7 OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1916. UtooS soalKfeDf (Fe?cdquQ When travel ing, attending a Theatre or Function, or if Shopping, don't forget to DR. MILES -Anti- PAIN PILLS with you. They are in valuable for Headache and all other Pains. 25 Doses, 25 Cents. IF FIRST BOX 13 NOT SATIS FACTORY, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. Notice of Administrator's Sale Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will, on and after the first day of September, 1916, under and by virtue of an order and license issued out of the County Court of the State of Oregon, jClackamas County, Ore gon, in the matter of the estate of W. J. Lewellen, dated July 26th, 1916, offer at private sale, the following real and personal property belonging to said estate, to-wit: One share stock Cert. 67 in Clear Creek Creamery Co. Ten shares stock Cert. 9 in Kern Park Feed and Fuel Co. Ten shares stock Cert. 1300 in U. S. Cashier Co. Account against N. 0. Lundberg, face $27.14. " Account against Chas. Reams, face $13.44. Note of R. M. Stone, Prin. $17.25, dated Oct. 1, 1891. Note of W. H. Wilson, Prin. $39.46 dated Sept. 22, 1903. Note of F. H. Pounder, Prin. $700.00 dated Nov. 19, 1912. Note of F. H. Pounder, Prin. $1040.00, dated Feb. 18, 1913. Note of J. R. Millard, Prin. $60.00, dated Oct. 14, 1913. Stock of merchandise in Spring water store, consisting of goods,.wares and merchandise. Fixtures in store. REAL ESTATE (1) Beginning at a point which is North 17.75 chains from the south east corner of the Chase Donation Land Claim, being Not. No. 7709 in Sections 5 and 6 in T 4 S R 4 E of the Willamette Meridian in Clackamas County, Oregon; thence West 20 rods; thence South 42 rods; thence East 20 rods to the county road; thence North 42 rods along the road to the place of beginning, containing 5.25 acres. (2) Being a part of the O. J. Walker D. L. C. No. 53, Not. No. 1706 in Sections 17 and 18, T 3 S R 2 W of the W. M. Yamhill County, Oregon and particularly described for the land herein conveyed as follows, to-wit: , Beginning at a point 36.565 rods North of the Southwest corner of the said O. J. Walker D. L. C; thence running North 16 rods and 8 feet; thence East 43 rods and 8 V feet; thence South 17.10 rods; thence West 43.75 rods to the place of beginning, containing five (5) acres more or less. (3) Beginning at the Southeaster ly corner of a parcel of land convey ed by Geo. C. Ely and wife to Juston Pease by deed recorded in Book 36 of Deeds, page 82, of Record of Deeds for Clackamas County, Oregon; thence South 61 degrees 45 minutes West 320 1-100 ft, thence .South 91. 16-100 ft., thence North 61 degrees 45 min utes East 363.25 ft., thence North 28 degrees 15 minutes W. 80 30-100 ft. to the place of beginning, containing 0.63-100 acres. Being a part of the D. L. C. of William Holmes in Sec tion 5 T 3 S R 2 E of the Willamette Meridian, Clackamas County, Oregon. (4) Commencing at a point in the center of a forty foot street which bears North 28 degrees 04 minutes West, said point of beginning being more fully described as: ten foot South 28 degrees 04 minutes East and 20 foot South 61 3-4 degrees West of the most Southerly corner of a tract of land deeded to John Baker by Geo. C. Ely and wife and recorded in Book No. 34, page 16 Record of Deeds for Clackamas County, Oregon; and run ning thence North 28 degrees 04 min utes West, 1.43 chs. to a stone, and running thence South 61 degrees 3-4 minutes West 3.50 chains; thence North 28 degrees 04 minutes West 1.43 chains; thence North- 61 3-4 de grees East 3.50 chains; thence South 28 degrees 04 minutes East 1.43 chain's to a stone at starting point, containing One-half acre. Being situ ated in the William Holmes D. L. C. in T 3 S R 2 E of the W M Oregon, Clackamas. County. Bids for any or all of said property may be left with H. E. Cross, Attor ney for the estate, Beaver Building, Oregon City, Oregon. Terms of sale will be cash for all personal property, one-third cash on all real estate, the balance secured by mortgage on the premises, due in one year at 7 percent. The sale of the five acre tract in "Yamhill County, is made subject to a first mortgage of $1000.00 and a con tract of sale made to H. L. Goodwin, made the 23rd day of September, 1914. All sales are made subject to confir mation by the County Court of Clack amas County, Oregon. MARTHA JANE LEWELLEN, Administratrix of the Estate of W. -J. Lewellen, deceased. H. E. CROSS, ' Attorney for the Estate. BRING DESIRED RELIEF. "I have used Dr. Miles' Anti-Fain Pills for some time and find them an Invaluable remedy for headache. I have always taken great pleasure In recommending them to my friends, being confident that they will bring the desired relief. I am never without them and use them for all attacks of pain, knowing that they will not disappoint me." MRS. W. H. BENSON, West Haven, Conn. Summons In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. ' Nettie Mae Grigsby, Plaintiff, ' vs. . ' . Clarence W. Grigsby, Defendant. To Clarence W. Grigsby, the above named Defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint fil ed against you in the above named suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication, of this sum- mons, and if you fail to appear or answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint: For a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant. This summons is published by order of the Honorable H; S. Ander son, Judge of the County Court, which order was made on the 6th day of July, 1916 and the time pre scribed for publication thereof is 6 weeks, beginning with the issue of July 13, 1916 and ending with the issue of August 17, 1916. HOMER S. BOEHLER, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. In the matter of Jens Jensen, deceas ed. . Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been appointed admin istrator of the Estate of Jens Jen sen, deceased, by the above entitled Court, and has qualified. All per sons having any claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present same, duly verified, as by law provided, to Henry Harkson, administrator, at the office of Cour ier Press, Oregon CityP Oregon, within six Months from the date . hereof. - Dated and, first published August 10, 1916. HENRY HARKSON, Administrator. OLSEN & KELLEY, Attorneys, 413 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon. 14 The Courier $1.00 per year. . Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. In the Matter of the Estate of Pat rick Harris, Deceased, Notice in hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Pat rick Harris, deceased, by the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, and has qualified,, and all persons having claims against said estate are here by notified to present the same to the undorsigncd at the office of his attorney, Virgil L. Clarke, 909-13 Wilcox Building, Portland, Oregon, with the proper vouchers and duly verified within six (6) months from the date hereof. Dated August 10. ELMON A. GENESTE, Administrator. VIRGIL L. CLARKE, Attorney, 909-13 ' W'lcox Building, Port land, Oregon. -14 R. L. Holman, Leading Undertaker, Fifth and Main St.; Telephones: Pa cific 415-J; Home B-18. OREGON FIREJ1ELIEF ASS.N Strongest Mutual in the West M. R. COOPER, Agent EntprpHu Bide.. Oregon City REAL ESTATE MONEY LOANED ON IMPROVED FARMS Mrs. Delia Etchison John Edwards 401 E. 50th. SL N. Sherwood, Ore. Phone Tabor R805. Phone Sherwood. MONEY TO LOAN PAUL C. FISCHER Lawyer Deutscher Advokat Room 2, Beaver Bldg. Oregon City, Ore. Sheriff's Sale In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lane. Hugh S. Mount and Guy Mount, Plaintiffs, ' ' vs. Clair Evans, Defendant. State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, ss. By virtue of a' judgment order, decree and an execution, duly is sued out of and under the seal of the above entitled eourt, in the above entitled cause, to me duly di rected arid dated the 14th day of August, 1916 upon a judgment ren . dered and entered in said court on the 14th day of August, 1916, in favor of Hugh S. Mount and Guy Mount, Plaintiffs, and against Clair Evans, Defendant, for the sum of $149.07, with interest thereon at the rate of 6. per cent per annum from the 14th day of August 1916, and the further sum of $11.70 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following , described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of OregOH, to-wit: . Lot 3 of Block 37, of Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and de cree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday; the 16th day of Septem ber, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder for U. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the Judgment herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all . -accruing costs. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Aug. 17,1916. W.J.WILSON, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. HACKETT, 14 . Deputy. Notice for Bids for Wood and Coal Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received until Tuesday, August 22 at the County Clerk's office at Oregon City, Oregon for ' one car load of coal, 40 tons, and 50 cords of 4 foot fir wood, the same to be delivered in the basement' of the court house at Oregon City, on or before October 20th. Bidders shall specify the kinds of coal they propose to furnish and the price per ton of each. Wood must be sound- seasoned first growth fir. H. S. ANDERSON, 17 County Judge. COUNTY COURT (Continued from page 2) $36.00; W. Hastie, $32.00; W. S. Stan ton, $17.50; J. A. Stanton, $18.00; J. P. Watts, $32.00; George Long, $1.00; Henry Rye, $36.00; Oscar Rye, $4.00; A. M.' Livingston, $2.00; H. L.Living ston, $2.00; A. M. Anderson, $20.00; Howard-Cooper Corp., $30.40; John McKenzie, $12.00; E. J. Anderson, $21.00; Henry Rye, $4.00. DISTRICT NO. 37 John Deere Plow Co., $4.50; A. F. Roberts, $170.00 C. W. Kruse, $22.45; C. Evans, $7.88; R. A. Delk, $900; R. R. Moffitt, $4.00. DISTRICT NO. 38 W. H. Counsell $1400.04; R. Richardson, $48.80; J. Bohrer, $2.00; P. Rothe, $4.80; E. E. Roberts, $2.00. DISTRICT NO. 40 D, L. Erdman, $7.25; H. Bronner, $8.00; G. Clester, $1.00; C. Buckman, $3.00; C. Young, $4.00; A. Ackerson, $1.00; H. Young, $1.00; E. Bolen, $1.00. DISTRICT NO. 41 Frank Ahnert, $8.00; Ralph Ahnert, $8.00; H. H. Udell, $12.37; Casx Updegrave, $7.50; O. I. Evans, $1.25. DISTRICT NO. 42 Nick Beer, $12.00; John Gregory, $3.00; John Yo der, $12.00; Will Cooper, $31.50; A. C. Taylor, $40.50; Iver Learfald, $8.00; George Dr.wson, $15.50; M. Jackob son, $18.50; G. Williams, $3.00; A. E. Taylor, $2.00. DISTRICT NO. 43 P. K. L. & r. Co., $48.30; C. W. Schuld & Sons, $205.80; F. M. Blaisdell, $8.75; Bennie Blaisdell, $8.00. DISTRICT NO. 45 Hogg Bros., $6.00; Martin Bros., $455.00; F. P, Bauer, $15.02; Walter Cox, $4.00; Louis Vallen, $4.00; L. P. Elliott, $6.75. DISTRICT NO. 47 Archie Mason, $1344.25; J. I. Case, T. M. Co., $1.40; Assoc. Oil Co., $16.00; Milwaukie Ga rage, $21.20; W. B. Stokes, $7.20; Standard Oil Co., $5.23; Stand. Oil Co., $53.00; Chas. Livesay, $29.80; E. C. Warren, $1196.00; C. W. Risley, $145.19; O. P. Roethe, $113.25; Frank Lambert, $7.50; Henry Smith, $9.60; W. H. Counsell, $72.60; Jacob Risley, $69.56; W. R. Easier, $10.00; Jra Hart, $41.00; W. A. Cook, $33,00; G. G. Jones, $38.00; Alfred Jahn, $37.12; Thomas Gibbs, $4.38; Gottlieb Beuck- er, $19.38; W. McCord, Louie Lafell, $2.00; John Boick,. $10.00; R. B. Mad ison, $8.00; Sam Roberts,$16.00; Geo. Conway, $13.00; Ed Olds, $3.75; J. Nel, $4.00; D. C. Howell, $3.00; A. A. Dorn, $2.00. DISTRICT NO. 48 Anton Malar, $12.50; Walter Krebs, $12.50; William Bosholm, $8.50; John Sin Clair, $8.50; L. Van Oe Moortele, $7.00; T.- Van Orman, $8.50; Carl Alt, $21.00; Fred Koennecke, $6.50; W. L. Wilkins; $4.25; C. Applpwhite, $3.25; Walter Alt, $4.25; George Williams, $4.25; Dewely Alt, $2.25. DISTRICT NO. 49Hodson-Fee- MONEY TO LOAN We have several sums of money to loan on good real estate, from $100.00 to $1,000.00. HAMMOND & HAMMOND ATTORNEYS Beaver Bldg, Oregon City Ore. naughty. Co., $20.16; Phoenix Iron Works, $18.00; Bert H. Finch, $106.00 J. J. Davis, $0.75; Garfield Lbr. Co., $27.51; Robert Snyder, $4.00; J. F. Snyder, $12.00; Paul Sauer, $20.00; G. Hathaway, $8.00; B. T. Rawlins, $8.00; G. G. Cook, $14.00; J. J. Davis, $50.00; R. E. Davis, $50.00; Curtis Wilcox, $26.00; H. B. Davis, $69.00; F. H. Davis, "$20.00; H. H. Huxley, $74.00; E. T. Davis, $50.00; A. C. An derson, $52.00; L. M.Yocum, $82.50; Robert Snyder, $60.00; Julius Mark wart, $53.00;" J. F. Snyder, $44.00; R. T. Carter, $37.00; Ernest Amacher, $38.00; H. H. Anders, $37.00; . H. Stokes- $29.00; W. B. Lemon, $37.00; R. W. Lemon, $50.00; G. T.Hunt, $32.00; H. Duncan, $3.50; Albert Hay es, $7.60; T. Eash, $28.50; Chtester Dean, $2.50; J. O. Botkin, $22.00; M. Sarver, $8.00; W. L. Shriner, $6.00; Curtis Wilcox, $1.50; G. Hathway, $2.00; B. T. Rawlins, $2.00. . DISTRICT NO. 51 Ed. Osburn, $3.50; A. L. Heacock, $8.75; R. Love lace, $1.00; A. Olson, $1.00; E. No reen, $2.00; Ed. Strom, $2.00; E. P. Schedeen, $2.00; A. Exley, $10.00. DISTRICT NO. 52 G. S. Lenon, $4.00; A. Guidi, $2.00; J. Phillippi, $4.00; G.Gordan, $2.00; Axel Olson, $4.00; Royal Zinser, $4.00; Elmer Zinser, $2.00; C. Betz, $8.00; H. W. Kanne, $11.25; Aug. Geppert, $2.00. DISTRICT NO. 54 Ernest Conrad, $15.00; J. C. Lehman, $8.00; Ole Ve elle, $2.00; Lucht Bros., $11.00; O. L. Hammond, $2.00; John Wooster, $2.00 A. Neuenrchwander, $1.00; Mike Ro well, $2.00; Edd. Jackson, $3.00; C. A. Beugh, $2.00. DISTRICT NO. 54 Levi Erb, $138.00; C. Yoder, $42.00; Geo. Ow ings, $42.00; Ben Stanton, $44.00; W. W. Long, $57.75; E. K. White, $18.00; Bert Kent, $18.00; H. T. Jensen, $32.00 Wm. Burket, $26.00; V. Calvin, $17.00 Percy Graham, $24.50;' W. E. Dimick, $23.00; Wm. Yoder, $18.00.; Roy Kropf $12.00; Wm. Fleegle, $4.00; John Drescher, $8.00; Bertha Bromer, $2.00. DISTRICT NO. 55 C. C. Miller, $6.65; Bert H. Finch, $2.60; C. Jubb, $25.00; Byron Randolph, $12.00; C. E. Hively, $36.00; T. Jubb, $14.00; W. Craft, $15.50; H. Ewalt, $2.00; G. M. Hively, $55.00; A. C. White, $24.00; Joe Youngferdorff, $11.00; F. Gibb, $13.00; J. F. Cummin, $11.00; A. S. Richmond, $6.00; Worth Randolph, $4.00. DISTRICT NO. 58 H. F. Gibson, $10.00; J. C. Miller, $36.25; J. White head, $16.00; A. Johnson, $5.00. GENERAL ROADS Pac. Tel. & Te. Co., $2.75; Jones Drug Co.i, $6.25; The Irwin-Hodson Co., $4.55; Miller Parker Co., $5.35; Huntley Bros. Co.,' $1.65; T. A. Roots, $100.00; C. R. Lewthwaite, Co., $19.51; Milwaukie Garage, $4.10; J. Morganti, $2.50; E. Stewart Gear, $5.50; Walter J. Roots, $2.60; H. S. Anderson, $8.40; Hodson Feenaughty Co., $303.12; Coast Cul vert & Flume Co., $256.89; H. Wors- wick, $25.00; Howard-Cooper Corp., $337.62;. E. C. Warren, $33.30; E. D. Olds, $350.00; R. L. Holsclaw, $107.50; Nottingham & Co.,- $55.65; Chas. F. Terrill, $240.00 ; J. I. Case Threshing Mach. Co., $519.47; Oregon City Ga rage, $1.30; A. C. Buchel, $1.90; Fair banks, More & Co., $2.98; Caffall Bros. $13.50; Oregon City Foundry, $40.97; Phoenix Iron Works, $37.00; Fred Dundee, $14.05; Straight & Salusbury, $20.46; Hogg Bros., $22.15; Parkplace Store, $1.60; A. H. Averill Mach. Co., $2.60;Russell Grader Mfg.Co., $3.33; Avery & Co., $1.50; Alaska Junk Co., $17.00; Honeyman Hdwe. Co.,$28.62; Wilson & Cooke,$1.00; Buffalo Steam Roller Co., $9.15; Bert H. Finch, $2.00 C. H. Dauchy, $8.45; H. E. Sharrow, $3.60; Marshall-Wells Hdwe. Co., $92.17; P. R. L. & P. Co., $37.60; Board of Water Commissioners, $4.00; Canby Implement Co., $1.20; J. Oh lert, $5.15; Frank Millard, $5.00; Wil liams Bros. Trans. Co., i $74.25; Elec tric Store, $0.76; Larsen & Co., $88.83; Union Oil Co. of California, $288.57; National Tank & Pipe Co., $121.20; Standard Oil Co., $24.43; Geo. T. Par ry, $3.75; W. R. Telford, $12.00; Glad stone Lumber Co., $6.60; James Ad kins Lumber Co. ,$14.94; Martin Bros., $13.68; East Side Mill & Lumber Co., $2.78; A.-N. Wills, $226.41; D. D. Hostetler, $173.50; Linton & Chase, $65.00; K. Koellermeier, $24.00; Ore gon City Icee Works, $67.80; S. L. Mullan, $8.00; C. J. Hood, $3.00; E. A. Hackett, $84.00; H. G. Knox, $103.50; W. T. Thompson, $8.75; S. A. Cobb, $70.48; W. H. Mattoon, $10.00; Gust Erickson, $15.60; F. J. Moser, $22.50; J. E. Peters, $20.00; E. Stewart Gear, 0.00; B. Morganti, $165.00; Gust Erickson, $22.75; Karl Parry, $32.20; Fl J.Moser, $54.00; Wm. Ober, $22.20; Guy Haney, $7.20; C. G. Pursifull, $26.70; C. Gary, $21.30; C. A. Dodson, $18.90; A. Wetmore, $7.80; D. Deyoe, $24.90; R. Gibson, $21.20; C. M. Ogles- by, $36.00; G. T. Parry, $44.40; B. L. Frederich, $193.50; P. Rothlesburger, $17.70; Marion Worswick, $9.00; Ho mer Haney, $6.00; C. Brickley, $14.10; W. C. Bickerstaff, $4.80; S. Drefs, $4.80; M. Christensen, $65.80; Jack Morganti, $92.80; Carl Ober, $70.50; I. Cohen, $58.70; C. Flaherty, $66.00; Uniting Learning and Labor THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE In its Six Schools and Forty-eight De partments is engaged in the great work oi uniting Learning and Labor. Forty-eighth School Year Open SEPTEMBER 18, 1916. Degree Courses requiring four-year high school preparation, are offered in the following: AGRICULTURE, 18 Departments; COMMERCE, 4 Departments; ENGIN EERING, 6 Departments; MINES, 3 Departments; FORESTRY, 2 Depart ments; HOME ECONOMICS, 4 Depart ments; and PHARMACY. - Vocational Courses requiring an Eighth Grade preparation for entrance are offered in Agriculture, Dairying, Commerce, Forestry, Home Makers, and Mechanic Arts, rnarraacy witn a two year high school entrance requirement. SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Piano, String, Band and Voice Culture. Catalogue and beautiful illustrated booklet free. Address TbR RkgisTKar, 1 w-7-4-1 to M-18) COEV ALUS, OREGON Columbia Beach Now Open Best Bathing Resort in Northwest Fine For The Kiddies Full Accommodations for 1000 Bathers at a Time First Class Amusements, Dancing and Refreshments Unexcelled For Camping and For Picnic Parties 30 Minutes From Broadway on the Vancouver Line Portland Railway Light Power Company A. C. Buchel, $120.00; John Kay ,$80. 63; H. N. Kern, $91.00; E. J. Curtin, $38.20; Chas. Wright, $51.50; Robt. Mattoon, $34.50; H. Babler, $225.00; E. C. Gerber, $225.00; Walter J. Roots $76.80; M. D. Jones, $81.60; Teddy Worswick, $14.50; G. G. Faulkner, $52.80; B. Cook, $30.50; James Kep cha, $32.25; A. Martin, $32.25; J. E. Peters, $43.75; R. Johnson, $30.00; G. Kelland, $22.50; T. Blanchard, $10.00; Emil Gelbrkh, $2.50; E. Gelbrich, $2.50; H. Engel, $34.00; A. Ruther ford, $12.00; W. Randall, $24.00; N. Norton, $10.00; A. Blanchard, $2.00; C. Geiger, $2.00; E. Stauber, $10.00; M. Stauber, $8.00; F. Huiras, $16.00; Fred Lins, $6.25; Edd Guber, $6.00; C. Guber, $3.00; V. Domm, $2.00; E. L. Faulkner, $22.80; A. L. Heacock, $10.00; R. Lovelace, $8.00; A. Hoff meister, $4.00; A. Wedin, $8.00; A. Olson, $8.00; E. Johnson, $8.00; O. No reen, $4.00; East Side Mill & Lumber Co., $26.98; Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $27.00; Wallace F. Miller, $15.75; E, Courand, $14.50; E. M. Haines, $26.00; Chris Kraft, $4.00; A. B. Cole, $40.00; D.. R. Dimick, $23.75; Wm. Rider, $19.00; Sam Hess, $35.35; W. C. Powell, $19.00; Wm. Seeson, $36.00; Geo. Koehler, $35.00; Melvin Mahlum, $30.00; Milo Lee, $2.00; Ed Rupp, $13.00; Paul Bany, $28.50; R. Schue bel & Co., $21.85; Clyde Ringo, $2.00; J. A. Coulter, $4.00; Jacob Tienharra, $2.25; Harvey Robertson, $4.00; Matt Mattson, $8.50; Allen Larkens, $2.00; Nels Saari, $4.25; Arnold Helbacca, $4.25; Isaac Helbacca, $4.25; R. Schue bel, $18.00; Martin Bros., $146.38; John Putz, $12.50; Carl Stromgreen, $8.00; Carl Klang, $15.75; F. A. Bauer $13.00; Fred Zwohlen, $14.00; Louis Vallen, $4.00; A. S. Freeman, $11.00; G. A. Harrison, $6.00; E. G. Hodgkiss $5.00; Robt. Zwahlen, $9.00; B. Sulli van, $2.00; Chas. Freeman, $2.00; G. A. Gottberg, $2.00; L. P. Elliott, $29. 25; Scripture & May, $2.35; S. Nash, $45.00; L. Mattoon, $56.25; C. G. Smith, $10.00; C. Zimmerman, $64.75; M. Tiedeman, $24.00; F. Zimmerman, $20.00; D. Day, $14.00; W. Pappoon, $12.00; C. Hage, $32.50; R. Shepeid, $40.50; N. Melvin, $24.75; G. Brown, $37.50; E. Pickle, $28.00; R. Arm strong, $4.00; A. Anderson, $4.00; W. Kaiser, $57.50; F. Kaiser, $74.00; C. Koellermeier, $12.00; C. Day, $28.00; W. Robinson, $28.00; D. Colson, $52.50 W. Schultz, $28.00; F. Fisher, $28.00; M. Pickle, $9.00; H. Wright, $4.00; F. E. Downing, $8.00; Fred Minder, $8.00 John MostuI, $4.00; Fred Gerber, $4.00 C. Verding, $4.00; Edwin Gerber, $5.00; W. Dutcher, $28.00; W. S. Thomas, $15.00; John Hosey, $15.00; Day Hardware & Furniture Co., $8.25 East Side Fuel Co., $55.23 Milwaukie Building Mat. Co., $50.50; Pope & Co. $0.50; $10.53; H. S. Anderson, $25.00. BOUNTY Walter H. Leroy, $1.50; C. H. Edwards, $10.00. ELECTION C. A. Lewis, $4.20; F. T. Shute, $6.00; Richard Simms, $9.00; Dan Fellows, $6.00; Wm. Ru therford, $6.00; N. M. Scribner, $6.00; School Dist. No. Ill, $3.00. SHERIFF H. H. Hughes, $7.00; V. Harris, $1.50; W. C. Murray, $2.00; Hogg Bros., $0.85; A. G. Ames, $1.80; A. E. Joyner, $31.00; Wm. J. Wilson, $21.00; Wm. Fetelsor., $1.25; D. E. Frost, $9.00; Samuel Riley, $2.20. ASSESSOR Wm. A. Morand, $38. 90; Wm. Avison, $17.50. COURT HOUSE Blake - McFall Co., $4.88; 'Hogg Bros., $5.00; W. II. Mattoon, $33.00; C. J. Hood, $1.45; 181 Pope & Co., $123.93; E. B. Andrews, $10.75; Huntley Bros. Co., $29.90; Home Telephone Co., $15.05; Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., $36.45. COUNTY COURT Wr H. Mattoon $33.00; A. H., Knight, $64.60. CIRCUIT COURT P. J. Maher, $5.60; A. D. McDonald, $2.20; Henry Ameelex, $3.40; J. W. Bennett, $3.00; Philip Kohl, $3.00; Doctors Mount, $2.50; T. M. Miller, $36.00. JUSTICE PEACE J. E. Pomeroy, $7.80; J. M. Ghrist, $23.60; Grace Un derwood, $3.10; B. N, Nickles, $3.10; Jess Hite, $3.10; Lizzie Ghrist, $3.10; A. A. Anderson, $3.20; Ernest Ander son, $3.20; Wallace Hartley, $3.20; Miss Gladies Bocheler, $5.00; D. E. Frost, $11.50; John N. Sievers, $17.50. CORONER Ruth Embree, $10.00; Dr. M. C. Strickland, $30.00; Dr. M. E. Hempstead, $67.70; Maxwell Vic tor, $2.40; Geo. J. Hall, $2.40; Wm. Trudell, $2.40; G. E. Long, $2.40; J. B. Bowland, $2.40; S. J. Jones, $2.40; Dr. Hugh S. Mount, $10.00; Mr. R. A. Wells, $1.50; Mrs R. A. Wells, $1.50; Jack Bannon, $1.60; Mrs. W. J. Kent, $1.50; Mrs. F W. Orpin, $4.50. SURVEYOR Paul Dunn, $19.60; H. H. Johnson, $99.60; D. Thompson Meldrum, $53.20; Bud Thompson, $.19. 60; Bud Mortindale, $4.00. INSANE Dr. Guy Mount, $5.00; Dr. J. W. Nprris, $5.00; Dr. M. C. Strickland, $5.00.- SUPT. OF SCHOOLS Brenton Vedder, $75.95; Pac. Highway Garage, $2.05; J. E. Calavan, $19.20; Carl F. Anderson, $3.00; Lena Ulen, $9.00. BOARD OF HEALTH Dr. O. A. Welsh, $59.36; Dr. W. D. Butler, $2.50; Dr. A. J. Rossiter, $3.00; Wm. D. Perry, $6.00; Dr. H. V. Adix, $5.50; Geo. J. Case, $6.75; Dr. H. A. Dedman $1.75; Dr. B. B. BabAelder, $3.50; Jones Drug Co., $4.50. FRUIT INSPECTOR-O. E. Frey tag, $19.70. COUNTY VETERINARIAN D. F. Bennett, $12.50; V. II. Grimm, $12.50; R. F. Walters, $12.50; S. O. Dillman, $12.50 Frank Haberlach, $08.75. INDIGENT SOLDIER Mead Post No. 2, G. A. R., $25.00. COUNTY POOR Wm. Danforth, $10.00; Tom Jones, $14.00; Boys' & Girls' Aid Soc, $10.00; Mrs. Bradtl (J. McNamara), $10.00; Mrs. Mary Buckner (W. T. Tinsley) $20.00; Sam Booher, $16.00; Dock Mosier, $10.00; Patton Home (Mrs. J. Avin), $16.00; Mary Buol (Robt. Trimble), $5.00; Sarah Gibbons, $20.00; Ella Payne, $10.00; Henry Spiess (Mr. and Mrs. Chalk), $16.00; W. J. Moldenhauer, $10.00; Louise Ballou, $15.00; Mrs. Galbraith, $15.00; Hurry Cooper, $20.00; Mrs. G. W. Thompson, $10.00; A. C. Sleight, $15.00; Ada LeBaw, $8.00; Ella Tracy (Eunice Horner), $10.00; Ben Landes, $12.00; S. E. Card (Michael Boyl), $8.00; F. Fredirici (Joe Fox), $8.00; Mrs. Lee Brown, $20.00; A. W. Camehl (Chas. Holmes), $7.00; Cora Joselyn, $20.00; C. H. Dybdahl, $12.00; Gustav Greble, $10. 00; Logus Est., W. L, Mulvey, Agt. (John eBers), $12.00; Parkplace Store (Mrs. Baker), $5.00; Francis Welsh (Mrs. Church), $10.00; Wang & Co. (C. A. Miller), $24.20; Myers & Bra dy (Mrs. Tressa Marx), $20.00; Am bulance Service Co., $8.00; W. W. Pollock (Chas. McKinnis), $12.00; Mrs. Renfert, $15.00; Fred Schwartz (Trullinger), $9.00; Frank Ott (Mary Foster), $9.55; F. T. Barlow (W. Dickelman), $10.00; F. T. Earlow (Mrs. Beers), $23.00; Farr Bros. Is The Electric Store Phones Home A-229 Pacific Main 115 Andresen Bldg. 619 Main St. (Matheson), $45.00; Farr Bros. (Mrs Pieza), $4.00; Huntley Bros. Co. (A, Dahlke), $14.35; Huntley Bros. Co (Starr boy), $1.30; Oregon iCty Hos pital (Dahlke & Krogh), $188.45 Mrs. C. B. Owen (Matheson), $5.00 B. Bachelder (Ed Miller), $12.00 Good Samaritan Hospital (W. E, Bartlett), $8.35; Good Samaritan Hos pital (Chas. Frazier), $34.60; St. Vin cent's Hospital (Mrs. I. Mobra), M. J. Foster, Plath, Crites, Barkley & Foster), $16.00; Oregon City Hospital Co. (E. Starr), $43.00; Hoff Bros. (T. J. Wirtz), $15.38; Dr. J. W. Nor ris (Booher, Matheson, Scott, Fix), $15.45; Barrick Hotel (B. H. Barktey) $3.60; Dr. E. R. Todd (B. Barkley), $12.00; David Jones (B. H. Barclay), $8.50; Otto E. Meindl (C. J. Seahorn), $5.00; Mrs. Maud Stewart (Mrs. Flora. Balmer), $2.75; J. F. McCormack (John Marx), $20.00; Electric Hotel (Dick Meyers), $20.00; Price Bros. Beers), $15.00; W. E. Hompstead (Mrs Crites), $5.00; Dennis Donovan (Je rome Hamilton), $14.00; Mrs. F. Fra ser (Mrs. Marx), $5.00; F. J. Walk ley (Valentine), $14.05; Robbins Bros. (James Russell $10.20; P. J. Winkle (Katie Yongerker), $5.00; Mt. Pleas ant Dairy (John Bears), $2.25; Mrs. Ola Rosenbaum (Crites), $8.00; R. Petzold (Mrs. Beers), $2.00; A. J. Knightly (Mrs. Marco), $7.00; E. A. Hugh (Mrs. Pieza), $6.00; F. B. Scho enborn (Mrs. Rhodes), $26.65; P. J. Winkel (Mr. Greble), $10.00; Mrs. M. J. Trullinger (Francis Pashall), $20. 00j F. Miller & Sons (Scott), $2.50; Larsen & Co. (Albert Pegurin), $10. 00; Larsen & Co. (Mrs. Eva Marco), $15.00; Burmeister & Andresen (Mrs. Rigolett), $1.50; Wm. Schilling (B. Landis), $1.75; C. James, Ivy (Valen tine child), $10.00. JAIL W. J. Wilson, $39.99. JUVENILE COURT Minda E. Church, $14.40; D. E. Frost, $27.45. INSURANCE German, American Insurance Co., $56.40; Dillman & How land, $28.20. PRINTING, ADVERTISING AND SUPPLIES Courier Press, $119.20; Oregon City Enterprise, $277.90; Huntley Bros. Company, $21.35; I. M." Harrington, $10.00; J. E. Jack, $3.00; J. E. Calavan, $10.47; W. J. Wilson, $10.00. SEALER OF WEIGHTS & MEAS URES J. F. Jones, $32.80. DAMAGES Fred Auno, $25.00; Wm. Aune, $25.00; Wm. Ober, $25.00. PROHIBITION D. O. Worthing- ton, $6.40. LAWYER'S Abstracts examined. Corporation Law. Accounts. Estates probated. Collec tions, Deeds. Mortgages. General ..... 11 SI ...nnnnT.!.. practice ui au courts, wi ' solicited. Prompt attention. Bank references. Fourteenth year. LOANS PLACED ON rORiLAND IWtmi Mosessohn & Mosesschn 714-715-71 Chamber of Commerce Bid. PORTLAND, OREGON Geo. C. Brownell LAWYER Cufield Bldg. Oregon City Oregon