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About Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1916)
OREGON CITY COURIER, OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1916. 8 DELINQUENT TAX LIST (Continued from Page 6.) Christian L. Vonderahe 1st Sub Div of lots 6-6, block 97; $8.80. S. C. Alexander 1st Sub Div of lots C-7, block 99: $8.25. Jessie Sampson 1st Sub Div of lot 8, block 99; $3.30. ' Caroline Vogt Sub Div of Tr 3 and EV4 of Tr 2, lot 10, block 1; $1.38. J. H. and Susan J. Shupe Sub Div of Tr. 3 and E of Tr. 2, lots 12-13-14, block 1; $8.25. Henry Stromer Sub Div of Tr 3 and E of Tr 2, N of lots 9 and 10, block 2; $1.92. Henry Stromer Sub Div of Tr 3 and EVs of Tr 2, lot 11, block 2; $10.18. OAK GROVE PARK. Clara L. Daley Lots 1 to 4, block 1; $11.00. Chas. Malhison Lot 5, block 2; $1.92. Amanda Goetz Lots 11-12, block 4; . $1.65. J. D. Morris Lot 20, block 9; $1.37. Pearl C. Pompe Lot 27, block 9; $1.38. Luclnda and Chas. B. Bunnell Lot 6, block 11; $8.25. Clara Rockwell Lot 3, block 12; $1.38. Martin Kllnge Lots 4 to 7, block 12; $5.50. ORCHARD HOMES. T. S. McDanlel and J. H. Colt Block 12; $2.87. Ruth R. Labour Block 17; $4.61. T. S. McDanlel and J. H. Colt Block 21; $4.10. T. S. McDanlel and J. H. Colt Block 20; $6.15. T. S. McDanlel and J. H. Colt Blocks 28-29; $8.20. T. S. McDaniel and J. H. Colt- Block 41-42; $4.10. M. O. M. Sampson Block 45; $2.05. ORCHARD HOMES. W. F. Sampson Lots 46-47; $5.64. T. S. McDanlel and J. H. Colt Lot 48; $2.50. OREGON HOMES. Mrs. Nellie Reed Block 28; $5.06. OREGON CITY. T. L. Charman Lot 6, block 3; $58.14. J. E. Armstrong Imps on lot 1, block 7; $10.26. Mary M. Charman Lot 2, block 7; $194.94. Wm. F. and Daniel F. Lehigh Lots 1-2, block 9; $5.13. : John Lowry Lots 6-6, block 15; $18.81. James Wilkinson Lots 1-2, block 16; $13.68. James Wilkinson Lots 7-8, - block 16; $6.84. C. L. Blakeslee EV& of lot 2, block 24; $18.81. Pioneer Transfer Co. Imps, on lot ' 6, block 28; $8.55. Christian Bluhm Lot 4, block 38; $51.30. ' ' F. M. Bluhm Lot 7, block 38; $20.52. Theresa Smith Lots 4-5, block 45 $17.10. H. M. Courtright & Co. Lot 2, block 46; $11.11. H. M. Courtright & Co. Pt. of lot 7, ... block 46; $1.71. - M. H. Clark Pt. of lot 7, block 46; $10.26. Annis L. Farr Lot 2, block 59; $1.71. Minnie P. Smith Lot 7, block 59; $27.36. Ernest and Anna Boylan Lot 8, block 59; $12.83.- Mary D. Huntley Nly of lot 5 and all of lot 6, block 67; $11.97. G. B. Dimick Lots 2 to 7, block 72; $11.97. John W. Loder Lots 1 to 4, block 75; $20.52. Sunset Lund Co. E of lots 1 to 7, block 78; $8.21. Emil and Ina Blttner Lots 4-5, block 79; $5.47. W. W. Bradley Nly 31 by 75 ft of lot 7, Sly 10 by 75 ft of lot 8, block 84 $17.10. S. S. Mohlor Lots 2 to 8, block 86 $5.81. Eastern Invest. Co. Lots 1 to 8: block 87; $5.47. W. F. Lehigh int. in lots 1 to 8, block 88; $2.74. Daniel Lehlnh V4 lnt In lots 1 to 8 block 88; $2.74. Aunts L. Farr Lots 1 to 6, block 92; $3.42. Clnvs. T. Parker Lots 1-2, block 93; $4.28. Honry Wolnhard (heirs) Lot block 93; $5.13. H. M. Courtright & Co. Lot 5, block . 93; $2.56. Henry Weinhnrd (heirs) Lot 6, block 93; $2.57. Chas. T. Purker -Lots 7-8, block 93; $1.71. Frank 1). Ford Pt of lot 4, block 98; $17.10. Frank B. Ford Pt of lot 5, block 98; $1.71. T. L. Charman Lots 1 to 4, block 101; $141.94. Jos. C. and Lillian Cook Lot 2, block 114; $37.62. Grace 12. Lodor Lots 7-8, block 114; $23.94. H. M. Courtright & Co. Lots 1-2, block 115;$3.07. " E. and S. A. Charleston Lots 5-6, block 121; $5.98. D. C. Latourette Lots 1 to 3, block 126; $5.13. D. C. Latouretto Lots 5-6, block 12G; $3.42. D. M. Whltmore Lot 1, block 144 $8,56. Fred J. S. Toozo Lot 4, block 140; $30.78. Henry and Leona Guedon Lots 1-2 block 119; $9.41. Henry and Leona Guedon Lot 8, block 149; $10.26. Lottie G. Elton Lot 5, block 164; $5.14. H. M. Courtright & Co. Lot 5, block 173; $5.99. BEATIES ADD. TO OREGON CITY. Mary Kellogg Lots 1 to 4, block 1; $12.31. Anna L. Snyder Lot 6, block 1; $3.07. J. H. Hathaway Lots 7-8, block 1; $6.16. W. T. Henderson Lots 2-3-4, block 2: $118. CENTRAL ADD. TO OREGON CITY. E. M. and Anna Howell Lots 1 to 4, block 49: $2.05. E. M. and Anna Howell Lots 7-8, block 49; $1.03. E. M. and Anna Howell Lots 6-7, block 63; $1.02. E. M. and Anna Howell Lots 8 to 10, block 63, $1.54. COUNTY ADD. TO OREGON CITY. B. M. and N. Doollttle Lot 1, block 47; $1.37. 1 B. M. and N. Doollttle Lot 8, block 47; $5.65. DARLING'S ADD. TO OREGON CITY. Chas. E. Martin Pt of block 4; $1.72. Mary A. Rauch Pt of block 6; $1.71. Julian. Mary. Paul and J. D. O'Brien Pt of block 3; $22.23. Wm. M. and Sarah Smith Pt of block 3; $10.26. DARNELL ADD. TO OREGON CITY. Emma L. Welch Lots 3 to 10, block 3; $4.09. EDGEWOOD ADD. TO OREGON CITY Sarah F. Smith Lots 8-9, block 2; $2.76. Mrs. M. E. Johnson Lot 17, block 6; $1.37. Gladstone Real Estate Ass'n. T.ots 12-3, block 7; $2.75. ELY'S ADD. TO OREGON CITY. J. H. Quinn and Margaret Qulnn Lots 1 to 4, block 3; $5.55. FALLS VIEW ADD. TO OREGON CITY. Mary Reddaway Lots 2-3, block 15; $11.97. Mary Reddaway Lot 12, block 15; $1.28. D. K. Jackson Lot 11, block 20B; $2.57. Helen L. Stratlon Lot 13, block 20B; $3.42. P. K. Johnson Lot 7, block 23; $3.42, HOLMES' ADD. TO OREGON CITY, Otto Schultz Lots 1-2, block 5 $44.46. METES & BOUNDS TO OREGON CITY. wm. M. Stone 55 ft by 270 ft as Des. Bk 123 pg 419; $17.10. W. F. and Daniel Lehigh int each in portion land as Des. Bk 110 pg 146; $17.10. Sarah A. Chase A portion of land as Des. Bk 30 pg 312; $17.10. MT. VIEW ADD. TO OREGON CITY. A. B. Combs Lots 3 to 6, block 12; $5.13. PARK ADD. TO OREGON CITY. Mary and Geo. Pursiful Lot 3, block $2.05. Mary and Goo. Pursiful Lot 4, block $1.02. Anna Howell Lots 1-2, block 10; $4.10. Mary M. White Lot 8, block 17; $3.25. PLEASANT HILL ADD. TO OREGON CITY. Gustlna Moehnke Sly of lots 10- 11, block 8; $5.47. PLEASANT PLACE ADD. TO ORE GON CITY. . C. W. Hendorshot Lot 1, block 3; $2.74. Surman Chandler Lots 1 to 4, block 5; $12.82. J. W. S. and S. L. H. S. Owens Lots 5 to 7. block 5; $6.15. James Bennett Lot 8, block 5, $2.74. Surman Chandler Lots 9-11, block 5; $4.87. Mary A. Bradley Lot 5, block 6; $1.28. STOKES' ADD TO OREGON CITY. Frank Rulik Imps on lots 1-2, block A; $5.50. C. T. TOOZE ADD. TO OREGON CITY. Chas. Kelly Lots 4 to 6, block 1; $5.13. WEST SIDE ADD. TO OREGON CITY. E. K. Campbell Lots 10 to 14, block 3; $11.75. SOUTH OREGON CITY NO. 1. Frederick Slingerlaud Lots 7 to 10, block 5; $4.90. Ina E. Andrews Lots 4 to fi, block $5.64. Mt. Pleasant Commercial Club Lot 10, block 6; $5.14. Ina E. Andrews Lots 11 to 13, block 6; $12.99. W. J. Rauch Lots 5-6, block 7; $2.94, Mary Smith Lot 10, block 7; $5.14 Emma L. Welch Lot 15, block $1.47. D. J. Switzor Lots 1-2, block $2.45. Emma L. Welch Lot 9. block 20 $1.10. , Emma L. Welch Lots 10-11, block 20; $2.21. SOUTH OREGON CITY NO. 3. C. H. Dye, Tr. Lots 1 to 6, block 76; $1.90. C. H. Dye, Tr. Lots 5 to 9, block 77 $1.84. C. H. Dye, Tr. Lots 6 to 8, block 78 $1.47. C. H. Dye, Tr. Lots 9 to 17, block 78; $.1.80. Michael Minarik Lots 18 to 21 block 78; $3.92. C. H. Dyo (Trustee) Lots 1 to block 79; $1.47. C. II. Dye (Trustee) Lots 6 to 20 block 79; $5.51. C. H. Dye (Trustee) Lots 21 to 25, block 79; $1.83. O. I. & S. LST. ADD. TO OSWEGO. Louisa Morrell Lots 1-2, block 2; $3.65. E. and Loolla LaForest Lota 9 to 16, block 7: $27.60. F. F. Johnson Lots 6 to 10, block 9 $13.87.. Margaret M. Weiglitman Lot 5, block 15; $3.75. J. J. Johnson Lot 9, block 15; $4.05, Chas. M. Rollins Lots 14 to 15, block 15; $7.51. Chas. M. Rollins Lot 16, block 15; $4.20. Frank Johnson Lots 6-7-8, block 22; $8.40. Lucille Crooko Lot 13, block 25; $4.94. C. R. Johnson Lot 5, block 31 ; $6.00. Louis Morrell Lot 5, block 36; $5.71. A. S. Pattullo Lot 8. block 36: S3.76. Chas. Tone Lots 6 to 8, block 37; $11.10. Ambrose Tapfor Lot 9, block 44; $13.51. Ambrose Tapfer Lots 10-11, block 44; $7.51. Geo. E. Thomas Lot 3, block 4S; $10.05. EXTENSION OF O. I. & S. LST. ADD. TO OSWEGO. Elsie I. Tapfor Lot 10, block 13S; $19.50. J. A. Colfelt Lots 13 to 16, block 138; $41.25. OSWEGO HEIGHTS. J. N. Pearcy Block 1; $4.00. J. N. Pearcy Block 3; $4.25. J. N. Pearcy E of lot 4; $2.00. J. N. Pearcy Lot 7 ; $3.50. J. N. Pearcy Lot 9; $4.50. J. N. Peacy 9-16 of lot 10; $2.25. J. N. Pearcy Lot 11; $3.60. J. N. Pearcy Lot 13; $3.00. J. N. Pearcy 9-16 of lot 15; $2.25. Lyman M. Lee Lot 17; $5.50. J. N. Pearcy-Lot 20; $2.75. J. N. Pearcy Lot 22; $3.00. SOUTH OSWEGO. V. S. Howard Lots 5-6, block 17; $6.00. J. N. Pearcy Lots 1 to 8, block 21, $3.20. J. N. Pearcy Lots 1 to 18, block 88; $7.70. W. H. Warrens Lots 6 to 13, block 40; $1.60. Lyman M. Lee Lots 1 to 4 .block 41; $3.60. H. M. Courtright & Co. Lots 1 to 18, block 47; $6.30. . H. M. Courtright & Co. Lots 1 to 4, block 48; $1.20. H. M. Courtright, & Co. Lots 5-6, block 48; $1.20. H. M. Courtright & Co. Lots 13-14, block 48; $1.20. H. M. Courtright' & Co. Lots 14 to 18, block 48; $1.20. J. N. Pearcy Lots 1 to 18, block 56; $6.30. J. N. Pearcy Lots 1 to 18, block 58; $6.30. J. N. Pearcy Lots 1 to 18, block 59; $3.60. J. N. Pearcy Lots 1 to 18, block 60; $6.30. J. N. Pearcy Lots 1 to 18, block 65; $6.31. OUTLOOK. Mary J. Dicken Pt of Tr. 15; $4.40. 2ND ADD. TO OUTLOOK. John J. Edgren Tr. 1; $4.20. John J. Edgren Tr. 8; $3.16. APPERSON'S SUB. DIV. OF BLKS. 5-6-7 PARKPLACE. Angie Wbale Lot 11, block 9; $1.65. R. A. Tlmmons Lot 16, block 10; $3.57. STRAIGHT'S ADD. TO PARKPLACE. Pacific Stoneware Co. Lot 10, block 1; $2.07. Pacific Stoneware Co Lot 9, block 2; $2.06. Pacific Stoneware Co. Lot 10, block 2; $2.06. PEACH COVE. Minnie Lee and J. P. Hoffman- Tr. 11; $1.67. Minnie Lee and J. P. Hoffman Tr. 39; $2.77. Minnie Lee and J. P. Hoffman Tr. 40; $2.78. Geo. E. Yarmo S of Tr. 44; $1.20. Minnie Lee and J. P. Hoffman S of Tr. 77; $2.41. Minnie Lee and J. P. Hoffman Tr. 89; $3.24. Minnie Lee and J. P. Hoffman Tr. 90; $2.96. Minnie Lee and J. P. Hoffman Tr. 96; $4.44. PEOPLE'S TRANSPORTATION LOTS Harvey Daniel Lot 1; $1.02. PLEASANT HILL PARK. W. J. Liddell All Ex W 152 ft. and Ex 1 acre of tract 7; $7.05. PLEASANT LITTLE HOMES NO. 1. Thos Huston Lots 8-9; $1.12. PLEASANT LITTLE HOMES NO. 3 Andrea Olsen Lots 2 to 10, block 5; $4.50. POMPEII. Annie M. Manning Lots 3 to 6, block A; $1.68. PRUNELAND. J. E. and Martha C. Dodds and R, B. Hudson Ex right of way to P., E, & E. Ry. Co. tract 29; $4.77. J. E. and Martha C. Dodds and R. B Hudson Tr. 54-55-66; $14.67. - REDLAND PARK. Northwestern Ass'n. Lots 1 to 6 block A; $10.03. Northwestern Ass'n. Lots 1 to 14, block B; $65.78. Northwestern Ass'n Lots 1 to 7, block C; $45.43. Northwestern Ass'n Lots 8 to 13, block C; $16.52. . Northwestern Ass'n Lots 1 to 4, block D; $9.44. Northwestern Ass'n Lots 7 to 9, block D; $7.67. Northwestern Ass'n Lot 3, block E $1.18. ROBERTSON. Chas. Fisher Lot 1, block 2 ; $9.29. S. M. Mann Lot 6, block 7; $1.06. S. M. Mann Lot 7, block 7; $1.05. Christopher Fisher E of lot 10, block 10; $1.17. . Christopher Fisher E2-3 of lot 12, block 10; $1.41. S. M. Mann Ely 4-5 of lot 2 and all of lots 3 and 4, block 14; $2.06. S. M. Mann Lots 1 to 12. block 23 $5.88. Carrie Ross Lots 1-2, block 18 $9.99. ROCKWOOD ACRES. Sarah Mathews Tr. 20; $7.25. Ellen M. Rockwood Tr. 21; $7.96. Clarence W. Mathews Tr. 23; $9.07. Clarence W. Mathews Tr. 24 $11.75. ROSEWOOD. Beaverton & Willsburg Ry. Co. So .99 "A" of Tr. 1; $1.17. Edward Roos Tr. 56; $4.70. SAFFRANS PENINSULA. C. and Bertha N. Perry Pt of Tr. B : $1.25. SANDY. Henry McGugin Lots 6-7-8, block 1; $3.48. Wm. Robbins Lot 3, block 7; $3.78 W. J. Wlrtz V of EM of lot 2, block 8; $1.26. Sandy Land Co. Block "A;" $3.15 JUNKER'S ADD. TO SANDY. John R. Maronay Lots 2-3, block 3; $9.14. JUNKER'S 2ND ADD. TO SANDY. Merman Rldderbusch Lots 1-2, block 6; $1.57. OTTO MEINIG'S 1ST ADD. TO SANDY. John R. Maronay Lot 2, block $9.14. OTTO MEINIG'S 2ND ADD. TO SANDY. Oscar Smith Lots 1-2, block 2; $7.88. John R. Maronay Lot 5, block 2 $1.42. OTTO MEINIG'S 3RD ADD. TO SANDY. Otto H. Meinlg Lots 910, block 1; $4.72. SANDY LAND CO. 2ND ADD. TO SANDY. Sandy Land Co. Lot 5, block 13; $8.04. Sandy Land Co. Lots 9-10-11, block 17; $1.89. Sandy Land Co. Lot 12, block 17; $1.73. City of Sandy Lot 5, block 22; $1.26. ROOS ADD. TO SELLWOOD. Mattle Coolridge Lot 8, block 10; $5.51. SELLWOOD GARDENS. Chas. B. Moores Tr. 20; $4.90. Chas. B. Moores Lot 29; $9.80. Chas. B. Moores Lot 35; $9.80. Arthur Needham Lot 36; $8.68. Chm B. Moores Ex So 5 ft. for St. lot 43; $5.51. John L. Apple Ex So 5 ft. for St. lot 4G; $4.28. Arthur Needham Ex So 6 ft. for St.. lot 47; $4.90. Chas. B. Moores Lots 60-51 ; $7.35. Chas. B. Moores Lot 58; $3.68. Chas. B. Moores Lot 69; $4.17. ROSS & WALKER'S ADD. TO SELL WOOD GARDENS. Arthur Needham Lot 78; $3.67.' Arthur Needham Lot 82; $1.53. Arthur Needham Lots 83-84,85,80; $12.87. Arthur Needham Lots 87 to 90; $7.65. Arthur Needham Lots 91-92; $6.13. Arthur Needham Lot 95; $3.06. Arthur Needham Lot 98; $6.49. SILVER SPRINGS ADDITION. O. L. Dean Lot 4, block 4; $1.17. SPITZENBERG ORCHARD TRACTS. W. S. Andrews and J. C. Elliott King Tr. 15; $9.12. STANLEY. W. F. Miller and G. T. Parry Lot 1, block 1; $1.25. Cecil Parry-rLots 3-4, block 1; $1.26 Karl Parry Lots 5-6, block, 1; $1.11. W, F. Miller and G. T. Parry Lots 13 to 20, block 1; $4.80. Mary A. and W. E. Morris Lots 7 to 12, block 1; $3.75. W. F. Wallace and G. T. Parry- Lots 1 to 10, block 2; $25.36. SUNSET CITY. Roy P. Sunderland Lot 2, bloek 5; $8.82. B. Gildner Lots 1-2-3, block 8; $8.82, TERRACE ADDITION. Estacada Realty Co. Tr. "A;" $11.43. Geo. W. Guthrldge Lot 3, block 5; $1.52. Estacada Realty Co. Lot 4, block 5; $2.52. Estacada Realty Co. Lot 8, block 6; $1.15. Estacada Realty Co. Lot 11, block 5; $1.45. Estacada Realty Co. Lots 16-17, block 6; $1.43. Estacada Realty Co. Lots 20 to 23, block 5; $4.27. Co. Lot 26, block to 9, -Lots 14 to 17, Miller Lots 1 to 12, block Miller Blocks P and Q Estacada Realty 5; $2.14. Estacada Realty Co. Lots 4 block 6; $2.14. Estacada Realty Co. Lots 1 to 8, block 7; $3.05. Estacada Realty Co, block 7; $1.52. THE BLUFFS. Carrie J. Miller Lots 1-2-3, block and all Ex. Rt. of way of Mult. Cen tral Ry Co., of lot 4, block J; $5.36, Multnomah Central Ry. Co. 100 ft, Rt. of way 1.49 acres of lot 4, block J $1.57. Carrie J. Miller Lots 1 to 5, block K; $3.94 Carrie J. Miller Lots 6 to 8, block K; $1.42 Carrie J. Miller Lots 1 to 12, block L; $4.57. Carrie J. M; $3.78. Carrie J. $1.22. THE SHAVER PLACE, James Collins Lot 5, block 1; $2.57 James Collins Lots 6-7, block 1 $5.33. James Collins Lot 8, block 1; $1.97. THE SHAVER SUB. DIV. OF BLK. TO 10, TRACTS 11 TO 18 OF THE SHAVER PLACE. Earl C, Delmar and Geo. M. Shaver, M. P. Hoyt and Mary Wittenberg-Mots 5 to 12, block 8; $21.93, Earl C, Delmar and Geo. M. Shaver, M. P. Hoyt and Mary Wittenberg- Lots 1 to 7, block 9; $12.45. TOLIVER ACRES.. I. M. Toliver A strip of land not numbered lying between tracts 4 and 5; $2.95. VANDEMEER PARK. Frances Vandemeer, Tr. Lots 7, block 1; $26.51. Frances Vandemeer, Tr. Lots 12, block 2; $13.68. Frances Vandemeer, Tr. Lots 12, block 3; $13.68. Frances Vandemeer, Tr. Lots 12, block 4; $13.68. Frances Vandemeer, Tr. Lots 12, block 5; $13.68. Frances Vandemeer, Tr. Lots 12, block 6; $13.68. ' WALNUT GROVE, Canby Land Co. All of Tr. 1-2-3-4 and Pt of 5; $19.42. Canby Land Co. All of Tr. 5-6-7-8-9- 10-11 and Pt of Tr. 12; $50.87. WEBSTER ACRES. J. O. Elrod Tr. 3; $9.80. J. O. Elrod Tr. 4; $9.80. J. O. Elrod Tr. 5; $9.80. J. O. Elrod Tr. 6; $9.80. J. O. Elrod Tr. 7;. $4.90. J. O. Elrod Tr. 14; $4.90. J. O. Elrod Tr. 15; $4.90. J. O. Elrod Tr. 16; $4.90. 17; $2.45. 18; $2.75. 30; 31; 32; 33; 35; 37 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1 to $15.93. $10.41. $6.13. $15.93. $10.41. $7.35. J. O. Elrod Tr. J. O. Elrod Tr. J. O. Elrod Tr. J. O. Elrod Tr. J. O. Elrod Tr. J. O. Elrod Tr. J. O. Elrod Tr. J. O. Elrod Tr. WESLYNN Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co. Lots 1 to 8, block 1; $9.40. T. L. Charman Lots 1-2, block $3.53. T. L. Charman Lots 4 to 6, block 2 $5.52. T. L. Charman Lots 11 to 12, block 2; $3.52. T. L. Charman Lots 1-2, block 4 $3.53. Leonard T. Charman Lots 5-6, block 4; $2.94. T. L. Charman Lot 1, block 5 $1.41. Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co. Lots 1 to 8, block 6; $9.40. WICHITA. S. B. Cook SVs of EV4 of Tr. 9; $1.74. WILLAMETTE FALLS. Anna Downey Lot 12, block 9; $13.77. Hugo Schoanfieinz Lot 4, block 10 $2.90. Mrs. C. K. Bevens Lots 11-12, block 13; $7.69. Harry and Edith P. Berdine Lots 1-2, block 15; $8.41 Wm. C. Fester Lots 11-12, block 16; $21.17. Fred Achilles Acreage tracts, all on N side of Co. road of lot 1, block O; $1.S0. 1ST ADD. TO WILLAMETTE FALLS ACREAGE TRACTS. John W. Loder, Tr. All N of Co road lot 2, block 1; $1.20. Bertha Kanney Tr. 2; $3.40. John W. Loder, Tr. Lots 1-2, block R; $9.60. Mabel M. Morrell All N of Co. road Tr. V; $2.40. WILLAMETTE TRACTS. Annie S. Green 100 ft by 100 ft of E side of lot B, block 20; $2.40. WILLAMETTE AND TUALATIN TRACTS. H. M. Courtright & Co. Lots A-B-C and D, block 1; $10.40. , H. M. Courtright & Co. Lots C-D-and E, block 2; $6.24. John W. Loder Part of Lot A, blk 11; $6.51.' Harry Berdine Lots A-B-C-D-E, blk 18; $4.42. Harry Berdine Lots A-B, block 19; $2.60. Harry Berdine Lots C-D-E-F, block 19; $4.68. - " Harry Berdine Lots C-D, block 21; $1.62. Harry Berdine Block 26; $2.60. Joseph Diamond Blocks 27-28-29-30, ex. R.R. right of way; $9.10. Flora F. Garmire Nly of block 34, ex. R.R. right of way; $2.17. Josephine and Deamore Garmire Sly of block 34, ex. .93 "A"; $6.16. WILLAMETTE PARK Geo. Potter Tracts 12-13; $18.38 WILLOW PARK Katie A. Young Lots 7-8, block 3; $11.81. WILSON ACRES C. B. Russell and F. P. Drinker Nly "A" of Tract ,9; $4.09. WILSONVILLE W. A. and E. A. Lawrence Lot 1, block A; $7.18. H. G and Elsie Hartshorn Lots 10 to 12, block B; $4.51. WINDSOR C. A. Sheppard Lot 5, block 1; $1.17. O. T. and B. A. Hixon Lot 6, block 1; $1.17. Chas. Winters Lot 7, block 1; $1.18. Elsie Franklin Lots 3-4, block 2; $2.35. C. Carvell Lot 6,block 3; $1.18. Geo. J. and Francis M. Hall Lots 1 to 4, block A; $9.40. Geo. J. and Francis M. Hall Lots 6 to 9, block 4; $4.70. Andrew Kershaw Lots 10-11-12, blk 9; $3.53. Ella C. Sabin Lots 6-7, block 14; $1.88. Elam Shaw Lot 1, block 15; $1.17. S. Nord Lot3, block 15; $1.17. W. M. Howes Lots 6 to 8, block 15; $3.53. Gustav A. Hoffman Lots 9-10, blk 15; $2.35. John W. Loder Lot 11, block 15; $3.17. Celia Blackwell Lots 1-2, block 21; $1.88. Andrew Kershaw Lot 4, block 21; $1.17. Andrew Kershaw Lots 5-6, block 21; $2.35. FIRST ADD. TO WOODMONT. Lenora C. -Atwater Lots 8 to 12, block 3; 11.56. WOODBURN ORCHARD CO. TRACTS Salem Trust Co. Tract 39; $11.56. WOODBURN ORCHARD CO. PLAT B, E. H. Lundy Tracts 41-42; $11.50. SOUTH OSWEGO. Pearcy Lots 4-15; block 44; in TP Tp TP 33 Pearcy Lots 8-9, block 57; -Lots 33- J. N. $3.60. J. N. $1.41. J. N. Pearcy Lots 1 to 7 and 10 to 18, block 57; $5.60. BELL HEIGHTS Northwestern Trust Co.- 34, block 1; $1,38. GLADSTONE, Gladstone R. E. Ass'n Lots 2 to block 72; $10.24. Gladstone R. E. Ass'n Lot 9, block 84; $1.92. SOUTH OSWEGO J. N. Pearcy Lots 4 to 15, block 44 ; $3.60. Wm. G. Morgan NE of NE Sec. Tp3 R1W; $16.97. Alma Murdock S of NW of N EV Sec 4 Tp 3 R1W; $7.80. Susan "and John B. Reynolds 54.60 acres, Sec4 Tp 3 R1W; $34.70. Leicester B. Atkins 45 acres, Sec 8 Tp 3 R1W; $37.92. C. C. and Louisa Adams 5.64 acres Sec 14 Tp 3 R1W; $7.97. Emily L. Bowman N of NE& Sec 20 Tp 3 R1W; $57.40. C. S. Arnold 30 acres, Sec 35 Tp 3 R1W; $31.36. Cornelia Wall Roberts 40 acres in Joseph Geer D. L. C; $15.37. O. J. and W. E. Purdy 58.84 acres in Joseph Geer D. L. C; $82.00. Mattie C. Smith 5 acres in D. S Minkler D. L. C; $5.09. Grace D. Barnes 301.75 acres in James Dailey D. L. C; $199.46. Paul ana Katie Beckman 33.69 ac res in Anson Cine D. L. C; $28.91. J. B., S. O., R. I. and J. V. Seeley acre in Thomas Bailey D. L. C; $3.08. Chas. Snyder 20 acres in SW of SEW, and SE cor of NEVi of SEK Sec 1 Tp 4 R1W; $10.25. Geneva Madison 5 acres in John Newman D. L. C; $4.14. Louis H. and Clara B. Campbell .43 acres In Wm Meek D. L. C; $22.36. Richie S. Gallop $4.20 acres in Wm, Meek D. L. C; $55.13. Frank Rhodes .25 acre In Lot Whit comb D. L. C; $9.06. Alice M. Charles 50 by 100 ft in Lot Whitcomb D. L. C; $10.71, H. B. Willinger 50 by 100 ft in Lot Whitcomb D. L. C; $13.39. Maggie Angola 1.05 acres in Lot Whitcomb D. L. C; $18.43, J. H. Johnston 1.49 acres in Lot Whitcomb D..L. C; $2.37. Hendee Bros. 9.50 acres Whitcomb D. L. C; $88.24. Fred and Gottlieb Keller .89 acre in Lot Whitcomb D. L. C; $25.52. Otto J. and Rose L. Hirsch 1 acre in Lot Whitcomb D. L. C; $7.87. Margaret Carpenter and J. W. Alex ander 8 acres in Lot Whitcomb D. L. C; $71.91. Ira Burley 3 acres in Geo. Wells D. L. C; $20.82. Caroline Drefs .25 acre in Hector Campbell D L. C; $1.40. Rosalind Gibson Imps on 9 acres In Hector Campbell D. L. C; $9.74. Geo. L. Kingsbury .65 acre in Hec tor Campbell D. L. C; $19.46. Geo. T. and Delia Parry .86 acre in Hector Campbell D. L. C; $2.09, Louise E. Hamilton 7 acres in Hec tor CampbeU D. L. C; $43.09. S. Z. Rilea 2 acres in Hector Camp bell D. L. C.;$9.03. Henry Hoard 46,000 sq ft. in Daniel Hathaway D. L. C; $6.96. Mrs. F. A. Atwood 10 acres in Daniel Hathaway D. L. C; $33.36. Inez Bryant SH of NV4 of NW ex .30 acre, Sec 17, Tp 2 R1E; $32.90. Ada and Paul Schroeder 20 acres Sec 20 Tp 2, R1E;$8.33. Jane Lewis Chapin 1.42 acres in S. H. Tryon D. L. C: $31.00. Silford J. Nelson 16.66 acres in Jos- iah Franklin D. L. C; $19.29. Clara L.l Owen 16.67 acres in F. A. Collard D. L. C; $24.70. Edward B. and Fannie Sterling 25.01 acres in Jesse Bullock D. L. C; $21.40. Caleb Perry 33 acres in Jesse Bul lock D. L. C; $52.40. in Lot The Glenmorie Co. 446.99 acres Gabriel Walling D. L. C; $268.20. L. W. Hyland 25.60 acres In Geo. Walling D.L.C.; $27.62. Louise E. Hamilton 25 acres in R.C. Crawford D. L. C; $20.00. Frank R. Raicy 3.65 acres in R. F. Whitten D. L. C; $5.60. T. L. and Mary Charman 89.44 ares in Samuel Shannon D. L. C; $98.63. Wm. S. Turner 45 acres in Samuel Shannon D. L. C; $121.62. Geo. E. and Thomas P. Waggoner 80.09 acres In Samuel Shannon D, L. C. $71.53. Thos. Prince 6.09 acres in D. D. Tompkins D.L.C.; $11.75. T. L. and Mary Charman 50 by 185 ft. In Julia Ann Lewis D. L. C; $1.17. Wm. Bues 1.39 acres in Julia Ann Lewis D. L. C; $3.29. Emma E. Van Ness 9.89 acres in James Miller D. L. C; $18.36. Ismerald S. Waldron 1.83 acres in Geo. Crow D. L. C; $13.75. Chas. H. and Eliza Hart 9 acres In Geo. Crow D. L. C; $28.20. Mary E. Hart 9 acres in Geo. Crow D. L. C; $37.13. ' John Kekel 35.50 acres Sec 4 Tp 3 B1E; $30.70. Ezra B. Harrison W of SWft Sec 4 Tp 3 R1E; $33.30. Isabel McArthur 56 acres Sec 14 Tp 3 R1E; $24.98. P. A. Rees 20 acres Sec 18 Tp 3 R1E; $29.60. Susan Dahlgren 10.40 acres in Sec- 18 Tp 3 HIE: $13.40. May Kent Smith 5.49 acres See 18 Tp 3 R1E; $7.03. John S. Beall 108 acres Sec 21 3 R1E; $67.57. C. N. Wait 28.07 acres Seo 27 3 R1E; $22.52. Chas. N. Wait 20 acres Sec 33 3 R1E; $47.60. Wilhelmina Wait 10 acres Sec Tp 3 R1E; $54.40. C. N. Wait 16 acres Sec 34 Tp R1E; $13.52. Mrs. Gertrude Bruin 61 acres Sec 36 Tp3 R1E: $54.89. J. O. Metcalf .54 acre In A. F. Hed ges D. L. C; $5.13. E. G. Caufleld Part of 1 acre- in A. F. Hedges D. L. C: S2.05. Colin R. James .20 acre in Phil ander Lee D. L. C; $5.10. Chloa M. DeYoe .63 acre in Phil ander Lee D. L. C; $5.10. Canby Canal Co. .30 acre in Phil ander Lee D. L. C; $15.63. T. W. and Carrie C. Collier 8.27 acres in Philander Lee D. L. C; $20.67. Henry A. Gilbertson 26 acres in L. A. Seely D. L. C; $22.43. mauu u. wewton &.&u acres in Champing Pendleton D L. C; $12.10, John R. Newton 6.42 acres in Cham ping Pendleton D. L. C; $15.78 C. P. Hagen 20.83 acres In ChamD- mg Pendleton D. L. C; $13.35. iviunara m. jenrey acres in Champing Pendleton D. L. C; $7.21 narneu r. jvmrpny 21.33 acres in Geo. Brock D. L. C: $6.11. Willamette Falls Co. 17 acres in Ambrose Fields D. L. C: $58.00. I. W. and Agnes M. Noble 6 acres Sec 1 Tp 4 R1E; $2.12. Ida G. Bergstrom SEV of SW& & N or SW of SW Sec 1 Tp 4 R1E; $14.80. Joseph M. and Nellie Beatty 1.50 acres Sec 4 Tp 4 R1E; $4.24. J. JJ. Morris 65 acres Sec 7 Td 4 R1E; $66.79. Walter B. Moore 8 acres Sec 6 Td 4 R1E; $4.24. Andrew O. Bowland 60 acres See 3 4 R1E; $27.79. Joseph Gibson E of SE of SE Sec 10 Tp 4 R1E; $10.83. W. E. and Catherine J. Shaw SW of SEVi Sec 12 Tp 4 R1E; $17.11. P. E. & E. By Co. 20 acres Sec. 13 Tp 4 R1E; $2.05. Joseph Gibson E of NE of NE Vi Sec 15 Tp 4 R1E; $24.38. Fred, Henry and Mary Waespe 19.31 acres Sec 16 Tp 4 R1E; $7.12. A. K. Higgs 10 acres Sec 16 Tp 4 R1E; $3.90. A. K. Higgs 10 acres Sec 16 Tp R1E; $3.90. Edwin Peery 10 acres Sec 16 Tp R1E; $3.90. Henry H. Hepler 1.59 acres Sec 23 Tp 4 R1E; $2.66. Gustav Henke 40 acres Sec 25 Tp i tiiss; ?19.24. J. E. Marks 57 acres in John Marks D. L C; $46.80. Geo. W. Joseph 85 acres in A, K. Marks D. L. C; $39.97. J. J. Stangel 42 acres in Albert Fish D. L. C; $20.13. Arthur Mestdash 5 acres Sec. 3 To 5 R1E; $3.33. Bertha Stegmann 7 acres Sec 3 Tp 5 R1E; $6.94. wm. and Anna Leach 4 acres Sec Tp 5 R IE; $2.44. E. A. Loveall 20.50 acres Sec 6 Tp K1K; $10.25. Albert W. Elliott 42 acres Sec 20 Tp 5 R1E; $8.61. F. E. Dahlberg and F. B. Madison- 80 acres Sec 25 Tp 5 R1E $32.38. Thornton J. Robinson W 60 acres of NW Sec 28 Tp 5 R1E; $50.25. Maurice Johnson 16 acres Sec 31 Tp 5 R1E; $10.21. F. J. and John Joerg W of W& and se of SE14 Sec 33 Tp 5 R1E; $123.01. John N. Koloen 3 acres Sec 2 Tp 6 R1E; $1.50. tmil and Tillie Kistner SEW. of NE& Sec 5 Tp 6 R1E; $18.82. Roy Crites 10 acres Sec 12 Tp 6 R1E; $6.63. John N. Koloen 140 acres in S G. Nicholson D. L. C; $60.74. Joe Puiester 3.6O acres in E. Al prey D. L. C; $2.97. u. u. Barlow 21.50 acres Sec 5 Tp 4 KoK; $8.38. V illamette Valley 0. Ry Co. 1.39 acres Sec 15 Tp 5 R1E; $1.41. Portland Trust Co. 1 acre in Hec tor Campbell D. L. C; $4.73. A. K. Higgs 22.12 acres Sec 16 Tp 4 KlE; $10.14. Thomas W. Lane S of NW of sS ex. 6 "A"; Seo 18 Tp 3 R2E; $4.17. J. L. Bond N of NW of SW ex. 5 A , Sec 18 To 3 R3E: S4.3S. Aug. Almsquist 40 acres Sec 6 Tp 5 K3E; $9.27. Elmer and Alberta Barns 5 acres Sec 28 Tp 1 R3E: $2.84. Sleigh Furniture Co. SEW, of S of NEVi and NWVl of NW Sec 16 Tp 3 R6E; $43.50. C. A. Johnston WW of NE14 of S and Estly 10 acres of NW4 of SE Vt, Sec 36 Tp 4 R4E; $3.37. W. A. Kelly SW of NEU Sec 26 Tp 2 R5E; $9.12. A. Johnson SE4 of SW14 Si 36 Tp 4 R3E $7.15. W. B. Steele 30 acres Cec 8 Tp 3 R7E; $9.30. David Steele 10 acres Sec 8 Tp 3 R7E; $3.10. H. E. Noble NWtf of SW Sec 7 Tp 4 R4E; $9.68. Wm. V. Dolph NEi of NE4 Sec 16 Tp 4 R3E; $13.50. H. S. Mallus 8 acres Sec 30 Tp 1 R3E; $6.93. N. A. Rodlun 20.25 acres Sec 28 Tp 1 R3E; $19.06. J. and May Richard 10 acres Sec 14 Tp 2 R3E; $5.52. Nettie Brand Vaile 7 acres Sec 10 Tp 2 R5E $1.47. . John Kellorin E'i of SWV Sec 9 Tp 8 R4E; $29.33. . Blaine R. Smith 5.84 acres Sec 11 Tp 1 R2E; $11.40. Wm. M. and Irene Stone N of W of W Sec 36 Tp 6 R2E; $19.15. Wm. M. and Irene Stone NE of SW and E& of NW Sec 36 Tp 6 R2E; $22.43. I. L. Clark 99.16 acres Sec 24 Tp 4 R2E; $15.30.. J. B. Parke'l 45 acres Sec 24 Tp 4 R2E; $7.02. W. L. Mulvey, trustee 2.79 acres in A Hood D. L. C; $3.97. W. L. Mulvey, trustee 2.21 acres In Robert Caufleld D. L. C; $5.37. Willamette Valley So. Ry Co. 1.25 acres in A. Hood D. L. C; $1.02. Leonore Nowlin .62 acre Sec 29 Tp 1 R2E; $1.64. M. H. Long 150 by 100 ft. in Ore gon City Claim; $7.36. M. J. Denny 130.24 acres Sec 2f Tp 1 R2E; $75.93. Frances Vandermeer 11.754 acres in Peter Rinearson D. L. C; $50.82. Peter Vandermeer 10.754 acres in Peter Rinearson D. L. C; $50.83, Gertrude Butler 50 by 160 ft. In Peter Rinearson D. L. C; $2.85. James and Ruby Adams 15 acres Sec 22 Tp 2 R2E; $20.35. James Barlow 6 acres Sec 25 Tp R2E; $7.09. Irving G. and Emmett Odell Bj, of SE& Sec 25 Tp 1 R2E; $88.20. John P. Wrinkle 10 acres Sec 26 Tp 1 R2E; $11.40. Mabel Palethorp 15 acres Sec 27 Tp 1 R2E; $17.10. M. J. Denny 9.48 acres Sec 27 Tp 1 R2E; $4.99. W. A. and A. A. Pearson 9.96 acres Sec 27 Tp 1 R2E; $11.44. M. J. and R. E. Denny B of SW Yt of SWSec 27 Tp 1 R2E; $14.35- C. Reynolds 5 aores Sec 28 Tp 1 R2E; $9.00. Lillie F. Clark .45 acre Sec 28 Tp 1 R2E: $1.40. Margaret E. Idleman NE of NW4 Sec 34 Tp 1 R2E; $79.30. M. E. Idleman SEi of NWft Sec 34 Tp 1 R2E; $42.70. Archie L. Watt 2 acres In John Gar rett D. L. C; $8.34. F. A. Knapp 5 acres in John Gar rett D. L. C; $19.46. H. G. Hartshorne 15 acres in John Garrett D. L. C; $23.06. Alta Smith 8.28 acres Sec 2 Tp 2 R2E; $10.15. Sam'l J. Shaw 10 acres Sec 2 Td 2 R2E; $18.14. S. R. Haworth and J. Arbuckle 33.66 acres Sec 2 Tp 2 R2E; $24.60. Fred J. Gilbert 5 acres Sec 2 Td 2 R2E; ' $10.76. Joe Castagnetto 10 acres See 5 Td 2 R2E; $16.75. Jas. H. Beckley 7.98 Tp 2 R2E; $10.50. G. Brodie 42.16 acres R2E; $53.29. U. & C. R. R. Co. .87 Tp 2 R2E; $3.06. Jennie A. and O. C. Graves- acres seo 10 Tp 2 R2E; $55.86. H. D. Sandstone Co.-,5 10 Tp 2 R2E; $11.79. Martin C. Colson siA of nrv. t NE Sec 10 Tp 2 R2E; $13.07. n. n Keats and L. P. Rorey 101 16 acres Sees 15-22 Tn 1 mob? O. L. Ferris 10.59 acres Sec 22. Td pori. too; if acres Sec 5 Sec 9 Tp 2 acres Sec 9 -34.20 D. in A. A. P.' 2 R2E; $8.25. John W. Clark 10 acres Sec 15. Td 2 R2E; $6.88. City of Gladstone 5.60 acres Sec 21 Tp 2 R2E; $8.25. M. B. Wilson SEYt of SWy4 Sec 23 Tp 2 R2E; $19.42. Myrtle M. Kirk 10 acres Sec 34 Td 2 R2E; $9.67. Eugene and Kate Naish 1.94 acres in Isom Canfleld D. L. C; $5.51. Dale V. Harrison 12.01 acres W T Matlock D. L. C; $28.17. ' ' Catherine and H. T. i.nihmco t L.. 4 in .. . 0.U jt. uy HMD rt. m Sam'l Campbtll r. omitn i). u C: 448.30. TT . ... . n. A. weDSter 15 acreo ) Smith D. L. C: S27.02 J. T. Apperson24.50 acres in James Winston D. L. C; $13 41 Lavenia O. Willlams-312 acres in iendel Cason D. L. C; $19.84 Bertha J. Shearer-137 by 110 ft. in Fendel Cason D. L. C; $3.20. . John W. Loder 1.06 acres in Fendel Cason D. L. C; $9.60. James and Henrietta Wil!cox-5 20 acres in Fendel Cason D.UC; $32 40 N. R. Lang, trustee 1 acre in Arch ibald McKinley D. L. & $1 81 Chas. S. Riley .378 nings D, L. C.: $1.42. Wm. B. Jennines 11 R9 Qrtn i Jennings D. L. C; $31.06. Annie M. Park 1.22 acrea in d.- Rinearson D. L. C: J22 sn T. L. . Charman 30 Abernethy D. L. C: $72 60 Chas. and Mvrtle Pnnet o, sa in Geo. Abernethy D. L. C; $6.45. Betsy Tfllefson .61 Straight D. L. C: $7.43 " EVI ... 1 m uru r. Lewis 50 hv inn nn-am araignt D. L. C: $6 88 Otto J. and Rose L. Hirsch-fi in acres in Joseph Kellmro- n i r, . $47.94. T. Charman (heirsi .fin Ezra Fisher D. L. C: 11.62 C. E. Reynolds 26.'fin Fisher D. L. C: $23.65 " John W. Loder .60 a proa ftn Fisher D. L. C; J6.06 Julia A. Helfrich 2 Fisher D. L. C: m.i5 " John W. Loder 3 acres in m.i. er D. LC.: 13.63. E. H. Shiniere 30 Fisher D. L. C: J72.60 Chas. T. Terrill .35 flrra tn IT. Fisher D.L.C.: S6.0R " C. E. Reynolds 2fidfi irr i- n Latourette D.L.C.: 122.67 " ' E. M. Howell 50 bv loo tt i gon City Claim; $2.57 David A. Sanderson sa h im Oregon City Claim; $!."' Til a tr -ii iuung so by 100 ft vicsuu iuy uiaim; $1.71. (Continued on Page 9,) ft. in In