Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, May 18, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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m tea
hours, close and
tedious work are very apt
to result in Headaches or
other Pains. Don't suffer.
will quickly drive your
Pain away, and
Dr. Miles' Nervine
will assist you by relieving
the Nerve Strain.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
E. W. Mathis, Plaintiff,
Elizabeth Mathis; Defendant.
To Elizabeth Mathis, the above named
Defendant: .
In the Name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
Court and cause, within six (6)
weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons. If
you fail to appear and answer, the
plaintiff herein will take a decree
against you for the relief prayed
for in the complaint filed herein, to
wit: For a decree of absolute di
vorce, forever dissolving and annul
ling the bonds of matrimony now
existing between the plaintiff and
defendant, on the grounds of de
sertion of the plaintiff by the de
fendant for the period of more
than one year immediately preced
ing the commencement of this suit.
This summons is served upon you
by the order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the above en
titled court, dated the 8th day of
May, 1916, directing the publica
tion thereof.
Date of first publication," May 11,
. 1916.
Date of last publication, June 22,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
. ma.
H-a Illstrip, Plaintiff,
Cle 'ent Illstrup, Defenant.
To Clement Illstrup, above named De
fendant: Tn the Name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
e gainst you in the above entitled
' suit on or before the 10th day of
Tvre, 1916, the same being the last
dry for your appearance by order
of said Court and if you fail to so
. eppear and answer for want there
of the plaintiff will apply to said
Court for the relief prayed for in
her complaint, to-wit, for a decree
dissolving the marriage contract
now existing betwen you and the
This summons is published by
the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the said Court, made and dated the
25th day of April, 1916, the same
will be published six consecutive
weeks, the first publication being
made on the 27th day of April,
1916, and the last publication on
the 8th day of June, 1916.
Attorney at Law, 907 Wilcox
Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County-of Clacka
mas. -
Miry Girolami, Plaintiff,
Ottavio Girolami, Defendant.
To Ottavio Girolami, the above nam
ed Defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above nam
ed suit on or before the 9th day
of June, 1916, and if you fail to
anpear or answer said complaint,
or want thereof, the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief
prayed for in the complaint: For
a decree forever dissolving the
bonds of matrimony heretofore and
now existing between plaintiff and
defendant, and for- a decree chang
'ng the name of plaintiff to that of
her maiden name, and for such
olher and further relief as the
corrt may seem meet and equitable.
This summons i3 published pur
suant to an order made and enter
ri by Hon, J. U. Campbell, Judge
'f the Circuit Court, dated on the
22rd day of April, A. D., 1916.
IMe of First Publication, April
27, 1916.
Date of Last Publication, June
8, 1916.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Today is always the best day to
clean up.
"My nerve became all
worn out. I had bad head
aches and severe dizzy
spells. I could not sleep
and my appetite was poor.
I began using Dr. Miles'
Anti-Pain Pills and they
always gave me Instant re
lief no matter what-., the
pain. Then I used Dr.
Miles' Nervine regularly
and was soon in perfect
health again."
324 Pittsburg St.,
Newcastle, Penn.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. '
N. E. Clark, Plaintiff,
Emma Clark, Plaintiff,-
To Emma Clark, "Defendant above
named: . ' .
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
suit within six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons, and if you fail to so appear
and answer for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for in his com
plaint, to-wit, that the bonds of
matrimony existing between the
plaintiff and defendant be dissolved
and for general relief.
This summons is served upon you J
by publication for six successive
weeks pursuant to an order of J.
U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Clackamas, which
order is dated April 25th, 1916.
Date of first publication, April
27, 1916,
Date of Last Publication, June 8,
Attorney for Plaintiff, Portland,
Oregon. .
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Frankie Schofield, .Plaintiff,
Herbert Schofield, Defendant.
To-Herbert Schofield, above named
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
suit on or before the 10th day of
June, 1916, the same being the
last day for your appearance by
order of said Court and if you fail
to so appear and answer for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to
said Court for the relief prayed
for in her complaint, to-wit, for a
decree dissolving the marriage con
tract now existing between you
and the plaintiff.
This summons is published by
order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell,
Judge of the said Court, made and
dated the 25th day of 'April, 1916,
the same will be published six
consecutive weeks, the first publi
cation being made on the 27th day
of April, 1916, and the last publi
cation on the 8th day of June, 1916.
Attorney at Law, 907 Wilcox
Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon for the County of Clackamas,
has appointed the undersigned ad
ministrator of the Estate of George
W. Doty, deceased. All persons
having claims against the said de
cedent or his estate are hereby giv
en notice that they shall present
them to the undersigned adminis
trator at the office of J. F. Clark,
attorney, Bank of Oregon City
building, Oregon City, Ore., "within
six months of the date of this no
tice, with proper vouchers rffuly)
Dated, April 10, 1916.
Administrator of the estate of
George W. Doty, deceased.
Notice of Appointment of Executors
In the matter of the Estate of John
C. Jahn, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under-1
signed have been appointed by the
County Court of Clackamas County,
State of Oregon, Executors of the
Will and Estate of John C. Jahn,
deceased, and that they have duly
qualified. All claims against the
said estate must be presented to R.
A. Schramm at his residence at Oak
Grove, Clackamas County, Oregon,
duly verified as by law required
within six months from the date
Dated and first published May 4,
Last publication June 1st, 1916.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Lucien M. Davidson, Plaintiff,
Albert F. Jones and Jane Jones,
his wife; Laura A. Benjamin
and S. B. Benjamin, her hus
band; William W. Jones and
Carrie E. Jones, his wife; F.
O. Jones and Sarah E. Jones
his wife; and Ed. L. Arm
strong, Defendants.
To Albert F. Jones and Jane Jones,
hi3 wife; William W. Jones and
Carrie E. Jones, his wife; F. O.
' Jones and Sarah E. Jones, his wife;
and to Ed L. Armstrong, defend
ants above named: You, and each
of y'ou, are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
by plaintiff above named in
the above entitled suit against
you within six weeks of the
date of the first publication
of this summons, to-wit: on or be
fore Thursday, the 15th day of
June, 1916, and upon your failure
to answer the complaint herein
within the said time, the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for tue re
lief demanded in said complaint, to
wit: for a decree that plaintiff is
the owner of the following describ
ed properties:
Beginning at the section post
which is the corner to sections 9,
10, 15 and 16 in T 2, S. R. 1, E W
M, in the County of Clackamas,
State of Oregon, running thence W
on the section line between sections
9 and 16, 15 chs. to the NW corner
of the land now owned and occupied
by Lucien M. Davidson;
Thence in a southwesterly direc
tion to a point on the S line of
the F. A. Collard D. L. C, which is
19.50 chs. east of the SW corner of
said D. L. C, and which is the SW
corner of land now owned and oc
cupied by Lucien M. Davidson;
Thence East and easterly along
the S line of said claim 23.13 chains
to the E line of the NW quarter of
said Section 16;
Thence N along the E line of
said section 16, 12, 15 ch to the
place of beginning, containing 16
acres more or less, and being a
portion of D. L. C. No." 45, in T 2,
S R 1, E W M, known as the Felix
A. Collard D. L. C.
And that by said decree it be de
clared and adjudged that plaintiff
is the owner of said premises and
is entitled to the possession there
of, and that you, the defendants
above named, have no estate nor
interest whatever in or to said land
or premises, or any part thereof,
and that you and each of you de
fendants above named be forever
debarred from asserting any claim
whatever in and to said land and
premises adverse to the plaintiff, or.
to his assigns, and for such other
and further relief as to equity
shall, seem mete and proper; and
for plaintiff's costs and disburse
ments in this suit.
This summons is published by
order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas, made this 27th day of April,
Date of the first publication is
Thursday, May 4, 1916. Date of
the last publication, June 15, 1916.
Attorney .for the Plaintiff.
(Continued from Page 2)
$8.00; Conrad Lang, $2.00; R. Snod
grass, $4.00; Walter Johnson, $2.00;
Sam Johnson, $7.00; Axle Johnson,
$8.00; Fred Churchill, $8.00; Harvey
Robertson, $9.00; L. Anderson, $9.00;
George Willson, $9.00; Henry Willson
$9.00; Clyde Willson, $9.00; Bert Wal
lace, $13.00; Harvey Schuebel, $19.00;
Frank Jones, $13.00; John Anderson,
$24.00; J. C. Anderson, $12.00; E.
Schuebel, $8.00; L, Wallace, $17.00;
W. H. Jones, $12.00; A. L. Jones,
$13.00; R. Schuebel, $55.00.
DISTRICT NO. 21 Hult Bros.,
$24.13; A. Branland, $3.13; L. O.
Nightengale, $74.40; E. A. Nelson,
$4.00; A. N. Swanson, $4.00; E. A.
Swanson, $4.00; Erick Trygg, $14.00;
W. S. Gorbett, $20.25; John Trygg,
$6.00; Arch Bonnie, $6.00; G. A. Gott
berg, $6.00; O. G. Nyquist, $6.00 ;t A.
Johnson, $6.00; Gilbert Merfey, $4!oO;
J. D. Crawford, $5.00; Leslie Craw
ford, $2,00; John Shoberg, $5.00;
Chas. England, $5.00; John England,
DISTRICT NO. 22 F. M. Henrik
sen, $3.20; E. P. Dodge, $58.84; R. B.
Stone, $24.00; Alfred Green, $25.00;
O. A. Carlson, $22.00; Ed Freimath,
$24.00; G. E. Feyrer, $6.00; Carf
Feyrer, $7.00; Jack Feyrer, $18.00;
Wm. Feyrer, $3.00; C. D. Dickerson,
$10.00; H. J. Rastall, $5.40; Coast
Culvert & Flume Co., $76.00; Robbins
Bros., $17.20; Fred Schafer, $3.10;
Dicken & Co., $7.70; L. O. Nighten
gale, $208.47; Robbins Bros.,' $70.71;
Clay Engle, $16.00; Dave Pendleton,
$13.75; A. L. Stultz, $4.00; Geo. F.
Ball, $12.00; Birt Ball, $14.00; Peter
Geres, $16.00; H. J. Rastall, $54.50;
M. M. Jameson, $13.25; Neil Jackson,
$29.50; G. R. Jackson, $22.00; I. L,
Boyer, $10.00; C. C. Edwards, $19.25;
Bert Palmer, $1.00; L. O. Eldred,
$15.00; J. R. Davies, $9.00; Wm.
Howell, $6.00; G. V. Adams, $8.00;
Carl Goranson, $10.00.
DISTRICT NO. 23W. W. Irvin,
$165.93; R. W. Zimmerman, $17.00;
V. Skinner, $22.50; W. D. Fish, $10.50
C. Potwin, $10.50; J. Gribble, $3.50;
W. Gribble, $2.00; O. M. Ausoe, $2.50;
H. H. Deetz, $44.25; F. Norton, $31.95
G. Plantz, $19.75; A. Snyder, $27.45;
A. Pratts, $18.20; W. Gribble, $27.00;
J. Gribble, $21.60; J. B. King, $19.80,
DISTRICT NO. 24 Gorda Frede-
rickson, $4.00; Albin Frederickson,
$2.00; Amos Kauffman, $18.00; Wm.
Jackson, $1.00; Ben F. Casto, $1.75;
John Gahler, $3.00; Ernest Thiel,
$2.00; M. G. Smith, $2.00; Arthur
Mestaeh, $2.G0; L. P. Spagle, $18.75
DISTRICT NO. 25 Canby Con-'
crete Works, $75.10; Ed. Graves,
$11.00; A. D. Gribble, $26.00; John
Heinz, $2.00; C. H. Lorenz, $13.75; S.
S. Gibson, ,$14.00; Ed. Schnack,
$12.00; J. M. Stewart, $4.00; Carl
Kalb, $2.00; J. W. Smith, $4.00; Wm.
Gabert, $5.00; Wm. Gelbrich, $9.00;
G. Winzler, $2.00; C. Baty, $1.00;
John Graves, $5.50; H. Goebel, $8.00;
F. Wehner, $2.00; H. Wehner, $2.00;
Geo. Dickenson, $8.00; A. H. Lorenz,
$2.00; J. Ganske, $8.00; W. R. Meeks,
$3.00; Frank Gribble, 1$.00; John
Gelbrich, $3.00.
DISTRICT NO. 26 L. O. Nighten
gale, $4.99; Rex Stubbs, -$13.00; W.
O. Vaughan, $8.75; Bruce J. Burnett,
$3.00; L. O. Nightengale, $2.00; J. R.
P. Vick, $4.00; Jerry B,aty, $9.00.
DISTRICT NO. 27 Joseph Jack
son, $14.00; J. P. Miller, $8.00; S. C.
Miller, $24.00; W. Brown, $8.00; Ar
thur Nelson, $15.00; E. H. Dokken,
$10.00; Fred Ferguson, $6.00; I. D.
Larkins, $28.75; A. H. Logan, $16.00;
C. E. Dokken, $6.00; Orval Jackson,
$8.00; Olof Olson, $6.00; Wm. Nichol
son, $24.00; S. Usher, $4.00.
DISTRICT NO. 28 Coast Culvert
& Flume Co., ........?; L. O. Nighten
gale, $45.60; Woodburn Machine &
Foundry Co., $4.50; W. G. Masterton,
$8.25; F. M. Henriksen, $19.80; Leslie
Shank, $12.88; Robbins Bros., $10.45;
I. J. Green, $9.37; Geo. Esplin, $14.56;
A. L. Brougher, $9.30; Chas. John
son, $11.50; E. L. Palfrey, $5.00; W,
L. Freeman, $8.00; O. N. Opsund,
$6.00; C. G. Vorhies, $12.00; Tony 01-
sen, $12.00; A. B. Hibbard, $12.00;
Frank Bagby, $5.00; Leslie Shank,
$65.00.; Ed. Wyland, $2.00; Ray Wy.
land, $4.00 Ray Nicholson, $32.00;
Luther Nicholson, $24.00; Dan Gro
shong, $32.00; George Groshong,
$8.00; Clarence Myers, $32.00; Frank
Brosig, $2.00; C. Slaughter, $30.00;
Freeman Thomas, $28.75; L. B. Thom
as, $23.75; James Panquette, $30.00;
Lee Panquette, $1.00; Oscar Vorhies,
$30.00; Roy Thomas, $25.75; Al. Wy
land, $28.00; L. D. Lynch, $34.00; Joe
Michels, $15.75; L. D. Shank, $42.50;
Ben Wade, $26.00; EIHb Nicholson,
$9.50; Rant Thomas, $1.00; Elic Fos
key, $2.00; George Herbst, ' $22.00;
George Crite, $20.00; Earl Groshong,
i-.OO; James Nicholson, $17.00; Floyd
Furgeson, $12.75; John Furgeson,
$14.00; Frank Kokle, $31.00; Andy
Mazingo, $38.00; John Coover, $4.00;
Press Coover, $7.00; Albert Groshong,
$10.00; Marion Crite, $8.00; L. C. Da
vis, $8.00; Jason Jones, $4.00; Joe
Sowa, $4.75; Zeb BoWman, $25.50;
Arthur Carter, $6.00; Scott Carter,
$4.00; A. D. Keller, $7.00; Charlie
Hardy, $4.00; Ralph Henderson,
.00; A. Schoerman, $2.00; George
Kuss, $4.00; Urban Ferlan, $2.00; I.
J. Green, $20.00; George Esplin, $20.;
V. E. Pitman, $20.00; J. G. Blixt,
$20.00; Owen Kimball, $21.00; A.
Sacket, $20.00; Omer Williams, $20.
00; Earl Bird, $16.00; W. M. Bird,
DISTRICT NO. 29 Canby Con
crete Works, $23.70;- G. A. Ehlen,
$10.00; G. H. Gray, $35.25; Arlo
Gray, $4.00.
DISTRICT NO. 30 Glenmorrie
Quarry Co., $354.80.
DISTRICT NO. 31 Coast Culvert
& Flume Co., $82.12; Chase & Linton
Gravel Co., $351.00; Buffalo Steam
Roller Co., $14.90; R. De Neui, $53.00;
E. L. Kruse, $58.00; Mrs. Kate Turner
$24.00; Van Notwick, $52.00; John
Peters, $3.00; G. G. Peters, $42.50;
Wm. Schatz, $16.00; L. Brock, $12.00;
Henry Peters, $14.00; Chas. Wagner,
.00; U. G. Shaver, $3.00; W. E. Si
mons, $3.00; J. Shaw, $3.00; F. Wag
ner, $1.00; H. A. Kruse, $8.00; F. E.
Barnes, $12.00.
DISTRICT NO. 32 Chase & Lin
ton, $347.50; Peters Hardware Co.,
$1.65; Young & Stangel, $6.00; Harry
Jost, $70.56; E. Raphaelson, $26.00;
Chas. Taylor, $1.00; Gus Jaeger, $4.00
Ray Baker, $18.00; Elmer Todd, $48.00
Neal Heater, $4.00; John Her, $16.00;
Hugh Ilcr, $22.50; Wm. Young, $2.00;
Wm. Baker, $1.00; Geo. Murray, $4.00
Henry Reisner, $1.00; Geo. Todd, $2.00
Elmer Jones, $1.50; Frank Stangel,
$0.75; Harry Jost, $1.00.
DISTRICT NO. 33 Bert H. Finch,
$2.10; Frank Millard, $0.65; W. F.
Haberlach, $135.45; Floyd Spurlin
$2.95; Frank Millard,' $42.50; W. W.
Tucker, $1.25; Marion Millard, $20.25;
Amos Millard, $9.00; C. M. Folsom,
$12.00; Wiley Howell, $20.00; Jas.
Marrs, $42.50; Press Howell, $2.25;
Geo. Howell, $2.00; Wilbur Wade,
$1.50; Amos Millard, $11.25; Frank
Smith, $11.00; S. E. Smith, $4.00;
Frank Millard, $2.50; Marion Millard,
DISTRICT NO. 34 Coast Culvert
& Flume Co., $95.77; Wilson & Cooke,
$7.30; G. A. Bergren, $1.30; Owen G.
Thomas, $5.25; K. Koellermeier,
$16.00; Chas. Livesay, $14.35; R.
Shepherd, $15.00; S. Couey, $13.00;
A. Armstrong, $18.25; H. Elliott,
$11.75; J. Boylen, $9.00; F. WmMe,
$8.00; W. Boylen, $6.00; W. Kaiser,
$57.50; C. Zimmerman, $36.75; R.
Scoff em, $6.00; J. Chadsey, $8.00;
J. Strassburg, $6.00; L. Sinclair, $19
25; M. Tiedeman, $22.50; C. Day,
$23.00; D. Day, $23.00; R. Armstrong,
$10.25; J. E. Boylen, $17.00; N. Mel
vin, $14.00; O. Hansen, $17.75; J
Brown, $16.00; A. Anderson, $17.00;
C. Salomo, $23.00; C. Hage, $21.00; G.
Armstrong, $11.00; W. Patow, $20.00;
F. Zimmerman, $16.00; C. Heinz,
$12.00; F. Kaiser, $16.00; L. Dobbs,
$38.00; C. Koellermeier, $35.00; G.
Day, $44.00; W. Schultze, $30.00; H.
Wright, $34.00; T. Fisher, $40.00; J.
Yunker, $34.00; J. Armstrong, $34.00;
W. Armstrong, $37.00; T. Downey,
$28.00; D. Colson, $30.00; W. Robe
son, $26.00; L. Ford, $22.00.
DISTRICT NO. 35 Jarl & Eri,
Portland Railway
Light '& Power
$30.85; Sandy Fir Lumber Co., $6.47;
A. C. Baumback, $3.25; Thomas
Dunn, $16.00; T. B. Milan, $18.00;
Gilbert Gilbertson, $24.00; C. A.
Wendland, $10.00; G. C. Maronay,
$25.00; A. C. Baumback, $37.00; A. C.
Chown, $16.00; Elmer Radford, $20.
00; Ben Ault, $6.00; Vic Hengstler,
$12.00; Fred Radford, $10.00; Jerome
Brook, $4.00; Gilbert Hauglum, $8.00;
John Barnett, $2.00; Martin Mikkle
son, $4.00; Geo. Maronay, $2.00; John
Maronay, $2.00; Joe Haley, $9.00;
John Barnett, $18.00; Ben Ault, $6.75
Elmer Radford, $7.85; A. C. Baum
back, $10.00 ; G. C. Maronay, $6.75;
Gilbert Gilbertson, $14.60.
DISTRICT NO. 36-John McKen
zie, $27.00; Albert Elliott, $11.50; E.
L. Fish, $21.00; George La Fleur,
$6.00; H. L. Livingston, $10.00; J. F.
Zimmerle, $4.00.
DISTRICT NO. 37 Denny-Renton
Clay & Coal Co., $29.25; Babler &
Gerber Truck Co., $7.00; C. W. Kruse,
$95.62; J. W. Stone, $18.00; Ben Koe
nig, $9.00; W. R. Wilmot, $4.50; E. M.
Locker, $2.00; O. C. Evans, $15.50;
J. J. Knaus, $4.00; R R. Moffltt, $11.00.
' DISTRICT NO. 38 W. H. Coun
cell, $1376.82.
DISTRICT NO. 39 Wilson &
Cooke, $11.00; Robert Schoenborn,
$21.25; Max Bruch, $38.75; Otto
Striker, $26.25; Herman Fisher,
$46.25; Evan Lewis, $12.50; Er)ick
Fisher, $40.00; Noah Christner, $22.
00; Tom Lewis, $8.00; A. O. Achillis,
DISTRICT NO. 40-Jarl & Eri,
$21.70; Sandy Blacksmith & Shoeing
Shop, $1.05; D. L. Erdman, $27.00;
C. Bartlemay, $26.00; H. Bronner,
$21.00; L. Bartlemay, $19.00; H.
Ackerson, $9.00; C. Young, $2.00; H.
Henriksen, $8.00; A. Ackerson, $4.00;
V. Douglas, $4.00; C. Borlin, $3.00.
DISTRICT NO. 41-H. H. Udell,
DISTRICT NO. 42-L. O. Nighten
gale, $28.20; Canby Concrete Works,
$12.00; A. E. Taylor, $27.00; A. C.
Taylor, $58.87; Jos. Brennere, $19.50;
R. Johns, $9.00; Aaron Loe, $4.00;
Josiah Skelton, $12.00; John Gregory,
$16.00; Wm. Hastie, $12.00; Ivor
New System
First-Class ..Painless Denistry
at Reasonable Prices AH
Work Guaranteed
We Speak German
ROOMS 9-10-11-12
Phones Pac. 10; Home A-200
The Modern
anything but comfort and conven
ience? To the housewife, who has
considered heat and stuffiness inev
itable in the kitchen, the ELECTRIC
RANGE on which any desired degree
of heat for cooking or baking can be
obtained by the turn of a switch, and
the electric dish washer which re
lieves the cleansing of dishes of all
its disagreeable features, seem in
credible dreams.
Yet these dreams are true, and
we will appreciate the opportunity to
tell you all about the economy, con
venience and other distinct advan
tages of the modern
Learfald, $10.50; Nels Learfald, $8.00;
F. H. Frentz, $16.00; Geo. Dawson,
$14.00; Patrick Breanan, $7.00.
DISTRICT NO. 43 J. M. Henkle,
$5.25; F. M. Blaisdell, $18.75; Bennie
Blaisdall, $28.00; Wilson Test, $14.00;
Frank Fuchs, $4.00.
1 DISTRICT NO. 44 Coast Culvert
& Flume Co., $21.60; W. G. Randall,
DISTRICT NO. 45 L. P. Elliott,
$4.50; C. A. Freeman, $2.00.
DISTRICT NO. 46 Standard Oil
Co., $9.88; Pacific Highway Garage,
$1.90; Carl Kirchem, $13.75; Edwin C.
Gerber, $21.00; Edward Nachand,
$33.50; T. D. Crader, $10.00; R. Dun
ham, $8.00; John Hattan, $4.00; A.
Cliff, $10.00; F. Gronlund, $4.00; C.
Hendrickson, $4.00; Bert Marston,
$2.00; Don Lillie, $1.00
DISTRICT NO. 47-E. C. Warren,'
$33.00; Milo . Pollock, $2.95; W. W.
Thompson, $2.00; C. W. Risley, $57.93
O. P. Roethe, $61.93; O. P. Roethe,
$61.80; W. R. Easier, $2.00; Simond
Bigham, $32.00; F. L. Cox, $13.00;
N. M. Cox, $5.00; O. P. Roethe, $101.
70; C. W. Risley, $77.70; Clyde Cur
tin, $40.80; Frank Lambert, $80.40;
Henry Smith, $29.10; D. Abby, $74.40;
W. L. Jones, $36.90; W. R. Easier,
$38.50; R. B. Madison, $14.00; Ira
Hart, $36.87; W. M. Cook, $39.88; W,
A Gre 1600 James Eobertg
$12.00; Sam Roberts, $12.00; Ed Cur-
tin $14.00; Hugh Roberts, $5.00; B.
F. Fisher, $8.00; G. G. Jones, $32.00;
A. A. Dorn, $32.00; B. Gidtner, $10.00
O. W. Bernett, $18.00; Alfred Johns,
$19.78; John Boick, $13.00; H. B.
Paulson, $11.00; Ben Lasey, $0.00; L.
Curtin, $6.00; C. Coffee, $6.00.
DISTRICT NO. 49 Bert H. Finch,
$10.15; Delft Creek Lbr. Co., $48.00;
J. O. Bounds, $2.00; J. J. Davis, $16.00
R. W. Lemon, $20.00; Robert Snyder,
$16.00; H. A. Hunt, $8.00; W. B.
Lemon, $8.00; G. T. Hunt,' $8.00; Er
nest Amacher, $8.00; A. G. Burd,
$6.00; H. Stokes, $4.00; W. Porter,
$8.00; J. F. Snyder, $8.00; Paul Sauer,
$8.00; A. C. Anderson, $8.00; M. A.
Collins, $8.00; B. Rawlins, $4.00; W.
D, Hayes, $4.00.
DISTRICT NO. 51 Coast Culvert
& Flume Co., $59.13; A. L. Heacock,
$18.50; Aug. Wedin, $12.00; John
Johnson, $6.00; G. A. Noreen, $6.00.
DISTRICT NO. 53 Canby Con
crete Works, $12.00; Jackson & Wrol-
stad, $5.41; J. S. Fisher, $5.67; L. O.
Nightengale, $24.40; C. A. Bengli,
$11.00; A. Neucnshwander, $1.00;
Lucht Bros., $15.00; Oren Giger,
$4.00; Albert Carpenter, $7.00; Ernest
Conrad, $25.00; J. C. Lehman, $2.00;
Roy Wooster, $7.00; John Wooster,
$2.00; Ed Jackson, $4.00; George
Wooster, $2.00.
DISTRICT NO. 54 J. W. Berkey,
$9.15; Ben Casto, $7.00; Geo. Owings,
$2.00; Ben Stanton, $4.00; Paul Sam
son, $4.00; John Casto, $6.00; W. W.
Long, $37.50.
DISTRICT NO . 55 Creason Mill
Co., $23.20; Fred Creason, $20.00;
Steven Fellows, $20.00; H. H. Mat-
toon, $30.00; H. H. Creason, $2.00;
(Continued on Page 8)
The Electric
Phones Home A-229
Pacific Main 115
Beaver Bldg. 617 Main St.
"Watch your step" the Courier
Job Department.
FOR SALE One New SV Wagon
at Highland, Ore. Frank Adams,
Oregon City, Rt. 4.
WANTED Experienced housekeeper.
'Mrs. Frank Busch, Sr., Twelfth
and Main streets. Phone 314.
WANTED House Work by young
lady 17 years old. Address Jessie
Brien, Bx. 140C, Rt. 2, Oregon City.
F0K,P SALE-Jersey Durham with
.aix. a i a. vvcgiyo uiu r iuc iuu.u wuw
. Pete Pliunas, West Linn, Oregon
City, Rt. 5. 18
FOR SALE 5 Jersey Cows and 4
Heifers. Would consider exchange
for other young stock of beef type.
M. C. Gregory, Liberal, Ore. 25
LOST Ten Dollars Reward for re
covery of my dog. White body,
black head. Answers to name of
"Sport." Notify C. Mohaupt, Rt.
2. 18
pQjj gLE One Pair Black Geldings
9 years, 2600 lbssound and true;
for farm or teaming cannot be
beaten. Address W. K. Corbin,
Estacada, Rt. 1. 18
FOUND Strayed to my home April
25, 1916, a gray pony, about 2 years
old. Owner may have same by
paying for this ad. Gustave Fisch
er, Rt. 2, Oregon City, Box 95.
MRS. B. McCLATCHIE Hemstitch
ing, 10c per yard; accordian, side
and sunburst plaiting; scalloping,
buttons covered. Corner 8th and
Main, over Harris' grocery. Phone
148 W.
FOR SLE Cow, Jersey; now fresh.
Single white leghorn, Hogan strain,
baby chick for May 15 delivery;
$10 per 100, eggs $5 per 100, $1
for 15. Apply J. E. Bryant, Route
2, Oregon City; Phone 21-F-4.
F0B SALE I want to sell off my
surplus stock horses and rigs
good buy for some party. All are
good as new and horses in fine
condition. Fashion Livery Stables,
G. A. Bergren, Prop.
ATTENTION Beaver Creek Farm
ers' Union will hold big entertain
ment May 20. Governor Withy
combe will speak and "Bachelor's
Club," a snappy comedy, will be
staged Ice cream, cake and sand-
wiches served. Admission 10c and
15e. 18
R. L. Holman and T. P. Randall,
T.nrlinr TTnrlpi-iaVftrfi. FiffrVi and Main
Rt . Telephones: Pacific 415-J; Home