OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1916. 8 Store Open 8:30 A. M. Saturdays at 9 A. JL Pacific Phone Marshall 5080 The Most fai Value The Best in Quality THE MOST IN VALUJi Mini'M!im"Wir;MwriiilMi THE BEST IN QUALITY Store Closes 5:30 P. M. Saturdays a, 6 P. M. Home Phone A 2112 Agents for the Butterick Patterns and Publications Attractive New Styles -in- Cotton Wash Goods You May Get Such Goods Elsewhere, But Never - at Our Prices 200 STYLES AT 15c YD. Batistes, Lawns, Mulls and Tissue Weaves shown in plain colors and in neat fig ures, flowers, stripes, checks and plaids 200 different styles to select from all priced at, the I yard 1 JC PALM BEACH SUITINGS 25c YD. 36-inch Palm Beach Suitings in plain shades and in check and stripe styles. All want ed colors. A spec ial val. at, yd........'. ?JC SPORT STRIPES 25c YD. Linen Finish Suitings shown in the extremely fashionable sport stripes in pink, green, blue and black stripes. Regu lar 35c quality, on (T sale at, yard WOVEN STRIPE VOILES 35c YARD Dainty Woven Stripe Voiles in a variety of styles and colors that are guaranteed fast come 36 inch- C es wide; priced,. yd. Tempting Values IN OUR READY-TO-WEAR SECTION Greater value for the same money and less mon ey for the same value has been the attractive motto that has brought ever-increasing crowds to our rea-dy-to;wear section day by day year by year, and NOW! PROFIT BY THESE SPECIAL OFFERINGS! $11.95 for pongee Sport Dresses with plain Coat and stripe Skirt. $3.98 for women's new stripe voile Dresses in all sizes. $3.98 for women's new voile Waists, other lines down to $1 ' $3.98 for women's new white Dress Skirts; other lines at $1 98c for .women's and misses' new stripe Middy Coats, all sizes. $1.65 for children's new Middy Dresses in sizes 6 to 14 yrs. REDFERN WASHABLE Kid Gloves AT $1.50 PAIR One - clasp, fashionable Kid Gloves made with embroidered back and full pique seams. They can easily and satisfactorily be washed. They come in all want ed new and staple colors and in all sizes an exceptionallv fine Ulove, pric ed at $1.50 WOMEN'S WHITE Shoes $3.50 The latest styles with hand turned or white ivory soles and covered heel all sizes white canvas Shoes of CJ! f very best quality Jv $3.00 WHITE PUMPS AT $2.37 The fashionable one-strap and Colonial white canvas Pumps in styles with rubber or leath er soles and covered heels all sizes and widths, regular $3 lines, this sale at flfO pair iJ)5J THIS IS THE PLACE TO BUY MEN'S AND BOYS' , Bathing Suits Assortments Are Complete, Qualities Reliable and Prices Most Moderate Men's Cotton Suits in One Piece Styles That Button on the Shoulder At 79c, at $1, at $1.25 a Suit in Worsted at $2, $2.50 and $3.50 a Suit Boys' Cotton Suits in the Same Styles at 40c, at 50c, at 85c; and 85c Worsted at $1.75 About the State Resume of the News of the -Week from All Parts of Oregon Cherries in the famous fruit dis trict about The Dalles have not suf fered so greatly from the rains of the past fortnight as have those in other districts, but, according to prominent fruit growers there, all fruit must be sorted before it can be packed for fancy trade. A cessation of the rain will be welcome, however. the sugar factory' in South Grants Pass, and this week excavating for the mammoth pulp silo will be commenc ed. The silo to be constructed this season will be about 150 feet wide by 300 feet long, and will be excavated to a depth of 18 feet. It will then be planked on the floor arid the sides, with drains put in to carry off the water. Marion county hop growers are of the opinion that the crop for this year will be lighter than usual and much below that of last year, which was scant enough. The late spring has retarded vine growth, and al though hops are showing well now the growers are pessimistic as to their prospects. J. M. Alcorn ' left for Portland with a carload of hogs and sheep, which he will dispose of in the Port land market. The stock had been brought in by Lane county farmers, and is one of the co-operative ship ments that are being sent to Portland about every two weeks. Eugene Guard. Workmen are making headway on the construction of the beet sheds at WHAT CATARRH IS It has been said that every third person has catarrh in some form. Science has shown that nasal catarrh often indicates a general weakness of the body; and local treatments in the form of snuffs and vapors do little, if any good. To correct catarrh you should treat its - cause by enriching your blood with the oil-food in Scott's Emulsion which is a medicinal food and a building-tonic, free from alcohol or any harmful drugs. Try it. Scott & Bowue, Bloonifield, N. J. A crowd estimated at between 500 and 600 attended the joint picnic of the grange and farmers' union at North Plains last Thursday. Govern or Withycombe was present and de livered an address and another speak er was C. E. Spence, president of the state grange. any grade school in the city, the average daily attendance being 75. Bee. Glenview drive has been graded and is in fine shape. Every automo bile load of visitors should be urged to take the trip over the beautiful scenic drive. The approach up Gran ite street is now smooth and graded. Incidentally the high drive will be a favorite place for automobile parties to witness the fireworks displays. Re member in approaching the drive to go up the canyon road and come back over the drive. Ashland Tidings. The rains of the past three or four days have caused serious damage to the cherry crop of the Willamette valley. The damage in the territory tributary to Salem is estimated by Manager Allen of the Hunt Bros, can nery at from ten to fifteen per cent of the entire crop. The Salem Fruit union and the canneries are experi menting with various plans to use the damaged fruit and as far as possible to minimize the loss to the growers. Experiments being conducted in Marshfield with black sand which is found in great quantities all over this portion of the coast are said to have developed extraordinary find ings. It is claimed that the values are far beyond the most optimistic expectations and the opening of operations here will revolutionize the entire labor market and ideas of resources. The erection of the new Christian Science church, a new bungalow, a brick wall on a lodge building and a concrete viaduct over Cozine creek were among the building operations discovered in McMinnville within one week by the News-Reporter. Loganberries are ripe and the new plant of the Albany Fruit Juice com pany will be ready to start up the last of the week and take care of the crop. The machinery is about installed in the factory at the foot of Broadalbin street and operations are expected to start Thursday or Friday. Geo. G. Brown, manager of the plant, states that the earliest berries will be ready at Brownsville Wednesday and an ef fort will be made to commence opera tions then. Albany Democrat. The Sellwood summer school, of which Mrs. L. Thomas is principal, and Misses Kellogg and Breen teach ers, is being well attended. The man ual training classes under W. F. Potts have the best attendance of Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the di sease. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influenced by constitutional conditions, and in order to cure it you must take an internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years. It is composed of some of the best tonics known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the ingredi ents in Hall's Catarrh Cure is what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal conditions. Send for testi monials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., To ledo, O. All druggists, 751. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Special This Week Sugar and Fruit Jars at less than present Wholesale Cost Do not overlook our supply of Fruits, Groceries, Crockery, Graniteware, and'greatest varieties of other goods, including Cream Separators and other Dairy and Poultry Supplies AH guaranteed as represented or money back. Our prices will average lower, quality considered, than other houses in this county. We pay the Highest Cash Price for Produce LARSEN & CO. Corner 10th and Main Sts. Oregon City, Oregon -Q RINER SISTERS TO PRESENT COMEDY PROGRAM Chautauqua Patrons to See ennes In "Joy Day" Famous Comedi-Protfram , h" r't SPY IV yon would laugh and laugh long and heartily get a glimpse of the Itlner Sisters in action at the Chautauqua, and If you have a case of "blues," no mutter how bad, they will drive them from you like sunshine after an April shower. The Hiner Sisters are funmnkers, and they are full of clean fun and humor. They live fur the joy of It all, and they make you feel the same way. If you would toiyet all cares and laugh, laugh, laugh, come to Chautauqua and hear the Itlner Sisters. -' I! jsis ' II I GUPBOARDI Espee Beach Trips Those contemplating outings at the beaches this year might more easily make their plans with the assistance of several very pretty and interesting pamphlets on hand at the local ticket office of the Southern Pacific company A few of the booklets that are espec ially attractive are those descriptive of the lillamook county beaches and Newport. Other very pretty book lets describe the Apach Trail of Ari zona, Crater Lake, Oregon and the Tahoe country. These books may be had for their solicitation from H. D, Olsen at the station. R. L. Holman and T. P. Randall Leading Undertakers. Fifth and Main St.; Telephones: Pacific 415-J; Home ts-ia. Carver Celebrates The good residents at Carver unit ed their celebration of the Fourth with a fine reception to the first train over the new Portland and Oregon Ci railroad to reach that place. The pa triotic exercises of the dav were at tended by a large gathering and many cneers greeted the new tram. He who builds up health lays up treasure in me iianK ox JNature, YOUR WHIP HAND. WHEN mayonnaise, gold cake or custard has left an abundance or egg wnites in tne pantry try a whip for dessert. It is one of the daintiest and most tempting of sweets and yet has an element of food value that is important. White of an egg, beaten stiff, Is the foundation of all whips. This is sweet ened and flavored, and the whip Is ready to. serve. It is daintiest served in dessert glasses of some 'sovt: Small cakes, nut or cocoanut macaroons or lady fingers may be passed with whips. Orange whip Is delicious. To make It cut sweet oranges Into small dice, free from seeds and inner skin. Sweet en the egg white and ndd orange pulp and juice, 1 as much as the eggs will take up without getting thin. This whip may be garnished with a few tiny pieces of candied orange peel. Chocolate whip is made In this way: Melt an ounce of unsweetened choco late with half a cupful of sugar and a very little water enough to make a thick sirup. Cook for three or four minutes and cool, and then pour slowly and carefully over four stiff egg whites. mixing it in thoroughly. Grape Whip. One-half box of gela tin, one pint of grape juice, one-half cupful of cold water, one-half cupful of sugar lor less if the crane juice is very sweet). Cover the gelatin with the cold water mid let it soak for one half hour. Add the sugar and stand the mixture over hot water and stir until dissolved. Pour In the grape Juice and put aside until partly Jellied. then heat with an ordinary egg whip until the whole mixture is like the white of benten egg. Turn at once Into a mold to harden. Any pure fruit juice may be substituted for the grape juice nnd makes a very delicate des sert. OBREGON IS O'BRIEN And so well did Micky, serve the first empire that he became General Miguel Obregon, and was placed in control of the western coast of the land of Mowuahtesuma, where, with his wife who came from the land of his fathers, he left sons to lay him to rest when his last day came. A few weeks ago a stubborn presi dent of Mexico, almost at the end of his rope, sent a great-grandson of that same Micky O'Brien (Alvaro Obregon) to the rim of his country, bearing arrogant demands, ungrant able requests, but with an army of some 40,000 troops supposedly to back up those demands if it came to blows. which the jurymen could hold in deal ing with Thompson. The scissors were found in Thompson's possession and are said to have been taken at the same time as the silk handkerchief found near Ristman's body. Judge Bagley of Washington coun ty late last week made an order con tinuing the present grand jury to the July term which began on Monday, the order stating that the jury had been unable to complete its labor and dispose of matters under investiga tion. The fact that Thompson is held even on such a charge as the stealing of scissors from the Japanese is con sidered as evidence that the jury has something more serious in mind as a result of its investigations in connec tion with the murders of the Gore farm. Tatro Goes to McMinnville The resignation of Burr E. Tatro, head of the commercial department in the Oregon City high school re cently re-elected to serve next year, has been presented to the city school board. Mr. Tatro desires to sever his connection with the local institu tion in order to accept a position on the faculty of the McMinnville high school, where he has been offered greater remuneration for work simi lar to that over which he had charge here. The U. S. Public Health Service found 78 percent of the rural homes in a certain county unprovided with sanitary conveniences of any kid. The Courier nal $4.75. and the Daily Jour- Dr. L. G. ICE DENTIST Beaver Building Oregon City Phones Pacific, 1221. Home, A-19. i rarefy H D OREGON CITY R. L. Holman and T. P. Randall, Leading Undertakers, Fifth and Main St.; Telephones: Pacific 415-J; Home B-18. STRIKER ATTACKED Research Fiend Finds Irish Forefather for Mexican General Shades of old Erin! Some re search fiend has unearthed the history of the late members of the Obregon family, whose present generation boasts a member whose military ca reer has tangled him sadly in the in ternational web held at one end by the United States and at the other by the de facto government of Mexico. This person is General Alvaro Obre gon, the chief patriot in Carranza's army and the man with whom govern ment officials of the United States have had many dealings within the past few weeks. The history of the general as it has been outlined in an eastern ex change, is as follows: Ninety-five years ago an Irishman was sent by the king of Spain to rule as viceroy over Mexico. His name was John O'Donahue or Juan O'Don- oju in Spanish. His closest friend ana constant Doayguard was one Micky O'Brien, renamed by his adopted Iberian . brothers, Miguel Obregon, and it was to him that Juan O'Donoju turned when Iturbide and his army, flying the banner of the "first empire," decreed the end of the 300-year rule of the Mexican vice roys. Up the mountain wall from Vera Cruz went these two sons of Ireland to where Cordova clings like a swal low's nest to the seaward side of the sierra. And there Jack O'Donahue and Micky O'Brien agreed to repudi ate their emperor, and allow Itur bide, the Morelian Indian, to rule un til a king of Mexico could be chosen. Clcve Morrow Shot by Strikebreaker at Portland Cleve Morrow, striking steamboat man, was shot by William Hill, strike breaker employed on the steamer Po mona of the Oregon City Transporta tion company, when a group of strik ers are said to have attempted to at tack Hill in Portland on Monday night. Morrow was rushed to the hospital where medical attention found that the bullet with which he was shot had fractured two ribs. His chance for recovery was held very good. Hill, who was arrested following the shooting, declared he shot in self defense. He said that a group of strikers, about 15 in number, had come upon him while he was on the way back to the boat after a trip up town, with the apparent intention of mob bing him. He said that he began run ning for the warehouse of the Oregon City Transportation company and at the same time drew his revolver to protect himself. Two shots were fired, one of them striking Morrow, who immediately fell. Hill then made his escape to the warehouse of the Oregon City Trans portation company, where he was ar rested and taken to the police station. The strikers, who had been pursuing, came up to the door of the warehouse, but the presence of the officers pre vented any further outbreak. Indiana Man's Experience Frank Moseley, Moore's Hill, Ind., writes: "I was troubled with almost constant pain in sides and back and attributed it to weakening of my kidneys. I got a package of Foley Kidney Pills. Great relief was appar ent after the first doses and in 48 hours all pain left me. "If you have rheumatism, backache, swollen, ach ing joints or stiff, painful muscles, why not try Foley Kidney Pills? They stop sleep-disturbing bladder ail ments, too. Jones' Drug Co. THOMPSON INDICTED Jury Holds Murder Suspect Thompson on Trivial Charge Evidently fearing .that the law would be outwitted in its attempt to fasten the recent Jennings-Ristman murder upon Bennett Thompson, the suspect who has been held at Hills boro for several weeks, the Washing ton county grand jury last week re turned an indictment charging Thompson with larceny of a pair of scissors from R. Kawakra, a Japan ese. The grand jury was out for two weeks investigating the double mur der on the Gore farm, where Mrs. Helen Jennings and Fred Ristman were the victims of a fiend. The in vestigations seem to have been more or less in vain, however, as the stol en scissors were the last straw to The Ticture Tells The Story ICopyriuhU.il IWi by 11m Picture Advertisers. Box 17, Oregon City, Ore., a i SUNDRIES an d SUPPLIES Agency for 5 Repairing & Over- Reo and Dodge I 1,nu""8 Bros. Car i OREGON CITY m HtSlTH'S KEYBOARD I) REST IM i PEACE gli I'.li.nll fcfktirinj PAINLESS Main and 4th Sts. GARAGE Sewing Machines and Supplies Motors for running Machines HOGG BROS. Quality Work at Home I OREGON CITY g LAUNDRY Puc.93; Home B-931 Wagon Calls and Delivers Type Z Farm En gine 1 V2 H.P. $35 1 3 H.P. $60; 6 H.P. $110; F.O.B. Fac tory GADKE PLUMB ING SHOP The Modern Drug Store JONES DRUG CO. Tailoring, Cleaning and Pressing REPAIRING 502 Main Street CHAMPION SMITH & TELFORD Artistic Work ROCK BOTTOM PRICES HOME TRADE SHOE SHOP Gladstone, Oregon A. Lindgren, Prop.j QUALITY MERCHANDISE! !g Men, Women Children and W. B. EDDY SAFETY FIRST Let Chiropractic remove the cause. Don't say it is im possible that is M what they told 1 Marconi. Dr. G. F. Anderson Drain Tile, Plaster Lime and Cement LARSEN & CO. 10th & Main St Phone 70 II. W. STREIBIG'S (Sanitary) MARKET 528 Main Street CHOICE MEATS Phone 131 WE SELL LESS FOR MORGAN'S CUT RATE GROCERY Your Health Needs HAZELWOOD DAIRY Milk & Cream Because They are Pure. . Phone 145 HABERDASHERS "Head to Foot" Outfiitters to Men MILLER & OBST Main and 7th AND POOL BILLIARDS Everything for Smokers RAASCH & LAMB WOOD SOLD AND SAWED Phone Main 231-R GRANT NASH 7th & J. Q. Adams Sanitary Service SKILLED BARBERS Clean Baths ED. JOHNSON Prop. OTTO SCHUMANN Granite and Mar-! ble Works) Portland, Oregon Phone E-743 39 East Third at Pine St. Phones Main 1101 1 M-172 s Dr. a. Mcdonald Veterinary Surgn Ollke Red Front Barn Phones Main 116 Oregon City MILLER-PARKER j CO. Guna (Umbrellas and Locks EIcctHc Utensils Repaired it Special for 30 days Regular $20 Alumin'm Plate $10 Modern Painless Dentist 253 Vi Washington 1 K. Stephen, Port Portland, Ore. I land. Bwdy. 10U9 DILLMAN & HOWLAND Fire and Life In surance Real Estate Agts. Money to Loan on City and Farm Properties Accordion, Hem stitching, aide and j sunburst pleating, I scalloping buttons 1 covered 209 Pittock BIk. Oxy-Acetylene Welding New, tough, live Metal replaces de fective parts Oregon City Foundry 4th and Water Sts. If you want the BEST Come to The Falls Restaurant Lenses alone $1 ; in Frame $1 to $5 Sphero (curved) G. E. Glass Mtg. $5 Kryptok $8 to $15 Wm. GARDNER Jeweler New location sea sonable Flowers for all occasions Shop 612 Main St. Phone 27 1 James Wilkinson Florist Gladstone, Ore. Vulcanizing and Repairing Smith & Porter Oakland, Hudson and Maxwell Cars 7th & John Adams Phone 392 Complete line of Salmon, Trout and Bass Tackle the kind that "gets em" C. W. Friedrich Hardware Oregon City 1 fLfOTIM) J til Multnomah Furni ture Hospital 354 Third, Portland Phone 4554 Upholutering, Re pairing, Polishing Mattresses made over & to order Babler & Gerber Truck Co. Auto Service Be tween Oregon City fj and Portland In Oregon City Phone 363-J; In Portland g Phono Bwdy. 5121 UPH0LSTERINS'