2 --ltfk.V3 1" SC Wa. r V l l r n 53 NOTIC WHILE THE MERCHANTS EVERY WHERE ARE RAISING THE PRICES ON MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DE SCRIPTION AS THE RESULT OF AD- VANCINQ COSTS, WE, BY OUR FORE SIGHT AND. THOROUGH PREPARED NESS. ARE IN A POSITION TO SUP PLY THE WANTS OF OUR PATRONS AT. PRICES THAT ARE LESS THAN JOBBERS ARE ASKING TODAY. A CAREFUL COMPARISON WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT THIS IS NO IDLE BOAST BUT AN ABSOLUTE FACT AS MAY BE PROVEN BY THE SALE PRICE TICKETS ON EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR IMMENSE STOCK. Frank Bush POSITIVELY THE LARGEST STOCK OF FURNITURE AND HARDWARE IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND Brass and Enamel Beds A SALE BEGINNING ATOEBAY MAY 7th El f BOOSTER DAY I Of the Entire Stock of Furnituure, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Stoves, Ranges, Oil and Gas Stoves, Curtains, Draperies, W&U Paper, Dishes, Aluminum, Granite, Tin and Glassware, Hard ware, Doors, Sashes, Windows, Builders' Supplies, Paints, etc. BELONGING TO 'flTDj Beds of Brass op Steel In white enamel op Vepnis Martin finish are shown in great assortment of designs in full or three-quarter size. Exceptional val ues are now offered. Reg. $13.60 Brass Bed .$7.50 Reg. $30.00 Brass Bed $22.60 Reg. $22.60 Vernis Martin Bed. .$16.50 Reg. $17.50 Vepnis Martin Bed. .$15.00 TWENTY STYLES OF DINING TABLES TO SELECT FROM Prices From $3-00to$45-00 NINETY SEVEN STYLES ROCKERS TO SELECT FROM PRICED FOR THIS SALE From 98c to $35 TWEF.TY TWO STYLES OF Library Tables OF EVERY PRICE FROM $2-75 to $35 SIXTY EIGHT STYLES OF Dining Chairs y IN OUR SELECTION THE PRICES RANGE FROM 50c to $9 TWENTY EIGHT STYLES OF DRESSERS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE EVERY PRICE FROM $2.50 to $40-00 FOURTEEN STYLES OF Chiffoniers EVERY ONE AT A SPECIAL PRICE FROM $g.5o to $40-00 TEN STYLES LADIES' Dressing Tables OAK, BIRDSEYE MAPLE, CIRCAS SIAN WALNUT OR WHITE ENAMEL From $4.50 UP DINING CHAIRS We show sixty-eight dif ferent styles and almost as many prices. From the plain hard wood solid seat to the massive quar ter sawed Oak with genu ine leather upholstered seats. Priced by the piece or in sets of six chairs. From 50c to $9.00 Ea. F R Ik "PT 11th and Main Streets OREGON CITY, OREGON I Ranges of All Kinds Never were we so well prepared to take care of your wants in this line. Ranges for Wood, Coal Gas or combination, it matters not. We have them. Our ranges are output of America's best makers, scientifically constructed of the very highest grade: steel -and fully guaranteed to our customers. We are Clackamas county agents for the celebrated Alcazar Combination Gas, Wood and coal Ranges positively the only combination range giving absolute satis faction. LET US SHOW YOU. Used Ranges and Stoves Alpine Cook Stove $2.50 La Fama Cook Stove $7.50 Benton Charter Oak, squ. 20-in. oven. .$9.00 Peerless Gun Range with reservoir. . .$10.00 Magnet Universal Range... $11.50 Regal Sargent Range $15.00 Morris Prize Range . .. .$15.00 Standard Charter Oak Cast Range. . . .$16.50 Ideal Universal Range .$17.50 Standard Range $14.00 Morris Premium Range, 8-20 in. oven $13.00 Garland No. 8, 20-in. oven .$17.50 Wild West large cast stove . .$7.50 1 Quick Meal Oil Range, 3 burners. Reg. $35.00 for.. $12.50 1 Cast Stove Belle $6.00 1 Cast Stove Turbine $2.50 Used Ranges We have a number of high grade Ranges which were taken in exchange for combination or gas ranges. These are perfect in every particular. Some have been re-built and practically as good as new. Note a few of the Prices we are able to quote; ..x. $75.00 Majestic Polished Top; used one year y $35.00 $6500 Arcadian Maleable Polished Top, 16-in. oven; used one and one-half yrs $30.00 $7500 Arcadia Polished Top Rage, 18 inch oven. Sample ..$49.00 Dressers Cat Iron Cook Stoves Cast Iron Cook Stoves, from $2.BO up. Some exceent bakers; fine for Laundry or Wash Stoves If If jp jSyjijpj Going to GES Build? We can save you money on Building .Material, such as Doors, Win dows, Locks, Hinges, Fancy and Staple Hard ware, Mouldings, Bea- IN GREAT RANGE OF PRICES, FROM THE PLAIN OAK DRESSERS WITH FRENCH PLATE MIRROR TO THE MASSIVE SOLID QUARTER SAWED PRINCESS DRESSER WE ARE NOW SHOWING AN EXTENSIVE LINE OF MEDIUM PRICED DRESSERS ALL PRICED SPECIAL FOR THIS SALE. Reg. $6.50 Dresser qo rrr for pJ. lO Reg. $11.00 Dresser 5Q $18.50 Room Size Rugs Washable Bath Rug Reg. $6.50 Ingrain Rug, 9x12.... Reg. $8.00 Ingrain Rug, 9x12 Reg. $10.00 Crex' Rug 9x12, sale. Reg. $14.00 Brussels Rug, 9x12.. Reg. $15.00 Brussels Rug, 9x12. . . Reg. $18.50 Brussels Rug, 9x12. .. .79c up . .$4.85 . .$5.95 . .$7.75 ..$9.85 .$12.50 .$1500 Of Ingrain, Fibre, Brussels, Tapestry, etc. By buying early we are able to quote prices that are less than can be found elsewhere. An elegant lot of patterns to select from. Reg. $25.00 Axminster Rug, 9x12 $19.75 Reg. $30.00 Axminster Rug, 9x12 $22.50 Reg. $55.00 Wilton Rug, 9x12 $41.00 Reg. 35c Ingrain Stair Carpet. 29c Reg. 50c Ingrain Carpet .35c 85c Wool Ingrain Carpet . .. ..69c Reg. $25.00 Dresser for '. . 46 FULL SIZE DRESSERS WITH LARGE DRAWERS; SOME SLIGHT DEFECT IN MIRRORS OR SLIGHTLY USED. IF YOU CAN USE THEM WE USED. IF YOU CAN USE THEM TQ E HAVE THEIRAS CHEAP AS Draperies Commod's Reg. 15c and 20c Scrim, yd.. ..... .9c Reg. 25c Scrim, yd.. 15c Cretonnes, reg. 40c. ....25c Madras, reg. 60c, yd. v . . .40c Drapery Silkalene, reg. 30c 15o Couch Covers up to $2.50 $1.95 Ready-to-hang Curtains, pair..... 50c ver Board Paints, Oils, I Office Furniture Of every design and price. One lot of slightly used Commodes all in perfect condition will go at ridiculous prices. They come in, golden or waxed Oak White Enamel and marked to insure rapid selling. One line up to $3-50 each, sale $1.75 Shingle Stain, etc., etc. NOTE OUR PRICES ON DOORS Our Five Cross Panel Doors'are not straight grain Fir, but beautiful rotary cut slash grain Fir veneer panels. .'' 2-0x6-0x1-K $1.20 2-8x6-8x1 $1.40 2-6x6-6x1- K 1.36 3-0x7-0x1- 1.76 .Mattresses That one item of home comfort which means so much to every one yet so frequently neglected. Our Mattresses are manufac tured in sanitary factor ies of the very best ma terials obtainable. Due to the recent advance in manufacturers' prices good mattress es are becoming an expensive luxury. However, by buying direct in large quantities we are prepared to undersell com petition. Cotton Top, Cotton Felted or Silk Floss bought now at Sale Prices is sure to prove a good investment. This sale offers the opportunity of securing restful sleep and years of comfort at Reduced Prices. BED SPRINGS a- - Springs that add comfort to tired bodies. We have the kind you will eventually buy. Three ply wire springs, full or three quarter size $1.00 Dining Tables I Of Solid Oak, Triple Veneer quarter sawed, 42, 48 or 54-inch top, 6, 8 or 10 ft. extension. They will surely cost you more as all factories have ad vanced their prices. On sale now. Reg. $15.00 6 ft. Ex. Tables $9.85 Reg. $25.00 Table, 45-in. Plank Top 'Full Quarter Oak $19.50 Couches and Dav - enports A necessity for every home. Whether an in expensive sanitary couch, a velour or tapes try upholstered couch or an elegant leather uni-fold, duo-fold or bed davenport is want ed, they are shown in our present stock, priced to suit the well-to-do or those of limited means. Sanitary Couches at $3.75 to $? 25 Upholstered Couches $5.50 to $36.00 Davenports $27.50 to $60.00 VUDOR PORCH SHADES Every Vudof Shade is Equipped with Vudor Safety Wind Device Installed any place in the city VUDOR SAFETY WIND DEVICE PREVENTS SHADE FROM FLAPPING AND AT THE SAME TIME ALLOWS IT TO YIELD UNDER WIND PRESSURE. KINDLY NOTICE THAT THE DEVICE IS NOT ATTACHED TO THE TOP MOULDING OF SHADE BUT TO THE PORCH ITSELF, CONSEQUENTLY THE PORCH ITSELF TAKES THE WIND PRESSURE IN STEAD OF THE SHADE. Shad FLAT DESKS OR' HANDSOME OAK ROLL TOP DESKS IN SIZES TO SUIT YOUR PURPOSE. NOT THE MOST RAPID SELLING ARTICLE IN STOCK, BUT PRICED SO TEMPTINGLY. LOW THAT YOU CANNOT RESIST BUYING OUR LINE OF Trunks & Suit Cases IS, COMPLETE AND EVERY PRICE IS REDUCED FOR THIS SALE WE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF New Dishes SHOWN AT THIS SALE FOR THE FIRST TIME SEE THE LOT OF Carpet Remnants BODY BRUSSELS WORTH UP TO $2.00 THE YARD SALE PRICE 49c Evtrjr Equipped vfcfc Vwbr Stfet? Wind Dark Priced According to Size from $2.75 Up GREAT BARGAINS IN Chinese Mattings REG. 18c MATTING. . '. 10c FANCY JAPANESE MATTING LINEN WARP 97 Styles of Rockers From ' the plain hardwood Sewing Chair to the elegant Solid Leather Over Stuffed Rocker. It's a shame to cut prices in the face of advancing prices, but here they are just the same. You must see them. Regular $1.50 Rocker 95 Regular $4 Rocker $2.50 Regular $6 Rocker ... $3.95 Dishes 42 piece Semi-Porcelain Fancy Decorated Dinner Set. Regular $5.00 value $3.85 Cups and Saucers Egg Shell China. Reg. price for set of 6 $1.50, now 95o Semi-Porcelain Cups and. Sau cers, reg. 75c for set of 6, ... . 62c HIGH GRADE 26-INCH HAND SAWS 98c TRUNKS AND - SUIT CASES AT , GREAT REDUCTIONS WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR EN TIRE LINE OF ILLINOIS ALUMINUM WARE IRON BEDS Full and three quarter size in White and Colored Enamel. Big assortment of styles and good range of prices. $1.75 Beds, full size at . f. . . . , .95c $6.00 Iron Bed, full size $4.00 $10.00 Enamel Bed, in white . $7.50 1 1 I' I ' V ill I II Vh- i II jpp mxmfimimimk 35 w8t Wizard Polish Mop Regular 50c, This sale . . 24c A high grade.Polish Mop with adjustable handle A limited' number only-COME EARLY! Quality House Paints Give the Home a. Fresh Ap pearance for the Summer Quality House Paints dur this sale $1.40 gal. HAMMOCKS I New Hammocks of Every Color and Quality ' On sale -from 99c to $6.50 l yi ill ii- Shri Wall Paper Our patterns are all new in color, reflecting the art of the designers while the prices are but a fraction of imported lines. A decided preference is shown the neat small pat terns of this season's stock. Those made to resemble Chambray, Burlap, Damask and Tapestry are most favored. The popular colors being Grays and' Browns, the tendency being to self-tone and two-tone walls, relieved by the brighter colors in borders of varying widths from two to eighteen inches. Our Sale Prices are from 4c the single Roll up We are agents for "THE FREE Sewing : Machine During this sale the prices will be Regular $40 Machine, $35 Regular $62 Machine, $45 19c AM IMMENSE STOCK OF MATTRESSES AT LESS THAN TODAY'S FACTORY PRICES BUY DURING THIS SALE Our stock of Linoleum was never so complete; considering the market conditions, our prices! were never so low. Reg. $60c Linoleum, sq. yd 39c Reg. 85o 12-ft Cork filled Linoleum. .... .70o Reg. 85c All Cork Linoleum 65c Reg. 65c 6 ft. Li noleum sq. yd .50c Big line genuine Inlaid Linoleum. Ask for quo tations. Bring the size of your room. Great reduc tion in price. At the close of our sale we will present I a beautiful present of a ROCKER, COUCH, MATTRESS or a DINING ROOM . SET, consisting of an EX TENSION TABLE and six DINING CHAIRS. - . Numbers will each day be given every man and woman' attending this sale. xThe duplicate numbers will be kept until closing night when It will be de cided who shall receive this handsome and valuable present absolutely FREE. Ask for a number they cost you nothing. A SALE WITHOUT A PARALLEL IN THE HISTORY OF OREGON CITY BEGINNING BOOSTER DAY ELEGANT LINE OF Bedroom Suites IN OAK, CIRCASSIAN WALNUT, OLD IVORY AND WHITE ENAMEL ON SALE FOURTEEN STYLES LADIES' Writing Desks SHOWN IN OUR STOCK AT . PRICES RANGING FROM $7.50 to $2000 MOST COMPLETE LINE OF Brass and Iron Beds EVER SHOWN IN OREGON CITY GET OUR SALE PRICES . H. LARGE ASS&ftTMENT OF Vudor Porch Shades EQUIPPED WITH THE SAFETY WIND DEVICE SEE THEM SEE OUR DISPLAY OF Room Size Rugs THEY COULD NOT BE DUPLICATED AT THESE PRICES IF BOUGHT TODAY ONE OF OUR HOBBIES IS Wall Papr , SEE THE ASSORTMENT , :" . - , At 4c the Single Roll AN ELEGANT LINE OF COUCHES AND DAVENPORTS IN VELOUR, IMITATION AND REAL LEATHER PRICED FROM $3.50 UP Kitchen Furniture THE HOUSEWIFE'S FRIEND IS A KITCHEN CABINET SOLD UNDER OUR GUARANTEE AT S8.75, $10.75, $15.00, $25.00 AND UP TO $40.00. Kitchen Treasure $3.25 to $5.50 BREAKFAST TABLES, DROP LEAF, $2.00 UP. SEE OUR GOODS Compare the Prices then v Come Prepared to Buy SALE BEGINS AT 9 A. M. Saturday, May 27th THE FUR.NITUR.E MAN 1 lth and Main Streets OREGON CITY, OREGON n