OREGON CITY. COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1916. 11 yn a o iv J no oSW : : wmmbSm ' Thf rnnsrant strain rf factory work very often results in Headaches, Backaches and other Aches, and also weak ens the Nerves. DR. MILES' ANTI-PAIN PILLS; will quickly relieve the Nerves, or Pain, while Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment is very helpful when the Heart is overtaxed. IF FIRST "BOX, OR BOTTLE, FAILS TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah County. Maude B. Bradbury, Plaintiff, , . . vs. Charles Bradbury, Defendant. To Charles Bradbury, Defendant: In the Name of the State of Ore- gon,-you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint of the Plaintiff "filed against you in the above entitled court and cause, on or before the 6th day of May,' A. D., 1916, which said date is more than - six ' weeks, from the date " of the first publication of this sum mons; and if you fail to so appear ' and answer the Plaintiff will "take a decree against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint of the Plaintiff herein: Namely, for a de cree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between the Plaintiff and the Defendant, and for the care and custody of Robert, Frank and Joe Bradbury, Plaintiff's minor children, and all other proper re . lief. This Summons is published pur suant to an order made and enter ed by Hon. H. S. Anderson, County Judge of Clackamas County, Ore gon, on the 18th day of March, A. D., 1916. Date of First Publcation, MarcJi 23rd, 1916. Date of Last Publication, May 4th, 1916. HENRY S .WESTBROOK, Attorney for the Plaintiff. Suite 601 Journal Bldg., Port land, Oregon. Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon for and in the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the estate of Michael McCormick, Deceased. Notice is hereby given -that the un dersigned has been appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of Mi chael McCormick, Deceased, by the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, and has qualified as by law required as said admin istratrix. All persons having claims against said deceased or his estate are notified to exhibit the same, with necessary "vouchers, ' within six' months after the first publica tion of this notice to the said ad ministratrix at room 504 Gerlingei Building, Southwest corner of Al der and Second Streets, Portland, Oregon, where the undersigned se lects as her place of business in all matters connected with said es tate. First publication, March 9, 1916; Last Publication, April 6, 1916. LENA McCORMICK, Administratrix of the Estate of Michael McCormick, Deceased. . . J. HENNESSY MURPHY, Attorney for Administratrix. The Courier is $1 a year if paid in advance. Notice to Creditors Notice . is hereby given that the County Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Clackamas, has appointed the undersigned ex ecutrix of the Will and Estate of M. T. Freeman, deceased. All persons having claims against the said decedent or his estate are hereby given notice that they shall present them to the undersigned executrix at the residence of J. O. Staats, 720-4th St., Oregon City, Ore., within six months of the date of this notice, with proper vouchers duly verified. Dated, March 27th, 1916. M. M. FREEMAN, Executrix of the Will and Es tate of M. T. Freeman, deceased. J. O. STAATS, Attorney. Has Eight Children Mrs. P. Rehkamp, 2404 Herman St., Covington, Ky., writes: "I have been using Foley's Honey and Tar for near ly two years and can find no better cough syrup. I have eight children and give it to all of them. They all were subjects to croup from babies on." It is a safe and reliable medi cine for men and women as well as children. Don't let the cough that follows grippe hang on and weaken you. It is easier to get rid of a cough or cold than of its consequenc es. Jones Drug Co. SEVERE PAIN. "I used to suffer a great deal with lumbago In my shoulders and back. A friend Induced me to try Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills and I am only too glad to be able to attest to the relief that I got from these splendid pills. They form a valuable medicine and do all that it Is claimed they will do." LEWIS J. CUTTER, Marietta, Ohio. Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. In the matter of the Estate of J. A. Jones, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under . signed has been appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County Oregon, administrator of the Es- tate of J. A. Jones, deceased, and has duly qualified" as such.. All . persons having claims against said Estate are hereby not ified to present the same at . the " office of Paul C. Fischer, Room 2, Beaver Building, Oregon City, Ore., with proper vouchers and duly ver--ified, within six. months from the date, of this notice.. ' Dated April 13, 1916. . PAUL C, FISCHER, " Administrator of the Estate of J. A.' Jones, deceased. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given 'that the ad ministrator of the Estate of Edwin Hedges, deceased, has filed his final account as such administrator ' in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas, and that the Court has ap pointed and set Monday, the 1st day of May, 1916, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day atthe County Court room of said county in Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, as the tune and place for hearing the objections to said final account, and the settlement of the same. Date of First Publication, March 30th, 1916. . . GILBERT L. HEDGES' " Administrator of the Estate of Edwin Hedges, deceased. JOS. E. HEDGES, Attorney for Administrator. In the matter of the Estate of John C. Jahn, deceased, ' . ' . Notice is hereby given that the under- signed have been appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, .Executors of the Will and Estate of John C. Jahn," deceased, and that they have duly qualified. .' All claims against the said estate must be presented to R. A. Schramm at his residence at Oak Grove,' Clackamas County, Oregon, duly verified as by law required within six months from the date hereof.- , , . Dated and first published April 20, 1916. 'Last publication May 18, 1916. , GEORGE JAHN, HAROLD JAHN, " R. A. SCHRAMM, Executors. Notice to Contractors Sealed bids will be received at the Clackamas County Court room at Oregon City, Oregon, until Satur day, April 29th, at 10:30 A. M., for the laying of a hard surface road from the Abernathy bridge at the northern end of Washington street, Oregon City, to the southern ap proach of the bridge across Clacka mas river at Parkplace, . said road to be laid according to specifica tions on file at the County Clerk's. The right to reject any and all bids is expressly reserved. By order of the County Court. H. S. ANDERSON, Judge. HEAR WITHOUT EARS Police and Detectives are Using Lip Reading in Place of Dictagraph Thousands of deaf people are to day throwing away all hearing devic es and enjoying all conversation. This method is easily and quickly acquired through our system. ' Absolutely the only thing of its kind in the country. Our proposition is entirely original. We guarantee results, it will amaze you. Cost is trifling. See what New International Encyclopaedia says on Lip Reading. Hundreds of people with normal hearing are taking up Lip Reading for the many benefits gained. You can understand what the actors are saying in the moving pic tures. You can understand what people are saying just as far away as you can see them. The eye under stands beyond the range of hearing. Send no money, but mention this pa per and state whether or not you are deaf. All particulars will be sent you absolutely free and with no ex pense to you. Address, School of Lip Language, Kansas City, Missouri. COUNTY- COURT (Continued from Page 9) & Flume ; Co., $65.28; . Jail & Eri, $35.70. DISTRICT NO. 41 H. H. Udell, $2.25; A. J. Morrison, $1.50. DISTRICT NO. 43 J. M. Henkle; $7.55; F. M. Blaisdell, $11.25; Bennie Blaisdell, $20.00; Wilson Test, $12.00; Ralph Brown, $3.00; F. Schultz, $9.00. DISTRICT NO. 44 W. G. Randall, $1.50; A. C. Thompson, $20.00; W. G. Randall, $16.00; Thos. Penman, $24.00 Rich Breaker, $13.00; Fred Shilling, $4.00; Murry Newton, $2.00; A.' S. Newton, $$35.00. DISTRICT NO. 45 W. H. Botte miller, $2.00; C. A. Freeman, $2.00; L. P. Elliott, $16.50. , DISTRICT NO. 46 N. L. Kirchem, $5.00; Bert Whe.eler, $9.00; Sol, Wheeler, $3.00; Edward Nachand, $7.50. DISTRICT NO. 47-E. C. Warren, $81.00; 0. P. Roethe, $25.20; D. Abby, $16.80; Clyde 'Curtin, $11.40; Frank Lambert, $14.40; W. F. Krueger, $13.50; C. W Risley, $19.20; W. R. Easier, $7.00; R. B. Madison, $6.75; Ira Hart, $9.00; Wm. , Cook, $10.00; W. N. Green, $2.00; E.,C. Warren, $67.65; W. I. Blinstone, $1.00; Wilson & Cooke, $1.05; 0. P. Roethe, $31.30; D. Abby ,$4.80; W. R. Easier, $2.00; R. B. Madison, $2.00; Ira Hart, $2.00; Wm. Cook, W. M .Green, $2.00; Hugh Roberts, $1.00; O, P. Roethe, $50.10; D. Abby, $18.00; Clyde Curtin, $22.80; Frank Lambert, $18.00; W. F. Krue ger, $4.80; C. W. Risley, $7.20; Henry Smith, $15.60; W. R. Easier, $7.50; R. B. Madison, $7.50; Ira Hart, $9.50; W. N. Green, $7.50; Wm. Cook, $7.50; Sam Roberts,' $7.50; Jim Roberts. $7.50; Homer Williams, $4.00; Ed Curtin, $6.50. DISTRICT NO. 48 Sandy News, $10.00. DISTRICT - NO. 49 Hodson-Feenaughty Co., $13.50; Bert H. Finch, $6.25; Delft Creek. Lbr. Co., $2.30. DISTRICT NO. 51 J. C. Elliott & Co., $43.30; Hodson-Feenaughty Co., $28.75; A. L. Heacock, $10 25; Albert Hoffmeister, $1.00. ".'.'" DISTRICT NO. 52 J. I. Case Threshing Mach.' Coi, $504.75; C. F. Zinser, $9.50; H. W. Kanne, -$15.80; August Geppert, $10.50; C. A. Betz, $9.75; J. Deardorff," $2.00; Otto Brook- man,, $2.50; Miller Mowrey Lumber Co., $6.26. . DISTRICT "NO. 53 C. A. Bengli, $9.50; Ernest Conrad, $24.35; Lucht Bros., $15.00; Joe Conrad," $L50; J: C.-Lehman, $13.00; Ed Jackson, $6.00; C. L. Hammond, $6.00; Oren Giger, $2.00. ' ' - . DISTRICT NO. 54 E.'K. White, $1.50; C. Yoder,. $1.50; Ben Casto, $4.00; John Casto, $8.00; Wm. Owings $2.00; W. W. Long, $35.00." DISTRICT NO. 55 Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $22.15; Gustav Fische, $5.45; Standard ' Oil' Co:, $9.70; T. Jubb, $6.00; B. Randolph, $5.00; W. Craft, $3.00. - DISTRICT NO.. 56 C G. Stone, $8.00; Dan Fellows, $6.50; Lee Rad ford,. $2.25; K; Washburn, $3.25; Frank Meeker, $2.00; O. B. Cowell, $1.00; A. J. Cota,' $10.00. ' . DISTRICT ' NO.' 57 Carlton . & Rosenkrans,- $2.30; G. A. Scramlin, .'"Watch your ..step" the Courier Job Department.. . FOR SALE 1 Good Team cheap. Apply 1417-12th St. . w FOR SALE Three good; fresh Cows. . Carl Schenk, Mulino, Ore. HOME BOARD AND ROOMS 1205 Main St., Oregon City,Ore. FOR SALE Registered Duroc Jersey Boar. B. C. King, Mt. Pleasant. FOR SALE Full Blood Berkshire Hogs. Abel Thomas, Oregon City, Rt, 3. 50c A SETTING Barred Rock Eggs, O. A. C. strain. G. Kumzi, Rt. 1, Oregon City. WANTED Experienced farm hand, steady job. Geo. Brockart, Hub bard, Ore., Rt. 2. FOR SALE One New 3 Wagon at Highland, Ore. Frank Adams, Oregon City, Rt. 4. FOR SALE 110 Cords of Seasoned Cord Wood, near Linn's Sawmill, at $1.50. C. E. Barney. FOR RENT 40 acres, 5 in cultiva tion; also 3-room house on land. Address Ellsworth James, Box 156, Rt. 1, Oregon City, Ore. FQR SALE OR TRADE 2-horse rid ing iron age Cultivator, as good as new. A binder needed. E. T. Bateson, Estacada, Ore., Rt. 3. FOR SALE Acreage improved or unimproved; large or small tracts. 3 miles from Oregon City, mile from electric car line. Terms. W. M. Rumery, Rt. 3, Box 32, Ore gon City. FOR SALE I want to sell off my surplus stock horses "and rigs good buy for some party. All are good as new and horses in fine condition. Fashion Livery Stables, G. A. Bergren, Prop. CLASSIFIED ADS $44.75; F. Kenyston, $5.00; II. Hel gerson, $12.00; Earl Dorschock, $10.75 A. F. Eyman, $26.00; W. Franklin, $9.00; R. I. Lampman, $6.25; John Gottwald, $6.25; Dave Kauffman, $4.00.; C. E. Sprague, $3.00; John Sanden, $12.10; F. A. Todd, $6.00; Ben Heyerly, $8.00; G..W. Rood, $8.00; II. Eliason, $8.00; Albin Hage man, $5.00. . 1 DISTRICT NO. 58 H. F. Gibson, $5.20; J. C. Miller, $11.25; M. Johns ton, $3.25; C. Humes, -$5.00; W. Brown, $4.00; H. Toet, $4.00. GENERAL ROADS Canby Hard ware & Imp. Co., $43.50; W. S. Maple, $3.50; Coast Culvert & Flume Co., $10.93; Canby Concrete Works, $27.50 W. H. Mattoon; $15.00; Canby Hard ware & Imp. Co., $1.70; Pac. Highway Garage, $1.60; W. G. Masterton, $4.75; Hodson-Feenaughty Co., $35.70; Howard-Cooper Corp., $43.00; Robert Mattoon, $2.50; Canby , Concrete Works, $8.00; Jonsrud Lumber Co., $6.26; W. R. Telford, $8.60; F. C. Gadke, $0.40; Oregon City Lumber Co., $16.60; Wm. Weismandel, $6.25; Joseph Haas, $1.00; Oregon City Foundry, $5.25; T. A. Roots, $112.70; Fobes Supply Co., $3.78; Pacific High way Garage, $47.20; James Adkins, Lumber' Co., $2.00; H. Sanderson, $24.00; John C. ard Dorothy Bi adle, $10.00; Bert H. Finch, $4.30; W. C. Mangum, $4.75; Straight & Salisbury, $3.00; W. S. Maple, $10.90; City of Milwaukie, $15.61; Frank Busch, $5.50; Port. Ry. L. & P. Co., $26.70; W. H. Counsell, $32.80; Good Roads Mach. Co., $33.50; Gladstone Lumber Co., $10.50; Edward Still, $4.00; J. A. Kitching, $1.50; Mumpower & Burg hardt, $105.85; H. F. Gibson, $7.20; J. C. Miller, $47.50; M. Johnston, $28.00; C. Peake, $22.25; E. Griffin, $43.50; J. M. Turner, $8.00; E. Gib son, $8.00; W. H. Stone, $8.00; J. Crandall, $6.00; W. Dutcher, $i6.00; W. S. Thomas, $10.00; N. Rivers, $8.00 J. M. LeDoux, $8.00;. W. W. Irvin, $338.00; R. F. Baatz, $4.25; J. F. Oh- lert, $3.00; H. Deetz, $61.45; D. S. Miller, $42.35; F. Norton, $49.80: E. Hurst, $7.30; S. Hoover, $24.65; M. King, $36.50; JJ. Shepard, $1Q.65; A. Snyder, $42.30; O. Bolland, $13.20; A. H. Sage, $24.70; A. Pratts, $38.30; F. Kerr, $38.40; J. B. King,-$24.30; W. Gribble,. $26.85; V. Skinner, $52.00; M. King,- $8.00; C. FrZiegler ,$26.00; W. D. Fish, $19.50; B. Adams, $22.00; C. Potwin, $21.25; G. Plantz, $22.00; W. I. B.auer, $4.00. BOUNTY Jas. Rutherford, $1.50;' Jonn liithens, $1.50; E. E. Howland, $2.00;- J. E. Seal, $28.00; Dave Hoff, m'eister, $6.00; Otto Aschoff, $6.00; Frank Linhart, $12.00; Chas. Linhart, 00; John A. Howland, $2.00; J. E. Seal,, $10.00; Christ Klinker, $4.00;' Henry. Aschoff, $10.00; Eldred. Lam bert,' $2.00 ;' Matt Dibble, $14'.00; Stan ley Turel, $7.00; Carl Aschoff, $16.00. ELECTION Geo. V. Ely, $0.60; Wallace "T. 'Miller',' $31.56;. Maggie A. Johnson, $25.60; I. M. Harrington, $5.50;' Chas. Thompson,, $68.57; Nina Hollowell, $52.50; G. A. Schuebel, $13.30; Oregon City Enterprise, $117.30; John S. Owings,.$11.71. ,. SHERIFF Samuel Riley,' $4.00; W E. Griffith,' $2.20; Homer Mullen, $6.00 ;. D.- E. . Frost, $25.30 ; ' H. H. Hughes, $44.00; F. M. Morgan', $2.00; Walter Ellott$3.00; Pacific Highway Garage, $8.00; Samuel Riley, $2.20; Lewis Machine Shop, $6.50; W. j! Wilson, $11.85 G. -A. Bergren; $7.50; Honeyman Hardware Co., $5.50; Miller-Parker Co., $9.00. -K9ffloo.P.2HogMHT ARF ROD . AR ; CLERK-Hogg Bros., $0.25. , .. RECORDER L." Cochran, "$65.00; E. P.'Dedman, $10.75; Elliott-Fisher Co., $0.25. ' ' '. " "ASSESSOR W. H. Holder, $30.00; Wm. Avison, $36.00; Chas. Thomp son, $48.00; Wm." A. .Morand, $15.00; Jerome Avery, $39.00; H. W. Koehler, $18.00; L. P. Duffy, $18.00; E. W. Randolph, $45.00; W. M. Stone, $1.75. COUNTY COURT W. H. Mattoon $30.00; A. H. Knight, $68.00. COURT HOUSE Hogg Bros., $6.10; Bushong & Co., $92.00; Frank Busch, $6.20; C. W. Friedrich, $1.40; Straight & Salisbury, $0.75; Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., $37.30; Home Telephone Co., $15.15. CIRCUIT COURT G. S. Bullock, $31.20; W. B. Cook, $31.40; 0. W. Rob bins, $33.60; A. D. Burnett, $71.00; John K. Ely, $72.20; Chester Gard, $67.80; J. W. Hart, $65.80; O. P. Roethe, $30.60; W. F. Young, $31.00; Frank Haberlach, $22.40; C. A. Bax ter, $39.60; D. R. Dimick, $66.60; F. F. Tooze, $34.00; Geo. DeBok, $30.60; J. L. Kruse, $32.00; G. C. Dallas, $61.00; D. E. Frost, $2.20; Geo. Wood ward, $2.20; Wm. J. Wilson, $2.20; P. Maher, $4.80; W. A. Shaver, $5.40; L. E. Blanchard, $2.20. JUSTICE PEACE Carl Bethke, $2.70; J. C. Haines, Jr., $2.70; Dr. A. J. Rossiter, $2.70; C. H. Elston, $2.70; Mrs. Mabel Neil, $2.70; Matthew Did zun, $2.70; John Haines, $2.70;t W. J. Wilson, $1.70; Herbert Brazel,'$4.50; Orne Dowling, $4.50; D. F. Skene, $2.20; Bert Staats, $2.20; Mike Long, $2.20; Ab Dillman, $2.20; Will Green, $2.20; Leslie Wells, $2.20; Western Union Telegraph Co., $11.36; John N. Sievers, $40.30; Richard Hughes, $2.70; Anne M. Hughes, $2.70; John McMaugh, $2.70; James C. Tiedemann, $2.70; Mrs. James Tiedemann, $2.70; August Kempin, $2.70; Mrs. August Kempin, $2.70; Mrs. May Frasier, $1.70; Ethan McMaugh, $1.70; Falls Restaraunt, $2.65; W. A. Beck, $3.00; L. W. Robbins, $2.00; J. H. Vernon, $2.00; J. C. Haines, Sr., $9.70; J. C. Haines, Jr., $7.00; J. O. Tiedemann, $1.60; Mrs. J. O. Tiedemann, $1.60; Ethan McMaugh, $1.60; D, E. Frost, $36.00; Mrs. Hughes, $1.60; Mrs. Eliza Kempin, $1.60; David McMaugh, $1.60; C. II. Elston, $1.60; Leonard Will You Sell Your Old Flat Iron For 75c .'.'.. We will allow you 75c credit on the price of a new Hot Point or General Electric Iron, if you bring in your old iron to us No matt r what kind of flat, iron you now hav, bring it to : i Electric Store or your Electrical Dealer and it will be r d med for 75c, applicable on the purchase offer of a new Electric Iron. This offer holds good from April 20th to May 1st and only customers of this company may take advantage of it. Bring the last light bill with you. Portland Railway Light Power Company Hallinan, $1.20; Cora Bullock, $1.20; Charles Horstman, $1.00; .Eli Piatt, $1.00; John Bickner, $1.00; Marion Piatt, $1.00. CORONER W. E. Hempstead, $56.50. SURVEYOR-Wm. Ainsworth & Sons," $104.50; H'. H. Johnson, $142.80; Bud Thompson, $39.60; Hickey, $2.50; S.' A. Cobb, $19.60; D. Thompson Mel drum, $221.60 ;; The .J. K. Gill Co., $39.30; John Wilhoit, $8.00; S. Car teh, $8.00; J. C, Sullivan, $48.50; B. Mayo', '$2.50; Harry Shelley, $42.50; F. Boden, $2.50; A. B. Hibbard, $8.00. 'INSANE Lee French, $3.00; Western Union .Telegraph Co., $1.1.4; Mike Long, $3.00; Dr. J. W. Norris, $5.00; M. C. "Strickland, $5.00; W. E. Hempstead, $5.00;' H. H. Miller, $2.00; Dr. W. D. Butler,. $2.00; Hugh S: Mount, $15.00. ' SUPT. OF. SCHOOLS Brent'on Vedder, $130.00; Percy T. Shelley, $6.00; J. E. Calavan, $24.75; Canby Livery & Feed Stable, $3.50; D. E. Fj'ost, $22.26; G. A. Bergren, $7.50; M." S. Pittman, $4.60; Huntley .Bros. Co., $54.20. . BOARD OF HEALTH Mary I. Wilson, $40.00; Dr. O. A. Welsh, $53.95; Dr. H. V. Adix, $58.50; Jones Drug Co., $3.00. FRUIT INSPECTOR Estacada Progress, $2.50; Glass & Prudhomme Co., $4.90; P. F. Standish, $198.30; 0. E. Freytag, $13.25. COUNTY VETERINARIAN Mr. Frank Haberlach, $31.25; Alfred J. Dysle, $12.50. INDIGENT SOLDIER Mead Post No. 2 G. A. R., $35.00. COUNTY POOR Wm. Danforth, $10.00; Oregon Commission Co., (Tom Jones), $14.00; Boys' & Girls' Aid Society, $10.00; Mrs. Bradtl (J. Mc Namara), $10.00; Mrs. Mary Buckner (W. T. Tinsley), $20.00; Sam Booher $16.00; Dock Mosier, $10.00; Patton Home (Mrs. J. Avin), $16.00; Mary Buol, (R. Trimble), $5.00; Sarah Gib bons, $20.00; Ella Payne, $10.00; Henry Spiess (Chalk), $10.00; W. J. Moldenhauer, $10.00; Louise Ballou, $15.00; Mrs. Galbraith, $15.00; Harry Cooper, $20.00; Kate Gardner, $15.00; Mrs. G. W. Thompson, $10.00; A. O. Sleight, $15.00; Ada LeBaw, $8.00; Katie Pluard, $8.00; Ella Tracy (Eu nice Horner), $10.00; Ben Landes, $10.00; E. M. Valentine, $25.00; Mary Renfert, $20.00; S. E. Card (Michael Boyl), $8.00; F. Fredirici (Joe Fox), $8.00; Mrs. Lee Brown, $20.00; Chas. Willoughby, $12.00; Logus Estate (Beers), $12.00; A. Mather (Romain), $5.00; A. J. Knightly (Mrs. Marco), $7.00; Electric Hotel (Dick Meyers), $22.85; W. D. Andrews .(Mrs. Pierza) $4.25; E. A. Hackett (Mrs. Josslyn), $4.00; J. Bickner & Sons (W. H. New man), $10.40; Board of Water Com missioners (A. Pierza & C. H. Will oughby), $2.80; J. O. Staats (Mrs. Anna Watalin), $5.00; Chas. F. Ter rill (Ben Landes), $4.00; W. W. Pol lock (Chas. McKinnis), $12.00; Frank T. Barlow (Wm. Dickleman, $20.00; Frank T. Barlow (Mrs. Mobra), $5.00; i Dr. O. P. Overton (E. W. Ccott),l $6.00; Huntley Bros. Co., (Mrs. Boo-' r kit iitwis her), $3.75; Parkplace Store (Mrs. E. E. Baker), $5.00; The Hazelwood Dairy (Mrs. Gibbon), $2.25; Ida C. Eggleston (Jane Trullinger), $9.00; Robbins Bros. .(Mrs. Siam), $15.85; Ralph B.- Calkins (Mrs. Church), $9.00; Frank Ott (Foster Sisters), $37.30; Oregon City Ice Works (Mrs. Sanders), $3.00; J. F. McCormack (John Marx), $15.00; Mrs. George Himler (Mr. Mathison), $25.00; W. C. Mangum (Mrs. Brown), $8.00; W. C. Mangum (Mrs. McKinnis), $5.00; Estacada Pharmacy (Mrs. E. M. Hor ner), $1.60; Myers & Brady (Nellie McKimm & James Hy'ak), $12.50; Myers & Brady (O. G. Logeman) $21.00; Dr. J. W. Norris (Lowry, Beers, Booher, Kurvwick, Chalk & Matheson), $19.60; Dr. Clyde Mount (Ben Landis), $2.50; Oregon City Hospital (John Tall, Charles Froling & Mrs. S. Booher), $120.00; Bess M. Tracy (Mrs. Mobray), $6.00; Farr Bros. (Matheson), $7.00; Milwaukie Merc Co., (E. M. Valentine), $11.50; J. K. Locke, M. D. (Maggie Bishop), $50.00; B. B. Bachelder, M. D. (Ed.1 Miller), $9.00; Sagert & Blank (Mrs. Mary Locke), $10.00; Ambulance Ser vice Co. (Ida Mobray), $13.00; Fran cis Welsh (Mrs. Church), $5.00; C. C. Store (B. L. Cassidy), $10.75; H. P. Brightbill (Mrs. . Gibbons), $20.00; George V. Ely (George Lowry), $4.75; Multnomah Co. (Lee Brown), $1.45; Priester Bros. (Star, Josslyn & Mrs. Lamp), $1.50; J. E. Morgan (Jal lyn), $10.00; J. E. Morgan (Chas. Wil loughby(, $8.60; J. E. Morgan (Claude LeCourse), $11.00; J. E. Morgan (Jos slyn), $17.65; J. E. Morgan, M. S. Stewart), $3.50; Emil Frey (Beers), $1.50; II. S. Anderson (John Marmi chal), $7.00; C. J. Hood (Albert Pegu rin), $5.00; Mrs. J. M. Quick), C. E. Gossler), $12.00; Mrs. A. E. Marcum (Mrs. Moberly), $2.00; Mrs. T. L. Crites (W. D. Tresham), $25.50; J. E. Downey (Joe Foumal), $11.25; Denis Donovan (Jerome Hamilton), $12.50; Geo. Reddaway (Claude LaCourse), $3.00; O. B. Meindl Grocery (J. C. Seahorn), $5.00; Wm. E. Estes Gro cery (Tozier), $5.10; Estes Grocery (Mrs. Pieze), $10.00; Mrs. F. Frazer (Mr. Marx), $5.00; Jack & Albright (Tozier), $10.00; Good Samaritan Hospital (Maggie Bishop), $26.60; Fred Himler (John Marx), $4.50; M. M. Shearwood (Bishop), $15.00; L. Adams, $3.50; F. M. Robertson (Beers family), $4.00; K. Koellermeier (Mrs. Josslyn), $4.50; Larsen & Co. (Albert Peguerin), $10.00; Larsen & Co. (Eva Marco), $15.00; Oregon City Wood & Fuel Co. (McKinnis), $6.00; A. W. Camehl (Chas. Holmes), $7.00; Gus Fischer (Bird Foster), $10.00. JUVENILE COURT D. E. Frost, $20.15; Walter Elliott, $1.50; Minda E. Church, $22.50, JAIL W. J. Wilson, $17.06. TAX REBATE B. Colt, $5.44; H. I. Hewett, $3.55.' PRINTING, ADVERTISING AND SUPPLIES The Courier Press, $52.30; Oregon City Enterprise, $600.00; Oregon City Enterprise, $561.80; Huntley Bros. Co., $14.05; I. M. Harrington, $10.00; M. E. Dunn, The Electric . Store Phones Home A-229 Pacific Main 115 Beaver Bldg. 617 Main St $5.00; W. J. Wilson, $41.30; J. E. Cal avan, $9.44; J. E. Jack, $3.00; Jones Drug Co., $3.00; The Courier Press, $600.00.' " SAN FRANCISCO FAIR O. E. Freytag, $75.00. " ' SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES J. F. Jones, $81.89. TAX DEPARTMENT George Nel son, $61.56; Edith Alldredge, $99.33; Evelyn Harding, $43.90; G. W. Har rington, $87.32; Jessie Paddock, $110.73; Ona Renner, $108.45; Mary Confer, $95.91. FORESTRY DEPT. Thomas R, Kay, $234.88. PROHIBITION G. H. Elston, $2.20; Arthur McGinnis, $2.40; Roy ForsytheJ $2.40; Frank Murphy, $2.40; D. E. Frost, $8.00. AUDITING COUNTY OFFICES J.. O. Staats, $67.50. April Term, 1916. In the' matter of the R. Schuebel Road; reconsidered and ordered open ed." . In the matter of the W. T. Sharkey Road; re-referred to County Board of Road Viewers. In the matter of the petitions of Ed Traylor, C. W. Kruse and S. L. Mullan for county roads; ordered laid over until May term of court. In the matter of the report of the County Board of Road Viewers on the A. B. Hibbard, R. S. Frank roads; passed first and second readings and referred to District Attorney. In the matter of the petitions of Henry Hollman, J. A. Johnson, H. Engcl, J. W. Stone and Thos G. Rees for county roads; petitions granted and roads ordered opened. In the matter of the claims of Frank Haberlach and Alfred J, Dysle for cattle idemnity; allowed in the sums of $31.25 and $12.50 respective ly. In the matter of the petition of Hanson Telephone Co. for franchise over a county road; granted. In the matter of the petition of D. T. Ridgway for franchise to lay water pipe in county road; granted. In the matter of the petition for correction df taxes levied on improve ments on Lot 10, Bock 89, First sub division of Oak Grove; granted. In the matter of the petition of Emma Eirich to be allowed to pay 1910 taxes on Lot 1, Block 9, Marsh field, without paying interest and pen alty; granted. MRS. KERNS' ADYIGE To Weak, Nervooj, Bun-Down Women So. Cumberland, Md. "For long time I suffered from a nervous break down. I could not eat or sleep and was so weak I could hardly walk. My hus band heard about Vinol and got me to try it Now I have a good appetite, sleep soundly and am well and strong. Every nervous, weak, run-down woman should try Vinol. Mrs. D. W. Kerns. Vinol is a delicious cod liver and iron tonic, without oil, which we guarantee to create a healthy appetite, aid diges tion and make pure healthy blood. HUNTLEY BROS. CO., Oregon City Druggists Oregon