Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 15, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Peering Mowers and
Haying time is here and a new mower and rake will
save time and money for you.
Six Spring Tooth Riding Cultivators will cultivate
your corn and potatoes the right way and assure
you a full crop.
You are given quality and service when buying from
Wilson & Cooke
Oregon City, Oregon
News of the County and Suburbs
Local and County Hems of Interest, to Our Readers
There was a good attendance and i
an interesting program at the Chil
dren's day picnic on the third. A
stand for refreshments, swings and a
ball game were popular attractions at
the picnic grounds. The ball game
was between- Logan and Redland and
was won by the latter.
Mrs. L. E. Robbins is in the Oregon
City hospital and seems to be slow
ly improving.
Mrs. Victorine Hattan is at the hos
pital recovering after a very success
ful operation for appendicitis and
other complications.
Mrs. Julia Mumpower has been at
the hospital for treatment.
B. A. Benson has been very sick
' with pleurisy.
' Henry Babler recently bought the
Fallert farm and will make his home
there in the future.
The frost last week nipped the po
tatoes and beans along the Clacka
mas river and even wasted its energy
in killing the fern in places. There
is only slight trace of Jack's work on
the hill land.
The Clear Creek creamery ball
teamwas defeated by a Portland
team last Sunday, the score being 4
to 6. The game was interesting and
the winners had to work for their
J. Sprague and Judge IT. S. Ander
son, of Arthur's Prairie, have each
'brightened their houses with a ', coat
of paint. Fred Gerber is also paint
ing his house.
Road !"ork is commencing this
week. ' i )
Hurrah for the hard BMace fr&m
Oregon City to Parkplace.
good work go on.
Let 'the
Grant Babcock and family of Mo
lalla, motored down and spent Sun
day with the S. S. Bbutz family.
Richard Zivney and daughter,
Helen, were in Oswego on Monday.
II. T. Duncan marketed potatoes
and strawberries in Portland Sunduy.
Mrs. S. S. Boutz visited with
friends in the county seat on Tues
day. Miss H. Jean Duncan spent Satur
day in the rose city.
Mr. and Mrs. Eastman and family,
and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McMuhon
were dinner guests at the Max Mc
Mahon home Sunday.
Mrs. A. E. Thomas and son, Loring
were in Portland Thursday.
II. M. Borland was transacting bus
iness in Portland Wednesday.
Joe Bower visited friends at Ha
zelia Sunday.
Mrs. Jim Finn was a caller at the
home of Mrs. S. S. Boutz on Wednes
day. A. P. Mumler was canvassing 11a
zelia neighborhood last week with a
line of medicines.
Theodore Steinhiller was in the rose
city on Friday.
Mrs. John Kallios and Miss Verna
Harrington were visitors in Portland
A large crowd from Hazelia attend
ed the children' day event at Oswego
Grange Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wanker motor
ed to Portland on Monday.
Monday evening, Juno 19, will be
the regular school meeting date at
Hazelia school house. Everyone in
terested in a good school is requested
to be present. 1
Mrs. Fred Lehman was shopping
li Portland on Wednesday.
There will be preaching services at
the Hazelia school house Saturday
evening, June 17. The Rev. Mr.
Coleman will preside.
There was a light frost at this
place Saturday morning, but little
damage was done.
Joseph McMahon was a business
visitor in Portland Saturday.
Darwin Wilson, who has been
working at Silverton, came home Sat
urday to visit his family.
Irvin Wheeler has purchased a new
Mr. Robbins is working on his
place here at present.
Mr. Wallace is home again.
Several men who live on a little
by-road joining Cftnby, turned out last
Wednesday and took out n lot of
brush and logs that obstructed the
road. The improvement is instantly
The cheese factory here is running
every day and turning out a large
amount of its product.
Mrs. Hilton was visiting Mrs. Rape
one day. list week.
Warren Kendal, who has been
.working at Donald, is at home for a
I few days.
Thomas Blanchard and his brother
Drougnt in a lot 01 nogs last rriaay.
Frank Kendal left Canby last Fri
day to take employment with the rail
road company.
Mr. Bailey, of Mark's Prairie, for
merly a resident of suburbs of Canby,
was in town on Friday.
Mr. Wilson returned to Silverton
Sunday evening.
William Porter has been home for
a few days. He will return to
Yamhill county shortly, where he and
his son-in-law have a ranch rented.
John Graham is working for Mr.
Steffani in the lumber yard here.
.Mrs. Cornwell's mother and sister
of Seattle, are visiting with her.
The Martin brothers were in Port
land on business a few days last week.
The members of telephone division
number 19 met last Saturday, paid
up their central dues and agreed to
put in a line and telephone for Mrs,
Posters will be out soon announc
ing the program for the celebration
of the fourth of July at Clarkes.
Quite a number of the farmers
have purchased automobiles in and
nearby this neighborhood.
Jack Ringo, who has been in poor
health for some time, feels better and
hopes to be able to celebrate at the
Clarke's celebration on the fourth.
Hubert Schram has gone to his
home at Fairview to visit with his
father and brothers for a few days.
Edna Vohs is working for Mrs.
Cornwell and is helping with the
house work at present.
After a. stray cat had killed about
forty little chickens for Mrs. Hanhart,
sho killed the cat. She had never
shot a gun, but as Mr. Hanhart was
away from home she made up her
mind that in order to save the chick
ens the cat must die. Her first shot
found its mark.
Another "first shot" was fired very
successfully on Friday by Elsie
Schram, who killed a rat that had
been making itself sociable about the
Schram home. Miss Elsie used a 22.
rifle and the bullet penetrated the
neck of the rodent.
The Courier and the Daily Jour
nal $4.75.
Thomas Jubb and family paid a
visit to their daughter, Mrs. Wm.
Thompson of Highland, on Sunday.
William Hicinbotham and family,
Mrs. J. Sevier, and Mr. and Mrs. J.
Randolph and daughter, Norma, at
tended the rose show in Portland on
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tannler were at
the rose carnival Inst week. Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Miller and daughter, Ber
nice, also attended the carnival.
Mr. and Mrs. Creason, Fred Crea
son and wife, Harry Creason and
James Craft went to Portland on Fri
day to see the big parade.
Margaret and Dorothy Craft and
Nora Randolph visited with Portland
friends while attending the festival.
Worth Randolph has returned home
from McMinnville, where he has been
attending school.
Road work on the Fieken hill is
finished and Mr, Hively, the supervis
or, has men at work in Viola, put
ting down plank where they are need
ed. Brush is being cut away from
the road sides.
The sun seems willing to stay for
awhilo and gardens and fruit feel its
influence. Grain and grass have not
suffered materially from the cloudy,
cool weather in this section.
Mrs. Gage is entertaining her
daughter, two grand-daughters, two
great-granddaughters and Mr. Ben
nett, the husband of one of the grand
daughters, all from Burns and vicin
ity. They arrived on Monday after
noon, having traveled by auto, start
ing Saturday.
Mrs. Holton ar.d daughter are
visiting the old home, and all were
Portland visitors on Tuesday.
Miss Minnie Bockman and brother
made a trip to Willamette on Satur
day. Mrs. Gage and daughters attended
the grange meeting at Oswego on
Mr. Nussbaum and familv snent
Sunday with relatives at Oswego. '
Adalina Oldham celebrated her i
birthday with her grandmother at
Newberg on Saturday.
The Courier and the Pailv Jour-
nnl $4.75.
The County Court
DISTRICT NO. 1 C. W. Schuld &
Sons, $21.00; 0. J. McKenney, $48.75;
Seth Cook, $1.12; Robt. Gibson, $45-.00
J. C. Martin, $35.50; Carl Parry,
$44.45; F. M. Walthers, $37.00; Bert
Lane, $41.00; O. H. Lane, $25.25; C.
F. Cary, $33.00; II. V. Pendleton,
$18.00; E. P. Green, $2.25; S. L.
Mullan, $38.75; H. A. Battin, $98.12;
W. Sellwood, $90.00; A. D. Reed,
$34.16; E. Webb, $85.02; M. E. Hay
man, $90.00; W. M. Roley, $60.00; W.
J. Hudson, $8.75; J. Henderson, $100.;
A. L, McDonald, $46.25; Joe Peters,
$30.00; J. II. Gibson, $25.00; Dave
GafTn'ey, $5.00; Geo. Wilson, $23.75.
DISTRICT NO. 2 Howard-Cooper
Corp., $30.00; Ward Jones, $55.25; A.
C. Lukasz, $2.80; A. Mather, $7.70; W.
F. Haberlach, $1.15; Carl Jones,
$107.50; A. P. Langenberg, $52.50;
Richard Johnston, $107.50; John
Umiker, $52.50; Otis Welch, $50.00;
Ellis Jones, $107.50; Phil Arnold,
$12.50; Bill Young, $53.75; Fred Pat
eison, $52.50; B. Lorance, $53.75; J.
Wythenherg, $7.50; James Johnson,
$6.00; Mark Roberts, $6.25; Marion
Tong, $36.25; Edwin Dane, $33.75;
Lee Harrington, $15.00.
DISTRICT NO. 3 C. Wolfhagen,
$9.60; J. C. Elliott & Co., $76.05; Earl
Tong, $39.50; R. Gustafson, $32.00;
Curtis Young, $29.75; W. W. Cooke,
$53.50; M. Newell, $47.50; J. A.
Stall, $49.50; Frank Donley, $44.00;
Martin .Eberhart, $30.50; Walter
Thebo, $19.00) Frank Eberhart, $21.
75; Joe Pillster, $55.62; John Mullen
hoff, $39.50; J. W. Norton, $35.00;
Carl Henke, $41.50; E. Chilcote,
$9.50; Herman Seibert, $64.50.
DISTRICT NO. 4 Howard-Cooper
Corp., $51.80; Bert II. Finch, $14.70;
J. A. Kitching, $63.75; M. S. Sarver,
$25.00; P. M. Bauernflend, $18.00;
L. Hale, $22.00; II. C. Heiple, $36.00;
J. B. Linn, $22.00; G. T. Kitching,
$14.00; E. E. Sailing, $12.00; C. W.
Fuller, $14.00; A. H. Erickson, $18.00;
Dan Matson, $13.00; J. K. Ely, $3.50;
J. C. Kitching, $4.00; G. T. Walters,
$6.00; R. H. Currin, $14.00; L. F.
Hale, $13.50; H. Githens, $12.00; G.
F. Boyer, $4.00; M. E. Linn, $5.00;
R. S. Coop, $9.00; J. J. Dunceath,
$4.00; G. A. Lowell, $2.00.
DISTRICT NO. 5 A. Brown,
$28.00; T. B. Richardson, $14.00; A.
Jonsrud, $32.00; Geo. Tacheron,
Wheeler, $18.00; O. M. Richey, $20.00;
$30.00; John Meyer, $30.00; W.
B. Johnston, $12.00; H.'Naas, $11.00;
II. Olson, $12.00; J. Olson, $8.00; A.
Lekberg, $8.00; A. Jonsrud, $12.00;
Geo. Tacheron, $12.00; John Meyer,
$7.50; Geo. Tacheron, $12.00; W.
Wheeler, $6.00; C. Timmermart, $6.00;
S. Garrison, $5.25; W. Mueller, $4.00;
F. Hale, $4.00; W. R. Telford, $46.65;
C. W. Sch'uld & Sons, $35.00; Geo.
Tacheron, $12.00; Paul Stone, $12.00;
W. Wheeler, $12.00; John Meyer,
$7.50; C. Wheeler, $6.00; II. Olson,
$6.00; C. Lekberg, $6.00; A. Jonsrud,
District no. - 6 Jari.& eh,
$9.05; Sandy Fir Lumber Co., $2.23;
R. E. Jarl, $19.50'; H. Revenue, $14.00;
W. Cunning, $12.00; M. Mickelson,
$20.00; C. Hay worth, $8.00; Walter
Dolon, $8.00; S. Hall, $2.00; J. R.
Hall, $2.00; C. C. Martin, $6.00.
DISTRICT NO. 7 Adolf Aschoff,
$41.25; C. F. Allen, $123.50; Paul R.
Meinig, $11.85; Tort. Ry. L. & P. Co.,
$2.35; II. Moulton, $24.75; R. Rus
sell, $18.00; F. Gibbons, $22.50; A. H.
Klingler, $24.75; T. Hagan, $11.25;
J. Coeklereese, $24.75; D. W. Doug
las, $42.00; J. J. Eisner, $27.00; L. C.
Lowe, $14.00; A. Phelps, $63.00.
DISTRICT NO. 8 Jarl & Eri,
$0.60; J. S. Greenwood, $97.85; John
Friel, $63.00; Glen Corey, $4.00;
Lloyd Corey, $22.50; Clair Corey,
$5.50; Teter Stone, $51.00; E. L. Ban
to, $3.00; Geo. Williams, $7.00; Chas.
Paschall, $16.00; -L. A. Wrenn, $6.00;
F. K. Maulding, $6.00; Glen Meln
tyre, $2.00; C. W. Kern, $18.00; F. M.
Stone, $6.00.
DISTRICT NO. 9 Jarl & Eri,
$40.00; Fred Lins, $47.50; Frank
Howard, $14.50; Frank Ochs, $16.50;
Otto Paulsen, $33.00; Harold Joyner,
$33.00; Nic Rath, $18.50; Fred Nitch
man, $8.50; A. II. Miller, $9.00; Robt.
Miller, $16.00; Gus Zwirnmnn, $19.50;
Peter Ruhl, $21.00; C. A. Johnson,
$25.00; C. A. Rath, $17.00; Will Held,
$13.00; Theo. Harders, $14.00; H.
Schmidt, $11.50; Ed. Grafenhain,
$14.00; John Marshall, $8.00; Henry
Klinker, $7.00; Henry Rimer, $2.00;
Walter Terwiliger, $4.00; Leo Rath,
$25.00; Will Lins, $3.00.
DISTRICT NO. 10 Coast Culvert
& Flume Co., $151.20; A. E. Yocum,
$12.00; F. E. Thomas, $12.00; R. S.,
Ludlow, $12.00; C. II. Duncan, $13.50;
J. II. Tracy, $8.00; W. A. Rhodes,
$8.00; Geo DeShields, '$8.00; W. W.
Dillon, $4.00; Fred Crawford, $6.00;
L. II. McKenney, $6.00; Harvey Mar
shall, $6.00; W. R. Woodwarth, $6.00;
Paul Holm, $4.00; A. J. Duncan,
$4.00; W. Gribbon, $2,00; J. W.
Jones, $4.00; C. H. Duncan, $7.20;
Bert H. Finch, $31.95; A. E. Yocum,
$16.00; F. E. Thomas, $45.50; E. R,
Jenkins, $14.00; Geo. De Shields,
$41.00; L. J. Palmatoor, $21.00; C. II.
Duncan, $59.00; Lester Crawford,
$10.00; John Duns, $42.00; G. T.
Beebe, $22.00; J. H. Tracy, $22.00;
Paul Holm, $24.00; O. P. Califf, $17.00
R. G. Palmateer. $7.00; J. B. Duncan,
$7.00; Harvey Marshall, $21.25; Har
ry Reid, $1.00; Lee MeKinsey, $11.00;
Norman MeKinsey, $1.00; Ernest
Marshall, $2.00; Fred Crawford,
$15.25; Elvy Beebe, $14.50; Frank
Rhodes, $9.00; J. W. Jones, $5.00; A.
J. Dunsan, $5.00.
DISTRICT NO. 11 John MeCor
mack, $1.00; C. H. Dauehy, $22.60;
Chas. Livesay, $18.57: Hotrcr Bros..
$6.00; Standard Oil Co., $5.13; E. L.
Pope. $64.10; Ed Burtin, $9.50; Geo.
McKinnis, $19.25; C. C. Collins,
$19.25; H. Timmins, $19.25; S. H. Wy
rick, $9.00; Lew McKinnis, $15.25; J.
Shelly, $11.50; Mr. Brecht. $2.00; Geo.
Hinder, $33.00; Augustus Rivers,
$67.00; W. A. Roettger, $37.25; Eli
Rivers, $45.50; W. W. Smith, $41.25;
Wesley Smith, $12.25; Henry Boet
tner, $13.25; Rufus Raker, $17.00; M.
S. Glass, $13.00; M. Rivers, $43,00;
Charles Barberer, $14.00; J. Confer,
$7.00; G. Holtenbery, $21.25; Tom
Burns, $4.00; J. T. Apperson, $69.76;
John Vallet, $10.25; J. Brennan,
$47.25; Williams Bros., $50.61; Moffett
& Parker, $89.43; F. B. Boardman,
$67.50; C. W. Hayes, $40.50; F. A.
Jones, $46.25; Clifford Guynup, $61.00
Frank Imel, $31.00; H. L. Sargent,
$24.00; H. Bernard, $30.00; L. A.
Thompson , $27.00; Albert v Guynup,
$28.00; J. R. Livesay, $4.00; R. B.
Hayhurst, $49.00;' E. R. Leek, $4.00;
E. B. Combs, $26.00; T. T. Pankey,
$22.00; Alexander Eggert, $22.00; B.
D. Pennock, $2.25; Gus Rivers, $6.00;
W. H. Roettger, $2.00; V. R. Board
man, $2.00; Henry Hand, $1.50; Bab
ler & Gerber Truck Co., $5.50; The
Storage Battery Co., $0.75; Edwin C.
Gerber, $88.29; Carl Kirchem, $17.50;
Edwin C. Gerber, $28.00; Carl Kir
chem, $38.50.
DISTRICT NO. 13 Howard-Cooper
Corp., $5.20; Mattoon Lumber Co.;
$90.00; Scripture & May, $4.95; A.
Schneider, $4.00; C. Ray, $8.00; W.
Kerr, $12.00; John Founds, $12.00;
George Gill, $12.00; Gottleib Schneider
$22.00; J. T. Fullam, $15.00.
DISTRICT NO. 14 W.-Eggimann,
$2.00; J. Eggimann, $14.50; E. Horn
shuh, $21.50; H. Henrici, $43.85;
Peter Bloom, $8.00; Percy Smith,
$15.50; John Holiday, $20.50; F.
Wagenblast,' $17.50; Fred Bluhm,
$23.50; Tom Meyrick, $23.50; Tom
Meyrick, $10.00; Christ Feil, $22.00;
C. Muralt, $3.00.
DISTRICT NO. 16 M. Stauber,
$16.50; H. Engel, $52.00; F. Huiras,
$4.00; W. Randall, $15.00; G. Kelland,
$24.00; T. Blanchard, $22.50; G. Hui
ras, $4.00; D. Rutherford, $17.50;
Emil Gelbrich, $18.00; E. Gelbrich,
$10.50; E. Stauber, $2.00; A. Shunk,
DISTRICT NO. 17 F. B. Needham
$15.00; Wm. Beeson, $18.00;' D. R.
Dimick, $65,00; Milo Lee, $22.00; E.
J. Baker, $7.00; Geo. Koehler, $68.00;
M. W. Hoover, $0.75; Paul Bany,
$45.00; Wm. Bunke, $4.00; Geo. Mah
lum, $4.00; Dewey Cox, $2.00; Henry
Conrand, $2.35; Christ Kraft, $12.00;
Jake Kraft, $20.00; J. R. Pitts, $25.00;
C. H. Wallace, $10.00; John Kraft,
$7.00; John Satter, $3.00; Adam Bany
$12.00; Herman Pipka, $2.00; Almon
Johnson, $1.00; Earl England, $4.00;
C. L. England, $11.00; G. M. Jones,
$6.00; J. M. Ross, $10.00; J. A. Lar
son, $3.00; A. M. Olson, $2.00; Fred
Weiman, $2.00; O. M. Matson, $2.00;
K. O. Lee, $2.00.
DISTRICT NO. 18 P. H. Sager,
$208.00; Geo. Havill, $1.35; Hoff Bros.
$0.45; W..F. Haberlach, $165.35; Wm.
Thomas, $5.50; S. Londergan, $4.00;
W. M. Becker, $1.00; Wm. Martin, Jr.,
$2.00; John Hughes, $2.00; Fred Kam
rath, $19.54.
DISTRICT NO. 19 Hodson-Fee-naughty
Co., $6.50; R. Schuebel &
Co., $11.95; Chas. Livesay, $37.95; C.
N. Larkins, $7.50; Larkins & Jones,
$96.48; J. C. Anderson, $2.25; Walter
Kleinsmith, $1.50; Charles Marshall,
$1.00; Willfred Marshall, $1.00; Wil
liam Marshall, $1.00; Fred Marshall,
$2.00; Alva Gard, $4.00; John Gard,
$2.00; Glen Larkins, $4.00; William
Mietenan, $2.00; Jacob Tienhara,
$4.00; Isaac Helbacca, $2.00; Arnold
Helbacca, $4.00; Matt Mattson, $4.00;
John Bofdo, $2.00; William Saari,
$2.00; Nels Saari, $2.00; Milton
Schindgren, $5.50; V. Myers, $0.50;
Harvey Robertson, $12.50; Ernest
Davis, $5.25; Clyde Willson, $3.00;
Fred Murry, $12.25; John Anderson,
$15.00; Bert Wallace, $2.00; Arthur
Mallatt, $2.25; R. Schuebel, $56.75;
Fred Churchill, $9.25; Sam Johnson,
$12.00; Walter Johnson, $7.00; Axle
Johnson, $13.00; William H. Wallace,
$13.25; D. Howes, $6.00; W. H. Jones,
$21.25; A. L. Jones, $21.25; Conrad
Lang, $2.00; Thomas Fish, $20.00;
Albert Peterson, $4.00; Julius Schiewe
$8.00; Paul Schiewe, $4.C0; Albert
Gasser, $2.00; George Gasser, $2.00;
Otto Hofstetter, $8.00; John Hofstet
ter, $2.00; Walter Hofstetter, $2.00;
George W. Hofstetter, $4.00; G. R. II.
Hoffstetter, $2.00; Gus Ylinen, $2.00;
Harvey Schuebel, $3.00; Frank An
derson, $2.00; George Willson, $4,00;
M. Jepson, $6.00; Arnold Dubois,
$5.00; E. Brady, $6.00; Fred Schue
bel, $3.25; John Kappler, $6.00.
DISTRICT NO. 21 Howard-Cooper
Corp., $11.00; W. S. Gorbett,
$39.00; J. D. Crawford, $34.00; Gil
bert Murphy, $40.00; Leslie Crawford,
$20.00; Lewis Maxin, $2.75; Caas.
Bergman, $2.50; J. W. Whitlaufer,
$10.00; Ben Anderson, $10.00; Chas.
Bockman, $8.00; Nels Lunmark,
$10.00; Emilie Petterson, $8.00; Matt
Petterson, $10.00; A. J. Staffeson,
$8.00; Helmet- Sanberg, $8.00; Aug.
Johnson, $6.00; J. A. Johnson, $16.00;
E. A. Nelson, $16.00; A. N. Swanson,
$16.00; Alfred Swanson, $12.00; Eriek
Hansen, $6.00; Oscar Fregort, $4.00;
Vincent Hill, $4.00; Valdermar Hill,
$2.00; Aug. Dalstrom, $4.00; Chas.
England, $7.00; John England, $7.00;
John Shoberg, $7.00; JacTc Morrass,
$18.00; P. E. Bonney, $2.00; John
Comer, $2.00.
DISTRICT NO. 22 II. J. Rastall.
$11.98; Canby Concrete Works, $27.50
Robbins Bros., $44.22; L. O. Nightin
gale, $2.50; W. G. Masterton, $6.50;
C. C. Edwards, $237.56; Carl Feyrer,
$8.50; G. E. Feyrer, $31.50; C. D.
Dickerson, $9.00; I. L. Boyer, $16.00;
D. McIIenry, $20.50; Lee Jqnes, $14.00
H. J. Rastall, $65.75; James Baty,
$2.00; S. A. D. Hungate, $32.00; Geo.
Ball, $14.00; Carl Goranson, $13.50;
E. P. Dodge, $3.00; Dave Pendleton,
$5.00; Walter Painter, $18.00; Peter
Geres, $18.00; Clay Engle, $22.00; ,C.
B. Eldred, $4.00; Frank Vaughn, $4.00
J. R. Davies, $2.00; M. V. Stuart,
$4.00; L. O. Eldred, $2.00; Mark Hun
irate, $12.00; M. S. Hungate, $10.00;
Clay Hungate, $12.00; P. J. Kavler,
$2.00; Jesse Mitts, $3.00; Pearl liar
loss, $5.00; O. W. Dickerson, $3.00;
Dave Steininger, $9.00; W. II. Stein
inger, $8.00; D. Engle, $S.00; J. M.
Austen. $S.00; Fred Daugherty, $4.00;
Earl Kaylor, $7.00; Ora Looney,
$4.00; Wm. Feyrer, $4.00; Henrv
Fick, $14.00; C. Purkapile, $4.00; H.
C. Bonaker, $12.00; T. S. Cockrell,
$16.00; Carl Ramsby, $11.00; Clyde
Pendleton, $2.00; G. V. Adams, $13.00,
John Callahan, $14.00; A. E. Nelson,
$4.00; Jone, $8.00; Albert Engle,
$4.00; Earl Williams, $5.00; Herman
Berhende, $9.00; Wm. Lay, $21.00; j
Bud Lay, $13.00; Jack Feyrer, $34.00. :
' Bulletin No. 3
Why Not Face the Facts
About Armor Competition?
To the People: '
- ' .
The policy of the United States Government for many years has made real competition in
amor-making ineffective. ...
The Government might have asked the three armor plants for bids and let the entire
tonnage to the lowest bidder. That would have made competition effective.
The result of such a course would haveleen to drive two of the three manu
facturers out of business, and leave the country with facilities of only one
plant in time of need.
The Government in fact has always asked for bids from
the three manufacturers, but no matter what the price
quoted, each year's business was divided among them.
Armor makers serve but one customer the Government, just as public utility
serves but one customer a community.
The solution of the public utility problem is regulation of rates'.
The solution of the armor problem is for the Government to fix the price.
We voluntarily agree to accept any price fixed by the Federal Trade Commission.
Isn't acceptance of that offer better than the destruction of an industry built solely
to serve the Government?
CHAS. M. SCHWAB, Chairman
EUGENE G. GV.ACE, President
DISTRICT NO. 23 R. W. Zimmer
man, $17.50; W. Gribble, $12.00. .
DISTRICT NO. J4 Lucius Simkins
$5.00; Frank Spagle, $9.00; Solon
Kinzer, $5.00; Ray Fish, $5.00; Fred
Stegman, $2.00; L. P. Spagle, $18.75.
DISTRICT NO. 25 C. Boeche,
$36.45; Ed. Graves, $12.00; C. H. Lo
renz, $26.25; A. H. Lorenz, $2.00; W.
Gelbrich, $10.00; E. Mertz, $10.00;
John Graves, $2.50; S. S. Gibson, $7.00
D. C. Harms, $5.00; H. D. Harms,
$4.00; E. Harms, $1.00; F. Brusch,
$23.50; P. Scheer, $8.00; Geo. Scheer,
$8.00; John Brusch, $17.50; .J. Wil
broad, $2.00; A. Wilbroad, $2.00; A.
H. Reynolds, $4.00; C. H. Smith,
$16.00; J. Carbiner, $16.00; Wm.
Heinz, $24.00; C. Sprague, $16.00; F.
W.'Barth, $8.00; C. Kalb, $8.00; John
Heinz, $8.00; J. W. Smith, $lg,00; A.
Barhan, $4.00; C. Stevens, $2.00; Chas.
Stevens, $7.00; B. Albecker, -$11.00;
N. Scott, $4.00; J. Venderschuere,
$8.00; Archie Mason, $14.00; H. E.
Smith, $7.00; E. Rickson, $9.00; G.
R. Ramsey, $9.00; J. A. Porter, $8.00.
DISTRICT NO. 26 Robbins Bros.,
$1.10; D. F .Moehnke, $3.16; T. O.
Ridings, $4.00; Al. Butterfteld, $13.00;
John Vick, $11.00; R. V. Stubbs,
$26.00; W. O. Vaughan, $17.50; Ed
ward Johnston, $12.00; Edward Calla
han, $6.00; Chas. Callahan, $6.00;
Ona Klinger, $12.00; Pierce Wright,
$8.00; H. H. Goertzen, $4.00.
DISTRICT NO. 27 Wm. Hensche,
$1.70; J. C. Marquam, $2.40; Wm. P.
Nicholson, $13.50; S. CMiller, $12.00;
C. E. Dokken, $8.00; A. H. Lagon,
$6.00; Arthur Nelson, $6.00; Fred
Ferguson, $4.00; I. D. Larkins, $13.50;
Wm. Brown, $3.00; E. A. Dokken,
$4.00; Archie Hubbard, $2.00; J. P.
Miller, $4.00; Orvil Jackson, $3.50;
Dan Edwards, $4.00; Guy C. Larkins,
. DISTRICT NO. 28 A. B. Hibbard,
$105.00; Geo. Blatchford, $5.15; W. N.
Chilcote,, $10.44; Robbins Bros.,
$2.25; Wm. Mackrell, $1.15; A. L.
Brougher, $11.35; J. A. Marts, $34.00;
J. Marts, $30.00; William Marts,
$15.00; Press Coover, $4.00; Urban
Ferlan, $13.00; A. Browney, $4.00;
Arthur Carter, $28.00; Frank Kokle,
$36.50; Scott Carter, $2.00; John Mil
ler, $32.00; J. F. Sherman, $59.00;
Oscar Kaylor, $6.00; Cliff Hendershot,
$8.00;" Walter Russel, $6.00; Wiley
Phelps, $6.00; Ross Sawtell, $4.00;
Edwin Russel, $1.00; Elmer Sawtell,
$2.00; J. J. Green, $34.50; V. E. Pit
man, $32.00; A. Sacket, $30.00; J. G.
Blixt, $32.00; O. N. Opsund, $62.00;
Omer Williams, $24.00; C. G. Vor
hies, $51.50; Earl Bird, $21.50; E. L.
Trimball, $17.00; A. D. Keller, $30.00;
W. M. Bird, $20.00; O. N. Kimball,
$20.00; C. W. Herman, $26.00; W. L.
Freeman, $60.00; Geo. Esplin, $37.00;
Zeb Bowman, $48.00; Owen Kimball,
$39.00; Leslie Shank, $98.25; Geo.
Crite, $25.00; Dan Groshong, $21.00;
C. Slaughter, $33.00; Floyd Furge
so $18.00; Ray Nicholson, $17.00;
Jay Jones, $26.00; Ed. Wyland, $25.00
James Panquette, $13.00; A. M. Gro
shong, $27.00; Luther Nicholson,
$9.00; Lee Panquette, $34.00; George
Groshong, $21.00; Joe Michels, $38.75;
L. D. Shank, $54.75; Henry Michels,
$14.00; Rant Thomas, $24.00; Frank
Brosig, $28.00; Ellis Nicholson, $49.00
Jess Shepherd, $6.00; Omer Trullinger
$6.00; E. Clester, $4.00; L. B. Thomas
$32.00; Freeman Thomas, $23.00; Roy
Thomas, $23.00; C. J. Thomas, $42.00; j
Joe Sowa, $14.00; Ray Wyland. $13.00 :
Al. Wyland, $32.50; Oscar Vorhies. :
$21.00; Lloyd Vorheis, $17.00; L. C.I
Davis, $15.00; C. Myers, $25.00; Ben!
Wade, $12.00; Al Dale, $41.00; Marion !
Crite, $25.00; Andy Mazingo, $42.00; 1
Alvis Russel, $27.00; Chas. Fiske, !
$14.00; Lloyd Fiske, $23.00; C. Dick
erson, $20.00; A. J. Rometsch, $32.00;
John Novak, $24;75; Thos. Dibble
$17.00; J. F. Jones, $22.00; Guy Dib-1
ble, $48.00; F. A. Davis, $4.00; Jos. I
Hatter, $2.00; Steve Fisher, $38.00; D. !
B. Gray, $8.00; E. H. Gray, $8.00; C. '
K. Thomas, $8.00; G. E. Gault, ?12.00;
W. H. Le Roy, $1.00; J. M. Groshong,
$27.00; J. J. Michels, $12.00; John
Furgeson, $12.00; James Nicholson,'
$12.00; Orlnn Thomas, $6.00; James
Blankenship, $5.00; Chas. Walker,:
$4.00; I. J. Sharp, $4.00; George
Herbst, $14.00; John Coover, $4.00;'
A. B. Hibbard, $24.00; Claud Marsh,
$2.00; Abe Hardy, $8.00; C. W. Hardy
$20.00; Adam Schoerman, $9.00;
George Kuss. $9.00; Ralph Henderson
$22.00; Jos. Kestner, $29.00. ,
DISTRICT NO. 29 Canby Con-j
crete Works, $8.80; Chase & Linton
This bank has funds to make desirable farm
loans, and will give prompt attention to appli
cations for loans upqn well located improved
farms, owned and occupied by the applicants.
- f U jk. ' OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE r; '",',",:, .
Gravel Co., $225.00; G. A. Ehlen,
$2.85; G. H. Gray, $38.25; Sidney Gra
ham, $14.00; Antone Nelson, $12.00;
E. F. Judey, $1.00; D. J. Parmenter,
$7.50; Roy Parmenter, $17.00; E. E.
Burgess, $2.00; Jelner Refsland, $4.00;
W. S. Armstrong, $4.00; M. Howe,
$4.00; Fred Armstrong, $2.00.
DISTRICT NO. 30 J. C. Haines,
$16.00; J. K. Worthington, $14.00;
Wm. Kaiser, $1.35; Chas. Livesay,
$28.90; Coast Culvert & Flume Co.,
$30.40; Ed. Whitten, $42.75; Frank
Whitten, $52.00; John Raicy, $52.00;
Ernest Whitten, $52.00.
DISTRICT NO. 31 Young & Stan
gel, $30.26; J. P. Bartles, $7.00; R. W.
Oldenstadt, $46.00; Mrs. pate Turner,
$80.00; Henry Peters, $44.00; Fritz
Wagner, $36.00; G. F. Aden $48.00;
W. S. Sharp, $48.00; E. Nicholson,
$8.00; E. L. Kruse, $4.00; G. G.
Peters, $55.00; C. E. Jones, $26.00;
Amos Mayes, $24.00; Geo. Oldenstadt,
$24.00; H. L. Reimers, $39.00; V.
Thompson, $18.00; John Peters, $26.00
V. Shaver, $2.00.
DISTRICT NO. 32 Aug. Holz
nagel, $4.25; Chase & Linton, $67.50;
Young & Stangel, $3.30; Peters Hdwe.
Co., $23.15; Ross Heater, $1.00; Gus.
Jaeger, $2.00; Harry Jost, $85.80; El
mer Todd, $76.00; Hugh Her, $54.00;
E. Raphaelson, $36.00; Sherman
Seely, $4.00; A. Woods, $1.00; E. L.
Baker, $2.00; Mark Seely, $18.00;
James McBride $2.00; Julius Snyder,
$14.00; John Her, $22.50; Albert
Camehl, $2.50; L. Cornstock, $4.00;
Cleve Heater, $3.00; Lee Heater, $3.00
Wm. Heater, $3.00; Wm. Bristow,
$3.00; E. L. Bristow, $3.00.
DISTRICT NO. 33 C. ;C. Miller,
$13.45; Floyd Spurlin, $1.85; J. F.
Smith, $14.25; Frank Millard, $51.25;
C. M. Folsom, $46.00; Wiley Howell,
$28.00; Geo. Howell, $17.00; Harry
Howell, $47.50; Cal. Howell, $9.50;
Archie Howell, $7.00; Amos Millard,
Portland Co-Operative Realty
Public Realty Bureau
332 Chamber of Commerce-Main 206
A co-operation of property owners for the mutual benefit of
all. Buy, sell, trade or rent through this office and
We guarantee to advertise your listing continuously and
when same is disposed of our charge
If you wish to sell or trade, see us first; you can go over
our listings free and as you don't have to inflate your price to
cover a large commission,
If you wish to buy, see us first, as we charge
You get a lower price and deal directly with the owner.
We handle property of every kind and save you money on
abstract work, loans, insurance and give
Come In and Get a copy of our Monthly
Bulletin It Is Free
And contains valuable reference matter, also bargains in all
kinds of property, for sale, trade or rent. Find what you want
and deal directly with the owner. For full particulars call Ore
TA gon City. 243-,
5 -
gon City, 243-J, or B-248.
Bethlehem Steel Company
$14.50; W. Fink, $18.00; E. Closner,
$18.00; M. H. Maher, $18.00; Frank
Smith, $13.00; W. ,W. Tucker, $16.25;
Geo. Genseroski, $14.00; W. T. Smith,
$18.00; John Reid, $30.75; Theo. Reid,
$12.00; John Stormer, $17.00; B.
Schornberg, $22.00; Oral Stormer,
$8.00; Percy Bletch, $2.00; W. W.
Tucker, $25.00; Amos Millard, $31.00;
Frank Smith, $33.00; C. M. Folsom,
$29.00; Wiley Howell, $33.00; Press
Howell, $16.25; Marion Millard, $9.00;
Frank Millard, $22.50; W. Fink, $29.00
W. T. Smith, $22.00; E. Closner,
$30.00; W. H. Maher, $30.00; Geo.
Genseroski, $30.00; W. Hendren,
$21.00; N. Christensen, $22.75; S. E.
Smith, $8.00; Ulric Dorais, $12.00.
DISTRICT NO. 34 Wilson &
Cooke, $10.35; Oregon City Ice Works,
$12.85; W. M. Stone, $2.25; C. J.
Hood, $1.90; K. Koellermeier, $30.00;
DeNike & Martin, $5.45; C. Zimmer
man, $55.10; L. Sinclair, $56.85; M.
Tiedeman, $43.10; A. Anderson,
$25.25; J. E. Boylen, $11.00; J. Boy
len, $35.25; A. Armstrong, $35.50; R.
Armstrong, $13.50; G. Armstrong,
$29.25; D. Day. $37.50; J. Brown,
$18.50; W. Paton, $25.50; C. Salomo,
$22.00; O. Hanson, $8.00; H. Elliott,
$15.50; R. Shepherd, $35.50; N. Mel
vin, $23.50; G. Ford, $12.00; S. Coney,
$7.00; C. Day, $35.00; C. Hage, $24.50;
F. Winkle, $5.50; W. Jonah, $12.00;
C. Koellermeier, $47.00; G. Day,
$29.00; D. Colson, $69.00; W. Arm
strong, $43.00; J. Armstrong, $39.00;
A. K. Ford, $38.50; F. Fish, $46.50; W.
Sehultz, $66.50; J. Yunker, $54.50;
W. Robinson, $51.00; F. Ford, $54.50;
C. Chillis, $47.00; W. Boylen, $48.00;
T. Kaiser, $54.00; W. Kaiser, $52.50;
E. Wilson, $6.00.
DISTRICT NO. 35 Hodson-Fee-naughty
Co., $103.07; Jarl & Eri,
$4.15; A. C. Baumback, $4.25; Phoenix
Iron Works, $15.25; Elmer Radford,
(Continued on Page 7)