem
ber 21, 1916.
Date of Last- Publication, Novem
ber 2, 1916.
R. L. Holman, Leading Undertaker,
IFifth and Main St.; Telephones: Pa
cific 415-J; Home 6-18.
Dr. L. G. ICE
Beaver Building Oregon City
Phones Pacific 1221. Home. A-19.
Geo. C. Brownell
Caufield Bldg.
Ore eon City Oregon
We have several sums of money to
loan on good real estate, from $100.00
to $1,000.00.
Bemrer Bldg, Orecon City Ore.
.a I
ryste Id. Mb
"I have used Dr. Miles' Antl-Faln
Pills for some time and find them
an Invaluable remedy (or headache.
I have always taken great pleasure
In recommending; them to my
friends, being; confident that they
will bring the desired relief. I am
never without them and use them
for all attacks of pain, knowing
that they will not disappoint me."
. . West Haven, Conn.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Rose Wilkinson, Plaintiff, ,
. vs.
Charles Edward Wilkinson, Defend
ant. ' -To
Charles Edward Wilkinson, the a
bove named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby notified and required
to appear or answer " the complaint
filed against you in the above entitled
suit on or before Friday, the 27th day
of October, 1916, which is more than
six weeks after the first publication
of this "summons, said first publica
tion hereof being made on the 14th
day of September, 1916, and if you
fail to appear and answer, for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony existing between
the plaintiff and the defendant herein.
This summons is published by an
order of the Honorable J. U. Camp
bel, Judge of the Circuit Court of the
County of Clackamas, State of Ore
gon, made and entered on the 13th
day of September, 1916.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Portland, Ore.
Date of first publication, September
Date of last publication, October
26, 1916.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Arabella Reichert, Plaintiff,
Frederick Reichert, Defendant.
To Frederick Reichert, the above
named Defendant:
. In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above named suit
within six weeks from the date of the
first publication of this summons, and
if you fail to appear or answer said
complaint, for want thereof, the plain
tiff will apply to the court for the re
lief prayed for in the complaint: For
a decree dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing between plaintiff
and defendant.
This summons is published by order
of the Honorable H. S. Andrson,
Judge of the County Court, which
order was made on the 1st day of
September, 1916, and the time pre
scribed for publication thereof is 6
weeks, beginning with the issue of
-September 7, 1916 and ending .with
the issue of October 19, 1916.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Lewis Bldg., Portland.
Notice of the Completion of Improve
ment on Oregon City-Milwaukie
Road, Known as Island Station Hill
Notice is hereby given that S. A.
Cobb, Engineer for Clackamas Coun
ty, has filed in the office of the County
Clerk his certificate showing that
Archie Mason, Contractor, has com
pleted the improvement of the above
named road. ,
Any person, firm or corporation
having objections to file to the com
pletion of said work may do so within
two weeks from the date of the first
publication of this notice, said objec
tion to be filed with the County Clerk
of Clackamas County.
Date of first publication, October
12, 1916.
County . Clerk.
Strongest Mutual in the West
M. R. COOPER, Agent
Fnteroiw Blde Orefon City
Mrs. Delia Etchison John Edwards
401 E. 50th. St N. Sherwood. Ore.
Pfennp Tatar 5R05. Phnrir Sherwood.
Deutscher Advokat
Room 2, Beaver Bldg.
Oregon City, Or,
Sheriff's Sale on Execution .
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Multno
John Carlson and Ella Carlson,
T. A. Snook, Defendant.
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss. -
By virtue of a judgment order, de
cree and execution,-duly issued out of
and under the seal of the above en
titled court, in the above entitled cause
to me duly directed and dated the 7th
day of September, 1916, upon a judg
ment rendered and entered in said
court on the 2nd day of May, 1916, in
favor of John Carlson and Ella Carl
son, Plaintiffs, and against T. A.
Snook, Defendant, for the sum of
$496.41, and the further sum of $47,
50, and the further sum of $.80, ac
crued costs, and the further sum of
and the costs of and upon this writ,
commanding me out of the persona!
property of said defendant, and if
sufficient could not be found, then out
of the real property belonging to said
defendant on and after the date of said
judgment to satisfy said " sum of
$496.41 and also the $47.50 and $0.80
accrued cost and the costs upon this
said writ.
NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of
said execution, judgment order and de
cree, and in compliance with the com
mands of said writ, being unable to
find any personal property of said de
fendant's, I did on the 29th day of
January, 1915, duly levy upon under
attachment the following described
real property of said defendant, situ
ate and being in the county of Clack
amas, and the State of Oregon, to
wit: Beginning at the Southeast cor
ner of the Northeast quarter of Sec
tion Five in Township Four,,gputh of
Range Three, East of the W. M., run
ning thence North one hundred rods;
thence West 160 rods; thence South
100 rods; thence East 160 rods to the
place of- beginning, containing 100
acres more or less; except one and one
half acres deeded to School District
No. 121, of Clackamas County, Ore
gon, as per deed recorded in Book 121
at page 309, Clackamas County, Ore
gon. And I will, on Saturday, the 21st
day of October, 1916, at the hour of
10 o'clock A. M., at the front door
of the County Court House in the City
of Oregon City, in said County and
State, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for U. S. gold coin, cash in hand, all
the right, title and interest which the
within named defendant had on the
date of said judgment or since had in
or to the above described real proper
ty or any part thereof, to satisfy said
judgment ordej;, decree, interest,
costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Ore.
Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Sept. 21,
1916.. . . , .
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. ' v
L. G. Potter and Katherine M. Potter
- . .. Plaintiffs,
vs. '
William E. Straight and Sophia
Straight, his wife, and Margaret
Gratz and John A. Gratz, her hus
band, Defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled Court and cause, within six
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this Bummons. to-wit: with
in six weeks from the 28th day of
September, 1916, and if you fail to
so appear and answer said complaint
for want thereof the plaintiffs will
apply to the Court for the relief de
manded in the complaint, to-wit: for
a decree that they are the owners in
fee simple of Lots 3, 4 and 6 in Block
71, Oregon City, Oregun, and that
their title therefore be quieted and
that you,, and each of you, have no
right, title or interest in or to said
property, or any part thereof, and for
their costs and disbursements, and for
such other and further relief as shall
seem equitable. This summons is
served upon you by publication for six
succesive weeks in the Oregon City
Courier by order of the Hon. H. S.
Anderson, Judge of the County Court
of Clackamas County, Oregon, duly
made and entered on the 25th day of
September, 1916.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Date of first publication of this notice
September 28, 1916.
Date of last publication November
9th, 1916.
Notice of Final Settlement
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. In the Matter of the Estate of M.
Jennie Sullivan, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the ad
ministrator of the estate of M. Jen
nie Sullivan, deceased, has filed his
final account as such administrator m
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas,
and that the court has appointed and
set Monday, the 16th day of October,
1916, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day,
at the County Court Room in the
County Court House, in Oregon City,
Oregon, as the time and place for
hearing the said final account, and ob
jections thereto, and settlement of
the same.
Administrator of the Estate of M.
Jennie Sullivan, deceased. '
Attorney for Administrator.
Date of first publication, September
14th, 1916. 12
. Nothing pays quite so well as be
ing Johnny-on-the-spot. See that you
are one of the early birds to get four
standard magazines for 25 cents a
year. See our big offer in this issue-
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State, of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. In the Matter of the Estate of Alvina
Wright, deceased.
The undersigned, having been ap
pointed by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Clackamas Coun
ty, Executor of the Last Will and Tes
tament of Alvina Wright, deceased,
notice is hereby given to creditors of,
and all persons having claims against
said deceased, to present them, veri
fied as required by law, within six
months after the first publication of
this notice to said Otto E. Krausse at
the Oregon City Shoe Store, 7th and
Main streets, Oregon City, Oregon.
Executor of the Last Will and Testa
ment of Alvina Wright, deceased.
Dated September 20th, 1916.
First Publication, Sept. 21, 1916.
Last Publication, Oct. 19, 1916.
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas, has ap
pointed Jhe undersigned administrator
or the Estate of Solomon P. Giddings,
deceased. All persons having claims
against the said decedent, or his es
tate, are hereby given notice that they
shall present them to the undersigned
administrator at the office of Jos. E.
Hedges, Esq., in the Weinhard Build
ing, in Oregon City, Oregon, within
six months from the date of this no
tice, with proper vouchers, duly veri
fied. .
Administrator of the Estate of Solo
mon P. Giddings, deceased.
Date of first publication September
28th, 1916.
: Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has filed his final account in
the matter of the Estate of Dorothy
Rakel, deceased, in' the County Court
of the State of Oregon, for the County
of Clackamas, and the Court has ap
pointed Monday, the 30th day of Oc
tober 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock
A. M., as the day and time for the
hearing of objections to such final ac
count, if there are any, and for the
settlement of said estate.
Administrator of the Estate of Dor
othy Rakel, deceased.
Attorney "for Administrator.
Date of First Publication, September
28th, 1916.
Notice of Road Budget Meeting
Notice is hereby given that, pursu
ant to Chapter 234, General Laws of
Oregon 1913, and Chapter 222, Gen
eral Laws of Oregon 1915, a meeting
of the' legal voters of Road District
No. 3, Clackamas County, Oregon,
will be held, at Erchebeck hall, in said
District on the 31st day of October.
1916, at the hour of 8 o'clock, P. M.,
for the purpose of considering the
following estimates of the amount of
money to be raised by special tax in
raid district for the ensuing year.
Drovement and maintenance of Deep
Creek and Watherly road, $584.
Improvement and maintenance of
Oregon City road, $300.
Improvement and maintenance of
Rock Creek and Hellar road, $1018.
Improvement and maintenance of
Foster and Portland road, $1604.
ble receipts of said Road District from
sources other than from direct taxa
tion upon real and personal property,
BALANCES Amount of all bal
ances on hand, none.
Subscribed by three resident free
holders of said district and by the
oad supervisor of said district this
list day of October, 1916.
' Freeholder.
, ' -" Freeholder.'
Road Supervisor, Road
District No. 3.
The undersigned have a complete
well-drilling outfit and are soliciting
business in Clackamas county. Work
guaranteed. Satisfaction is assured.
Phone Pac. 180-J. ,
How are you fixed for letter head?
and envelopes? Courier.
FOR SALE 25 shoats; W. W. Har
ris, Route 3, Beaver Creek. tf
FOR SALE Good driving team; col.
or black; well matched; will sell
very reasonable. Inquire R B.
Mason, Oregon City, Route 4. 12
FOR SALE Patagonia strawberry
plants. This is one of Burbank's
creations with pineapple flavor.
Early and prolific. $2 per hun
dred. H. S. Clyde, Gladstone. 6
FOR SALE I offer for sale on very
easy monthly payments some of the
( finest building lots in Oregon City.
Easy of access, centrally located
and priced right Oregon City is
getting better every day. H. E.
Cross, Beaver Bunlding.
The Oregon City Courier and the
Oregon Daily Journal (except Sun
day) for $4.75.
The full dinner pail is the enemy
of tuberculosis.
Ona In Switzerland That li Famed For
Its Roof Paintings.
Probably no towu In the world has
such strange bridges as Srluugar, the
capital of Kashmir, In India. The city
Is built on the banks of the river Jhe
lum, which Is crossed by many wooden
bridges lined with old and dilapidated
shops and bouses wltb balconies and
lattice windows. Some of these are
very insecure and look as if Uey might
at any time fall Into tha river beneath.
Timber has always been largely used
for building bridges,' and the earliest
one of this kind on record Is that which
Julius Caesar made across the Rhine
and which be describes In his "Com
mentaries.'' The roofed Kapellbruclte at Lu
cerne Is one of the most Interesting. It
crosses the river Reuss diagonally and
has 112 triangular paintings beneath
the roof, recording the heroic deeds of
old Swltzers and the sufferings of their
patron saints. In the midst of the Ka
pellbrucke stands an octagonal tower,
which formed part of the fortifications
of the town In the thirteenth century
The bridge was built In 1333.
One of tbe curious and undent bridges
In Europe Is that at Croyland, In Lin
colnshire, England, which is supposed
to date from the ninth century. No
road now posses over and no water
under It. It consists of three pointed
arches, which meet In the center, and
the ascent Is so steep that only foot
passengers can go over It. Upon the
bridge Is a seated figure In stone of a
rebel Saxon king. Pearson's.
Wherein It Differs From Sculpture,
Poetry and Painting.
, Music finds Its perfection In Itself
without relation to other objects. It
Is what It Is In Itself alone. It Is non
definitive; it does not use symbols of
something else; It cannot be 'translated
into other terms.
The poet seeks always a complete
union of tbe thing said and the method
of saying It. Flaubert seeks patiently
and persistently for the one word
which shall not only be the exact sym
bol of his thought, but which shall fit
his euphony.
Tbe painter so draws his objects, bo
distributes his colors and so arranges
bis composition as to make of them,
plastic mediums for the expression of
bis thought, and the greatness of his
picture depends first of all and inevi
tably on bis power of fusing bis sub
jects with bis technique.
. In sculpture precisely- the same pro
cess takes place. Neither of these arts
actually copies nature. Each "ar
ranges" It for its own purpose.
In music this much sought union of
matter and manner Is complete. The
thing said and the method of saying it
are one and Indivisible. It is, as Pater
says, "the Ideal of all nrt whatever,
precisely because In music It is Im
possible to distinguish the form from
the substance or matter, the subject
from the expression." Atlantic.
Boorish and Urbane. V
When we speak of a person as "boor
ish" we mean that he is rude. 111 bred
and uncouth. We seldom stop to think
that the word originally meant noth
ing more than "rustic." Boor Is the
same word as the German "bauer"
and the Dutch "boer," signifying "a
Jarmer." The manners of the peas
antry are alluded to In an uncompli
mentary way by the history of this
and many other words In the lan
guage. "Heathen" and "pagan" meant
simply "country bred" and "village
bred" once upon a time. Culture and
tbe higher . civilized virtues were
thought of as originating In towns and
making tbelr way slowly, If at all, to
the rural districts. So. we have as an
antonym to "boorish" the word "ur
bane" which originally meant "city
fled." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
A Vicious Dwarf, .
Bebe was the favorite dwarf of the
former King Stanislas of Poland. Born
In 1741 lu Lorraine, at the age of five
be was twenty-two inches high and at
his death in 17C4 thirty-three niches.
He was neither physically nor mental
ly active. Once Count Borowlaskl
visited him, and be became so jealous
of the former's superior manners pnd
Intejlectunl qualities that he attempt
ed to throw his visitor Into the fire,
but was prevented by the household.
A Disappointing Trip.
"I hear that you were invited to take
a four day automobile tour with Mr.
and Mrs. Whitby."
"How did you enjoy It?"
"Oh, I didn't care much for It. Mrs.
Whitby was so enthusiastic over the
scenery nnd things that she never told
me a thing about any of our friends
that I hadn't heard before." Albany
Knickerbocker Press.
Keeping Posted.
"I see Blinks always carries a vol
ume of tbe encye!oedIa wltb him to
read on tbe train Instead of n newspa
per." "Yes. You know he has three small
children at home, and he makes it a
point to try to answer all the questions
they ask h!m."-New York World.
An Extremist.
"Mrs. X. Is a great stickler for form
and ceremony. I understand."
"Mercy. . yes. Why. that woman
would Insist on dressing up to enter
tain an ldea."-Boston Transcript.
Judging From Experience.
'Top, are bald eagles a distinct vari
ety?" "I can't say positively, my son, but 1
rather fancy a bald eagle is simply a
married one." -Philadelphia Ledger.
Surgeons state men are slightly
more subject to appendicitis than
women. Oregon City people should
know that a few doses of simple buck
thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed
in Adler-i-ka, often prevent appendi
citis. This mixture removes such
surprising fojl matter that ONE
SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY
CASE constipation, sour stomach or
gas. The INSTANT, easy action of
, Adler-i-ka is surprising. The Jones
, LTUg CO.
Hon. lark V.
(' :::
k " - .. J.
Democratic, and Prohibition Nominee
Heartily endorses the great program
of constructive and progressive leg
islation passed by congress under
the leadership of Woodrow Wilson
The Eight Hour Law, Equal Sullrage,
Farm Credits, Prohibition. Rivers
and Harbors Improvement, Etc.
Born and Raised in Oregon
Realizes Oregon's Needs
A vote for him is to sustain the
President and for a Fearless, Pro
gressive and Able Representative
in Cangress.
(Paid Adv. by 1st Dist. Cong. Com.) E. F. Bailey, pres. Albany, Or.
. Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Julia
Ann Mumpower, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed
Executor of the estate of Julia Ann
Mumpower, deceased, by the County
Court' of Clackamas County, Oregon,
and has qualified.
All persons having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified and
required to present the same duly ver
ified and with proper vouchers to me
for payment at my residence at Glad
stone, Oregon, within six months
Dated the 10th day of October,
Executor of the Estate of Julia Ann
-Mumpower, Deceased. h
Prominent Suffragist Sounds Feeling
Eastern Clackamas
Returning to her home at Portland
after having charge of a Wilson booth
at the Eastern Clackamas fair at Es
tacada last week, Mrs. Helen I. Tom
linson, prominent woman suffrage
worker and ardent supporter of the
president, reports sentiment strong
for Wilson in the eastern part of the
county. Five hundred Wilson but
tons were distributed at the booth
and calls for many more were turned
down when the supply ran out. Mrs.
Tomlinson states that President Wil-
Joint Senator
- (Clackamas, Columbia and
Multnomah Counties)
Economical Legislation; Budget
System; Good Roads, But No
Bonds, Pay As We Go; Opposed to
Graft; Has No Axe to Grind; Let
The Country Be Represented.
(Paid Adv)
ft-- '
son is growing in the popular favor
in that district each day.
"Farmers demonstrated keen in
terest in Wilson and his policies.
They are particularly impressed with
the federal bank law and the rural
credits measure. One farmer who
voted for Abraham Lincoln in 1864
will vote for Wilson," said Mrs. Tom
linson, who is a keen observer and a
well-read suffragist. While at Esta
cada the lady was a guest of Post
master W. Heylman.
;. x, w -v, v .:r. x,,:, ,:; 5-- t
Democratic Candidate
Has been road supervisor of District
No. 47 several times during the past
eight years. Has the best roads in
the county in his district at lowest
possible cost. Believes in economy In
county government and in good roads
with all monies properly expended.
(Paid Adv)
New System
First-Class ..Painless Denistry
at Reasonable Prices All
Work Guaranteed
We Speak German
ROOMS 9-10-11-12
Phones Pac. 10; Home A-200